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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Lol it's not that fancy of an exhibition.

But if there is something I will go for it XD

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Ugh I'm struggling with the tree ninja trophy.

Got the hangman one  at least

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I did everything according the tips but for some reason it doesn't want to pop up.

Don't know if it's a glitch. If I don't get it soon I might have to restart a new game hoping it might solve the problem.

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Aw man. A restart would suck D: I hope you don't have to do that.


Adulting is so hard T-T I just had to ring the doctor's and I kept stumbling over my words. 

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Well I can only play until the bayou part to get the trophy. And that doesn't take to long.

But first I need to sync all the memories to 100% before starting a new game

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I guess that's not so bad then.


I might have to replay mine a few times over for all the trophies. I'm not sure yet. 

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I have three more XD


But other than that I'm just grinding levels. It's sweet watching them talk to each other between battles though, and asking their 'parents' stuff. 

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I think I already am lol.


At least I can grind levels while watching TV. And there's an auto battle function, so all I have to worry about is the odd real strong enemy and making sure I don't get hit from behind. 


And there's no Reaper! =D

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I think that's how every one tends to go down in the first encounter XD


At least in P4 you can learn to avoid him. In P3 and P5 he chases you down. 

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I still need to replay P4G. But it will have to wait till I'm done killing.

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Doctor? Are you okay, Fortune?


Lovely painting, Spirit! I hope the show goes well. 


It is @sarahfish89's birthday today. Shall we have cake?

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Hey Lagie! Hey Purple!


Yeah I'm ok. I just have an odd feeling in my right ear and some pain when I yawn. I'm sure it's nothing to really worry about :)

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@Fortune86 Caught me lurking again, eh? I was just trying to see what is going on today before saying hi!


@DragonSpirit009 Love the painting. The tree colors are beautiful.


@Lagie Cake is always good! Haven't seen sarahfish in awhile. Maybe the cake will act as a lure?


Waves at @RainbowTheAlbinoServal!


I was going to get off this keyboard at 8 am and do something useful! :lol: Playing with dragons is so much more fun!

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