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> How high can you count before a mod posts?

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36 (dang I missed 34 lol) I will give you guys another 24 hours free count time.  to count. He refused to sleep in his tote last night and instead fertilised my coffee plant.


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4 hours ago, Starscream said:

He refused to sleep in his tote last night and instead fertilised my coffee plant.

XD Ungrateful creature!


thirty-seven good wishes

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5 hours ago, Starscream said:

He refused to sleep in his tote last night and instead fertilised my coffee plant.

goofy dude!


38 good wishes

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Mmm. Coffee.


54 good wishes, and some cleaning supplies to clean up the mess.

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I saw on YouTube where a man put miniature football helmets on his chicken to protect it from getting pecked.

Fifty Six good wishes

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Ooh, so we need to send Star a helmet.


58 good wishes...

on page 528. ;)

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