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4 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Oh, no! Best wishes to the poor chick. Sending strong healing vibes.

May I ask how it was injured?


One good wish for the chickie!

10 (I think)

I someone pecked it badly...

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twelve good wishes and a gentle pat for the poor baby

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Aww, poor chick.

thirteen good wishes



The neighbour's cat was whapping one of mine across her face this morning when I arrived to feed. I don't care for him as he's a bully, so I chased him off before feeding my crew (six, this morning).

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Hopefully 'he'll' stay that way!


fifteen grains of chicken feed, and good wishes


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I wonder if he IS a he. I had two chicks fighting this afternoon and separated them. Makes me wonder if our patient is a defeated roo. Your wishes are doing good I think, he's been quite lively in spite of his horrible injury.

Edited by Starscream

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eighteen good wishes

Glad to hear "he" seems to be doing well.

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2 hours ago, Starscream said:

I had two chicks fighting this afternoon and separated them. 

Hens fight, too. Just less often. 

20 good wishes.

The way I used to determine if a chick was a hen or rooster was take my finger, 'peck and scratch' on the ground/floor, and imitate the sound of a chicken who'd found something to eat. The male chicks would come towards my finger immediately, the female chicks would hang back and watch.

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