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> How high can you count before a mod posts?

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10 minutes ago, Rainn said:

They ate a lot of grasshoppers in the summer and they tasted funny. The eggs. Not the people.



Edited by purplehaze

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k, had to go back a page just to make sure the count was right. think it should be:



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1 of 6


1. purplehaze

2. Trystan

3. Lagie

4. Water Scorpion

5. Rainn

6. Long_Before_Sunrise

Edited by purplehaze

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1 of 6

You people are making it hard to keep up! XD

Edited by purplehaze

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9 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

gotta be fast XP

What is this fast you speak of? *lurks in bushes for breakfast*

Twenty Nine

6 of 6

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