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> How high can you count before a mod posts?

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14 hours ago, Starscream said:

53 He spent the night on my jade plant. Knocked it over. Really likes sleeping in my coffee tree.

watch out, he may never want to leave XD


63 good wishes

Edited by WaterScorpion

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71 Day 4? Heading into 96 hours since the gruesome injury. Chick is still eating well, active, alert. I'm impressed. I just hope he stays happy, active and alert and this wound closes. Once he's healed I'll have to give him a little bath and a bit of a baby shampoo.

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72 good wishes, and a soft blanket

Edited by Lagie
Can't count...

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Good news that he seems to be doing well. Sending more healing vibes.


I think we are at seventy-three good wishes.

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8 hours ago, Starscream said:

Heading into 96 hours since the gruesome injury. Chick is still eating well, active, alert. I'm impressed. I just hope he stays happy, active and alert and this wound closes. Once he's healed I'll have to give him a little bath and a bit of a baby shampoo.

oh yay!


74 good wishes

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3 hours ago, purplehaze said:

eighty! eighty good wishes

For some reason this feels like it should be accompanied by a crack of thunder and mwahaha

eighty one good wishes 

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7 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

For some reason this feels like it should be accompanied by a crack of thunder and mwahaha

It was. In my head. XD

eighty-four good wishes

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