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> How high can you count before a mod posts?

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1 of 4


1. purplehaze

2. Rainn

3. Long_Before_Sunrise

4. Lagie

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3 of 5

Ducks are just undersized geeses obsessed with fashionable feathers. And mud.


Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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1 of 6

3 ppp


5 hours ago, trystan said:

5 of 5

You should actually be 6 of 6, I believe. WS sneaked in there ahead of you above.

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I propose we just set the entire thread on fire. 🔥 


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Star's probably going to do that for us.



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XD Never invoke the duck handler!




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4 hours ago, purplehaze said:

You should actually be 6 of 6, I believe. WS sneaked in there ahead of you above.

this is why i like to do this thread on my laptop, not my phone. XD



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