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Bad smells

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Kale and collard greens. Oh gosh, nothing is worse then opening up a container of kale and getting that rancid smell in my face. *gag*

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The reason why I don't like smoke isn't really the smell, but rather that I sometimes can't breathe properly around it. tongue.gif As a kid I used to hate gasoline smell, but I've grown fond of it.


If there is one type of smell that I dislike it's farts.




Why is it that no one mentioned farts? LOL

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I don't mind smells like gasoline or skunks, but I cannot take the smell of peanut-butter breath, morning breath, or vomit (though I'll probably have to get over that one once the kid starts getting sick... bleah).

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-Cigarette smoke

-A1 Steak sauce

-Alcohol (wine or beer)


-Rotting eggs

-Dog or Cat pee

-Body Oder



-Anything that's not pleasant

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Poo and pee


Cooking dog dinner


There is also this one smell that is AWFUL, but I've forgotten what it comes from. I don't know why so many people dislike the smell of vinegar, I think it smells yummy. I once had an orange highlighter in school that smelt like vinegar for some reason xd.png

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Putrefied (rotten without the presence of air) plant matter (I rank that notably worse than rotting flesh).

The substances some insects and animals secrete to keep predators away (and some types of fecal matter).

Hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, ammonia and plenty of other "organically" nasty-smelling chemicals/compounds.

Cigarette smoke, hair dye, some cleaning agents, strong body odour (of things you might encounter on and around people).

Edited by Shienvien

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Cigarette smoke. Other kinds of smoke, like wood or pot smoke, actually smell rather nice but, I hate the smell of cigarettes.

Many cooking or cooked meats. The smell can make me gag sometimes. Probably why I'm a vegetarian.

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My sister has a an extremely sweet-smelling strawberry perfume,which I hate.It often give me nausea,and it is awful.

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Cigarette smoke. Other kinds of smoke, like wood or pot smoke, actually smell rather nice but, I hate the smell of cigarettes.

Many cooking or cooked meats. The smell can make me gag sometimes. Probably why I'm a vegetarian.

+1 on the smoke bit. Cigarettes smell like death, but a good bong and quality hash smell nice.

I haven't blazed in a while though, I'd forgotten how nice it was.


As for meats, I only have problems with the smell of raw meat boiling in water.

Otherwise, sizzling bacon smells like mana from heaven.

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^ Hahahahaha mana from heaven. laugh.gif


This could take a while:


* Cigarettes in small rooms packed with smokers (usually I can stand it when one person smokes even though it stinks, but being trapped in clouds of it just... STINKS!!! mad.gif )

* I haven't really smelled a skunk so I can't mention that, but I hate the smell of sweaty people in an overcrowded bus (ESPECIALLY IN THE SUMMER dry.gif )

* Corpses (anatomy classes)

* Formalin (again, anatomy classes)

* Vinegar (Ugh! When me and/or my sister get sick my mum and grandma rub vinegar on us to get rid of the fever, and it just REEKS!)

* Rotten eggs, meat etc.

* Some chemical compounds we used in our high school laboratory (ammonia and so on)

* Feces (when someone has diarrhea and stuff)

* Urine (when someone has problems with their kidneys it can smell awful)

* Strong perfumes with sinus breaking aromas. My chemistry teacher in high school had it and my sister claims that she still uses it. Yuck.

* Farts (obviously. Our dog's farts are a nightmare)

* Gasoline (I can't grow fond of that smell, I just can't)

* Sweaty feet

* Socks that haven't been washed in days

* Bleach

* Bad breath (I have to suck it up, many of my patients will probably have it)

* Cologne (sometimes it can be so repulsive)

* Bird cages that haven't been cleaned in a while

* Raw meat (a trip to the zoo, near the lion's den)


And so on and so on, but can't think of anything at the moment. tongue.gif

Edited by *Silver Fox*

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