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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Thor bared his teeth at Tony. "The Tesseract? You cannot have it. It is his," he spat, then turned and went to Loki, ignoring his bleeding hand. "Brother, are you well?" He asked, helping him up and fussing over him.

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"Not take," Tony replied immediately. "Just look. Perhaps poke it with a few pointy objects. And make sure SHIELD isn't going to do anything bad with it." He turned to the dark haired man his attacker was helping off the ground. Brothers? Well, they sure did not look it. "It belongs to you?" he asked as he pointed at the man.

Loki held a hand to a large bump appearing on his head. When he had thrown himself to the ground, he had given himself a rather nasty bump. And it was bleeding on top of that. "I am fine, Thor," Loki replied as his brother lifted him up and began fussing over him. He looked over at the metal man that had crashed into the window and frowned before straightening himself up. "Yes, the tesseract belongs to me," he confirmed as he glanced at the blood on his hand. Wonderful.

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Thor seemed even more freaked out at the sight of blood on his head. "Brother, you are bleeding! You most certainly are not fine! Does it ache? Are you dizzy? Loki, we must get you to the healers," he insisted, tearing off his own shirt and pressing it to the injury.

Coulson jogged down the hall as there was a security breach, pistol leveled and ready to fight to the death. However, at the sight of familiar red armor, he sighed and lowered it. "Stark, we have doors for a reason," he said, holstering the gun and approaching.

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"I couldn't find one," Tony retorted immediately as he turned away from the two princes. "Isn't that some sort of safety hazard anyway?" He asked as if the giant hole he had created wasn't one. "What's more important is the space battery you've got... And the fact this fellow here who claims to be a prince is currently bleeding blue." He gestured to Loki as Thor fussed over him.

"Thor I am fine!" Loki insisted as he tried to move the shirt away from his head. "I have had far worse bumps than this sparring with your friends!"


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Coulson sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and wishing he had never met any of them. He'd take ops in Uzbekistan over this any day. "No, because we would see if anyone landed, and since its obviously you, the doors would be unlocked. Now, I'll take you to the Tesseract if you promise to behave yourself for once," he offered.

Thor pulled Loki into a hug. "You remember that?! Your memories are returning! Ho, we must celebrate! Is there ale hereabouts?" He asked in his booming voice, arm slung around Loki.

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Loki looked confused for a moment before he realized he did, in fact, remember much of his childhood. The next thing he knew, he was pulled close into Thor's embrace. Even after he was released, Thor still kept an arm around him. Now he could remember how clingy Thor was.

"No promises," Tony replied instantly with a shake of his head before turning to the princes. The blonde one looked overjoyed while the dark haired one that had blue blood didn't look nearly as happy. "You two said you knew where the glowing cube was, right? You can have a drink at my place if you show me where it is and tell me what it is. You did say it belonged to you."

"Please don't encourage him," Loki replied with a shake of his head. "A drink will quickly turn into a drunken brawl."

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But it was too late, Thor was already on board with the idea. "A great deal, indeed! Heed not my younger brother, I rarely brawl because I am drunk. I am usually drunk after a brawl," he said with a laugh, already throwing an arm around the suit of armor and leading him down the hall. He'd found a drinking buddy. "It is a cube, of untold power, and she belongs to Loki. Ah, we must show you, she is incredible," he rambled while Coulson approached Loki. "Do you need to have that checked out?" He asked, meaning the wound.

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"Really?" Tony asked, face lighting up. That sounded interesting. "Well, lead the way. Afterwards we can go to Stark Towers and have a drink. Where did you say you were a prince of?"

Loki watched as his brother proceeded to make friends with the man in red armor. Though he had chided Thor for being clingy in the past, it was slightly jealous now that he was running off with someone else. He raised a hand to his head and gently prodded the large bump forming there. "Checked out?" he echoed, not understanding the slang. "I do not know but if you have a few bandages I can cover the bump with. Thor will continue to fret over it unless it is covered up."

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Grinning widely, Thor complied by leading him towards the room with the Tesseract. "I am a prince of Asgard- or, I was.." He said slowly, the carefree smile sliding from his face. Right, he had cast himself out. But it did not matter, because he had Loki and was here to protect his little brother. And drink with the Man of Iron. "Have you a name?" He asked, opening the door and striding through towards the glowing blue cube.


"That's what I meant, have somebody look at the injury and treat it. Come with me, we'll get you patched up," Coulson amended, leading him towards the medical bay. Hopefully Stark could handle himself and wouldn't get roped into the brainwashing nonsense.

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"I can honestly say I have never heard of that place," Tony replied. "Is that somewhere near Russia?" He looked at the cube and entered the room, moving boldly despite any possible danger. "Tony Stark," he replied as he approached the cube and circled around it. "Is it safe to touch?"


Loki glanced at the direction Thor and the other man had gone before reluctantly following Coulson. "I only needed a bandage... who was that man? How was he able to fly like that? I thought magic was unknown here."

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"Nay, Asgard is another realm entirely. We were cast out to Midgard," Thor answered, watching Tony move around the cube. He felt a deep rooted need to protect it, both because it willed it so and because it belonged to Loki. "I am Thor, my brother is Loki, and no, I would not advise touching it," he answered.


"Then we'll get you a bandage," Coulson answered, having him sit as a medical personnel moved to bandage him up. "That was Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, aka pain in my ass. His suit lets him fly, its science, not magic."

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"Too late," Tony replied as he reached out and lifted the cube up. The cube glowed briefly before fading in color. Tony flipped the cube over and looked at it, frowning. "So you're aliens?" he asked as he held the cube up to the light. "No wonder SHIELD has you here. Are you even allowed to leave?"


Loki sat down as someone began patching his forehead with a bandage. He tried to look past the man and look at Coulson instead. "I was unaware science was so advanced," he replied. "Are there many suits like that on Midgard?"

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Thor simmered quietly at Tony's insistent prodding, but didnt stop him. "Aliens, I suppose we could be called that. Our race are called the Æsir. As far as I am aware, SHIELD has permitted is to go anywhere so long as we leave the cube. They insist it has affected our minds," he said with a snort, narrowing his cloudy blue eyes.


"No, as much as I hate to say it, Stark is a one of a kind genius. He's the only one to build a suit like that successfully so far," Coulson answered, waving the staff away as the bandage was secured in place.

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"I never knew aliens looked like humans," Tony remarked before he set the cube back down and turned away from it. "Jarvis?" he asked, looking away from Thor. "Search through SHIELD's data banks for anything about the Tesseract and Æsir. I want a list ready when I get back."

"Of course, sir."


"He strikes me as arrogant," Loki replied as he touched his head. There was a bandage there, covering the bump on his head. Huh. "I think this bump has cleared my head. I remember quite a bit now. Including quite a few things about the tesseract." He clicked his tongue softly and closed his now green eyes. "You must not toy with it. That will have dangerous consequences."

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Thor's brow crinkled in confusion. "Who are you talking to?" He asked, lookig this way and that. "Does a spirit live here?" The spirits rarely spoke on Asgard, though he was certain Loki had conversed with them. They liked him better, for whatever odd reason.


"He is extremely arrogant," Coulson droned in reply, studying Loki as he seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in. The difference in eye color was noticeable. "We think it put you in some kind of trance or altered your mind, you were behaving differently. Thor is still under the influence," he warned Loki.

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"And I will make a limited effort to change that, at this time," Loki replied as he slowly stood up. He looked down at the cane he was holding then tapped it gently against the floor. His head was clear but he was still using the tesseract like a power source. This was fine. "He got himself banished for my sake. In this state, he is peaceful. Until everything has been remedied, I will keep him happy."


"What?" Tony asked, turning away. "No, I was speaking to Jarvis. He is my butler." he shook his head then waved a hand dismissively. "Besides, ghosts don't exist. Do you want a drink now?"

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Coulson nodded, glancing at the staff before looking back to Loki again. "He's not in any danger by being left this way?" He asked skeptically, wondering what it was like.


Thor nodded, a smile coming to his face. "Indeed! Though I warn you metal man that I will not be easily bested in a competition," he said gleefully, wondering what kinds of drink he would get to try.

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Loki paused then shook his head. "No. Unlike myself, I used this staff to put my brother into a trance-like state. Since I command the staff, I command him. After I am done, I can release him from the staff's spell and he will return to normal." He paused as he tapped the cane on the ground then looked away. "In theory, naturally."


"Awesome," Tony replied with a grin. "Do you want to be carried or should I get Coulson to give us a helicopter? Stark towers isn't too far off and we can have fun there."

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"When you're done?" Coulson echoed, raising an eyebrow. "And what happens if you can't release him? Then your brother is stuck this way forever?" He prompted skeptically. Something about Loki made him suspicious.


Thor's face lit up with a smile. "Oh, can you carry me? I miss flying," he asked, giving him puppy eyes that were hard to resist. He missed Mjolnir a lot, but it was worth it for Loki. He thought of him reverently.

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"Then I'll hit him until he returns to normal," Loki replied calmly. "A good bump to the head fixed the spell placed on me. It will work for him as well." He turned away and looked at the cane in his hands. It was a very strong hypnotic spell. Perhaps... Perhaps it would work on Odin. He could use Odin as a figurehead but keep him under the spell of the tesseract. Keep the nine realms in peace.


Tony nodded as he reached out and grabbed Thor's hand. "Just don't wiggle around," he warned before the mask covered his face. The thrusters on his feet started up then shot the two of them out the door, down the hall and through the hole Tony had made in the window earlier.

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Coulson narrowed his eyes a fraction but otherwise said nothing else on the matter. "Then we should get back to them," he suggested, wanting to keep an eye on Loki for now.


Most people wouldve freaked out, but Thor whooped joyfully as he was flown out of the ship and into the air. "This is remarkable, man of iron!" He cried over the wind, holding on tight and watching the sky shoot by around them.

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"Yes," Loki agreed after a moment. Turning, he strode out of the room, only for his calm walking to turn into a sprint when he heard a yell. "Thor?" He yelled as he ran back to the broken window and stared out at the red man carrying his brother through the sky. He couldn't fly. He never attempted it before and any attempt would probably end with him falling to the ground. Even with the tesseract... "THOR!" He yelled, moving closer to the window anyway.


Tony shot across the sky, a smirk on his features. This alien was no stranger to flying so why not have some fun? Tightening his grip, he shot forward then rolled over, doing several barrel rolls in mid-flight. "Having fun, big guy?" He asked over the roar of the wind. It was hard to hear due to how fast they were going.

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Thor couldn't hear his brother, nor was he thinking about him. This carefree, familiar feeling had him howling with laughter, tightening his grip as they did several rolls in the sky. "Indeed!" He shouted over the wind, the longing he felt for his hammer lessened some as they flew.

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Loki stared, helpless to stop his brother as the Iron Man pulled him farther and farther away. He slammed his hand against the wall then turned and sprinted down the hallway. Now that he could remember, he was going to try and retrace his steps. The flying metal bird that brought him here. That was what he needed to follow his brother since he could not fly. As he moved, the can reverted back to spear form. He was desperate at this point since he had no idea where his brother was going. Finding someone red haired woman random, he shouldered them against the wall and pressed the end of the spear to her chest. "Small metal birds. Can you fly them?"

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Natasha was fairly alert at all times, though she wasn't prepared to be assaulted on the Hellicarrier. One moment she was walking to the gym, the next she was shoved up against the wall. She barely had time to react before a spear was being pressed to her chest, bright blue clouding over her usually green eyes. As soon as the process was finished she ceased her struggles, expression becoming calm once more. "The helicopters? Yes, I can fly one," she answered dutifully. It wasn't her first time being brainwashed, unfortunately.


((Everything is backwards! Can you take over Clint? I have too many characters))

Edited by Sweet_Wyvern

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