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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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"You mean that green stuff doesn't just fall from the sky?" Loki asked in surprise. He had assumed that it was similar to snow. Well, you learn something new every day. "What is a plant? Does it have a mouth like normal creatures do? How do they eat? Are they dangerous?" Something as large as grass, if it was as fierce as the Jotunhiem Beasts, could prove detrimental to his health. His mind quickly wandered back to food as his stomach rumbled loudly and he frowned. "Do you have fish here? They are hard to come by on Jotunhiem but I do enjoy them quite a bit."

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Loki sure did enjoy questions. Thor was more than happy to answer but they made his head spin a little bit, considering he wasn't exactly the smartest person to be asking. "Well.. No. All plants rise out of the ground. They don't.. Have mouths, or arms or eyes or anything of the sort. They are alive but they do not move or think, they simply live. As I understand it, they literally eat energy from the sun- or something like that. I've never encountered a dangerous plant," he explained, shielding Loki from the wandering eyes of servants in the small corridor. They didn't need to be gawking. "We do have fish, if that is what you would like to eat."

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The servants did not escape Loki's notice, however, and a frown formed on his face as he stopped short. He turned and stared at the group that had just passed them, his frown quickly melting into a scowl. For a moment, he had nearly forgotten this type of treatment. And most of the city did not even know about his existence yet. How much worse would it be when they all found out? He placed a hand over his stomach then turned back to Thor, an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry," He said, his frown turning into a soft smile. It took every ounce of his acting abilities to keep the look together and not do something rash or violent. "I seem to have lost my apetite," He lied, doing his best to keep his stomach silent. Aside from the grass he picked at as a horse and the carrots, he had yet to eat anything. "I should like to go to bed now. I'll eat something in the morning instead."

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Even if Thor believed him, he wasn't about to let Loki get away with eating nothing. "Nonsense!" He exclaimed, putting a hand on the smaller man's shoulder. "You've barely eaten since you arrived! At the very least, I am sure you will regain your appetite when you see the fish," he encouraged, apparently oblivious to Loki's feelings about the servants as he ushered him towards the kitchen again. No one could go for so long without eating.

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Loki squirmed uncomfortably when Thor placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from retreating. "No, really," Loku grunted, planting his hands on Thor's chest as he tried to push himself away from the god. Not forcefully just yet but not going along with him quietly either. "I would just like to rest. I can eat the fish tomorrow. In fact, I feel a little sick. I think the things I ate as a horse are making my stomach hurt. Please, just let me rest."

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Thor's smile fell at the tone to Loki's voice. He sounded so sad.. It made him feel guilty. Maybe Jotuns couldn't have plants and he was sick now thanks to Thor. "I.. Yes, of course. I'm sorry," he replied quietly, letting his hand drop from Loki's shoulder. "I'll accompany you to your room and leave you be then."

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Loki glanced at the hand as it fell away from his shoulder then nodded thankfully up at Thor. "I would appreciate that," he muttered, glancing sideways in the direction the servants had gone. He did not like that look they had given him. He had played it up quite a bit and pretended nothing was wrong but he was in a den of wolves. None of them liked him and, without Thor around, they would probably try to kill him or at least snap at him until Thor returned. For now, only a few actually knew he was on Asgard. He didn't want all of them knowing, otherwise he would constantly have to hide behind Thor in order to avoid getting injured. "I will see you in the morning, then," He added after a moment of pause. Although, all things considering, he didn't really plan on walking about then either.

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Thor nodded distractedly, lost in thought. Loki was obviously miserable here, but he wasn't sure what he could do to make his stay more comfortable. It was never his intention to ruin the Jotun's life- but he couldn't leave. The thunder god accompanied Loki to his room and pushed open the door for him, his brows still knit together. "Farewell," he muttered.

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Loki stepped into the room, immediately taking notice of Thor's goodbye. He turned and looked at the god almost quizzically. "A simple 'good night' would have done well," He replied. "You make it sound like I am going to leave. I can assure you I know the penalty of such actions and will do by best to make sure I am still here in the morning." He walked deeper into the room and sat down on the bed. "Good night," He added after a moment. "I'll be locking the door for my own comfort, by the way. Please do not break it down."

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(I'm sorry for sporadic posts)


Thor was shaken out of his thoughts by the long winded reply. He blinked a few times and observed Loki, then bowed his head with a small nod. "I was not accusing you- if was merely a poor choice of words," he sighed, stepping back so Loki could close and lock the door. "Good night," he said in parting, turning and walking down the hall towards his own chambers. Suddenly he wasn't so hungry either.

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Loki nodded and closed the door softly. He quickly turned the lock to ensure there would be no midnight visitors before turning off the lights and crawling into the bed. It felt so strange. The beds on Jotunhiem were little more than furs stacked on ice. Even when soft, they were still stiff and hard. When Loki climbed into this bed, he sank into it. He awkwardly fumbled with the sheets before throwing most of the pillows away and curling up in a ball under a large pile of sheets. It took some time for him to finally fall asleep and up until he finally passed out, his stomach continued to groan and growl at him loudly.


((Timeskip? Loki will still be locked up in the room. And it's fine. Life before Internet.))

Edited by pudding

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The next morning, Thor couldn't go and check on Loki right away. There was a dispute that had called his attention as a ruler first; something about a pair of nobles who had gotten quite worked up trying to outdo each other. Or something like that. He had quickly separated them and stopped the problem, and now he was on his way to Loki's room with a breakfast tray. The cooks had stared at him like he was crazy when he asked for fish with the usual stuff, but no one could deny his orders. Upon reaching the door, he carefully balanced the tray in one hand so he could use the other to knock.

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In the morning, Loki looked no better. The clothes he had slept in were wrinkled and his hair stuck out in multiple directions. There were bags under his red eyes and the sounds coming from his stomach hadn't quieted down any. The Jotun stared at his reflection in the mirror before cringing as someone knocked on the door. He was really in no state to take visitors. He had to keep up some appearances, after all.

With a scowl, Loki quickly waved his hand. Some of his magic had returned but the process was painfully slow compared to normal. Luckily, illusions were a forte of his and it didn't consume that much to make it seem as though his hair was normal, his clothes were orderly and he wasn't so tired from thrashing around on the bed throughout the night, as well as silencing the protests of his stomach. He looked himself over in the mirror briefly before darting to the door and unlocking it. "Good morning," He purred as he opened the door for Thor. Immediately, his eyes darted to the tray he was holding and the Jotun frowned. "What is that?" He asked, rather suspicious of the food.

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Whatever Thor expected to see when the door opened, it wasn't exactly this. Loki looked quite proper- almost overly so. He extended the tray with a slight smile, missing the suspicious looks that he was giving the food. "It is fish, and a few other Asgardian breakfast items. You did not eat last night, you must be hungry," he answered, inclining his head. "May I enter?"

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Loki looked at the strange foods assembled on the tray, unable to make out any of them. Which one was the fish again? Fish were obviously different here than they were on Jotunhiem. But, not wanting to cause too much trouble, Loki pushed the door open wide and moved aside so that Thor could enter. The real question was if his food was poisoned or not since the chefs had seen him yesterday and no doubt knew where the food was headed. Immediately, Loki resolved himself not to eat whatever was prepared by the Asgardians. "Of course," He replied with a forced smile. "But, you must know that I am not very hungry," He added.

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Thor frowned at Loki, scrutinizing him for a moment. Then, with a heavy sigh, he entered the room and set the tray down on the desk. "I am not sure why you take me for a fool. Perhaps I am not the smartest Asgardian, but not a fool. So, why don't you tell me why you will not eat?" He said slowly, turning to face him.

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Loki cringed ever so slightly as he turned and sat down on the foot of the bed. He was so tired still and did not feel like moving that much. "I simply do not wish to eat," he replied softly. "When I wish to eat, I shall. But that time is not now and that place is not here." He shrugged his shoulders slightly then, in an attempt to steer the conversation away, looked out the window. "The weather here is strange in comparison to Jotunhiem," he commented.

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Thor stared at him long and hard, then shook his head slowly. "I will find out, one way or another. Lying to the only person here who is friendly to you doesn't seem like a good idea," he remarked, picking up a piece of flat bread and tearing a chunk off to pop in his mouth. Why let the food go to waste?

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Loki looked away, trying not to focus on the sounds of Thor eating. It was incredibly difficult since whatever he was eating produced a loud, crunching noise. It didn't take long for Loki to slid off the bed and creep over to the table where the tray was, his stomach winning out in the end. "What are you eating?" He asked softly, looking at the bread. If Thor was eating it, it must be safe. Right?

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Thor held back the smirk threatening to creep onto his face and held it out to him. "Just flatbread, with a sweet sauce baked into it. Have some," he offered, watching Loki carefully. He seemed afraid to eat, maybe he was nervous about the food? He couldn't fathom why Loki had been pretending to not be hungry.

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Loki moved a little bit closer to Thor and took the bread, sniffing it cautiously. It did not smell like poison. And Thor was eating it too. He flipped the piece over in his hand then gently began to chew on the crunchy thing called flatbread. As soon as he was finished with the piece, he dusted off his hands and quickly retreated back to the bed. "That tasted... Decent," he replied.

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"There is more, if you want it. And that fish you requested," Thor offered, gesturing to the tray on his lap as he tried to scrutinize Loki's behavior. He ate the bread but nothing else.. What was the pattern here?

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Loki obviously hesitated and looked upwards as he tried to think of a good way to put his feelings. "I would not think it prudent or wise to do so," he replied after a moment. "You must understand that I am a stranger here. Not a guest, an enemy. As such, I feel that forcing myself to eat when I lack the appetite for it would be counterproductive. I will eat more when I regain my appetite. But I still feel nauseous now. Rest assured, it is no fault of yours."

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Thor didn't believe that either, but he wouldn't exactly force feed Loki. "I am sorry you feel sick. Perhaps you should have started with the fish, your body is most likely more used to it and not to the bread. I will leave it for when you are hungry," he decided, setting it on the desk.

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"Wait," Loki called out, holding out a hand to gesture for him to stop. "Please, do not leave." He crossed his arms over his stomach. On one hand, he wanted to tell Thor how uncomfortable he felt. Maybe if Thor handled his food, he would not feel as bad about eating food that passed through the hands of Asgardians. But, on the other hand, he couldn't bear to look so weak that he couldn't even eat food without worrying. Not in front of Thor. He was supposed to be a prince! "Can you read to me another story?" He finally asked, deciding not to bring up his fear of poisons.

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