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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Oh doh, I forgot to put the word "removed" in Aeolus's dialogue. Also here's a picture of Minerva, her profile, and chapter 21: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...hp-21-491866060 . It's not censored on DA, so you guys are free to read it. ))


Minerva went on to another website, but it was just the same as the first one; no updated pictures. She clicked on the back button and clicked on the third link. This time, there were a few updated pictures. Smiling, she thought to herself, 'Oh goodie!' She checked out each link of the buildings and looked to see how much each cost, what set them apart, and if they were good enough to set up business. After each careful analysis, the woman decided to go with the large building that used to be a fitness center. 'That looks like a fine place for a school. I wonder if Ronan agrees with me,' she thought.




Atlas turned her attention to Axle, who told her that Juna was only hostile because she didn't like to see the lives of others risked for someone's goals. The magi looked down at the ground in self-blame and sighed, "Looks like Aeolus isn't the only one who's upset with me bringing my nieces into this. I thought I could do this because I was so confident of skill and power as the dragon champion. I felt like I could take on the whole world while keeping Danielle and Kylie safe." Then she remembered her fight with Spinx and continued, "But seeing how Spinx shrunk down that area trap spell around me after our fight, I wondered if I could ever survive like this, if our battle continued with no room left for me to dodge..." She looked back at Axle and continued to say, "Well I could always use my earth and ice walls to shield myself."


Aeolus watched Juna go and thought, 'So she's not going to bother with our affairs in Solomos. I guess I won't have to do anything to her.' Then he looked to Pyro, thinking that he might know others of his breed. Aeolus sent a telepathic message to him, 'Pyro, do you have a minute here?'


((Brotato, I'd like to help you out. But all my characters are busy as it is. For now, I suggest you keep on posting you either come across one of our characters or ours come across yours.))

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Axle look at Atlas, almost with a slight pity in his eyes. Axle look down a bit before looking back up. "The spell you are talking about, only two dragons know it. It called Seal. It creates a raw energy barrier that is almost impossible to break though, except it not unbreakable. There only one way to break the barrier," Axle look down to the ground now. "The spell was created by Trok as a way to stop the outside world from getting into the city. It required two dragons of the same blood line to create a barrier of that size around the city, or Trok would have not been able to hunt or even live longer than a year because of the demand of Seal, which put a huge strange on the caster body."

Axle voice started to get depressing, almost as terror was hitting his mind. "The other dragon that help with this was Trok's son, Drago." Axle voice almost went into a scared whisper. As much as he tries to hide it, He was terrified by that name or even the thought of it. He push the feeling away the best he could and look back at Atlas.

"To break the seal, you must reverse the flow of energy of the barrier. A simple counter wind or a wall of ice moving in the opposite direction could make the barrier weaker, even running or spinning will work. But that would not be enough to break it. You must keep the opposite flow going, even if the seal direction switch, find the weaken rune and break it. This will permanently weaken the spell, unless it is dis-spell by the caster and recast again, this will allow you to continue to weaken the barrier with simple spell, or even physical attacks, again the other runes or the wall, cracking it. At that point, you must put all your weight and even strength into it, in hope of breaking though the barrier." Axle calmly said as he looks over Atlas a bit.

"Atlas, you might be able to. There is a chance you might not be able to as well." Axle sound a bit nervous as well as calm. He quickly try to change subjects, "And about room for dodging Spinx's attacks, A bigger target are easier to hit, where a smaller target is harder to hit. So if you want I could try and help you train in the human form so it easier for you to use."




Azera re-stable a bit from the blood lost. He was still leaning against a tree, but there was something laying in his lap. He look down and saw a very small, dark mist pygmie curled up in a ball on his lap. He look at his side as he saw it haves been scared, but heal for the most part. He saw the pygmie was exhausted. He sat there letting the pygmie sleep off it, until he heard something move in the area close by, than he saw the bones river coming at full force at him. He grabbed the pygmie, startling it, and rolled out of the way of the attack. The black figure he lost was back again, this time with out wolves by his side.

"Very good on the dodge, but there won't be another." Spinx harshly said. "And I won't make the same mistake twice." Spinx slash the air send another line of Bones at Azera, who was still in bad condition. Azera grip on the pygmie to hold it to his side, as it shake violently. With the best of the ability he dodge the attack, but still got his leg slash by a spike that came from the ground. Azera grown in pain, as he land on the injured leg as thick blood ran down his leg. Spinx ran straight at Azera and brought his sword down, and Azera green light sword meet Spinx purple and green tainted steel. Azera push off the ground and jump back as far as he could go, and left a blood trail behind him. He push himself off the ground and ran as fast as he could.

The pygmie as still shaking violently, as it wimped a bit. Azera could hear Spinx coming in from behind and it seems he was not alone anymore, because he could hear large foots steps behind him. He look behind him to see a large fireball coming his way. Azera put up a shield of fire between him and the fireball as strong as he could make it, but it was enough to stop the fireball. Azera turn on his heels of his leather black boots and keep on running. He busted out of the over-growth and on a road that head somewhere, but he did not know where. He made it halve way across the road before he heard dragons come out behind him. He set the Pygmie down as he turn to see two dragons that were jet black and red eyes with a black cloak man standing between them.

"There no escape from me." Spinx said as Azera ready himself. The pygmie dragon came up to Azera good leg and almost as if he was ready to fight with Azera.


((will post Dracul and Akil next time.))

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Nick felt Akuma is clinging onto him, just like on of those annoying plant burrs that always got stuck to your clothes after a bout through the fields. "Yeah it would be really unfortunate if you're mobile food providing entertainment system died would it." Nick said sarcastically when Akuma mentioned Dion and the safety harness. Akuma then went on about he was made of meat and Nick chuckled. "Nope, I'm just skin and bones, sorry to disappoint" he joked as Akuma got off of him. Standing up and looking at his clothes he frowned slightly. "By the rate you're ripping my cloths up I'll be out of thread within the week, I've already had to patch this up three times this week." shaking his head jumping towards Akuma, trying to give the hybrid boy a noggie. "Come on, let's get out of here." he motioned for Akuma to follow along and made his way back to town. Coming through the gates the guards paid them no attention, they seemed to be on edge though. As they walked through town they came across a man standing on top of a stall shouting out into a bullhorn. "Are you tired of living under the tyranny of dragons? Then join the equilist! For too long the dragon elite in this city have forced non dragons to live beneath them as second class citizens!"



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Ronan slowed to a walk as he neared the house. As he approached he regained control of his heart rate and breathing so he wouldn't sound gassed. He knocked so she'd know 'someone' was there before he entered. "Minerva? It's me, I'm back." He called out to her as he made his way to the guest room to get out of his gear.

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((Crowe: *eats protestor*))


Akuma nods, "Yeah, replacements don't come along that easy" he mutters quietly with a smirk. Akuma ducked away from Nicks attempt to grab at him and instead stood up. He dusted dirt and grass from his backside and looked back to Nick who was also getting back on his feet. The hybrid nodded as Nick suggested they leave and followed after him back to town. The morning seemed about as normal as ever until a loud twang his his ears. Someone was shouting loud... really loud. He looked for the source and saw a man standing atop a podium. Akuma pulled his hood over to hide his horns, frowning. "That doesn't even make sense. You've been living with them for three days and only asked to co exist. No ones enslaving you or forcing you to stay here" he piped, annoyed at the loudness of the speaker. Akuma wasn't fond of humans, but this was ridiculous.


Crowe swooped onto a rooftop, peering down as a couple other guards joined in watching. His eyes seemed to burn angrily under the armor but he remained silent... for now.

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"Fortunatly for me" Nick replied to Akuma's replacements remark. Once they reached the inner city and he heard the protester he did everything in his power to resist the urge to facepalm, but he wasn't able to and facepalmed anyways. "Really?" he shouted out to the protester in disbelief/


"Oh, let me guess you two are dragon huggers aren't you!?!?" he said accusingly pointing a finger at the mage and hybrid pair. "I bet you'd just love to have one of your dragon friends knock me off this podium wouldn't you?" he threw in making a sweeping motion through the air with his hand as he spoke


"I'm seriously considering it" Nick spat back at the man before leaning in close to Akuma and whispering through the hood and into his ear. "I wouldn't be angry with you if you just ate him" he said half jokingly, half serious.


"SEE!" he shouted to the rest of the gathering crowd around him. "Dragons only want to use their powers to oppress us!"

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((Chapter 22 is up, guys! http://fav.me/d8543fj I wasn't sure if the dead lord's name was Trok or Tork, so I went with the latter in this chapter. Also, I'm going to keep the poll on my DA account going until I get to chapter 25.))


Atlas listened to Axle's explanation on the Seal spell, which was invented by Lord Trok to protect his city. Then when the man mentioned Drago, he sounded scared as if dragon lord's son was bad omen. The magi looked at him curiously in concern and wondered, 'What's up with him? Who is this Drago and why's he scaring him?' After Axle explained how to weaken the Seal spell, Atlas replied, "Huh, so that's how it works." With all that info in mind, the magi felt a bit confident that she would have an easier time defeating Spinx. But Axle was unsure if it was possible for her to break the seal. He did however, offered to train her in human form in case the trick to break the seal didn't work. Atlas thought that would be a good idea in case of an emergency. She flashed an eager grin and said, "You know what? That sounds like a great idea! Let's go do it right now." Without waiting for a response, she transformed into her human form.




The car had gone over a quarter way to the Sundown, when Kathia looked out the window and saw a man dressed in black confronting a wounded white-haired swordsman with a a dark myst pygmy next to his good leg. Behind the swordsman were two black dragons with red eyes. The girl wondered what was going on over there and told the driver, "Megan, stop!"


The woman stepped on the breaks and halted the car. She looked to the girl and asked her, "What is it, Kathia?"


The redhead pointed at what she was seeing and told the driver, "Look at that; there's two people fighting each other and I'm not even sure who's the dragon hugger or not, and which's dragons are slaves or wild ones. I think we might have another citizen for Sundown, if none of those two are hippies."


Megan seeing how badly injured the swordsman was, felt wary and suspicious about the dark-clothed man and warned, "Or we may have stumbled upon a deranged murderer trying to kill an innocent man. I don't know if we should trust this person, the guy in the robes."


Kathia told a counter-point, "How do we even know which one's the good guy or not? For all we know, the other guy could be the culprit here. Look, how about you drive the car out of their sight and I'll stay here and watch what happens? Besides, we're like 1000 feet away; a safe distance. We'll be alright."


Megan still wasn't convinced that the girl was going to come out okay. "Are you really sure about this?" she asked.


"I am," the girl assured. "And don't worry, I can defend myself. After all, I do have magic."


The woman sighed and said, "Alright fine, but if it gets starts to get dangerous, then please come back to the car. Don't fight them."


"I got it," Kathia replied. She took the folk magic book with her and got out of the car. As the vehicle drove away, the girl hid herself behind a tree and peeked over the edge to watch the fight. While doing so, she smelled a horrible stench that seemed to belong to a rotting corpse. The girl squeezed her nose to block out the stench.




After writing down the page's URL on paper, Minerva decided to take a break from searching. She needed to eat some breakfast for energy or she probably wouldn't concentrate much. So she left her room to go downstairs into the kitchen. There, the woman went to the freezer and took out some bacon and a ham. She knew it was courtesy to feed her guests first before herself. The ham was going to be fed to Drake, but since the meat was frosted with ice, Minerva would have to defrost the ice first before warming it up in the oven. So she left the ham on the empty sink under the sun's light that glared through the window. In the meantime, she would have to fix breakfast for Ronan and herself. She turned the dial on the oven and pre-heated it to 350°F. Then she took out the bacon rack from the drawer of the oven and placed it on the counter. Next, she opened the bacon package and took out the strips to put on the rack. After that, she went to get the ingredients ready for pancakes, while she waited for the heat to get to where it's at. She went to the cupboard and took out a box of pancake mix. Then she went to the bottom cupboard and took out a bowl to mix the ingredients in. Afterwards, Minerva went to the drawer next to the bottom cupboard and took out the wire whisk. She placed the three things on the other side of the sink and opened the pancake mix's box and bag to pour the cream-colored flour into the bowl. She went back to the cupboard and took out the measuring cup. After she filled it with water from the sink and pour it into the mix, the oven started beeping to indicate the temperature has reached its designated point. The woman put the measuring cup aside and went to put the bacon rack into the oven to cook.


While the bacon cooked, Minerva mixed the pancake mix until it turned into batter. Then she took out the frying pan from the cupboard and put it on the stove. She took a big metal spoon and poured one scoop of the batter onto the frying pan to bake. She went to get the spatula and a plate to put next to the stove, and waited for the batter to finish its first side. After a while, the woman took the spatula and flipped the pancake to its other side to be just as brown as the first side. Once it was done baking, the woman removed the pancake from the pan and put it on the plate to cool. Then she went to work on the second pancake and then the following others after that. Between working on the pancakes, Minerva checked on the bacon from time to time to see if they were ready yet. After all the foods were baked and cooked, Minerva turned off the oven and took out the bacon rack to place on the stove. Then she grabbed another big plate and put the crisp bacon onto it. With two foods done, the woman went to cook the third and final part of the breakfast meal, turkey sausages. She took them out of the refrigerator and placed them onto the frying pan. After letting them cook, she turned off the stove and put them onto the third big plate. After putting the bacon rack and frying pan into the sink, Minerva grabbed two paper plates and filled them each with two pancakes, three bacon, and two sausages. She put the plates on the table and went to go get the cups to fill them with orange juice. Then after putting the cups on the table, she put a fork and a knife next to each plate. Finally, she took out the pancake syrup and set it onto the middle of the table.


With the breakfast completed, Minerva heard a knock on the door and Ronan calling out to her. The woman went to open the door and said, "Welcome back, Ronan. Did you find the place you were looking for?"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan smirked at her. "I did. There's an open plot of land a few miles away from here. Big enough that, if you can afford it, we can build a school." He suggested because he didn't have the funds for it himself. He went into the dining room and saw the food laid out for them both. "Minerva, this is very kind of you, but you didn't have to make breakfast for me." He smiled at her.

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Akuma shakes his head, "Still doesn't make sense. He's a human, not a dragon. So, only another human is 'oppressing' you" he frowns, "In fact, that just proves that humans are fine with it. They haven't made you do anything aside from live in peace. God forbid that" he sneers. He didn't understand this human's stupidity. "Dragons rebuilt your crummy city when it was nothing but smoldering ashes. All they wanted in return is for you to not be vile towards them. How grateful you are. Let me guess, you're upset you don't have a slave to polish your house anymore?" he smirked, arms folded across his chest. Crowe settled on the rooftop, easing in his spot. He wasn't generally good at diffusing these types of situations, but perhaps the humans could squabble it out themselves.

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Axle change to his human form as he started to walk around Atlas, almost as if looking over her work of the spell, but this time slowly and mutter somethings to himself as he came back in front of her. He know what training she was going to need, and he also know he could not do it alone. He sent a message to Juna to help out with the training, and what he got back was a bitter snare but she agreed to it, and then he called over Makarth.


"Mekarth, I need your help training Atlas on her human form." Axle said as Mekarth came over with Juna, who seem to be calm. Axle known better though than that and he was going to hear about it later, but for right now she was going to help. They gather close together as they chat among each other as they plan for Atlas's training. One they were done all three of them broke away from each other as both Axle and Juna took to the air in their dragon forms.


Mekarth came up to Atlas, and laid his head down close to Atlas and spoke softly to her. "We have agreed on a training style for you. I will explain the rules of this training. First you must try to remain on me as long as you can with them trying to get you off. You are allowed your magic minus your shapeshifting magic, so if you change to your dragon form or even a halfling form your training will stop. Just remain in your human form as long as you can keep it going. Finally, I'm under your protection as of right now until this training is done, so that means you will be looking out for not just yourself but also me as well. I have no magic or any fancy abilities, but I have my own tricks. Also no outside help. The only help you will get is from me. And one Last thing, you have to be riding standing on my back." Mekarth said as he bend down to Atlas.


Axle and Juna were both out of sight, but both of them sent a message to Atlas but one different from the other


-Juna 'I really hope Axle right about you, Atlas. If not, well you can guess what might happen.'


-Axle 'Take this easy and slow ok. Worry more about yourself and your own abilities and keep an eye out for Juna. She still a bit mad, and you can thank your friend for that one.'



Spinx and Azera both stood in ready positions as they faced each other, as their blades were drawn. Azera moved his foot slightly and with a quick motion, throw his sword into the air. The glow of the sword blinded Spinx for a brief second. Azera took that second to pull his bow from around his shoulder and notch an arrow and fired. The arrow hit with a soft thud but not the target he was aiming at, as one of the Black scaled dragon block the arrow. It did not even show pain in it face or eyes, as it blindly look at Azera. The arrow was lodge in the dragon leg as blood splatter against the ground.


'No reaction from the dragon at all' Azera was puzzled by this, than he saw the dragon was not bleeding. 'It's already dead.'


Spinx came from behind the black dragon as Azera grab his sword he throw in the air. Azera block Spinx's sword as the swords metal met metal with their metallic ring. Spinx push away from Azera and kick him hard in the side. Azera grin in pain as he grab his side and felt blood coming from it. He could feel small shards of bone have enter his skin. Azera slung his bow back over his shoulder and block another of Spinx sword slash, but still got a gash across his cheek from a bone shard. Azera punch Spinx in the chest, but it did not seem to effect Spinx very much. Spinx just grin even more devilish as he moved his sword so it came across Azera chest, leaving a slash, making Azera stagger back a bit.


"Your just a hollow of your formal self, so you're not worth my time." Spinx said as he was about to send another wave of bones at Azera, but got clawed in the back by the small little dragon that jump on Spinx. It rip at Spinx for a few second before being grab by Spinx and throw right at one of the dragons, who clawed at it in the air, leaving a gash on it lower body as it hit a tree, splattering blood against the tree, which oddly had a shadow poking out from behind it.


Azera used the time to charge at Spinx, but got no more than a few feet until a tail hit him father down the street, causing him to tumble a bit as well. There was a blood trail following Azera from his wounds as he went about ten feet from where he was standing. One of the black dragon, the same one that just tail whip Azera. Azera was trying to push himself up off the ground before he felt the weight of the dragon paw on top of him, as it increase the pressure on his back, but not enough to crush him, just enough to keep him down. The other dragon keeps where it was as Spinx walked over to Azera.

"Not even worth watching you die ether." Spinx turn on his heel and started to hum a very dark and devilish tone. He snap his figures as a Sky drake came from the ground cracking it wide open. Spinx got on the sky Drake as the dragon removed it paw from Azera and took to the air, and son was followed by the other dragon and then the sky drake with Spinx on it back.


Azera had a pool of blood that was starting to form below him, as he push himself off the ground. He place one knee in the blood and pulled his bow out and notch an arrow and saw his target was getting fizz and was father away, but he did not care. The air around the arrow started to swirl with energy and heat as the tip started to glow brightly. He pulled the bow-string back now with what strength he had left and aim carefully, and release the arrow. Lighting flowed around the arrow as it flew to it target, but it did not hit it target, as a small black crow got in the way of the arrow. The bird Explode on the impact of the arrow and the energy of the magic, sending gore in every direction.


Azera fell to the ground as his last effort to even kill Spinx was in vain as his bow hit the ground, and in the air Spinx laugh at Azera's failed attempt and flow off.


((Both Azera and the Dark myst is alive still.))


Dracul and Arch waited in the dark of the town Hall Shadow. The air was thick and the streets were empty except for a few small rats running around the street.


"So any Idea when this person suppose to show up at?" Arch asked Dracul as they waited for the meeting to happen between Dracul and someone who was in charge of Axle home while he was gone. Dracul and Arch both have been waiting for a few minutes now until they heard the beating sound of dragons wings, almost like three dragons were coming.


Three dragons land in front of them, with two of them having humans on their backs, each have a large sword with them. All three dragon were armored but only one had a collar on it neck. It was a young female dragon that was green with a orange taint to her scales, with red eyes ringed with blue, as she stood behind the two other dragons.


"So they send a slave dragon to the meeting what a desecrate." Arch laugh, but Dracul though seem like he know the dragon with the collar and saw the runes marks on them.


"Akil. So your the one who sent that message on this meeting." Dracul said, making Arch surprised that Dracul knows that dragon.


"I'll cut to the point, Dracul. We want the two you capture, back." Akil said calmly but with a tone that states she means it.


Dracul simple snorted "And if I refuse to?"


"Than I'll take them back by force." She replied with a very firm tone.


"Well, you better be prepared to attack the games at three than. I will be waiting to see your down fall." Dracul replied back with a firm tone as well, meaning what he said. "Arch time to go this meeting is over."


Arch simple nod his head as they both teleport back to the castle in the center of town, leaving Akil and her group standing there.


"What do you want to do, general Akil?" One of the dragon said as the human on it back keep an eye out.


"If you ask me, we should just attack the prison and take them from there." The human on the other dragon back snared.


"That why Axle did not leave you in charge, Vi." The dragon that Vi was on said.


"Really, that does not sound like a bad idea. A quick operation, but we can't help you inside there. So Vi I will leave you in charge of getting in and getting out as quick as you can, we will wait for you outside."


Both Vi and the other Human got off and pulled their hoods up over their head. "Meet us at Rock sea in about a few hours and be ready for fighting if it not clean." Vi said as both him and the other one vanish in the city cover.


Akil and the other two dragons took back to the air and flew back to Axle castle that sat outside the city in the water.


"So your just going to let Vi do this?" The dragon on her left said that carried Vi on his back.


"Yes, he is more than capable of doing so. Let just get them as fast as possible ok?" Akil said. "We will just have to trust that he knows what need to be done."


All three of the dragons flow back the rest of the way to Axle castle in silence, until the time came when they need to pick up Vi and the group.

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"Yeah, but the dragons made it a smoldering pile of ash in the first place!" Someone called out from the crowd. Nick simply shook his head. He didn't know what was worse, that fact that this guy was making a complete ass out of the human race, or that there was an actual crowd starting to form that supported him. The man on the podium smirked as he saw the crowd growing. "Look at this!" he motioned at Akuma and Nick, now that the crowd forming was supporting him. "The dragons have brainwashed our youth now too! When will this ever stop? Never unless we stand up and stop it ourselves!" A bunch of fist went up into the air as the crowd gave a resounding "Yeahhhh Take back the city!!" Standing a bit closer to Akuma, Nick cracked his knuckled, "You've got be kidding me" he muttered to himself. Edited by picknick10

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((Happy Thanksgiving to you guys, too. Btw, I'm almost done with chapter 23 but I haven't been able to work on it fast because of distractions. I'll try and see if I can get it done tomorrow or tonight. I'm shopping right now and I don't know how long it's going to take. I had been meaning to draw a picture of Atlas in her armor and her human form, but I'm going to have to delay that. Btw, I typed all that with my cellphone, so I can't really post now.


EDIT: I finally got chapter 23 done: http://fav.me/d86ci7w Now I need to see if I can get that post done before I go off to volunteer at the thrift store tomorrow.))


"Oh that's good!" said Minerva, sounding glad for him. Then she suggested, "Well I don't really have enough money to build it, but we can always get some loans to hire construction workers to build the place." Then they went into the dining room where Ronan was surprised to find breakfast made for him. The woman smiled at him and said, "But of course I have to do this. You can't start off a day on an empty stomach, can you?"


((Hey Sai, are the Aquarians in charge of constructing new buildings?))




Atlas watched Axle, after turning human, walk around her for a bit as if to see if she did her transformation perfectly. Then he stopped when Juna and Mekarth came over. The trio talked amongst themselves as Atlas raised a brow, wondering what they were saying. She kind of knew that they were discussing how to train her. Once they were done talking, Axle and Juna flew up to the air in their dragon forms, while Mekarth went over to the woman. He told her the rules of the training and that they'll be going up against his siblings. Atlas walked carefully and slowly over to the black dragon; she still wasn't used to walking as a human. Then she climbed onto his back and stood on him. She imagined this kind of training was going to be tough as there was a high chance of her getting knocked either by Axle or Juna, or by Mekarth's flight if her feet can't hold on to him.


Then Atlas got telepathic calls from the siblings; the first one from Juna said that she hoped Axle was right about her during this training. 'Oh yeah, I already imagined that,' the woman replied.


The second one from Axle told her to take it easy and slow, worry more about herself, and be on the look out for Juna. 'Huh, I guess she can't forgive Aeolus for what his horde did you. Can't say I blame her though,' the woman replied. She'd be very angry too if someone worked together with a bad guy to hurt her nieces. 'So when do we start, Axle?' she asked.




Kathia watched the two foes go at each other with the white-haired man blinding the other guy with his flashing sword before trying to shoot him with an arrow. But it was blocked by one of the black dragons, who used himself as a shield for the brunette. There didn't seem to be a reaction from the dragon at all; either the attack didn't seem to faze him at all or Kathia was too far away to see his reaction. She thought it was most likely the latter. Then the brunette went to attack his enemy, but the white-haired man blocked his attack with sword. Then the brunette knocked him down with a kick. Kathia saw tiny white dots falling down onto the downed opponent and sinking into his skin and leaving what seemed like a gash on his cheek. The girl moved in about a few hundred feet closer to get a better look at the situation, but as she got closer, the awful smell became stronger. 'Just where is that smell coming from?' the girl wondered. Once she got to where she needed to be, Kathia heard the brunette say that his enemy was a shadow of his former self and that he was not worth his time. Then he got attacked by the dark myst pygmy, before it was grabbed and thrown at one of the bigger dragons, who swiped a claw at it and drew blood. The white-haired man tried to attack again, but he was taken down by one of the blacks and held under its paw. The brunette went over to him and told his opponent that he wasn't worth seeing dead, so he turned away and snapped his fingers to summon a sky drake from underground. Kathia stood there dumbfounded with her mouth open and her eyes astonished at what she just saw. A sky drake underground? That couldn't be right; air-type dragons or drakes weren't known to live underground. Well unless she had somehow missed out on this info on the breed. The girl made a note to herself to read up on sky drakes later. After the brunette mounted the beast, the two black dragons took to the air with the sky drake following after them. The now bleeding white-haired man tried to shoot down the drake with a magic-powered arrow, but a bird got in the way and exploded into a gush of blood splattered everywhere in the area below it. Kathia looked at the result in amazement and thought, 'Oh my gods, that is so cool! Imagine what I can do to dragons if I had a spell like that.' She thought about going over to the white-haired man to get him to teach her how to power up her arrows, but first she would need to help him.


The girl took out a bottle of blessed water and went over to the man. "Hey, are you alright? I just saw you fighting that other man. What happened?" she asked.


((Post done. Now let's see if I can get chapter 24 done by the end of tomorrow.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Rick smiled at her. "Minerva, I've never had someone treat me so well in a long time. Thank you....for everything." He couldn't help but bare some humble feelings towards her. All of her kindness and how helpful she was to him, it was unusual.....but wonderful to him.

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((I got chapter 24 done! http://fav.me/d87xbce So now I have time to color my Wonderful 101 fanart and then do a drawing of Atlas later before I work on chapter 25.))


The woman felt delighted for the man's gratefulness and said, "You're welcome, Ronan. You definitely need it after all you went through." Then suddenly, the telephone started ringing for Minerva to come and pick it up. "I'll be right back," she told Ronan before she went over to the telephone and answered it. "Hello?"


Her boss, Richard, said to her, "Good morning, Minerva. I have a few tasks for you to do today."


"Yes, I'm listening," the woman said as she was eager to do what needs to be done.


The executive director told her, "Okay then. Today, I would like for you to write an article about our dragon literacy program we started today and another on the magic masters teaching magic at the city hall. Be sure to explain how these will help dragons and build a bridge between our species and theirs."


Minerva went over to the oven to check on the ham as she replied, "I understand, Mr. Darien, I'll get to it right now." She open the oven's door and put on an oven mitt.


The man was't done speaking yet as he had more to say, "Also, when you're done with these articles, feel free to download and print copies of the flyer for our program and post them all over the city. Thank you and have a good day!"


"You too, sir," Minerva replied as she took out the ham and placed it on the stove. She pushed the hang-up button on the phone and put it on the counter. 'Wow, I sure have a lot to do today,' she thought. The woman took a steak knife and sunk it into the ham. Then she pulled it out and touched the hot blade that stung her tips with heat. The food was fully-cooked, so she turned off the oven and closed the door. She looked over at Ronan and asked, "Hey Ronan, do you think that Drake will like this ham?"

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Ronan sat down but waited for Minerva to join so they could eat. He turned when she asked about the ham. "Oh yeah, he'll eat it. He's taken a whole cow, ripped it in two and eaten it without cooking before." He chuckled with his comment. He waited patiently for her.

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((Alright, here's everything that has happened since you left.


Atlas, the Shadow Wind siblings, and the Vulture Horde (completed)

- Atlas who saw Axle get hurt by Juna went to ask him what happened and he told her that it was nothing as this kind of thing happens on a regular basis. Then Mekarth comes and tells Atlas that Axle and Juna may fight a lot, but they do care for each other and want to see if they can protect themselves.

- Sargoth tells Aeolus about the village of cassares who are distrustful to all outsiders. Aeolus feels that recruiting them will be difficult as he can't imagine that they would be willing to help a city oppressed by Dracul.

- Atlas, more curious about the fight, asks Juna what it was all about. Juna told her that it was about Atlas and her nieces, but mostly about Atlas. Then Juna goes over to Aeolus and tells him to clean up his mess. Aeolus sarcastically asks her how to "clean up his mess" and decides to ask her if Dracul removed her from her dragon lord title, so that he can bring up his noble status to dissuade her. But he never gets to reveal himself as Juna tells him that she doesn't care for Solomos, but warns him that if he attacks her homeland and its people, she'll show no mercy.

- Axle goes to Atlas and tells her that the reason that Juna may seem hostile sometimes, is because she's a protector spirit and hates to see anyone risk others' lives for their own goals. Then Atlas laments on how she was a fool for being so overconfident and now knows that there's always a chance that she could die after seeing how Spinx got her trapped. Then Axle tells her how to disable the Seal spell so that she can free herself.

- Aeolus decides he won't need to do anything to Juna and then asks Pyro if he has time to talk to him. It's here in this post: https://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showt...dpost&p=8488981

- Now Axle's going to train Atlas in her human form and brings Mekarth and Juna into this. They do so away from the horde.


Nick and Akuma (completed)

- Akuma tells Nick the story on how he got his phobia of water. One day he met Albel and then he got put under the river ice. He couldn't swim as he never learned how to. He probably would have died if Fayt didn't rescue him. So Nick decides they should do something else since swimming can't be an activity for Akuma.

- Then Akuma pounces on Nick and wants a prize for all his hard work in hunting. He wants some meat to chew on.

- Nick and Akuma go back to Windfall, but there they find a man shouting to the crowd and inviting people to join the Equalist, an anti-dragon organization that's against the Windfall dragons treating humans as "second-class citizens". Akuma argues that no one is forcing humans to stay here or enslaving them. Meanwhile, Crowe and a few Aquarian watch from above in case things go crazy. Akuma tells the protester that dragons rebuilt their city and only wanted in return was for humans to not oppress them anymore. Then someone else reminds them that it was dragons who burned the city down in the first place and the humans around them vows to take back the city.


Jericho and Damia (completed)

- Jericho lets Damia sleep in tavern for free, but tells her to hid her profession and offer from customers who would be jealous.

- The next morning, Damia goes to leave the tavern and Jericho greets her.


Kai (completed)

- Kai goes to a bagel stand and steals a bagel while the owner isn't' looking.


Minerva, Ronan, and Drake (completed)

- Ronan tells Minerva that he's going to open up a fighting school to teach people how to fight and asks her for help, which Minerva agrees to. So Minerva searches for places online, while Ronan goes out on his own. After finding a good empty building to purchase, she goes to cook breakfast for Ronan for when he returns.

- When he gets back, he says that he's found a good plot of land to build a school, but they'll need funds for it. Minerva suggests that they get some loans to hire the mages to build the place (or they could get the Aquarians for help, if Sai says 'yes' to the question I asked). Then Minerva tells him about the breakfast she made and Ronan feels really grateful to her.

- Then Minerva gets a call from her boss, telling her to write two articles for the ADR website and to print some flyers advertising the dragon literacy program and to pass them around Windfall. Now Minerva's about to take the ham she cooked to Drake.


Kathia, Spinx, and Azera (completed)

- She buys spellbooks of many types and takes them back to the car outside the city.

- Spinx attacks Azera and tries to kill him. Azera flees and finds a dark myst pygmy. But then Spinx finds them and the fight resumes.

- Kathia rides the car to go back to Sundown, but then she sees Spinx and Azera fighting. She tells the driver to stop and park away, so that she can witness the fight and see what's going on.

- Spinx defeats Azera and the pygmy, but decides to spare him as Azera's too weak and not worth dying. So the necromancer leaves. Kathia takes her chance to go in and help Azera, so that she can learn the magic arrow thing he did.


Torque (completed)

- Torque was at a bar in Windfall throwing a dart and landing the bull's eye. So the bloke, who lost, has to buy the whole bar (I think) canteens. Torque leaves the bar with his drink and is considering living in Windfall. But he has no money for shelter and is looking for a way to earn him some cash.

- Brotato (the owner of Torque) only posted one time. I don't think he's ever coming back to this RP. I mean, I did contact him, giving him suggestions what to do, but he hasn't responded.


Dracul, Arch, and Akil (completed)

- In Shadow Wind, Dracul and Arch meet Akil outside the town hall. Akil tells Dracul that she wants the two people that the dragon lord captured back. When Dracul asked if he refused, Akil says that she'll take them back by force. So Dracul tells her to be at the games at three before he and Arch leave. Akil makes a plan for Vi and the other human to raid the prison and free their friends. She and the other two dragons go back to Axle's castle in the meantime.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Mekarth felt Atlas on his back and how clumsy she was, and said one thing "This is not going to be easy, so I suggest you try and move your footing with the flow of my body. It won't be easy, I will admit, even Axle had the hardest time trying to stay on as well when he was try to do this training. Come to think of it, it was him who made up this crazy training in the first place." Mekarth said as he made sure she was correct, and though he could not see how she stood, he could tell she was not steady very well. "Move your right foot a bit forward and your left foot a bit more to the right, keep your footing closer together but not to close and not to far either, or you will fall off.' He said as he waited for her to fix her footing a bit. 'This is going to be a bit before we can even start. Axle, why are you trying a hard training on her so early, what is your reason?' Mekarth thought to himself.


Azera heard a voice of a female, but it was so far away to him, he could not make out the words. He could not see the world around him anymore as his vision fade once again back into darkness, but manage to say one thing though in a voice of shallow whisper, "Azera." He said. Blood was still coming from his wounds.


((I wonder what she will do with the Dark mist. Oh and Axle not replying either to Atlas for now.))

Edited by draco8967

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- Then Akuma pounces on Nick and wants a prize for all his hard work in hunting. He wants some meat to chew on.


ROFL holy censorkip.gif, Red xd.png that sounded so wrong))


Akuma scowled at the stupidity of the commentary. Crowe stared up and around as if waiting for something. A glimmering golden dragon appeared in the distance, flying closer. Upon coming closer, it was easy to see as Woltar. He landed as softly as a large dragon could manage in the street, folding his wings as he catches the last bit of the conversation. "Why, what ever is the matter on such a fine day?" he asked in a level tone, sounding very grandfather-y. Akuma turned around, "These idiots think they're being enslaved by dragons. As if they know what that's like" he muttered. Woltar paused, "Seems unreasonable to shoot down these two youngling's opinions as being brainwashed just because they different from your own. Neither me or any of my kin from Aquios took part in destroying this city. I had it rebuilt for the simple purpose of encouraging a working relationship between our races. Is this slavery to you?"

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(Oh. Well, then I better not keep Aeolus waiting!)


Pyro had settled down by the lake and was happily munching on his prey when he heard Aeolus calling him. "Ok. I'll be right there." Leaving his breakfast, the Cassare spread his wings and soared over to the cave where Aeolus was waiting for him. He landed, sending a cloud of dust in the air. "You wanted to see me?"[/color=orange]

Edited by SparksflY

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((No guys, I'm not done with my three projects. In fact, I'm still coloring my Wonderful 101 fanart. I delayed because I had to volunteer, got cramps from my period, and got distracted. I'm just here to reply to SparksflY, so that she doesn't get bored from waiting again and stop coming.))


After Pyro had came over to Aeolus, the disaster dragon explained, "Yes, I needed your help on finding more brute dragons and cassares like yourself. You see, I plan to take our horde to Shadow Wind and subdue Dracul in case of a fight, so that we can get the truth out of him on who he really is. The reason why one cassare and two brutes alone won't do it, is because Lord Dracul's bound to have lots of soldiers under his command. We'll need as many anti-magic dragons to fight off whatever magical forces Shadow Wind has." Not only that, but the horde was also comprised of mostly pygmy dragons with a ratio of 61 to 39 (that number may change depending on how I write chapter 25 or 26). Aeolus needed bigger dragons to balance out the number. "Since you are a cassare yourself, you're bound to have kin of the same breed as you. Which now to brings me to the question. Do you know any others of those breeds I'm looking for?" he asked.


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Nick continued to watch the crowd of disgruntled humans as they shouted. Things were escalating very quickly. "Listen to yourselves!" Nick shouted out to the crowd, standing up on the ledge of a nearby fountain to stand taller and gain more attention of the mass. "Have you forgotten so quickly that it was us that enslaved the dragons, not the other way around? You've abused them for years and now have the arrogance to say we are better than them? You're all lucky you haven't been eaten, smashed or burnt to a crisp!" he shouted out to them in disbelief. Angry shouts and calls ensued, someone even threw a Molotov cocktail at Nick, catching him off guard and setting his cloak alight. Nick cursed and dropped on the ledge, rolling into the fountain. The crowd was growing more and more restless and they began to pick up sticks and post as weapons before advancing towards the guards. A few more from the safety of the crowd started throwing rocks at Woltar in response to his words.

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma looked over the crowd in disgust as they started to get riled up. The heck was wrong with these people? He looked to Nick as a fiery cocktail was thrown at him, watching the mage roll into the fountain to put the flames out. Static sparked around the hybrid as his brow furrowed. His eyes flickered to Woltar next, who seemed taken aback by the human's reactions. The large dragon's mouthed moved in consoling words to the crowd but Akuma could not hear them over his pounding headache as the crowd increased in its uproar. The little rocks bounced harmlessly off Woltar's hide, if he even noticed the feeling of the rocks, it didn't show. Akuma sneered and stepped forward, hunkering down to the ground, screaming suddenly, "QUIET!" a shockwave of electricity pulsed out from him over the crowd in a crescent shape so as to go around the fountain where Nick was. His chest heaved and his golden eyes smoldered, glowing slightly.

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Nick pushed himself up from the fountain just in enough time to see Akuma send out a threatening pulse of electricity through the disgruntled crowd. Pulling himself out from the water, he stood next to Akuma watching as the crowd fell involuntarily silent. After they recovered all hell broke loose. "The dragons are attacking!" Someone at the back of the crowd who could not see Akuma shouted, fueling the fire. Out of the shadows more organized figures armed with blades charged and attacked the guards, enough to push the disgruntled humans over and start a riot. The mob could still feel the after effects of the shocks, but adrenaline kept them going as they armed themselves with whatever they could find, attacking the guards. Grabbing Akuma by the back of the shirt and moving off in one direction, he shouted to him through the roar of the crowd, "It's time to go"

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