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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Damia watched the man slowly open the bag, spill it's contents, and stare unimpressed at them.

"The pay," she echoed, "is none of your concern. This gold ring will do for now," she said snatching it off the table. "I was supposed to meet my employer on that road but he has tricked me as you can see. I wouldn't suppose you want any nasty business done?"


"Only that he is a dragon lord named Dracul, he had tricked you to go after someone Axle so that he can get rid of him and take over Shadow Wind. He even had a human try to kill my your friend and her family." Sargoth recited carefully.


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((Chapter 17 is up! http://fav.me/d7wnlw3 Also, after looking back through the RP and seeing how Atlas found a suit of armor from the Castle of Fire and repaired it for herself. I'm going to imagine that Atlas has been wearing it the whole time since she met Cloud (a.k.a. Strider) and Axle.))



Axle brought the deer and pig over to the Firestars for breakfast. The white dragon had sounded a bit sorry in his tone for some reason. "Uh thanks," she said, feeling strange out. Danielle went to eat the pig at its underbelly, but Atlas didn't touch her food as she just watched Axle fly back to his family. 'What's up with him?' she wondered in concern. As his family ate in silence, the magi turned back to the food and noticed how Kylie didn't have anything to eat. Axle must have thought that the balloon hatchling was a carnivore by mistake. Getting up, Atlas said to her niece, "Be right back, Kylie. I'll see if there's any fruits around for you." She went over to the woods and found some sweet granadilla trees not too far away from the lake. The herbivorous members of the horde were picking the ripe, round yellow-orange fruits off the trees and eating them. Atlas went around these dragons until she found a empty spot where she could get the fruits. The magi picked off a few fruits and teleported back to her nieces with the sweet granadillas laying between her forelegs. "Here you go, Kylie!" she said.


"Thanks, Aunt Atwas!" the balloon hatchling said happily. She picked up the granadillas and started eating them. Atlas laid down on her underbelly and went on to eat her deer.


"So you're caught up. Very good," said Aeolus, who nodded as he was glad that he won't have to explain the whole story. Then he went on to explain the plan, "So anyway, when we go to confront Dracul in the future and capture him, I'm going to need you to use your powers to trap him. Your vines and earth magic would be great for trapping his limbs and encasing them, so that he won't move much when we go to subdue him." Then he brought up another important part of the plan, "But before we go after him, we'll need some kind of prison first and a way to keep his magic from working. Either Dracul or his partner, Arch, has the ability to teleport and we can't have him escaping like that. I would have Pyro the cassare dragon guard him at all times, but then we'd be losing our only anti-magic warrior in the horde. So now I bring up a few questions. Do you know any good places that where we can keep him? Like a strong dragon society who can deal with him? And do you know any cassares we can recruit?" Extra cassares would be good for watching over Dracul while keeping some in the horde to fight against enemy magic.


As Atlas continued to eat, she noticed movement to the side of her view. She saw Axle and Juna were in their shape-shifted forms talking to each other at first until it escalated into a fight. The horde watched the scene with worry as the magi became alert as she pushed her upperbody up with her forelegs. The sisters saw their aunt's reaction before they started looking at what everyone was seeing. The magi would have gone to break up the skirmish had Mekarth not intervened first. The magi was shocked to see that both siblings were bloodied from the fight. Her dismay worsened when Juna broke her brother's arm. Seeing how he was hurt, the Firestars got scared and as Atlas shouted, "Axle!" She got up and ran over to the wounded man. "Axle, what happened? Are you alright?!" she asked.


Aeolus had seen the whole thing and sighed in displeasure. He contacted the healer dragon, 'Hewey, Axle's been hurt. Go and tend to him immediately.'





Minerva saw Ronan going back into the house and left the guestroom to go meet him. She saw him coming up the stairs sooner than she expected. Smiling, the woman said to him, "Ronan, I browsing up some volunteer jobs for you and I found some which I think would be interesting to you. One of them is from the ADR and it needs some volunteer mentors who can teach dragons and halflings how to read. What do you say, would you be interested?"




When no Aquarian was in sight, Kathia gestured for the men to come closer to hear. They brought their heads down to her face and she whispered, "There's a city being built far from Windfall and it's going to for humans only. So none of that civil rights for dragons crap." She grinned and continued, "We're also teaching people how to shoot arrows and cast magic, so we can defend ourselves for these scalies."


The men were all excited as the mustached man said, "That sounds wonderful! Where is it at?"


The redneck man said, "I could sure bring mah stuff and family and move on over there."


Kathia didn't want them to make any rash decisions before they get their hopes dashed, so she warned them, "Well that's great and all, guys. But we don't have any houses yet; the place is just a bunch of tents right now." Then she assured them, "But rest assured, the Rittevon Construction Company will be building houses over there and I'll be teaching them magic spells so that we can get the process done faster."


The short-haired man looked a bit skeptical and asked her, "But wait a minute, didn't the Rittevon Construction Company close down a few days ago?"


"It did," the girl said with a slight nod. She smiled and continued, "But I brought them back together! My father's company must go on, no matter how many jobs those dragons steal from us."


"That sounds wonderful," said the mustached man. "Hope this city out there gets built, because I can't stand living in this messed-up hellhole any longer."


The short-haired man and the redneck both nodded as he said, "Yeah, me too!"


Kathia got out her cell phone and told them, "And I'll be the one to let you know we have houses for you. Just give me your phone numbers and I'll call you when it happens." After the men told her their phone numbers and their names, the girl typed them down in her contacts list. "Okay, thanks guys! I hope you all have a good day."


"You, too!" the men said. The girl left and continued on her way to the bookstore. She reached the place and entered the store to search for important spellbooks.

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(Hey guys! Sorry for dissapearing... I read through the last few pages, so I kinda get what's going on)


Pyro's eyelids flickered and he groaned. He didn't remember falling asleep, but now it was midmorning and last night's events seemed like a distant memory. He forced his eyes open and scanned his surroundings, reassuring himself that he was still in the cave. Scrambling to his feet, the Cassare stretched and padded outside, suddenly hungry. He caught a deer in no time and dragged it over to the lake to eat it.

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((DON'T WORRY!!11!!one111!!! I'm back, Sai had kidnapped me so I had to tickle my way to freedom.))


Nick's eyes widened as Akuma's claws dug into him and took in a quick intake of breath. "Okay, okay, I see no swimming." he quickly said as he winced through the pain. Stiffinging his position and staying very still he quickly told the clutching hybrid boy, "Now please retract your claws from my body very carefully." Akuma's reaction was so sudden it caught him off guard, even though he should have expected it seeing Akuma's reaction to water previously. "I don't think you've ever told me the full story on how that happened. It was the bad huh?" he added quickly. He couldn't really understand the fear himself, Nick could always swim as far back as he could remember. It just came naturally to him.

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Axle sat there for a second, as pain went though his body. He did not look up at Atlas. ”It nothing, just -” Axle started to say before he grabs his arm and replace the bone back together and healing it quite fast. He flexed his hand to test his reaction, and he soon stood up. He looked at the way Juna and Mekarth went, then Axle turn to Atlas "Atlas, it truly is nothing. This kind of things happen on a regular basics." Axle said as he saw his sister re-circle around and his brother land next to Atlas.


"That a bit of an understatement." Mekarth said as he sat down next to Atlas. "Though yes, breaking your arm was a bit over doing it, you did, however, had it coming." Mekarth said as Axle shook his head.


"It would not be the first time she broke a bone in my body, nor the last." Axle said as he changes to his dragon form and took to the air up to Juna.


"Let them do whatever they will do, Atlas. They are siblings, and yes they may attack one another on a daily basic, much more often than a normal family, but they do care for each other." Mekarth said "Let me put it this way. They both protect one another and want to see that the other can protects themselves, but to do that, they first must see how they fair in a fight. This certain fight though is over a completely different topic. Do to my, limitation, I have to hear everything though my ears, so even I do not know what going on." Mekarth got up after he saw his sister and Axle land a bit from Mekarth and Atlas. Still chatting with one another, but it seems that Juna calm down a bit more now and was not trying to beat Axle down, nor was Axle trying to best his sister.

Edited by draco8967

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Jericho sighed. It seemed that that was all the information he was going to get out of her. "No, I don't need anyone killed." Jericho looked back up from the finger to the girl while talking, "though, considering the fact you have been chasing me all night, I am sure you are tired. You are more than welcome to rest here in one of the rooms for free, though I ask that you hide your profession and this offer from the customers, some may be jealous." Jericho grabbed the finger and slipped it into the bag before tossing it in the raw meat bin. "I will get rid of the finger, my name is Jericho by the way. This tavern will open for breakfast soon, I suggest you make your decision and go with it soon." The meat bin was a grinder for old meat that was leftovers, which would be ground to a mush and cooked then fed to the animals.

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Akuma blushed and retracted his claws from the mage. Nick asked what happened to make him so afraid of water. The hybrid could recall briefly explaining to Nick about the fear, but the entire memory remained imprinted on him. Akuma shivered a bit at the memory, but felt relaxed again from the warm sun rays piercing the forest's veil. "I never really learned to swim in the first place. I could... sort of float about but I couldn't control where I went. Rivers were especially rough then. So I just avoided deep water. But one winter I came across Albel for the first time. Dion had told me to avoid him but... I didn't know what he looked like. He didn't like me very much and we scuffled. He put me under the river ice. I couldn't swim and was being pulled away from the surface by the current and it was so cold... I couldn't move. Fayt got me out after but... I just don't like water..." he clutched his own arms.


Kai blinked her eyes open and stretched. She stood up and stumbled out of the alley way. The crowd of Windfall was already bustling about. Kai moved down the street, passing a bagel stand and casually pocketing a piece of food as the owner was busy. Once a good distance down the street, Kai pulled the bagel out and started to nibble at it. She pondered over what she would do about yesterday's incidents.

Edited by Sai

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((So I publish the Prologue on Fanfiction, so anyone can check it out. It just Axle full story behind his journey, even a bit more look into shadow wind life. Sorry no real post here.))

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Nick relaxed as he felt Akuma's claws pull out of him. "Ah, Albel." Nick said biting his lip. "I should have guessed he would have something to do with it" he concluded before laying back. "It's fine then I guess, we can do something else." he went on as he lay back in the grass, closing his eyes as he felt the cool grass pressing against his skin. "But you'll have to think of it, because I'm fresh out of ideas." he warned Akuma. It was so calming out here with the burbling of the river, the cool grass and the warm sun overhead. He could hear the leaves rustling in the wind and birds chirping. There was so much you missed when you were locked away in a study for your whole life.

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Damia coldly accepted the room. It would be good to sleep somewhere dry tonight. The next morning she rose and came back down into the tavern. She would need to be on her way soon


Sargoth thought for a moment.

"There's a secluded island North of here. There's a cassare village there. They don't like visitors but if they see a problem is dangerous they will send some of their people. Like I said they don't like visitors. I accidentally teleported there once and had to go through three hours of questioning before they deemed me safe."

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Ronan smirked hearing Minerva's idea for a job for him. "Actually I thought of something of my own." He slid past her going to the guest room. "I have skills few people have....and with the way this town is....the people can't always rely on the police or any kind of authority to protect them all day and night from harm. I can give them a way to fix this. I'm going to teach every combat style I've learned, but to do so..I have to open up a school." He gave a small grin/smile to her after he got himself dressed. "I can't live forever, and the variety in skills I have.....people can learn them individually and master them separately, but to be a professional in them all is even better. Can you help me to set up a school?"

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Akuma shook his head at the ground, "It wouldn't matter who did it. I was already uncomfortable around water. That just finished it off" he murmured. He felt Nick move back to lay down and glanced over. He would have to think up something? Akuma straightened up and offered a toothy smirk. "Well now that you mention it... I did all that hard work. But I didn't get my prize in return. I'd still like some meat to chew on" he said, shifting over and pouncing on Nick. He looked the mage up and down, "My poison acts rather fast you know. It paralyzes and hurts you from the inside out. But I'm sure you recall that well. I can't be affected by my own poison. So I can eat any animal I poison" he explained.

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((Here's two new chapters and an edition for our former roleplayer, shibathedragon.


Shiba's edition - http://fav.me/d839saa

Chapter 18 - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10380348/19/Dr...e-The-First-War

Chapter 19 - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10380348/20/Dr...e-The-First-War


So I was looking back a few pages and read that Juna mentioned Axle being able to heal himself. So I'm going to pretend that Aeolus never sent Hewey to go help him, since he already knows that Axle can heal.))


"What?" Atlas asked as she was bewildered by Axle claiming that him getting hurt by his sister happened regularly and that it wasn't the first time he had a bone broken by Juna. Then Mekarth said that the siblings may fight each other some times, but they do care about each other. The reason they fight is to see if the other can protect themselves, but this time it was for a different reason. Atlas looked to the brother and sister, who both seemed to have calmed down. Now the magi was even more curious about the fight. Since she suspect Axle wouldn't give her an answer about it, perhaps Juna will. The magi telepathically asked the halfling girl, 'Hey Juna, what was all that brawling about?'


Aeolus frowned after hearing about the cassare village's wariness of strangers. "Sounds like recruiting them for our cause will be difficult. I can't imagine that they would help another city in trouble, after hearing how they're distrusting of outsiders," said the horde leader. He started to ponder his thoughts about the cassare village, 'A village that doesn't trust other dragons. I wonder what terrible event happened that would make the cassares close their doors to fellow dragons.' It was sad to hear how this much mistrust the cassares had on other dragons, when it should have gone to everyone's common enemy, the humans.




"Hmm? You do?" asked Minerva, wondering what it is. Then she smiled and became intrigued when Ronan said that he was going to open up a school to teach people his combat skills. When asked to help set up the school, the woman answered, "Of course, I will! It'll be good for everyone if they learned how to defend themselves. I'm glad you figured out what you're going to do next, Ronan. That idea of yours sounds great!"




Kathia went over to the same section in the store where she found the beginner's magic guide book. Since Mrs. Merryweather was using it to learn spells for housework, Kathia decided to buy another one so that she can learn whatever spells she haven't learned yet. She also thought to buy a variety of different spell books, each with a different subject, for more magical knowledge. After picking up the beginner's guide, Kathia picked up a book on alchemy, healing magic, a book on runes, shapeshifting, folk magic, and ceremonial magic. These books sounded useful to her cause, but to make sure, the girl flipped through each page in the book to see if they had really good spells. They were all great, so she decided to get them. The girl went to the cash register and used her father's credit card to pay for the books. After getting her receipt and bag, the girl left the bookstore with her purchases.

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((Sorry if post is short or if there is any misspelled words, I am on my phone.))


Jericho had slept in the tavern aswell, though this was normal since he lived there. His room was in the basement, a small one at the end of the wine cellar. He didn't mind the small room, after all it was cheap and private. When Jericho had woken up he went up stairs to where the owner of the tavern was. The owner, a short stocky man who dressed himself in the finest clothes, and and decorated his fingers in rings, was a selfish man. He was also one of Jericho's old friends. Jericho paid for the assassin's room and expected her to be gone by the time he made it to the main bar area. This however, wasn't true as he saw her from the other side of the room. Jericho made his way to her with a smile. "Howdy, did you sleep good?"

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Axle and Juna still chatted a bit, until Juna stop for a brief second, which Axle stop and look at her. She told Axle that Atlas just telepathically asked her about the fight, because now Axle was looking up at Atlas. He said something, and he got a reply, than Juna turn around and walked back to Atlas with Axle close behind her, until they got all the way back to Atlas.


"So, you want to know what that fight was about." Juna said as she got close to Atlas. "It was about you and your family. Now if you excuse me Miss Firestar, I am going to ask your friend over there, a question." She said as she pointed over to Aeolus. "I will not lie, there was more to the fight than you and your family, but mostly it was about you." Juna walked around Atlas and head straight for Aeolus.


Axle sat there, not knowing what to say. Even Mekarth was a bit shock at why the fight broke out. "That's um, un-expected." Mekarth sound a bit puzzle. 'Why fight over her?' Mekarth thought to himself as he kind of left Atlas and Axle alone and moved away from them.



Juna made her way though the horde of dragons, until she came close to Aeolus, and stop on the side of him. "Next time, clean up your mess. You know exactly what I am talking about 'Dragon'" Juna harshly said at the word Dragon, even more in a disrespectful tone. She did however, said it loud enough for Aeolus to hear, but not of the other dragons could hear.


((Will post more for the others tomorrow.))

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((Ahoy there. I hear you folks need a few human characters around. I'd like to sign up, but I've nary a clue who in particular to send it to. I see you guys do the double brackets OOC too. Sai, you look like you're quite active on here, and have a sizable amount of experience with this particular RP. Can ya help my newbob self find his way around, and maybe critique my Sheet before I send it to OP for approval? I'd very much appreciate it. I dug around the Wiki and it looks like a lot of the articles are missing in the Locations subWiki, too. Are those spots not released yet or did I just faceplant in here at a very bad time?


Yours Truly: Your friendly neighbourhood Brotato.))

Edited by Brotato

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((Honestly, Sai and Nick have been missing for the past week, Don't know why.


Next, Sheets go to Sai or nick, but I recommend you send it to Sai.


Last, That really all the location we have.))

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Nick shrugged at Akuma when he said he was already afraid of the water before the Albel incident. Suddenly, though he felt Akuma's weight pinning him down as the dragon hybrid pounced on him. "Yes it is very painful, I've already experienced it once and I wouldn't like to again." he said as he futilly tried to push off Akuma. "Yeah heh find some meat to chew on. Very funny. Good thing I'm a person, not an animal." he pointed out to Akuma uncomfortably. "Besides you can't be that hungry right?" he said half laughing. "Right?"

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Meanwhile, somewhere in Windfall, in the midst of the heavily clustered commercial district, a trial of immense gravity was taking place.



A bearded gentleman stood silent in a large crowded room, everyone within it waiting with bated breath as he twiddled the small and dangerously sharp object between his fingers.

Calm yourself...


One unruly bloke was leaned against a table, glaring mockingly at the stern-faced bearded gentleman. Just give up! You're only makin' it worse on yourself. -he rolled his eyes and grinned.


One try, make it count. -the gentleman took a deep breath and closed one eye. He paused for a few seconds, listening to the low thump thump thump of his own heartbeat as he felt the weight of his only chance to turn his crisis around.


And here, we, go.

With that final thought, he threw the dart he was holding, wincing a little when it made its mark.


BULLSEYE! Nine Darter! -the bartender exclaimed, and the entire tavern erupted in applause! The bearded gentleman took a short bow, before grinning at the unruly bloke, who was now standing, glaring with an expression of forced bemusement.


Well, looks like you owe us a day's worth of drinks. -the bearded gentleman stated plainly, while still being patted on the back and offered handshakes by the other bargoers.


T'was just luck, Torque. You pig-faced flea-bitten mongrel. -the bloke growled through clenched teeth and tossed the bartender a hefty pouch of coins.


Yeees, luck. Well, I'll make sure to stay 'lucky' then. Who knows, I might run into you again. I can always make do with another day's worth of free drinks. -Torque snickered and tapped on the counter. One canteen of your finest, my good man. You know who to give the bill to.


And with that, Torque departed the tavern, leaving everyone but one big-mouthed fiend happy and with plenty to drink for the day. He tucked his newfound canteen into one of the satchels hanging from his left hip, then went on his way through the city.


Windfall was definitely an interesting place for him, considering the population. He'd kept from making himself too well known up to entering that tavern, but now, he was seriously considering the possibility of living there for a while. There was plenty to do and no shortage of money making opportunities.


And on the subject of money, there was a very good reason he made that wager for a day's worth of free drinks. Torque had next to no money on him, and unless he was to spend the following nights on the streets, risking getting mugged, diseased or arrested for loitering, he needed to procure some cash, and fast.


He looked around, thinking of a viable and fast money making venture, or at least a way to find a place to stay.


((Hi everyone. Can anyone give me a run-down on what's going on right now? I'll still read the latest posts, but I'd appreciate some direct info from people who have already partaken in it.))

Edited by Brotato

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Ronan smiled. "Fantastic. First step is to find a good location. It can't be a small place cause there'd be no room. It must be big." He got his robes, leather, and weapons all strapped on. "I'll be in town today, if you need me just hop onto Drake and he'll find me." He smirked at her, pulling his hood on before he ran out the front door, high-tailing it to the city.

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((Alrighty Im gonna try and remember. School and work have kept me busy this semester o^o


I dont even remember what's happening anymore rofl


If you're human, simply put the best place to start is the city of Windfall in NE Rudvich))


Akuma made a tooth-y grin at Nick as he tried to push him off. The hybrid grabbed onto Nick's cloths with his claws, sticking himself to the mage like a cat. He licked the poison from his teeth and grabbed up Nick's arm, nibbling playfully on it for a moment. "Guess it's a good thing those scientists put that safety harness on us after all, huh? You would've been dead. You'll have to thank Dion" he grinned still at Nick. He tilted his head as Nick told him to go find meat to chew on, "Well you're made of meat, now aren't you? Always kind of wondered what human tastes like... But..." Akuma chuckled, "I'll stick to animals" he released Nick's arm from his grasp and unhooked his claws from the mage's robes. He was surprised he hadn't torn up Nick's cloths from all the clawing he'd done collectively in the past.

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((I'm back! Boy, did I take way too long this time. I'm so sorry for my delay everyone. I had a bunch of stuff going on like writing chapter 20 (which is now done), doing job searching, volunteering, drawing my Halloween pic (which didn't get colored), and getting distracted playing Hyrule Warriors. Don't worry, I promise that I won't go the way of En'K'Haral; no matter how long my delays.


Another thing; during this delay and before then as seen in some of my previous later posts, I've been thinking about Aeolus's future and I've been conflicted about whether to keep him as the BBEG dragon or have him reformed to the point where he only kills humans who think of dragons as less than themselves. Both options have their good sides and bad sides.


1. If I were to keep Aeolus as a human-destroying Hitler, then his role as a villain will be more effective as it'll provide an effective moral to the story that genocide, no matter the race's crimes, is wrong. Plus I feel it would be more interesting to see the armies of two villains, Aeolus and Kathia, go at each other's throats some time in the future. And one more reason for this is that when the Vulture Horde attacks Shadow Wind, we'll get to see a dramatic scene later in my fanfic involving Atlas and the dragon lord siblings.


2. If Aeolus takes Atlas and her friends' words that there are good humans, then we can start showing the good humans being spared and words telling other dragons not to destroy them as read in the RP's prologue. You know, this text:


A few select humans who only showed the dragons kindness, and tried to help them are greatly known by most dragons, news travels fast when you can speak telepathically to one another, and they stand a better chance of survival and even a chance of being protected by some dragons.


During this whole RP, we haven't seen much to any of hostile dragons sparing good humans. Only brief mentions like Minerva's home spared in Windfall, Katherine spared by a vine dragon in short-lived characters edition, and Henry saved by Atlas from the city dragons. Of course, if Aeolus reforms, then I would have one of the horde members get irritated by his new policy and plot a takeover of the horde or separate and make his own horde that would destroy all humans. Even if the Vulture Horde kills the racist humans, it'll still be bad, because humans are capable of reforming and changing their beliefs/behavior. The good guy characters knowing this will stand up to him in the future.


I will be putting up a poll on DeviantArt to see which decision you guys like the best. You must have a DA account to vote first, though. Anyway, here's chapter 20: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/journal/poll/


By the way, how did Halloween go, guys?))



Atlas blinked as she watched Juna leave her after giving the magi the answer. The dragoness knew that Juna was upset about her bringing her nieces into danger, and she probably must have told Axle not to trust her, too. 'Great, I guess Aeolus isn't the only one on her bad side,' the magi thought bitterly. Given everything she's seen of Juna, it felt like Atlas met a more spiteful version of Yukki.


The conversation was soon interrupted when Aeolus saw Juna approaching him. The horde leader scowled at the halfling and retorted in a calm tone gradually turning into disrespect at the end, "Oh so you know about the horde's mission. Well please do tell me how I "clean up my mess", halfling!" Aeolus had no tolerance for rudeness towards him; if she wanted to be rude to him, then she should expect no deference from him. "Oh and by way, has Lord Dracul removed you from your dragon lord title as well?" he asked, planning on bringing up his status next to inform her of her place.




Ronan said that the first step was to find a good business location that wasn't too small. He was also going to be in town today and told her that she can ride Drake if she ever needed to find him. Minerva smiled back and replied, "Okay Ronan, take care! I'll be looking up business locations online to see where we can set up shop." After he left, the woman went to her laptop and opened up the internet browser. She used the search engine in the toolbar to get a list of websites having lists of building locations with no businesses set. She clicked on the first link and opened up a page with pictures of buildings, but they were all those in Cypress's days before the reconstruction into Windfall. So this website was no use.




Kathia walked down the side and looked around for a horse carriage past walking people and the hulking masses of dragons. Since the dragons' bodies blocked the view, the girl had to look underneath them for any signs of the carriages like wheels and hooves. It took her 20 minutes to finally find one in front of a fast food restaurant where a couple was dropped off to. Kathia ran over to the carriage quickly before someone would get to it first. She took out her coins and held them to the coachman as she shouted, "Sir, I need a ride!" The coachman took the cash and let the girl onto the carriage. She told him to take her to the northern gate of the city and the coachman made the horse take them there. During the ride, Kathia took out the book on folk magic to see what her people can learn for their well-being. The carriage finally reached the gate and dropped Kathia off there. The guards opened the gate to let her out and the girl went back to the car.


As Kathia got in beside the driver, the woman greeted her, "Hi, welcome back! Did you buy everything you need?"


"I sure did!" the girl replied with a grin. "I bought a bunch of spell books so that we can all learn all the magic we can."


The driver sounded happy, "Oh that's great! I'm sure the others would be amazed when you show them."


"They sure will be!" Kathia guaranteed, picturing the people's amazement. The car drove off on its way to Sundown.



((Hi Brotato, welcome to the RP. As for your question, I'll write some of them down.


- Atlas's family, Axle's family, and the Vulture Horde are eating breakfast. Juna, knowing the horde's genocidal crimes against humans, confronts Aeolus.

- Kathia has gone to Windfall and purchased some spellbooks for the human-only city, Sundown, that's in the process of being built.

- Minerva's helping Ronan to find empty building locations online while he goes around the city himself to look for one.

- Nick is taking Akuma outside to hunt in the woods, I think.


I'm not sure if Sai had shown you the wiki, but if not, here it is so that you can learn the characters and setting: http://dragons-vs-humans.wikia.com/wiki/Dr..._vs_Humans_Wiki

Also, check out my fanfiction to see what my characters have done so far. By the way, the story's not caught up to the present yet and I haven't uploaded chapter 20 yet. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10380348/1/Dra...e-The-First-War

You can so see the character editions here which tells the story of some of the other players' characters. But some of them are censored, you'll have to have a DA account to see them. http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/gal...-Rage?offset=24 ))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan made his way into town via the rooftops. He made his way up to the top of the highest building in the city. This took several hours by foot, at least three. From there he surveyed the land of the city and even the open lands outside the city walls. He spotted a plot of land only a few miles away from Minerva's home. The land was big enough for a large mansion. 'Perfect, if Minerva has the funds, we can build it ourselves.' Ronan thought to himself. He had no time to waste with this. He climbed down and used the rooftops to get back to Minerva's house as quick as his feet would carry him.

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((I posted The first Chapter of Shadow Wind: Untold Stories


Axle seemed like he lost his will to speak, until he saw Atlas almost watching Juna leave. "Atlas, about Juna, she may seem hostile to almost everyone she come across, but that because she a protector spirit. She hates seeing people risk other lives for their own goals. Give it some time to know her, you might like her." He sound a bit shy now because something was bothering him about hat happen between the fight. Only one line keep on running though his head, 'Family sticks together, no matter what.' That was one of juna line she told him after the fight.



Juna still did not look at Aeolus and replied back "I care not for this land, only my family and my home. Do what you wish here, but ever let me caught you trying to hurt my homeland or her people, and I will personally ring your neck and make sure you never see the sky again." Juna said as she walked away from Aeolus.


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