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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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The bandit raised up his hammer, preparing to smash in Akuma's skull when his strength suddenly failed him, the venom quickly taking affect on him. Clattering to the ground his muscles stiffened. "What did you do to me, you stinking rat" he bellowed at Akuma as he fell to his knee's struggling to move. With the last bandit subdued Nick walked up beside Akuma "Looks like you got the hunt you were craving after all." the mage said warily as he looked over the stiffening man. "What do we do with the survivors then?" he asked Akuma, leaving it up to the hybrid even though he knew what was going to happen.

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Akuma watched with a smirk as the bandit started to seize up from the venom. He straightened his posture, enjoying the scene unfold. He barely noticed as Nick approached, staring at the man on the ground. "You're going to die. Painfully from my venom. That's what I did to you" he snarled. Akuma's face snapped to Nick as the mage commented on his 'hunt' and what to do with the survivors. Akuma shoved his face forward, which would either force Nick to move back or clank heads. "You mean survivor" he corrected. Akuma swept over to the crippled man he left earlier. He held the bandit down again and use his teeth to remove the pieces of stone from the back of his leg. He tossed them to the side, but remained standing over the man. Akuma lifted his face to look at Nick, "And what do you think? Let him see how far he can get before I run him down? Maybe target practice?" he ran his claws through the man's hair, gently moving them over his face and neck. He stared at Nick like prey, still with a bloodied face.

Edited by Sai

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Using the last of his strength before his muscles stiffened for good he pulled out a blade, running is along the bite wound from Akuma to gather the venom and launching the blade at Nick, who's back was turned from Akuma's nudging. "I won't be dying alone!" the former leader let out as his dying words. The blade found its mark, bouncing off the back of his shoulder and judging the flesh before falling to the ground. Stumbling Nick fell before Akuma. Looking up he noticed himself nearly face to face with the bloodied maw of Akuma, and the stare equivalent of a hungry wolf looking over an injured lamb. "You mentioned dying painfully?" Nick moaned through clenched teeth as he felt the venom searing through his veins.

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Akuma watched the man drape poison on his own spear before throwing it at Nick in an attempt to take the mage down with him. Akuma snorted, making a low chuckle at this. "What a pity. He thinks he avenged himself" Akuma said in a calm, level tone. He looked down at the bandit under his claws and decided he wouldn't be going anywhere in his injured state. Well, nowhere fast anyway. Akuma looked back to Nick, "My venom is quite potent. You'll surely die. Pity that would be" he purred with a smirk. Akuma reared up and pinned Nick to the ground with his claws. Most people didn't understand the 'procedure' so Akuma found it was just easier to hold Nick down. Akuma gave a short lick to Nick's cheek, leaving a bloody mark before hovering his fangs. He trailed his mouth down to Nick's arm and bit down, albeit just strong enough to break the skin. He injected a blue liquid from his fangs and withdrew, licking away the remains. "And now you won't" he stared at Nick, uttering a rumbling draconic laugh.

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((Here Azera and Spinx. Along with Dracul.))


Dracul woke to a bright amount of light shining through his sleeping chamber window. Arch have enter his room and stood there as Dracul got up and yawn. "Dracul, at 3pm the entertainment time starts. Today match is between a human and a halfling that was caught yesterday in the forbidden area, the dragon though escape." Arch said as Dracul smack his lips.


"So, a mini-match with no real fun, a disappointment." Dracul said as he walked next to Arch and though the halls.


"Yes it is, if they did not carry something of Axle on them, like his guard armor and weapons." Arch said as he saw Dracul get a grin.


"So two of Axle pets are fighting, now i want to see which will take the other life."




Azera slept under a tree, and he haves no idea how he end up there. all he remembers was the fire and black smoke, and that was it. The light that came through the leaves of the tree, blind him for a bit as he got up and cough a bit because he still had ash stuck to his face. When he start to move around and stood up, a growl was heard behind him. He turn around and saw a wolf there that had the most ungodly death smell there was, rotting corpse. "A dead wolf, odd thing to fin-" Azera started to say out loud as more started to appear. He thought he could hear a bit of a small laugh from the tree, as if someone was watching the wolves. Azera pulled his sword out from his sheath as one of the wolves started to advance into an attack.

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Nick dies groaned even louder when Akuma confirmed he would surely die. "Oh that's real reassuring" he forced out through clenched teeth. It was almost as if Akuma found this funny. The hybrid boy moved to pin Nick down and he started to struggle, but he already felt his muscles rebelling from the deadly venom. It felt like an iron blanket was being laid over him, preventing movement. He felt a lick across his cheek and a puncture at his arm. The relief was immediate. "Built in anti-venom. Isn't that convenient." He commented as he tried to get up from Akuma's grip. As Akuma healed Nick the downed man, suddenly awoke, screaming a blood curdling cry before trying to crawl away as fast as he could.

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((Meanwhile at the edge of the forest, Albel senses a disturbance and applauds))


Akuma licked at the blood on his maw, "Well yes. Dion said the scientists thought it would be a shame if I poisoned someone I wasn't suppose to. Made sure we didn't act up" he said, his scale-y brow sloping downward. Akuma felt a tug at his claws and grinned, "What's the matter?" he asked, hovering one clawed paw over the ground next to Nick's neck. The scream behind him made him flinch, extending his claws out and digging into the ground. Akuma looked over his shoulder at the man wobbly crawl away. His arms and legs were both injured after all. The hybrid hopped off Nick and trotted over to the hunter, "What's the matter, you little insect? You're suppose to collect my scales right? So get up! What are you crawling away for?" he asked with an unnerving tone as he pranced circles around the slow-moving cripple.

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Nick wiped his brow, "Well I'm glad for that at least." he said, flinching as well as the man screamed and Akuma gouge out the earth beside his head. As Akuma moved to have fun with the bandit Nick propped himself up with his arm, watching as the man curled up in fetal position and covered his head futilely with his hands. "I changed my mind I DON'T WANT IT, I DON'T WANT IT! Please! I'll do anything. Just don't eat me!" he babbled begged and pleaded for his life pathetically.


Nick got up all the way and walked over, watching from the side. "What are you going to do with it?" he questioned Akuma idly. He would really hate to be in that mans shoes right about now.

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma raised his head to look at Nick as he murmured about being happy over the safety lock on his venom. The man on the ground went on to curl up and blubber out a flurry of words. Akuma only half listened. It was fairly obvious what came out of the hunter's mouth without listening. Everyone was always sorry when they were put on the receiving end. Akuma set his claws on the curled figure, staring at Nick again as the mage asked what he was planning to do. Akuma glared silently at Nick, or rather, through him. What to do... his chest heaved from the fighting before. Akuma again shifted his gaze to the man on the ground. He could feel the warmth of the human on his paws and the movement of his breathing. His claws felt heavier suddenly. His face buckled for a moment with a look of panic. Akuma's claws briefly patted over the man as if to check if everything was still there. He grabbed the man in his claws and spread his wings, flying off into the air.

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Nick raised an eyebrow at Akuma's sudden change of behavior. Akuma was basically looking through him. Was something bothering him? Nick reached out to give Akuma a comforting pat, but the hybrid suddenly took off in a panic, flying off with the man in his grip, not a word said. "Woah Akuma where are you going?" Nick asked, surprised as he ran after Akuma, turning into a falcon and diving after him. He wanted to call after Akuma, but lack of vocal cords prevented it. All he could do was follow him the best he could. Akuma's bipolar like behavior of the late was really worrying him Some side effect of the lab he was born in? Perhaps he was going insane, or feral. Nick didn't really know, and he was afraid of finding out.

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Atlas wondered what was on Juna's mind concerning Aeolus. Perhaps she thought that he was going to destroy Shadow Wind? If so, she was wrong. Aeolus was always honest to Atlas from the time they had first met over a century ago. There's no way he would tell her he was going to do something and then go against his word and the magi knew that well. She went back to sleep with her nieces.




After the camp was destroyed; there was nothing but burnt tents, bodies, and objects that had been scattered into a mess after Aeolus used his tornado as a final strike on the camp. The disaster dragon told his horde, "Vulture Horde, well done! The army has been decimated. Now dragons everyone in the rainforest will sleep peacefully without fear of these apes ever again." The horde roared out their cheers until they were silent again. "Now magis, take us back to the lake, so we can sleep." The magi dragons teleported the horde back to the lake.


As the dragons went to their spots to sleep; Atlas formed a telepathic communication with the horde leader and asked, 'Hey Aeolus, how did the assault go?'


'Wonderful,' Aeolus replied. 'The humans' army is no more.' Then he laid down and went to sleep.


((expand this part later in the story.))

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((Sorry for the inactivity, had an essay due. And if you say so Cenor))


Jericho watched the girl edge towards the bag. It became bluntly obvious to him that the bag held something important, and probably something having to do with this 'payment' she was asking for. Jericho's hand shot out swiftly grabbing the bag and pulling it to him. "So, tell me what did this client hire you to do?" Jericho hadn't opened the bag yet, though he figured him holding it would do enough of a fear shot that the young lady would answer his question. "Oh, if you don't want to tell me, then I will just open the bag and see what kind of 'proof' you brought to show that the job is done." It was risking, possibly sending the girl over the edge, but Jericho reasoned that if she is worried about the bag, an extra threat of sorts like he did may be the needed push to get her to talk. Jericho looked around, it had happened in almost an instant, but most of the people in the tavern had left, and through the window the sun's rays invaded the building.

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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Akuma ignored the squawks he heard behind him from Nick's hawk form. He kept flying until the sight of Windfall came over the forest. Akuma dipped lower, tightening his grip on the human in his claws. It had been so easy to kill those other humans in the angry flurry he was in. When people get caught up in actions, they don't really think much about what they do- not usually anyway. But staring at an injured person in a more calm state and considering consciously killing them made his chest contort. Akuma had already expressed concern before about turning into a killer with ice in his veins. Granted he wanted to see people who did him wrong punished, but the thought of killing someone who begged for help scared Akuma. Akuma landed down by the city gates. He set the human down in front of an Aquarian, "This hunter tried to kill me for my scales. It didn't work" he explained shortly before taking off into the woods again. Akuma slowed by the river and dipped his claws and maw in, cleaning the blood away. The red fluid stained the river water, flowing down the current.

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Nick watched as Akuma dropped the man off to the guards. If Akuma was trying to spare the man he failed miserably. Instead of killing the man himself Akuma had delivered him to the gallows. Banditry, and attempted murder were hefty charges. Instead of a quick death in the forest, his death would be made into a show for the public. Nick knew this, but he wouldn't tell Akuma unless he asked on his own. What he did, changed the man's fate not, but perhaps it was the right thing to do. It wasn't, after all, Akuma's place to deal justice. Shaking his head as he followed after the boy to the river, landing next to him and shifting in his own form he placed a hand reassuringly on the hybrids shoulder. "Every day you continue to prove that you are not the monster the hybrid labs strove to create. You did the right thing."

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Akuma continued to scrub until all the blood had washed away. He watched the red color disappear down the river. Nick landed beside him and gave him a little spurt of reassurance. He didn't really care about any law system the humans had. He just didn't want to be the cause of the human's death. He stared down at the river in silence and frowned, realizing he'd also left his hunting prize behind as well. So much for eating good pork. Akuma sighed and flicked his claws, "I keep having rushes of violent thoughts though. It let me kill those others so easily" he murmured. Akuma looked over at Nick and paused, "It crosses my mind to attack you sometimes. What it would be like to run you down and rip you up. But I don't want to"

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((I will assume it's day time now for Atlas and her group.))


Axle Eyes slightly open to the sight of glimmering water. It bright reflection of the sun light cause him to blink at the sight. He felt someone leaning against him as he turn and saw the silver wings on a human female body. He know from the scent who it was, and was a bit surprise that she was here with him, and when he look around, he saw that he did not know where he was. He turn his body a bit, as Juna stir a little by Axle movement.


"Morning Juna." Axle whispered to Juna as she turn her head to him. He saw Atlas sleeping and did not want to wake her unless he need to.


"Morning Axle, how do you feel?" Juna yawned as she asked. She arrange her body so she was not leaning against Axle anymore as she rub her eyes. It as clear that she stayed up most of the night, but Axle already knows not to ask.


"Well, I'm not dead that for sure." Axle said as he got up and yawn a bit as he place the cloak around Juna. "I'm going to go find us some food. Tell Makarth and Atlas that I will be back soon." Axle quietly said as he started to walk away from Juna.


Juna want to say something, but she did not want to hurt Axle in any way, so she keep quiet as Axle took to the air and head towards the forest. She pulled the cloak around herself as she keep on trying to shake a feeling that something bad was going to happen. When ever she haves that feeling, it always happen, and it could be anything. She grip the cloak harder, as she worried it would be Axle safety that was at stake.



Azera was starting to get exhausted from all the wolves, and they just keep on coming. Azera started to breathe heavy as his sword started to weight like a ton. He could not keep up with the wolves, and the person sending them at him, until he saw a black cloak in the shadows appear.


"Well, what an interesting swordsman. I want to know the name of my victims before I kill them so you do the honors good sir." The man in black cloak said as the wolves started to slowly close in around Azera.

"Hm, a coward hiding behind wolves? What a joke. My name is Azera Talya, and I'm from shadow wind." Azera said as grip the hilt of his sword with both hands. The man simple laugh at Azera.


"Ah, yes. Dracul sent you to find me, well seeing how you lost Juna, you have no use except to feed my wolves. You see, they are quite hunger this morning, and all you would do is provide a small snack for them." Spinx said as his red eyes look up at Azera.


Azera know who this was now. "Well, well, well. If it not Spinx the necromancer, and human servant to Dracul." Azera snared at Spinx. Spinx ignore it as his wolves continue their assault, causing Azera to stagger to keep up, until he fell off the edge of a cliff into a river below.

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Nick watched as the blood washed off Akuma, mixing into the river as it was carried away. "Maybe it's puberty. You're going through a period of change, from child to adult. During this time, humans tend to get moody and sometimes aggressive. I'm not quite sure how it works for dragons, but you're not a dragon either. You lie somewhere in between the two, right?" Nick went on scratching his own head as he thought. "Don't feel too bad about killing the others, they wouldn't hesitate to do the same to you, and they weren't doing it in self defense. They just wanted your pelt. Just keep a clear mind as best as you can, and try not to tear me to bits." he went on, joking the last line.

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((Sorry for the long time no see will try to do better.))




The man grabbed the bag before Damia could reach it. His threat made her more anxious and eager to get out of the inn. But then she noticed the people had drained from the inn and even the innkeeper wasn't in sight. Oh well if he opened the bag at least she could get away or stab him.

"Go ahead," she said in a mocking voice fingering a hidden knife.


Last night had been a success. Sargoth's revenge and belly was full to the brim. Now he was awake and chewing on some grass to settle his stomach from the overdose of human. He hoped that he had pleased his leader.

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Akuma sighed and plopped down by the riverside. He stared down into the water, though the water was rushing by too quickly to see any reflection. The sound of flowing water and tree leaves swaying in the wind that gently tickled his face put him more at ease. Birds chirped tunes that seemed to echo from all directions. It was so much more peaceful here than the busy city. Yet, sometimes it was lonely out here. "Becoming an adult?..." he murmured. It didn't seem fair he had to go through his childhood alone and without family. Why was it when he reached an independent age that he finally met someone that noticed his existence for more than a nuisance. "I won't kill you" Akuma shifted down to human form again, sitting in the grass with his legs folded in pretzel style. "I'm sure Albel would be proud" he picked at the grass, "He took me hunting once. Resulted in my throat being slit"

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Nick sat down next to Akuma. "Yes, you're on your way to becoming an adult, but don't worry, if you're anything like humans at all you still have a ways to go, puberty is just the very beginning." he explained to the hybrid boy. Akuma went on to say that he wouldn't kill Nick. Sighing the mage wrapped an arm around Akuma and pulled him into a hug and placing his forehead against the Akuma's head. "I never believed that you would kill me for even a second. I view you as family Akuma." he said before releasing the embrace. Akuma picked at the grass and claimed that Albel would be proud. "You spared that mans life. The thought would never pass Albels mind in a heartbeat. If he had a heart at all to give him a heartbeat that is." he joked before continuing. "Albels opinion doesn't matter at all, except of course when his opinion is that you should be dead, then it matters a lot." he sat there for a moment before looking at the water, thinking. "Hey have you ever been swimming before, I mean properly swimming not er... Drowning. I know a place down stream a bit where the river evens out to almost a crawl if you wanted to go."

Edited by picknick10

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((Here's TheTron952's edition that I uploaded 2 or 3 days ago: http://fav.me/d80xbpd It's got the missing halfling thief chase scene as well and it's expanded on.


And here's a picture of Atlas with 3rd degree burns.: http://sta.sh/01n4shsmfexq Tell me if it does look like she's got them or not, so I can decide if I should edit it or upload it.))


Atlas and her nieces woke up when the morning light shined in their eyes. The magi looked down at her nieces with a smile and said, “Good morning, girls!”


“Morning, Aunt Atwas,” they both said, smiling back.


The rest of the horde woke up with some dragons going out to get some food. Aeolus went over to Sargoth, the dragon whose powers had helped to ensure that all the dragon slayers were killed. The disaster dragon went in front of the red dragon to tell him about today’s next mission. “Sargoth, your powers were very much helpful last night. I would like for you to use them again when we deal with a vicious tyrant named Dracul. Tell me, has my cousin Bam ever told you about him?” he asked.




After Kathia called the other executives about her plans, the girl hang up the phone and made a plan to buy more spell books so that she and the people of Sundown would have more magic spells to learn. The girl went downstairs and said to her maid, “Goodbye again, Mrs. Merryweather. I’m going over to the bookstore and then I’m going to go back to the camp.”


“Alright, take care, Kathia,” the maid said to her.


Kathia left the house and walked down the street to the bookstore. Hopefully on the way, she would find some people who were interested in being away from dragons. Outside the diner stood three men who looked grumpy about something. She heard one of them say, "What the hell was that last night? I can't believe they put that disgusting hippy firework out there."


The girl raised an eyebrow curiously and wondered, 'Disgusting hippy firework?' She wondered what sort of display had been shown last night during the festival's fireworks.


The second man, who was fat, mustached, and wore a gray fedora, said, "Yeah, talk about an insult to all those who died in the massacre. They think we can simply forget what happened and start being friends with those damned scalies? Hell no; they're barking up the wrong tree!"


The third man, who was scrawny with a thick red bear and in dirty overalls, said, "Dang right, you are. Them Aquarian scalies are tryin' ta brainwash us. But we ain't fallin' fer that."


Kathia smiled with enthusiasm and feeling joyful that she found potential citizens, who thought the same way she did. Going up to the men, the girl said, "Hello, don't mind if I cut in. I heard you guys are feeling upset with those dragons as much as I am."


The scrawny man shook his fist and said, "Dang right, we are! Those scalies are messing up our lives here."


"Yes, I know how you feel," said the girl as she nodded in agreement. "But I got some good news I would like to share with you." She looked around in both the air and on the ground to see if any Aquarians or those loyal to them were nearby before she could speak more.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Akuma half shrugged and mumbled a quiet 'maybe' under his breath. Maybe it really was simply growing up. He didn't really know. He just hoped he didn't claw up Nick while they waited to find out. Akuma lazily let himself be pulled over to Nick as the mage hugged him. Akuma's mouth curved to a frown briefly at the hug. It was a strangely pleasant sensation, though felt uncomfortable due to Akuma never receiving much physical affection. He sighed quietly as Nick assured him he wasn't going to go crazy. The hybrid rolled his eyes when Nick said he should only care about an opinion if someone wanted him dead. Yeah, surprise that was. Akuma shut his eyes, putting more of his weight against Nick. The peaceful breeze in the morning air made him feel drowsy. Of course that was short lived as Nick asked if Akuma had ever been properly swimming before. Akuma's claws curved in, grabbing onto Nick's robe as his eyes flicked open, "No I havent. I've just drowned in the water. Almost anyway" he bared his fangs at the thought of the icy water.

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Mekarth start to stir around as dragons started to wake up, and the first person he saw was a halfling girl in a silver dress with a pair of silver wings. She stood there, almost as if watching and waiting, like a hawk. She heard Mekarth yawn a bit as she turn and look at him. "Morning Merkath, I see your well as always." Juna said as Mekarth know who he saw than.


"Juna, How did you?" Mekarth said lost in words. After a bit he started not caring for the answer anymore as he purred up against Juna like a cat, which he end getting hit in the head with Juna claw fist. "What was that for?" Mekarth asked as his head throbbed in pain. She did not replay to his question, as Axle came back with two very large deers and a mid-size pig. He dropped on of the deers next to Juna and Mekarth, as they both waited for Axle. Axle than took the mid-size pig and Deer to Atlas and the hatchlings.


"Here Atlas." Axle said as he places the deer and the pig down next to Atlas. He sounds a bit sorry about something, almost as if he upset about something. He went back to his family as all three of them ate the deer without a word between themselves, almost as if they as separating themselves from the group.


When they were done, Axle and Juna both walked away from the group, almost far enough away from the group, but still could be seen. Mekarth sat down still in the same place, watching now, as both Axle and Juna exchange words for a few seconds, and at one point, Juna seems to have got pissed off at something Axle said, and Juna had no problem in punching her brother straight in his chest, as he stagger back. Juna said something harsh that seems to have to Axle, because he return the favor right back. This soon scaled into a whole big fight among one another.


"Great, they are at it again, and they just got to see one another for only a few minutes after three months." Mekarth said as he got up and stood among the Dragons and the fighting siblings. Mekarth seem like he did not worry about what will happen.


Both the brother and the sister seems to want to beat one another to the ground, because both of them have drawn blood from the other. Both were still in Halfling and human form, but yet their skin tone and their eyes have matched their dragon form scales and eyes color and shape.


The fight was soon over, just minutes after it started, and with a loud snap of a bone snapping. Juna have pin Axle Arm behind his back and push hard until it broke the bone. Axle bit back his scream of pain and held his tongue, as once again Juna have beaten him. Axle weeps in pain as he fell to the ground on his knees and look up at Juna, and she said something to Axle before taking off. Mekarth look at Axle and shook his head, and took to the air after his sister, leaving Axle on the ground as he looks at the ground.




Azera pulled himself from the water of the running river. He saw soak to the core of his body as he tries to walk from the water, which turn into a crawl. Blood flowed from an open wound he got from falling over the edge of the cliff and into the sharp rocks below. He pulled out his sword and used it as a walking stick, and head all the way back to town. He made it about half way before collapsing against a tree, but was soon exhausted be-on his ability of moving. Azera soon passed out as blood still flowed from his wound in a slow manner.




Dracul went to the dark dungeon where they keep the next 'Volunteers' at. It was hard to see even with his dragon vision, until he found the new arrivals and look at both of them, as they sat against the wall. One female human and one male Halfling. The halfling saw him as he looks dead at Dracul.


"Well if it not the killing Dragon. What do I own the 'Honor' for your hide ass showing up." The halfling said as Dracul simple smirk.


"Just to tell you to put on a good show today for the us, and try not to die so fast, it would not be fun to see." Dracul said dark as the Halfling dash off the wall and reach for Dracul, but came short.


"If these bars were not in between us, I would rip you to shred." The halfing growled at Dracul, which Dracul simple laugh as he walked away.

Edited by draco8967

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Ronan finished up his practice for the morning and made his way inside the house. He started walking upstairs to the bedroom so he could get his clothes and wash up. Drake flew up to the roof and landed gently, using it as a perch.

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((Sorry guys, I had a computer crash and had to wait till the new part came in.))


Jericho smiled. He put the bag on the table and pulled out his knife. Jericho was a cautious person, and he wanted to see the girls reaction. He used his knife to slice the bag open in a almost chopping motion. He did this to keep the contents of the bag from spilling out with out his control, and to keep at least one hand on his knife at all times. Jericho than used the tip of the knife to pick the back of the bag up and pour its contents on the table. When the finger and ring fell out of the bag, Jericho frowned. He had expected something illegal, but not something like this. Though he also knew what that meant. She was an assassin, a fairly ditsy one to not know her employer, but an assassin none the less. "Interesting bag you have here. How much was the cost?"

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