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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Hehe a bit choppy animation


Yeah Nick and I are time skipping to the morning. It has been night a loooooooong ass time lol))


Chi looked at Zeditha thoughtfully and then to the baby. "I suppose I could. Hehe, not exactly how I thought my first child would go" she gingerly lifted the basket. "Baby it is. Well goodnight, Zeditha" she spread her wings and flew off towards the forest.


--- Morning ---


Akuma rustled awake in the early morning. He tried to shift his position but found his legs tangled. His eyes strained to focus past their blurry haze, finally settling to see his a legs tangled with Nick. Perhaps two people on one couch wasn't the greatest idea. Then again, it didn't seem that strange to Akuma since dragons often clumped like weasels while sleeping. Akuma had managed to participate in a few dragon 'clump sleeping' by blending in with his dragon form on cold winter nights. Akuma pulled himself free and stretched, yawning quietly. He stood up and fiddled with his hoodie, which had become unzipped, twisted, and bunched in his sleep. Akuma turned, staring at Nick for a moment before moving forward and prodding at the mage.

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Pyro rolled his eyes. "Ok, ok, I'm on it." He slipped trought the entrance to the tent, where several halflings were sleeping. The Cassare killed the first two without trouble, but the others were already awake. He killed them before they could react, and came out, his claws caked with blood and a stupid smile on his face.

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A loud snore escaped Nick as he slumbered. He moved and rolled over as Akuma pulled himself free, but he didn't wake himself. Feeling something prod him, however, caused him to shoot up, arms flailing a bit. "Who what when!?!?" He he cried out as he rolled over the edge of the couch and onto the floor as he fumbled around. Taking a moment to gather his bearings, he looked up at Akuma sheepishly "Oh hi." he was slightly embarrassed about the display. "Anyways, morning!" he said cheerily, moving over to the windows and opening the shades, letting in the bright morning light. "How was your night Akuma?" he questioned.

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Jericho raised his feet and put them on the table while leaning back in the chair. He crossed his legs and raised an eyebrow while looking at the girl. She seemed to be either very confident in her abilities or just out right stupid to demand him while in this tavern. Jericho basically ran a local thief gang, however he was the only one who broke into homes. It is set up this way so that the other 'members' can retrieve information and tell him and he can do the act. The whole 'gang' is ran on money, with it very clear to the members that Jericho gets 70 and the information provider gets 30. Jericho scanned the girl and smirked. "I don't know what you are talking about miss. I do suggest you take that bag and leave this tavern though. I don't know what you did, nor do I want to." One of the waitresses, seemingly oblivious to what was going on, walked over with a smile and placed Jericho's drink on the table in front of him before hurrying off to do her next task.

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The blackphase dragons saw that Pyro had done the job as planned. Eatorn sent a telepathic message to his horde leader. 'That halflings are dead, Aeolus,' he said.


'Good start attacking the humans now!' the disaster dragon said. Then he turned to the rest of his horde and told them, "Vulture Horde, it's time to attack! Sargoth, Eitri, Enamora, Kekul, spread out and barricade the camp. Keep the humans trapped inside." The magis flew out and went to their own positions at the camp's borders. Eitri at the west, Kekul at the north, and Enamora at the east. They started raising stone walls off the ground. The rest of the Vulture Horde went to attack the campsite. The humans taken aback by the ambush came out of their tents with weapons as some of them died in their sleep and some getting killed before they were ready for combat.




With the Vulture Horde gone, Atlas decided that it was time to go to bed. She brought her nieces close to her and said, "Come on, girls. It's time to catch some sleep." The hatchlings slept by her side as Atlas brought her head down to the ground and closed her eyes. But then her sleep was short-lived by ten seconds when Juna appeared before her. The magi wondered what the halfling woman wanted this time before she got up.


The hatchlings were woken up by the movement and they looked up to see their aunt has gotten up. "Aunt Atwas?" Danielle asked.


The magi looked back at the whiptail and assured her, "I'll be back. Just go back to sleep." The hatchlings rested again. Atlas followed after Juna away from the group and asked quietly, "What is it you want this time?"



((I'll do Minerva and Kathia next time.))

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Juna simple shook her head. "What are the Vulture Hoard after, and if it just to this region? That all, after that you can go back to sleep." Juna asked as she cross her arms over her chest. "The only reason I'm asking is because I over heard your friend a bit about attacking a camp before they teleported." Juna said bluntly. She was really not the type to keep secrets from others or hide anything. "That all I want to know."

Edited by draco8967

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Damia cursed, she had been tricked. The smug look on the man's face made her want to plunge a knife into him but she was too far away from the door and there were too many people.

"I guess your not my client," she said.

She edged towards the bag, if he opened it it would reveal her true identity.

((Hey Rider it might make things interesting if you did open it, just suggesting))


Sargoth focused on the camp. Slowly a circle of stone began rising from the ground around. With the Magi's help the wall grew higher and higher preventing any escape. Rising into the air Sargoth created a hedge of thorny bushes inside the wall. Just as he came close he blew a fire ball into the bushes. The bushes crackled and burst into flame as Sargoth flew past and started on the massacre.

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Pyro smiled as the Magis surrounded the camp with stone walls. The humans began to panic, running around and scrambling for their weapons. "Lets have some fun." He flew over to one of the smaller tent, where the humans were just waking up, and landed on top of it, crushing the people inside. He blew fire all around the camp, setting some of the other tents ablaze.

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Akuma stepped away from Nick as he stirred. The mage seemed rather peppy this morning, especially compared to Akuma's disgruntled disposition. The hybrid's lips curled into a sneer for a moment before he turned to look out the window. The sunlight of the morning shined in and illuminated the yard outside. "It's day time" he disregarded Nick's question. Akuma turned back to Nick, "You said we would go hunting" he pried. Who needed breakfast anyway with a fresh kill in the forest? He regarded Nick with another hungered stare before moving across the room and to the door. He walked outside and shifted up into his dragon form. He stretched his wings and looked back impatiently for Nick.

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As Akuma was getting up Nick stretched out a bit, loosening his stiff muscles. "I did say we would go hunting." he agreed. As he followed Akuma outside of the house. "I've got an idea, a place to hunt that might give you a bit more challenge than simply diving out of the air and snatching up an unsuspecting animal." he explained before shifting into a falcon and jumping onto Akuma's snout. Letting out a loud screech, as if to say 'Follow me' before hopping off again and taking flight, darting ahead towards the forest. After flying for a while over the forest, they came over a span of trees so thickly packed together that it made landing impossible. Once well into the area Nick stepped over a certain tree, hovering for a moment before shifting into his human form and dropping into the canopy below. Out of sight below the tree tops was a wooden platform. Old and rotting by now, but it still held relatively well, only creaking slightly under Nick's weight. "Drop down where I just did!" he instructed the hybrid boy.

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Akuma snorted as Nick came out saying that merely swooping down and snatching something was no fun. He changed form to a falcon and flew off, squawking for him to follow. What did he care? Did Nick want him to chase something down in a more drawn out chase? If so, he wasn't the only one with sadistic thoughts. The hybrid took to the air, following Nick across the plains and to the thick forests. The Aquarians had already patched over the burned areas, or their allies did at least. Nick dropped down into a dense area. Akuma followed, perching on a branch to watch Nick shift back up to human form on a wooden platform. He'd seen those before. Humans used them to hide while hunting. "And what's this suppose to be for? Stalking?" he asks mockingly. He figured it would go faster if he just tracked something down with his nose.

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Nick looked up at Akuma and rolled his eyes. "Well, it used to be a tree house way back in the when. Now I just use it as a land marker." he explained to the hybrid boy. "But that's not why I came here. Like I said the sense tree tops make it hard if not impossible for you to swoop down and simply pick off an animal. Dragons don't hunt here, the animals are huge. I've seen several boar at least the size of a horse." he went on as he lowered an old rope hidden within a hole in the tree. Tying it off and tugging it a few times to test its strength he slid down to the ground. Looking around awkwardly, he looked back up at Akuma. He didn't really have a plan. "Well.... we're here. Do hunty stuff."

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Akuma climbed down the tree further as Nick explained about the decayed tree house and how there were larger animals here. Large animals? What did he think a dragon was. He could charbroil anything that came his way. "Then I'll be eating good" he growled lowly. Akuma fluttered down to the ground next to where Nick had climbed to. He snorted steam down at Nick and moved along the forest. He sniffed quietly along the ground, walking slowly at first. As he picked up a scent, Akuma picked up a scent and trotted off. He approached a river, spotting a large boar. Akuma crouched down, sneaking closer before pummeling after the beast. Akuma ran into its face as the boar turned to face him and reared up, dragging his claws down the boar's back. It screeched loudly and charged forward, trying to push Akuma back. The hybrid gripped onto the boar's tusks and beat his wings to push back forcefully. The powerful gusts of his wings set the balance in Akuma's favor. The hybrid jerked the boar, flipping it over on its side. His jaws reached around, grabbing the beast by the back of the next, earning another loud screech. There was a sickening crack as Akuma snapped the neck and the screeching stopped abruptly. Akuma rested a moment, licking blood from his maw.

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Nick followed along behind Akuma a fair distance as to not interfere with his hunting. Watching as the hybrid boy easily dispatched the massive boar he hardly noticed in time when a spear came flying towards his face. Quickly raising his hands a slab of earth flew up in front of the projectile, the head becoming embed in Nick's makeshift shield. "Bandits!!!" he cried out as a slew of barbed arrows flew out from the forest behind. Dashing behind a tree for cover the arrows harmlessly flew by, sticking into the ground and nearby trees. Stepping out from the shadows a gruff looking man raised his arm, spear in hand. "Still alive, eh? That's unfortunate. Why don't you run along kid and we might let you live a little longer. Those golden dragon scales sell for a pretty penny on the black market, so if you don't mind, we'll be taking them." he taunted and jeered as he revealed his purpose for attacking. A few more men armed with bows stepped out. The gruff looking man turned his fire to Akuma, launching the heavy spear towards him, the other bandits following the example and attacking also.

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Akuma looked up from his kill as he heard arrows singing in the air. Nick yelled out about bandits and made himself a shield. Akuma snarled, this wasnt the first time he'd encountered such people. Akuma reared up, sending a gust of wind from his wings to falter the spears. "Simple minded idiots. Didn't anyone ever tell you gold scales are also among the more powerful in strength? You better be carrying something more powerful than those pitily twigs to pierce my hide" he snarled, blood still gleaming from his maw. Akuma's golden eyes lit up in a glow, "Or in fact, just die" he sneered, sending out a bolt of electricity towards the group of humans. He used just enough volts that would stun so as to prolong the experience he would have with them. Akuma had all but forgotten about Nick for the moment.

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((Sorry for my five days of lateness guys, I was doing online classes, gettting my hair washed, going out to eat, and working on my fanfics (Dragon Rage 16 wasn't the only one, but it's not finished yet). Also, I reinserted Atlas's part into chapter 14 and edited the beginning of her part in chapter 15. ))


"So you want to know about the Vulture Horde, huh?" Atlas asked. "Okay fine, I'll tell you." Then she started explaining what she knew, "The Vulture Horde was originally going to destroy all the humans in Solomos. But ever since we discussed the existence of good humans to Aeolus, he decided to spare only the good ones alive. And to do that, I think he's going to go disguise himself as a human and go into the settlements to see which ones are worth saving and not. That's all I can tell you about the Vulture Horde, because frankly that's all I've heard."




The horde continued to decimate the army's numbers as the dragons burned each individual and groups with their fire breaths. Aeolus hovered over the camp watching the panicking soldiers and burning tents below. 'The plan worked pretty well. These humans have become nothing without their halflings to back them up. They can't even function right since they're taken off guard. Tonight's victory will be a piece of cake,' he thought with pride.


Orion the magma dragon blow out a spray of lava at the humans armed with spears. They burned, screamed, and melted into the lava. "This one's for Dedries and our horde!" he roared with vengeance.


Tavurth clamped his jaws down on a few humans and crushed their bodies with his strong teeth. After eating them, he yelled, "And this is for the Sunlight Horde as well!"


Corona the angry phoenix dragoness chased after a fleeing man, who was terrified for his life. Her orange body became covered in bright flames and she roared, "And this is for Leafwing!" Then she charged into the man fast and burned him alive.




The next morning, the camp was up for breakfast of cooked eggs and sausages. Kathia, Jason, and Roderick all got their foods & drinks and went over to the manager's tent to discuss today's agenda. Roderick pointed out that they would need some kind of material to build the houses in these woods. Jason suggested going with stones, concrete, and bricks as they were fire-proof against the dragons' flame breath. Kathia suggested steel beams as they are fire-resistant and wrapping them with insulators to protect them even further, but she told them that the downside to all of this would be very expensive and she would need some funds if all of the buildings in their human-only city, Sundown.


Roderick said that the only way they would ever get their funds was to either set up a business in Windfall so that the profits would go to Sundown. Jason was against the idea as it would be a boost to Windfall's economy, but Roderick reasoned as this was the only risk they would have to take right now as setting up a business here was impossible at the moment because they had no way of printing money to pay any formed businesses and employees they would have here at home. Going into other destroyed cities to loot materials was risky as there were possibly dragons living there and they had no way to defend themselves properly against these fiends. Kathia agreed with manager as it was the best way to do this. She also said that she would bring her father's construction company back in business, so that they can help out with the building of this city. They would get the supplies needed and they will start the construction right away. The girl would pay for construction of the safety shelter first, should any dragons come into their new home to attack. Then the Rittevon company HQ would be built second. After that, they must get the funds and any free materials in order to build homes, hospitals, schools, and other buildings. Roderick assured Jason that the business in Windfall will only be temporary until they had the magic and increased population to grow on their own.


After the discussion on buildings ended, Roderick went on to discuss the schedule for learning archery and magic. They decided to go with Kathia first from 8:30 am to 11:30 am as he felt magic was the most important, then lunch period will be from 11:30 am to 12:00 pm, after that they learn archery from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Roderick got the papers ready for the refugees to sign so that those who are interested can learn from both Kathia and Jason. Both today, Roderick was going to make an exception since Kathia needed to head back to Windfall to call all the executives and workers of the Rittevon Construction Company, Inc., while Jason would stay behind to teach archery to the people. The girl rode in a car with a female driver as it was a lot faster than going on her horse.


((This section will be expanded in the story.))




Minerva woke up and got changed into her casual clothes. Then she brushed her hair to straighten out her bed head. She went over to her laptop to check her email for anything new; nothing. So she went to a search engine and looked up volunteer jobs in Windfall/Cypress (Windfall's former name) to see if they was anything Ronan can do and would learn from. She clicked on the first link to a website and clicked on the black words "Find an Opportunity" that was sitting on the blue bar. It took her to a different page that listed all the jobs by different organizations. There was a youth basketball couch job, but she thought that Ronan might not be a sports athlete. There was another one for social media/market intern, which seems like a good choice. The other she felt were likely were fundraising intern, office management intern, court-ordered community service, foster grandparent mentor, an invasive weed killer job, food pantry team member, and... Something had caught her eye in surprise.


What this? Could it be? There was a literacy education program for dragons and it was by her workplace organization, ADR (Association of Dragon Rights). It was quite amazing to see something like this on an volunteer website. Usually they wouldn't allow something like this to be put on the volunteer list because the populace and government felt that there was no need for dragon rights. But since the Windfall government had given civil rights to dragons, now jobs like the one ADR put would allowed on the volunteer website. Seeing how this job would allow Ronan to work under the same company as her, Minerva went over to Ronan's room to see if he was awake so that she could tell him about it.

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Ronan wasn't in his room and the window was left open. She'd hear noise coming from outside. Ronan was out there practicing with his weapons. his sword skill was so fluid it was like it wasn't a separate object, it was part of him. "Mind your footwork Ronan, you keep letting your back heel come up." Drake was off to the side observing and giving comments. He had seen enough swordplay to know how to read it like a pro.

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One of the bandits dropped their bows, raising their hands and using their own magic. A film of magic condensed from the air and acted as a conductive barrier between Akuma's lightning attack and the group of attackers. A stray bolt that missed the group hit Nick's tree, roasting it. Popping out from behind his cover Nick shattered the stone barrier he was using before, sending hundreds of tiny, razor sharp shards towards the group of bandits. Managing to hit one of them in the back of the knee, causing the bandit to fall. Leaving him on the ground the others retreated behind cover, putting trees between themselves and Nick's attack, focusing their attention of downing Akuma as fast as possible. After the bandits were safely behind cover they continued to fire at Akuma and the mage launching assults of high pressure water blast, all aiming for his underbelly where the scales were weaker.

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Akuma looked down at the bandit that had fallen injured and took a step forward. They fall apart that easily? Fine by me. All the easier to pick off. Akuma rushed forward, pinning the injured human down with his paws as the others shot water at him. He curled his wings around to block the water. "You make this too easy" he said, making a sneering smirk. Akuma let out another bolt of electricity, using the stream of water as a much faster conductor. All the while his claws curled around the one under him so the human couldn't move to make any surprise attacks without gouging himself. Akuma still kept Nick in disregard. The mage seemed to be staying out of the fight for the most part on his own anyway.

Edited by Sai

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Nick came out from behind the tree he was taking cover behind and charged toward the others, getting wigging range with just enough time to see Akuma use the Mages own attack as a straight conductor to him. It was enough to stun him, but not kill him. Seeing this Nick took advantage and used the opportunity to trap the bandit. Stone flowed up and around the stunned mage like a liquid covering all but his nose, restricting his spellcasting without suffocating him. "Two down one two to go" Nick muttered to himself as he charged up to the leader, reaching down in a motion to grab the ground before balling his hand into a fist the earth rose up to reinforce his punch. The lead bandit simply laughed and jumped out of the way, throwing another spear at Akuma. This one, however, had an extra punch and would explode on impact.

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Akuma's smirk grew as his electric attack landed. He leaned forward to finish the job when Nick came barreling out to trap the bandit in stone. He growled in annoyance at the mage's interference. Akuma looked down at the one in his claws and Flicked his claws across the man's arms and legs to cripple him. He glanced up again to see the final bandit retreating from Nick to attack Akuma once again. He saw the spear being thrown but had grown accustom to this by now. He moved out of the way with ease as spears thrown by humans didn't hold much speed comparatively. He made a quick lightning dash to the bandit, running his tongue along his teeth. His fangs dripped with green poison as he snapped his jaws at the bandit.

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Interestingly, the room was empty and the window was open. For only a short moment, Minerva thought that he might have opened the window to get some fresh air and then head on downstairs. But then she heard noises outside and Drake sounded like he was training Ronan. The woman went over to the window and looked out to see Ronan practicing his swordplay with Drake giving him tips. Then she stood and watched him practice. She would tell him about the opportunity job later after he was done.




The car reached the outskirts of Windfall, where it parked. Kathia got of the car and went to the gates. The guards let her pass and she made her way through. She saw a passing horse carrier with no passenger and stopped the man to let her ride. After paying him, she told him the directions to her mansion and the horse carrier made its way to the mansion. After reaching her home, Kathia thanked the guy and went to the mansion. She opened the door with the house key and went to her father's room to get his list of phone numbers. She dialed the phone numbers of the first man on the list and waited for him to pick up. When he did, Kathia said to him, "Hello Mr. Edward D. Greene, I have some good news for you. Rittevon Construction Company, Inc. is going back in business!" She told him all the details about why she needs the company and told him to call all the employees, so that they can have their jobs back.


((This part will be expanded in the story. Also note to self: have Kathia carrying a cellphone with her to let Mrs. Merryweather know that she'll be staying with the camp or tonight and is coming back home to call her company.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Juna nod her head in respond before walking away from Atlas. It was evident that Juna thought something else, but she was keeping quite about it. Juna stop half-way between the group of sleeping dragons and Atlas, and just stared up at the stars. She always wonder why Axle like sleeping under them, even out in the open. Her right hand went to the side of her left arm when it remind her of her elder brother and father. They too like sleeping under the stars at night, even in the bitter of winter. Juna shook the feeling away from her mind as fast as she could and went to her brothers. She sat down next to Axle and pulled her knees up to her chest. There was something that bother her, and she could not figure out what.


((Will post Azera/Spinx tomorrow))

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Nimbly jumping aside again to dodge Akuma's onslaught he got out of the way, only receiving a small scratch from Akuma's fangs. "Is that all you got aye?" he called out tauntingly, pulling out a warhammer from under his cloak and swinging at Akuma as he passed by, trying to bash in the hybrid's skull. He moved in such a manner that it almost looked like he was enjoying himself. Up from above the second bandit jumped down on top of Akuma, stabbing wildly at his snout and eyes, trying to sink his dagger into the vulnerable little orbs. Acting as quickly as possible Nick brought fourth a stream of water, freezing it around the attacker's arms, rendering them useless, encased in literal blocks of ice. Losing his balance the attacker fell to the ground.

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma snarled and snapped his jaws again at the bandit. He moved back a bit as the human started to swing out at him with a hammer. Something plopped onto Akuma's back. One glanced back showed it was another bandit. he was stabbing with what felt like a toothpick at the hard gold scales. Akuma craned his face out of reach. Nick attacked the bandit suddenly, freezing his arms in ice. Akuma reached down and immediately sank his fangs into the helpless bandit, releasing a fair dose of poison. He retracted his bloodied maw and bared his fangs at the leader. He moved swiftly in a circle, bringing his tail around to try and smack down the human forcefully. All he needed was a little scratch of his teeth and that would be all. "Try this" he spat.

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