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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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The Cassar Dragon spread his wings and glided over the lake. He looked up at the dragon named Aeolus and dipped his head in greeting. "Greetings. I, guess I would like to join your horde." He stammered.

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Alright. I'll manage. Petey said with a ting of disappointment. There was no point in pressing the issue, getting a stranger to go with him was a long shot anyway. Ladies, see ya in the funny papers. -he said before scurrying off. And hopefully not in the obituaries. -he jested quietly to himself. In all honesty, perhaps stealth was called for, not just brute force. But with the humans lacking any weapons, Petey had a good idea of what he had to do, where he had to go and how to avoid being re-captured, for whatever reasons. He formulated his devious little plan, driven and focused by the memories of his ordeals that just made him fume on the inside.




*knock knock knock* Hello?! -a call broke the silence, deep within the forest due far east of Windfall.

*knock knock knock* Anyone here? -the voice called again. It's owner, a medium-sized white dragon sighed deeply as he looked over the remainder of what looked like a large human ruin. The building was large, almost six floors, solid, and looked like it would still be usable, were it not for all the shattered glass panels and charred areas above and below the windows on all the floors, save for the topmost one. It was evident that a huge fire had broken out here, and not too long ago as well.

Come on, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just need to fetch my friend! Open up! -the dragon tried once more, this time pounding at the charred metal door with his clenched paw. No response.


Damn it Gylfie, of all the places to zip into, this had to be the worst... -he started to mutter under his breath and gritted his teeth in frustration. Something caught his attention. It looked like a small inscription etched into the metal of the door itself.

"Property... of... U.N.G.R Labs Inc." -the dragon didn't know what to make of that, so he called for his friend once more as loudly as he could.



((Point of clarification, Gylfie is a pet. If she needs a character sheet too, I'll make one. Just let me know. Also this post is for Dosh.))

Edited by Psyduсk

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"Your talking about eating souls. That is a rare art in necromancy, but you are wrong about be killed by just two ways, try severing your head, rip to bits and poison." Spinx grinned at her, "You really think it not known by other necromancers, Even when it recorded in necromancers journals and tombs. Sad to say this though, But that little ability of yours can be stop dead in it tracks, unlike mine, were there is no way to stop it," Spinx's hand now slide to the hilt of his sword, "And I'm afraid that our chat have came to a end, and time for us to part, and not in a way you think. Let see which necro is better, me or you, Necromancer Kai." At the words Necromancer Kai, he hint to something he already know, and grin even more. Spinx removed his sword from it sheath. It purple and green tainted steel glimmer off the light of the fire. "And you would want to stop mocking Kai, or I'll spill your guts over the ground."

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Kai cocked an eyebrow at Spinx's response. She smiled at him. Boy she was ruffling his feathers pretty good. Kai let out a burst of laughter, "Nah, I'm a potion master myself. I'd never succumb to anything as pitily as poison" she waved him off once more with her hand. "I never said it wasn't know by others, twinkle toes. I said it was uncommon. Just because you can read it, doesn't mean you can use it. It has a high learning curve, dumb dumb. Otherwise everyone would be using it. I'd rather have something that can heal my wounds fast rather than something as vain as flat out 'eternal youth'~" she made quotes with her fingers. She watched him draw his sword, clearly ruffled enough for a fight. Kai remained in her casual composure and shrugged, not producing any weapons. "Have at it, Mr. Grumpy Pants" she shrugged. The guardian dragon shifted, standing now.


Chi nodded at Petey as he more or less said he would do it himself. "Be safe, little guy" she waved after him. She wondered if he really was ok physically. But, if he said he didn't want help, there just wasn't much she could do about it.



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It'd been an hour, maybe two. Dosh couldn't tell, to him it all blended together into one huge daze of worries and regrets. No matter how much he called to Gylphie, he achieved nothing. From what he could see through the windows, the building was completely torched on the inside, though he could have sworn he'd heard voices and other noises inside. If only he could get in and...


Who, wha? -Dosh looked around, trying to find the source of that greeting, only to be taken aback, when Petey's face descended into his field of view from the top. Heeelloooo.

Argh, you, get off of my head!

Sure, sure... -the pygmy huffed and hopped down to the ground, and off of Dosh's nose. Lotta noise you're making here, friend. I'd imagine every beast, hunter and monster within a thousand clicks of you knows where you are. -Petey jested with a smug grin drawn wide across his face.

Oh, I can look after myself, you on the other hand look like you'd fit right under my pinkie toe. -Dosh retaliated, squinting heavily, clearly a tad ticked off.

Aww, you're saying that like it's a bad thing. How short-sighted of you. -Petey scoffed and crawled up the metal door they were standing in front of. You know me and mister scientist that lives in here have a history together. I can get in. And it looks like you want to as well. So what say we make a little deal, you and I. No fine print, no nothing. Just a verbal agreement between refined gentle...beasts.


Dosh arced an eyebrow and eyed the pygmy, skepticism engulfing him like a bucket of cold water on a hot summer's day. Who was this random dragonling, appearing out of nowhere and suddenly offering him a proposition of some sort, anyway?!

Say what you want to say.


Petey snickered quietly and placed his front paws on the panel beside the door frame. The mechanism lit up immediately, and the metal door locking mechanism undid itself with a loud CLANG. The door swung open, and slammed against the opposing wall.

We go in together, and we leave together. My end was opening this and any other doors that need a... jump-start head of us. Your end is, you protect me.

That so? What's in there? -Dosh scowled, this whole situation smelling to high heaven to him.

Oh, just some papers I need, and maybe a few old friends. C'mon, chop chop! -the pygmy clapped for emphasis and scurried inside.

Knowing the dragonling wouldn't put any effort into finding Gylfie, Dosh followed, hoping for the best.

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Letting her hand trace the scars still. "Anything and anyone that tried to harm or kill me. I've fought too many people, and killed more than half of them." He didn't sound happy about it. It was a regret that he knew any warrior held. "For every life I took, I gained a scar. It stays as a reminder of what I did, and why I did it." He looked at her eyes, meeting her gaze. He felt captured by them. "It's been years since anyone has shown me the kindness you have."

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"You're very much welcome into the horde, Pyro. Now could you care to tell me what your abilities are? There's no qualifications for joining the horde, but it is helpful to me to know what you're like so that I can put you in the correct position for tonight's ambush on the human's army," said Aeolus. From the looks of this Pyro dragon, he seemed to resemble that of a cassare dragon he read about in a scroll a long time ago. Perhaps he was one; if so, than Pyro would be a very valuable asset. With him, he can disable the halfling mages' magic when he's up close to them and killing off the foot soldiers will be much easier without the help of the halflings.




Minerva felt sympathy for Ronan when he sounded unhappy about having to take lives. "That kind of sounds like a brutal life," she said. "I'd feel the same way too, if I was forced to kill someone." Then after he said that it had been years since someone shown him kindness, the girl asked, "What about your friend, Drake?" Surely his friend would kind to him as well, right?

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The two proceeded through the facility with bated breath, both hoping they wouldn't run into any people. Though as they progressed, Dosh would have gladly traded the things he was seeing for having to deal with human attackers. Each room they passed by and peeked inside held an increasingly disturbing set of contents, from bladed tools and instruments or other such surgical necessities, to operation halls with small to medium sized operating tables with restrainers where each arm would go, moving into rooms filled with the charred remains of people and other animals, floors caked in dried blood and bodies half-decomposed and swarming with maggots of all sorts and sizes.


What happened here? -Dosh asked, barely holding down his lunch. It wasn't the sight of all this carnage that was getting to him, but rather, the smell.

I'm not gonna get into it. Let's just say this is a butcher's shop that doubles as a laboratory. -Petey answered somberly as he lead the way through the gruesome, but somehow spacious complex. We're going to the top floor. That's the storage area and offices floor. The fat cat of this fine establishment must have died, or flown the coop, but I might just get some of those notes anyway.

Why, so why were you here? -Dosh asked, morbid curiosity getting the better of him.

Petey didn't respond.


Despite the troubles they had getting up to the higher floors, they'd managed to crawl up some of the elevator shafts and taken the still usable stairways. It took them no more then ten minutes to get to the top floor, though for Dosh it felt like an hour. Surprisingly, the top floor looked in decent shape. The doors were now all human-sized, so it was left to Petey to check every room, and every time he did, he'd find nothing.


Just as they were approaching one of the final doors, they heard a noise coming from one of the rooms they'd already checked, behind them.

Didn't you say it was empty?

Hold the phone. I'll be right back... -Petey squinted, scurried over to the closed door, pulled down the handle and entered, closing it behind himself. The room itself was as he'd left it, full of cupboards and racks of small bottles and syringes of all sizes and colors. But there was indeed someone else in there. Coming out from behind one of the desks, was a human in urban attire, holding a small knife in one hand and a bag of folders and vials in the other. When Petey got a look at the man's face, a wide grin spread across his face.

Hello, Victor. Long time no see. Still doing vivisections, or did you switch to something more humane?

Edited by Psyduсk

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Nick continued to look up at the sky, wrapping a blade of grass around his index finger and listening to the fire crackle. He thought about what Akuma said before saying. "The past is in the past. Now we have each other, and that's kind of like family, isn't it?" he pointed out to the hybrid boy when he revealed his lack of parents during his childhood. Before he could say anything more, he heard a deep breath and quiet footsteps coming towards them. Shooting up to a sitting position he quickly asked. "Who are you and why are you in my backyard?" he asked as Juna approached them.

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Spinx grin at Kai and with his free hand he return his two pets to the ground, and a much smaller, about three forth his size, drake to his side. It shiny blue scales and it green eyes, and it eyes lock on to the guardian Dragon right than and there. "Rip it to shreds." Spinx said to the drake as the drake growled. The drake back up into the fire, and all of a sudden, the ring of fire that was left, was gone, but the drake stood there, glowing a bright white now. The earth started to smoulder below the drake's feet. "Go ahead, have fun my pet." Spinx said as he drake took of in a full sprint towards Kai guardian dragon. Spinx turn his attention to Kai, and with a quick slash in the air in a spiral pattern, Six bone rivers, in the same spiral pattern, circled on Kai at extreme speed.


Juna look at Nick for a second before answering, "Lost. I really don't have a clue of were I am." Juna sound a bit nervous. "And I had no idea this was a yard, not use to there being boarders among a city anymore, not after a certain event." Juna head kind of sunk a bit lower so her hood hid more of her face as the cloak hid her winds and her claws. She just wanted to know were she was at and which direction she need to head. "By any change do ether of you two know how to get to trident mountain from here?"

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Pyro nodded, surprised that these dragons were being so friendly. "Well, like all Cassare Dragons I can weaken the magic around me. Personally, I don't find much use for it except for scaring away mages." He smirked, "They're nothing without their precious magic." He turned back to Aeolus, "I can also fight, but that's about it."



Jupiter opened her eyes. She was lying in her den with three other dragons, all of them fast asleep. She got up slowly and padded outside, trying to make sense of the thoughts that filled her mind. Something bad was going to happen. She just knew it. The Brute dragon spread her wings and jumped into the air, gliding silently over the trees. Maybe she just needed to clear her head. A little flying would do the trick. She made a right turn and flew over the city, towards the forest. She was about to turn back when she saw something in the distance, a tall gray building that looked like it had been abandoned years ago. But there was a light in the window, on the top floor. Curious, she went in to investigate. Jupiter spread her wings and landed gently on top of the building. She leaned over and peeked through the window, only to find a frightened man crouching behind a desk, and a small pygmy with wires sticking out of his back. It seemed as though the man was AFRAID of the pygmy. Lets see where this goes. The Brute waited for something to happen.

Edited by SparksflY

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He smiled at her mention of Drake. "I meant someone human. Drake is always kind. He's over three hundred years old, and very protective of me. Ever since I met him he's been keeping me alive." He thought about the old man who trained him. "The only other human that showed me any kindness was my teacher. The man who taught me all of my skills. He pushed me till my muscles neared their breaking point. Trained me till my bones cracked. He made me who I am. Now Drake is all I have left." He felt somewhat alone even though Minerva has been so kind and friendly to him. "As a child and as a pre-teen I feared death. Now I fear nothing on this world."

Edited by LordTorch18

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((My apologies for the wall of text. I know those are a pain to read. Dragonette, what's this about a horde of dragons? Mind if my toons join in?))


The man stood there, solid as a rock and shivering in his boots, too scared to utter a word.

Vic, c'mon, you're embarrassing yourself. I'm hardly two feet tall, after all. -Petey jested, still wearing that malicious grin that screamed "crazy".

I, the others are gone. We, we let them out, the ones that didn't escape. Y-you're wasting your time being here. There's nothing left. -the man stammered, still pointing his knife at Petey.

How short-sighted of you. Are those folders you're holding worth anything, or do you carry them around for as a fashion accessory? The office slob look was so last season, you know. -Petey mocked while slowly advancing on the terrified man.

I don't, I don't want to hurt you. Just go away! You're free! What more do you want?!

The room went silent, the two stared at each other for a moment, before the silence was broken by a thunderous SNAP. A flash of light, and then a cloud of smoke filled the room. When it cleared, the man was lying on the ground, convulsing violently. Petey stood on his chest, arcs of electricity were flashing between the exposed wires protruding from his back.

I want the fat cat sitting atop this pyramid of nightmares, Vic. Tell you what, you tell me where I can find him, and I let you keep your head. Sounds like a fair deal to me. The pygmy dragon whispered menacingly into the man's ear.

T-there's a map, I have a map. The location is marked there. He's going to rebuild! Start a new facility! I swear, that's all I know!

Oooohh, Vic, you've made me so happy. -Petey cackled lightly as he went over to examine the bag the man had been carrying. Indeed, he found a small map detailing the location of his primary target. The rest turned out to be research data on various chemical compounds, things Petey knew he'd sift through, but at a later time. For now, he paid the vials no attention.

So, can I go? You said you'd let me go. -the paralyzed man rasped, desperation clear in his tone of voice.

I said, I'd let you keep your head. -Petey grinned, scurried over to the door, locked it, then hopped up to one of the rafts, and started browsing through the array of surgical instruments.

Wait, no, what are you...

Well, you did this to me, why should you have all the fun? -Petey sneered when he hopped back down upon the paralyzed man's chest, and revealed what he'd picked up. Bit worn, but still usable. What was it you called these? A scalpel? Now we'll just start, here!




Peeking in from room to room, Dosh was still looking for his lost companion. Though the sixth floor of the building wasn't as gruesome as the lower floors, he was still in a fit of mild panic, thinking of what might have happened to.. Gylfie! There you are! -the white dragon exclaimed, relief washing away his distress in an instant. There, in literally the very last room that needed checking, perched on one of the desks, was a tiny spotted brown and teal feathered owl, no bigger then a baseball.

Oh, what took you? I've been calling for you for an hour! Let's go, come on!

Recognizing Dosh's voice, Gylfie perched herself on her usual spot, atop Dosh's head, and the two left the room, happy that everything was alright. However, as he was walking through the hallway, Dosh picked up on what sounded like the wailing cries of a human being. The guttural screeches, pained pleas and hoarse screams all came from behind the very door where Petey had gone, not fifteen minutes ago.

Hey! -Dosh shouted and tried to open the door. It was locked. The reinforced windowless metal doors were designed to last, and last they did. No matter how many times Dosh tried to force the door open, it remained shut.


The screams gradually faded, a deafening silence engulfed the hallway, and for a moment, Dosh could have sworn he'd heard a maniacal giggling. He wanted to leave, immediately, but he knew he was honor-bound by the deal he'd made with the small dragon. The least he could do was make sure whether or not it was alright.


The door clicked... and opened. Out came Petey, with a small bag secured to rest atop his back.

Comrade, our business here is done. If you'd like, we can leave now. -he spoke in a calm and even tone.

Yes, let's. What, what happened in there? I thought I heard something. Is that, is that blood? Are you okay?

Nothing. You heard nothing.

Alright. Let's get out of here. -Dosh dropped the issue. He didn't care for what Petey'd done, he only wanted to leave as soon as he could. And so, they did.

Edited by Psyduсk

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(The Vulture horde is a horde of dragons that want to exterminate humans. My character Pyro just joined them. They are currently resting by a lake somewhere outside of Windfall… I think.)


Jupiter gasped when she saw what the pygmy did to the man, but before she could move, he was gone. She opened the window and climbed in, examining the body up close. There was no way he could still be alive, not after what happened. She turned and flew out the window, gliding into the trees. She wanted to know what these dragons wanted. The Brute ducked behind a tree and jumped out when they were passing by her, baring her fangs. "What are you doing here?" She growled, a deep rumble like thunder. "This area is strictly off-limits!"

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(Okay. I'll see about that. Thanks. ^^)


Dosh flinched, startled by the newcomer's sudden appearance out of nowhere.

Augh, what? Uhm, sorry, we... -he paused to clear his throat- ...had some business to attend to. -he shrugged, unaware of exactly how much Jupiter had seen.

I had the business part. Dosh here was just the guard. Let's be perfectly clear. And you need not concern yourself about our presence here, I'm a local, anyway. -the pygmy jested and rolled its eyes dismissively.

We're also leaving. That's worth mentioning too, I'd say. -Dosh shot his tiny acquaintance with a serious look, then turned back towards Jupiter. She didn't look too friendly.

No, no need for aggression. My name is Dosh, and this here is...

Petey. Yes. Can we know yours?


(Using a tablet for this is horrible. xd.png)

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((No the horde is in Solomos))


Kai's hands went back to her pockets as she stared at Spinx blankly. One would think she wasn't even being attacked. The guardian raised its head in attention, curving its massive shield around to its side. Kai had no need to speak to her puppets, she could do it silently. Kai looked down and clicked her tongue a few times at the ground in different pitches. She looked back up to Spinx to see him using his swords to create small whirlwinds. Kai laughed, "Looks like you've learned nothing" she shrugged. The guardian dragon moved its tail around, slicing away the magical attack to nothing. Kai's shadow seemed to buckle momentarily as another shadow moved away. The guardian dragon resumed its normal position. Kai made a fake yawn, "What a drag. Can you do ANYTHING without magic? I had some hope for you with the sword but... eh. Oh well" she shrugged, smiling at him smugly. "I'm waiting~" she called, waiting for his drake to make an actual attack.


Akuma shrugged as Nick offered words of condolences. He ate his marshmallow. "I don't really know... Maybe it was better I never met them. It seems it would be better to never meet them so I wouldn't have to know what it's like to have parents. It would be more painful to lose them afterward I think. I can't really miss them because well... I don't really have a concept of what its like to have parents in the first place" he trailed off. He knew nothing of what it was like with parents- having someone take care of you, dress you, feed you, and love you. Someone emerged from the shadows suddenly, greeting them. Nick was the first to react, standing up and demanding to know who she was. Akuma just glared from his spot.


"Akira" Zaros called after a moment of silence. Akira looked over his shoulder briefly and then back to Tyler. "It's been great" he said, sheathing his second blade. Akira followed after Zaros as he exited the building. "I've gotten a good tour of the city tonight, we have some more recruitment to do, though. Elsewhere. Recruiting from this city is too risky" he said, looking about. "What? Not going to watch the fireworks they're putting off later?" Akira whined playfully. Zaros paused and turned, "Perhaps that would be a fair enough distraction for me to do harvesting tonight" he murmured. Zaros walked down the road of Windfall and out towards the city gates.

Edited by Sai

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(IKR tablets are a pain >n<)


Jupiter raised her head. In reality, she wasn't as high as the position she was playing, but she needed to know what these dragons were up to. "Star. My name is Star." She lied. She wouldn't risk telling them here real name. "And what is this 'business' you had to take care of?" The Brute turned to Petey and eyed him carefully, sniffing the air. "Is that human blood on your claws? Violence is not permitted in Windfall!" She paused, her eyes widening with fake surprise. "Wait a minute… There was a HUMAN in the lab? Are they starting a new operation?" She asked worriedly. Although she was only acting, Jupiter knew this really was serious. If they start a new facility, they could start another war. The Aquarians wouldn't think twice about destroying the people behind this.

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Petey covered his face in one paw and sighed deeply. The very last thing he wanted to talk about right now was Victor and what he'd done to him.

A human attacked me, so I retaliated! Hunky dory, end of story-OUCH! -Petey yelped when Dosh's paw landed heavily on his tail.

Wait, just one rotten minute there you little scoundrel. I heard what was going on and it didn't sound like a battle, it sounded like torture. I'm not a hateful person, Petey, but if it's one thing that gets me riled up, it's being lied to. Now spill! -Dosh growled and removed his paw from Petey's tail.


The little dragon shifted his glance between the two a few times and sighed.

Alright... -he sat down and crossed his forearms.

I mentioned I'm a "local", I wasn't joking. I was born in there. -he pointed back towards the laboratory- And I wasn't the pen pusher's pet, if you know what I mean. You see this? -he indicated the long scar tracing down the length of his belly. This is not a birth mark! And it's not the only thing they did to us. I won't delve into it, but Victor, the human you saw or heard in there, he was the one that did this.


He paused for a moment and looked at his paws, then back up at Jupiter.

I know that the life of a lab rat dragon doesn't amount to much, but Star, I'm all I've got! And I won't stop until I hunt down all five of them, and let them taste their own medicine! -he spoke the last few words through clenched teeth, as if holding in a lot of bottled up anger.

And yes, Victor did mention the boss of the operation here was planning to move to another site and continue his "work". -he avoided telling her about the map. Petey had no intention of bringing anyone else into this venture. Not unless he was absolutely certain he could trust them.

Edited by Psyduсk

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((So I made a full list of all the Undead Spinx's owns, But it still a work in Progress))


Spinx laugh, "You think that was meant to hurt you, but she will. And Kai, I would not want to piss this little Drake off." Spinx said as he step a side from the drake, as wind started to flow around the drake. The drake bright White scales start to turn crimson, as the earth scorch more under it. It eyes force on the dragon, and just like that, The drake was on a full scale attack, at lighting speed, and close the gap in a second, as the drake was on the other side of Kai's Guardian dragon as the scales color start to slowly return back to their blue color, but still remain more red and white than anything. The Drake was growling a very low pitch as it keep their eyes on it target.

Spinx took on a full dash and swung at Kai with extreme speed, making his blade dance in the wind.


Azera stop in the shadows and turn to watch the kid with two sword and saw the mage was talking to him. 'What are you up to, kid. Trading your soul for more gold maybe?' Azera thought in his head as he watch closely from the safety of a distance. He does not want to cause a scene, but the kid peak his interest, 'Maybe be a worth of a detour to see what the kid is capable of, But first a test to see if he could find me from here, or even worth my time.' Azera thought as he pulled his bow off his shoulder and notched an arrow. It Astral tip was carved to a piercing point as He attached a note written on it 'Come find me, kid. I want to see your worth the swords you carry on your sides, or if your worth more or less. Keep the arrow for now, I'll come back for it later.' Azera pulled the thick bow string back as he aimed carefully and release the arrow. It flew fast and true to it mark, as the breeze brush the side of the kid cheek as it stuck to the wall next to him.

Edited by draco8967

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((Draco, that is power playing. You cannot force hits to land unless you have permission. Please alter your post))

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Jupiter sighed. Well, she got what she wanted to know, and these dragons didn't deserve to be lied to. "My name isn't Star. It's Jupiter. And I don't actually work for the city, I just wanted to know why you were in there. Most dragons avoid this part of the wood, and you just marched in like you own the place." She looked up and glared at the empty building, remembering the horrors she had seen in there. "I want to join you. I want to end this operation before it even starts, and you look like you need a few more team members." The Brute didn't mention that she had been spying on them, he had already told her everything she knew. Well, except for the part about the map, but that would come later.

Edited by SparksflY

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((Still need to add Juna))


Kai's guardian dragon spun around, letting its shield be the collision point for the drake's attack. It would also again nullify the wind magic if it. "Heh. Right. Everyone knows drakes are weak. They're barely considered something close to dragons. They have little or no ability to do any magic. And less so to simply even breath fire. Pity you collect such weak things" she laughed. Kai waited until Spinx got close and made a quick movement, hunkering down, and rolling behind him, coming back to her feet with a backward handspring. "See the difference between you and I is you may have some hulking strength, but, I'm much leaner. Which means I can move faster" she winked. "Better use those twinkle toes. You ain't gonna move very fast with a sword" she chuckled. Kai reached into her pockets, drawing out a few bo shuriken between her fingers. She smiled again, waiting.


Akira trailed behind Zaros with his fingers laced behind his head. He heard a familiar whistle and stood still, catching a blur of an arrow skimming past his face. The bounty hunter buckled backwards, yelling a few profanities at the surprise. He looked around angrily as Zaros stopped to see what the commotion was about. Akira muttered under his breath and looked at the arrow. There seemed to be a note on it. He ripped it off and read it hastily. "That is NOT THE WAY TO ASK FOR HELP!" Akira screamed nowhere in particular. He finished the note and shoved it into his pocket. He turned to Zaros and then outward again, "And do I look like a dog? Fetch your own damn arrow!" he yelled again. a few people had stopped to stare so Akira moved quickly along the stone path after Zaros. The mage stared at him curiously but turned to walk again. He didn't much care for the bounty hunter's affairs. Zaros led them out of Windfall, across the plain, and to the forest outside. Zaros pulsed out his illusion spell to make the two appear invisible to eyes outside their small bubble.

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Dosh squinted and gritted his teeth. He wasn't kidding when he said that the only thing that could tick him off was being lied to. Still, what could he expect? This stranger had no idea who she was dealing with, so concealing her true identity was probably a good defensive precaution. And now all of a sudden she wanted to embark with them on some mission to stop some random human from opening a new laboratory? A just cause, yes. However...


Yeah, just, we're not really a team, we just met, not an hour ago. -he shrugged and shot his miniscule acquaintance with a glance.

Aww, you've done it now. You'be hurt mi'feelings! -Petey said in a sarcastic tone.

Very funny.

Well I for one think every able-bodied dragon is necessary if we're gonna make this place a cozy haven of manslaughter.

And by that you mean you'd like more of us to cover your arse, eh? -Dosh remarked sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

Oh, you did not just say that! Come on, you wanna go?! Bring it! I'll pop you like soda can, pretty boy! -the pygmy stood on his hinds and raised his fists at Dosh, looking as if he was ready for a punching match.

Calm down. I was only joking.

Ain't mad. -Petey chuckled and grinned- But seriously, it's better to go it in a group. Plus, if we're lucky, we might find others and join up with them along the way. There's a whole lotta' those hairless monkeys out there, and a whole little of us as is. Or so I've heard, anyway.

Yes, I mean. Alright. You can come with us if that's what you want, Jupiter. -Dosh smiled and gestured in the direction they were headed, towards Windfall.

Oh, that reminds me... -he paused for a moment, as if waiting for something to happen.


((Deal with it moment incoming. cool.gif ))

Edited by Psyduсk

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((Sorry for a late response guys, I was feeling sick from a cold and I was volunteering yesterday. Feel free to join the Vulture Horde, Psyduck.))


“That’s a very useful ability we should have,” Aeolus complimented. “You see, we’re going to destroy an army of the humans’ warriors and there are some magic-users among them. A different horde, that a few of my members once belonged to, had been killed by their powerful magic; and I don’t want my horde to suffer the same fate as them. So with you on our side, our chances of victory will increase. Of course some strategic plans will have to be made first, so that your magic-nullifying powers don't accidentally stop our magi dragons from being able to cast spells.” He quickly got to work on coming up with tonight's strategy and said, "Like what we could do is have Zylanon the shadow draogn go in first and kill the watch guards. Then the blackphase dragons would go in and search for the halflings while silently killing the other soldiers along the way. Once they're found, you will go to where the blackphases are and then exterminate the halfling mages inside. The rest of the horde will be split into two groups: those teleported above the camp to rain down aerial attacks, and the other group surrounding the camp on all sides to kill off any fleeing soldiers or destroying the tents and humans to push forward and trap the fiends at the center where they'll easily be destroyed in one shot. That's how our plan works."




“Oh! Okay,” Minerva said, giving a brief nod. Then after hearing him say that he fears nothing in the world, she said, “You sound pretty confident, Ronan. I suppose I could suggest another career for you to try out in town.” She raised a pointing finger upward as if she discovered a bright idea and suggested, “I know, why not be a city guard or a policeman? Surely, these jobs could use a fighter such as yourself.”

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