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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((I'm not really sure what to do at this point... xd.png))


Zeditha walked along, silent. She was rather shy around all these people...

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((Tyler: I bet those values glimmer and shine all pretty like too.))


Tyler brushed the blade prickling his neck aside with a chuckle. He knew he wasn't worth anything dead, he hadn't caused nearly enough trouble. "You go on believing that." Tyler said as he stuffed his hand inside his pocket hand pulled out his copy of the wanted poster to examine the amount of gold being offered for his capture, it was a solid sum so Tyler was about this boy pretty well off. He conjured up a sac and stuffing his hand into it began conjuring the gold he needed to pay off the bounty hunter. Several people were stopping to watch as Tyler filled up the sac of gold. "You know I kinda miss bills. So much more practical." Tyler said as he finished filling up the gold. He didn't let it show but he was starting to get worn. He'd have to take a break soon. Channeling magic through his staff made things much easier but he liked the way he could make things appear in his hand so he often opted to channel his magic through himself. "There, that should do it." he said with a confident smirk.




((Sorry red I'll get a post up when I come back from the re-enactment being pressured on this end to start packing. <.<))

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((You could try and make some sort of interaction. I can't reply to a quarter of a line ._.))


Akira kept his eyes fixed on Tyler, uttering a low chuckle as the mage brushed his sword away. As he started to fill a bag of gold, Akira straightened up and sheathed one sword in one of the scabbards on his back. The yellow sparkle of gold glinted in his eyes. Tyler mumbled something about missing bills as he filled the bag. Akira snorted, "I don't miss them one bit. Bills are lies and empty promises. Everyone knows that they don't really have the gold to back up as much as they printed. So at the end of the day when the economy collapsed, you'd have nothing but paper in your hand. That's why we went back to gold. Gold is so much more simple and honest" he explained through a sly smile. Akira swiped the bag away when it was done. He picked a gold coin from the bag and bit it. When it bent slightly he smiled, "And honest it is" he said, putting the gold in one of his pouches. "Pleasant business. Just don't let me catch you again or I'll have to... re collect" he smirked at the mage.

Edited by Sai

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(Ok, I sent you a few characters. I wanted to make it as detailed as possible, but I kinda ran out of ideas on the second one... xd.png)


Sparks jumped of off Jupiter as she landed and ran up to her cottage. When she opened the door, she was immediately toppled over by a mob of very excited hatchlings and pygmies. She giggled as one of them climbed up onto her shoulder and sat down, looking at his trainer expectantly. She stroke his head and he purred, hopping down to join his friends as they waited for food. "No! No snacks! Dinner's almost ready." The dragons scattered, and Sparks turned around to look at Jupiter. "You hungry?" No. I already ate. As Sparks closed the door, Jupiter walked around the house, where there were a few large dens for the dragons to sleep in. She quickly located hers and curled up, exhausted with the days activities.

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((hey red, idk if this is considered inappropriate, but you can have Minerva trace his scars if you wish.))

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Nick slowly rotated the marshmallow around on his stick. Letting the flames lick the sugary puff until it was a golden pillow of gooey delight. "Now," Nick began as he pulled the marshmallow off the fire. "You could eat it now, or we could make a smore." He explained, the grin on his face illuminated by the flickering flames as he pulled out a bar of chocolate and broke off a piece before placing it and the marshmallow in between two gram-crackers. The hot marshmallow melted the chocolate, completing it. Looking it over he handed it to Akuma. "Go ahead, try it out." he offered, looking quite pleased with himself.

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((Psyduck was accepted. Their characters, Petey, and Bryce are on the wiki if anyones curious))


Akuma edged forward as Nick kept turning the marshmallow around, cooking its entirety to that smooth golden brown. Nick announced he could eat it plane just like that. The boy stared curiously. That was it? What could have possibly changed so quickly? It had only been about 30 seconds and all it had done was change color. There were no extra ingredients or anything. He blinked a few times, being returned to the world as Nick went on to say they could then make a s'more out of the now cooked marshmallow. His eyes brightened as Nick went to work, bringing out graham crackers and chocolate before smooshing them together. Nick presented the finished product to Akuma, telling him to try it out. Akuma gingerly took it, taking a moment to look at its features. The marshmallow was warming the s'more, melting the chocolate and oozing out the sides. So it was simply melting a marshmallow? Akuma brought it closer, taking a bite out of it. His fangs once again worked around the gooey substance until he could get a good grasp on the taste. His chewing slowed. Oh lord. It was the best thing he'd had since marshmallows. Akuma quickly devoured the rest, licking gooey marshmallow off his lips and hands after. He looked at Nick, "It's amazing. How? ... The taste changed so easily when the ingredients are so simple..." he looked back to his sticky hands. Humans had their OWN witchcraft evidently.

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It'd been two long uneventful days and sleepless nights for Bryce, but as with anything else, his journey found it's end when the town of Windfall came into view.

What a dump, probably ain't a single pub in here. he mumbled, despite the fact the city was not something to sneeze at. Groggy and tired, Bryce could only think of settling down somewhere in town and letting sweet slumber whisk him away from his problems, even if it was a short-term bliss. Rummaging through his many pockets, he tried to find something of value to grant him access to an inn for a one night stay, at least. Sadly, he found nothing worth any merchant's attention. Only his weapons, and some useless rubbish. Pickings have been slim lately, and the prospect of sleeping outdoors again rustled his jimmies even more.


Sighing, he sat down on one of the benches beside the paved stone roads in the city, and cupped his face with both hands, gritting his teeth and gripping at his hair in frustration.




Few displays of madness can compare with the image of a tiny dragon, zipping between trees and humming the Mission Impossible theme. But to Petey, it all made sense, in some deep and undecipherable part of his scrambled mind. The pygmy dragon had been out on his own for a long while now, ever since his opportunistic escape from human captivity. He'd had little to no luck finding other dragons to seek sanctuary with, and whoever he did find usually weren't attentive enough to notice him, due to his small stature.


But aside from that, Petey found solace in the tranquility of the forests. There was plenty of food and plenty of water for him, after all, how much could a lap-sized dragon eat? He'd steered clear of human settlements as a general rule, but he'd heard tales of Windfall from his circumstantial friends before his escape. A city of humans and dragons, a place he dared consider "safe". And now, finally.


There it is! he snickered joyously, scratched himself behind the ear and scurried towards the towering structures before him. Beyond the forest's edge, and into the clearing. If for no other reason, at least he'd finally manage to hunt for a rat or two to mix up his diet of insects a bit.


((Hello everyone. I'm a new arrival. I'm still getting introduced with the general layout, but the Wikipedia is really helping. Here's hoping for a lot of good laughs in our RPing experience together. ^^ ))

Edited by Psyduсk

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(Hi! I'm Sparks, I'm also a new arrival, so I guess we're on the same page! But wow, you're really good at RPing… ohmy.gif )


Seliss wandered the streets of Windfall, taking in the breathtaking views. This was way different than her old city, where dragons were considered beasts and slaughter was quite common. She shuddered at the thought of the place she used to call 'home', the place she so strongly hated. As the woman continued on her way, gazing longingly at the many restaurants lining the street, she realized how hungry she was. She walked into a bakery and the scent of baking bread reached her nose, making her mouth water. Seliss bought a small loaf, paying the cashier with what little money she had managed to save. She went back outside and sat on the curb, taking eager bites of the still-warm pastry and watching the people passing by.

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((I have no idea what to interact with... My character is a bit shy in crowds... Just like me... I don't even know what someone who isn't shy in crowds would do in a crowd.))


Zeditha found that, as she trotted along after Chi, there were more people (and dragons) to avoid. Skipping to the side in order to avoid a particularly mean-looking human, she found herself nose-to-nose with a fluttering pygmy. Zeditha squeaked and jumped back; she wasn't a large dragon herself, so a pygmy to the face made a difference. "Sorry," she squeaked, then looked ahead to see if she could spot Chi. The hybrid was further ahead, beyond a tight crowd of people and dragons. With a small sigh, she resigned herself to being lost, and turned back to the pygmy.


(Psyduck I just bumped into your char, if that's okay. If not, I'll turn the pygmy into an NPC.))

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((Hi Sparks. Nice to meet you.


Also, it's quite alright. I was hoping for some interaction, as a matter of fact. Also please excuse my slow response, my internet providers are dummkopfs who schedule their maintenance sessions during the weekend. It's over now, though. ...I hope.))


Quite alright! I've had a bit too much personal space lately anyway! Petey started up with his incessant rambling, overjoyed to have actually garnered non-human attention for a change. Or a byte! One byte. Among many. Therefore therefore tera, peta, googol! A lot. -he lost his trail of through, stood there confused for a moment, cross-eyed with his jaw hanging.


Looking back at Zeditha, he grinned and asked Oh, where are my manners?! -he scratched himself behind the ear and looked around, searching for something for a moment, before turning back at his new acquaintance. Can't be bothred looking for them. My name is Petey, or Pea, like the vegetable, and Tea, like the beverage snobby humans love to hork down like there ain't no tomorrow. Breakfast? Tea. Lunch? Tea. Second lunch?! More tea?! Tea at dinner! Tea during snacks! Tea during bathroom breaks! What is a bathroom anyway?! Serial number oh-five-one-six, whatever that means. That's what they called me, anyway.


Looking for someone? -he arced an eyebrow and scratched himself under his chin.

Edited by Psyduсk

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Seliss looked up from her spot on the curb as a Pygmy bumped into a bigger dragon. She watched them for a while before realizing her food was gone. She looked down to find a little green dragon, a Mint, knawing on her loaf of bread. "Hey! Where'd you come from?" She rubbed the dragon on the head, and it purred, looking at her with big eyes. "Well, I have to go. Bye!" The woman stood up to leave, but the dragon climbed up her back, sitting on her shoulder. She looked at it in surprise and shrugged, continuing on her way to finding a place to sleep.

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Chi glanced down to make sure her little friend was still following. Her wings flayed up in alarm as she discovered Zeditha was gone, scaring a few people around her. The hybrid twirled around, looking through the crowd. She paused to sniff the air, only to stop soon after. Oh it's no use... My sense of smell may as well be human level she thought, sighing. Chi's resolve kicked in and she moved backwards the way she came. The little dragon must have gotten lost somewhere in the festival crowd. It wasn't uncommon anyway. There was a loud, little voice piercing through the crowd. Her eyes scanned the ground for it, settling on a small Pygmy through many legs. Chi parted her way through the crowd, sighing with relief as she saw Zeditha chatting with the Pygmy. "There you are? Get lost?" she asked, crouching down on her haunches. Her eyes flickered to the Pygmy. He seemed three fries short of a happy meal, as humans would say. He seemed to be going on about... tea. He reminded her of someone from a movie Dion showed her once... Mad Hatter? ... She couldn't recall anymore. TV's were gone anyhow. Upon a closer look, the Pygmy seemed heavily injured. Or at least scarred to the max with wires sticking out. "Oh you poor thing... Are you injured?" she asked. Chi in truth only had three dragon breeds in her genes- white, water, and black. But of course, the white dragon was more prominent with her healing abilities being so strong. It also made her more motherly towards injured people.

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((I'm not sure how NPC management is done here, so I just went with what I know. If I've done anything wrong, let me know, I'll gladly delete.))


Having bested his frustration, Bryce was now leaning on his knees with his arms on the bench, deep in thought. If he had no money, then he had to... procure some. With a sly grin and a gleam in his eye, he pulled up his hoodie over his head and merely observed the passers-by. The occasional dragon had nothing valuable for Bryce to 'acquire', but the crowd of people looked good enough to yield some profit.


He just needed an approach. The thought of luring someone into a dark alley and mugging them crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it as reckless, seeing as he was in no shape to run from the local law enforcement. No no no, he needed a more subtle approach.


He stayed put, contemplating, watching the passers-by, waiting for the golden opportunity.

Not him, not her... too poor, too many, too young. -he muttered under his breath as the crowd passed him by. A few minutes passed, until finally, Jackpot. -Bryce grinned, pulled down his hood and cleared his throat, before getting up and heading straight at what looked like a young family.


Salutations, good sir. Might I have a moment of your time? -Bryce spoke to the well groomed white haired man of the family he'd selected as his victims.

Um, yes. Hello. Uh, I suppose so. How may I help you? -the elderly gentleman replied while his wife and daughter merely listened.

I've lost my friend, he's about yae' high. Bryce gestured slightly over his head Roughly my age, tan complexion, wears an overcoat, much like yours. And might I say, what a fine fabric. He went on as he casually permitted himself to casually touch the other man's coat. You know, his is old and made of linen, I think. I've been thinking of getting one myself, to keep me warm on my travels, you see...

Ah, yes. It's just a cotton coat, I bought this locally. I think the shop was down that road and one left at the next crossing. It does work wonders on those cold winter nights. As for your friend, I have not seen anyone like that. -the old man shrugged, smiling while he conversed with Bryce. Proper etiquette must be rare around here.

Oh, well that's a bit of a letdown. Well, can you direct me to the Town Hall then? I think it was this way... -Bryce nudged the old man to get him to turn around and pointed in the general direction of where he'd already passed by the building.

Yes, just through there. -the gentleman nodded.

Excellent, I'm sure my friend is there already. Oh, do you have the time?

Why, yes. It's... -the old man let off an exasperated sigh as he looked at his wrist. I seem to have forgotten my watch at home. I'm sorry.

T'is quite alright, thank you for your time. Bryce smiled and bowed lightly, before walking off.


He headed off in the general direction of the Town hall, but went only so far as to make sure he was out of sight and out of earshot of the people he'd just spoken to. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out a wallet, a watch, and a silver wedding ring engraved with HS on the outside. Casually opening the wallet, he saw it had a reasonable amount of the local currency in it, and a small picture of its previous owner, the old man. Harold Sweenistein. Well Sweenie, looks like you're paying for my stay here. Thanks for having the floppiest most easily pickable pockets I've seen in a while. -he grinned as he discarded the wallet into the nearest rubbish bin, keeping only the money from it, the ring, and the watch, before wandering off in a random direction, looking for a pub, or an inn.




And, there she is! -Petey hopped in place thrice before turning around to face his new soon-to-be acquaintance. Hey! I'm not called Petey so I can be a magnet for it! Don't patronize me lady! -he yipped, hopped in place a few times, only to trigger a huge onset of sparks from the wires on his back, causing him to convulse for a brief moment. Gaa-haaaAAARGH! I hate it when that happens! -he sat upright and crossed his forelimbs like he'd seen humans do, then went right on with his rambling. Hey you, okay, okay? You okay? Helen, Helen?! Where's my coffee?! -he gritted his teeth and went back down on all fours again.


One brief moment of silence later, he scoffed and laughed, then coughed nervously. Sorry, about that. I've lost my manners, and a few marbles. But I'm fiiiine! In fact, I'm better then fine! he said as he scurried around in circles a few times before continuing... I'm back and I'm here and I'm flapping fuh-reeeeeeeeeEEEEEEE~~ the pygmy practically sang out, the joy showing in him in every conceivable way. Just, missing a few screws is all. Some loose boards, and maybe some irreparable damage to the orbital prefrontal cortex... whatever that is. -he shrugged.

Edited by Psyduсk

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((sorry for the disappearance, but I had to dog sit.))


"I was not here for a trade, and my name is Spinx." Spinx said as he drink the rest of the first beer and let go of it and open another, as it hit the ground with a loud shatter sound. "Now it your turn, what your name?" Spinx said as he drink some more of his beer he just open. "Does not matter if you killed it or not, just curios."


Merkath look at Atlas, "So, Axle have a formal gladiator as his companion, how... interesting." Merkath said in a bit of a lower tone. "Mind me asking, but how did you come across Axle?" Merkath asked as he look at atlas.



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((Yeah you can make your own NPCs


Gonna wait for Zeditha before I respond))


Kai stared at Spinx in silence. Her mind clicked, going over what possible reasons he would have to approach her. Being in the business she was, she was always suspicious of people who approached her- especially ones that seemed to already know a little something about her. "My name is Kai" her arms folded across her chest as her eyes watched the beer can fall to the ground. It sounded unusually loud as it clattered against the ground. She was used to the loudness of the festival, but off over by Windfall's entrance street, it was dead silent. Not to mention it was getting dark out. So the only reason for people to be wandering around was late night shopping or the festival. Boasting about your skills before. And now you're hanging around with arms full of beers. Classy. What is this necromancy coming to? she thought, now looking at Spinx with half-lidded eyes. She remembered her suspicion again, lifting her face slightly on a subconscious level of confidence. "And just what do you want then? You don't strike me as someone who likes to make casual conversation" she pried.

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"That's true, I would not strike a conversation up with people, or the living for that fact," Spinx said as he drink up half of his open beer, "And I'll get straight to the point than, I'm after a dragon by the name of Axle, though the only problem is he have a dragon companion that is a bit of a pain. If you help me it would be rewarding to you, if not well your lost."


Juna ran for a bit closer to the sound of the festival sound, getting ever so close, until she pick up the scent of roosted marshmallows. She creeped around for a bit until she came with in sight of the mage and a kid near a fire. She did not whether go closer to the pair or stay in the shadows. She pick the second one for it was safer to her to keep her distance as she keep her eyes on the kid 'How strange the kid have horns and fangs, yet he not a dragon.' She thought to herself.


Azera was annoyed with Juna and did not bother to climb the wall after her. Instead he turn back around to see the kid again with the swords. He simple rolled his eyes at the kid when he said re-collected. "Stupid kid bounty hunter." He said loud enough for the kid to hear him as he walked back though the crowed of people, closer to the two. "Greed over honer, what a joke." Azera said as he passed the two as look at Akira "Not even worth the title bounty hunter." Azera said to him as he head for the exit of the town hall and continue back outside.

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"Ha" Kai made a loud snort of laughter. Her weight shifted to one side, "I got more wealth than I'll ever need already. And look at you. What do I look like, twinkle toes? A bounty hunter?" she cocked her head to the side, "Never did I think I'd see a necromancer have to go crawling to a bounty hunter in any case. Have some dignity for yourself. Sheesh. If you have ANYTHING of value in your collection, you should be able to track and kill a target easy. What are you collecting? Decrepit old men?" she asked with a laugh. She turned to her guardian dragon and ran her hands down its now smooth scales. She ducked under one of his enormous legs, coming out the other side. "I bet you don't even know how to restore corpses like this, do you?" she taunted. If she tried to make it any more obvious she didn't like other necromancers, Kai would probably be wringing his neck. Or attempting to. She relied more on agility or magic than strength as she was a twig by all means. She shook her head, "No no, I'm not into other peoples dirty work" she rolled her eyes, "Held up by two dragons, come on" she mumbled at the end.

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((Sorry, we were at the beach yesterday. smile.gif Sand in my hair... But I couldn't get on. Apologies.))


Zeditha retreated a step. "Er..." she said quietly, not quite sure how to respond to the pygmy's crazy ramblings. "Well, hi... My name's Zeditha. What would you like me to call you? Tea?" She sounded, appropriately, quite confused. Then she looked up at Chi. "And hi, Chi. Yeah, lost in the crowd... Too many legs to avoid... Bumped into this nutter..." She laughed nervously. Once again, not so good with strangers...

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((Welcome to the RP, Psyduck. I can understand your problem with providers, had some problems with them too. Like them blocking a random site without a question once someone says that it has an inappropriate content...))


"That's it. I'm buying a map once I find the shop." thought Rina with annoyance. So far she was far less than successful at navigating through the city without getting lost, and it was harder to navigate through the crowd. "I guess I'll never understand the festivals, with this crowd and everything..."


She was about to just go ahead and ask someone for directions, when she heard a high-pitched voice through the crowd, rambling something about... someone named Helen and coffee? Curious, dark-blue dragoness decided to investigate and, doing her best to walk through the flow of humans and dragons, headed towards the voice.


What Rina saw, when she finally reached the source of the voice, was a pretty small pygmy, whose scales had a huge number of colors. He was in a very, very bad shape: scars and burns across his body, wires sticking out of him and symmetrically arranged... "By winds... I can't believe humans can be THAT violent and sadistic..." she thought with horror.

Edited by TheTron852

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((Warning, lots of OoC ahead.


Thanks Tron. Damn, I might have overdone it with Petey. Playing a completely 'out of it' character is fun, but there's a very faint line that must never be crossed. I usually follow a particular model for RPs, I make three characters. The Good (absent), The Bad (Bryce), and the Bat censorkip.gif Crazy (Petey). No good character yet, due to lack of inspiration. I can't throw him a good curve, and without the curve, it's no fun to RP him.


I'm currently working on a subplot for Bryce involving a small party of shady individuals looking to steal a particular artifact or item which is said to alter or imbue it's wielder with a particular ability or trait. It's part of Bryce's progression with magic, though a lot of the details haven't been roughed out yet, I've only gone as far as the first 'episode' from the NPC's side. I'm still hoping that I'll have someone similarly magic-less to do this with, rather then just solo-acting it. I also need to resolve some balancing issues and permission inquiries.


As for Bryce, I'm thinking of causing some noise with him. I see Windfall is guarded by some pretty strong guards. Dragons, no less. That makes for a good setting for what I have in mind.


But, all in due time. I'll send Bryce to a pub or Inn, where the first of my little subplot will likely start. If anyone with a similarly magic-less human-like character wants to partake, feel free to bump into him. Rudely if you so wish, for more lols. tongue.gif ))




With pockets full of dosh, and a cold pint waiting for him somewhere, the city now seemed like second home to Bryce. He stepped through the crowds and kept an eye out for anything that looked like a half-decent inn or pub. Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long for him to find one. Standing in front of the establishment, he crossed his hands and sighed, before reading the pub's name out loud. The Double Barrel


A sly grin crossed his face as he closed his eyes and covered his mouth with his palm. Let's hope at least they don't spit in their drinks.


Pushing the heavy wooden door aside, Bryce held back a cough as the smoke-heavy air shot through his nostrils. Regulars must be fans of the 'bacco. -he figured as he stepped past the unruly gentlemen seated at their round bar tables. Some of them were having a game of poker, others were drinking mugs of what Bryce could assume was ale, and still others were slumped over, smashed from horking down too much of the good stuff. The bar itself was decent, though. There was no music, but the room was lit just dimly enough to be atmospheric, and brightly enough to see what you were doing.


Seating himself on one of the stools and pulling out some of the stolen money, Bryce tapped on the counter to get the bartender's attention, ordered one, and made himself comfortable. It'd been a while since he'd had a stiff drink and relaxed, so he made the most of it.



Edited by Psyduсk

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((Well explaining the guards is simple. The guards are all Aquarian. Dragons that are fire based or extraordinarily skilled otherwise in the fire element. They are impervious to fire (obvs) they come from Aquios, an island made from a giant, active super volcano. The Aquarians use their fire magic to keep it from erupting.


The guards (soldiers) wear steel armor which is enchanted to also be fire proof. So it cannot be melted under the extreme heat of their habitat))


Chi straightened her posture a bit, taken aback by the Pygmy's strange behavior. Those wires must have fried his brain or somethin she thought. Chi turned her head to Zeditha, nodding briefly before looking back to Petey as he went off on his long rant. Her wings folded in against herself again. She paused as he revealed he had his prefrontal cortex injured by one means or another. Oh she knew all too well about that. The cursed hunters mode that was stuck to hybrids for so long. It was triggered by the scent of blood- inflaming their prefrontal cortex until they became mindlessly psychopathic. But if Dion and Nick managed to cure it on a genetic level, perhaps she could help this little one? Chi shifted in her crouched position, her talons clicking on the ground. "I could try to heal you some if you'd like. I don't what how much I could fix but... you just seem quite... frazzled" she trailed off, not wanting to sound impolite.


Rika stood at the woods edge on the outside of Windfall. Perhaps she could get some more practice in tonight. She pulled an arrow from her quiver, notching it on her bow and pulling back the string. She exhaled softly and let the arrow loose. It sang as it cut through the air, smacking into the tree in front of her with an emanating 'twang'. "Dammit" she cursed under her breath as she hooked another arrow. She pulled the string back again and held it there, concentrating hard on something. A faint light the size of a marble formed in front of her arrow, glowing. Rika grimaced, holding her breath as the light expanded to the size of a golf ball. She exhaled loudly and let the arrow fly. It smacked in the the tree again but this time took a noticeable chunk out. Pieces of bark flew off in different directions. "Ha?" she uttered in a questioning exhale of her labored breathing. She inspected the damage she left on the tree and threw her hands up, "HA!" she yelled. Perhaps attending those magic classes would be helpful after all.

Edited by Sai

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((Do people just send the applications to Sai now >.> ))


Nick smirked as Akuma devoured the smore. "The fire and chocolate activate the super secret power hidden within the marshmallows." he teased Akuma as he placed the gram crackers and chocolate down on a table nearby the fire for Akuma before taking a seat near the fire himself. Sticking another sugary pillow onto his stick before holding it back over the fire. "You try now" he said to the hybrid boy as he roasted the marshmallow. "Just try not to burn it to a crisp." He warned, grinning at the thought of Akuma roasting a marshmallow only to have it burst into flames.

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((Eeeeeeey~ you admitted I'm more fit for it xd.png you're too lazy))


Akuma narrowed his eyes at Nick as the mage said the s'more had magical powers. He scowled and stuck his tongue out briefly before digging a clawed hand into the bag for another marshmallow. Nick suggested he try making one himself as he put his own marshmallow over the fire. The boy snorted, "Why would I burn it?" he asked smugly. He curled his fingers around the marshmallow and his hand bursted to life with a a bright electric flash. He opened his palm again to show a perfectly golden marshmallow. The heat of electricity could could anything really. It was how he cooked his meals out in the wild. "Dion taught me about using my abilities in various ways to survive long ago. I liked the taste of cooked meat when I hunted game. So I used my electricity to barbeque things" he explained. He shoved the lone marshmallow into his mouth, the gooey substance sticking his teeth together like globs of glue.

Edited by Sai

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Sparks was sitting on her porch, sharpening a dagger, when she heard a strange thunk, followed by a whoop. She looked up and scanned the trees around her, detecting a faint white glow coming from the direction of town. The girl sheath the dagger and sprinted into the woods, making no sound on the leave-covered ground. She stopped by a small oak and jumped, grabbing hold of the branch above her. She pulled herself up and began quickly climbing the tree until she was about two thirds of the way up. Sparks could see a woman with a bow and arrow, and an arrow lodged deep in a tree. The tree had a gaping hole where the arrow hit it, with a large chuck of it torn out. How it that possible? She couldn't of have made that hole, the tree's to hard and the arrow's too weak. Unless... Sparks watched the woman curiously.

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