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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Due to the time of day that it was, it was dead silent in the square. Ronan heard the steps of the criminals everywhere. "Drake, can you get a fix on them." Ronan asked. Drake sniffed but sensed nothing except any noises. "They've masked their scents. This could be trouble." Drake rose up, ready to fight. Ronan heard the steps of the boss approaching. When he heard him stop, he assumed he was doing a distance attack and jumped away from his present spot as he opened his eyes to see the lightning come from the man. "You like to wield powers I see. It won't help you. Magic is weak against a bound sword." He said as he drew his sword, implying there was a 'specialty' to his sword. "Let us end what you started all those years ago. My family will have justice for what you did."

Edited by LordTorch18

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Nick felt Akuma hide behind and use him as a shield, "Not bad hatchling" Nick countered, "But still not good enough!" he exclaimed as he focused his magic on the countless feathers all around them and condensed them into a dense cloud of feathers before pulling the cloud around Akuma to obscure his vision. Now he couldn't see any incoming pillows. pillows continued to fly every which way as a steady glow poured out of his shell. The cloud wasn't enough for Nick though as two specially shaped metal balls rose discretely out of the pillow combat zone. They were designed to attract lightning currents, perhaps it would stop Akuma's lightning magic.

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma shifted, looking around to see how many pillows he'd thinned out. He didn't notice much of a difference. There must have been a lot of pillows flying about. Nick made a small retort from the echoes of his shell. The hybrid made a snort of laughter that Nick hadn't even bothered to draw himself out of the shell. A thick ball of feathers suddenly swarmed Akuma in an attempt to blind him. He shot out more electric bolts, which aimlessly shredded through the already loose feathers. A few small squeals of surprise emitted from him as he was blindly pelted by pillows. It seemed the mage took his pillow fights seriously. Or at least much more than the norm. He had heard something about stereotypical human girls playing pillow fights in their underwear but this was ridiculous. Akuma instead lowered himself to the floor and curled up, pressing himself against the shell of the tortoise for cover.

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Nick stopped the storm of pillows as soon as he felt Akuma curl up. He shifted to his human form and hopped up, throwing his arms over his head in victory. "I'll take the as surrender!" Nick exclaimed. "Victory is mi-" he began, but was interrupted as a rogue pillow winked into existence and knocked him over. I meant to do that." he said as he pushed himself up. Only now that the fun has been had he realized the mess they had created. With a wave of his hand pillows and feather alike began to wink out of existence as they had appeared bedforehand

"Well that sure was something." Nick murmured to himself. He had gotten a little carried away with the game.

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Night 4, Forest

“I noticed.” He said, following Kat until he did a double-take. “Wait a minute, nickname?” He figured that may have been a mistake in word, but sill. He observed the clearing they arrived in, while hearing the part about first watch. He recalled something about the old slavers mentioning watch, guard, or shift. They have more definitions than they should. “…Maybe.” He picked a spot to settle in, and looks at her. “I’ll see you when it’s my turn then?”


Night 4, Windfall, House

The three made it to their home. Colin was making dinner while his grandfather plays a game of solitaire and the hatchling stays in a cradle playing with some toys. When dinner was done, the two talked about various topics, such as work, the new city, card games, and most recently the injury Colin had on his arm. The conversation ended with them going to sleep for the night, though Colin noticed the hatchling’s way of looking at him while he moved the cradle to a room. “…What? You don’t like your room?” She crawled up to him. “…Alright, you can stay in my room.” He drags the cradle to his room and sets it where it won’t cause trouble. He walks up and looks out the window. “…It’s been four days since the Outbreak. But everything felt like it just happened.” He closed the curtains and went to the table, setting his lance on it while the dagger stays on his hands.


The dagger has a history with Dragons. Even though it was passed down to Colin, it still draws blood from them. By him, it was the hatchling’s mother and the two Dragons that ambushed him. And each time, it comes back to the owner’s hand. Who knows how many lives it took beforehand? Despite its history, it saved Colin numerous times, so he couldn’t just leave it collecting dust. He placed the dagger next to the lance, walks to the hatchling, and placed his hand on her. “Goodnight, Skaia.” He said, and then went to bed.


((I feel like summarizing most of his prologue in this post. Any other details I think are missing are gonna be covered later on.))


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((Oh oops, sorry Enkie. And Torch, I replied in the other chat.))


Kathia crossed her arms and nodded in agreement as she said, "I know, right?" As she watched Jason run back to the kitchen to keep the meat from burning any further than necessary, the girl took one last look at the crime scene before she went back to the table. She heard Jason curse out some funny words before saying that he was going to make a human colony where both criminals and dragons will be persecuted. Kathia smiled at the idea and thought, 'Sounds like my kind of place.' Maybe when Jason makes his dream colony, she can go and invite all the anti-dragon people in Windfall and the new city being built and move them into the perfect place for home.




The boss chuckled out in amusement and said, "Well now, if you want to die so badly. I'll be happy to grant you the favor. But let's see if you can find me!" He used his wind magic to shoot himself up into the air like a rocket and used flight magic to stay airborne above the ground. Then he cast two brightly-colored and sparkling balls towards Ronan and Drake. These were fireworks spell; the moment they hit the ground or the enemy, the balls would burst into a fiery explosion to painfully burn anyone caught in them.

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Ronan saw where the ball came from. He dodged the attack, same as Drake. Drake started taking out the gang thugs one by one or group by group using all his attacks and even attacking from the air. Ronan used his shurikens and threw them at where the balls came from. "Drake, barrier." He shouted out. Drake flew around and formed an ice dome around them. Temporarily imprisoning himself, Ronan, and the gang boss. The dome covered the entire town square and was as high as three, two story buildings. "Nowhere to run now." Ronan smirked.

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((Sorry guys i have not been posting with mine, Just think of a few ideas. plus since none of mine are interacting with anyone, it giving me some time to think of were the group is going to end up at.))

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"Yes a nickname. Gotta call you something even if it's just temporary. But we'll figure one out tomorrow." Kat said yawning a little. "And Yeah, you'll see me when it's your turn. I'll be sure to wake you. We should probably watch for a couple hours each before switching. So I'll see you in two hours." She said to the plant dragon warmly.




((Don't sweat it red happy.gif))


Jason was not pleased with the result of his labours. Sure they were still edible and hell maybe even salvageable. But Kathia was a rich girl with rich tastes. She'd probably never known what salvageable even looked like. Still it was what it was, maybe if she buried it in ketchup or mustard...or both it'd be okay. He made short work of some steamed vegetables which came out alright and returned to table baring two dishes with barely saved squirrel meat and tasty looking steamed vegetables. "Er...well I'm not normally this bad with cooking. I hope it's alright." He said placing the plate between some cutlery in front of Kathia before setting the other down in front of himself.

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Akuma winced as the pillows whirled around overhead. The commotion suddenly died down. Akuma lifted his arms from his face to peek out. Nick had morphed back into his human form and was calming storm before being slugged by a pillow. Akuma rolled over onto his back to look at the mage as he fell, smirking at him. Nick was quick to stand again, cleaning up the previous mess. Akuma stuck his tongue out at Nick, "You're the one who got carried away. I just threw a pillow" he teased. Akuma sat up, pausing to glare up at Nick, "And I never said I surrendered. As I said before, you're just a bleeding heart. You stopped your attack. So in a way, you're the one who surrendered" he taunted, keeping the same, snide little smirk plastered to his face.

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"And you zapped me!" Nick added in when Akuma claimed this it was only him that got carried away. "And that was so too surrendering!" Nick said "You were curled up in fetal position and completely overwhelmed by my fluffy projectiles of doom. I only stopped the assault because it would be cruel to continue after you were so obviously defeated. It's called being a decent human being, being a bleeding heart has nothing to do with it." He returned Akuma's smirk and ruffled up the hybrids hair. "On another note, I should probably get dinner started." he remarked, looking up at the clock.

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After the warrior and his dragon dodged, the henchmen started firing arrows and casting magic spells at them give their boss some back up support. Some of them got burned and frozen in thick ice by Drake's fire and ice attacks. Because some of the henchmen had been in or on top of buildings, the fiery breath that touched them made the buildings catch fire and would possibly destroy the stores and homes. So the surviving mages, in the buildings not on fire, had to resort to casting barriers to protect themselves from further attacks from the dragon. The others escaped the burning homes and to move somewhere else. Then when the town square got covered in an ice dome, the boss smirked back and replied, "Oh really?" Then he warped outside of the dome and was on top of it. Then he stared intently at the ground below and raised his hand up like a claw as used his earth magic to raise tall and sharp rocky spikes out from the ground beneath Ronan and Drake.




Jason came back with two dishes of squirrel meat and steamed vegetables. Kathia decided to give the squirrel a try first. She cut a piece of it and blow at the hot steaming meat to cool it down a bit before she put it into her mouth to chew. The taste was bland and it was probably because it was over-cooked. The bitter black burned spots certainly did not help the food. 'Wow he wasn't kidding when he said that I wouldn't be used to something like this,' she thought in disappointment. But nevertheless, she had to force herself to eat the rest, so that she didn't offend him.


After the squirrel was finished, Kathia went to eat the vegetables next. At first she expected them to taste bad, too. But surprisingly, they were good. Probably not gourmet good, but still delicious anyway. The girl happily ate the veggies until they were good. "Mmm, that was tasty!" Kathia said, wiping the corners of her lips with the napkin.

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Seeing the spikes rise out of the ground Ronan jumped backwards, and backflipped onto the top of the fountain. Drake flew by and Ronan hopped onto his back. "He's powerful Drake. There must be a way to beat him." Ronan said with some anger and a bit of nervousness. He was beginning to wonder if he was going to kill this man.

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"That was a love tap compared to a real bolt of lightning" Akuma grumbled. Nick had practically attempted to smother him with pillows. The hybrid frowned at Nick as he went on about his victory. He swatted Nick's hand as he ruffled the boy's hair. He mulled the mage's words over silently. Nick called it being decent. "You can call it whatever you like" he uttered quietly. Albel would have called it weakness. His brow sloped downward at the thought. Albel made it sound as if mercy were a waste. That people should face a full punishment to remember the lesson well. Then again, he wasn't exactly the greatest person to take moral values from. Akuma stood up and brushed himself off. He looked at Nick thoughtfully. Albel had at least made him certain that Nick was very much a bleeding heart. He was sure he could make an attempt on the mage's life and he wouldn't bat an eye. He looked at the floor. Where had that thought come from? A pang of worry washed over that maybe Albel had rubbed off on him. He'd keep it to himself... 'Lest Nick feel the need to sleep with one eye open.

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Night 4, Forest

Alright then.” He said before resting his head on the ground. He watched the grass move against the wind. His gaze stopped at the flowers. “Such a short life, yet they live it to the fullest.” He closed his eyes while continuing the thought. “In the long life…”


((Not much to do there. blink.gif ))

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"And I used pillows instead of rocks, so there" Nick responded when Akuma said it was just a love tap and pulled his hand back when the hybrid swatted it. "Like I always say, do unto others as you would have them to you." He shrugged as he walked into the kitchen, talking to Akuma still. "It usually works, but if they insist on getting all punchy punchy smashy smashy, then you can always just clobber 'em." he remarked, filling a pan with water before putting it on the stove to boil. As he did they he also got out various other ingredients and prepared them for cooking. Edited by picknick10

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Akuma's face flushed as Nick rebutted that he could have used rocks instead of pillows. He said something about treating others nicely. "So you like to be smothered with pillows? I'll have to remember that tonight" he called after Nick. The hybrid poked his face into the kitchen to see what the mage was doing. Seeing that he was cooking, Akuma could feel himself start to salivate. Well, it had been a while since he'd last eaten. He'd only really had that sandwich today. To avoid making a river of drool into the kitchen, Akuma pulled away from the door frame and went back to the couch. He plopped down lazily in his spot from before. He yawned and stretched, feeling much like a cat relaxed on the plush surface. The fire was staring to make the place toasty. He shut his eyes, feeling sleepy in his content.

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((Sorry for the delay Red and Flame. Things got Hectic on my end.))


Jason had watched nervously for a bit as Kathia took her first bite of the squirrel. He got the feeling that she wasn't impressed with it, but he couldn't blame her. It had been over-cooked and even burnt. As Kathia continued eating Jason took up his own utensils and began eating the squirrel. He was more used to the bland taste (not that he was fond of it) but the burnt bits were really bad. He ended up moderating his meal by eating a few vegetables after each bit of bland and burnt squirrel.


When they finished Kathia told him the meal was good, although Jason had a feeling she meant just the vegetables. "I'm glad you liked it. Can't say I was overly fond of the squirrel but I think I got those vegetables down pat." He said merrily giving his mouth a wipe with the napkin. "It's pretty late, I better get you back to your place for the night." He said standing and collecting the dishes. "But we should meet tomorrow and show off our skills."




Katherine watched the plant dragon go to sleep for a bit before turning her attention skyward. Well, so far so good. I wonder what kind of nickname I'll call him... She began cycling through a mental list of possible names most of which dealt with the fact that he was green. Her thoughts only broke when she heard suspicious noises in the night but it always turned out to be some mouse or owl. Kat had it worked out that Green (Kat's nickname for the dragon until she came up with a better one) would be the one with the final shift in the morning. So when it came time to go he would be waking her up, ideally.


((I think we can cut it here until the next morning. When everyone is ready feel free to start Kat and Plant Dragon up. happy.gif))

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((Sorry for not being here all week, I had a funeral to attend, plus I was over at my extended family's home, and I had homework to do.))



The boss watched his enemies evade the spike and thought, 'Hmm, he's very acrobatic and reflexive. Simple attacks won't do at all. I'm going to have to perform some cunning tactics if I am to kill these pests.' The henchmen fired their arrows and cast their spells at the man and dragon duo flying in the air.





"They sure did!" Kathia replied honestly in response to Jason's saying about the vegetables. When Jason said that it was getting late and that they should show off their skills tomorrow, the girl replied, "And yes, that would be fun! I'd like to see what you can do. And I'm going to show what I learned." She couldn't wait to show him her magic spells that she learned from her two spellbooks.




((I'm going to timeskip Aeolus's time in the cave, say that he's collected a few dragons willing to fight and that they plan to ambush the human army sleeping at their camp.))

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((hey red, see if you cant figure out a way to integrate Minerva into this. if she can aid ronan and drake it'll be nice. or she could be put into danger because of the fight and that motivates ronan.))


Ronan could only think of one thing to even the odds. "Drake, make the ice fall." He said. Drake flew toward the top of the dome he made. He launched a single spike at the dead center of it. When they got close enough, Drake whipped his tail and smacked it up all the way through the ice. The ice began to crack all the way down the dome before shattering completely. All the small shards and large pieces of ice would crash down ontop of the gang on the rooftops if they didn't run away in time. "Just you and me now." ronan shouted to the boss.

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((Time skipping to morning I guess))


Nick flips over some sizzling bacon on the stove, pressing it down against the pan. He then moved over and stirred the eggs around. "Breakfast is nearly done." he called out from the kitchen as he began taking things off the stove and putting them on the table along with plates and silverware. "And finished!" Nick said through a mouth full of freshly cooked bacon he had just sampled. Sitting down at the table, he awaited for Akuma to come in. He had something to show him. He had something planed for the day, and a good breakfast was always a good idea.

Edited by picknick10

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((user posted image


See, this is what Nick REALLY does when no one is looking.))


The sun rays of early morning poured in through the window of Akuma's 'claimed room' of the house. They crept up onto the bed, shining on his face. The hybrid grumbled and rolled over before blinking his eyes open and rubbing them briefly. He pushed the covers off himself and stumbled over to the window, looking outside at the people and dragons below in the streets. Seemed everything was still in one piece. He didn't really expect the treaty of dragons and humans to go over so well. Behavior wise anyway. His head snapped to the side as he heard Nick call out that breakfast was done. Is that his idea of a wakeup call? ... My hearing is still human level in this form. These creatures are damned near deaf he thought with a snort as he looked down at his human body. He had heightened smell in this form and yet... that seemed to be about the only thing. In his dragon form he was stronger, faster, and had better senses. He made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. He looked into the kitchen and saw the food, making him sit hastily at the table. His eyes shifted up to Nick, "I see why humans have to rely on their smarts. Your senses are petty. You rely on masses of technology to make up for it.... Works well enough... until a certain spell came along" a smirk crossed his face.

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Nick was shoveling bacon into his mouth, and he only glanced up when Akuma walked in. "Go ahead and eat up!" Nick urged the hybrid boy as he gulped down some orange juice himself. "I've got something planned for today." He looked at Akuma for a response. When Akuma poked at him, Stuck his tongue out at the boy. "Good thing I don't rely on technology." he countered, wriggling his eyebrows at Akuma before continuing."Anywaysss there's a traveling carnival coming to town... A magic carnival" he exclaimed before throwing up his arms above his head. "With magic! It's going to be great!" he continued to ramble on about it through a mouthful of sausage dipped in syrup. "Better hurry up and eat, though, wouldn't want to miss it!" he warned as he rubbed a bit of syrup off his chin.

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma shifted around in his seat, making himself more comfortable. Nick nearly glided to the table and started to shovel food into his mouth like a machine. He encouraged Akuma to do the same as he glugged down more orange juice. The smirk melted from the boy's face as it then contorted to a look of disgust and shock. He watched Nick eat like someone would stare at a horrific car wreck as they drove by. Sure he'd eaten raw corpses before... but this was just undignified. Nick had practically ignored his statement, continuing on about some carnival. Akuma shifted his eyes down to his plate and started to eat slowly, choosing to focus on the food rather than Nick's animalistic habits. His brow furrowed as he stared at his food. What the hell was a carnival?

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Username: Jamie3165

Name: Barblo Babbins

Age: Unknown, he forgot his own age

Appearance: male shallow water dragon, covered in scars, a little bigger than normal

Personality: insane, sometimes funny, bit of an airhead

Powers: physical combat. He sucks at magic despite being a magic type of dragon

Opinion of Humans: "Traitors. They're complete rubbish and deserve to go extinct."

Likes: fighting, wrestling, joking with old buddies, his family, his homeland ninja.gifninja.gifninja.gif

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