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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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"As long as there's people, there will be worth in gold. The gold standard has been used for a long time, I don't see it changing any time soon, even after the collapse of civilization. Besides not everyone wants what you can offer, and it's easier to carry gold." Nick said shrugging. "It doesn't really matter anyway, it is what it is." He looked up when he heard the alarm and tried to locate its source. It sounded like a burglary alarm, but he could smell smoke. It seemed like there were a lot of fires lately. "One of these days it will catch up with you" he warned Kai before continuing on his way home. "Come on Akuma, lets get out of here." he motioned before heading back to his house. When he finally got there he pulled out a key and unlocked the door. Edited by picknick10

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"It's mostly because I'm pretty weak but not having a lot of experience doesn't help either. At best I could fly from the city center to the nearby river in one go." Kat explained. The little excursion with Chi had been a personal best for Kat. "But you aren't wrong, the road is dangerous I won't hold it against you if you decide to travel on your own." She said with a smile and started down the road. "But if you feel like coming I can assure you that we won't get lost. I didn't spend two days studying maps for nothing." Katherine added, starting to show some actual confidence.

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“It sounds like you should practice when you have the chance.” The Dragon said to the explanation. The comment about how dangerous the road felt like an implication to something insulting, and thus, irked him somewhat, but he decided not to respond to that. He thought about not getting lost as he started to catch up to Kat. “I know its south of here until you reach the coast, though that’s about it. So yes, clear directions would help, since I barely know anything beyond the old Human city.”

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"I suppose I could practice on the way." Kat conceded as she walked with the dragon. She was glad to have the company. Now all she had to do was live up to her boast earlier which in hindsight was a really dumb move. "Well, we'll be following mostly old roads since new paths haven't been recorded yet. My owners traveled a lot so I've seen quite a bit outside this city. But there's no telling what we will see out there now with the spell in effect." Kat mused still leading the way through the forest. "So are you out seeking a new home then?" Kat asked wanting to know more about her traveling companion.

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“Good. That way in case something happens and you need to run, you’ll be ready.” He said. He fumed somewhat in thought about the word about new roads and no idea of what lies beyond. “The land shouldn’t have changed too much. The Spell did cause the ground to rumble, but nothing catastrophic to the land itself…At least as far as I know. If we’re using this old road from your maps, things should be fine…How old were those maps?” He looks around the forest, noting some of the trees that have fallen until he was asked about a new home. “Yes, I heard other Dragons are making a village in Solomos. Getting there would be a good start for a new home.”

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"It's more the people than the land that I'm worried about. But I guess that's just one of the risks." Kat answered somewhat absentmindedly. "Not that old. They could technically be considered current since the spell was just a few days ago. They're just a little indirect since I was using human roadmaps. I've already planned out some shortcuts since some of those roads go quite a ways out of the way." Kat explained to the plant dragon. "A village for dragons eh? I wonder if my family will be there. We should also be sure to keep an eye out for nice places on the way back to Solomos. You might find a place you like here." Katherine said ducking under some low hanging branches. "I was thinking that since it's already late we should rest when we reach the river. It should be just a little bit farther. If that's ok with you. I can go longer I just thought it best to save the traveling for the day." She added as sights started to look more and more familiar.

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“That’s why you should be ready.” He thought about these words, remembering that he doesn’t have a lot of offensive abilities himself. Throughout the years, he was only creating things, or clearing areas, so he mostly knew restorative properties, and how to move things. He only overcame his slavers because their weapons stopped working. He lets out a breath of air. “Then at least there’s a backup in case something’s off about the road.” He went around the trees since the branches are too low to go over or under. “Family…You have relatives you stay in contact with?” He thought about the suggestion to rest near the river. “That’s fine. My only problem is how safe we will be throughout the night. There are plenty of plants for me to use right now.”

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((Well I say apparition because it's not really an actual form... I do know it's solid though))


Akuma watched on with mild interest as the building started to be doused in water. Nick was more busy warning Kai about her heists before carrying on back to home. The Aquarians seemed to have it under control. Well, damage control at least. He followed Nick idly back to the house where the door was unlocked. A warm place and food again. Who cared about gold? Akuma slipped past Nick as the door opened and moved to the fireplace. His mouth sloped downward in thought for a moment before striking a log with a bit of lightning. It cracked and was set ablaze. He moved over to the couch and snuggled into the fabric until he was comfortable. Everything was quieter now, he wondered if Cloud and Axle were alright. They seemed strong enough. If Marc was as nutty as he sounded, they would be ok, right? ... He sighed quietly. That had been a long day.


The Aquarian looked up as he saw a blur come rushing out of the smoke. He stared for a moment, sniffing past the smoke. It smelt like him. An elk rushed past his face. He batted it to the side with his wing, charging for what what smelt like the boy. Catching up, he only saw stone. He looked around, not seeing the real boy in sight. He grabbed the cloths of the stone up in his claws, yanking the apparition with him, and flew to the front where more guards were. "This is his scent. I'll give a description later. No one else inside the building"

Edited by Sai

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((Er...there are 2 Conjurations. The lightning elk which is charging the Aquarion and the stone boy which has the cloths and is trying to escape. happy.gif))




"The river stops right at the forest. There's barely a stretch of grass to separate the two, so we should be ok." Katherine reassured the plant Dragon. "And I don't really keep in touch with them. Solomos is just the last place I saw my family. I'm really just hoping they're still alive, besides Solomos is where I was originally born. I've wanted to go home for many years now." Kat finished speaking as the sound of flowing water reached her ears. "I do believe we are here." She proclaimed and stepped out of the treeline onto a thin stretch of grass. Willows hung over the river shading the entire area. What little light from the moon that did shine through glittered on the surface of the water. "Just downstream should be a bridge and the start of the road we'll be following. So what do you think? Settle down for the night or keep going and sleep during the days?" She asked the plant dragon. "Come to think of it, I don't know your name."

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((Whoops... think I fixed it then >.>))

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“I see. Being too far would put a strain on anyone who tries to keep in touch.” He said. When Kat mentioned being at the river, he observes his surroundings, noting areas to make use of for whatever happens. He sits down after hearing the question. “If we sleep during the day, we’ll need cover since we’ll be in one place. I can use the ground to make us look like hills, but I don’t know how you feel about the dirt and mud on you. I think sleeping during the night is a good option.” He paused at the personal question asked to him. “I don’t have one.” He figured he would get asked about it. “I was taken away before I hatched, so I never knew either of my parents. The slavers called me things like dragon, beast, monster…” He scoffed at the last bit. “No name.”

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((All good Sai happy.gif))


Tyler listened to the very brief scuffle outside as the decoy tried to make a break for it. Hearing the sound of flapping wings Tyler decided to pear out of the door. The back alley was empty, and the fire was dying down. Now was his chance. With his staff in hand Tyler skulked into the alleyway and away from the store.


Meanwhile as the Aquarion carried the fake to the other guards the stone double tried valiantly to escape, constantly struggling against the dragon's grip. The elk had faded away having served it's purpose. When Tyler moved out of range the stone double crumbled away leaving only the cloths and duplicate staff.




"Yeah, and that's why I'm going back to Solomos. To make sure they're all ok." Kat explained before taking a drink from the river. "We'll travel by day then." Kat replied, probably a bit more tersely than was necessary. The idea of being covered in dirt, especially after going through so much effort to keep herself pretty on a daily basis was rather unappealing. A bit embarrassed by the sudden outburst Katherine cleared her throat and offered a small apology. "Sorry. I just mean that there's no point in needlessly straining ourselves just to stay hidden." She was silent then feeling a bit ashamed. She had almost forgotten about her request for his name when he answered. His fate was by far, much worse than hers. He didn't even know his parents. To be born into the world alone was, unthinkable, deplorable even. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." She said and was quiet again. "Let's give you a name. I can't just call you dragon, and certainly not monster. I'm not great at this but how about Emerald, after the colour of your scales?" Katherine suggested.

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Nick rolled his eyes as Akuma slipped by before he could step in himself. He turned and closed the door behind him, glad to be away from the smoky smell from outside. When he turned around again, he found Akuma had already flopped down in front of the fire. "You sure do like that fire." he commented as he took off his robe and put it away, revealing a new haircut and cloths underneath. "New look." he said as he walked up beside Akuma. "What do you think?" he asked as he did a little spin so Akuma could see the whole thing. Earlier today he had decided that the robe was getting old, and if he wanted to fit in out in public he should look less... weird.

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The boss and his goons walked through the streets, all wearing brown cloaks and black masks to hide their identities. It was now 10:00 pm at night time (I hope the time's correct), but there were still some people in the streets about. The boss wanted to attack Ronan when no one was around and that would have to be at the time when most of the city's population was asleep. The men saw Ronan and Drake at the square, but made no attempt to assassinate them just yet. The boss knew the matched the description that his spy told him and thought, 'So these are the pests who thwarted my plan. I should have made sure that there were no survivors back then. But it's never too late to bring the last of his clan to extinction. With them out of the way, I can focus back onto decimating (insert dragon right's group name that I forgot) and the Aquarians.' The men left the square and turned around the corner. The boss sent his spy to watch the enemies from the distance to keep an eye on them and let him know if they would ever move. In the meantime, the boss would wait at his HQ.




Atlas brought back some food for the family and they all ate their dinner. The sisters continued to play around, while Atlas read some books on the castle's history and culture. The forging book she picked up taught her how to make weapons and armor for warriors, how to mend them, and how to remove rust. This seemed to be quite useful as all the armor and weapons, including Atlas's, were rusted. So to renew them, she used the magic taught from the book to make her equipment brand new again. On the thought of forging, she thought it would be a good idea to make armor for Danielle and Kylie to protect themselves, in case she was ever gone. But of course she would have to find some ore tomorrow as it was late at night. The family went to the tower where the king used to rest and slept there.




Upon entering, the horde saw a crowd of dragons with their hatchlings and eggs, all huddled up in barely closed spaces. Aeolus's eyes looked to each dragons to see which ones looked and which ones don't. It looked like a majority of them were weak breeds, something the disaster dragon didn't want in his army. The horde met the leader of this refugee cave who told them that the humans from three camps joined forces to build an army to exterminate the dragons in revenge for the destruction of their city. The humans destroyed every dragon, hatchling, and egg they could find and annihilated the dragon horde that was sent to combat them. They were too powerful with their magic and this was why the dragons went into hiding.



((Atlas's and Aeolus's parts were rushed, because I was bored.))

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((I'll just let that dwindle down off screen. Suffice to say, Tyler's face is on wanted posters >.>))


Akuma purred in content against the warm fabric of the couch. He could feel the heat of the fireplace against his skin. "I'm half dragon. Mostly thunder. I like heat" the hybrid retorted, stretching for a moment. He spared a glanced as Nick moved into the house and removed his outer layers of clothing. He said something about a 'new look', moving closer to Akuma and asking his opinion. Akuma looked over once more, his face contorting a bit and making a slight recoil in his head motion, as if just noticing the change. Akuma reached behind him and grabbed a pillowed, "Great, now you look less like the old man you are. Shouldn't you be hunched over on a cane by now?" he asked snidely with a grin as he whipped the pillow at Nick's face. Akuma raised his hands defensively to catch the pillow if it was thrown back at him.

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The Dragon took his time getting settled for the night. He heard a somewhat rushed response regarding the hiding method, but didn’t feel bothered by it. “It’s no trouble.” Other than the dirt, there’s also the part about moving while sleeping, and a moving hill would be strange to anyone. When he heard the apology about the name, he shook his head in response. “I doubt I’m the only one who lives nameless and parentless. A thousand years of slavery, anyone could live like that their entire lives.” He thought about Katherine’s suggestion on having a name and what she thought up. He didn’t think much about names because he doesn’t have one, but it’s been long overdue. “That’s…a little too direct, but I’ll think about it.”

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Drake heard the distant steps of the spy. He made two growl noises and tapped two of his fingers on the ground. He was giving Ronan a location. Ronan subtly drew one of his knives and threw it in the direction Drake gave him. If successful, the knife would kill the spy on impact. "If you want this to end, then let us end it here and now." Ronan shouted out so the 'boss' could hear him, "You want me dead? I'm right here."

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Nick was about to say something in retaliation to Akuma's comment when a pillow was suddenly launched at his face. He ducked down to avoid it and stood back up. "Now you're in for it." he said as the pillow behind him winked out of existence before reappearing behind Akuma. Now, technically, if the pillow hits Akuma, he would have thrown it at himself. Nick didn't wait for that though, and quickly scooped up another couch cushion, tossing it at the hybrid boy, a big smirk plastered onto his face as he did so. "No escape!" he jeered as Akuma now had pillows coming from both directions.

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma smiled smugly as Nick ducked out of the way of his pillow. The pillow seemed to disappear as it flew past Nick. He heard a faint woosh as Nick went and grabbed at a cushion, throwing it at him. Akuma smirked at Nick and rolled to the side, thwacking against the coffee table and crashing onto the floor. He rolled under the coffee table for cover. "Escaped. You missed" he said snidely. Akuma was good at winning these games because of his agility. He sacrificed strength growing up to work on reflexes and speed. It seemed more befitting to a lightning type anyhow. Akuma's mouth twisted up into a devilish, toothy grin. He flicked a finger out towards Nick. A small jolt of electricity shot out at Nick's legs. It was more of a static shock really, enough to give someone a jump as if they were rubbing against wool and touched a metal surface.

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Nick watched as Akuma rolled out of the way of his dual pillow assault and stuck out his tongue, watching the two pillows collide midair and fall to the sofa limply. Turning his attention to Akuma he was about to throw another pillow when he felt a zap on the leg, causing him to leap back. "Hey now!" he said startled. Raising his hands. Two more pillows raised up and flew at Akuma, swooping between table legs and homing in on the hybrid boy. "Good luck besting my homing pillows of doom!" he challenged playfully. He hadn't done anything like this in a long, long while, and it felt good to have someone to do something with, rather than sitting alone all day.

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Akuma's smirk deepened as Nick raised his hands to attack him, only to be stopped short with the shock. He'd gotten a full jump out of it in fact. His hands raised to attack again. This time, two more pillows raised and flew after Akuma under the table. He blocked one with his legs and rolled out of the way as the second grazed his side. He rolled out from underneath the table and stopped, staring at Nick mischievously as he propped his arms under himself and pushed up to a crouching position. "Your pillows are inferior. Though, not as soft as that bleeding heart of yours" he purred, smirking at Nick. He didn't give the mage a chance to recoil for another attack as he jumped forward at Nick's legs. He was aiming to knock the mage down to the floor. He put his arms forward to wrap tightly around Nick's legs to reduce the chance of him catching balance before falling.

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Aldric the spy moved his head to the side and barely avoided the knife as it flew bye and hit the stone wall of the building. After Ronan's shout, the spy stayed hidden in the alley off to the corner and thought, 'Impatient, are you? You son of a censorkip.gif*. Don't worry, your death will be here eventually.'


Time went by until it was after midnight. The radio's alarm rang and woke the boss out of his sleep. With his energy gained from his rest, it was now time to end the pesky duo once and for all. After changing into his clothes, he took up his cell phone and called his spy, "Aldric, are you still there?"


The spy at the other end of the line replied, "I am, is it time?"


"Yes Aldric," the boss confirmed as he got out of his office. "I'm coming over to the square now. Stay where you and make sure these rats don't move."


"Yes sir. But do be careful, I think he knows you're coming."


"Well then, let's give him a warm welcome," the boss said figuratively with a sly smile. He hang up the phone and gathered up his men before they went out into the streets. He cast his invisibility spell on himself and everyone to launch surprise attacks on their targets. He also cast the no scent spell, so that they wouldn't be detected by dragons who would smell out their scent. The group split up to go separate ways to the square. They were to hide on top of buildings, in the alleys, around the corners, behind large objects, and etc.


With everyone in place, the boss entered the square walked quietly towards the seemingly sleeping pair until he was 12 feet away. 'Letting your guard down eh? Not the best move, I'd say. Oh well, let's finish this,' he thought. Then he cast his lightning spell at the duo.

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Nick watched Akuma's little display as he dodged and blocked the incoming pillows. "You will be downed by a sea of soft and fluffy goodness!" he exclaimed as he felt something tackle him around his legs to throw off his balance and bring him to the ground. "Oh no you don't!" he said, raising his arms one more time and calling out dramatically "PILLOW STORM!!!!" all of a sudden in all directions pillowed started winking into existence and flying towards Akuma. It was like a white blizzard of cloth and feathers. As Akuma brought him to the ground, he shifted in a flash of light, becoming a giant tortoise and withdrawing into his shell. "Victory is assured!" he called out from within his armored shell as pillows whizzed around outside.

Edited by picknick10

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((Red you missed my post. happy.gif))


"OK then. But we'll need to think up a nickname at some point." Katherine stated matter-of-factly. "After all I can't go around calling you 'Big-Green-Dragon that's my traveling partner.' Right?" She said looking for a nice spot in the woods. She found a clearing just large enough for her companion and motioned to it. "How about sleeping here. I can take first watch...and that does mean I stay awake while you sleep right?" She asked a little unsure if she had used the human phrase correctly.


((Sounds good Sai. Suffice to say he hides out successfully for the evening.))

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Akuma held his grip tight as he felt himself collide with Nick. He pushed his weight forward into the mage and felt him topple over as intended. His smirk pulled up into a grin as he pulled himself up to sit on top of Nick victoriously. The mage instead however, started a storm of pillows. The hybrid shrank back down to take shelter under Nick's legs. In a bright flash, Nick morphed into a turtle, retreating into his shell. Akuma frowned, shifting his body up against the shell for cover instead. "Cheater!" he yelled at the shell. He stared briefly at the pillows flying around before smirking again in resolve. He struck his hands out, shooting bolts of lightning at the pillows, exploding them into harmless puffs of feathers. He used Nick's shell to protect his back as he thinned out the pillows. "Heh, thanks for the cover, old man" he said smugly.

Edited by Sai

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