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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Doesn't matter. If someone makes a scenario, you cannot add or interfere with it without permission. For example, I own the jurisdiction aspect of Windfall. If I send officers, ask me before controlling or adding to them))

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Nick continued to stare down Akuma even as the hybrid shifted under his gaze and shifted his own to the cobble. He considered saying something but nothing came to mind and he turned to leave. Right as he took a few steps he felt something whiz by. His eyes widened as he saw Akuma being yanked away and reaching out for help. Nick lurched forward and tried to grab onto the hybrid as he was taken away, but he just barely slipped away. With a pop of light, he teleported across the rooftops, following Axle and Cloud. He was about to come out, magic blazing when Akuma suddenly rolled off and glided to the ground as a dragon. Lowering his hands Nick followed, glaring at Cloud and Axle as he ran by. Landing on the cobble below and stumbling to catch his footing he approached Akuma. At first he said nothing, but finally said. "What was that about?"

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Akuma shook his body like a wet dog to release his tension from the recent event. Cloud had aimlessly snatched him by the collar swiftly, which could have easily broken his neck, not that it hadn't nearly asphyxiated the young hybrid. He heard a rustle of grass and snapped his head in alarm, only to see Nick standing in the clearing now. So it seemed he still cared... a little... at least enough to see if the hybrid was being dragged away for murder or something, right? He thought so by the glare on the mage's face. He raised a paw, rubbing his neck where he'd been yanked briefly. His wings fluttered in a flustered manner as Nick approached. He watched the human cautiously, half expecting to be hit. Not that it would do Nick much good in this form. He asked finally what had happened. "... A serial killer is after them ... they think he wants to kill me too. But that doesn't make sense..." his voice trailed off as his face heated up. His claws extended, slicing at the ground in discomfort. It was mostly from embarrassment of his situation and the past. Akuma had been a pest to Nick so it seemed almost comical someone wanted to kill him. And yet, Akuma couldn't fathom being a mischievous child warranted murder.

Edited by Sai

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Nick just shrugged his shoulders, paying not mind to Akuma's obvious embarrassment "They came off to me as a bit odd." he confessed. "It wouldn't surprise me if the person who was after them was crazy too, you know being a serial killer and all." He didn't know what Akuma had been doing since he ran off, but he couldn't have gotten himself in that much trouble, right? It felt awkward around the hybrid boy after he had used him and run off. More silence filled the gap and he kicked at the ground not sure what to say. He stuck his hands in his pockets and questioned "So... What have you been up to?"

Edited by picknick10

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((Torch, I posted at the other RP yesterday.))


Kathia sat at the table and said, "Well I'll be the judge of that after I get a taste of your food." Then Jason went into the kitchen to make dinner. The girl could smell the savory scent from the kitchen minutes later. When told to give him a holler if she needed anything, Kathia asked, "Alright! Well could you give me a drink too?" It was a good idea to always have a drink along with a meal, so that she could wash the food down.


((If it's not the Golden Pony Inn, I'll remove that following part.))


While she waited, Kathia could hear a commotion nearby. "What the heck?" she asked, getting out of her seat to check out the scene that piqued her curiosity. She went over to the main lobby where she found some policemen and the dead receptionist. She heard the police saying that the man had been impaled by a murderer, who's identity hasn't been discovered yet. This made Kathia froze with fear as she thought, 'Oh gods we have a murderer!' Chances were that he or she was still somewhere in this inn.




The dragon guards saw the horde and asked, "Who goes there?"


Aeolus stepped forward and answered, "I am Aeolus and this is my horde."


The guards looked to the other dragons before turning their eyes back to the disaster dragon. "Aeolus? Well fancy meeting you here! I'd never thought I'd see someone like you," one of them said excitedly. "So did you come here to hide from the humans?" he asked.


"Something like that," said Aeolus. "But I'm actually doing is looking to recruit some strong dragons to wipe out that army." Then he asked, "Tell me, are there any powerful breeds in that cave?"


"Well we don't know everyone's exact ability, but if you want to find them. You'll have to come into the cave yourself to see," said the guard. The guards let the horde through and they went inside the cave.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Yeah it was))


Akuma half nodded as Nick explained how he viewed Cloud, Axle, and Marc. That was true enough. Marc could just be some nutter after all. Why did a serial killer need a reason to kill? Perhaps he was in a spot of trouble. But he figured Marc would primarily be after Cloud and Axle. Awkward silence filled the gap again between them. Nick asked finally what he'd been doing. Akuma glanced back at Cloud and Axle in the distance, "Staying with them" he said blandly. It dawned on him that might give the wrong impression based on what he'd done to Nick. "... I mean they offered... A dragon cut my throat open and Axle healed me..." he rubbed his neck again. He stood silent for a minute before inching forward towards Nick. His pace increased in a jolt, seeming like he might run Nick down in the process. Akuma shifted to human form just short of pummeling Nick to the ground and grabbed his shirt, nuzzling his face against the mage. He made a small draconic purr of content.

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Nick stumbled backwards as he absorbed the near tackle from Akuma. He was shocked at first. He recovered quickly though, wrapping his arms around the hybrid and pulling him into a hug. He hadn't expected Akuma to that. He expected them to just awkwardly part ways. He had mixed feelings about this though. How could he be sure that Akuma wasn't just using him? As Akuma started to purr, though, he decided to deal with that road when he got to it. "So you'll be coming back with me then?" he asked, a small smile creeping onto his face. He couldn't help it, he missed th little guy. Gosh I am a bleeding heart... he thought to himself.

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((I noticed red. smile.gif ))


Ronan and Drake sat by the fountain for hours waiting. Ronan would pull food out of a pouch whenever he needed to eat. He watched as the day began to turn to night. Drake slept in a meditative state. They would not sleep till the job was done.

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Akuma sank against Nick as the mage wrapped his arms around him. He enjoyed the warm feeling of soft clothing and had a sense of security from his arms. He quelled his purring as Nick asked him if he would be coming home with him again. Akuma had mostly expected some sort of rejection. A lot of people hated him, if only for being a hybrid. He waited for his blush to disappear before pulling his face away from Nick's robes. He nodded in silence, giving a brief look of puppy eyes before nuzzling back into Nick. The mage had even smiled at him. So perhaps he didn't hate him after all. It made Akuma feel both happy and sad. He'd grown up learning to hate others in return for their hate towards him. He hoped he could hold onto something in wanting to believe something was going right in his life- in this case a friendship. He'd missed the mage. His purring started up again. He turned his face, gently nibbling at a loose piece of Nick's robe.

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Hello? Can anyone tell me the best place for a plant Dragon to go to? I thought about going south to Solomos, but I heard there’s full of trees in the northwest region.

((I should've asked if anyone could respond to that. My bad. Can someone?))

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Nick let himself smile. Maybe he could finally have someone to call a friend. Letting go his his hug on Akuma he gave him a soft nudge on the top of his head in between his horns, rustling up his hair a bit. "Come on now." he said, chuckling quietly to himself. "It's getting late out, have you had a proper meal yet today?" he asked the hybrid boy as he lightly pried him off of him and turned to leave, ushering Akuma along to follow him. It felt good to have Akuma back. Despite what had happened before, he still felt like Akuma was a little brother in a way. Although he had never had a brother before so he didn't exactly know what it felt like in the first place.

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"Now who said I'm crazy?" Marc asked as he transformed from a cat to his human form in a tree near by Akuma and Nick. "And for the fact, they are right, I'm an assassin and you have a price on your head, but not as much as they do. So if you excuse me I'm going to leave you alone to what ever the hell your doing, and go after my bounty than come back for you. Oh before i forget your prices is 3,000 on your head, and i don't know why, maybe because your a hybrid, but who am i to asked." Marc laugh. He very much like telling his target or letting them know that he was hunting them. it made it more fun to hunt them down and kill them. "And I'll tell you one thing, the person who hired me is a necromancer." He said as he bounced away from them and grab a vial of blood out that was the blood of a wolf and med into the rest of the wolf pack not far from Akuma and Nick.

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((Totally didn't notice that. Sorry Flame x.x

@Sai I had Chi open the door for Kat since it seemed like it would be a wasted post just to do that. I can edit if that doesn't sit with you happy.gif

Also consider this my official request to break in, rob blind, and burn down this random jewelry store.))


"I suppose you're right." Kat said to Chi thoughtfully. "Thanks Chi. I'll see you around." She said cheerfully and with that turned to face the door. She thought about battling with it but instead let Chi get it for her and glided down from the entrance to the soft grassy ground. Katherine turned back to give one final wave before marching south.


Kat had barely made any progress when a message rang through in her mind. A plant dragon was asking for help. Although Katherine wasn't in much better shape she figured a companion for the long trip might be nice. "I don't know anything about the northwest region but I'm heading to Solomos and I'm sure it'll be plenty safe there. I wouldn't mind a traveling companion if you don't mind walking the whole way." She projected back, although because she didn't know who she was talking with, she had to just put it out as a telepathic ping like he did. Which of course meant everyone in range could hear them talking.




Jason was in the midst of cooking the food when he heard worried voices just outside. Poking his head out of the kitchen he saw Kathia was on her feet as well. "Hey! Whats going on out there?" He asked, calling to Kathia from the kitchen. He had seen flashes of police uniforms so whatever it was, it was big. Jason left the kitchen to catch up with Kathia and see what was going on. "Whats everyone crowding around for?" Jason asked again quietly when he stood next to her. There was a lot of worried whispering going around. The word murder was being cautiously uttered here and there as if it were a slimy unpleasant thing.




Tyler was now staring into a jewelry store. Sure the place wouldn't burn as easily as the woodworkers place down the road but he could actually get something of value out of this little escapade too. To top it all of he could here the sounds of crowds elsewhere in the city and just a moment ago a dragon looking like it was flying for its life had soared overhead. With everyone so thoroughly distracted Tyler figured he could get this done without a hitch...hell maybe even set the place next door on fire too before anyone notices. That is, assuming the two idjits at the fountain just a little ways down the street would leave. He'd been here ten minutes and they hadn't moved an inch. Were they meeting someone, or perhaps they had both been stood up and were too thick to figure it out. Either way it was an inconvenience to Tyler and it was getting on his nerves. As another minute ticked by Tyler decided he would have to take the risk. He took a moment to peer into the window and see what caught his eyes. Set on some lovely gold bangles, a pair of mother-of-pearl earrings, and a very attractive gold necklace, Tyler began testing the weight of the stones he had been twiddling a moment ago and discarded the lighter of the two.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Akuma smiled sheepishly at the ruffle of hair on his head. Nick asked if he'd gotten a proper meal yet. Akuma thought back to the sandwich shop from earlier. "... Sort of..." he murmured. He'd at least eaten a sandwich today. His expression flattened. No wonder he was so tiny. Akuma followed along after Nick only to pause again as a cat came jumping down near them. It was Marc by the way it was speaking. He mentioned Akuma's bounty and that he would collect it later after Cloud and Axle's before continuing on his way. If they go after someone for just being a hybrid then that's nothing new. People have tried he thought with a snort. Akuma turned back to Nick, "No you're right, he's most definitely crazy. All bounty hunters are in my experience. They'll do anything for money. Probably would give his soul away for a pretty penny. More like STUPID!" he yelled the last word angrily after Marc. "Humans are stupid. They'd do anything for a shiny hunk of metal called gold. What value does it possibly have? You can't eat it or use it for anything useful" he ranted suddenly. He paused to look at Nick again questioningly. Well, he didn't really see Nick as a normal 'human' anyway.


Kai emerged from the forest line as she watched Marc... bounce .... away... into the treeline. She had a humorous smile on her face, keeping her hands in her pockets. She stopped half way to Akuma and Nick, turning and watching Marc disappear before looking back and laughing. "Oh yeah, that one has a loose screw or two" she nodded before continuing forward to Nick. "Actually I spotted the other nutter out in the woods. Pretty sloppy guy if you ask me. He's conspiring mass murder and doesn't even try to protect his identity and has croonies like that guy that can't even bother to hide who they're employed for. I'm just saying this out of humor, being in the business I am" she sniggered, referencing to her thievery. She cleared her throat, "But yeah, I was right, it was another necromancer. Not that anything else would carry that smell.... Well I do have business to attend to on late nights" she turned to walk towards Windfall, "You might want to schedule your appointments too or I might hit you in the face with a rock again" she mentioned over her shoulder.

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((Nah, it’s my fault for not even asking. I added him to the wiki, though Green’s gonna be temporarily. tongue.gif ))


Day 4, Forest outside Windfall

The green Dragon got a response, though it wasn’t exactly the best response considering the condition laid out for him. The idea of walking would leave them exposed to attackers the entire way, though being alone makes the risk greater. Although flight can make the trip faster, it takes more energy. While walking may seem slow and take less energy. He decided to go with the one who made the response, wondering if this one needs the help instead. “It’s risky, but I can do that. Where do you want to meet?” He responded back.


((I’ll get back to Colin later.))


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Nick looked at Marc as he approached, his eyes narrowing. "It will be a bit hard to collect your bounty when you're a smoldering pile of ash, because that's what you'll be if you harm even one hair on Akuma's head." he threatened the crazed bounty hunter. He watched him as he ran off before turning to Akuma. "Ah gold, is... Gold is somewhat rare, so people use it as a placeholder for value. It represents work done, so it becomes valuable." he shrugged trying to explain.


When Kai showed up he turned his head to look at her. "At any rate I'm not that worried about him." she brought up that she had somewhere to be at this time of the night and he shrugged. "Ah yes your night robbings..." Nick commented, rolling his eyes when she mentioned the rock. "Oh yes very funny." he stuck his tounge out at her.


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((I'mma go ahead with it. Still I'll edit if the need arises. happy.gif))


Tyler backed up a bit from the store window took one glance in the fountain's direction and with a practiced motion hurled the stone at the window. The stone punched a small hole through the glass sending huge cracks through the entire pane before landing somewhere in the darkness of the store. Tyler wasted no time in charging forward and smashing through the weakened glass himself. The alarm was already sounding, Tyler made a beeline for the bangles, smashed the glass with his staff and scooped out the bangles. Turning on his heel Tyler waved his staff and a flame appeared. It grew in size and became vaguely lion shaped. "Burn everything down." He instructed, and the burning apperation set about launching itself against the walls and displays while Tyler made for the gold necklace.




"Let's meet at the south gate of Windfall." Kat stated after quickly thinking about a good location to meet up. Since it was a stranger she didn't dare meet at Chi's house, but there weren't many other landmarks that she was sure he would know about. "My name is Katherine by the way." She sent to the dragon. Kat started making her way back to Windfall to meet this other dragon. She hoped having to walk wouldn't be too much trouble for him.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((So does that mean Tyler can take Akuma's place of 'bratty kid' on Red's list? xd.png))


Akuma paused, looking over at Nick as he declared he'd demolish Marc if he touched the hybrid. His face contorted in surprise before shaping up into a beaming look. That was something refreshing to hear. The boy recoiled as Nick shifted subject, explaining gold. His face twisted back to a frown, "What's the point of that? Why not just trade work for what you really want? Or just goods. Dragons just exchange what they have for what they need. Hides for food, food for herbs, and so on. It seems more effective just to get what you want in the first place. What happens when your civilization crashes? When you're wandering in the forest and you need essentials. Who cares about how many shiny pebbles you have?" he continued. He started to followed after Nick to Windfall. He watched Kai walk in front of them as he thought. She suddenly stopped in the road of Windfall as a loud sound rang through the streets. An alarm.


Kai turned back to look at Nick and Akuma as the alarm sounded. She shrugged, "I didn't touch anything. I never set alarms off anyway. I'm too classy for that" she grinned. People started to emerge from houses to see what the commotion was. Human police were taping off the Golden Pony now, only to hear the alarm. A nearby Aquarian landed in the square, seeing the fire. "Why are there so many fires in this place?" he mused. He sent a telepathic relay to send for water dragons. The Aquarian guard moved forward, sticking his face in the shop, though his body was unable to fit through the door, "Is anyone stuck in there?" he called in, trying to see past the smoke. He spotted a boy going for a gold necklace. He wanted to rush in, but his size kept him from doing so, lest he crumble the building and crush the boy. "Hey! Stop! Don't you know the buildings on fire!? You're going to suffocate in there!"

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Day 4, Forest outside Windfall

“Windfall…” The dragon muttered to himself as he exited the forest. He avoided the place mainly because he was a slave there until a few days ago. He heard the city has been rebuilt under different conditions, but that didn’t change his mind, especially after what happened not too long ago. He felt wary about the place of meeting, but it’s an easy place to find, and if what he heard is right, there are dragon guards in case something happens. With that, he made his way to the south end of Windfall. Eventually, he got to the south entrance and spotted a dragoness smaller in size. This was starting to support his previous guess. “Katherine?”


((I figure from the distance, Kat would be there first.))


Day 1, Old Windfall, Outbreak

“Great…” Colin thought, his hand was on a part of his back and he moves his hand to his front to see the blood. “Just…great…” He barely escaped from the dragon’s sights by hiding next to a dumpster, but it left him with a gash on his back, and the pack he was carrying, emptying most of what was in there. He peered from the dumpster to see the dragon was still looking for him, and is doing a noisy and messy job at it. He went back into hiding and lets out a breath of air, realizing the chase is not gonna stop until one of them goes. He took his dagger out of the sheath and set his pack to the ground. “Not everything could’ve fallen off.” He thought, checking the inside and the other pockets and found a vial with a purple liquid. He recalled it being something he picked up while packing and that it should be used when something like this happens.


Hearing the continuous roar getting closer, Colin knew he had to move, and as he took the first step, the ground rumbled and caused him to lose his grip on the vial, causing it to bounce away. He cursed as he went after it, getting in the dragon’s sight. As it went after him, he stomped on the vial, breaking it, and coated the dagger with what he could. He turned around, seeing the dragon getting closer, and waited for the right moment. When it arrived, he threw the dagger. All he could do now is move away. After a while, it started to slow down, and eventually collapsed. Colin fell back shortly afterward, trying to catch his breath and deal with the pain. A few seconds later, there was a sound, making Colin look to see something oval shaped several feet in front of the dragon. Puzzled, he crawled over to see what it was. It was cracked, but removable, so he took the pieces off to find a surprising sight. The cry makes it clear as well; he just orphaned a child.


Colin heard a growl from the dragon, no doubt that it heard the child. He guessed that it wanted to see the child, but it started to bother him. The child hasn’t seen the parent yet, he could prevent the child from seeing a scarring image, but that would prevent the parent from seeing the child. Shaking his head, Colin took the egg containing the child and ran off. He heard the dragon roaring in desperation, but he didn’t turn back. Eventually, the injury on his back took its toll and he started slowing down. Gasping for breath, he found a building that’s still standing despite the damage it took. He went inside and shortly collapsed afterwards with one hand on the floor. He set the egg beside him and went lying on the ground, eyes feeling heavy. He finally closed it, thinking this is it for him.


((Boy, I hope I don’t write something that long for a while. blink.gif ))

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((Sorry for not being here yesterday and the day before, I was busy.))


Jason called from the kitchen asking Kathia what was going on. "There's been a murder here in the hotel. Somebody killed the receptionist and no one knows why," she answered. Then the man came out of the kitchen and asked why there was a crowd at the scene. "They're obviously taken an interest to the crime scene. I mean look at them. They're all want to know who did this, so that want to stay away killer," the girl answered. She could see the people gossiping among themselves, all asking questions and speaking their concerns.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Maybe. At the very least he's up to competing xd.png))


Tyler had hooked the gold necklace with his staff when a worried voice echoed through the burning building causing the boy to spin around his staff at the ready and the necklace still dangling from it. Damn that was fast. He thought to himself. But instead of threatening with arrest the dragon was asking him to stop and take note of the burning building. "You don't say?" Tyler replied as though they were talking about the morning news. He wasn't sure the dragon was putting two and two together but the longer he didn't get it the better. "Thanks for the concern I appreciate it. Here-" Tyler flicked his staff and sent the necklace through the air to the dragon. He turned and vaulted one of the few surviving displays before making a beeline for the back door. The blazing apperation on the other hand launched itself at the dragons mostly isolated face aiming to latch onto the Aquarian's snout.




((Sounds reasonable happy.gif))


Katherine had arrived at the meeting point before the other dragon. She wondered what he would be like. Hopefully not too intimidating, then a harrowing thought occurred to her: this was a complete stranger she was meeting, was she presentable!? She'd just pulled 2 all nighters with Chi, she began frantically checking herself for any green scales that she may have missed. She didn't get much time to do this cause soon after she started a voice called her name. Kat looked up to see a plant dragon who was significantly larger than she was. "Yes, I'm Katherine. I take it you're the dragon I spoke to earlier." She stated trying to sound more confident than she felt at the moment. "I...I know it's a lot of trouble to walk all the way to Solomos but I can't fly very far, even for a dragon my size." She said, launching into an explanation as to why she needed them to walk to Solomos.




"Tsk. Just what we need. A madman on the loose. Like we humans don't have enough problems on our plate." He muttered in a frustrated tone. The smell of burning meat drifted through the air and Jason cursed as he ran back to the kitchen. More cursing drifted from the kitchen until Jason called from it again. "Someday I'm going to make a human only colony. We'd crack down on murderers without mercy and kill any dragons daring to enter it. It would be a safe haven for everyone."

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((In case of confusion Enk, the Aquarian guards all wear steel armor tongue.gif and for obvious reasons it has been enchanted to be fireproof >.> sitting in steel armor in a volcano could otherwise prove problematic


Look at this for reference: user posted image))


The Aquarian stared at the human mage as he didn't seem concerned with the fire. He caught the flung jewelry on his snout horn and watched the boy then disappear after sending the illusion at his face. The Aquarian didn't look phased as teeth clanked against his armor. He pulled out of the store, prying the apparition off as a couple water horses came flying in. "Hang onto this" he tossed the necklace at one as they started to work on the fires. The Aquarian flew over the building landing at the back where the other door was. He sniffed a few times, picking up the boy's scent, "Halt! You're under arrest!" he bellowed at the mage. Hidden by his armor, the dragon's face went through numerous expressions. Most Aquarians had never had to deal with humans. It was more of a question of how to detain one by force without accidental dismemberment. Humans were so fragile after all.

Edited by Sai

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((It's not an illusion...although I guess using apperation probably wasn't all that clear either tongue.gif

I wasn't trying to burn him I was trying to blind him. Being fireproof doesn't stop the fire in your face from being bright. cool.gif Still didn't really mention that either. That's what I get for rushing a post rolleyes.gif ))


The manifestation had dissipated into a ball of smoke after being tossed aside by the dragon. Tyler was still inside the building as the dragon circled round and called out to him telling him he was under arrest. Ten points for clueing in. Tyler thought sarcastically to himself as he slipped the gold bangles onto his staff arm for safekeeping. The smoke was starting to get too thick for Tyler in the building.


Options...options...Ah! Tyler gave his staff another trio of waves the first caused a small boy like stone figure to rise from the ground. The second created a staff identical to his own and the third summoned a current of lightning that resembled an elk. Panting from the lack of oxygen and the extreme effort of three conjuration spells at once Tyler his staff down and quickly planted his hat and jacket on the stone figure. "Keep...your...head down...and run...as fast as...you can." The mage gulped and sat down. "The Jacket and Hat should have enough of my scent on them. I wear em all the time. And you make sure to distract that dragon." Fake Tyler and the elk both nodded and before leaving the fake plucked the candle from Tyler's lantern and placed it in his own. It opened the door and the elk shot out of the room straight at the Aquarion aiming to take it by surprise while fake Tyler booked it down the back alley.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Day 4, Outside Windfall

Maybe it was the sudden appearance, but the plant dragon noticed that Katherine seem uneasy even when she spoke. He didn’t question it and instead respond to her guess. “I am.” He listened to her explanation on why she wanted to walk and not fly. He glanced at her wings, wondering what the condition is, before looking back to her. “Why can’t you fly? The road is dangerous, and walking the entire way could make anyone an easy target for attackers. Word has been around that some have died.” Was it a warning saying not to go? He wasn’t sure, only that out there, anything can happen at any moment.


Dusk 4, Windfall, Alchemy Shop

It was closing time, and Colin had everything in the shop put away for the next day. He got his weapons, pack, and jacket on despite the condition of the sleeve. Holding another pack carefully in his arms, he waits for his grandpa at the door. “Was there any trouble taking care of her?” He asked as the alchemist heads to the door. “A bit clumsy, but otherwise alright.” Colin felt movement from the pack and saw a little dragon peeping out of the pack. He covers her up. “No, you have to stay inside until we get home.” “But what are you going to do when she gets bigger?” “That won’t happen for a couple years. We’ll be fine.” The alchemist didn’t respond to that and opens the door, leading the two outside. They decided to walk pass the city square before heading home. Colin noticed another incident going on. “Geez, it’s too much to ask for quiet.” “So, applesauce is it?” Colin’s thought trailed off. “…Yeah. Mom used to make them.”


Day 2, Old Windfall, Damaged building

The crying sound fills the room inside the building, waking Colin. He recognized where he’s at, and was more confused than before. “Why am I still here?” He touched his back to feel no pain at all. Not even the injury was there. The crying made him remember the newborn out of the egg and he crawls over to it. Its scales are white, meaning only one thing. He wrapped his hands around it as he tries to stop the crying. When it finally stopped, he carries it in his arms as he decides to look around the place. He found out it was a weapon shop selling medieval gear, got a sheathed lance with a structure similar to a long sword, and money. “I don’t like stealing, but I don’t think it matters at this point.” Arriving at the door, he braced himself for anything and opens it. The city was in ruins, sunlight probably being the only positive thing to happen here. “When I said I want the Dragons to be free, I didn’t mean this.” After the thought, he looks at the sniffling hatchling. “Well, let’s see what we can find for you.” He spoke as he started walking through the ruined city.


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