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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Cloud and Axle


Cloud and axle watch as Akuma leave the room. Nether of them moved from their spots nor said as word, as though they are statues. They just sat there in the darkness of the room, as thougth waiting for someone, or expecting someone.




Marc saw Akuma leave the inn and decided to follow him out side the city. he watch as he layied down in the grass and than marc got the idea of messing with Akuma. He ran up to Akuma adn sat down right next to his head and started to nib on his hair. than he started to run around him than back to the city.

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((Well he was sitting, but whatever lol))


Akuma shut his eyes, relaxing in the lush grass in the heat of the warm sun and the gentle breeze. Rustling grass made him open his eyes. He sniffed once. Wait... that's the... he thought briefly. He felt his hair move and sat up. Sure enough, the chipmunk had jumped away and was running back to the city. Akuma fumbled to a standing position. "Hey, wait!" he yelled after the rodent. He ran after it, discovering quickly that a human form could not outrun a chipmunk. Instead, Akuma used his lightning dash ability to zip forward and block the rodent's path. He paused to crouch down and look at the small creature. It looked normal enough. "You're just a chipmunk... why are they so terrified of you?" he mused quietly.


Chi listened to Kat's worried musings about humans as she ate. That was true enough- humans were very determined things. If given enough time, they could accomplish anything. She emptied her plate, staring down at it in thought. "True enough, they could do something. But... that kind of thought only brews the hate, wouldn't you say? If everyone keeps taking counter measures to prevent an attack that hasn't even been thought up, people will always despise and distrust each other. Living together in peace starts with trust if anything. Not that everyone always agrees, but that's why the Aquarians are watching as a sort of neutral faction I suppose. The police" she laughed. Chi took her plate to the sink and set it down.

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((I changed Rina to "Looks like a hooker". And LordTorch, I posted at Chatzy yesterday.))


"Well what I did back there was aim for the head," said Kathia, giving a tip. "That's probably like the softest spots of all dragons." When asked to join him for something to eat, the girl decided to take his offer. "Of course! I would love to," she said. Then she went with him into the inn.




The white dragon dropped dead after his fatal shock. The horde reacted in shock as they saw they gasped and flinched. Their moment was pretty soon broken by the shout of a man, "Look, there's more dragons! Kill them!" The dragons looked to see an army of about a thousand people shooting their arrows at them. The horde got struck by the arrows and roared out in pain. Bam retaliated by blowing out a big fireball at them to burn a small number of soldiers. Aeolus zapped lightning out, killing only 15 people. The healer dragon cast a barrier spell around the dragons to shield them from any more arrows and spells. But of course the barrier wouldn't be able to hold out against these attacks for too long as too many would destroy it, with magic spells adding further damage.


The healer dragon looked to leader for great ideas and asked, "Aeolus, what do we do? We're never going to survive against this many humans with all of them attack like that."


"We retreat for now," the disaster dragon said. Then he took the night magi's stone and used it to warp the horde out of the battlefield.

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Marc simple look at Akuma as he block his path. 'Learning the way of your targets' Marc thought to himself. After Akuma crouch to him he took advantage of it and jump on his head and bounce off and was now on the close thing that was high and ran off again across roof tops and building. 'So light fast speed is one, requirements need is Stun or sleep arrows.' Marc thought. He ran into a alley way and found a cat. Even in chipmunk form he simple jump on the cat and bit down on it, getting it blood, and transformed. He know his scent change and so did his body. even his eyes change. Now he was a cat. he ran out of the alley way and disappeared into the crowed.




Spinx was wondering the forest looking for anything that could be useful for his dead army that he now controls. Each species he had, he add a type of poison to them. than he came across a battle field covered in dragon corpse and man alike. Even thought there was human left, only he need was his dead soldiers to deal with them. From the comfort of the shadows, he risen the closes Dragons and Humans, Making them Zombies to his will. He sent them to distrait the army Even if the numbers of soldiers out number his Zombies by 1400, the dragons and human zombies was up front dealing with them, while he was going thought the bodies picking what he wants. It took 20 minutes For him to go thought all the bodies About 20 of his Zombies were destroyed, but he did how ever get his new 'Recruits' to join his ranks. Out of all the body he have selected about 50 men, that was not torn to pieces from the dragons, some of them being mages, and about 35 dragons. He sent them back into holding of the earth to wait until he called them back out. Even thought he did not know how to eat souls he did how ever know how to collect souls and could find someone to buy them more likely. Each vial he had was filled with a soul of someone or something. He keep on walking on and passed back thought the forest and not looking back.

Edited by draco8967

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((You asked Red first about the people right, Draco? Just want to make sure because you cannot kill other people's NPCs without their permission))


Akuma looked at the chipmunk with interest. It wasn't hostile, or so it seemed. The rodent made a sudden movement, jumping over him and running off along rooftops. Akuma ran after it again on foot, using a lightning dash to get on the roof and zip across other ones. He lost sight of the little guy and followed the scent instead. He came to the top of an alley way and looked down. The scent had disappeared. There was only a cat there now. He sighed and sat down on the roof. The cat had probably eaten it. He instead thought about what he would do now. Akuma climbed down from the roof top and walked through the crowd. He sniffed again, smelling someone familiar. Up ahead in the town square he saw Albel sitting on the edge of the center fountain, eating a cup of strawberries. He cautiously approached and sat a few feet from the other hybrid. Suddenly he felt jumpy as he looked over at Albel. The older hybrid had already stopped eating. His blood red eyes drifted over to Akuma, "What do you want?" he growled. Akuma flinched, instinctively lowering his head, "I just... saw you sitting here... I'm bored" he mumbled. "And what am I? A television?" "Familiar company..." Albel snorted, continuing to eat. However dark and cruel Albel was, Akuma felt safer around him. Mostly because people tended to avoid Albel in fear. So it was a sort of force field to the outside world- as long as he didn't irritate Albel himself.


((Well to reiterate, people tend to be confused about Kai's gender. So he probably wouldn't know she was a girl... for sure. Or that she can eat souls for that matter))


Kai had moved to the forest outside of her house to work. She was getting faster at the mending ability. She had gained a very hefty prize from cleaning up after Windfall was first burned down in the bloody massacre. So there was lots to mend. She sank another dragon into the ground before she smelt something. Death. But it wasn't anything of hers. Probably the other... she thought, following the strong smell to its source. At the forest line, she could see bodies strewn about from a battle. Her hands found her pockets idly, "Uh huhhhh..." she uttered in thought. Movement caught her eye. A human moved about, collecting the bodies. Told him there was another neromancer running around she thought, frowning. A series of clicks came from Kai's shadow again. "Yeah, I saw" she responded.

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((Thank i Did edit that Did not know it effect the Npc, because it said No killing other characters without permission from the person controlling the character you want to kill, I thought since it was Non-player Characters no one would care, but i still very much can get the bodes of the fallen that fair game. You don't have to Edit your post for i just fix mine so it still does not effect the story.))





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((actually I wasn't referring to that this time. was referring to this rp. I've already posted for ronan and drake. just waiting on your reply to it.))

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((You guys aren't talking about the battlefield that Aeolus's horde came across, were you? Because that event was in Solomos and you guys are in Rudvich.


And LordTorch, I'm just waiting for nightfall to come so that the boss can attack. He's a smart guy who likes to plan his cunning strategies.))

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((Oh yeah, there's that too- you can just edit it to be your own npc skirmish. A different one *shrug*))))

Edited by Sai

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((I think that what i will do. Edit so there not a White dragon with yellow mane. And it have been Edit Again.))




Marc was still watching Akuma when he Went to someone. He could not heat them or what they were talking about but he could see them. And if he could get closer he could hear them, so he ran up to a trash can and sat there, but they could see him now. Nothing was going to make him move from his spot until Akuma leaves. He sat there looking like a Black cat and Haves White paws. He simple watch the two with his green eyes.

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Akuma looked around nervously as the two sat in silence. He spotted the cat from the alley and frowned. Were animals just following him today or what? Albel continued to eat his strawberries, not caring for his surroundings. Akuma looked back to Albel, "So... where's your human? You always seem to be together..." Albel flickered his eyes, "Why should I care? Probably off hunting" he growled. He finished his treat and looked over at Akuma, "And where's your human, pipsqueak? You've certainly done your fair share of mooching" Akuma's face heated up, "Easy for you to say. You're strong. No one bothers you... Who passes up free food and a place to sleep anyway?... I don't know... that's over now..." he looked at the ground. Albel snorted again, standing up. "That's one way to use someone... I have a brother to pick up. The human lover" he sneered. He walked off without another word. Akuma turned, watching him disappear into the crowd. The day started to shift into late aftertoon, the sky turning orange and tinting the water of the fountain he sat on. The crowds in the streets started to thin out as people started to head home from work. Akuma brought his legs up to his chest, turning and using a free hand to drag his fingers in the water.

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Marc look at Akuma. 'What a disappointing kill, I'll just do the main job and see where this go from there.' Marc thought to himself and walked back to the golden pony. Out of eye shot from Akuma he change into his human form and walked thought the door. "Hello sir how may I help you?" The owner said. "Yes I'm looking for two people." He said as he hand the photo graph of the three. The owner shook his head and said "Sorry sir I have not seen them." He lied. it was his lasted when he got a sword thought his neck. "Ill just go and look shill I?" He walked up the stairs, and burst open the door to Axle and cloud room. Both of them look at him and did not hesitate to draw their swords. Cloud got hit right out the window and was sent flying down the street, right into the fountain. Axle soon followed hitting the trash can. There was no one in the window but a cat running across the roof tops. Cloud got up out of the water look around. "Dame it, that was Marc." Cloud look at Axle to see he smashed the Trash can. He was very much groaning in pain.

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((Lol Draco, try to keep realistic physics. I know the Cloud in Final Fantasy could be hit across a city and be dandy, but that would kill a regular human xd.png))


Akuma yawned quietly and slouched his form forward onto his knees. He felt relaxed in the silence. A sudden 'whoosh' and a splash made him jump up. It was shortly followed by a loud bang as he whipped around. Cloud and Axle had suddenly appeared. He stared at them for a minute in their strange positions. Why are they-?..... he cocked his head in confusion. Cloud mumbled something about a 'Marc' as he climbed out of the fountain, dripping water everywhere. From the sounds of it, they'd gotten into some kind of tussle. Akuma felt like slinking away from the scene at hand. Maybe go find Albel again. Surely Fayt would stop his brother from killing the younger hybrid? Or perhaps Kai would help? He didn't want to get kicked around for a pair of strangers. It's one of the reasons he'd managed to survive so long on his own. Especially when he ran dangerously rampant around blood. At least before he was cured of his hunter mode.


Kai made a snort of laughter and turned on her heel, walking away from the scene. She didn't feel like hanging around other necromancers. She was different than most of them anyway. Her hands remained in her pockets as she walked through the forest and back to Windfall. She had her nightly heist to do anyway. She decided to check out the dark artifact shop down an alley she saw. It looked shady enough to have something worth looking at.

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((The fountain is in the center of the entire city. The inn is closer to the front gates. It's ok this time, just be careful in the future))

Edited by Sai

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"I suppose you have a point, guess I'm just afraid." Kat said before finishing her fish. She took the plate in her mouth, and hopping off the chair brought it over to the sink. Kat placed the plate on the counter for Chi. "Thanks again Chi. I suppose I should be on my way. I've already delayed this trip longer than I intended." Katherine stated ponderously. "I'll be sure to come right back if I find anyone so you can meet my family." The magi added cheerfully.




Jason chuckled. "Head shots only count if you hit them. I doubt the beasts will stand still long enough for me to get a clean shot." Jason pointed out tauntingly. "And you need a clean shot if you hope to puncture those tough scales." He added smirking a little. Kathia was more than happy to join him for a bite to eat. "I'm glad you'll come but don't get your hopes too high. I doubt my cooking is on par with what you're used to eating." Jason warned as he led Kathia through the street and into the inn.


((If I'm missing anyone [saw talk of an inn] don't hesitate to poke me. I'll be sure correct the oversight happy.gif))

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Nick walked through the forest, hands jammed into his robe's pockets, heading in the direction of windfall. It was getting dark out and he still hadn't eaten yet. Relenting to his hunger he sighed. It wasn't long before he was back at the city. He trudged through the gates with the other people as they returned to the city before the gates closed for the night. Things were settling down, but his favorite shop was still open. He entered the small sandwich shop he had found Akuma at not too long ago and ordered a sandwich. Ham and Cheese; it was his favorite. Walking out with the wax wrapped food in his hand, he headed to the fountain. Every day he would get a sandwich and eat it there. He didn't know why, but he just did. Unwrapping his sandwich and taking a hefty bite he looked up, stopping in his tracks. Akuma was there in his spot.


((Psssstttt look at the arts Sai made Godlike Artwork that is totally amazing in atleast 60 different ways ))

Edited by picknick10

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Long ago, after the dragons migrated to the new world, the four kings built separate their own castles: the castle of water, the castle of earth, the castle of fire, and the castle of air. The castle of fire belonged to a really strong king who led an army of dragon warriors. The warriors would train and battle everyday to become the strongest. Tournaments were held at the castle’s arena to see who was the best.

Sometime later throughout the few centuries later, the air king left his castle and took the tower away with him away from his home to be with his human lover. The castle of air lost its protection because of that. The fire king saw this as an advantage to further expand his reign and sent his army to take over the wind castle. But one of the air inhabitants gained power as its new king and used his guards to defend the castle. The fight went in favor of the fire army as their brute tactics, skills, and wits gave them the advantage and the air army was defeated. The fire king declared the castle of air as part of his kingdom and thus gained the other areas the castle of air once had as territory.

Much later in time, the humans stormed the castle with their advance weapons that bested those of the dragons. The fire army lost with most of its soldiers dead, the inhabitants were enslaved, the castles’ treasure was looted, and the fire king slain. The king's advisor used the last of his strength to seal the castle underground so that the humans wouldn't defile it again. Thus ended the days of the castle of fire.


"Huh, so that's the story," said Atlas, now knowing how the fire castle came to be. "I tell you, this castle has some pretty interesting history," she said, admiring the warrior culture. Perhaps, now that the fire king was no longer alive, Atlas would take the castle as its new queen. 'Yeah, Queen Atlas! I like the sound of that,' she thought feeling pride and joy of being the new onwer. The sisters had noticed something pretty weird about the air king's love life. They knew it was normal for dragons to fall in love with other dragons, but what the air king did was a bit comical.


The few hours pass by with the Firestars reading more books; which were on armor & weapons smithing, famous warriors, and elemental magic spells. During her nieces's break, Atlas decided to read the elemental books to see if she would learn some new spells she hadn't used before in order to better herself against her enemies; not that she was weak or anything, but it was always good for the strong to become stronger.


Now it was evening, the magi went out into the woods to find something to eat.




The horde was now in the woods clearing taking the arrows off of their bodies and getting healed by Hewey. (insert dialogue scene in the story.) After their recovery, Aeolus decided to find and recruit dragons to combat the human army and their magic. They traveled through the woods, while being on the watch for their enemies, so that they won't run into them. It was now evening and the horde came across a cave with two dragon guards.




"Well then you gotta be quick before it moves," said Kathia. When told that Jason's cooking was on par with what she usually eats, she replied, "Well I'm sure your food can't be that bad. I mean what does it taste like?" Then they went inside the inn.


((Draco, the next time Kathia kills a dragon, you can have it as your zombie.))

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"Well..." Jason started as he motioned for her to take a seat. "People say I must have blown out my taste buds years ago." He finished before disappearing into the kitchen with a slight chuckle. The sounds and soon the smells of cooking were soon to follow. "If there is anything you need just give me a holler ok?" His disembodied voice called from the kitchen.




Tyler's steps were each accompanied by the chink of his lanterns chain as it swung too and fro on his staff. The night was starting to set in and in the dark his lantern cast an eerie glow. In his hand he twiddled a pair of stones while strutting about in the night. Today he had a bit of Arson in mind. He'd heard about the fire earlier and found it inspiring. But which place to burn? There were so many options. Tyler continued his little strut down the darkening street stopping occasionally to prospect a building.

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((Changing text colors.))


Day 4, Forest outside Windfall

Being an herbivore, the green dragon fills himself with edible plants, such as leaves or fruits. Sometime later, he finally has what he needs for the trip and starts taking the path that will lead him out of the forest. As he does, he opens a telepathic communication to talk to the other Dragons. Hello? Can anyone tell me the best place for a plant Dragon to go to? I thought about going south to Solomos, but I heard there’s full of trees in the northwest region.



Day 1, Old Windfall, Outbreak

Everything was falling apart. In a short amount of time, Dragons were all over the city, laying waste to the buildings and the captives that have held the creatures for so long. Anyone attempting to stop the Dragons would find out that all of their guns and electrical weapons stop working only a few second before they die by the Dragons. It still didn’t stop Colin from trying to reach the place he’s looking for. When he got there, the building is still standing, but from the fires, it wouldn’t be long before it goes down as well. Forcing the entrance open, he called out. “Grandpa, are you in here?!” “Quiet down!” He could tell who he’s looking for is in the other room and heads there. “Grandpa, we got to get out of here.” “We are not leaving everything behind!” “There’s a Dragon outbreak happening right now! They’ll burn this place to the ground if we don’t go!” “Then go! I’m not leaving behind everything we worked so hard to gain.” Colin lets out a breath of air. True, everything inside the alchemist store made it so the two of them can get by, and eventually, Colin would have to be the one to manage it, and his current skills are limited. He realized that if he did go, there would be nothing left for him to do. With that in mind, he started helping his grandparent pack as much as he can through vial belts, two boxes, and packs.


Money, vials, herbs, the two put in as much as they possibly can. “That’s all I can carry.” Colin said. “Thank you.” “Well, you’re right.” The two left the shop and tried making their way through the city, trying to find either a way out of the city, or a place to lay low. The two heard a roar not far away. Colin looked up and saw a large white Dragon having their eyes set on them. “Run!” He yelled as the Dragon descends upon them and gave chase. While running, they got to the entrance to an alleyway with gratings, and with the other side clear, they could escape through there. “This way!” Colin thought about his grandparent’s suggestion as the entrance opened. Suddenly, he shoved the alchemist inside, nearly making him lose his balance and closed the entrance. “Colin, what are you doing?!” “Just go! Get out of here!” He yelled before running from the Dragon chasing only him now. He heard his grandfather called after him.


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((Humans use Joor Zah Frul. Dragonrend. It's super effective xd.png no but that would be unfortunate


But my god I changed Akuma's pic again in the wiki... I can't seem to make up my damn mind. Also Nick made a profile for NICK. IT'S A MIRACLE.


... Waiting for Draco to post.))

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((Ya doing to much work hoping to post here soon))


Cloud Axle


Cloud and Axle both landed near Akuma, who seemed a bit surprise by them hitting the trash can and the water. "So i guess you were right, Cloud, They did follow us." Axle said as he got up from the crush trash can. Cloud walked out of the water and step over the wall, water was dripping off him and his sword, making him shine a bit. "Ya i guess i was right. Come on we need to get our stuff and get out of town." Cloud said as he put his sword back and walked to the Golden Pony Inn. Axle soon followed him. When they open the door to the inn they saw the owner dead, and the inn empty. "Well that explain one thing." Cloud said as he ran up the stairs and into their room and grab their bags and axles other sword. He came running back down stairs were Axle was waiting for him. "He playing games right now for he did not take our stuff." Cloud said as he passed Axle bag sword and sheath to him.

Edited by draco8967

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Cloud and Axle stepped fully out of the fountain. Akuma stared blankly at them in alarm. So something was still after them? Was it going to come here? Cloud mentioned needing to get their stuff and flee from town. They ran off without a word to the young hybrid. He stood quietly a moment, looking where they were a moment ago. So he didn't have a place to stay it turns out. Akuma sank back down, sitting on the fountain again. This Marc seemed to be after Cloud and Axle. So at least he would be safe now... right? The remaining crowds gathered towards the inn where human police were now asking questions about the owner's murder. The town square grew silent, only increasing the sinking feeling in Akuma's stomach. He pondered what it was. Loneliness? Perhaps his time around humans had made him grow accustom to company. He glanced up to see the crowd flock away from the town square, only to see a familiar mage again. He seemed to be standing still, staring at the hybrid. Akuma couldn't help but glance to the side to see if he was staring at someone else. Just a few hours ago, he'd pretended Akuma didn't even exist. The hybrid shifted uncomfortably under the stare, choosing to stare at the cobblestone road rather than Nick.


"It's always natural to be afraid in these kinds of situations. And I dare not say everything will go perfectly fine. But what matters is if the majority puts an effort in. On either side there will always be bad eggs" Chi said with a shrug. Kat put her plate in the sink, declaring it was time to leave now. "Alright, I wish you luck. Come back and visit sometime" she said with a grin.

Edited by Sai

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Axle and Cloud look at each other as the police came into the Inn telling them they were under arrest for the swords they have and they were suspected of murder. "Now look we just came back to get out things and we are leaving." Cloud said trying to dispute the conflict. The officer would not listen to him and pulled out his club. "I said drop the swords." the officer said. They were out number, but not by much. The officers did have armor and swords of their own, even pepper spray. The officers that was inside now had them a bit block from leaving the building. Without saying a word both Axle and Cloud ran up the stairs and the police soon followed them in a full chase. They ran into their room and jump out the window onto the roof of the building across the window, than they change direction and ran to the center of the city with the polices running on the ground. Cloud slide down the building into the street running right at Akuma, and grabbing him by the back of the hoodie, he passed nick when he did that. Axle soon joins them in a full sprint. "Axle Change now and get us out of here." Cloud said thought his gasping. Axle took off his bag and swords and hand them to cloud who took them in his free hand. Cloud slowed to let Axle get ahead of him and then jump on axle back when he changes to a dragon. Axle took no time to take to the air. Running across the roof top was a black cat with green eyes watching them. Cloud set Akuma down on Axle’s back and looks at him. "Sorry pal, but you are very much in danger now, ever see anything watching you or following you around because if so, Marc is after you as well."

Edited by draco8967

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((Draco in the future, do not control other people's NPCs. Treat them like other people's characters))


Akuma tensed, glancing up at Nick again. He considered saying something. That was, until he saw Cloud and Axle running at him. They closed in with no sign of slowing. Great they were bringing something back again? He looked back to Nick, grinding his teeth. His mouth opened, feeling dry. "..Ni-" his voice was strangled at the end as the hoodie pulled against his throat when Cloud grabbed him. He was dragged quickly past Nick where he tried and failed to grab onto the mage. He watched the mage disappear as he was dragged still onto Axle's back. Aggravation filled him, "They're after you, not me! I didn't do anything!" he complained. He bared his fangs- why was he putting up with this? Invalid or not, he was a hybrid. Built by humans to be a killing machine. Akuma rolled off Axle's back, shifting to dragon form and gliding to the ground. He landed softly, folding his wings against his body.


Kai walked along the forest, looking up at the sky as it started to grow darker. She came to the forest clearing in time to see Axle, Cloud, and Akuma fleeing the city. Akuma seemed to have had reservations as he pulled away from the other two. She stopped walking, folding her arms across her chest and leaning on a tree. "Wonder what that's about. But by the smell of it, they've gotten tangled up with that necromancer. Unfortunate, little Akuma" she snickered.

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