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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Day 4, Windfall, Outside AED


Colin got his binoculars back with a word of thank. He didn’t make a response since she already left to see the situation. Things seem to be calming down now, and though he didn’t do much, he did learn what happened, and it just screams idiotic. “People attacking other people…And it’s this group. Obviously, they want their old lives back.” He lets out a breath of air in annoyance as he walks back to the market area. “And just how is the old world any better? It’s always the same stupid censorkip.gif with them, especially that arena…” He slowly started to reminiscence bits and pieces of the day when the Dragon Outbreak occurred as he got to the alchemy shop where he will run the counter.



Day 1, Old Windfall, 30 minutes before the Spell


“We’re sorry. The number you are trying to reach isn’t available at this time. Please try again-” The phone was suddenly hanged up before the voice could finish speaking. “Stupid automated message.” Colin said then exited the phone booth. He walked pass a posting that says the latest news, the most recent one being some kind of Dragon Coliseum, where people could watch Dragons fight each other to the death. The post itself is irritating enough, but the fact that people were talking about it eagerly crossed the line. He heard a familiar barking sound, and looks down to see a dog of a golden retriever breed wagging its tail. “Hey pup.” He got down to pet the dog. “You’re looking well.” He grabs the bag he had with him and hands it to the dog. “Sorry, I can’t stay long. Grandpa needs me. Here.” The dog grabs the bag with its mouth and runs off. As he watches the dog, Colin had another irritating thought. “…People know about a fight between animals, they do something about it. But they encourage fights between Dragons. Hypocrites.”


((I guess now's a good time to start his prologue.))

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Cloud look at Akuma. "I got everything we need. After your done with buys stuff you want or need, come back to the tavern." Cloud said as he start to walk back. the crowed kind of moved out of his way as he walked back to the tavern. Just out of sight of Cloud was a chipmunk on the roof watching Akuma. It was up on the roof watching with it golden eyes. "And don't be out during night time." Cloud yelled back to Akuma.

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Cloud said that he'd gotten all he needed and that Akuma should finish off as well before returning to the inn. He left, calling back something about not being out at night time. Akuma furrowed his brow. "It's only mid-day...." since when did that matter? Akuma grew up on the streets, he'd never really been concerned about night time. What was different now? Probably because I'm little... I can handle myself... he thought, turning and walking down the street. He searched for the familiar bakery and went inside, ordering a sandwich. The clerk gave him a strange look as he set the money bag on the counter, "Only need this much, lad" they said, grabbing a coin from the bag. The hybrid nodded shyly, taking his sandwich and money before leaving the shop. He sank his fangs in the sandwich and his face flushed slightly at joy from the flavor. How did humans make such good food? He made his way back to the inn as he nibbled on the sandwich. He looked around as he walked. He hadn't seen any other chipmunks in the street, only birds. Maybe it was just the inn? He shrugged.

Edited by Sai

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On the way back Cloud was felling a bit hungry and stop at a stand that had a nice honey roast and some potatoes. Cloud asked how much the roast and the potatoes was, than paid for them. He walked back to the golden pony inn. The smell of the Roast was so good, but cloud told himself to wait until he got back, for axle was more likely going to be awake now. When he open the door, the person who own the Inn yelled at him for bringing food with him, which Cloud just look at him, which got him to shut up, after he said he need to pay a fine for it. Cloud did, than walked to the room. Just like he guess, Axle was awake now. He look at Cloud and than look back at the window. There in the Window was a Chipmunk again, with it golden eyes and brown fur. it was there for a bit than ran off. "hm." Cloud said. "Ether this town have lots of chipmunks or that one been following us for a bit." Cloud said. Axle look at him and than notices the sweet smell of a honey roast. "Tell me you got lunch." Axle said, Eyeing Cloud. Cloud pulled the honey roast out and some potatoes. Axle pulled some bread from the his bag and passed it to Cloud. "Well it better than eating Bugs or some random fruit that you find." Axle said with a smile. Cloud open the honey roast and open the bread bag. he made some sandwiches and handed a potato to Axle, which was still a bit warm. Cloud finish making the sandwiches and hand one to Axle, Who have started to eat it. "Never though I would taste roast again." Axle said. Cloud nod his head as he started to eat his sandwich. He only used about a 1/8 of the roast so they could have more later if they liked. They sat in the room quietly eating their sandwiches and potatoes, waiting for Akuma to come back.




Marc followed Cloud back to the inn that they were in than decide to go back and find Akuma. Which was not hard, and he followed him over roof tops as well, wondering what was so special about him that those two are sticking around with him, and the same go with Akuma, why stick with those two. It puzzled him a bit but soon he forgot it and than remember his job he had to do.

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Jason stretched out and stood up. Feeling rested and ready he collected his haul and resumed his trek back to the city. He started whistling a jonty tune since he was done hunting. Today saw human guards at the gate, they stopped him as usual to confirm what he was bringing into the city. Traffic at the gates was slow as usual since there really wasn't much of anywhere to go to or come from with the state of things as they were now.


Once past the guards Jason headed for the butcher sold his catch and claimed a couple cuts of salted meat. On his way back to the inn Jason made sure to scowl at every dragon he passed. Most retorted with an offended scowl of their own.




"Yes it would." Kat confirmed grinning at Chi as they walked. Once they arrived at the river Chi practically dived in voicing a whine about how cold it it was immediately afterwords which made Kat chuckle at the sight. She slipped into the cool water as well sighing at the relief from her itching rotted scales. "I promise not to float away. " She muttered to Chi as Kat spread out her wings. Most of the dirt, grime, and ink from the past two days washed away with little more than some light rubbing. A steady line of green scales also drifted down the river as Kat switched from cleaning to preening. "So...whats the plan after this?" Katherine asked between mouthfuls of scales.

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Akuma arrived at the inn and stood outside for a few minutes as he finished his sandwich. He tossed the wax paper into a garbage can and dusted his hands. He looked around again for chipmunks, spotting one on the roof watching him. He sniffed a few times, picking up its scent now. He wanted to be able to tell later if it was actually the same one out of curiosity. The hybrid turned, walking into the inn. He went up the stairs and over the room where he quietly opened the door and slipped inside while Cloud and Axle were eating. He moved silently to his bed, sitting down as if he would blend into the floorboards if he was quiet enough. That ended on a short note as he let himself fall back onto the bed. He stared at the ceiling, a small thrum escaping from his draconic voice box in content of a full stomach. That was easy enough. He didn't have to even say much to be fed and housed by this pair. He stared blankly at Cloud and Axle as he thought. Something tugged at the pit of his stomach. Pain. He thought over what it could be. His thoughts brushed over Nick and then lingered on guilt. His cheeks flushed in a visible blush. He rolled over on the bed to hide his face from the others.


Chi kept scrubbing herself until she was clean. Chi was one to wash regularly so she never needed much cleaning. She climbed up onto the grass and shook her wings, creating a gust of wind that partially dried her cloths as well. She turned, watching the rotting scales float down stream with interest. "Whatever you like I suppose. You said you had to go home, so you may as well tour what you want to see before you leave" she smiled. Her face slacked back into curiosity, "So what happens when all the scales rot? Are you just a fleshy dragon with no scales then? Or do they grow back?" she asked.

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Day 4, Forest Clearing


The trees starting moving into the plant Dragon’s clearing one by one, slowly turning the area the same as the rest of the forest. The process took some time, but in his mind, this land brims with life once again, and that pleases him. Now a thought occurred on how he should reward himself for finishing his own work. It should be something simple, yet satisfying. Then he saw the stream and recalls a river not too far from here. He realized he hasn’t bathe since the day of freedom and using the ground as camouflage wasn’t helping either. Choosing relaxation as the reward, he took his time making his way through the forest. Arriving at the river, he placed his claws in the water, noting how cold yet tolerable it is. Seeing no Humans around, he slipped into the water and started cleaning his scales of dirt, mud, among other things.


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((I still don't know what to say for Aeolus))


After resting on the bench for a while, Kathia's tired numbness went away and she was ready to move. The girl resumed her walk and did her best to stay 12 feet away from dragons. She came across a new shop in town selling horses to those who refuse to ride dragons. Kathia decided to go purchase a steed for herself, so that she could get to places faster. She used her father's credit card and bought a white stallion. Then she rode it through the streets until she came across a familiar person who was just going to the inn. Kathia decided to catch his attention with a greet and said with a smile and wave, "Hi Jason!"

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Ronan waited in the center of town. A medium sized yard with a fountain. He knew the gang would come after him and he wanted them to find him. He sat meditating on the brim of the fountain. Drake sat on the opposite side of it pretending to sleep, but in reality he would pounce on anyone who came to bring harm to Ronan. He was like Ronan's guardian.

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The boss watched from afar, peeking from the side of a building and observing his prey to memorize their looks and everything. "You fought very well, my friends. But let's see how you'll do later," he murmured.


"You mean you aren't going to fight him?" asked the goon.


"Not right now, of course. I like to play smart and kill my enemies when they're at their most vulnerable. We'll do this at night. Right now, the broad daylight isn't a good idea. Come, we'll return to base and discuss our strategy," the boss said.


"Y-yes boss," the goon said before he followed the big man in charge back through the alleys.


((I had been planning to do the boss character, but I kept forgetting about him.))

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Ronan and Drake did not move at all. Ronan breathed deeply during his meditation, he kept an awareness of his surroundings making it very hard to sneak up on him. Drake had a mastery over his hearing and nothing could catch him when he was alert.

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"I think it's just your home I haven't seen yet." Kat answered having partially returned to washing. "As for these..." She stated plucking another greenish scale and spitting it out into the river. "They grow back in time so long as here is room for them to grow. So I'm going to have a couple bald patches for a while after these past couple days." She explained to Chi. Kat looked herself over and satisfied with what she saw climbed out of the river and shook herself off. "Although, there was one time when I messed up an illusion I was chained down and beaten for a week with next to nothing to eat or drink. I couldn't preen then so a lot of my scales started rotting and even some of the flesh underneath started to change colour. My owners ended up cutting the skin off to prevent it from spreading too much. I have a scar there now." Kat said showing off one of her hind legs. A bunch of the scales near the thigh were growing in an irregular pattern. Just buy looking most would be able to tell that it wasn't a delicately preformed cut. In fact it looked like someone had simply tried to gouge out a piece of Katherine with a cleaver.




Jason was snapped out of his stupor by a voice calling his name. He whirled around to see who had called out his name. Her voice seemed so familiar. It took him a moment to spot Kathia since he certainly didn't expect her to be riding in on a horse. He smiled back and waved to Kathia before walking out to her. Well well, what have we here? I don't see you for two days and poof you get yourself a horse. Who knows what else you'll do when I'm not looking." He said teasing her a bit. "So how have you been Kathia? Been practicing that magic?" He asked still grinning.

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Axle and cloud both saw Akuma enter the room and go to his bed. They saw his face light up like a light bulb, and him trying to hide his face from them. Axle wan to go over and ask what was up but than thought that it best to wait. Cloud finish his sandwich and look at Axle. "Axle we need to talk, out in the hallway." Cloud said as he got up and walked out the door. Axle soon followed him and closed the door. "What Cloud?" Axle asked. He was still eating his sandwich when we asked that question. "I think they found us." Cloud said. Axle abou choked on the bit when he heard that. "What, how?" Axle asked. "I don't know but they did." Cloud said. Axle look at the wall, wondering what they brought Akuma into.

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Akuma let out a small sigh as he sat in silence. The other two seemed content as they ate as well. Lying in the bed made him feel a bit lethargic. He reached up and touched his face gently. The heat in his cheeks had subsided finally. Cloud suddenly said he needed to talk to Axle alone and they both promptly left the room. Akuma sat up when the door clicked shut. He considered eavesdropping, but figured there was no gain since he didn't even know these people. His head turned to look out the window. Daylight poured in almost blindingly. There was a pleasant white noise of chattering people walking by below and birds chirping. Akuma let out a yawn, stretching and then flopping back onto the bed with a content moan. The hybrid stared up at the ceiling as he waited for Cloud and Axle to return. Not like he could go anywhere anyway with them out there. Unless he was set on jumping out the window.

"Oh yes, there's that" Chi mused. She moved a bit up stream, listening to Kat as she crouched down and scanned the water. When Kat mentioned a scar, Chi spared a look, frowning. "Well..." she paused, snatching her claws out and grabbing two fish from the river. "I can heal scars. If I can't do anything about your genetics, I can at least help cosmetics" she laughed. Chi started to walk further up river. "This way" she said. A few minutes later the tree house came into view and she flew up onto the landing. She opened the door and went inside, setting the now dead fish on the counter.

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Kat seemed shocked for a moment at Chi's statement. "I didn't know you could do that." She stated with awe. "Would you? I would really appreciate it." She said, her tone was switching from reminiscent to hopeful. "I'd given up on it. Figured it was just a part of me now." She explained to Chi. The idea of making herself more or less whole again was exciting. She looked up to see Chi holding a pair of fish. "But lets eat first."

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Axle Cloud


Axle look back at Cloud. "So what are we going to do with Akuma?" Axle asked. Cloud look at him and shrugged. "I don't know, We could just leave him here, but you wont leave him here will you?" Cloud asked Axle, who shook his head in a no. "Dame i was hoping We lost Spinx, but he never gives up." Axle said as he walked to the door. Before he open the door he asked Cloud "What do we tell him?" Cloud shuck his head "Don't know" Axle let out a breath of air and walked into the room. Axle did not say anything just sat down on his bed and look out the window. Cloud soon followed and sat in his chair keeping a eye on the door. Cloud know one thing, If spinx was after them he had found Marc as well.

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After a few more minutes, Cloud and Axle had finally come back into the room. He looked at the pair as they remained silent, going to their spots. Cloud seemed intent on watching the door. Akuma frowned, What are they expecting someone? ... Probably just them being weird as usual he thought. Akuma looked out the window again. Why were they sitting in here? It made him feel confined being in the one room, and the only exit being watched. His bunched his hands into fists on the bed, taking a handful of bedsheets. He opened his mouth faintly which suddenly felt dry, "You know, Windfall is a bit of a hot spot right now. Big city. Lots of things to do around here. You know, outside?" he finally piped up, trying to sound as casual as he could. Breaking silence was something he would normally choose gnawing his own leg off over.


Chi nodded at Kat, "Oh certainly, I am mostly white and purple dragon. So I'm kind of centered around healing. Fascinating, a white dragon can heal anything short of death. Potentially anyway" she stated as she started scaling the fish. She washed pair after, putting it in a pan along with minced garlic, salt, pepper, and butter. When they were done she scooped them onto plates, dribbling a bit of lemon juice over both. She took the two plates to the little table and set them down. "Here we go. Can you manage on tables?" she asked. Chi, even with a draconic body, still mostly resembled humans. She wasn't familiar with the toils of being four-legged.

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Cloud Axle


"Your Right it a big city but it..." Axle started to say. he was sounding depress a bit again. In the Window again was the Chipmunk, Watching them with it golden eyes again. Axle got up and drew the Curtains over the window. "That Chipmunk is Creeping me out. That the third time in a hour it came back." Axle said as he sat back down on his bed. Cloud did not take his eyes off the door, nor respond to Akuma.

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((Clearly missed the treehouse bit x.x))


"Very cool." Katherine said absentmindedly. She was busy exploring every inch of the room she and Chi were in. Her nose found it's way into corners and cupboards. While her tail swished with barely contained excitement. Despite her enjoyment at exploring Chi's house the smell of cooking fish started to make Kat think more about her empty stomach. Chi set out some plates and Kat padded back to the table that Chi was setting the food on. "Chairs and tables I can manage, forks and knives on the other hand..." She gazed down at her feet for a moment. "I'm still pretty elegant though. So I won't make a mess or anything." She Explained and used her head to push a chair into place before gingerly climbing up onto it and twisted round carefully so as not to knock the table by accident. "I smells great Chi. Thanks for the meal." Katherine stated happily waiting for Chi to sit down as well.

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Akuma teetered his head in anticipation as Axle started to address him. He had paused half way through his sentence, making Akuma lean forward slightly to hear the rest. His eyes slitted as he heard the second half. So they'd been sitting in the room all day over a chipmunk? He looked at the chipmunk in the window before Axle moved the curtains over it again, making the room darker. Akuma cleared his throat, "Well then..." he slid off the bed, standing up. Neither of the two had explained anything to him, so as far as he was concerned they just sounded downright crazy now. Akuma moved around the bed and towards the door. "I'm gonna... go out again... since it's still broad daylight" he said, pointing over his shoulder. He opened the door and left the room, closing it behind him. The hybrid shook his head and went down the stairs and out the door. He sighed quietly as warm sunlight hit his face. He walked down the street and out the city gates. The silence away from the city was pleasant. He sat down in the grass, enjoying the cool breeze and the smell of the nearby forest.


Chi sat down at the table with Kat, "Well alright then, just wanted to make sure" she said, picking up a fork and knife. "Ah no worries, I love cooking" she assured, taking a cut of the fish and eating it. She swallowed the bit and looked at Kat again, "Humans are curious. They may have a lot of nasty points but... they're really good at making stuff. With food too. Like cooking meat and seasoning it like this. It's wonderful. I learned cooking from humans" she grinned.

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((You know what? I'm going to be lazy with Aeolus's post and expand it later in the story.))


Aeolus's horde was now in a desolated forest, when they smelled the fresh blood in the air. "Uh Aeolus? Is that?" asked Bam, who was hoping that he was wrong about his assumption.


"Dragon Blood, yes. It looks like a massacre is going on. Let's go!" said Aeolus, wanting to help his fellow dragons. The horde ran through the woods and came across a scene of bloodied dead dragon bodies with slash wounds and arrows sticking out of them, along with charred and eaten human ones as well. Apparently, a battle had happened here.


The horde looked to see a lone and drying light yellow-maned white dragon standing on top of a hill. He fought to keep his feet standing as he muttered out weakly, "Run..." Then he was zapped by lightning magic.




Kathia giggled for a bit as Jason was surprised to see her horse. Then she answered, "Yep, and I just bought me a new book." She showed her new spellbook to him and said, "This one teaches you how to use elemental spells. I learned how to use the bubble shield and the burning touch spells. I used my fire spell when I was defending myself against a vine dragon." Then she opened her bag and showed Jason her prize. "And look, I killed a purple dragon and cut off its antennas," she said proudly.


((Oh and happy Valentines' Day to all of you! I was working on a picture, but I might not get it done for tonight. So I'll just post my jokes on why people should not have any of our RP characters as a valentine.


Atlas - Giant raging b****

Aeolus - Will kill you if you're human

Kathia - Horrible Person

Nick - He's waaaaaay too old for you

Albel - Abusive prick who'll kill you

Rika - You're beneath her

Fayt - P*$$* sub-human

Akuma - Bratty emo kid

Chi - Airhead freak of nature

Kai - Necrophiliac who'll eat your soul

Jason - No!

Kathrine - Diseased Inbred dragoness

Rina - Looks like a hooker

Daisuke - Naruto is so kawaii!!!

Astyn - Hates men

Colin - Likes dragons better than you

Darkness - Yuck!

Ronan - Assassin's Creed ripoff

Drake - Dragon Heart ripoff

Spuma - His name means "dirt"

Dion - Has a small p****

Henry - Dense pushover

Yukki - Psycho tsundere weaboo

Minerva - Dragon-humping-hugging hippie

Cloud - Iconic gay emo

Axel - May I go vomit now?

Marc - A bigger emo

Spinx - What?! No Sephiroth?! You suck!


Now I'm not attacking anyone of you, I'm just being funny here. Also, Atlas's nieces aren't in this list, because they're too young.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((I think I just died xd.png it's terribly pessimistic))

Edited by Sai

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((Well, it’s not 100% false. xd.png Green Dragon might’ve been in that list too if I put in the name. My favorite one is the Sephiroth bit.))


Day 4, Outside Windfall, River

The plant Dragon had several things in mind, mainly about what to do after he’s done cleaning up. He wanted to regrow plant life, but Human influence makes it difficult. Recent events have shown him that. He remembered in a telepathic communication that there is a place west of here that could provide him with what he needs. It’s either there, or head south toward a coast that would take him to Solomos, where other Dragons are creating a strong presence. Having no idea on which would be the best option, he decided to ask the other Dragons once he has enough food to carry him for the future trip. He heads back into the forest to find food.


Day 4, Windfall, Alchemy Shop

Business has been going well so far. People have been coming and going either buying, window shopping, asking questions, anything that kept Colin busy as he runs the counter while his grandpa is in the other room. On several occasions, people stop coming. This gives him time to catch up on inventory of what was sold so far so the place can restock. When that’s done until the next customer, he goes over his spell book to learn what he’s interested in, sometimes practicing it while keeping it to a minimum. It seemed like the other days, with a lot of differences.


Day 1, Old Windfall, 5 minutes before the Spell

Colin waits for the Go sign to appear before he could cross the street. He figured at this pace, it’s going to be at least another half hour before he could get to where he’s needed. He heard a sound, but didn’t stop until something rushed pass his head and hit a wall could’ve instead be him if he had taken a step faster. “Hey, I said watch out. Didn’t you hear me?” He looks to his left and saw a group of teenagers in their mid-years looking at him from the other side of the street. The ball that could’ve hit him was bouncing back to the other side. “…Course not. I can’t hear from that side.” He thought, annoyed, and then moves on. “They shouldn’t even be playing there, they could break the-”


He suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. The ground rumbles, causing buildings to shake and a few to actually start collapsing. One such building was on his way to collapsing on Colin. He realized what’s about to happen and moves out of the way. He slowly stood up and wondered what just happened. “What in the…Was that an earthquake?” Shortly, he heard deafening roars all over the place, though he only covered his right ear. He translated those as Dragon roars. There was silence for a short time, and then before he knew it, Dragons were pouring mainly out of the area that was supposedly the coliseum. The sight is amazing, but at the same time frightening. He knew what’s going on; this is a Dragon outbreak. “Grandpa…” The thought alone was enough for him to start running.

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((Lol! Win list xd.png))


Jason listened as Kathia filled him in on her activities. It didn't seem wise to tempt the dragons into action at this stage but he couldn't help being impressed by her success. His own progress was going much slower, so he figured he would need to train harder in order to keep up. "Very well done with those dragons. Glad to hear you're making progress. I'm not getting quite as far, normal arrows only work on their soft spots so I need to improve my aim even more." He explained as he looked over the antenna in her bag. "I was about to make something to eat. Care to join me?" Jason asked Kathia gesturing at the inn behind him.




Kat had her snout in the food but surprisingly enough wasn't making a pig of herself. Instead she'd maintained an air of dignity while she ate. She looked up from her plate licking her lips as Chi spoke. "I suppose...but what if the humans decide they want things to go back to the way things were before?" Kat asked gazing down at her half eaten fish. "We took away a lot of their power but it's not like they can't just make something new." Katherine stated ponderously. Then, as if it was an afterthought, she realized how heavy she was making the atmosphere. "Err...but with the new guards at the city I guess we don't have to worry." She added quickly.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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