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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Cloud walked to the city gates. Axle was a bit amazed on how the city look. "Wow, never seen a place like that." Axle said as he look at the great city. "People say it was rebuild with dragons after it got destroyed" Cloud said as he walked thought the gates. "Hey where is that best Inn at?" Cloud asked Akuma. Axle ran off into the shops. Weapon shop, item shop, food stands, Buying stuff they need. He later came back with a Back pack of stuff and two swords on his back. "Well that did not take you long." Cloud said as he point how the time it took him to get the stuff.


((Sai I'll reveal them here soon but not right now, After the Inn part.))

Edited by draco8967

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The water horse dragons worked at the flames, quelling them down slowly. It seemed the fire had been going on a while. "At this rate we'll have to flood the city" a guard murmured. White dragons arrived on the scene, offering healing to the injured. There was a gust of wind and Crowe landed in the square. His landing seemed rushed and flustered, and his face would show the same had it not been covered by armor. He rushed to the building and drew his head back, opening his jaws. The fire from the building billowed out into a funnel, seeping down into Crowe's gullet until nothing was left from the flames but the remaining smoke on the building. Crowe turned, snorting out a puff of smoke. "Who is responsible for this?" he barked at the nearest guard. "A group of humans it sounds like. But we're not sure who. The building is probably too unstable for dragons to fit through to check" one responded. "Send in pygmies then to scout. Get some Earth dragons to keep the building stable" he said. A moment later a few pygmies arrived along with two Earth dragons. The armored pygmies flew inside, looking for survivors. The Earth dragons solidified the structure with magic, slowly starting to mend it. It was the main reason the Aquarians made all the buildings primarily from stone. Stone was harder to burn and easy repair for Earth dragons.


Kai looked back from her spot on the ground. A large pillow of smoke was raising from the city. "Oh, I smell a collection. Masters gonna love that" she muttered. Kai rolled over and got to her feet. "Dont really want to walk back..." she paused, looking over at the Whiptail. A moment later she was zipping over the city on the dragon and landed in the square. No one gave her a second glance as she got off, so that at least meant she'd mended the dragon right. She poked her head through the crowd, looking for bodies of interest. She frowned when they all were human. Well there's that... back to work then she thought.


Akuma wasn't as amazed as the other two upon entering the city. He'd already been through it end to end. once inside, Cloud asked where the nearest Inn was. The hybrid paused, staring blankly at Cloud for a moment. He'd gotten use to just conversing with Axle. He almost frowned at the man but caught himself, settling for clicking his teeth as Axle wandered off. "Over there" he finally piped up, pointing at a sign down the road hanging off a large building. It read simply, The Golden Pony. "It's an Inn with a tavern inside" he added.


((You know I've come to notice a lot of taverns use the word pony))


Fayt and Albel ate in silence as they ate. Fayt paid for their meal and they left the restaurant. "Sorry but I have to get back to work. I'll get out in the evening" Fayt waved to his brother before running off. Albel snorted, watching the other leave. Albel had never done human work and never planned to. He saw no reason. He already had a katana- which was far from a necessity to him, and he could hunt for his own food.

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Colin made it to his grandfather’s shop, and when his situation was noticed, he was asked to go to the other room to take care of them. The herbs he gathered were placed on a table then he went to the washroom to check his wound. Removing the bandages, he could tell the bleeding has gone down a lot, and he’ll only need to apply the proper care which he can get in the room. Time passed, and the arm was wrapped up again. Under better conditions, it should heal up soon. The same can’t be said for the sleeve, however, so he decides to put the jacket up. While putting his things away, he noticed an odd sight out the window and looks. “…Smoke?” Thinking an attack, he got his vial pack, dagger, and a few other things back on then left the room. “I’ll be right back, there’s something I got to check first.” Colin said to his grandfather and left the shop. “Everything’s in the other room!” he yelled after hearing something, then ran to where he saw the smoke.


He arrived just in time to see The Aquarian Dragons trying to put out the fires while the guards question what happened. He heard of this building some time ago being run by a group called AED that tries to create coexistent between Humans and Dragons. He thought they’re the kind of people he could respect, but he avoided them because of potential problems it could bring to him and his grandfather. He saw an armored Dragon absorbed all the flames, leaving smoke. Noticing he could see a little better, he got out his binoculars and started searching through the windows, noting that another group of Humans are behind the attack.


((I'm submitting another character to Sai.))

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Nick dragged his feet as he walked deeper and deeper into the forest. Kai's antics were almost funny to him. 'Angry? Punch someone?' he thought over what she said and chuckled. She was stupid if she thought punching someone was the only way to deal with problems. Hardly so. Punching someone is not usually the best option, nor the smartest. He mulled over it, snickering at the thought of him punching Akuma's golden scales. Good lot that would do. No his problem wasn't with Akuma. Yes, he felt hurt, yes he was angry, but his problem was hundreds of years of crushing solitude, not that fact that Akuma used him. He had gotten his hopes up only to be let down. "Should have stayed in my cave and continued my studies..." he muttered to himself. A loud rumbled interrupted his train of thought and brought his attention to the hunger gnawing at his gut. Sighing, he wheeled around and started heading back in the direction of the city.

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"The Golden Pony? who the hell come up with a name like that?" Cloud said. He was laughing at a name of a Inn like that. "But I guess it better than the Dragon S@#$ Inn." Cloud said. Cloud walked into the Inn and walked up to the desk. "Hello sir how my I help you today?" The man behind the counter Asked Cloud. "I need a Room with 2 beds and A chair. No room serves, I don't want anyone to know we are here." Cloud said as he place the money on the counter. The man Hand him a Key to the Room and Said it was on the top floor. Cloud walked up the stairs. "Don't worry about Cloud, He order two Bed, One for you and one for me. He does not sleep in a bed, never haves." Axle said to Akuma. Axle Followed behind Cloud up to the room. The room was Nice, with a window of the south View of the city. There was two beds in the room one chair and a bathroom. Before Akuma walked into the room, Axle grab a bag of marshmallows out of his bag and place it on the bed close to the door.




In a empty part of the wood not far form town, Deer was gracing on the patches of green grass that cover around there. The air than suddenly change and the deer scatter. A few seconds later About 90 people appeared. Among them Was Marc and Spinx. "I hate teleporting, and I hate wizards as well. So mind telling me what you want the Knight riders of the darkness, seeing ow you paid us now." Marc said as he look at a Black hood man. "There is one person I need, but he have another two people with him." He said in a deep voice. He hands Some photographs to Marc, With Axle, Cloud, and Akuma in them. Some of the other Have kai and nick in it. Axle Was circled red in the photographs. "I want that one alive, the other dead. Afterwards you will get the rest of your pay" Marc smiled. "So go after Cloud and his party of miss match, Very well. 5000 pay for This one alive another 4000 for cloud dead and that one 3000. Sound fair to me." Marc said. "Deal." Spinx said. About 10 Un-dead wolves Came out of the ground now. "But you are taking a few of my 'Wolves' so they can make sure you don't mess up." Marc just grin "suit yourself." Marc said as he order his party to fan out looking for Cloud, Axle, and Akuma whereabouts. He soon followed and so did the wolves, Leaving Spinx alone in the clearing.

Edited by draco8967

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Akuma rolled his eyes as the name of the Inn was mulled over. He'd seen worse in his short time with humans. He followed them inside silently and looked around at the decor as the room was ordered. Golden ponies were engraved in various and appropriate places to match its name. His head tweaked back to Axle as the dragon explained Cloud didn't sleep in beds so they could use the two provided. Akuma ascended up the stairs and poked his head into the room where they were staying. He'd never been in an Inn before. It was a simple setup but... fancy. Beat caves. Has never slept in a bed?... Humans seem to just get stranger... he thought briefly. Akuma watched as Axle tossed a bag of marshmallows onto the bed. His eyes shifted to the dragon suspiciously as he couldn't help but frown slightly. Not once had he mentioned he had a marshmallow fetish and here he was just carrying a bag around? Akuma ignored it, sitting on the opposite bed as he assumed it was a coincidence and they must have been Axle's snack. He shook it off and looked at Axle again, "So what are you here for? Touring Windfall?" he asked.


Kai shrugged at the scene and climbed back onto the Whiptail dragon. She flew back outside of Windfall, landing a small distance from the gates. Enough for her to work without being interrupted. "You're all fixed" she declared as she slid off. Kai snapped her fingers and the dragon sank into darkness through the ground. "What next?.... well... that reminds me" she raised a hand and a large dragon emerged from the ground. It's scales were the purest white. Two sets of feathered wings protruded from its back. Feathers also came from behind its elbows, on its haunches, and along its tail. A pair of pearl-like horns curled back away from its head. Bright sky blue eyes decorated its face. It looked quite majestic aside from split flesh here and there. Kai went to work and after a bit had sealed all the scarring blemishes, making the dragon's scales look perfect once more. She looked down at her hands, "I'm getting faster at this. Which means I'm a step closer to him teaching me Final Form" she muttered excitedly to herself. Kai stepped back to look at her handy work. "You're a pearl in my collection. Though... you contrast me quite hard..." she laughed quietly. Kai reached out to pet it and then changed her mind, retracting her hand. She seemed wary of her own puppet. "Tch" she huffed, stuffing her hands into her pockets, staring at the dragon with a pouting look.

Edited by Sai

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Ronan's blade was blocked by one of the killers. Hearing him ask the question he smirked. "Figured that out yourself did you?" He said mockingly. In one swift movement his left hand left the grip of the sword handle, a hidden blade slid out from a mechanism on his forearm/wrist, and he shoved his arm at the mans side, stabbing him through the ribs. "I am your end, but you will not die yet, only suffer." He said with anger and he retracted his arm, the blade sliding back into the mechanism, and at the same time, he spun around and attempted to slice the man's hand off. "Call your men off. Tell them either they leave here now, or they die by me and my friend whom I assume is roasting your gang alive upstairs. Your boss will fight me in the town square tomorrow at dawn, or I will hunt you down and eliminate you all one by one till he stands alone.....powerless." He held his sword up aimed at the man.

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Even without the fire, other things made it difficult to see what’s going on inside the building. Colin finally saw an event going on around the middle floor. Two people are attacking each other while a third watches what happens. “Something’s happening on one of the upper floors!” He yells while watching very closely. “There’s three people there, and two of them are fighting!” A sudden thought came to him as to why he’s getting himself involved. He doesn’t know these people, and even before New Windfall, he was avoiding them ever since he heard about them, despite his wants.

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((Okay, let me make this really quick and rushed before Sai responds.))


The spy would have chosen the fight Ronan out of defiance, but then he saw the Aquarian guards outside through the window. It wouldn't be wise to make themselves known to the city's new police force, so Aldric growled, "Hmph, fine. We'll spare your live now..." With his only hand left, he took out his walkie-talkie and said, "Everyone, we're leaving. The Aquarians are here and we don't want any trouble with them now." As the goons left back to the secret hideout, using their smoke warp spell, Aldric told Ronan bitterly, "Here's an advice for you, pal. Don't underestimate our boss! He can handle 20 dragons himself with just his little pinkie finger and I doubt you and your scaly friend can take him on alone." Then the spy warped out of here, too.


Minerva went up to the man with the binoculars and asked, "Excuse, do you mind if I borrow these for a second?" She wanted to make sure that whoever was involved in that scene are okay and not hurt at all.

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((I think the joke here is that I've been waiting for Red to respond ;p))

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Colin removed his binoculars to see who asked him if he could lend it. The person seemed familiar, but he handed his binoculars to her without any words other than “Here.”


((Blah…Too short… dry.gif ))


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Ronan watched them vanish. He sheathed his sword with a smirk. "He's never faced a true warrior." He said to himself. He met with Drake outside the building. The two started to walk away from the scene. Ronan's hood hiding his face.

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"Yeah I'm done here. Quite frankly I wouldn't mind taking a dip either." She stated noting a greater number of rotting scales than usual due to the fact that she hadn't preened herself. "And I'll help with the fish. It's the least I can do after you stayed here with me two days in a row." She hopped of the chair and stretched out like a cat. "Should I get a librarian to help put these away?" She asked Chi unsure if they were expected to put all of them away or if the library had people for that.




Jason was on his way back to the city after his little hunting trip. He'd caught three rabbits and four squirrels and the weight of his catch was weighing him down. Jason found a nice spot in a clearing. He set his haul down and sat leaning against a tree. Wonder what Kathia is up too. Haven't seen her in two days straight. He thought to himself staring absentmindedly at the sky.

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Cloud took the mashmellows and put them back in the bag. Axle was already passed out on the other bed for some reason. Cloud did not say anything but just walked over to his chair and sat down and closed his eyes. In the window was a chipmonk looking at the group for a few seconds before Running off.

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((I think it was lost in the slew of laughter and jokes since the dragon was named similar to the poor censorkip.gif*** named Northwest.


I'll PM you about it


Also, everyone remember your posts have to be at least 5 sentences long. I did not wait 3 days to get a one liner, Draco))


Akuma looked at Axle for an answer, only to see the dragon had immediately gone to sleep. He looked to Cloud next, who essentially did the same. "Tch" he uttered under his breath. His eyes moved around the room for something to entertain himself. What's wrong with these people? It's noon and they're sleeping? he thought, furrowing his brow. Akuma slid forward over the edge of the bed, his feet gently touching the ground. He looked over briefly at the Chipmunk before turning his head to the door, "I'm going for a walk then" he muttered. His light steps seemed loud in the silence of the room. Or perhaps it was just his heightened senses at his unease around humans and dragons. Especially in such small spaces. Akuma opened the door and stepped outside, closing it quietly behind him. He stepped to the side, leaning against the wall and sliding down to the floor. He really just wanted to be alone for a bit. It's not like he was actually friends with Cloud and Axle anyways... He hugged his legs to himself. Hybrids were made to be tools- replaceable. What did they need friends for anyway? Hybrids don't even get along with each other. He heaved a sigh, resting his cheek on his knees as he stared at the floor.


Kai sank her celestial dragon into the ground finally, shaking her head, "No oopsies today" she muttered with a quiet laugh. Kai moved to the side idly as she waited for her energy to come back. It seemed the Windfall crowd had thinned considerably. People were all interested in the commotion in the town square. Her hands found their way to her pockets. Kai's shadow moved slightly and a series of clicks emitted from it, sounding mechanical, "Yeah" she responded, "Wonder what that's all about anyway. Probably people angry over the unite with dragons" she sniggered. There was more clicking and Kai simply shrugged.


((I'll just let the assassin thing work itself out and the Aquarians will wait out front so you can do your thing. Otherwise Ronan would probably be dragged away to prison for mass murder xd.png))


Chi shook her head, "Nah, it's the librarians job to clean these things up. They're probably bored anyway. No one really here" she assured, moving for the door. Chi walked to the front and outside. She almost spread her wings before remembering Kat was a bad flier. "Ah... right, better start walking then" she said, turning and moving down the road towards the gates of Windfall.

Edited by Sai

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"Heh heh, you're probably right about that." Kat said leaving the mountain of books (which were comprised mostly of Atlases) behind for the librarian's to clean up. For a moment it seemed like Chi was getting ready to fly again as she hesitated before stating they were going to walk.


It was a silent walk for a while before Kat spoke up again. "Thanks Chi, I appreciate you walking with me." She said shyly to the hybrid as they made their way to the town gates. Although she couldn't deny that she had fun in the city Kat was relieved to be leaving.

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Windfall, Northeast region

Minerva looked through the binoculars to see Aldric and another familiar person fighting each other while the organization president looks on. "Oh my, it's him again!" she said to herself. He must have caught wind of the massacre going on the AED building and went stop the villain behind this. The battle ended with the assassin disappearing out of there.




Richard watched the hooded man leave and said after him, "Thank you, sir." The president was very grateful for having his life saved.




Minerva gave the binoculars back and thank the young man for letting her borrow them. Then the blonde women saw the hero walking away from the scene with his dragon friend. Wanting to know everything that happened inside the building, she went over to him to them for a talk. But first she had to thank them, so she and said, "Thanks for going to stop Aldric. I never thought one of our own would try to kill us all like that." She had been astounded when she found out about that.




When Kathia made a movement to get off of the bench, she felt the wounds stinging her. She hissed and remained in her seat to keep herself from hurting further. 'Damn vine dragon! I had known that place in the forest was its nest, I would have bee more prepared,' she thought. As she wished she had healing magic, she remembered what the blessed water spell said about white magic. 'Hmm... I wonder if I used white magic the same way I did with fire magic,' she thought. So she channeled some white magic energy to her hand and hovered it over her wounds as the hand glowed in a light green aura. They all healed, but now the girl was left exhausted and tired. She let out a quiet sigh and said, "I better stop using magic and let myself rest for a while."




The Fire Castle in the Northcentral region

After teaching her nieces how to read the letters and pronounced them, Atlas started to teach them how to read. "Alright, let's start from the first word right there," she said, pointing to the beginning of the first paragraph. The hatchlings looked at the word before their aunt asked, "Tell me what it says."


Kylie and Danielle processed the word in the mind and thought about how to say it, before the whiptail hatchling answered simply, "In."


Atlas nodded and said, "Very good! Now what does the next word say?" Her finger slid to the second word.


"Te-he," said Kylie, trying to pronounce "the".


Her aunt corrected her, "It's actually 'the', but good try anything." Moving to the next word, she asked, "Now what does this say?"


"Teh-hird?" answered Danielle, wondering if she got the answer right.


"Third," the magi dragoness corrected. "Just remember that th word is pronounced like this," she said before pronouncing it.


"Ohhh," both sisters said, getting what the magi said. So the family continued to read the book about the Fire castle's origin and its first king.


((Will do Aeolus later. Also, here's my bird wyvern drawing. The Stage 1 hatchling is on top, the male is in the middle, and the female is at the bottom. The S1 and male are supposed to have the same shade of blue.))


user posted image

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan and Drake made their way through the crowd of people constantly thanking them. He didn't respond but he did appreciate the gratitude. They left the area and made their way to the center courtyard of the city to wait for the gang and their boss whom he challenged to a fight.

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Cloud heard Akuma trying to be quite. He assumed that he was just walking around before he heard the door close. Cloud decided to follow akuma out of the room. He was a bit surpise to see akuma on the floor. "You know not every thing seem what it look like but you look like your a bit lost in your thoughts there." He said as he close the door. Axle was very much asleep, but he was going to be up here in two hours or so. Cloud lean against the fram of the door, he had his eyes closed again as if he sleeping again, but he was very much awake. His swords was leaving indents in the wall behind him as he lean. "Well I could use a walk, if you want you can join me, show me around town a bit. Axle will be awake soon." Cloud said as he started to head for the stairs and than waited to see if akuma would follow him.

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Akuma sank into his posture with a silent sigh. Boy did that feel relaxing in the silence. The hybrid flinched, his arms unwrapping and his head jerking up as the door to the room suddenly opened. He re collected himself as he noticed it was only Cloud. He narrowed his eyes at the human as Cloud leaned against the door, muttering about things not being what they seem. Seemed he wasn't able to get away from people. Well... he'd known that much since the time Nick ran him down and tackled him to the ground for running off. Humans seemed quite determined. Cloud offered him to come along on the walk. Akuma had intended on walking eventually... The hybrid muttered under his breath as he pulled himself to a standing position. Akuma stiffly moved forward, trailing after Cloud, though keeping out of arms reach. "... Whatever..." he muttered. It wasn't like Akuma really knew what to call buildings. But he could read fine.


Chi smiled at Kat, "Well it would be rude to leave you down here" she pointed out. After a short walk, the river came into view. She ran forward and jumped in. "Ah! Cold~" she whined before laughing. She rubbed the water on her arms and under her wings, "But it feels good. Just don't float off down the river" she grinned. The hybrid looked around, it seemed afterward they would have to move upstream to fish.

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Cloud Open the door to the tavern to see the same chipmunk. It did not budge from it spot, just simple look at Cloud, who look right back. It took Cloud a bit to figure out why. he took one step to it and it ran off. "Hm" Cloud said. He still could not get over the fact that the chipmunk was just standing there. He just let it slid and started to go on his walk. He wonder if there was a place were they sold scrolls at that had teleportation in them. "Hey you know were they sell scrolls at that have magic in them?" Cloud said in a friendly voice. He could hear a few people talk about him and than Akuma. One started to say something about hybrids before getting slug in the face by Cloud, which got all teh talk to stop on hybrid now.




Marc Followed Cloud every he went. Even in chipmunk form he was not going to let his targets get away. He know Axle was asleep, but do to it was noon he could not get any one of the targets. He ran across rooftops keeping up with Cloud.



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Akuma followed Cloud outside of the Tavern. He paused to stretch, glancing at the chipmunk running by. Seemed they had a lot of them, or maybe it was just the same one. The hybrid paused again as he was addressed. He wasn't used to Cloud talking much. Magic scroll?... he thought, staring at the ground as he ran over the shop names in his head. He noticed faintly that people were muttering about him, but didn't care, he was far too used to that by now. Cloud suddenly swung out, clobbering one. Akuma flinched, jumping back at the sudden motion. He re-collected himself, keeping outside of arms reach again, Does he always punch people without warning? he wondered. Perhaps it was his nervousness from being around Albel before. Of course, he was sure Albel was scarier than Cloud because of his sadistic nature. "Well..." Akuma finally piped up in a quiet voice, "I did see a place called Magic Emporium" he said, pointing and walking down the city road.

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The man Cloud slug went to go tackle Cloud. Cloud grab the man and throw him down the street. "Ah a shop that sells scrolls. Good." Cloud said as he step over the man he just throw, who was gowning in pain. Cloud pulled out a pouch full of money and hand some to Akuma. "I would suggest to get something to useful or to eat." Cloud said. The amount of money he hand to Akuma as a fairly large amount. He walked into the store and asked if there was any scroll with teleportation in them. The owner look at Cloud for a bit before he told him that they were a bit prices for a set. Cloud just laughed and slammed a large amount of money on the table. "I think that will cover it." Cloud said. The man look at the pile of money now on his counter and handed Cloud seven scrolls for teleportation. Cloud took them and put them away in his pocket. He look around for a few more scrolls that came to mind and pick out a few Hoodies as well, and paid for them too.

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Akuma half nodded, assuming a magic shop would have all things magic related. He looked over his shoulder as he heard pounding footsteps. The man Cloud had hit had come back for revenge. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. He wanted to enjoy that moment, but restrained himself. Just a few hours ago Albel was telling him to enjoy the suffering of those that caused him pain. To make them afraid of you. After that had led to Akuma getting into a scuffle with a dragon afterward, he was nervous he might become something like Albel. Of course, Albel probably would have just killed the man instead of punching him. Akuma didn't really understand the older hybrid. He almost seemed bipolar, or just temperamental. Being quiet and careless one second, and then murdering the next. Akuma looked over as Cloud handed him a pouch of money. "Thanks..." he murmured, staring blankly at it for a moment. What's this?... he thought briefly. Akuma opened the pouch, seeing the coins inside. Oh, that shiny stuff humans use for trading... he picked a piece up out of the pouch, staring at it, Looks like gold... What's so special about gold? It's just a hunk of metal. Wouldn't it be more useful to trade things they could use like food? he thought. He wondered how much the pieces were worth. He wasn't used to human currency. When he glanced up again, Cloud was gone. He looked around where he stood, and then saw Cloud through the window in the emporium. Akuma lowered the hood of his zip-up hoodie to look around better, wondering where a good place to get food was. That bakery Nick took him to was good. Cloud emerged from the shop again with his supplies. He looked at the scrolls in his hand with a bit of a smug smile. Akuma had a semi-teleportation ability. His lightning zip let him flash to a location in an instant. But then again, the larger the distance, the more energy it required. And it had collision rules since he was actually just moving very fast, unlike teleportation. "Looking for anything else then?" he asked idly.

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