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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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The town square of Windfall bustled noisily as noon approached. A shop off to the side had it's door propped open. A mix of heat and cool air rushed out as wind passed by. The air conditioning was battling inside with the heat radiating from various machines. Grease covered most surfaces, which were littered with all sorts of tools, dirtied rags, and other odd ends. In the back, Fayt was bent over a piece of machinery, his goggles down over his eyes as he worked at the metal with a blowtorch. A minute passed and he switched it off, moved over to the sink. He pushed his goggles back onto his forehead and his hand came up to wipe his brow. It caught a smudge of grease on his face, smearing it across his fur. "Huh?..." he uttered as his felt the sleek fluid across his fur. He sighed quietly. "Hey you can't be back here- AH!" the was a loud crash. Fayt turned, seeing his brother smash a worker into the wall as he made his way back to him. "Why do you insist on working in this pit hole? If you like these places so much you may as well have stayed in the lab" he growled. Fayt shook his head, turning back to the sink and washing the grease off himself. "I like to fix things. I'm good at it. Not all of us are so chaotic" Fayt said, his brow lowering slightly. "Stop pushing them around, it falls back on me" he scolded, seeing the crumpled worker standing up. Fayt dried and headed for the door. "I'm going out for lunch, I'll be back" he said as he stepped outside. Albel followed after him impatiently.


Kai glanced over as Nick made a feign of ignorance at Akuma's strike at him. "Just... at least put effort into your lies. It's almost painful to see I swear" she laughed, shaking her head. Kai looked at Akuma crumple onto the ground briefly before standing up again from the sword. "Lil cutie has some 'tude. Is that fear or anger I sense? Because when you try that hard to ignore someone, it's REALLY obvious that you're extremely aware of of them" she lectured, stretching her arms upward. "Me I just settle it by punching people I don't like in the face. He has the right idea. But you..." she grinned. "You almost have a phobia of acknowledging conflict"

Edited by Sai

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The spell has been cast and technology has been disabled.


((Hey Nick, when you said that at the OP, are you talking about the humans' weapons or all technology in general?


Also, I think having many dragons leave Rudvich and the Aquarians moving the humans to Windfall and Kirsla defeats the purpose of the plot, because there's suppose to be dragons and humans fighting each other everywhere and so far this RP is looking more like a drama than an action story. I feel like I and maybe Enkie (I forgot about his char, Jason) and LordTorch are the only ones contributing to the plot. I mentioned LordTorch because I got plans in the future for the boss and it's going to relate to Kathia.


But oh well, I can always work around it. The humans outnumbering the dragons in Rudvich will give Kathia an advantage, so that in case her planned uprising/rebellion against the Aquarians and Windfall dragons fails, she can always gather up the other humans in Rudvich into an army and annihilate the remaining dragon population in Rudvich before she tries to take on Windfall again.


And if her uprising is a success, she will use the human army to destroy the dragons around the world and turn the hatchlings in slaves. She'll be coming into contact with Aeolus's horde and have a fight. But of course like the big bad Empiricon, she'll eventually be defeated. So you guys keep on living in peace in the meantime and enjoy it, until the big event. Oh boy I like being evil for the lulz.


And Torch, I'll get to you after SUP3RSPAWN3R replies. I'll try to be there on Friday.))



"What's a book?" asked Kylie.


"And how do you wead?" asked Danielle as the action felt foreign to her.


Atlas closed the book with her paw between the pages so that she doesn't lose track of where she was at. She looked to her nieces, thinking that now would be a good time to teach them the ancient dragon language. "Looks like, I'll have to teach you girls the ABCs," she said. The dragoness patted her tail on the space beside her and beckoned, "Come over here, we're going to learn how to read a book. No matter how many days it takes." The hatchlings bounded over to their aunt and sat on each side of her. Atlas began to point out the letters in the book as to which alphabet was which and how to pronounce them.

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((Anything that can harm a dragon is disabled.))


Nick looked at Kai, a perplexed look on his face as she accused him without hesitation. Turning away, he ran his eyes over the area and all the faces, save Akuma. His eyes ran over Akuma, not stopping for even the briefest second, as if he didn't see him at all. He was very good at acting as if someone didn't exist. So well in fact that he could almost trick himself into believing it. "I'm sorry I'm really not sure of what you're talking about?" he went on. Yes, he knew Akuma was there, but it was easy at the same time, not to see him. People like that didn't deserve even the slightest amount of attention.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai puffed up her chest, looking at the ground and letting out a big sigh, drooping her head. After a moment she looked up again, moved over to Nick and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "Well you see, right over there" she grabbed Nick's jaw, pointing his face at Akuma before pointing with her hand, "There is a little boy. Short stack with silver hair. Wears an orange hoodie. Black jeans. Sneakers. Being crushed by a big ass sword" she patted Nick's shoulder. "You seem to suffer from a serious case of denial, my friend. Because you can't seem to acknowledge his existence without punching yourself in the face repeatedly- through conversation I mean" she let go of him and turned to face him, "See the secret to subtlety is being subtle. Not acting like you're suffering from brain damage and can't see the person in front of you" she chided. "Now I don't like people who hang on their problems like ignoring the 600 pound gorilla in the corner of the room. If you like, I can try and re-align your vision" she offered, cracking her knuckles in her other hand.

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Nick felt his jaw taken in Kai's hand as she forced him to look at Akuma. He could feel her pat him on the shoulder before releasing him. When she let go, he looked back at her and simply shrugged, "I don't see anything worth looking at." he said nonchalantly. She mentioned brain damage and he smirked. "Who knows, maybe I am brain damage. How many people have lived through a large scale arcane explosion and gone unscathed. Absolutely zero, that's how many." he told her. "And another thing," he added. "Gorilla's are like only 400 pounds, and on top of that, this is a forest, not a jungle. I doubt you would be finding any gorillas around here." He stopped and placed a hand on his hairless chin, stroking it a few times. "And another thing, why do you suddenly care about any problems I may or may not have? You don't care about anyone or anything, so why start pretending now?"

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Kai looked at Nick plainly, "So you DO see the 600 pound gorilla? That's what makes the 600 pound gorilla so scary. Because it's extra kick-your-ass-huge. Besides. It's a figure of speech" she corrected. Kai folded her arms across her chest, "Yeah as I said, you're some kind of special" she paused, looking at Nick again, "Look twinkle toes, it's not about caring about you. It's that I don't like stupid. I find it stupid when people not only dance around a problem like it doesn't exist, but when they do it when the problem is dangling in front of their face. So why do I care?" she paused, moving closer, "Well..." she threw out a sudden punch at Nick's jaw. "Because I am the devils advocate here. I force people to deal with the gorilla because I'm sick of staring at stupid. Angry? Punch someone? Sad? Tell someone? God forbid I have to sit there and watch that censorkip.gif. It's cancerous. You're not stealthy, and you're not clever. So just deal with it. God damn. I don't understand the living" she yelled, throwing her arms up.

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"That much better, Even if it is just one sword." Axle said as Akuma Pulled the sword from it sheath. He stop when he heard yelp than saw as Akuma turn to a dragon to carry the sword. "I told you it was heavy. But it just the center sword that is heavy. For some reason the other are really light." Axle calmly said. He notice that Kai and Nick was talking with each other, until Kai yelled at him. He turn back around and continue to walk to Windfall. "We will be there soon, and Akuma thank you for taking the sword. As for me knowing a hybrid before you, well were I come from, I'm called a hybrid because of my ability to change forms, but here, I'm not called a hybrid. So that why I said I know a hybrid and how they felt." He was smiling but he sound depress a bit. "And my name is Axle, and the one om my back is Cloud."

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Nick looked at her and shrugged when she explained that it was a figure of speech. He listened to her talk a bit more before cutting in. "Isn't that stupid in it's self. You hate stupid people, yet you need them. You prey on them; you steal their souls. You rob their buildings and pillage their property. You manipulate them for your own devices. Where would you be without all the stupid people?" he felt her move closer, but he already knew it was coming. In a flash he teleported a few feet behind her, hands in his pockets. "On the contrary, I'm very stealthy, and I don't let my brilliance show. I just don't feel like it, or even care for that matter. He paused for a moment before moving on. "My problem is that I want nothing to do with him. I'm not angry, I'm not sad. I'm just done. If he's not there, then that solves the problem doesn't it?" He could tell she was angry. After all, she tried to punch him and then went on to say 'angry? Punch someone.' She said she didn't understand the living. He just looked at her. "Then why do you pretend like you do? I know very damn very well that the hordes of undead minions you control don't talk about their problems, or have problems in the first place. You say you don't care about anyone, you say you don't understand the living. If I didn't say so myself, I would say that you are pretty unqualified to tell anyone about facing their problems."

Edited by picknick10

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And Torch, I'll get to you after SUP3RSPAWN3R replies. I'll try to be there on Friday.))



(Actually I already replied, go back a bit and you will see that Sovereign noticed the human and moved.)

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((I’m writing out a prologue for Colin since there’s not much info on what happened to him since the Spell. After this post though, I have the feeling he’s going to be more of a neutral character.))


Things have been going well since the previous events. Colin has been gathering the herbs he was looking with little to no problems, and now has eyes on the last batch. “Just those and I’m done.” He said as he advances. Tension suddenly took over when a shadow came over him and seems to be getting bigger, signaling something. Swiftly, he moved out of the way, feeling the ground rumble and look to where the shadow was. It was a Dragon with olive scales and long spines. He recalls the details and figured this could a poisonous Dragon, somewhat larger than average. Another dragon descended on the ground, this one has brown scales and blue stripes on the top down to the tail, fitting the description of a swift whiptail. “You missed! I told you to let me take it!” “Shut it. He can’t run away.” Colin felt his body tensed, but he unsheathed his lance with his left hand and gathered energy on his right, eyes locked onto both dragons. “Walk away, now.” “Oh, how cute. He thinks he’s all tough. Let’s do something about that.” The whiptail said then swiftly moves its tail to lash Colin.


Despite the speed, Colin waited for an attack. He moved to the ground and slashed his double-bladed lance toward the assaulting tail. He heard a pained roar as he cut the tail off, but he shifted his attention on the olive and moves his right hand as a slash to release the wind energy. The effect wasn’t great, but wind blade caused a gash to its flank. Getting up, he saw the two coming, drew the dagger, and waited for them once again. The whiptail came first to snap its jaws at him, but Colin moved to the right and used his lance to send a slash across the whiptail’s side. The olive however, got close and bit Colin’s left arm. He shouts in pain then through gritted teeth, he pierced the dragon’s head with the dagger. The olive lost its grip and fell to the ground after Colin removed the dagger. The whiptail saw what happened in disbelief and tried running. Colin dropped his lance to take out a vial, pop it open and pour it on the dagger. Taking aim, he threw the dagger toward the fleeing dragon. He saw it hit the mark, making it only several seconds before the poison takes effect.


For now, he placed pressure on the punctured wounds to try to stop the bleeding while getting another vial. “Just great…” He muttered. Seeing the right one, he prepared himself. Unrolling the sleeve, he popped the vial and pours it over the wound. It hurts to do so, but he saw the liquid already doing its job. Until then, he took out a bandage and wraps it around the wound. As he does, he looks at his kill. “I didn’t think this stuff I was taught would actually work. I guess that dagger’s not the only thing saving me.” When he finished, he got his lance, extracted the herb, and went to the area where the whiptail ran off. Sure enough, he found it already turned to a corpse. He got his dagger back and cleaned both it and the lance with cloth before putting them away. He looked at the whiptail for a couple seconds, then walks away. As much as he would like to, he couldn’t let either dragons live after they attacked him. It would only leave them as a witness to tell other dragons about his strengths and then they would look and bring him down. The risk is simply too great, but the fact that he killed two more Dragons haunt him on his way back to the city.


((I feel like making another character that would be used in his prologue, and maybe after that.))

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Kai rolled her eyes, "No I do not prey on stupid people. I enjoy strong, clever opponents. I prey on stupid when I hate their guts. And I rip their soul from their body. I enjoy smarter opponents because the quality of my puppet skyrockets. I can still hold their soul, so their cleverness remains" she explained, frowning slightly as he moved out of the way of the punch. She turned on him again, "Oh please. I've heard your lying skills, and I've seen you trying to be nonchalant. I'm a thief. I can recognize bad acting" she listed on her fingers. "Yes, I understand the dead because if I ask them something, they tell me exactly what they need to say. They don't beat around the bush. And me, I don't pretend I don't have problems. And I deal with my problems, not brush them under the rug. So yes, I can say I'm qualified. I live without conflict. If that's how you deal with people you have issue with, that is quite sorry, bud. I see why you're solitary. Now uhh- you can sit and beat on your bush" she said, backing towards Windfall, "I'm going to get a drink" she said simply, turning and walking off towards the city.


Akuma walked along with the sword in his teeth. It was quite light in his dragon form. He glanced over his shoulder as Axle looked back at the other pair. Kai seemed to be walking away now. Akuma listened to Axle's explanation. "... Hybrids here are something else... There are only 4 of us left... We're all here in the northeast" he said, looking around. "Usually even here in Windfall. This city is the capital of the northeast" he added. He looked at Cloud again questioningly, "Where are you going anyway? I don't suppose you're going to carry him around all day?" he asked. The corners of his mouth tugged into a toothy grin. Maybe he'd get another comfy bed out of this.


Fayt moved across the town square to one of the popular restaurants of Windfall. "That place looks good" he chimed, beckoning Albel along. They went inside and took seats. It was much easier to go into shops now that humans and dragons were forced to socialize with each other. The waitress put two menus on the table, "What can I start you off on?" she asked. Albel's mouth curved into a smirk. "Two waters, please!" Fayt piped up quickly, afraid Albel was about to say something rude. The waitress did a short curt and walked off. "Why what's the matter, brother? You seem on edge" Albel made a low chuckle. Fayt frowned, "Can you behave in public at least?"

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"I wish for a Inn, but Cloud have the money and I don't know were he keeps it at. All i hear is a click and he have the money." Axle said. He know where cloud keep the money, thought he did not know how to get to it. Cloud was muttering in his sleep now about how he was to be forgiven and junk like that. He could see Windfall from where he was at. "I guess is now a good time to wake up Cloud, but i would stand back if I was you." Axle said as he put cloud down. He grab his apple that was in his pocket and stood back some. He wait for Akuma to move before he chuck the apple at Cloud. Cloud caught the apple and throw it back at Axle. "Honestly don't you learn Axle" Cloud said as he sat back up.

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Nick rolled his eyes as she explained, tuning out a bit of it to 'blah blah blah' but he kept on nodding his head with a grin on his face the entire time. She called him a bad lier and a bad actor. He simply shrugged. She then went off to continue to rant about solving your problems and this and that and this was the reason he was solitary. He didn't really care. When she turned to leave, he turned without a proper goodbye and walked deeper into the forest. Not knowing where he was going, or really caring for that matter. Maybe he could find the source of this wolf army.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai walked briskly into town, passing up Akuma, Axle, and Cloud. She made her way to her favorite pub and walked inside. She wasn't in any rush of watching Nick sit in his problems. I was lunch time- good food and drinks were waiting. She made an order at the bar for food and took a beer on the spot, walking back to a lone table and sitting down. She sighed quietly, taking a large gulp. She rolled the taste around her her mouth in thought before swallowing. It'd been a while since she'd made a regular routine of talking to people she'd met before. Kai was more of someone that jumped around and talked to others on the spur of the moment. She had no reason to keep actual friends. Not that most people wanted to be friends with a necromancer anyways. She had her own personal reasons for tampering with dark magic, but not caring what other people thought made it easier to breeze by without explaining herself to disgusted passer-bys like Cloud and Axle. She made a quiet chuckle and took another swig of her drink.


Akuma was tempted to frown when Axle admitted to being broke. He then said that Cloud had the money and proceeded to try and wake him up. He backed away a few feet, but wasn't particularly concerned since Cloud was only human and the hybrid was in dragon form. His scales were still in growth for strength, but they fared perfectly fine against human fists. At least if they didn't hit his undisclosed weak point. Cloud jolted awake, throwing the apple at Axle. Akuma snorted and set the sword down next to Cloud before shifting back down into human form. It was much easier to move through a heavy crowd as a human. He didn't have to worry about mowing down people. And since he was small, most people moved for him instead. His light yellow eyes skimmed from Axle over to Cloud. He was unable to keep a sharp look of distaste from his eyes. Playing nice around them for his own benefit or not, he still had trouble holding his act with his dislike of humans and dragons. Both species had tried to kill him within the last couple days. Even Albel had a go at him the day before. "Problem solved then? He's awake" Akuma asked dully, grinding his teeth to compensate his mood.

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(Actually I already replied, go back a bit and you will see that Sovereign noticed the human and moved.)

((I did reply; it's right there at this link: http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showt...dpost&p=8010569


And also Sai, here's your b-day gift: http://fav.me/d74mn6x It's 16 pages long.))


After making it back to Windfall, Kathia walked through the streets, feeling the pain she took from the vine dragon's attacks. She wanted to get home faster, but she had no car as it was destroyed in the attack few days ago. Plus these vehicles were banned as of now in Windfall as there were too many dragons and people walking the streets. She knew because she just passed a sign in front of where the car dealership store used to be saying why it was closed. Great, just great... It was hard tiring her legs out walking long distances, but the dragons had to taunt her with that law as well. The girl let out an irritated groan; it seems like this once-great city was getting more backwards everyday.


((I hope that's okay, Sai. I'm just giving Kathia more reason to hate dragons. But now I need to have Minerva's car towed as she was the one who drove it to the AED.


Also Sai and Nick, has Dragontamer given you her form or has she lost interest in the RP?))




The spy and 25 goons went to the AED building and stood at the doors for a moment, staring at the target they intend to wipe off the face of Windfall. "Alright, let's do this!" the spy said. Then the men rushed into the building with their weapons out for the kill. The AED members saw the goons running up to them and became terrified. They ran and fled for safety as the goons killed off the activists and the elite goons bombarded the walls, desks, rooms, and bathrooms with explosion spells to set fire and destroy. Screams filled the air as the goons massacred the building one floor at a time.


((I posted at the other RP, Torch))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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The pain stays along with the disturbing thought, but Colin pressed on to Windfall. He thought he saw some people, but he dismissed the thought. He wasn’t sure which path he took since he lost track, only that it’s one that leads out of the forest. Finally, he reached the exit, and the city was in sight. He checked his injury and noted the red spots from the wound and the blood that already leaked out before he treated it. The spots from the wound still seem to be going, but not so much, and the sight itself might disturb some people, so he decided to have his sleeve cover what it could. The unyielding pain causes him to hold the arm most of the time.


Finally arriving at the city, his eyes were greeted by vehicles being towed away. It’s an odd sight, since they all show no signs of wreckage. He found a bulletin board and goes to take a look to find a post explaining the ban of vehicles. He could find so many things wrong with this ban that people won’t just accept it so easily. People need vehicles for transportation. And what if there’s an emergency involving people needing medical attention, or a burning building, or his main reason for disagreeing with it, shipments? There’s an order that’s supposed to be here later on. So unless they have an alternative method for transportation, this ban is going to create a lot of problems.


He lets out an annoyed sigh, and heads to where he’s supposed to go, located in the market area.


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Ronan saw men pulling weapons out and attacking people in the building. "Drake, cut them off at the upper floors." Ronan shouted as he jumped off his back and ran into the building, sword drawn. He used stealth to quickly behead the men from behind one by one. He wasn't about to let them murder innocent lives. Drake flew up to the higher levels and started killing the murderers before any more could be harmed.


((I noticed. thank you red.))

Edited by LordTorch18

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Ronan saw men pulling guns out and shooting people in the building.

((LordTouch, guns don't work anymore. Change your sentence there and you should be good.))

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((yes, they were turned down unfortunately


havent heard from Dragontamer


I guess I should implement into the lore that transportation/shipment of goods was taken over by dragons except on a payment/trade basis. So supplies do still come into Windfall fine and are moved across the shops just the same or by beasts of burden such as horses. Beasts of burden and dragons are more maneuverable in thick crowds than things like automobiles. Otherwise the traffic would be backed up worse than NYC))


A waitress brought Kai her lunch- a sandwich and fries. She ate in silence, listening to various conversations around her as she started on her 2nd beer. A group of teens came in, sitting at a table, "Oh did you hear? They're making an entire new city for humans and dragons" "Well duh, we're sitting in it" the one teen gave the other a playful shove, "Hey I'm being serious here. I was down at the city hall where those Aquarians are set up and they said they're gonna make another city nearby so they can move all the little villages in Rudvick to the main cities. For safety after the whole spell thing" another snorted. "I'm still not sure about that. Sure they're not just rounding us up to be annihilated?" "I doubt it. Why go through the trouble of building two cities first? Why not just finish us when the first one was in rubble?" "True enough" the other muttered. Another city? ... They're taking this protection thing pretty seriously Kai thought with a chuckle. She took another chug of her beer, feeling a buzz. She sighed, knowing she still had puppets to fix. What a dreary chore. Sometimes she wished it was night time all the time so she could endlessly pillage stores for dark artifacts. For the information she seeked longingly for.

Edited by Sai

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((I'm going to submit two more people, and they are going to be evil, well one will be.Edit: Submitted to Nick.))


Cloud got up and dusted himself off. He could see the town from here and decide to go ahead and get his money out, but not until after he hide himself in a tree. Axle could hear the click and than the sound of money being heard. About 30 seconds later, a pouch came out of the tree at Axle, which he grabs and put in his pocket. Cloud jump down from the tree next to Axle. "Well let go and find a Inn." Cloud said as he walked to the clearing and towards the city gates. Axle soon followed. The swords on Cloud's back might bring some trouble, and some on look, But they should be fine.

Edited by draco8967

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Jason had spent the last two days laying low both in windfall and in the forest. he was able to sell off the metal for scrap. There was a slight rush for the stuff since firearms and the like could no longer be used. Stores were staring to buy and sell more primitive arms. With news of the horde rampaging through the countryside and destroying other settlements people were getting nervous with the night of the spell so fresh in their memories.


Jason hoped to use this unease top his advantage but not yet. Today like the past two days he was out hunting small game, rabbits and the like. He needed to improve his ability with the bow if he was going to take down dragons. Plus he sold his catch to a local butcher to help him pay of the rent of the inn he was staying at.


A rustle to his right had Jason drop low and focus. A squirrel dashed out of the bushes and in his head Jason named a spot before loosing an arrow at his pray. The missile hit the squirrel killing it instantly but missed Jason's intended target which was the leg. Curing under his breath Jason stood up straight and collected both the dead rodent and his arrow.




Kat had kept poor Chi cooped up in the library for two days straight with barely any rest. The dragon was entrenched behind piles of books. Because she had no thumbs of her own she had counted quite heavily on Chi to help her with the books. It was only supposed to be for a little bit but Kat just kept on reading and reading and reading, fascinated by the wealth of knowledge the library held. It wasn't until somebody nearby gagged verbally at the wreak that was wafting from their location that Kat realized what she had done. Both she and Chi stank, having failed to bathe for two days straight. Feeling guilty about keeping Chi tethered to her for two days straight Katherine peered around her mountain of books to see if Chi was still awake. "Er...Chi? You up?"


((Hope that was an ok return post))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Minerva noticed a familiar duo of a hooded man and a copper-colored dragon from the side of her view. It was the pair who saved her life and it looks like they were running off somewhere. Her blue eyes followed them until she saw the AED building on fire. Turning her attention away from the blue dragon, she looked at the sight with shock and fear for her coworkers and friends inside. "Oh no! What's going on? How did this happen?" she asked. She ran over to the front of the building and waited alongside the crowd for the coworkers to get out.




The spy and two men with him were at the middle floor. After they impaled a secretary and a treasurer, the trio went upstairs and headed for the president's office. They blast down the door and went up to the scared man. The spy grabbed him by the shirt and said in a sadistic tone, "Hello Mr. President."


The president's eyes went wide with shock and betrayed as he said, "Aldric?! You're attacking us? But why?!"


Aldric the spy replied, "Here's the thing, Richard Darien, I was never with this group of idiotic lizard lovers. No, I was sent here as a spy to gather up all the info about you guys, so that we can plan an attack and kill you all! That way, with you guys out of the way, no one will be brainwashed by your propaganda on dragons being people."


"But they have feelings and sapience just like us! Why should we treat them as our property and monsters?" the president argued.


Aldric pressed his face up closer and said, "Because one, Richard, those aren't human and two, don't you remember how many lives they took three days ago? They're even killing more now. So don't act like they aren't monsters."


"But they've rebuilt our city and offered us protection from the other dragons."


"And they're destroying our way of life, too! They've destroyed our guns, turned out modern world into a medieval town, and taken away our cars. We're going backwards, you coot!" Aldric said.


The goon, getting tired of the conversation, suggested, "Hey Aldric, I'm getting tired of this talk. Let's just kill the guy and get this over with."


Aldric nodded and said, "Right, let's kill this mofo and be done with." As the spy raised his sword, he heard one of the goons get decapitated by Ronan and turned around to block the sword meant for him. "So you must be that lone survivor from the desert, aren't you?" he asked.




Kathia took a seat on the bench and saw the building of AED in flames. Making a sneering grin in amusement, the girl thought, 'Hah, serves you right, you dragon-hugging hippies! What did you do? Welcome a dragon inside your home as a guest?' That was probably what they did, considering how they were for giving civil rights to these beasts. She was glad for them to make a mistake that would cost them dearly like lots of money in property damage for example. The girl would sit and watch the building burn down for a while until she would need to use her magic to put out the fires that would spread to other buildings. She wasn't about to let the Aquarians or other dragons help her fellow humans. She'd rather it be humans helping humans. So in the meantime until then, she read through the water section in her spell book to learn new magic.

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((Just wondering, where is AED located at? I don't think there's any detail on that.))


EDIT: ((Let me rephrase the question. I mean where is it located specifically in Windfall?))

Edited by Flamedramon2657

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((If it's in Windfall shouldn't this be attracting Aquarian guards if the building is on fire? Lol, just going to bring some in for the fire))


Aquarian guards in the surrounding area gathered around the now burning AED building. They looked at each other before making silent telepathic communications. A magi warped in with a few Waterhorse dragons and they started to breath out water onto the building like fire hoses. The Aquarians were unable to put out fires on their own without eating them, which was a technique usually only older dragons knew. So the guards settled for asking around the area, "Did anyone see what happened? Are there still people inside?" they asked, seeing people pour from the building.


Chi poked her head around the corner as Kat came to. "Oh yes, for quite a while actually. It's lunch time" she grinned. Kat really did want to plan her route in detail it seemed. "Are you all finished here? I want to go take a dip in the lake" she laughed. "I can catch some fish out there too while we're at it"


Kai finished her second beer after eating the rest of her meal. It didn't seem like a good plan to get wasted before working so she paid and left. At least she had a good buzz going to get her through the boring work. The repair was a draining technique but made her dragons more durable. She left town again, walking to the outskirts where the woods were and summoned one of her corpses. This one was a Whiptail dragon. She started the process of mending its bone and flesh. You're not gonna out-fly this one, twinkle toes she thought with a smirk as she reminisced over their spar. "Where to pillage tonight..." she muttered. She'd forgotten to check another target for her late night thieving antics. The bone strengthened and healed while the muscle twisted an weaved together over top. A while more and the muscle had mended. A bright sheen came over the dragon next, paving over a coat of sleek new scales. Once she was done, Kai plopped backwards. "I know I've said this before, but I hate doing that" she complained to the dragon, who didn't so much as rustle in response. She rolled her eyes, "Nnngh forget it. The dead make terrible conversation. Without their souls anyway.... dragon souls always taste so spicy" she grinned at the Whiptail. It stared back blankly in response.


Akuma watched, annoyed as Cloud jumped into the tree. Wow... really that paranoid about money huh? I'll never understand humans he thought. Cloud jumped back down after tossing a money pouch to Axle. "Plenty of them in town" the hybrid assured. He licked his fangs idly as he waited for them to move. His tongue removed the coat of poison from the fangs. It had become a habit of boredom he did now. Adding and removing poison.



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((Well I don't know yet, but I'm know that the building is located very near the central square, where Sovereign is and Minerva used to be. I will respond later as I'm getting my hair washed.))


The Aquarians had come to save the day. They brought in some waterhorse dragons to spew water at the flames while the fire dragons ate the flames. One of the very few survivors, who all managed to get outside but were dying, said, "We were attacked... by... some guys..."


Minerva was both horrified at seeing the devastating burn wounds on the man and shocked that the activists had been attacked. "Attacked? Who would do such a thing?" she asked.


"I... don't... know..." the man said before he collapsed dead on the ground. The crowd gasped in response.


Kathia brought down her book to look at the scene. 'So it turned out to be a bunch of guys. What did you do to rile them up, AED?' she wondered. She guessed the AED were celebrating the dragons taking their revenge on the humans or some other reason that had to lead to their crisis.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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