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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Colin recognized the area he was at and took a left turn. Shortly afterwards, he found a stream of water, and with it, a few herbs are listed in what he’s looking for. He looks around, seeing no one in the area, and goes ahead to extract the herbs. It’s a good start, but it’s still not enough to head home yet. He went back into hiding in the trees, but stayed as close as possible to the stream as he kept walking deeper into the woods. Some time passed as he repeat the process, spot herbs, look for anything that might interfere, and if there aren’t then extract the herbs and move on. He decided to take a break and rest against a tree. On one of the tree branches, he spotted an apple hanging and thought about getting it down with one of the new spells he learned. Getting ready, he focuses the energy on his left hand. He feels the magic building up, and when it grew to the amount he’s waiting for, he released it with a swing. A blade of wind came from the hand and swiftly made its way toward the apple. The apple landed on the ground, and he lets out a breath of air in amazement. Picking up the apple, he can tell it was a clean cut, but only a third fell to the ground. He knows he can use this spell now; he only needs to work on the accuracy.


Feeling he took enough time, Colin moves on to the task at hand. Eventually the stream led to a clearing, but he stopped before he even got near the area. Just the sight alone was enough for him to back away in suspicion. I don’t remember a clearing being here. Memory wasn’t the only thing that made it suspicious. The energy itself seems to be all over the place, particularly on the ground, almost as if all of them are connected. Fuming, he took out a pair of binoculars to look around the place from his position. He found several identifiable plants, and several herbs that put him on edge. They’re most of what he’s looking for, and the amount makes it so someone has enough to last a few weeks. For an herbalist, this would be an amazing place, but he knows this is too good to be true. Taking another look, he spotted something on top of the hill, the back of a familiar person with a flaming hand. “…Oh yeah you’re a naughty girl. What the…Isn’t that the girl trying to pick a fight?" He puts the binoculars down at another sight. Something is moving in the area. The grasses are forming behind the girl as silently as possible. Colin made out the shapes to be vines and completely hid himself from the tree. At least now he has an idea of what’s going on. The plants do not like the fire the girl is giving out.


Four vines started to form and lunge toward the girl, aiming to restrain her while one would put a painfully tight grip on the arm that has the flaming hand until those fires are gone.


((I couldn't help myself with the crossed out part. biggrin.gif ))

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((Just send your form to Sai, if Nick won't answer. And also, please do not double-post next and learn to be patience. Only reply, if Nick comes on to this thread and doesn't respond.))


Suddenly, Kathia was attacked by four vines lunging at her. The girl recoiled in surprise and cried, "Ack!" The vines grabbed onto her limbs and the girl struggled to free herself. "Let go of me!" she screamed. She channeled the fire magic energy through her whole arms and then her legs to cover them in flames. She could feel herself getting warm when she did that. The flames would burn through the vines and then probably weaken them until they turned to ash.




After going through the hallways and two rooms, the Firestars came to an interesting place. Inside the room was armor and weapons for dragons. The armors consisted of wings, helmet, chest plate, greaves, fauld, and tail plate. The gauntlets were clawed to reinforce the dragon warrior's claws for added damage, the tail armors had maces or blades attached to the tip, and some of the helmets had horns for the hornless dragons to be able to ram into their foes. "Wow... no way!" Atlas said, looking impressed at the old weaponry. The place was an armory and the family had stumbled onto its treasure.


The hatchlings looked at the place in wonder and Danielle asked, "Aunt Atwas, what are those?"


"Armor and weapons, Danielle," the magi answered. "Tools, I'm going to need in case we run into any dangerous humans." The dragoness took the best armory pieces for herself and equipped them on.


Kylie poked at one of the armors and said, "You know, dey kinda look like dwagons."


"That's because they were made for dragons," explained Atlas. "To protect themselves in wars and battles."


"Are dere any for us?" asked the whiptail hatchling, looking around for armor her size.


Atlas looked around before answered, "Nope, there aren't any. The castle's soldiers would never let hatchlings fight in battles. It's too dangerous for them; they could get hurt out there."


((I'll do the Minerva part next time. I need to go to bed.))

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Colin made no attempt to even try helping the girl. She’s the one who came to a suspicious place without thinking, now she has to deal with what happens from that point. He felt the energy of the area starting to gather to the spot on the hill soon after he heard the yelling. A different type of energy caused that, making him guess what this mean. “Nice going, lady, you just ****ed them off.” He goes through his pack, coming up with a plan in case he somehow gets involved in this. The distance and location he chose makes it highly unlikely to get noticed by both sides.


The flames reached the vines, causing them to lose their grip on the girl. Throughout their burning and dying states, they lash at her for a short time before they wither away into ashes. However, since the energy started gathering on the hill, several vines started to form, appearing stronger and with sharp thorns on them. They started lashing at the girl, while somehow trying to avoid the areas that gives off fires. Some of the vines though would actually try to trip up her balance despite coming into contact with the fires. It seems as though it hardly matters so long as they can hit their mark.

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((You know, I just realized I forgot about the bubble shield around Kathia. But I'll just say she dispelled it before the attack.))


Kathia swatted away the burning vines before they turned to ashes. For a brief moment, she stared in silence wondering what the heck were those vines and how were they able to move on their own. Just then, more vines, with thorns on them this time, rose out of the ground. They whipped at the dragon slayer's unignited parts with the thorns adding little damage and sometimes snagging onto her clothes for a second. The pain had felt like that of a real whip. Kathia winced and cried 'ouch' from each strike. As she covered her head with her left arm, she yelled, "Get away from me!" As she grabbed the sword from her sheath, one of the vines tripped her and made the girl fall onto her bottom. The fires from her legs and arms touched the grass and started its conquest to spread and torch every flora, starting with the ground.


With the sword now in hand, Kathia stood back up while taking a lash to her arm. She swung at the vines to cut them down while letting the burning touch spell spread through her whole body until she was completely enveloped in flames. At this point her body started to feel hot, but she didn't put her concern on that as she was too busy fighting for her life.




It was now break time and Minerva left the building to do a little shopping before she would return to work. At the square, she came across a blue dragon sleeping in the middle of the place. He must have been a very tired fellow if he decided to take a nap out on the street in the busy morning. Minerva walked up to her and rubbed her hand over his snout. "Excuse me, sir. You really shouldn't sleep out here like that. You might catch a sunburn or get sick from the rain," she said to him.


((SUP3RSPAWN3R, that's you.))

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A small flare pygmy swooped down over Windfall and zipped into the city hall. It weaved through a crowd of people and dragons, being a swift little flier. It landed on a desk in front of Crowe and handed the Spitfire dragon a scroll. Crowe shifted, his armor clicking as he read the scroll's contents. "Ah good... yes that would be an issue" he turned and retreated into a back room. The heat increased considerably as he entered the room. It had been enchanted to suit the Aquarian's temperature comfort. Woltar sat at the end of a large oval stone table, conversing with other dragons. Crowe approached, "Woltar, the report came in. It seems most of the dragons escaped back to Solomos, leaving Rudvick virtually untouched" he explained. Woltar nodded, "Good good, that makes things easier. Arrange for troops to go out and round up small villages, usher them into the main cities of the continent. I believe those are Windfall and Kirlsa" "Are you sure there's room?" Crowe asked. "Hmm" Woltar pondered. "Another throught, do all you cant between these two cities and we'll make it a project between humans and dragons to build a third. Close to this one so we can keep an eye on it" he explained. "A bit of a team building exercise" he made a rumbling laugh. Crowe remained stoic, "Yes, sir" he turned and left the room, heading for the barracks.


((Waiting for Draco~~))

Edited by Sai

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((Either that or the bubble popped. tongue.gif ))


It seems as though the more the girl resisted, the more force that’s used as a response. The flames reaching the ground caused it to rumble and provoke more plants to appear, this time with plants shooting projectiles such as blade-like leaves and thorns. The lashing vines stopped with the whipping attacks, and instead attack with brute force while the thorns on them act to puncture. Some have been strengthen to try to resist the flames. The forces of these plants try to send the girl off of the hill and into the stream of water, where the fires there would be lessened.


((Nothing to do for Colin yet.))

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The dragon woke suddenly, shifting his fifty foot bulk around to stare directly towards the human. "The rain? It does not bother me." He yawned, the chasm of his mouth lined with white teeth, each as large as a man's spread hand. "And I do not suffer from the ailments of you thin-skinned humans." He sniffed the human, his eyes widening slightly. "You smell, different. Like, trust. Something I have not smelled in so long." He seemed to relax slightly, his wings lowering just an inch or two and the spines on his back flattening. He moved slightly to allow foot traffic to pass by. He sat back down, but kept his head, up, looking at the crowds of slightly nervous people.

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((Sorry guys had bad weather, which made no internet.))




Even with a golden dragon flying not far from the wolves pack it seems they were more interest in him and Cloud. Axle just hope the hybrid was right and they could help Cloud. If not it would take hours for the effect to ware off. "Who ever brought them, they are more interested in us dead than anyone else." Axle said to himself. He could not just stay in the air forever. It was a bit before the wolves gave up and left, vanishing back into the forest, Even their scent left with them, as if they were not there. Axle decide it was safe to land back down and transformed back into his human form again. He set cloud down and pulled one of clouds sword from it sheath.

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((That blows))


Kai looked over at Nick, "Listen twinkle toes, I hardly know you. So I'm not really going to stick my neck out for you. It's not good interest in my business. I collect corpses, not join them" she chided. Axle had glided closer to talk to Akuma. The hybrid frowned. Why was someone sending an undead army at them? The horde of wolves disappeared as suddenly as they had come. Axle landed with Cloud and shifted back to human form. Akuma trotted over, peering down at Cloud. It seemed he was growing more stiff from the poison. Kai shoved her way to the front of the group, "Alright, move kiddies" she announced. Her hands came to her hips as she looked Cloud over briefly. "Heh, nice sword. I really collect dragons" she paused, smirking briefly at Axle, "But a unique swordsman now and then is interesting too" she continued. Akuma's brow sloped downward. Kai snorted, crouching down to inspect Cloud's cut, "Sheesh, stiffer than my stiffs" she muttered. The necromancer dabbed the blood from Cloud's cut on her finger and looked at it, "Typical paralysis poison" she dug through her pouch and withdrew a glass vial with a blue substance. She held it up to Cloud's mouth, "drink"

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((Use a space station telescope to see dragon.))


Axle & Cloud


Axle growled at Kai. He keep to himself and held the sword facing the way the wolves have disappear off to. Cloud drink what he could, but it hard for him to move with his body so stiff. It had a really bad taste when he drink it. "What in that vial?" Cloud ask as the effect start to work a bit.

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((*Sigh* I'm backish. I'm going to be skimming Red's and Sai's posts for details but if anyone else thinks there's something I need to know about their characters right this very second please don't hesitate to inform me.

Red, Sai. I apologize for the trouble my absence has caused you two.))

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((Well Chi hasn't moved so they've been in the library for the past couple days. Probably starting to ferment tongue.gif


I turned 20 yesterday *happy dance* but I'm no longer a teen D:))


Kai let Cloud drink about half the vial before pulling it back and corking it and putting it back in her pouch. "Mmm, a potion master doesn't give away their secrets. I will say it has basil- so you may have a minty fresh feeling" she smirked. Kai ruffled Cloud's hair before straightening up. She looked to Akuma, "I'd very much like a sample of your poison, though. Bet it puts that stuff to shame" she pointed at Cloud. Akuma narrowed his eyes, "Would you now?" he bared his fangs. Kai raised an empty vial, "In a vial preferably. It would be a bit tough to find a cure while poisoned myself" she corrected at Akuma's subtle threat. "How do you know I have poison?" "Oh please, I'm a potion master. I can smell poison on your breath. Besides, I don't suppose the green liquid on your fangs is saliva, is it?" she asked. Rika rolled her eyes, "The only way you're getting his poison is if he takes a ceremonious bite out of you" she scolded. Kai grinned and put the vial away, "Heh, worth a try. I'm a collector of multiple sorts" she shrugged. Rika shifted with her bow over her shoulder, "Thanks to you guys then, my hunt was a mess. Scared the game off. You should get your fan club checked out" she said dully to Axle and Cloud. Akuma snorted, "You mean you were hunting dragons" he corrected. Rika made a faint, clearly fake smile, "Now where would you get an idea like that?"

Edited by Sai

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((Okay, here's what happened then and now with my characters


Atlas, Danielle, & Kylie

After Atlas and Rina caught the thief, they made him catch another squirrel. Atlas takes the squirrel to Danielle and she eats it. The next day, Atlas senses the fire castle (the same one Megasuper used in the other RP, but it's nerfed down so it doesn't become a gary-stu object) and unearths it. The Firestars go inside the ancient castle and are now at the armory where Atlas has equipped herself with armor for protection during her journey to the northwest.



His village has destroyed a human refugee camp yesterday. Today, he is traveling with 7 powerful dragon, plus his cousin Bam, and are destroying another refugee camp, which this time has a wall around it to look like a fortress.



After practicing beginner magic and buying herself a quiver and arrows, Kathia goes home to sleep. The next day, she goes on the computer and finds that dragons are still attacking humans all over the world and that the NE government has abandoned its people, much to everyone's shock, outrage and disbelief (I forgot to include that part in the other post). Then Kathia practices more magic and gives the spell book to Mrs. Merryweather, her maid, to learn convenient spells for housework. Kathia goes back to the bookstore to buy herself an elemental spell book this time and then goes out into the woods to hunt dragons. She's currently engaging a bunch of vines (or rather a vine dragon) in a fight.



She's a member of the AED, which stands for Association of Equality for Dragons. She got saved by Ronan and Drake from a couple of robbers this morning. Then she goes to work and finishes the essay. Now she's on break and is interacting with Sovereign.))



Minerva smiled and said, "Well, I suppose it's because you can tell that I'm a dragon rights activist, or dragon sympathizer as everyone calls us." She let out a short hearty laugh. After the dragon moved out of the way of the passerbys, Minerva watched the people walk by between them.


((Don't know what else to post for Minerva.))




The shook for a moment as Kathia tried to keep her balance. Then more plants rose out of the ground, this time shooting sharp leaves and thorns at the girl. The slayer winced and gritted her teeth in pain as she took her shield and used it to block the attacks. Kathia backed away from the plants as she defended herself and fend off the vines with her sword. Soon, her legs entered the stream and the flames were extinguished by the water. The heat energy in her body warmed up the cool stream. Kathia continued to walk backward until she was far enough to turn tail and retreat.


The girl ran through the woods until the hill and its vines were no longer in site. Her burning touch spell was also dispelled as Kathia didn't want to be slowed down by the heat burning her. She sat down against the tree to catch her breath for a few seconds before she asked, "What the heck was that?! There's no way these plants wouldn't have been about to move on their own." The more she thought about her encounter, the more she felt familiar with it until she figured out why. "Unless..." she said before she read through her guide book and looked to the page on vine dragons. These were very violent dragons that lived underground and use their vines to attack. She had once had one as a slave until he died injury and exhaustion. "Of course..." she murmured to herself.


Now that she knew the vines belonged to that of a dragon, she needed to plan out her strategy on how to kill it so that she would get it next time. She knew that the vines were thorny and that the plants can shoot their leaves and thorns. The best thing to do was to keep her distance on the other side of the stream and use the trees for cover against the leaves. Magic should be her only offensive tool in this hunt as she needed that long distance for safety. She should also get herself some eyewear protection so that the small and thin projectiles don't ruin her eyesight.


Kathia made her way back to Windfall to buy what she needs and use the other spellbook at home to heal her damages.




Another refugee camp was destroyed, and with it, the human survivors. The horde members regrouped with Aeolus and the looked at the ruins they had created. Two human camps down, many more to go; the Vulture horde had a lot of work ahead of them. The dragons left and camp and continued on their quest for the extinction of mankind.




The Firestars left the armory and went to other places like the throne room, the dining room, the the training room, the courtyard, and the dungeons. Then the went upstairs and to see what the above was like. The first thing they came to was a library. The hatchlings started to get bored and Danielle spoke, "Aunt Atwas, isn't there anything interesting to do?"


"I don't know, Danielle. Why don't you go read a book or something?" suggested Atlas as she picked out of the books. She opened it and began reading the dragons' history on wars.


((Also, happy late birthday, Sai. I'll upload your b-day gift story after the DA admins respond back to me about the guy I snitched on. I had an argument wit him and it was smooth and mature at first until he said something insensitive that broke the rule of etiquette. So I'm staying off that site for a while until I get an email from the admins, because I don't want to look like I'm too butthurt to respond to the insult.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((*Latches onto Sai* NO AGING ALLOWED))


Nick watched as the wolf army had vanished as quickly as it had appeared. Not even it's smells was left behind. "Strange" he muttered to himself. Two newcomers came, a dragon and a human, but it seemed the dragon could shift. People were showing up fast. He looked over all the faces. He knew Rika, Kai and Akuma, but the other two were new faces. 'So that makes five.' He went over in his head. He wondered how everyone had gotten here so quickly, and out of seeming nowhere too. Rika was hunting dragons it seemed, Kai was with him, but he didn't know much at all about these two new comers. It was strange that the wolves showed up when they did, he shook his head. As for Akuma he didn't really care. Looking over at Axle and Cloud he asked. "Where did you two come from, and why do you bring this army in your wake?"

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((Take Crowbar and pry Nick off of Sai.))


Axle & Cloud


Axle look at Nick. "Don't know where they came from, As for were we are from, Not from around here, and we will leave it at that." Axle said. He sound a bit upset about that subject. Axle walked over to Cloud and put the sword back into the open sheath on Cloud's back and pick up Cloud on his back. Axle started to walk towards the city of Windfall, before he stop at bit. "We thank you for your help but I can not be n the present of a dragon hunter and a dragon necromancer." Axle said as he start to walk again. Cloud must be falling asleep now, which made it a bit peaceful.

Edited by draco8967

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((The idea of the plants trying to force her to the waters was to drown her, but whatever. And you just assumed vine Dragon? xd.png

Also, I think Sai should try to use color text for different chars. It got me mixed up at some points.))


As soon as the girl entered the water, a vine appeared from the ground soaked with water to try pulling her leg. However, it missed, leaving the other plants to try and force her away. The moment she ran away, the plants slowly retracted into the ground, seeming as though they never appeared at all saved for the burnt areas. After some time of peace, the plants on the hill started to move away toward the other part of the land, dispersing a camouflage. The being uncurls himself from his still state and looks around the land, inspecting the damages done to this place. He growls in irritation and looks to where the girl ran off. “Defiler! Never come back again!” He roars with a matching tone. He pressed his left claw on the damaged ground, transferring life magic into it. When he removed the claw, the spot looks wondrous again. He continues to do the same for the other areas. As he does, he started to consider something he was told. Humans are using weapons and magic, and until something is done, it would be better if he goes somewhere far from their influence. “Perhaps they’re right, but these lands need healing. I cannot leave my work unfinished.” He thought. “This area needs my magic. If I leave now, they will wither. I require time.


Colin has a dagger in one hand and a vial in the other. He was ready to pour the vial on the dagger should he somehow get involved, but now it seems it’s already over. After he put them away, he used his binoculars to see the plant-like Dragon revealing to be the hill. It became clear. “…Yep.” He thought then covered his right ear when the Dragon roared something about defiler. He only watched for a few minutes before deciding that the Dragon is not going to leave the area long enough for him to gather those herbs. He went back to the direction where he came and took another path to find and gather herbs before heading back to Windfall. As time passes, he began to wonder about the dangerous energy he felt earlier. He doesn’t feel anything, so he guessed that it’s probably gone or out of range. Either way, it doesn’t matter to him as long as he can continue what he’s doing.


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((Oh ho ho~ and thanks Red


Yeah it's really a hastle with all the colors :I could try it))


Rika narrowed her eyes, "Good, it's getting stuffy in here with all you dragon huggers" she snorted, turning and walking away from the group. Kai chuckled, "What? Don't want to meet the family?" she called after Axle with a grin. She was used to being shunned for her profession. Not that she really cared much about other people anyway. Akuma put his head up, swooping his tail intentionally over the group as he turned to follow Axle. Kai ducked out of the way and cocked an eyebrow, "I'll assume that was for you twinkle toes" she muttered. Akuma easily caught up to Axle in dragon form and shifted back into his human form. He glanced at Cloud curiously. The guys looked strong enough, which made him wonder why he seemed to be spending most the day now being carried by Axle. It was almost enough to make him crack a grin.

Edited by Sai

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((Well happy late b-day Sai. Need one more year before you can drink biggrin.gif))


Axle just ignore what Kai said. Axle was a bit surprise when the hybrid came up with him. "Hey forgot to ask, What is your name?" Axle ask as he walked carrying cloud on his back. "Not really surprise that Cloud fell asleep, He had 9 fight already in less than 10 hours, and he been awake for another 2 days before that. He keeps on pushing himself to hard, but he could loss a little weight." Axle said. "Hey mind me asking but can you remove his swords off his back? They are a bit heavy, and I don't see how the hell he sleeps with them on."

Edited by draco8967

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Akuma glanced at Axle. Oh, so he hadn't given his name out. The hybrid clicked his teeth, "Akuma..." he uttered quietly. He pondered quietly where he'd even gotten his name from. He'd never known his parents. Maybe Dion named him? ... He was too prideful to go ask the scientist. Akuma perked up again as Axle asked if he would remove the heavy swords off of Cloud's back. Akuma's face contorted into an expression of 'are you kidding me?' "Well..." Akuma looked down at his hands. He did have enhanced human strength but he was still young... and small. He reached up slowly and grabbed the hilt of the fusion sword and started to pull. It slowly slid through the straps until it popped out. Gravity took over in an instant and Akuma instantly realized how heavy it really was. He crumpled to the ground under the swords weight with a yelp. The hybrid squirmed, wriggling until he found his balance and sat up. With some effort his stood up again, holding the sword by the hilt while the tip was still on the ground because of the weight. Akuma simply frowned at Axle before shifting back into dragon form and grabbing the sword in his teeth.

Edited by Sai

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(Hi! I was maybe going to sign up for this, but I want to know what is needed most? A good person or bad person? What gender dragon? What gender human? This would really help me make the sign up! Thanks!)

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((We're not really in 'dire need' of any particular thing right now that I'm aware of))

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((I feel like we need more bad guys. I think Kathia, is the only bad human in this RP, but she's still in progress of becoming the BBEG. Aeolus is also the the only bad dragon. But as for the character's gender and race, it's up to you. I'll be posting later.))

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((Yes and then she can buy me alcohol! ;P ))

Shrugging Nick dropped the subject, letting the newcomers be. Rika was leaving, but he didn't pay much mind to her either. He turned to walk over to a tree and rest against it, but he lurched forward, tripping. "Oh Clumbsy me." he said as Akuma's tail flew over him. "Wasn't watching my footing." he chimed as he got up, brushing the dirt from his robes. "What was for me?" he questioned Kai, feigning ignorance. He looked around at everyone before looking back at Kai. "Well, that ruined all of our fun didn't it?" Raising a hand it glowed an earthy brown as the area was mended. The damage from the previous fight being undone. Ice melted, and the cracks and fissures in the earth pulled themselves together as if it had never happened.

Edited by picknick10

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Ronan and Drake came across what looked like a rally for the AED. Ronan glanced to the right seeing the same girl that he nearly ran into and also rescued the other day. 'It seems I keep running into her everywhere in this city.' He thought to himself. They stayed to listen to the people and dragons talking.


((red, waitin on your reply for this weekend on the chat room rp. tongue.gif please don't forget))

Edited by LordTorch18

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