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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Axle & Cloud


"Now where did I say you where helpless, or hybrids for that fact." Axle said in a claim voice. "It just that hybrid never really know the world from the lab, and for seeing a hybrid, again, I swear you all act the same, Distrusting, distant, and always -." Axle was cut off when he heard a faint snap in the forest around them. It was followed by more snaps, and not a few. The smell hit him as well, Un-dead wolves. They all came into view, and it was a big group. "Hm, look like they don't give up that easy. What the group size this time, 30-40?" Cloud asked. He already had 2 swords pulled out of his sheath, and ready himself. "No I would say about 100-120. There more in the forest." Axle said he started to back up a bit to cloud. They were everywhere, and all around them. Cloud hand a sword to Axle to use. "We both know that if one of us get a scratch, Or blood in our mouth, we are going to be in trouble." Cloud chucked a sword into the ground near the hybrid. "I want it back after this is over." Cloud said, as he pulled out 2 more swords. Axle was close to the hybrid now. "If any of that happen you will be paralyze for a bit, and Cloud will have to carry you all the way to town." Axle said as he ready himself.

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Akuma narrowed his eyes, "You couldn't have met a hybrid before in the first place. No outsiders were aloud in the lab and there are only four of us around anymore. Don't yank my chain" he grumbled. It was followed by a snort of laughter, "What really tells your bluff is that two of us are sickeningly nice towards humans and dragons" he chided. The smell of rotting flesh filled his nose, making his face contort. Zombie wolves came from the forest in a large pack. "That necromancer needs to get a grip..." he muttered, wondering if Kai was playing around out in the woods. Akuma glanced over as Cloud threw a sword next to him. He looked down at the sword. ... What the hell is that?... Humans are so weird. They can't fight with their own strength, they have to make... weapons he thought, giving an odd look at cloud. Akuma snorted, "Oh please, like I'd ever need a chunk of metal" he muttered. Akuma shifted up to his golden dragon form. "Wolf teeth have no chance of puncturing my hide" he said with a laugh. Akuma lifted off the ground, flying over the horde of wolves and letting loose a fiery hot lightning beam across the front.


"Actually, that's a quarter of a typical lifespan for a human. So yes, that is a while" Kai retorted. The earth dragon watched as Nick kicked off the boulder. "Actually you are human. You're just like the rat that got into the radioactive sewage" Kai said in a snide tone, looking at her nails again. She sniffed briefly. "What in the..." she uttered, looking around. Something massively smelled like death nearby. She looked at her dragon, sinking it into the ground away from Nick and pulling it back up by her. She leaned forward for a brief sniff of the earth dragon. No rotting flesh. She frowned, "Either there's another necromancer nearby or someone just moved an entire cemetery" she paused, looking at the dragon, "And just look what you did to its leg. Tsk tsk" she moved over, mending it with dark magic. The skin of the dragon twisted and contorted, mending back together like yarn until only a smooth surface remained.

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((I still haven’t gotten a response about my other character, and I think I’m nearing the appropriate moment to use him.))


Windfall, Bookstore


Colin looked through the store to find a book that teaches the next stages of magic. He looks through some of the pages and noticed these spells are more complicated than the ones he has done so far. Despite this, he can still understand many of the words, and given time and practice, he’ll be able to learn many of what this book offers. He closed the book, thoughts thinking about food and theories. Those thoughts were interrupted when some red haired girl spoke eagerly about using magic to kill Dragons. He felt a sudden irritation, not because someone wanted to kill Dragons, but because of using magic as the weapon. He didn’t want to hear this, but the lines look it may take several minutes, and the irritation made it difficult to avoid responding to what the girl said. “That’s not going to work.”

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((Send me the character and I'll look. Nicks a bit lazy tongue.gif he said I can accept things anyway))

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((Going to make a post and then I'm going out to eat and do homework after this.))


Someone said that her plan to use magic to kill dragons wasn't going to work. "Huh? Who said that?" asked Kathia, wondering who was trying to shoot down her idea. She turned to see a blue-eyed brunette next to her. The girl placed her hand on her hip and asked in an annoyed tone, "Oh I don't suppose you have a better idea on how I can kill these things?" The boy sounded like he was mad about the "trying to kill dragons" thing. Kathia guessed that he might be one of those pathetic dragon sympathizers.

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((I'm forwarding it to you, Sai))


Colin didn’t need to answer the second question, since this is a fairly touchy subject. But the line isn’t going anywhere, and odds are the girl’s going to say even more stupid things. He decided to be choosy with his words “…Start with the obvious. Dragons are masters at magic. It pretty much runs in their veins. You’d have an easier time learning about them first.” He put his hand in his pocket.

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Ronan heard the sound of the knife in the air. He pushed off the wall, catching the knife in his hand, spun around and threw it back at the guy killing him. He stepped out into the open. "You all have five minutes to decide.....who runs back to your boss." He informed without an explanation. The clock was running on the five minutes. Who was going to die, and who was going to run?

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Nick got ready to launch a spear. "I was human once, but my accident changed that. My DNA was completely rewritten. Humans can't use arcane magic." It was true, humans couldn't directly control arcane magic; if they tried it would rip them apart at the molecular level, or some equally horrible side effect. He stood up and smirked as Kai pulled back the dragon, lowering his spear. He was about to make some extremely cleaver and witty remark, but then he noticed her expression. He didn't even have to ask as the earth began to rumble. He could smell it too. The scent of death filled the air. Backpedaling until he reached Kai, his earthen spears drifting along side him, he asked in a semi-hushed tone. "What did you just do?".

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Axle Cloud


Axle pick up the sword out of the ground, and watch the golden dragon take to the sky. As lighting hit the ground, it was not stopping them from coming closer. "So how any are left 100+?" cloud ask he he ran forward taking care of 3, as their head rolled on the ground. Axle was doing the same as their blades dance in the air. Even for axle being a dragon he was a expert with the sword. No matter how many they kill, or thought they killed, they just keep on coming. "Um Axle Now would be a good time to change to a dragon and kind of get us out of here." Cloud said as he gasp for air. Axle did that and grab Cloud and took to the air. He had pure white scale and blue eyes. "They just don't give up, no matter how many you slow down or stop." Axle said as he just hover over the clearing.

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Akuma watched the corpses he burned away be replenished by new arrivals. He looked around, hovering as Cloud and Axle tried to peck away at their numbers as well. They had to be coming from somewhere or someone. He breathed his electric beam over the mass again, burning a few more away. The only thing that could move corpses was dark magic- it had to be a necromancer or something close to. They needed someone with light magic. Mages and dragons with that ability seemed scarce enough. He wondered if he should fly ahead to Windfall and get help. Cloud and Axle took to the air next when they realized they were outnumbered. Akuma flew closer to them. Knew he was a dragon he thought briefly, "Do you know what these are? Is it a necromancer controlling them?" he asked the pair.


Kai pet the leg of her earth dragon, "Yeah yeah. You're still human at your core. As I said, just a rat that got into some radioactive sewage. Don't worry, one day you may be as cool as... oh what was that show? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?" she grinned at the ground. Kai dusted her hands and stood up again. She turned around, pausing as Nick had scrambled over to her. "Scared are we?" she laughed. "Oh please twinkle toes. I was just playing with you. You're not worth the effort of summoning my whole collection. You're not that special" she smirked at him. Kai snapped her fingers and the earth dragon sank back into the ground. "Curious though" she walked off through the forest and into the clearing where Windfall sat in the distance. Over to the side she saw many corpses trudging from the forest. Along with two dragons and a human hovering overhead. Her hands came to her hips, "Huh. Someone has a wolf fetish. I think dragons are a much better collection. They're stronger, more diverse for more jobs, and come in all sizes" she mused.

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Sovereign had flown for hours after a recent brush with a band of dragon-hunters. His back and wings throbbed from overuse, and his mood had taken a hit as well. A light rain began to fall, cold like ice. He needed a place to land, somewhere safe from humans where he could rest and regain his strength. They were everywhere, the ones who would torture for their own enjoyment. He growled as he remembered his past, lightning flickering in the sky, chased by the distant rumble of thunder. Finally, he had found a place. A city called Windfall, the last stronghold of dragon-human peace. Landing in a large, empty square. He folded his wings, wobbling slightly on his feet after flying for so long. He curled about, wrapping his tail near his eyes like a cat, and fell asleep.


(Feel free to discover me and make of it what you will.)

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"Well thanks for the tip, mister. But you should know that not all dragons use magic," said Kathia, feeling smart. It was pretty much a fact as there were non-magical breeds such as the mint dragons, pygmies, harvest dragons, black tips, albinos, and more. Thanks to the stranger's advice, now she felt a desire to go look for a book or guide about the many breeds of dragons. So that when she goes hunting, she can pick out the weaker dragons to hunt first before she became more experienced and skilled. "Well ta-ta, pal. I got a guidebook to go find," she said before she turned around and went to the non-fiction section where books on dragon breeds are. She found one that was titled "Dragons around the World" and looked through the pages that showed pictures and told info about each breed. "Perfect!" said Kathia.

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Nick stuck his tongue out at her teenage mutant ninja turtle remark. "Believe what you want to believe." he said. A smirk found it's way onto his face when Kai went on to say that he wasn't worth the effort, and he wasn't that special. "I'm not THAT special?" he asked emphasizing the word 'that' "So I'm some kind of special huh?" he asked watching the earth dragon sink back into the ground. Following her through the forest he cringed as the smell of death got worse. His eyes widened when he saw the undead army. "Yes dragons may be better, but they are harder to get, as opposed to wolves which are easy enough to find and kill." he replied "But that's beside the point, do you have any idea who could be behind this?" he asked.

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Colin rolled his eyes at the response. “Obviously.” He went into thought. “Even without magic, they still have years of experience.” The time of silence between the two gave him an opportunity to think. It ended when the girl spoke again about a guidebook, and as she turns to leave, he spoke quickly. “You better know what you’re doing. It’s our fault they attacked anyway.” He checked the lines to see they’re getting considerably smaller, making it a good time to buy the book, get out of here and buy some food. He picked a line and simply waits it out.

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((Oh sorry.))


The goons gasped when they saw their knife-throwing friend get killed like a pro. They turned their heads to glare at the hooded man and one of them said, "Oh hell no, let's butcher this guy!" Then they all ran out, armed with weapons, to kill. One guy took a swing at Ronan and the other guy went in for a thrust.




"Hah!" Kathia cried confidently. She wagged her finger and said, "I'll have you know that I have killed a dragon before and it was a black one." Though she nearly died in the battle with it, Kathia refused to be put down by the man's words of caution. The girl joined the line and waited until it was her turn to get the two books purchased. After the first people left, the cashier rang up the books and Kathia paid for them in cash. The books were placed in a bag and the girl took them with her out the door. Then she saw the rain falling lightly from the sky. "Damn it, I should have brought my umbrella and jacket with me," Kathia cursed herself. Then she looked through the spell book to see if there were any spells to protect her from the rain. She found a bubble barrier spell and cast it onto herself. The spell did the trick as the transparent barrier blocked all the raindrops and let them sit on its surface. The girl walked through the street on her way to the forest.

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Ronan dodged the first swing, he kicked the hand of the swing and the thrust making them kill each other. "Drake!" He shouted. Drake jumped off the roof with a loud and thunderous roar he breathed fire down on them, using ice blasts to scatter them, and killing them with his tail spikes. Ronan cut through them like butter till only one was left standing. He had his sword aimed at the last mans neck. "Run to your boss....tell him what happened here. If he wants me dead, he'll have to do it himself." He let the man go. Drake took care of the dead bodies, piling them up and using his fire to burn them till they were ash.

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Colin didn’t make any comments to what he heard. It wasn’t a warning, rather an advice, to avoid doing something that would later on be regretted. Though how would someone like that get it through their heads? He finally purchased the book and was ready to leave until he saw the rain. He gave a dull look as he went through his pack to take out an umbrella while putting the book inside. As he steps outside, he opens the umbrella to have it cover him from the rain and walks to a cafe. Checking the price and offer, it seems like a good place, plus the wait time would give him an opportunity to learn some new spells. With those in mind, he placed an order, got a number, and picked a table where he can read his book to pass the time.

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Axle Cloud


Cloud was staring at the group of wolves now that was below than. "Don't know. We ran into them a few days back but not with numbers like this." Axle said to the hybrid. "Sadly, we don't even know how to kill them. As for what they are, some one called them para-wolves." Cloud have put away all his swords except 1 now. "Um Axle i think we have a problem." Cloud said. He put away his sword and look at his arm, "ya we have a big problem." Right there on his arm was a small claw mark. Cloud could not feel his arm now or, come to think of, move it. "Dame." cloud said as the rest of his body followed.

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((Here's chapter 7: http://fav.me/d6ysvp9 I forgot to put it up yesterday. And also, SUP3RSPAWN3R, I'll see if I can RP with you if the others won't. I just find a way to give Minerva an excuse to leave work early or figure out how Kathia can approach him.))


There was a giant castle underneath there. 'Why the hell is there a building underground? Who put it there?' Atlas wondered out of perplexity. It was pretty normal for buildings to be on top of land, but this castle was weird. Atlas wanted to get to the bottom of this, so she used her earth magic to separate the soil away from the castle.


The hatchlings saw what was happening to the land. "Aunt Atwas, what are you doing?" asked Kylie.


"I'm trying to uncover a building that's beneath the ground," answered the magi. "You better move out of the way before you two fall into the hole," she told them. The sisters obeyed as they ran way from the gradually opening hole and went to the edge of the trees. After a little while later, the giant castle was revealed. From its size, it seemed way to too big to be that of a human's castle; even the double doors were dragon-sized. "That's pretty impressive for a human's home," said Atlas in admiration.


"Aunt Atwas, what's dat?" asked Danielle, who with her sister are looking at what their aunt was seeing.


"Is dat a house?" asked Kylie, thinking it might be the same thing as Henry and Yukki's home.


The dragoness answered, "No, it's a castle. But I've never seen one this big before." Now she had a desire to see what was inside the old building, but first... She flew over to her nieces and said, "We're going inside, kids. I want to check the place out." She took up the hatchlings and flew down to the castle doors. The sisters looked up above the doors to see an image of a flame inside a circle. Atlas opened one of the doors and went inside.




All the goons were killed, save for one who was spared by Ronan and told to report what he said to the boss. The goon stuttered in fear, "Y-y-yes sir!" Then he ran away. After making it all the way back to the boss's secret lair, the goon said, "Boss, we've failed. The guy and his dragon killed all of us. He only spared me to tell you that if you want him dead, you have to do it yourself."


The boss shifted his fingers against each other and said, "Ah, I see... So the mouse want to play with the big cat, huh? Very well, I agree to his demands, but I won't be playing fair though." His hand cackled with electricity. Then the phone rang and he picked it up, "Hello?"


"Boss, I've finished mapping out the AED's place and got all their addresses. We should be able to demolish the building and kill off the activists," the spy on the other end said.


"Perfect! Good job, spy! Return back to the base immediately and we'll discuss plans," the boss said before he hang up. He looked back to the goon and said, "I'll take care of my special prey later, for now the AED comes first."




Kathia walked through the woods searching for whatever dragon she could find. But for a while, no dragon showed up in her view. She decided to take time to read over a few spells and practice them one at a time while she traveled. Her hunt took a long time until she finally saw a purple dragoness. The slayer took out her dragon guide book and read what it said about that breed. The purple dragons were a docile breed whose only magic is to increase fertility in other dragons. 'Well that's not much of a threat! I'll just have to kill it and be done with it.' she thought. She drew her bow and took an arrow out of the quiver. She aimed it at the dragoness's head and shot it there. The arrow hit and the purple fell over dead. Pumping her fist in satisfaction and triumph, Kathia cried, "Yes!" She went over to the dragoness's body and used her sword to cut off her two yellow antennae as prizes for her kill.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((GUYS. GUYS. I made a dragon- come look *wiggles*))


Kai stared out into the field of zombie wolves thoughtfully as Nick continued to speak. She smirked, though, still staring ahead, "Oh yeah. You're some kind of special alright" she said in a sly tone. Kai cleared her throat, "No clue. Didn't know of any other necromancers around here. Though, they could be strays however unlikely" she mused. The necromancer looked over at Windfall, "I imagine this is going to draw attention soon?" she muttered. There was a rustling from the forest behind them, making Kai turn curiously. Rika emerged, slowing to a stop a few feet away. She adjusted the bow on her shoulder as her mouth sloped into a slight frown. "Oh, it's the babysitter. Are you making all this racket? I'm trying to hunt" she growled at Nick.


Akuma frowned as Axle admitted he didn't know what they were. Cloud suddenly seized, going still in his arm and then his body. "Paralysis?..." he murmured. He paused to sniff. He knew those scents. The hybrid turned, scanning the ground. To the side of the wolf horde, he spotted Kai, Nick, and Rika. He looked back at Axle, "That necromancer down there is a potion master as well. They can probably cure paralysis" he suggested. Akuma still had to refer to Kai as 'they' as he was still unsure of the necromancer's gender. He flew down to the trio, jittering his wings into a folded position. He stared at Kai, ignoring Nick. "Hey, you're a potion master. Can you heal that guy?" he asked, pointing a wing at Cloud in the distance. His brow furrowed, "And is this by your doing?" Kai laughed, "Oh kiddie, sorry but I collect dragons, not mongrels. Though... there might be something in my collection for this..." she paused, folding her arms across her chest, "I may have a light dragon in my possession. Which counters dark magic. Buuuut I don't see a reason to stick my neck out for all of you. If it's another necromancer, I'm not interested in pissing them off" she smirked.



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When his order arrived, Colin had just enough time to learn two spells, one for offensive and the other for mobility. He only needs to find the moment to practice, especially the mobility one. Until then, he took his time finishing his meal and then left the café. His next destination is the forest outside of the city. The rain seems to have let up for now, so he didn’t need to take out the umbrella again. The moment he stepped outside of the city, things suddenly started to change to him. Within the walls, he lives by its rules, and follows everything that made this city what it is. Out here though, those rules no longer apply, and he can do whatever he sees fit. It’s a strange thought, but the further he goes, the more accurate it seems.


As he nears the forest, he felt uncomfortable. The distance made it faint, but Colin could still pick up something dark and dangerous. He found out it was coming from a direction he wasn’t taking. For now, things seem okay, but that could change and the energy could be at the area he’s looking for later on. He decides to make this trip as quick and discreetly as possible and moves in. The current plan is to find a stream, after that, he finds what’s on the list and leaves before trouble arrives.



Deep within the forest lies an uninterrupted area filled with plants of many sorts, surrounded by trees. One of the trees stand near the center, beside a hill completely covered by grass, and a stream of water connecting all the way from both and beyond the expanse area. Oddly enough, there are no signs of animal life despite the area being able to become a suitable environment for many. The location isn’t too far from the city, but it is still deep within the forest.


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Nick narrowed his eyes at Kai. "Hey now, let's not go there." he said about her special comment. When she mentioned not knowing any other necromancers he shrugged. "I don't see what else it could be." he said to himself before Rika came out, angrily accusing him of this mess. He bowed to the huntress mockingly. "Oh yes, that undead army is my doing, please forgive me." his words dripped with sarcasm. Akuma landed nearby asked for a favor of Kai. Nick paid him no attention at all, not even as he turned to look over the undead horde. His eyes didn't pause for a second as they passed over him, looking past the hybrid boy as if he didn't even see him. Kai went on to say she could help but she essentially wouldn't. "Some help you are then." he remarked to Kai.

Edited by picknick10

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((That looks so beautiful, Sai! I still need to draw my bird wyvern and witch dragon, both of which I had planned for a few years but never gotten to work on them. I have drawn their eggs on Colors 3D though.))


Kathia retrieved the arrow out of the dragoness's skull and walked away to look for more dragons to kill. 10 minutes later, the girl came to a hill that was near a stream and a bunch of trees surrounded a variety of plants. She decided to take a break and sit on the hill. The rain had stopped, but Kathia wasn't going to take her chances letting her bubble barrier down yet. There was a chance that it might rain again. The girl had forgotten to check the weather report online before coming out into the woods. "Stupid me," she cursed herself. Well it didn't matter now anyway. Kathia practiced one of the spells, which was the burning touch spell and watched her hand become blazed in fire. The fire was harmless to her as she was the controller of this spell.


Then an idea came to her mind; most dragons breathed fire. If she were to burn the bodies of dragons she killed, they might suspect one of the members of their own kind responsible for the attack. But of course there were going to be some evidences of the sword and arrows having the beasts killed. But surely there were idiots among dragons, right? So they might accuse other dragons without looking at the body clearly.




The Firestars looked at the dusty lobby of the castle and saw stairs, hallways, and two cracked statues of dragons, one of which had a head and a wing broken off. Atlas decided to search the ground floor first, so they took the hallway to the left. The stony walls were chalked with a few tiny holes on its surface. The spaces in the walls that used to hold the objects were either empty or its object has been damaged.

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Ronan looked to Drake. "I get the feeling this end......won't be here." He said staring at the path the goon ran away through. "C'mon, when it's time, we'll know." He turned and the two walked away.

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