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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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No Wind was a spell that halted non-magical winds from blowing at the area where the castor cast it. It was breezing right now and it was a good time to test this spell out. Kathia read the book's instructions first on how to cast it. Then she raised her hand out at the direction where the breeze came from and said the magic words, "Nullus Magis Ventus!" Then the wind stopped blowing. Content that the spell worked, Kathia could see that it was useful in stopping winds from doing annoying things like trying to blow away her stuff or blow dust into her eyes. 'I should practice this spell more often so that I can remember the words by heart,' she thought. Then she turned the page to the next spell, how to create blessed water.


To make the holy water, one must find a source of clean water and cast white magic energy into it. But the water must not be too big like lakes and oceans for example for the spell might not work as it'll fade trying to spread out throughout the whole water source. The book also said that blessed water, once drunken, will purify the body of mild diseases and hexes, heal internal injuries that aren't too severe, and power up the user's magic energy. 'Yes! Something that will help me in dragon hunts!' Kathia thought happily. She went back inside the mansion and took a cup from the cupboard. Then she went over to the sink where Mrs. Merryweather was washing the dishes. "Excuse me," the girl said as the maid moved over to let the girl pour water into the cup.


"Oh Kathia, getting yourself a drink of water, eh?" the maid asked.


"No, I'm going to turn this water into holy water," Kathia answered.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Colin made it to the library with little problems. He noticed dark clouds in the sky earlier, signaling possible rain, but that’s wasn’t all there is to it. Something about it feels strange, but wasn’t sure what exactly. Whatever the case, he’s inside, so he won’t be getting wet. He picked some books from the shelves that relates to Dragons and magic and used a lone table to review. He started with the Dragon books first. He skims through most of the pages because he already knows plenty about them through these books. He’s looking for a few subjects in particular, such as their immune systems, defense, restorative capabilities among other things that could be helpful.

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Ronan gave him a deathly glare. "I can see in your eyes you don't know me......but your people.......and your boss....they do. I'm going to let you go......you tell your boss that the family he burned down in the deserts......it's about to come back to haunt him......and kill him." He said with fire in his voice. "If I see you about to kidnap or kill anyone.......my sword will taste your blood." He turned and threw the thug. Drake didn't like seeing Ronan this fired up. He knew Ronan needed to stop but it wouldn't be as easy as flipping as switch.

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Kai flinched as a large sum of water came sweeping over the area. It seemed controlled at least as Nick pointed it towards her puppet. The shards of ice flew towards the apathetic dragon. Kai raised her hand and a translucent purple shield appeared over top of the dragon, blocking the shards of ice. "Nuh uh uh, not letting you win that easy" Kai purred, lowering her hand when all the ice had hit the ground. The dragon continued to hobble towards Nick speedily, dragging its injured leg without the slightest care. It created a stone wall behind him and dove at him from the front. Kai's hands went back around behind her head, lacing once more. It was a perk to being a puppet master- she rarely had to get physically involved with the dirty work.


Akuma looked down at the half mauled fruit, "I'm... more of a meat person... or marshmallows..." he murmured. He briefly wondered why Albel, being horrifying and sadistic as he was, greatly loved a dainty fruit like strawberries. "It's not just some dragons" the hybrid amused thoughtfully, "Aquios itself has taken Windfall under its guard. This city was leveled not 3 nights ago. The Aquarians, a continent of soldier dragons came and rebuilt the city with magic in a day. They claim to be protecting it, but the humans are so distrusting. They fear the dragons will seek revenge. Pitiful" he stated blandly. He considered trying to eat the apple again but thought better of it, sighing in defeat. His brow furrowed at the apple. That was the second human to help him. "Why did you want to help me? Everyone around here resents hybrids. We're 'bloodthirsty monsters' as Atlas would put it" he asked, staring accusingly at Axle. Then again, he wondered if they were just new to the north east region and had never heard of a hybrid. Perhaps they'd thought he was a halfling.

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Nick watched as she blocked his ice shards with a purple shield. He wrinkled his brow. "Cheater!" he called out as the purple shield fadded. He backed up and felt a stone wall rise behind him. "Time to get physical" he mutted to himself. In a bright purple flash he turned into a full sized stone dragon. The ice underneather crackled and shattered under the immense weight of his new form. Turning his entire body he whipped his tail around like a giant mace of solid stone, aiming directly for the undead dragon's head. "Take this you smelly zombie" he rumbled, his voice sounding like the deep rumbling of an earthquake.

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After the thug was thrown onto the ground, the man quickly dashed off away and went into the alleys. He went through the door to the secret base and went to the boss's office. "Boss, remember that family in the deserts that you killed? Well apparently one of them is alive and... he's got a dragon with him," he said.


((Want me to play the boss, too?))




"Holy water? How are you going to do that? I thought this was a church thing," asked Mrs. Merryweather, raising a brow at Kathia's curious attempt.


"With magic of course," said the girl. She reread the instructions again on how to use white magic energy and it said that one's mind must be benevolently pure to channel the energy and have a desire to heal. So Kathia thought up of nice things like helping Mrs. Merryweather make chores easier, heal the sick and wounded, mend the wounded hearts of those who suffered through tragedy. Her hand over the cup started glowing in a light blue aura, chanted the magic words, and she let the energy sink into the water. The water became blessed as it started glowing light blue and it would remain that way for a long while.


Kathia drank it to see how much it would make her magic stronger. She waited for a bit to see what the effects would have on her body, but nothing happened. Oh well, Kathia guessed she wasn't supposed to feel a thing. Maybe if she were to cast a few spells, she might see a difference.

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((Thinking Kathia is not going to get it with her current thoughts, feelings, and desires.))


Windfall, Library

Colin learned enough of what’s he’s looking for in Dragons. Their immune systems vary among types, and certain kinds have restorative abilities. As far as defense goes, he only needs to watch for soft spots which are usually the light-colored scales located on the underside. He kept these words in his mind for later times. He does not plan on fighting dragons, but rather plan to better defend himself against one should the need arise. Done with the books, he moved on to the topic on magic. He thought the best place to start would be adjusting to magic.


“Concentration is the key to mastering-Yeah skip that.” Colin thought, turning the page to the section that actually talks about what he’s looking for. “…neutral magic to adjust, times of practice, stronger when there’s an abundance of…” Colin's thought trailed off at the last word. “…Huh…” Now that he thought about it, the sudden improvement happened today. Before that, practicing took longer and even so, the process was slow. Maybe he’s over thinking it, but something along with every disabled harmful technology may have caused a reaction to the magical energy as well. Course, this is just a theory. An actual mage would have to confirm this.


For now, he closed the book and returned it and the others to their rightful place. He hasn’t eaten yet, so he decides to find a place that sells.


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((Does that mean Kathia can master magic spells faster?))


Kathia used her calming aura and became relaxed. She looked at the next spell in the book and discovered magical writing. Basically, the wizard had to enchant a writing tool such as a pen or pencil and the thing would come to life and write down whatever he or she said. She went to try it out by taking up a pen and turning the book over to a blank page before the Table of Contents. She channeled magic energy into the pen and willed it to come to life. The pen floated over the book, waiting for its master's commands. The girl thought a bit about something to say until she got an idea. "I want to be an almighty and powerful wizard," she said. Just as expected, the pen wrote down every word she said. Seeing as all of the spells she had casted, except for the few mishaps when she had been just introduced to magic, Kathia felt like she was ready to cast the next level of spells. Perhaps she could try out that levitation spell next.


((Btw, here's a picture of Danielle I drew on Colors 3D this morning: http://fav.me/d72nvdx ))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Axle & Cloud


"Hybrid or not, You still have life." Axle said. "And cloud does not care as long as you don't try and attack him." Axle was smiling now. "Hybrid as monster, not in my book. Only the people who made them are the monsters for leaving them to defend for them self." Axle said. "Plus if I did not help you, what kind of person would I be?" Cloud was still following but keep quite.

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(if you want to you can. Would actually be pretty helpful, thanks. Should also get Minerva involved somehow in this. Would make it more interesting.)


Ronan went with Drake to the nearest open area in the city. Drake waited atop a roof and Ronan hid himself in an alley in view of the open area. He leaned against a wall sharpening his sword slowly.

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((It's stated as a theory. It isn't confirmed unless Nick or maybe Sai says so.))

(Sai and I see no problem with it


On another note, please help I'm b eing held prisoner in sai's basement. all I'm aloud to eat is nutella. I'm typing this with my toes atm. please im begin- oh no.she's back! ! ! )

Edited by picknick10

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((Have fun, Nick! smile.gif ))


The boss drummed his fingers on the chair's arm and said, "Ah... so one of the rats from the nest survived, eh? Well tell me everything about him so that we can go find him and kill him."


The thug described his attacker, "Well he's wearing a white hooded clothing and I think he had weapons on him." His eyes went off to the side for a bit as he tried to remember what he and the dragon looked like. "And his dragon... I think he was like a light brown in color," he said.


"Hmph, typical dragon sympathizers; always bringing down human power by equating these beasts with us," the boss said with disapproval. "Very well we'll kill these two while we wait for our spy to finish infiltrating A.E.D. (Association for the Equality of Dragons)." He pushed the button on the announcer and said, "Listen up, men! One of our members has just discovered a survivor from the family in the desert. I need you all find him and kill him."




Kathia focused her mental magic energy onto the cup and willed it to float up suspended in the air. Then she made the cup fly around in various directions and had fun doing so. Mrs. Merryweather put the last dish into the dish drying rack and turned around to see the sight that made her jump in surprise. “Oh my! Kathia, are you doing this?” she asked.


“Yep!” the girl answered. “I’m practicing my levitation spell.” She brought the chair up to join the cup and let it hover up. She could feel bit of strain when she did that, but Kathia didn’t mind. “You know, you could use this spell to make your chores easily, but you’ll have to start with newbie spells first or you’ll get hurt,” she said.


“You don’t say,” the maid said with a newfound interest in magic.


Kathia said, “You just got to read the first page in the book. It’ll tell you how to cast magic.” She let the chair float down back on the floor and let the cup land gracefully on the table. She handed the spellbook to Mrs. Merryweather and said, “You can start learning right now, while I go for out for freshair.”


“Thanks, Kathia,” the maid said, delighted with her employer’s generosity.


“You’re welcome,” the redhead said before she left the kitchen. She went up to her room to take her sword, shield, bow, & arrows with her, because she might go dragon-slaying later. Then she went into her parents’ room to take her father’s wallet. She’ll need money to buy herself another spellbook, since Mrs. Merryweather is using the other one to learn convenient spells. Then Kathia went down to the front door and exited her home. She walked through the streets on her way to the bookstore.




Minerva finished typing the essay and printed out the papers to put into the book. A seemingly normal man was passing by her as he looked around in the workplace. To the others he was an employee in the A.E.D., but he was actually a spy who was here to map out the area so that the terrorists can come to destroy this place later.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan and Drake waited knowing the fight was coming to them. Ronan gave the 'all clear' signal to Drake using the suns reflection off his sword. Drake, atop of a roof, managed to blend in with the brown coloring of the roof easily.

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((OH HO HO THE LIES. HE CAME VOLUNTARILY. And then I let him cling to me for hours while I played video games. This is the reverse stereotype, my friends



... I will post later.))



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(( Remind me not to get anywhere close to your house. Sorry nick you are on your own dude, Have Fun. Post after sai does))

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Nick watched as she blocked his ice shards with a purple shield. He wrinkled his brow. "Cheater!" he called out as the purple shield fadded. He backed up and felt a stone wall rise behind him. "Time to get physical" he mutted to himself. In a bright purple flash he turned into a full sized stone dragon. The ice underneather crackled and shattered under the immense weight of his new form. Turning his entire body he whipped his tail around like a giant mace of solid stone, aiming directly for the undead dragon's head. "Take this you smelly zombie" he rumbled, his voice sounding like the deep rumbling of an earthquake.

Kai cocked an eyebrow, "Since how is using my magic cheating? I do hope you are aware that you are in fact, fighting me indirectly. My toy wouldn't move without my saying so. So I can use my magic all I want" she chided as his face contorted into a frown. Kai squinted briefly as there was a bright flash, leaving Nick as a stone dragon. She made a small snort, "Running out of options, are we?" she teased. The earth dragon raised a stone pillar, blocking the brunt of the attack. It shattered with a loud clash, giving the dragon time to duck as he was pelted with debris. Kai raised a finger thoughtfully to her chin, "Hmm... we'll try this" she snapped her fingers. The green dragon reared up, smashing it's claws onto the ground. The earth responded, shaking violently in an earthquake- contained to the small area by magic. She didn't want to get swallowed up by splitting ground after all. The ground started to split and give away under Nick's feet.


((EARTH DRAGON USED EARTHQUAKE. IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE. But seriously, why do stone dragons have wings if they can't fly? Lol))


Akuma flickered his eyes at Axle as they walked. "Yeah you may sing a different tune under extenuating circumstances" he muttered, thinking of how his hunter state was taken away. Akuma laughed out loud for a moment before catching himself with a hand as Axle said humans were monsters for leaving hybrids to fend for themselves. "Heh, this must be your first time seeing a hybrid if that's what you think. You say that as if we were abandoned puppies. A hybrid- Albel, destroyed the lab and killed every scientist and hybrid inside after ripping his control collar off. Tell me more about how we're helpless" he said, looking at Axle. Of course, Albel was a streamline hybrid- much stronger and faster than Akuma. He knew that, but he didn't like to be thought of as helpless.

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((*Latches onto Sai* Nick uses tickle! It's super effective! Sai is unable to move >=)



A slight smile found its way onto Nick's lips as he got an idea. The ground crumbled under him and he began to fell as lightning stuck nearby, the light causing a blinding effect. He took advantage of the temporary cover and closed his eyes, his stone body cracking and falling away like an outer shell. From inside he shot into the sky as a grey dragon almost as fast as the lightning that gave him this opportunity. Looping over in the sky he touched down very lightly behind Kai, using the storm brewing above to help cover his movement. Lunging out surely from behind he aimed to grab her in his paws. "This seems pretty direct of you ask me." he said snickering, the laughter coming out as a raspy flow of odd growls.

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((*waddles away*))


Kai watched as Nick fell away into the new chasm. The earth dragon peered down into the hole looking for Nick. A bright flash blinded both of them. When it cleared, Nick was gone from the hole and the dragon looked questioningly to Kai. Kai put a hand to her temple. Her eyes lit up in a faint glow and the dragon's did the same. It looked back into the hole for a moment. Kai furrowed her brow as she saw nothing through her puppet's eyes. She lowered her hand, "Hmph, run then" she muttered, looking at the skies next. She didn't noticed Nick creep up behind her as her puppet was still fixed blankly on the hole now that it didn't have any more directions. As Nick reached his paws out, Kai's shadow moved. A blanket of darkness shot up, smashing hard and fast into Nick's chest. The darkness took shape into a pitch black Shadow Walker. Kai turned on her heel, smirking, "Oh, sneaky sneaky. But I'm afraid that doesn't work with me" she sniggered. "This is my special dragon. You'll noticed most Shadow Walkers are white. This is a special one that shares the same fondness of dark magic" she gloated.

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Nick stumbled back as something smashed into his chest. Purple energy rippled at the point of impact and around his form before fading away again. He gave her a toothy grin and a mock bow. "I have my own defenses as well" he mentioned before backing off. "Wouldn't want to get aggressive and break you, so I'll let you be." he teased as he shot back into the stormy sky before dive bombing the earth dragon. Electricity shooting off his body and spinning around him as he began to rotate during his fall, aiming for the earth dragons side.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai watched Nick with interest as he was knocked back by the sudden blow. The shadow walker growled in a rumble as it remained still in its composure. Kai cocked an eyebrow, "Break me? Ha, not likely. Even as... petite as I am, there's a reason I've survived so long in my business, twinkle toes. Looks like you're the one running here" she mocked as he zipped away back to the earth dragon. The shadow walker melted back into her shadow. "My friend is a bit out of human league. See he can shift between plains of existence. Which means you can't touch him. But he can touch you" she grinned. She watched as he started to dive at her puppet. "You forget I can be its eyes too" she scolded. The earth dragon whipped around and raised a boulder from the ground, launching it at Nick in his dive path.

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Nick stopped his spiral and opened his wings completely to rapidly slow his decent. "Hate to break it to you, but how old are you? Twenty? that's not that long." he went on before shifting back to his human form after he had slowed enough and kicked off the boulder right as he touched down onto it's surface. He raised two more earthen pikes from the ground, this time though their tips glowed and pulsated a deep purple color. Letting them hover beside him he smiled upon hearing Kai say that her friend was out of the human league. "Good thing that I'm not human now, isn't it?" he smirked at her. Raising his hand, and in turn, one of his spears he waited for the dragon to make it's next move.

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Windfall, Market Area


While on his way to get food supplies, Colin remembers where he’s at, and looks in a specific direction. The street has a bookstore where he found out has books about magic. His theory about magic comes to his mind, and if it’s true, then he should be able to learn something more advanced. Though in case the theory is wrong and it backfires on him, he decides he should start with intermediate spells. He can spare a couple more minutes looking before leaving. With that in mind, he decided to enter the store to find the book he’s looking for.


((EDIT: Ack! I just realized I made a mistake! Fixed!))

Edited by Flamedramon2657

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(Am I too late to come in with a dragon? I have a char thought up, but I don't know if you need new members of the RP.)

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((Nick, can he play?))


In the North-central region of the Rudvich continent

The Firestars stopped for another rest; this time landing on a huge clearing between the trees and mountain. But this didn't seem to be some ordinary space on the ground. Before she had touched the grass, Atlas sensed some magical energy coming from underneath the ground. She was curious as to wonder what dragon or thing was radiating the energy from land.


Danielle and Kylie slid down their aunt's tail and stretched their legs to weed out the stiffness. Unlike their aunt, they were unaware of the magic energy in the earth. The magi dragoness channeled her energy to both her feet and her eyes to give herself an x-ray-like vision to see what was under the land she was touching.




In the continent of Solomos

Aeolus's horde of seven powerful dragons plus his fire-breathing cousin, Bam, were now miles away from the dragon village. Soon, they found a human refugee camp that was surrounded by a wall of lumber with lookout towers, making the place look like a fortress. Aeolus snickered quietly and said, "Hmph, how amusing. The humans have built some defenses to protect themselves, but unfortunately it may not be enough to protect themselves from our powers." Then he looked to the leaf pygmy and said, "Leafwing, go spy on the human's interior before I destroy their place."


"Yes sir," Leafwing obliged. Aeolus held the crystal containing Eitri's powers and used it to make the pygmy invisible. Then the spy went inside the camp to check out the place's strengths and defenses. Once he was done, he came out to report nothing special.


Aeolus replied, "Alright then, let's get this over with." He created a tornado and sent it into the camp. The tornado tore up the walls and towers and took up every object and human being into its vortex. Lutarn used his weather powers to create thunderclouds to zap the people inside while Corona, Bam, and Hewey went to attack any survivors that Aeolus might have missed.




In Northeast region of Rudvich

The goons went to look for the man that the other thug described. They thought they found the guy earlier, but it turned out to be some kid in a hoodie who ran away scared after the rough encounter. After a little while, they walked through an alley and found the one they're looking for out at the open. "Ah ha! There he is," goon 1 murmured. He looked to goon 2 and said, "Quick, take out your throwing knives." Goon 2 did so and hid behind a trash box. He peeked over the edge and aimed the knife at Ronan. Once he had a clear shot, the goon threw the knife at Ronan.




Kathia reached the bookstore from yesterday and went inside to purchase another spellbook. This time it was a book about using elemental magic. After checking out the spells inside, an excited smile spread across her face and she said to herself, "Oh good! I am so totally going to kill those dragons with these spells!" She couldn't wait to try out her new arsenal of magic after she purchased the book.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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