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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Question: What time is it in RP at the moment?

And if anyone asks, I was abroad, and I wasn't able to access the net... Well, I was, but it eats a lot of money for that...))

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((Sai, I think it should be earlier than that. I want to say around 8AM.)


The practicing took an unexpected turn. It wasn’t that Colin could hear the wind; he felt it shift a different angle. Throughout the few hours he accomplished something, but it wasn’t what he was expecting. He decided to make note of this and figure it out later. At the moment, more people are coming and going, making it difficult to focus. It’s time to head back to the house. He looks at the bag on the bench, putting some thoughts on what to do. He stood up and walks out of the park, leaving the bag alone.


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((Well in that case, it's time for me to wake the rest of my characters up.))


Minerva watched the duo fly away and continued on her way back to the house. After she got home, she ate breakfast and walked to her navy blue car. She got inside and drove on her way to work. She was an essay writer and activist for a dragon rights organization (which has a name that I haven't thought up yet). She got to the parking lot and parked her car at the space closest to the door. Then she went inside the building and signed in. The woman went to her workplace and sat at the computer where she resumed her essay on why humans and dragons need to be closer than ever now that these intelligent winged dinosaurs were free. She knew that the humans in Windfall were still unused to and dismayed at the dragons walking free among them and some of the dragons here were uncomfortable. But if there was to be true equality, then racism whether it be blatant or subconscious needed to die out.


((Will add the other characters later.))

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((Sai My characters are going to walk in the clearing with Akuma.))




"Hey Cloud why do you carry 7 sword any how? I mean really, you only need 2." Axle ask Cloud. "You know why I do Axle." Cloud said a bit coldly. "You still have not told me, why your sticking to your human form?" Cloud ask Axle. Axle had white hair and a bit of a tan skin color. His clothing is white, and his eyes are blue. "It better in this form so people don't freak out when I'm in dragon form." Axle could hear a river and started to get excited. "About time we found water, I'm thirsty." Axle Started to run to the sound of flowing water. Cloud just walk to the river 'What a child some times, even for being 487 years old.' Axle burst into the clearing to see another person sitting near the edge of the river, holding something to his neck. "Um, hello? Are you ok?" Cloud follow shortly after into the clearing.

Edited by draco8967

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((Hehe, not the nicest character to start with but it'll do >:3))


((Updated Akuma's appearance on the wiki... found something that did it more... justice on... petite level. AND NOW NICK CAN FEEL WORSE THAT HE WAS PUNCHED IN THE FACE BY THIS SHORTSTACK!))


"I'm the one with the ideas? Let me just add on here... the ideas you don't like. I mean, my idea of fun is toiling around in necromancy. The thing you hate but..." she turned, smirking at him as the thunder rolled overhead, "I would agree I do have a chaotic personality. You know, hitting you in the face with a rock and all" she swirled her index finger idly. Shadows darted across the ground, curling around the tree Nick was leaned against and coiling around, trying to quickly bind him to the tree. "So wanna try the chaotic factor then? I think it's only fair since I'm about to get a shower" she said, glancing up at the darkening clouds.


Akuma held his hand to his neck, blood seeping out from between his fingers. It was hard to smell over his own blood at that point. Though, he thought he could smell... someone? It was confirmed by voices- people talking about something or another as they walked along. Their voices were small, definitely human. Akuma growled quietly and washed his neck again, I swear they're everywhere. Even in the woods he thought, annoyed. He paused, cleaning himself as the conversation grew closer. 487?... Must be a halfling or something he thought. They didn't sound like any hybrid he knew anyway. Akuma grimaced as they finally came close enough to notice and address him. He looked down at his hands as they were still covered in blood. The hybrid turned, staring at the two. They looked human enough. Akuma bared his fangs, "Why would some stupid humans care? You guys only live to serve yourselves" he snapped, putting his hand back to his neck. The bleeding started to slow, but his face had drained of color from the blood loss.

Edited by Sai

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"Nnnngghhhh" Nick groaned when Kai mentioned necromancy. He was about to go on some tangent about necromancy when he noticed shadows weaving around him. He tried to move forward away from them but found out he couldn't move. The restraints went taunt as he tried to move again. "Hey now, what's the meaning of this." he said a bit worriedly. "Let's not tie up ole' Nick now, just because it thunders doesn't mean it's going to rain... heh..." He didn't know what she was planning or why it involved him being tied up, but he didn't like where this was going one bit. "Oh look at the time, I've got a really important.... dentist appointment.. yes dentist appointment that I must get to. It was fun, really it was, but you can untie me now." he choked.

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((Axle and Cloud are also on the wiki. Let just see where this part go.))


Axle and Cloud


Axle and Cloud just look at each other when the hybrid snap at them. "Evident that something happen here" Cloud said as he pointed to the dead dragon body. Axle followed Cloud figure to see the body of the dragon. Pity filled Axle heart, as he saw the dead dragon body. "Pity must fill your heart to see another dead body." Cloud said under his breath. Axle look at the hybrid to see that color was fading from his face. "it is a pity but I sure he had a good reason to do it." Axle said to Cloud as he started to walk away from the clearing. "Hey where are you going?" Axle called to Cloud. "What does it look like, I'm leaving, it evident he does not want us here." Cloud said as coldly as always. "We can't just leave him here to bleed to death. If you are not going to help than I will!" Axle yelled at Cloud. "Dame your cold heart!" Axle Walk over to the hybrid "Not everyone is the same, Little one."Axle said to the hybrid. "Come let me heal you, after that you can tag along with us or you can stay here. It will be up to you." Axle look at cloud to see he pulled one of his swords and place it in the ground and sat in front of it with his back against the blade.

Edited by draco8967

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Kathia woke up and looked to the clock next to her on the dresser; it said 8:13 am. The redhead opened her mouth for a silent yawn before she lifted herself from the pillow and set her feet onto the hard wooden floor. The first thing she did was go to the computer for some morning news, since the TV had been broken in the attack three nights ago. She went to the news website and the first thing that caught her eye was that people all over the world has retreated from their cities to make refuges in the woods. That didn't seem like news at all as this was what she and the other humans did exactly at the night of the dragon rampage. But then the news automatically changed to dragons attacking these refugee camps; clearly them rebellion against their former masters and achieving freedom wasn't enough, so they sought to exterminate their enemies once and for all.


"No!" she gasped. If this was what's going on right now, then there was only a matter of time before the Aquarian dragons here in Windfall turn the human citizens over to the outside dragons for the kill. Sure the Aquarians said that they were going to protect the humans from the other dragons, but Kathia couldn't trust them at all, because they were dragons for Pete's sake. And even if they aren't lying, their redesign of the city and the change of lifestyle were dragons telling humans what to do and how to live their lives. Plus their kind still needed to pay for all they've done.


"I must work harder on mastering my magic spells faster!" she said to herself. Not only that, she also needed to hone her sword and bow skills as a dragon slayer. And as an upperclass citizen and heir to the Rittevon Co., she needed to find a way to donate supplies to the refugee camps in a order to better themselves in this harsh environment without the dragons knowing, find a way to make money and keep herself rich to be able to provide for others.

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((Oh that's not necessary. I'm ah... quite familiar with Cloud Strife lol))


Kai tapped a finger against her cheek, "Oh yeah, except it does. In all reasonable nature. That is unless twinkle toes makes it otherwise" she looked him up and down as he complained of her motives about tying him to the tree. There was a small chuckle at first that escalated into loud laughter, "Oh but I know you have the ability to teleport. Sheesh, if I didn't know better, I'd say you liked being tied up. Is this an offering to your local necromancer to eat your soul? I'm sure it'd taste quite sour, but all the same" she smirked. "Ok listen, I got your fun" she turned and rose a hand. A ball of darkness rose from the ground and one of her undead dragons crawled out. It's skin was mended to look new. The dragon seemed normal save for the empty look in its eyes. "You remember this one. The one you almost destroyed with stone. I fixed him, well... have your fun" she laughed, snapping her fingers. The dragon charged forward at Nick.


Akuma slitted his eyes as they looked over the body of the dead dragon. No censorkip.gif Sherlock he thought as Cloud mumbled that something had happened. Something about being sad that others were dead. Oh, that was cute. Akuma grew up around a lot of dead things, he didn't really feel grieved anymore. Maybe Albel had rubbed off on him more than he'd first thought- he felt proud to kill something by himself. His attention snapped back as one started to yell at the other. The sudden movement earned another growl from Akuma as Axle moved closer. This one was certainly obnoxious, at least to Akuma's standards. Then again, he reminded him a lot of Fayt. It occurred to him that he could sink his poisonous fangs into Axle while Cloud had his back turned and flee after. He could certainly outrun a human, right? But then again, he was bleeding out. His thought reflected in his glare. His glare softened after a moment. Perhaps the human had use? After all he'd suckered Nick into shelter and food before. Maybe he could get the same from this one. Axle seemed emotionally vulnerable enough at first glance. Akuma resolved to see how that worked out and quieted his growling. Reluctantly, he moved closer to Axle, slowly showing his injured neck. Again it occurred to him how this may have gone horribly wrong if he still had his hunter state in his genes. The smell of so much blood would have sent him on a killing spree.

Edited by Sai

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((Longest post I've ever made here. biggrin.gif ))


Windfall, Morning


Word has been getting around, but it wasn’t anything Colin would listen to, since he only cares about getting home to review. As he thought, the door’s locked, meaning the grandparent probably left. He took the spare key out, unlocked the door, and enters. He found a note and a folded up newspaper on the table by the entrance hallway. Notes come first, since it’s their only way to communicate when the other’s not around. Closing and locking the door, he took the note to read the contents.


The note says to read the newspaper as it has some shocking news about the dragons. Colin has a thought bothering him as he look through the paper regarding Dragons. He felt pity for the dragons for all the harshness they’ve been through. He was only one of many others, and since Dragons are a touchy subject that has especially grown in the last few days, he never voiced his opinion. The news about the Human refugee camps started some internal conflict in him. He feels the Dragons deserve to be free, but this has also made them dangerous. The Aquarian Dragons haven’t given him any reason to doubt them though. He went back to the note to read what he expected to be brought up.


The supplies for alchemy are running low on certain items that are listed on the back of the note, so he has to go to the forest outside of the city to get them. Normally, he could get them no problem, but with the Dragons about, he might not have that same chance. So it was suggested he go to the library to know more about them. He already knows plenty, but it wouldn’t hurt to go over the information one more time, plus he could figure out the sudden change he has when he was practicing magic. He packed up a couple more things to be prepared for any possible danger. He left the house with the door closed and locked, and heads to the library.


((To the library!))

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The money part was going to be a problem. In order to take over her father's company, she needed to get a university degree in business and Kathia was just a senior in high school. So who was going to run as president of Rittevon Co? Well probably the vice president if he survived the attack. She hoped he would manage the company well in her place until her time comes. As for her servants, she would need to pay them all using her parents' vast amount of money. She thought about laying some of them off so that she could have enough cash to save for her college classes in the future as well as textbooks and such. She would hire them back again once she had graduated.


After the girl was done thinking out her life plans, Kathia went downstairs for breakfast that had been cooked by Mrs. Merryweather.

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Axle look at the gash in the hybrid neck. "That thing did a number on you. How Did you manage to keep alive?" Axle asked as he started to heal the hybrid neck. It did not take long to heal a gasp that was not that deep, even for Axle white dragon healing powers. "There all better. Ok cloud we can go." Axle said as he started to walk away. "Good I hate sitting in the dirt. The sooner we can get to town, the better." Cloud said a bit coldly as he wait for axle to caught up with him. Axle look back at the hybrid "Want to come with?"

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Nick rolled his eyes at her constant use of name 'Twinkle Toes'."I don't know about this 'Twinkle Toes' toes person, but I sure can stop the rain... if you asked nicely enough." he taunted. When she taunted him about liking being tied up, and asked if it was an offering to hear his soul he stuck out his tongue. "A lovely offer, but I think I'll have to pass." he said pressing again the tree he was bound to. "Teleporting is so anticlimactic though." he said before he narrowed his eyes as the dragon was summoned. "But in this case I guess it doesn't matter." he said teleporting behind the tree and bringing out two stone pikes from the ground on each side of him, positioning them to be thrown at the dragon with his magic. "You know what makes a good battle better?" Nick questioned, smirking. "A good ole' thunderstorm!"

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Aeolus's horde members had gathered to meet him at his cave for departure. The green disaster dragon said farewell to Doubloon, who wished him and the other dragons luck and safety in the world outside. The horde walked out through the tunnels and upon nearing the exit, Bam ran in front and stopped them to say, "Aeolus, you're going to destroy the humans, aren't you?"


"I am, and?" the disaster dragon asked, wondering what his childhood friend had to say.


"Take me with you. I want to help crush all the humans in Solomos," Bam said.


"You? And what could you possibly contribute to this group, Bam?" asked Zylanon the shadow dragon who looked at the blue dragon with doubt. "Aeolus only wants the best breeds of dragons with the right powers. All you can do is breathe fire and that's just it."


"So what? At least that's something," Bam countered, defensively. "Besides I want to see these humans suffer after all the terrible things they did to all of us and... to me," he said, quietly with vengeance at the end.


Aeolus thought about it for a second before he answered, "Fine, you can come with us, if you must. But if things are getting too much for you, I'll be forced to send you back here in the village."


"Thanks Aeolus," said Bam. "I promise I won't let you down." Then the horde of 8 dragons left the village and flew off to look for humans to destroy.

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Kai cocked an eyebrow at Nick as he said he'd stop the rain if she asked nicely. "Oh yes, ask the necromancer to ask nicely" she rolled her eyes. She watched as he teleported to dodge her dragon, moving to the nearest tree and leaning against it idly. The clouds rumbled again overhead, causing her to make a small snort of laughter. "Mmm, sorry twinkle toes. You can roll around with the corpse in the rain, I'm fine where I am" she smirked, checking her nails. The canopy of the tree did a good job cutting out the pour of rain. The dragon's horns gorged into the tree that Nick had previously been tied to. Ripping them out, it turned on the mage again, plowing towards him and snapping its jaws.


Akuma clicked his teeth as Axle asked how he survived the attack. "I'm not helpless" he growled. Akuma could feel the wound on his neck heal. He ran his fingers over his neck to make sure. Now that the blood scent was gone, he could smell more clearly. Axle didn't smell human at all. Shapeshifter magic?... he thought. He stood up and brushed his cloths off, picking up his hoodie as Axle offered him to come along. May as well see what I can get out of these guys he thought as he slipped the hoodie on again. "...Sure" Akuma mumbled, moving along with Axle. He seemed nice enough, but the other didn't seem welcoming. Though, compared to the time Akuma had spent with Albel, Cloud seemed dainty as a dandelion.

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Ronan and Drake roamed the city. Ronan kept looking at all the mercenaries and any criminals he could see. He was looking for one in particular. "Drake, you see any marks?" He asked, referring to a unique tattoo marking that the criminal gang he was looking for wore on them.

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"Doesn't hurt to try." Nick said sounding satisfied after hearing the dragon crash into the place he had just been standing. Juking to the side and throwing a pike at the dragon's leg, aiming to hamstring it, he swirled his hand in the air, rainwater forming into a bigger goblet around his hand. He threw it down to the ground in front of him and the dragon and watched as it spread out across the ground, quickly freezing into a thick sheet of ice that continued to spread across the area. "This should make the fight more interesting." he said as earthen spikes formed under his shoes, effectively acting as cleats.

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Axle saw as the hybrid walk with him. He look back at Cloud, who was no longer there. His sword was still in the ground though. "Cloud will be Cloud." Axle said to himself. A few seconds later Cloud came back with some apples. Two in his right hand, one in his left, which he was eating. Cloud throw the two apples he had at Axle, Who caught both of them in his hands. "Here." Axle said as he hand one of the apples to the hybrid. Cloud pulled his sword out of the ground and replace it back in the 7 slot sheath on his back.

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The Firestars woke up and left the ruined city with the sisters riding their aunt as she flew out over the woods. After 20 miles, they saw smoke rising above the trees with dragons flying around it. Danielle pointed to the scene and said, "Aunt Atwas, wook!"


"Yes I see, Danielle," the magi said. "It looks like the other dragons are destroying a human settlement." The Firestars could see the refugee camp burning on fire with human screams filling the air. The men tried to fight back with spears and other tools they could wield, but these weapons failed to fight back against breath attacks and magic. Atlas could care less about the humans dying, after all they've done to her kind. 'Goddamn slave-driving scums; serves you right!' she thought.


One dragon hovered above the village as he looked down at it and grinned with joy at the people suffering. "Die humans die! The whole world will be better off without any of you filthy creatures around," he said.


'Damn right!' Atlas thought agreeing with him as she flew past and away from the camp. 'Without humans, we'll never have anymore problems with them again!' They were all scum from the deep to the outside. No wait, the "all" part was definitely not true. Henry and Yukki weren't like the majority of the humans around the world. If they were, they would have killed her and enslaved her nieces. Atlas couldn't believe that she wanted them off of Earth, not after all they've done for the family. But the other dragons attacking the camp might not think the same thing about the white-haired siblings. Perhaps they or the other dragons would go after them next.


But Atlas would not allow that to happen; she would fight against her kind to protect these two if they ever tried to lay a claw on them. So in case Henry and Yukki were under attack, Atlas closed her eyes and pictured the two in her mind. She channeled energy to her mind and cast the tracking spell, so that she would teleport to them in time.

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Drake looked to his left and noticed the gang mark Ronan was looking for. "Ronan, there." He said. Ronan looked at the man who had noticed them. "I'll tail'em on foot, cut him off at the other side." He said to Drake before he jumped off and ran after the thug who had begun to panic and run for his life. Drake took to the sky and followed. He shot ice out of his mouth and froze the ground infront of the man, who ended up slipping and sliding. Drake curved the ice and caused him to slam into a wall. Ronan caught up to him easily from that. He picked up the man. "Where's your leader you murderous scum...I won't ask again." He said in an angered tone. He didn't notice but he was making a bit of a scene.


((if someone wouldn't mind playing the gangmember, it's part of a personal story plot for Ronan.))

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(( Nick in case you forgot, it's an Earth Dragon >.>))


"Oh in fact it can. You can be sure of that" Kai winked at Nick. She laced her fingers behind her head as she watched the fight ensue. The spike Nick threw pierced the dragon's leg. Despite this, the dragon's face remained the same and it didn't stir aside from faltering in its run. The dragon stomped a foot and the ground rumbled. Stones started to erupt from the ground, spiking up through the ice and shattering it in places. The cracked surface made for more traction and it started to barrel towards Nick once more. Kai chuckled, "I forgot to mention, dead things can't feel pain. That thing won't stop till it drops" she grinned at Nick. "Don't worry, I'm being gentle"


Akuma watched Windfall grow closer and a quiet sigh escaped him. It seemed he always ended back in this city one way or another. Cloud seemed to fall behind again, but he didn't really care, walking and staring at the ground. The human re appeared again with a few apples, tossing a couple to Axle. He took the one offered by Axle. The corner of his mouth twitched. Oh god how he hated fruit. Mostly because it was hard for him to eat. Akuma started to teeth at it with his fangs, but was mostly unsuccessful in getting any pieces off. He did a good job at mutilating it on the other hand. His eyes flickered to Axle, "You sure you want to go to Windfall, human? It's under guard by a horde of dragons" he murmured. He had a feeling Axle was a dragon, but didn't want to say so until he was told otherwise.

Edited by Sai

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Nick shrugged and kicked off a nearby tree, sending himself sliding across what remained off the ice. It was easy for him to slide alone so quickly do to his smaller size. As he slid he turned to face the dragon. He was still sliding across the ice away from the dragon, but he was sliding backwards. Raising his arms he channeled a large portion of the flowing river into the air and towards the dragon. Suddenly clenching his fist the water froze into many different sized icicles and continued to fly towards Nick's assailant. "Good, because I'm being gentle too." He smirked.

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After she had eaten her breakfast, Kathia decided to try out the familiar spell on Mrs. Merryweather to see if it would strengthen the bond between the two. She wasn't sure if the spell worked or not, because she already liked the maid and had respect for her. But the girl did seem to feel a little happier around the maid for a short while until Kathia left to go outside and practice her spells. But before she did, the girl told Mrs. Merryweather of some useful household spells like the anti-cockroach spell and the plant blessing spell, which the maid was glad to learn because she had lost her disbelief in magic after hearing about the mages who worked to rebuild the city.


Kathia went to the courtyard and went up to the plants in the red jars. She practiced her plant blessing spells on them to repel the harmful bugs and ensure their healthy looks. The plants glowed in a light green aura for a short while until the spell sunk into their bodies. 'Well it's nice to make my garden look good and all, but I want to more useful spells than this,' she thought. 'Where in the book can I find some really interesting spells?' She turned page after page until she found the one spell that caught her eye; the levitation spell, but her body needed to become more used to magic before she could try it out. So Kathia flipped back to one of the spells to try out the No Wind spell.




((Okay, I'll volunteer to be the gang-member. I was going to do that last night, but I forgot.))


The man spit at Ronan's face and answered defiantly, "Hah, like I'm ever going to answer to you, assassin!" He noticed a few people had stopped to stare at the scene before others came by to see what's going on. Maybe if he could be pretend to be a helpless victim being assaulted, then people would take his side and treat Ronan like a criminal. Then he would make his getaway and tell the boss that Ronan's still alive.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Axle & Cloud


Axle was a bit amused at how the hybrid try to eat the apple. "Looks like I have to teach you how to eat a apple, or fruit for that fact." Axle said as he point to his fangs in his mouth. "At first it can be hard, but you will get the hang of it." He said as he took a bit out of the apple. "And don't worry about the dragons. We are just going there for some supplies and we are leaving." He said with the apple still in his mouth. He swallowed the apple he chewed up and look at the apple. "Plus we have dealt with some dragons in the past, Some trying to kill us, others protecting us." Axle seemed a bit distant at his own words. Even this seem to get to Cloud a bit, but he showed nothing at it. Cloud was a quite as the night air, Never showing feeling or care.

Edited by draco8967

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