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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Nick rolled his eyes at Kai's last comment. "Yeah well in a world that hates hybrids there are limited resources." standing up and shaking the water off his hand he turned to face Kai. "And he showed affection... at one point..." he mumbled. "He's just to stubborn for his own good. Nothing I can do for him short of forcing him." he told her. He listened as she started to explain what she did for fun before she cut herself off. He raised an eyebrow as she continued. "hmmm" when she asked what he was expecting to do he shrugged. "Well, I was watching clouds drift by before I came here."

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Kai made a small huff of laughter, "So there is. Pity that is. Can see why they're bitter after all that" she laced her hands behind her head. She cocked an eyebrow as Nick said he showed affection. "You sure? He didn't seem the huggy type. Hiding around the corner and all" she chuckled. Kai dipped down, splashing water from the river onto her face. "Watching clouds huh? Sounds like a wonderful time" she rolled her eyes, "Well what exactly do you want me to do for you? You detest everything about necromancy and thievery so I'm afraid I've run out of conversation. I don't think you're up for a drink either. So what? Should I just harass you some more? I'm pretty good at that I think" she said smugly, looking over at him.


Akuma raised his claws to bring on the final blow. Fayt jumped in suddenly, grabbing his wrist. "Ah ha. So that's what your angle is. I knew there was a catch to your teaching methods" he accused, staring at Albel. Akuma yanked his hand away. "Just having some fun. He's onto it" Albel smirked. "Stop filling his head with that garbage" Fayt scolded. "I don't need to be babied" Akuma grumbled. Fayt turned on Albel, squabbling. Akuma mumbled under his breath and stormed away to the river. He sat down rubbed the side of his face, recoiling as it felt wet. He remembered he'd bitten the man before. The blood was now smeared from his mouth and up onto his cheek.

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Nick listened to Kai and nodded. "No, you're right, he's not the huggy type, but I'm sure as can be. Not that it maters not anyways." he said shrugging. He stuck his tongue out when she rolled his eyes at his cloud gazing and crossed his arms as he thought about what she just said. He looked around a bit thinking of something to do before grinning mischievously. Quickly he gathered a sizable ball of water from the stream and launched it at Kai before diving behind a nearby tree. This was either going to be very amusing, and fun, or very painful. Kai didn't seem to by the type to play around, but it was too late to go back now.

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Kai chortled at the possibility of Akuma being huggy. "No I suppose not. Which probably means he will never be. However..." she trailed off. If Akuma really did have 'huggy' potential, there was a great chance it was something that was easy to manipulate. More or less. "Curious" she murmured. Kai glanced over, seeing the blur of water and flopped back, avoiding the water. She always had good reflexes. A glint appeared in Kai's eyes at the challenge. Now that wasn't quite fair. She couldn't use water magic. "Oh ho ho. Does someone want their soul to be taken?" she exclaimed, running around the tree at him. She aimed for her classic tackle.



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Nick jumped to the side, rolling as he landed before dashing for shelter behind a tree, his efforts doubling as Kai mentioned soul stealing. "I don't think that will be necessary." he laughed as he began to climb the tree he hid behind, aiming to attack from above. Once in position above the necromancer he smiled as two more balls of water formed in his hands. Launching one from above he cried out. "Ah ha!" before the cry of glee became that of freight as the branch he was standing on broke with a loud snap. During his decent his robe, not exactly tree climbing apparel, caught onto the jagged end of the branch, successfully suspending Nick upside-down from the tree.

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Ronan finally returned to Drake and gathered his supplies from him. Strapping all of his weapons to his body took a little time. When he was done he looked up to Drake saying, "Time to hunt." He hopped onto Drakes back before they began riding through the city. They glanced everywhere, clearly looking for something, but no one could tell what.

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((Yes, just read the rules first on the front page and then send your app to Picknick10))


Kai put her hands on her hips as Nick fled up a tree, "Why do they always go for the tree? I can climb to you know. Climbing a tree just traps yourself, twinkle toes" she called up. Kai easily saw him throw the ball and swiveled to the side, though feeling an after splash on her leg. Her hands came down to her pockets as she heard the groaning of the branch. She took a step back as Nick suddenly came tumbling down, getting caught on a branch upside down. "Good job" she uttered. She moved forward, jabbing the middle of his forehead with her finger, "Sorry, but I'm the one here that's good at gymnastics. Not you. But... while we're here..." she raised her hands and started to jab at his sides- particularly common ticklish pressure points.


Akuma leaned down, cupping his hands into the river water and splashing it into his face. He scrubbed at his cheek and hands, watching as the blood washed off and ran red into the river. He suddenly recalled how he hadn't gone haywire over the smell of blood. It was a strange reality. Before the man would have been dead whether Akuma wanted it or not. He checked his face- clean. Though, he could still smell the scent of blood. Akuma pushed himself up and walked back to where the incident happened. Albel and Fayt had gone, along with the man. There was still a large blood stain on the grass. He certainly wouldn't forget his scent. He glanced up at the city Windfall. Perhaps he'd gone to a doctor. His brow furrowed, Why do I care what happens to a stupid human? he thought bitterly.

Edited by Sai

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((After you get accepted, you can choose where you want to go and who to meet up with.


Rudvich (Currently 5:35 a.m. (I think, you'll have to ask Flamedramon for the accurate time) in Day 3)

- Atlas and her nieces, Danielle and Kylie, are sleeping in the city ruins. I timeskipped my interaction with Rina, since Tron hasn't replied. We can say that Rina punished the thief and made him catch another squirrel for Atlas to feed Danielle. Then Atlas warns Rina to be careful of the hybrids in the Northeast region. Don't know where Rina goes after that.

- Colin is at the park practicing wind magic spells.

- Minerva is on her way home and is soon about to be attacked by a thug.

- Ronan and Drake are looking for some action, I think.

- Nick is at Kai's placing learning about necromancy.

- Kathia is still asleep at her mansion.

- Daisuke (Tron's character) is sleeping at a hotel, I think.

- In the woods, Albel was about to teach Akuma to be a killer, but Fayt stops him and takes Akuma away to train him in more honest and merciful kills.



- After Doubloon, the chief of the dragon village, gives Aeolus permission to take a few dragons with him on next day's quest to destroy all humans in Solomos, the whole village goes to bed.


Also we have a wikia for this RP: http://dragons-vs-humans.wikia.com/wiki/Dr..._vs_Humans_Wiki


And I have written a story about this RP told from my characters' perspective: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...logue-397896141


I'm going to update the prologue later as one of my friends from Deviant Art said that it was misanthropist with the humans being seemingly inherently evil and stupid. So I'm going to make the prologue more gray and go into detail how all this mess started. Then I'll go ask Picknick10 if he likes the updated version better.))


After halfway through the street, a lone gray-bearded man wearing a dirty brown jacket and a hat came out of the alley to see the pretty young woman passing by. "Hey missy, what's pretty little thing doing out this early?" he asked with a toothy grin.


The woman stopped in her tracks and suddenly felt her nervous instincts telling her to beware of this man. "Oh uh, nothing... I was just on my way home, that's all," she answered as confidently as she could while trying to mask the shyness squeezing on her her.


"Oh really now? Well you might want to hurry up, because the dark isn't safe for a lone lady like you," said the man, taking a step closer to her.


Minerva backed away and said, "Oh don't worry. I think I can look after myself. I'll just run along and then..." As she made her way to the side, she bumped into a bigger and uglier man.


"Hey where you think ya going? We just want to have fun!" the bigger man said showing his missing teeth in a scary smile. At this point, Minerva was getting more nervous by the second. She looked from the approaching man and his buddy next to her.


The bearded man whipped out a knife and threatened, "Hand over your money, lady, or we'll have to cut you!"


"But I don't have any money on me," Minerva said timidly.


"Then I guess we'll just have to nab you and take you with us. Larry, grab her!" the bearded man said.


Before the blonde could get away, Larry the thug grabbed her with strong arms to keep her from moving. "Aahh, let go of me!" Minerva cried.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((We're morning day 3 actually. We kind of started day 3 for everyone tongue.gif))

Edited by Sai

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Ronan and Drake were strolling through the city when they heard a cry of a woman. Ronan looked to his left down a street and saw the same woman from before being kidnapped. "Drake, go." He said in a rush. Drake turned and walked up to the two men. Due to his size his approach was quick. "Let her go." Ronan commanded as he stood atop of Drakes back.

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Nick smirked. "I could be good at gymnastics if I wanted to, it's just the danged robe that's slowing me down." he said still dangling from the tree, as Kai poked him in the chest. He was about to get ready to throw the second ball of water at Kai when she suddenly jabbed his ticklish spots. The response was instantaneous. Nick began to squirm and giggle as he tried to pull away from the contact. "Mercy mercy!" he cried out. The tree was preventing him from getting away. He started to thrash more violently before he shook himself free of the branch that had snagged his robe and fell to the ground with an audible thump. The second he hit the ground he quickly wheeled back and away from Kai, walking like a crab. "No fair!" he cried out. "My only weakness..." Nick mumbled

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"Yeah sure" Kai said in a patronizing tone as he claimed he could be good at gymnastics. Nick squirmed as she tickled him, thrashing about before thumping roughly onto the ground. "Where was the mercy when you made me crack my head on the pavement? That's still bruised just so you know" she lowered her voice. Kai cocked an eyebrow at Nick, "Ohhhhhhh, that's FAR from your only weakness. Let's see" she looked up, starting to list things off on her fingers, "You're a terrible liar, you have a weakness about hurting and helping others, ticklish I guess, you're terrified of women, and there's always the little kiddie which I guess ties to the second one" she looked at him with a smirk. "That's what's nice about being a thief necromancer, see? I don't have to care about anyone but myself. My work revolves around death and using people and their bodies for my own means. Now that's a life of no weakness" she said, leaning down over Nick with her hands on her hips.

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"You smashed my face in with a door first..." Nick mumbled quietly. "And first off I can lie just fine! Second off I could hurt someone if I wanted to. Third off why would I be terrified of women, that's just stupid." Nick scoffed as he scooted back before standing up and crossing his arms. When she mentioned Akuma he looked away "And he's gone now so it doesn't matter much does it?" he sighed before looking back at Kai. "Being ticklish isn't really a weakness by the way." he defended. Kai went on to tell how she had no weaknesses and he shook his head. "Everyone has a weakness, it's just a mater of finding it. And another thing, what do you think makes a person want to use others for their own personal gain? How does one simply throw away empathy?"

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((Don't worry, I haven't. I'll just try to reply on weekends since I'm kinda stressed by being in school again.))


The thugs and Minerva turned to see the hooded man and a dragon. Knowing that they don't stand a chance against a dragon, the thugs decided to flee as the bearded man said, "Come on, Larry, let's go!"


"Coming!" Larry said and then they ran away.


Minerva looked to her saviors and said gratefully, "Oh thanks for saving me. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come."

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Kai straightened up, rolling her eyes as Nick made excuses about his weaknesses not really being... weaknesses. She looked off to the sides, purposely looking bored as she listed his rebuttal. "Alright twinkle toes" she looked back over to him as he stood up, "You are terrified of me. Even before you knew I was female. So, it must even be instinctual. Secondly" she narrowed her eyes, "He's not dead, is he? I still call that a liability in weakness" she smirked again. Kai laced her fingers behind her head as he accused she in fact did have a weakness, he just didn't know it yet. She was quiet for a moment before making a small cough of laughter, "Quite easily actually. I have no weaknesses because I don't CARE about anything. I was never trained to. See it's really easy to not care, all it really takes is a bad childhood. I didn't grow up with parents. Or anyone for that matter. So it was very easy to distance myself from anything like empathy. I was never trained to care for others as a child. I grew up looking after me. So you see, I don't throw away empathy, I just don't even know empathy" she made a low chuckle.

Edited by Sai

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Nick stuck out his tongue "Emotion isn't a weakness." he protested "And I'm not scared of you!" he began to argue. When she brought up Akuma still being alive he frowned. "Eh" was all he said to that. Kai denied having a weakness and he smirked. "Nonsense" he said "My parents got blown up in a violent explosion when I was a child and I'm fine." he explained. "And who ever said you need to be trained to care about others? I was never trained. It's hard wired into us. Empathy is putting yourself in their position from their prospective of belief. Anyone can choose to do it, you just choose not to."

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"Oh emotions are a very big weakness. They make you vulnerable in every way. If you care about something, someone can use it against you easily" Kai corrected. She advanced, jabbing him in the chest, "And just what do you have to smirk about? I know your weak points. You can't even pin one thing on me" she laughed, pushing past him, "Actually care is trained in people. It's trained by social interaction. But my interaction was being looked down on and treated like dirt. So it's very easy for me to dismiss anything like empathy. And if you don't believe me" she paused, turning on him again, "Try me..."

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Nick shrugged. "Yeah I got tons of social interaction. Locked up and left alone to my studies for literally hundreds of years.." he still thought she had no excuse. "You should have more empathy then anyway if you were treated like dirt. You have felt what it's like to be the lowest of the low." he started "You should be able to easily imagine what someone is going through and place yourself in their shoes. You know what the pain feels like, you know loss and solitude. You can deny that you felt anything but I know that it's not true. Everyone feels emotion. Some people are just better at pretending than others." he paused for a second staring at her intently. "Maybe you're right, I am a bad liar, but you on the other hand, you're a master at it."

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Ronan smirked through his hood at Minerva. "It was no trouble. I don't much enjoy the sight of kidnapping, or any crime really." He stated. He tapped Drake signaling him to turn. Drake turned around and they started their way back.

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"Oh yes, silly me. Why would I expect someone whose lived hundreds of years to learn anything?" she asked sarcastically. "Yes, I know what it's like, but I also learned that the only way to survive was to play dirty. Honest living unfortunately doesn't get you far in life. Listen twinkle toes, you can preach to me all you want, but you haven't one ounce of proof to back yourself up. If I say I care for nothing, what can you possibly say against it? Nothing" she scolded. She snorted as he called her a master liar. So she was, but that just made it all the easier. Kai folded her arms across her chest, "So did you come here for fun or to preach to me?" she asked smugly.


Akuma sat by the river a while before standing up again and turning back to the city. He dragged his feet along before he heard something land behind him with a loud thump. "Oh look, a scrawny human out by himself" he turned, seeing a spring seasonal dragon. They noticed the horns and made a toothy grin, "A halfling, even better. I was going to pick you off as a stupid little human. But picking off an abomination like you is even better" they snarled, pouncing at Akuma. The hybrid's face dusted and he made a lightning dash behind the dragon, shifting into dragon form. Akuma ran forward and gouged his horns into the side of the dragon. The seasonal howled and pulled away, recoiling from the blow. They charged forward and swiped out, clawing Akuma across the chest. His gold scales were strong, holding up except one claw that struck near his throat, leaving an open gash. He reared up and bit onto the seasonal's shoulder, sending a steady stream of electricity into them. They writhed and tried to pull away but its muscles seized up under the electrocution. After a minute, Akuma stopped and the body went limp. He let go of its shoulder and the body slumped to the ground. Akuma slumped on top of it for a rest.

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Nick shrugged. "I didn't play dirty, and look how far I got." he said before adding. "I don't need to prove anything. Because I know you do care about something just because I don't know what it is doesn't mean it doesn't exist." he went on stubbornly. He knew he was right, but he also knew that she couldn't be convinced otherwise. "You can continue to live in your own self delusion if you want. Search hard enough and you'll see there is something." He stopped when she folded her arms across her chest and asked if he came to preach or have fun. Slumping his shoulders he mumbled, "Fun."

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"Yeah sure, you just keep telling yourself that, sweet cheeks" Kai waved her hand off at him in a dismissive manner. Kai circled around behind Nick and entered the comfort zone, grabbing his arms and bringing her head around the side, "So what does the mage want to do for fun? Surely you didn't come over for me to take your soul? Or would you like me to start a mess of trouble. I'm quite good at that and it's a heap of fun on its own" she chirped. "Just so long as you don't start making it rain again. That's just unnecessary. It really didn't help you at all" she sniggered. Kai gave a large shove, trying to push him face first into the tree.


Akuma pulled himself up, all bloodied up again. He trotted down to the river and stuck his face in the water, washing off the blood... again. He found he was unable to cup water in his claws and shifted down to human form. He touched his throat, feeling the open gash and wincing. He removed his hoodie, leaving him in a low neck t-shirt, which was useful for the case at the moment. He washed the immediate blood off and held his hand to the gash to try and stop the bleeding. He sat trying to recall anything about herbs from Chi. He didn't even know where she was right now.

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Nick stiffened at the contact "Not entirely sure. That's why I came to you." He managed to say before he was shoved into a tree. Luckily he was able to put his hands in front of him and stop his face from smashing into the bark. Turning away from the tree he fixed his robe and leaned back against the rough bark. "Whatever your idea of fun is." he offered. "You seem to be the one with all the ideas after all." When she mentioned the rain he smirked, raising a hand. Thunder boomed above. "Why not? The rain is tons of fun." he countered. "I thought you would like storms, with all the chaos they cause after all, seems to fit your personality."

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