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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((sry I've been away again past weeks. mind went elsewhere. but im back. did I miss a couple ic days?))


Ronan woke in his room at the Inn. He got half dressed, leaving himself in a casual shirt, pants and boots. The rest of his gear he put with Drake for safe keeping. "Keep an eye on my things Drake. I'm going for a run." He said before he started a run down the street. "Stay out of trouble Ronan." Drake shouted to him. Ronan ran quite fast and he didn't loose breath so easily, he kept a steady pace. He ran through streets, parks, and even made a few trips along the rooftops. One of the parks he ran through, he took notice of a woman((Minerva)) sitting on a bench. He didn't let his curiosity stop him during his workout so he simply continued around the town.

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"I see," said Minerva. She tried to think of what else to say to keep the conversation going, but no words seem to come to her mind yet. 'Hmm, what else can I say?' she wondered. She would have asked if the dogs barking woke him but, she figured that if it was that, he would have specifically said so. Which leaves her other guess... "Think it was some annoying neighbors?" she asked.


((No, we just went from Day 2 to Day 3 early before sunrise since you left.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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“…In the house.” He rephrased. “Old alchemist that owns a store in the market district.” Colin lies back on the bench a bit with his arms crossed. The lady seemed to have paused, trying to think of something to say, which meant there might be little reason for him to talk. But then he realized he just gave her something else to talk about.

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"Oh right," said Minerva, feeling embarrassed that she made a misassumption about where the noise came from after thinking too hard on what to say. The man said that there was an old alchemist that owns a store in the market district. "Really now? And I take it you must be his tenant? Or is it the other way around?" she asked. She didn't know if she was making another mistake, but the words have been said and she would have to wait for his response. Maybe he had a house on top of the store; that was another guess.

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Colin paused, thinking about why he’s even talking in the first place. A certain voice told him to talk to people even though it’s their fault he rather close them out most of the time in the first place. “Grandparent...Do you always make bad guesses to people you just meet?” Now it turns out that he has a hard time keeping his mouth closed, even though that’s exactly what’s on his mind.


(( xd.png ))

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"I-I'm sorry," said Minerva, ashamed of making another guess. "I'm just trying to have a conversation, that's all," she said, looking away from his eyes. She worried that she might have made herself look bad in front of his eyes. That or maybe he was just grumpy. "I'm not annoying you, am I?" she asked, looking back to him nervously.


Earlier before midnight

Doubloon said that he'll give Aeolus the dragons he needed, but first they need to give him their consent first. The chief telepathically asked the dragons if they want to go with Aeolus to destroy the humans around Solomos and they all said "yes". He looked back to the disaster dragon and told him that they'll go with him in the morning, but Eitri and Zylanon will have to meet up with the group at night as they are nocturnal dragons. Aeolus understood and the green dragon went back to his cave.


Edited by Red Dragonette

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She worried that she might have made herself look bad in front of his eyes. That or maybe he was just grumpy.

((Both. He didn't get his 8 hours of sleep. xd.png ))


“Clearly, you’re doing a great job at it.” Colin thought with sarcasm. “And you decided to make a conversation with someone you never met before.” He waits until he heard the next question, and then responded with a hand gesture where his index finger and thumb are almost touching each other. “A bit, but you’re still sitting here.” He said with a neutral tone. At least her guess is right this time.

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Getting the hint that her presence was annoying, Minerva got up and said, "Oh sorry... Okay then, I'll get going now." Then she walked away to resume her little exercise. She walked around through the rest of the park like the basketball court and children's playground until she had finished her path there. The woman left the park and walked through town to get back to her home. She turned around the street corner and walked down through the neighbor.

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Ronan was running through the streets still. He made a sharp turn around a corner to head back to the Inn and didn't see a person(Minerva) walking the other direction. At the last second before he would slam into her he reacted quickly. "Woah!" He shouted as he jumped, flipping over her, landing on the other side of her in a tuck and roll maneuver. He kept moving but he turned back to apologize, saying: "Sorry ma'am!" He breathed a sigh of relief since he didn't harm her and kept his path to the Inn.

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Colin watched as the lady leaves, then shrugs. “I didn’t say you have to leave.” After the mutter, he went back to what he was doing. There’s still a few more hours until the sun shines bright on the city and people come with their activities. He decides to pass the time practicing with the wind before he goes back to the house, where he still has things to move around. There’s also the fact that the store needs to restock on things. The supplies could be ordered, but some of them might be too important to wait for. If it comes to that, it’s the usual plan with him.

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Nick watched as the clouds drifted by. A dog, a sheep, a dragon. He made a game out of it, trying to see what shapes he could make out of the white puffs in the sky. One of the clouds looked like a skeleton, and it oddly reminded him of Kai. The thought of her brought a blush to his cheeks. He quickly hid it when he noticed, though no one knew what he was thinking, or paying attention, or even cared for that mater. He got up feeling a strange urge to go see the necromancer. Brushing the grass and dirt from his time spent lounging on the ground he got up and and made his way out of the city and through the forest, eventually ending up at the old shack that Kai called home. Reaching out to the door he hesitated for a moment before knocking quietly.

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Kai swirled a purple potion she held in a corked vial. "This one is a knockout gas. Vaporizes into a gas when it touches the air outside this vial. Nifty for a quick getaway. Or otherwise..." she spoke cheerily to her mother. She stored the vial under the table with the others. A small knock on the door caught her attention and she returned her mother's body to the shadows. She moved to the door and opened it a crack, furrowing her brow as she spotted Nick. Her door had a small chain latch on it, keeping it closed for the most part, "And what do you want? Did I do something else to earn your criticizing, your holiness?" she asked in a snide tone. She usually took the mornings to brew and talk to her mother, lest the irritation.

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Nick ignored her snide remark, that was to be expected of her by now. Instead he started to talk, "I-" he choked out, stopping suddenly. He didn't really know what he was doing here, or why he came. "I was hoping you could..." he trailed off as he tried to make something up. Leaning slightly to the side he looked past her and noticed a collection of potions and brewing supplies. Looking back to her he quickly added " I was hoping you could teach me a bit about potion brewing." He scratched the back of his head grinning cheesily. "Yeah, that's it, I've always wanted to learn, but I never knew where to start... heh heh. Think you could help me out?" he questioned.

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Kai listened to Nick fumble over his words and cocked an eyebrow. "And just what has your panties in a ruffle?" she asked, listening still as he concluded he wanted to learn potion making. She stared flatly at him for a moment, "You are positively the worst liar I've ever heard" she slammed the door shut. There was a series of clinking as she unlatched the door and re opened it. "That is a subject that takes years of experience. Not discussed over a cup of tea. Now why are you really here, twinkle toes? Surely there's better things you have to do than to lower yourself to associate with unclean necromancers" she chided, folding her arms and leaning against the doorway.

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Nick watched as she cocked an eyebrow. She made another remark, and he simply replied that, "Nothing I just wanted to learn potion making, like I said." he talked progressively quieter and brought his line of vision down to the ground. He could feel her staring at him for a moment before she called him the worst liar she had ever met and slammed the door shut in his face. "Oh.." he muttered to himself thinking that she was done before looking back up, hearing the sounds coming from the other side of the door. Happy to find that she re-opened it, he listened as she asked why he was really here. He bit his lip and avoided the question. "I never said you were unclean, and actually, I don't have anything better to do." he went on, "Being immortal means that you run out of things to do real fast."

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"Ah nothing, eh?" she mused, looking at his face. He was quick to look at the ground after she'd challenged his motives. She made a snort of laughter, "Oh no, of course not. You've only called me everything around unclean" she paused, "Ah so that's it. Come see the nutter when you have nothing better to do. I'm nobodies personal entertainment. Not for free anyway" she corrected, jabbing his chest. Kai pushed off the doorway, taking a few steps outside and looking at the surrounding forest. It seemed quite empty. Which reminded her. "Bored?... Don't you have some kiddie to attend to?" she asked, turning and looking at him. Normally she never saw him without the boy hiding around a corner to avoid the conflict. But not today it seemed.

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Nick was glad she didn't press the issue. Instead she thought up something different from the truth, thinking that he had come over to 'see the nutter' He rubbed his chest in the spot where she jabbed him and stepped back when she moved forward to allow her more room. When she asked about Akuma he frowned. "Oh him..." he muttered, looking away. "He was being a disrespectful little brat. I told him to act mature or get out. He ran off after that. Doesn't really matter anyways. I'm used to being alone by now anyways." he sounded a bit sadder as he talked. Shaking his head he looked back at Kai.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai listened as Nick explained the situation between him and Akuma. "So you come out of loneliness. Because it doesn't sound very much like you're used to being alone with that tone. As I said- bad liar. But I digress" she waved her hand off. She turned and smirked at him, "I wouldn't worry. I grew up without parents too. I became a good fine, thieving necromancer. Might sound bad, but I've got so much gold I may as well be a pirate. And that puts a smile on my face" she declared, her hands coming to her hips. "Seems like a grump enough to be a thief anyway. I like that kid already" she laughed. "Hardships have a way of hardening people. Sometimes for the better" she shrugged. "So you looking for company?"

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Nick ran a hand over his chin feeling for the stubble that would never grow. "Yeah yeah, you caught me." Nick said crossing his arms. "I could lie if I wanted to." he muttered under his breath before listening to her go on about how she grew up without parents too. "Oh that's real reassuring. Little Akuma the master thief." he said rolling his eyes. "Hardships can be prevented though, and the same hardness can be brought on by training." he responded to her comment on hardships. When she asked him if he was looking for company he nodded his head reluctantly. "I guess you could say that." he mumbled.

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"Heh" Kai breathed, shaking her head and leaning to one side. You don't have much talent for lying I'm afraid she thought. "What" she threw her hands up, "What's wrong with a little thievery? I'm quite the stick fingers and you seem to choose me for company. It's not so nasty as long as you don't kill anyone. But that's my necromancy side" she winked. Kai burst out laughing at his comment about training. "Oh ho ho, then forgive me for saying. You may be a worse trainer than a liar. And parent for that matter. My method is proven by myself. I see yours worked out well enough. All that training. You don't even know where he is, do you?" she laughed. "Ah you are a bundle of joy aren't you? Well this is the quality of company you get. Don't expect anything fancy" she pranced towards the river.

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Nick raised an eyebrow. "I prefer to work for what I own."he said, pausing to pluck a leaf off of a nearby branch. "If you can call transmutation work anyways." He said as he put a little magic into his hand and turned the leaf to gold. Sighing he flicked it away. "I never claimed to be training him, and I'm not his parent either. I was giving him food, water, and a warm place to stay. If he wants to be an ass then he can find it elsewhere." he said with a huff. He followed her towards the river. "At least you're company of a sort. The closest thing I have to a friend anyways." he shrugged.

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"What? I work for it too ya know. Just not in the same manner. You think it's easy to pull off a heist without getting caught? No it isn't" Kai chided as Nick criticized thievery. "Ha, but that's an illegal bit on it's own. Turning lead into gold. Mr. Goody two shoes" she added. She made a snort of laughter as Nick defended his position on Akuma. "Food and water, huh? Sounds boring. Good for the kid. As I grew up on the streets I can tell you that if you fed and watered someone like a child with that little care that you claim to have over him, they'd take advantage of you. You're just a means to an end. Because in that manner, they have no real purpose to you. But you are a usable resource. Funny thing there. You served your purpose to him I wager" she grinned. "I'd expect as much from the soft hearted. I'm not much of a friend either. I don't do anything for free"

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Just then a man in a white hoodie or rather a cloak, Minerva didn't know what to call his clothing in question, almost ran into her. "Wah!" she screamed and flinched in surprise. The man had leapt over her like one of those action movie protagonists with acrobatic skills. After he got back up, he went back to her and apologized. Minerva forgave him and said, "It's alright, I didn't know you were around the corner either."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Nick stuck his tongue out at the necromancer. "At least I'm not taking my gold from others" he said. When Kai went on about how he was a means to an end, that he was just a resource to be used he narrowed his eyes. "Well when that happens I become a non-renewable resource. I gave him a choice and he squandered it. That's on him. When she continued that she wasn't a very good friend either he shrugged. "Good thing I'm not asking anything of you anyways." he said indifferently. Walking over to the river he crouched down, running his hand through the cold waters. It felt good against his skin. "So what do you do when you're not about stealing gold and digging up corpses?" he questioned.

Edited by picknick10

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"Not my fault they they can't guard it properly" Kai grinned at his comment. She cocked an eyebrow, "Yes but I think you missed the point he may not care. Because you were renewable at the time" she laughed. He asked what she did in her spare time aside from stealing and doing necromancy. "Well of course I-" she choked off at the end, "...Play around somewhere. Or potion making. Whatever suits me" she laughed awkwardly. Kai almost forgot herself, thinking of her conversations with her mother. Well, the body anyway. Kai rubbed the back of her head, "And just what were you expecting to do?" she asked, her hands coming to her hips again.

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