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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Akuma walked into the house, turning around to watch Nick's reaction. He adverted his gaze. The hybrid smirked, finding it as a weak point in the mage. Nick stood up and entered the house, glaring at him before entering the kitchen. Akuma simply smirked at Nick, knowing full well Nick was a bleeding heart and would do nothing to actually get back at him. "Wrong, human. I am hardly human at all. A quarter at most. We are mostly dragon. It's why the most of us can out maneuver a human and are much stronger" he said in a bragging tone, folding his arms across his chest. "Humans are weak. Without your guns, the city crumbled in less than a day" he added, laughing.

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Nick stopped putting away the things and turned to face the hybrid boy. He wanted to give Akuma a good smacking, but he couldn't bring himself to do it, and Akuma knew it. it just made Nick want to smack him all the more. "Me, human? If anything I'm less human than you are." he said looking over Akuma with a smirk of his own. "There is more arcane in my DNA than actual human. I'm more of an elemental, the very essence of magic." He stopped for a moment, looking sad before adding. "Once upon a time I was human though..." Shaking his head he continued where he left off." Just because you're stronger physically doesn't mean anything when I can weave the fabrics of reality to my own likings."

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Akuma snorted at Nick's response, "Yeah right. You're about as human as they come. Such a strong being would not be afraid of a little necromancer giiiiiiiiiiiiiirl" he said smugly. Akuma narrowed his eyes mischievously at Nick, "As I said, whatever you are doesn't mean anything when you're too much of a bleeding heart to do anything. You're scared of your own shadow, human" Akuma added before turning and heading back into the living room. Hybrids were willing to do whatever it took to survive. At least, that's what he thought whenever he saw Albel in action. The hybrid didn't come around town much, being a bit of a hermit in the woods. If he wasn't enjoying the high life in Rika's house anyway. Akuma plopped onto the couch, lacing his fingers behind his head.

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Rina looked at Atlas for a second, recording her name inside her mind, then replied: "It's Rina." - and launched into the air. There she waited fot magi to take off, then flew towards where she saw a thief. Or rather a glimpse of him. Atlas could notice that Rina's wing membrane was cut in the middle.


Still unfamiliar with local flora, blue dragoness studied everything beneath her. Of course a thousands of questions were badgering her, and if she had a different type of personality, she would most definitely drowned Atlas with them, even after she'd help her. Instead Rina decided to check the books later on.

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Nick stepped out of the kitchen and walked in front of the couch. Narrowing his eyes and he stared down the hybrid boy. "Everyone's afraid of something Akuma. The unknown, heights," he paused raising to chest level, palm up a ball of dark swirling water forming in it. "water" he said looking into the mass before clenching his hand shut, the ball evaporating in a sudden cloud of steam before dissipating. "I happen to be afraid of girls. So what?" he turned and headed back to the kitchen. "And since we're in the habit of calling people things they are not," he said looking back at Akuma for a moment. "What do you have to say to that, human?"

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Akuma glanced up at Nick stood over him. He excused his comment, saying everyone was afraid of something. Nick brandished a ball of water and sparks flickered over the hybrid as his eyes darkened. He was ready to tear a throat out should that ball drop. Nick evaporated the ball before long and returned to the kitchen, muttering that he would call Akuma human in retaliation. "I'd say you're still a coward" the hybrid said, sitting up and smirking at Nick. A draconic thrum went up Akuma's throat as he stared Nick down. "My fear is something more reasonable. People can drown in water. Apparently a little necromancer can do whatever she wants to you. Even bite your neck while you lay helpless on the pavement. Please, tell me more about your elemental prowess"

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"No, actually." Nick turning to Akuma again. "Your fear would be reasonable if it were just deep water, but you're afraid of all water. If I dumped a glass of it on you, you would probably censorkip.gif yourself. And," he began, suddenly teleporting over to Akuma, grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt and pulling him up to eye level. "If you want to be a disrespectful little brat to someone who has only tried to help you, in fact on of the only other people in this world besides Dion that has helped you...." he said eyes narrowing "Why don't you get the censorkip.gif out until you learn how to treat others."

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Akuma snorted as Nick said he would censorkip.gif himself if water was poured on him. "Yeah sure, as I recall I almost clawed your eyes out. That's a much funnier result" he said smugly. Akuma flinched as Nick suddenly was very close and pulled away, but not far enough to escape being grabbed and yanked up. He stared for a moment in alarm before scowling at Nick's words. He responded by sending an electrical shock into Nick while the mage was still holding him. "Fine whatever. You were the one hell bent on me staying here anyway. Stupid human!" he yelled, yanking himself free. Akuma scurried to the door, quickly leaving outside without so much as closing the door behind him. I don't need to be taken care of anyway. I'm not helpless he thought bitterly as he shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets.

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((Btw, here's chapters 5 and 6 that I forgot to put down last time: http://fav.me/d6yfcwc and http://fav.me/d6yhcc8 ))


Atlas took off into the air after Rina and flew off towards the thief in the tree. When Rina's wing flapped down, Atlas noticed a cut in the middle of the wing membrane. 'What happened to her wing?' she thought out of curiosity. She put her thoughts to the side and concentrated on catching the halfling. The young man saw the two dragonesses and departed from the tree in rush to flee. "Oh no you don't!" Atlas yelled as she catch her ice stream spell and let the waves of frost fly over to the halfling. The ice stream wrapped itself around the thief's body and solidify into hard ice, trapping everything except for the head in.


The guy fell to the ground and struggled to break free of the cocoon. "No!" he groaned.


The magi landed by him and said, "Gotcha! Now give me back the squirrel you stole, you damn thief!"


The halfling grinned smugly and said, "Hah, that rat thing? Too late, I already ate it!"

"What?!" the magi yelled. "You litttle... Why I oughta..." Atlas was looked ready to pummel the thief to ground.

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Nick flinched as the electric shock ran through him and let go as Akuma yanked free. He watched as the hybrid boy ran out and walked to the door, watching him storm off. "ungrateful little twerp" he said bitterly as he closed the door and returned to the living room, wondering what he should do next. Shrugging he walked into his study, picked up a book, and sat down. He would do the only thing he had done his entire life, study magic. Still he couldn't help feeling a pang of loneliness. If Akuma wanted to be a pig-headed censorkip.gif*** than that was his choice though, in the end Nick would be alone anyways, so it didn't matter what happens along the way anyways, does it?

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Akuma walked out of the city and into the forest. Now this is more normal he thought, looking around at the trees. Akuma shifted up to a dragon and ran through the trees to the river, stopping to take a drink. He then flew off and perched in Dion's yard where he shifted back to human form. Albel and Fayt were in the yard stringing up a buck. Albel seemed to have it but Fayt was more trying to help the mess it was making in blood. Albel sniffed once, glancing over, "Oh it's the little one. Where's your precious human?" he asked. Akuma frowned, "What do I care, he's not my human. Just some stupid mage" he looked to the side. Fayt and Albel exchanged glances. Albel smirked, "Ah, see? He's come around. Humans. Dragons. Let them destroy each other. Present company excluded" he added, looking at Dion's house. Fayt gave Albel a disapproving look. "And what are you scowling about? We're killing machines. We take care of ourselves. We don't need to rely on others" he went on. "I'm not sure that's the best advice to give to kids" Fayt said. "Is that so? And just what does the youngling think?" Albel asked, smirking at Akuma. "I'm not a kid. I never got that chance so there's no point in pretending. I can take care of myself" he responded proudly. Fayt sighed, shaking his head.

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Nick looked up from his book. He had only been reading for 10 minutes, but he couldn't seem to focus. Closing the old leather tome he got up and looked out the window. It felt like he was going on walks a lot lately. He didn't know what else to do though. Maybe he should just leave and walk forever. He could if he wanted to. No one would even notice he was gone. He doubted anyone would even care. There was no one to care. The only few people who knew who he was, knew him as a nuisance. Sighing and shaking his head he left his study and headed outside. Maybe the fresh air would clear his head of these thoughts and provide a better idea.

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Dion stepped outside to see the three hybrids. "Hello Akuma" he greeted softly. "What bring you here?" Akuma paused. He didn't know why he came back. Maybe it was that Dion made him feel safer. "Just visiting..." the hybrid murmured. "He's gone and left that Nick boy" Fayt chimed. Akuma turned, glaring at the other hybrid. "Oh? Why's that?" "I don't need the care of a stupid human like him" he responded. "Keep that idea and you'll survive, short stack" Albel commented, racking his claws down the deer. Blood poured out, draining onto the grass. Akuma edged closer, fiddling with his hands now. His lips quivered, looking as if he were debating saying something. He chewed his tongue for a moment before blurting, "Would you teach me hunting?" Fayt and Dion looked taken aback by the request. It took a moment for Albel to realize the boy was asking him. Albel's brow furrowed. "Just one lesson! Something?..." Albel grunted, "Just one" he growled.

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Nick walked through the town with his hands sunken into his pockets, looking in the store windows as he walked by. I seem to be doing this a lot lately. he thought to himself, staring into his reflection in the one the store windows. Moving closer to see past his reflection, Nick scanned over the store before looking up to see what it sold. "Ancient Antiques." He read out loud to himself. "What a creative name" he muttered before pushing the door open to half a look at what the store had in stock. Mostly dusty old books and titbits of random junk here and there. Picking up a random book bound in old leather he stroked the binding a few times before flipping it open and blowing off some dust. It was about necromancy. "Heh he breathed out.

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Albel ruffled Akuma's hair, "Well let's get started then, little one" he said in a sly voice. Fayt gave a concerning look, "Should I come?" "Nonsense, I can handle him" Albel retorted, looking a hand around Akuma's shoulder and pushing him forward. "Get moving, runt" he said. The two walked in silence for a bit until they neared the river. There was a small pack of human hunters gathered around a camp fire. They looked content, roasting a few rabbits over the fire. "And our hunting lesson begins" Albel said quietly. Akuma looked taken aback. "But they're people" "Of course. You didn't expect to start on dragons did you?" "That's not what I-" "Look, humans and dragons hate our guts. They always will. So why try to kiss their ass? Why not show them how superior we are? They're the ones that killed your parents and left you to rot. It feels good to have revenge. Don't put yourself lower than them. You don't need to grovel for their acceptance. Force respect and fear on them and they will never bother you again" he lectured. Akuma stared blankly. It seemed wrong but at the same time, no one ever hounded Albel in town. People tended to look away if anything. He never felt hunted. Not something Akuma could say. "What... do I have to do?" he asked softly. Albel smirked, "Simple, terrorize them. Strike hard and fast before they can prepare. Once you get stronger you can give them all the time in the world and still crush them, if only to break their petty will. Your breath, your teeth, your claws. We were bred for mass destruction. Let me show you..." he stepped forward. Albel dashed forward, grabbing one of the men by the front of their shirt and lifting them in the air. He then grabbed one of the rabbits, "What a lovely feast. Mind if I join?" he asked with a smirk. The other two men jumped up, drawing their swords, "Let go of him, beast!" one yelled. "Certainly, maggot" he chucked the man forward. The man landed on the others, knocking them all down. Albel glanced over at Akuma, inviting him to join.

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Akuma stood still, staring at the scene in front of him. The men on the ground scrambled to their feet, grabbing up their swords. Albel smirked and charged. The men dove out of the way, two turning to Albel and the third setting their eyes on Akuma. "And what's this? A runt? This'll be easy" they said, running at Akuma. The hybrid seized up before using a lightning dash to move behind the charging man. He sent out a bolt of lightning, striking the hunter. The man froze from the shock and Akuma charged, tackling him from behind and pressing him into the ground. The boy leaned down, sinking his fangs into the hunter's neck. He held there for a moment as the man yelled out before pulling away. Blood dribbled down the sides of his mouth and dripped off his chin. The other two saw the scene and turned, running off. Albel didn't seem interested in the fleeing targets, rather smirking at Akuma instead, who was still sitting on the trembling body. "Now wasn't that fun? See a moment ago he was looking at you like a meal. And now he fears for his life. Make them grovel, you never have to yourself"

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Nick wandered aimlessly through town, moving through every major street. What does one do to fill an infinite amount of time, and furthermore where does one find the motivation to do anything when you always have an endless amount of time to do it later. Opening a hand he watched as a puff of wispy purple smoke rose out of his hand. Arcane magic. One of the most difficult schools of magic that one could learn. It was also one of the most unpredictable. The blast that granted him eternal life was arcane magic. It could have just as easily burnt him to a crisp, or turn him into a rock. You could never tell, especially when the magic is uncontrolled. Looking around at his surroundings for the first time in a while he found himself at a park. With nothing better to do he plopped down onto the grass and laid back, watching the clouds drift by.

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((Dang it, I really want to play as Kathia again, but Enkie's holding me up with his absence. Plus it looks like Flamedramon and LordTorch are in limbo; I may need to make a new character to get them to interact.))


Aeolus sat in his cave thinking about the attack on the refugee camp and analyzing how well it went. His tornado alone had done a great deal of damage to both the humans' home and population. The survivors that had fled the camp were few in number before they got killed by the other dragons. It seems like with the ability to cause tornadoes and earthquakes, he was powerful enough to do a mass extermination on the human race. With a few dragons at his side, they could make his conquest easier. But these dragons had to be the best and have special abilities to add to the group's arsenal. He was thinking about taking the night magi, Eitri, with him due to his being able to see in the dark and a wide range of magic that included the invisibility spell. Hewey the healer dragon should come too as his healing magic would be useful in mending wounds and injuries. A pygmy dragon who can go inside human territory for reconnaissance would be useful, too. A shadow dragon who can melt into the shadows and unleash surprise attacks is also welcome. A phoenix dragon to make everlasting fires and a storm dragon for creating storms to interfere with the enemy's prowess. This was how Aeolus was going to destroy all the humans in Solomos. Along the way in the whole continent, he may encounter other breeds of dragons with useful abilities and have a stronger horde. The disaster dragon left his cave and went to go talk to Doubloon for permission to take some of his villagers with him on his quest.

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((Nah, it looks like at this point, I can say enough hours has passed for me to do something.))


Windfall: House


It hasn’t been eight hours, but Colin couldn’t get any more sleep. He heard a loud noise, followed by some frustrated yelling coming from downstairs. He could guess what this means, but he cares more about his sleep being interrupted. Sitting up, he looks at a paper bag on a table. He recalls someone needing that bag, but since the outbreak, he couldn’t find any trace and thought this someone might be dead. Still, he didn’t decided that’s that, and from all the yelling, he needs an excuse to get out of the house anyway.


Packing his lance and a small survival gear with the bag in hand, Colin snuck out of the house and walks to the park, the only place where he expects to find the one that’s missing.


((I've been wanting to get to the park the past few days, the opportunity just hasn't shown up yet.))

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((I made a new character and I'm waiting for approval from Nick. For now, I'll just post as Aeolus again.))


The disaster dragon entered the chieftain's cave and padded slowly so that he don't abruptly disturb the dragon's sleep. As Aeolus neared, Doubloon sensed his presence by smell and woke up from his rest. "Oh Aeolus, what is it that I can help you with?" he asked.


"Well Chief Doubloon, I was thinking about how powerful my tornado was in demolishing the humans' nest and how I can easily wipe out the humans with just that and my earthquakes. But of course, there may be humans who would find ways to prevent my powers from doing any damage to them whether it be by the new tools they made or their magic," said Aeolus. "I was thinking about bringing with me a few dragons with the best and useful powers to help me purge Solomos of those wretched creatures before they breed up back their numbers and wage another war against us." He proposed the following dragons to bring with him, "I would like to take Eitri, Hewey, Leafwing, Zylanon, Corona, and Lutarn as their abilities would be a valuable asset to my team."




((So what time of the day is it no, where you're at, Flamedramon? My new character, Minerva, just got accepted.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((At best, I would say around or after the time of Nick and Sai’s characters, Red, which would probably be close to morning. And I still haven’t gotten a response regard my other character.))


Windfall, Park


The trip has been uneventful, and Colin made it to the park. It’s too early for anyone to be here, so there are very few people. This also means more room and less noise for him. He found a lone bench sitting by a street light, and took it as a good spot to rest on. He sets the bag on the middle of the bench and sits down on the left side, thinking about what to do to pass the time.


Soon enough, he remembered what he read the other day that was about magic. He has an interest in wind magic mainly because he carries a heavy weapon, and wants to move fast with it. He didn’t bring the book with him, but he does remember what it said. To start, he has to concentrate on hearing the wind first. He starts doing just that.


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((Well since Enkie hasn't been on for a while, I might as well timeskip Kathia and say that she's practiced some magic spells and sold the guns to help Jason make money. She also practices some sword skills and learn to shoot arrows better. Then she goes to the grocery store and learns that dragon meat and eggs are banned from purchase, much to her dismay.))


Earlier before midnight

After a long day, it was now night time. Kathia walks a long way back home and reaches her mansion, which had been rebuilt into an old stony medieval fashion instead of the fancy and modern appearance she loved and was familiar with. 'I am so going to tear the place and remodel it later, but with magic of course,' she thought. Kathia didn't feel like hiring builders as they would cost money, and she also didn't want the help of dragons, too. By now her legs are tired and she really wanted to take a shower and hope into her bed. The girl knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.


It took a little while until a middle-aged maid came and opened the door. "Yes, who is it?" she asked.


Glad to see her most trusted servant here, Kathia smiled and said, "Hello Mrs. Merryweather, I'm home!"


Happy to see the girl she's always looked after from a young age, the maid and the girl embraced each other in a hug. "Oh Kathia, I'm so glad you survived that horrid mess. I was afraid you and your mother might have died out there," said Mrs. Merryweather. Then she looked around for Mrs. Rittevon, but she was nowhere in sight. "Where is your mother?" she asked.


"She's dead, Mrs. Merryweather," Kathia answered grimly.


Look of sorrow and pity swarmed over the maid's face as she let go of the girl and said, "Oh Kathia, I-I'm so sorry..."


"It's alright, Mrs. Merryweather," said Kathia, stepping past her maid and going inside the mansion. "The only ones who should be sorry for all this are those damned dragons. It's their fault why many people had to lose their families and their homes." Her memories burned with Jason telling her about how dragons killed his family, the sorrow of the survivors from camp at yesterday, and how she walked past some people saying that their original homes had been taken by others who got there first before they did. Shaking her fist, Kathia said, "Those dragons are going to pay for this and I'll be the one who makes sure that they do in blood!"


"But Kathia!" Mrs. Merryweather reasoned. "There's many of them out there and only one of you; how do you plan on killing them all?"


The girl turned around and showed her the spellbook, "With magic of course, and some old weapons too."


The maid's dark brown eyes ran from to the sheathed family sword resting on the girl's side and the shield, bow and quiver on her back. "I see you're armed like a knight, dear. But you do know that Mayor Esteed has sold the city to dragons to make it illegal to slay them, right?" she asked with disapproval in her tone for the mayor.


"Yeah, I heard about it yesterday," said Kathia, rolling her eyes. "That stupid traitor," she whispered with contempt under her breath. She'll never vote for that man in the next election after what he just did. "But don't worry, Mrs. Merryweather, they only said no killing inside the city. I bet they don't care what happens outside in the woods," she said.


"Well you better be careful, because I don't want to lose you, too. You hear me?" said the maid.


"I know," said Kathia. Before she decided to make her way to her room, the girl asked, "Hey my home wasn't taken by anybody was it?" She had to make sure before she could get her lawyer and sue the thieves for stealing her mansion.


Mrs. Merryweather assured, "Oh don't worry dear, I made sure nobody besides you stepped foot inside the mansion."


"Well good, that's exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks Mrs. Merryweather," said Kathia gratefully.


"You're welcome, dear!" the maid said and nodded.


Kathia went upstairs to the bathroom and took a bath. Then she went to her room and changed into her pajamas. She opened the spellbook and went to the page with the Dream Recall spell. Earlier today, she had practiced the the Calming Aura spell, the Anti-Anxiety chant, the Plant blessing, and the Book blessing spells. The book blessing had giving her spell book a longer-lasting endurance so that it would look new for a while before it would gradually look worn out after a year and a half or more. The girl followed the methods to the Dream Recall spell and cast it before she went to bed.





Minerva came to the park and went over to the bench. She had woken up earlier than usual and decided to take a short walk outside since it was close to morning. She found a man sitting there and another person, a boy, laying down on a different bench. She went over to the man and asked, "Excuse me, do you mind if I sat next to you?"


((Kathia's new mansion looks like this: http://ferrebeekeeper.files.wordpress.com/...k_-_1308540.jpg and this is what it originally looked like, but with deciduous trees in place of palm tree: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me1vwhbg...68tryo1_500.jpg ))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Windfall, Park


The wind feels calm and gives a gentle breeze, but Colin couldn’t hear any of it. He read he was supposed to hear it, but he wondered how that was supposed to work. His thought was cut short when someone came and asked about the bench. “…Yes.” Despite the thought to the question asked, he moved the bag beside him to make room for the other person. It’s a free park, and this is a free bench, so his thought hardly matters anyway.


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Minerva took a seat next to the man and looked at the view in front of her for a bit. She felt the gentle breeze blow onto her skin. "So are you an early bird, too?" the blonde 20-year-old woman asked. "I woke this morning, because I slept earlier yesterday. And usually, I go to bed at ten," she said.

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“And here comes the talking.” Colin thought. It seems as though he’s not going to have the quiet he’s looking for to be able to concentrate. He went through some of his options, which are either respond to the next question, ignore it, or just walk away. There’s no guarantee that any of the options will get him what he wants, so he figured he might as well compromise. “…Some noise at the house woke me up. Had to go somewhere.” he spoke.

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