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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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"I was thinking you would kill anyway who you could for a soul." When Kai explained why they took the souls Nick just rolled his eyes, "A necromancer talking about evil. Give me a break." he said "Whatever helps you sleep at night." he added throwing another glance at the man. Damning a soul for an infinity base on the deeds commits in a finite span of time." he said shaking his head back and fourth. "Oh yeah, you were drunk weren't you? I had forgotten." Chuckling he said, "Who ever said I was wise? I'm just immortal, there is a difference you know. He paused for a second, changing the subject. "What happens when two necromancers try to steal each others souls?" he questioned, pacing back and fourth

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Kai made another low chuckle as Nick expressed he didn't know Kai targeted people for their morals. "Well you see there, little mage, it's not the skill itself that's evil. It's how you use it" they said, looking at the body, "Sometimes, we must do what is wrong to do what is right" they looked briefly at Nick, thinking of their comatose mother. "Well you might say I save them from actual damnation. See, they simply stay in my collection for as long as I want them to. They are not suffering, but nor do they feel joy. They are my toys. And they will remain as such" Kai said, giving a hardened stare at Nick. "Soul stealing was created for a specific purpose. And not for humans or by humans. It is only a borrowed power. I have little interest in it. It is merely a means to an end" Kai stuffed their hands into their pockets. They smiled at the wall as Nick asked about the battle of souls. "Well I don't know really. I suppose it would be a matter of who was stronger and quicker about the matter"

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After the horde got back to the village, the dragons who stayed behind, went up to the fighters and asked questions like "Did you kill all the humans?", "Did anybody get hurt?", and "How did it go?" The fighters answered with yes's, no's, and other responses to specific questions.


Doubloon raised his voice to talk over the crowd and spoke, "Fellow dragons, the attack went well as planned and the humans' nest is no more! And the best part is, there were no casualties within the horde." The dragons roared out cheers for the perfect success. The chief looked to the night magi next to him and said, "Relay this message to the rest of village." The night magi did and sent the same words via telepathy. "Tonight we can all sleep well without any fear of being hunted."



A lone man who had witnessed the destruction of his refugee camp after his hunt in the woods, shed some tears for the loss of his friends and family. The man turned and fled before the dragons could spot him. He traveled through the forest to find another refugee camp, which he made it to after a few hours later. He told the people there about the fate of his camp and the people became alarmed as they built up walls of lumber to protect their village from wingless dragons and made more weapons to fend themselves from future attacks.


((Here's this Secret Santa art someone drew of Atlas: http://fav.me/d6xtftl ))

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Nick shook his head as he thought to himself. He could never kill someone outright like that. He had to be provoked somehow, and even then the most he had even done was injure someone. Turning his attention back to Kai he motioned towards the body. "So what do you plan to do for cleanup?" he asked as he leaned against the wall. He was interrupted, however, when a guard dragon stuck his head into the ally way, his armor clinking as he moved and his neck rubbed against the brick wall to the side. "What's going on back here that needs cleaning up?' he asked suspiciously. Nick quickly stood up, and without thinking cast a spell that bent the light around the body behind Kai and himself before taking Kai's arm as if he were helping keep them steady before taking a look at the guard and saying. "Just helping my-lady here. She had a little too much a drink, and now she's suffering the consequences." he said as if it were the most natural response in the world. The guard's head pushed past Kai and Nick and he took a big whiff of the air, a few feet away from the man, but thanks to Nick's spell he couldn't see it. He could however smell the alcohol, but that only added to Nick's alibi. The guard crinkled his nose and pulled out of the ally way. "Try to lay off the alcohol. You reek of it. he suggested as he started to walk away. Nick let go of Kai and moved away from the necromancer. "Don't say I never did anything for you." he talked as he readjusted his bag.

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Kai cocked an eyebrow. "Cleanup?" they laughed. They flinched as a guard slithered around the corner. Kai's face went blank for a moment. This is why they did things in stealth. But of course, Nick just had to draw attention to them, didn't he? Excuses ran through their mind before Nick cut in with an excuse about Kai drinking too much. He latched onto the necromancer's arm. Kai leaned onto Nick, dulling their eyes and laughing in a drunken manner. They took the opportunity to poke fun at Nick. Kai leaned back onto him, nuzzling the crook of his neck. The guard seemed convinced and left the pair alone. "So I'm a woman to you now, am I?" Kai asked mischievously, ignoring Nick's comment. They turned, staring him down with a smirk.

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"Oh knock it off" Nick demanded as he lowered the illusion around the dead man before turning back to Kai. "You were a woman enough to him." he said casually nodding towards the necromancer's latest victim. "And the guard seemed to buy it also." he said looking away from Kai and out into the busy streets. "I on the other hand still have no idea what the hell you are." He admitted before looking back at Kai curiously "Care to shed any light on that?" he asked before standing up straight and looking over Kai, trying to discern the necromancers hidden gender. Edited by picknick10

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"Woman enough to him was I? Or was I woman enough for you to suggest it on the dime?" Kai pried, advancing on Nick with the same smirk. They paused to look over at the body, "Hmph, that death has no traceability. No poison or physical marks. For all they know he died of alcohol poisoning. All I did was kiss him" they explained. The necromancer looked back to Nick as he expressed his concern of Kai's gender. "Well well, he's still on that. Terrible isn't it? The possibilities..." Kai purred, licking their lips. "Would you like to find out, hmm?" Kai asked. They extended a hand to the side, closing their fist. The body of the man sank into the shadows, adding to their collection.

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Nick listened as Kai went over the fact the the kill wasn't traceable and put the thought aside. The necromancer was probably right about it anyways. Shifting the bag he set it down, no use carrying it if he was just going to be standing around anyways. When Kai didn't answer his question on their gender, but instead asked if he wanted to find out he turned his face away, hiding a slight blush. "Ah heh, that's not necessary" he said starting back back away from Kai. He didn't even notice when the necromancer added the body to their collection.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai watched Nick as he put his bag down on the ground for some reason. So he's going to stay a while? I thought he'd run off after that they thought, smiling amusedly at Nick. "Not necessary? But Nicky" Kai lowered their voice and circled around so that they blocked the alley entrance, "You said you were curious" they pried. Kai enjoyed their ability to terrorize the mage over something so simple. Perhaps it was just that Nick seemed shy, in some respects anyway. Kai never had that issue. "What's the matter? Scared of little ol' me? I don't bite... hard" they smirked, looking at the bite mark on Nick's neck.

Edited by Sai

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Nick backpedaled deeper into the alleyway "Now let's not get too hasty there." he stammered as his back bumped up against the back wall of the alley. "Not curious enough to take a ride on the rape train." he muttered, looking around for a means of escape. When Kai mentioned biting his blush deepened and his hand shot up to cover the bite mark on his neck. He eyed his bag and bit his lip, trying to think. "Maybe I should get going, you know, hungry hybrid to feed and all that, would hate to keep him waiting." Moving forward he tried to inch past Kai and make it to his bag, cringing the entire way.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai's hands came to their hips, leaning to one side as Nick retreated away. "Jeez if this is all it takes to send twinkle toes running then I'm all set for future interaction, aren't I? You know, some might call that offensive. Running away when they flirt. Or even pretend to flirt" Kai watched the mage flatten against the wall like a murderer was after him. He had a thorough blush across his face to boot. "Curious though, your reaction" Kai noted as Nick started to move again in an attempt to slip by. "You must like the idea quite a bit... interesting. However..." Kai shot a hand out, grabbing the front of Nick's rob as he walked by. Kai zipped up close next to his ear, "If it bothers you that much... I'm..." Kai paused to briefly lick his ear, "not a male" they whispered. Kai pulled away and looked out at the crowd outside. "You can run home now"

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Nick made himself as small as possible as he inched by Kai. "Sorry" was all he could muster when the necromancer mentioned that his behavior was offensive. When Kai zipped up to his and grabbed onto him he went ridged. His heart rate quickened. "N-not a male" he stammered out loud, half to himself, half at Kai. As he was released he fell backwards onto his bottom and quickly scotched away, retreating in a crab like motion. Grabbing his bag he shot up and turned to run, calling out behind him, "Hungry children to feed, of the utmost importance. Hope you understand Kay thanks bai!" and with that he was gone, moving through the crowd with such speed one would think he was being chased by the devil himself.

Edited by picknick10

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Kat walked into the library and said in a hushed voice, "I'll keep that in mind...both Albel and the thing about libraries." Although now that they were there, Kat found that she couldn't remember why they were looking for a library in the first place. "Errr....Chi I forget why we came here." She said sheepishly to her friend.




Jason looked around at the store from his spot at the counter. "That camo looks handy." He stated nonchalantly, That ammo might actually be helpful too. The shots are worthless but we might be able to do something with the powder. Could probably sell the metal too. Jason thought to himself staring quite intently at the firearms and ammunition. "Here ya go." The clerk said bringing Jason his order. "Thanks. How much for the guns and ammo?" "That lot? Heh, you can have em. Useless junk now anyways. I was just gonna chuck em but if you want them they're yours, take as much as ye like." Jason smiled at the old Clerk. "Thanks. Kathia think you can grab a couple guns? I'll get the ammunition." The clerk cleared his throat and Jason paid the man for the arrowheads and fletching, then dumped both into his quiver. The hunter made his way over to the ammo, and began collecting it up.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((Character approved. I sent another PM regarding the other one.))


Windfall: House



It’s ironic. First, the sudden Dragon outbreak caused this city to turn into piles of rubble with its inhabitants running to whatever shelter they could fine. Then the next day while people rebuilding the city, the very same beings that brought it down were actually helping them rebuild it. Humans called this many things; pity, mockery, goodwill. Colin just finds this ironic, and couldn't help but scoff at whoever belittles them. To him, it simply proves that these Dragons are better than them.


Colin settles in his new home, on a chair. He hasn't closed the curtains yet, so he looks outside at the streetlights. When he saw them turn on earlier, thoughts began to fill his mind. Everything technology related he has seen that are working are mostly harmless. He knows better, though. If it works, it can be used as a weapon. He kept this thought to himself just to avoid another conflict. He closed the curtains and decides to call it a night.


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Kathia agreed and said, "Yeah, I bet we could blend and kill those lizards without them knowing." The clerk gave Jason the things he needed and told him that the guns and ammo were free. When asked to grab a couple of guns, Kathia complied, but with curiosity. "Okay, but why do we need guns away? They can't shoot anymore," she asked. She went to the gun shelf and picked up two boxes with rifles in them.


((Welcome to the RP, Flamedramon. It looks good for someone who's new to the forums.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Kai took a few steps back as Nick started to fumbled about. Her hands came to her pockets as she watched his movement curiously. Without much warning he scuttled away, scrambling to his feet and taking off down the road as if Kai really was after his soul. "Sure, I understand you lots, twinkle toes" Kai murmured to herself as Nick quickly disappeared from view. "I understand the dead more than the living" she added, turning and stepping out onto the main road of Windfall again. The pale light of early morning filled the streets. Kai's shadow rustled and then darted out before shortly returning. "Yeah I know, food" she murmured. Kai crossed the road to a food stand, buying two sandwiches. "Here" the necromancer held one over their shoulder as her Shadow Walker morphed up from the shadows and took the food.


Chi looked around at the vast library, "Well that's simple- you wanted to find the shortest route home, right?" she asked curiously. "This way I believe" the hybrid walked off. She picked a row and ran her finger over the bindings of books, searching for something suitable. "Ah here, an atlas" she pulled the book and opening it, holding it up in Kat's face. It had already occurred to Chi that Kat did not have the thumbs to hold a book.


Akuma looked around the city from the rooftops. Nick had taken a while with the food and he started to wonder if he'd again gotten cornered by the necromancer. It was a good excuse to leave the house and fly around. It had felt great to use his wings again. His eyes scanned the people, immediately noticing one human speeding off through the crowd. A smirk crossed the hybrid's scaley face. Hunting practice... he thought, ducking down. His shoulders wiggled and he jumped quietly from the building, swooping down and grabbing at Nick with his talons.


Rika entered Windfall, pulling a white shire horse behind her. So congested anymore I can't even ride through town without running people down she thought, avoiding showing her frown. Just some hunting supplies and then we're out. Bunch of dragon huggers everywhere. Kai stopped in a small shop, purchasing arrows to fill her quill. The next stop was at the smiths to sharpen her sword. "Now I suppose..." she pulled to the side, buying a few bottled herbs and medical supplies, putting them in her pouch. "All done. Now we can go hunting" she spoke to the horse. Not much for hunting with dragon guards crawling everywhere she thought, watching an Aquarian fly overhead.

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Nick moved through the crowded city, making his way back home. He was nearly there too when suddenly he was yanked off the ground like a rag doll and pulled into the air. "Hey what's the big idea?" he called out angrily as he dropped his bag. Looking up at his captor he scowled. "Dammit Akuma don't sneak up on me like that, you made me drop the bag." he ranted before grabbing the falling bag with his magic and pulling it back up to him before grabbing it and holding onto it tightly. "You're lucky I didn't blow you up or something." Nick muttered under his breath. Looking around he asked "Where are you taking me?"

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Akuma glanced down as Nick yelled angrily. His head craned to see the dropping bag, shrugging as Nick pulled it up again. He happened to see the mage's face in the process and smirked, looking forward as he rose them above the crowd. "Yeah, blow up the fireproof dragon. Humans" he snorted. "Your uh, face is red as a beat. Sure you were just shopping?" he asked teasingly. Akuma swooped down, dropping Nick in front of the house.He craned his neck again, grabbing the bag with his teeth and rearing up, shoving Nick to the ground with his paws. He leaned his weight into it just enough to keep a human from getting up. A smirk crossed his face as he gave a toothy grin.

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Nick looked down as they flew. The city looked different from above. When Akuma talked it snapped him back to what was happening. "Trust me, I'd find a way." Nick said glaring up at Akuma. The hybrid landed, took the bag, and pinned Nick before he asked Nick if shopping was all he was doing. The boy's blush deepened and he turned his face to the side, looking away from Akuma. "Don't wana talk about. just wana tip-toe walk around it" was all he said trying to push Akuma's lumbering form off of him, but it was to no avail. He was a mage after all, not a strong man.

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma watched Nick as he turned his face away from Akuma. his blush had deepened. Contrary to what the mage said, Akuma smirked deeper, finding he'd hit the spot right on. "So it was that necromancer. Sounds like someone has a crush. Did they give you another hickey?" he asked, looking down at Nick's neck. Only the previous one was there. "Heh, guess not. Give it time. They send you running with your tail between your legs" he said smugly. Akuma shifted down to human form, the bag dropping on Nick's stomach. Akuma was now standing over Nick and turned, walking towards the house. "I guess I'd expect as much from a human. Even if you are a mage" he continued in the same smug tone.

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((Welcome to the RP, Flamedramon. It looks good for someone who's new to the forums.))

((@Red Dragonette: I've done forum RP before, so I picked up a couple of things. The bold part I used can help avoid confusion since we're using characters in different places(and time). By the way, are weapons allowed in Windfall, and if so, to what extent? Thanks for the welcoming.))

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((All weapons are allowed in Windfall as long as the person does not engage in violence. Right to keep/bear arms kinda thing. It is a city specific to dragons and humans. They're required to be peaceful to each other))

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((Not direct jurisdiction but guards will do something if they see an 'assault'))

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Akuma watched Nick as he turned his face away from Akuma. his blush had deepened. Contrary to what the mage said, Akuma smirked deeper, finding he'd hit the spot right on. "So it was that necromancer. Sounds like someone has a crush. Did they give you another hickey?" he asked, looking down at Nick's neck. Only the previous one was there. "Heh, guess not. Give it time. They send you running with your tail between your legs" he said smugly. Akuma shifted down to human form, the bag dropping on Nick's stomach. Akuma was now standing over Nick and turned, walking towards the house. "I guess I'd expect as much from a human. Even if you are a mage" he continued in the same smug tone.


Nick continued to keep his gaze adverted, refusing to look Akuma in the face. "No... I don't.... she didn't...." he muttered his hand going to his neck, covering the mark. He continued to listen to Akuma, though he didn't respond. When Akuma got off Nick stood up and snatched his bag up. "Little stinker." the boy mumbled, glaring daggers at the hybrid. "Aren't you half human" he replied to Akuma's human comment before he stormed past Akuma and went straight to the kitchen to begin and put away the food he had gotten from the market.

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