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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Kai raised an eyebrow at Nick, "Being adept in... gymnastics myself, forgive me if I don't sympathize with a man that can't lift 100 pounds with 1 arm and partial control of the other. You must have terrible balance" they chided. Kai grabbed the front of his shirt, laughing as Nick tried to buck them off, "Heh, it's like a kiddie ride. With about as much ferocity as one too" they continued, wiggling in their spot to try and embarrass Nick. Kai turned their head with a look of disbelief. "When did you-....? What do you have the memory of a goldfish? You went on and on about how I was a terrible person and I exist to annoy you earlier. Then you attacked me when I was trying to enjoy my drink. That totally sounds like someone who is ecstatic to know me. Of course. My bad" Kai rolled their eyes.

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Nick growled in response to Kai's ego-busting comments. "Hey let's get things straight here, you smashed a door into my face, then I attacked you, with a ball of water.... he said defending himself. "And yes, you are a horrible person, you eat peoples souls, and yes I am still convinced that you're sole purpose on this world is to annoy the living hell out of me, but I never once said that I don't like you. Why do you think I tracked you down to apologize?" he asked earnestly as he gave up trying to get up and instead propped his working arm under him, elevating himself slightly.

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Kai leaned back in their spot, showing signs of lax as Nick explained himself. Kai looked at their nails briefly, "Uh huh, you got bumped by a drunk and then attacked them. Because what could possibly go wrong with sending a drunk person off balance on a stone surface? That's harsh" Kai sat up again as Nick went on to justify his speech and yet, claim he did not dislike the necromancer. "Oh right right. You mean when you said you couldn't believe you were thinking of apologizing to me?" Kai leaned down, putting their face close to Nick's to disrupt the mage's comfort zone, "And what about the part of knowing where I'm not wanted? Doesn't seem like a very smart idea to insult the ones who can eat souls. Tell me, do you know how a necromancer eats a soul?" Kai asked, smirking and staying close to purposely make Nick uncomfortable.

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Rina frowned at magi's description of a thief. She never heard of someone being a human with dragon traits. She recalled that the thief had all the colours listed by the victim of his actions, plus red wings. However that was all she could derive, since a second during which she seen him wasn't enough to get a more detailed look.


Nevertheless, she decided to help, still a bit unsure about thief's appearance.


"...As I've mentioned before, I saw him flying away in that direction." - she pointed in thief's direction again. - "I doubt that he flew away too far. I'll help you, just in case he has more of this pepper." - with these words, she prepared to launch into the air, but added - "By the way, I never heard your name."

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Atlas briefly looked to the direction the dragoness had pointed to before looking back at her. The dragoness said that she would help her catch the thief in case he had more of his pepper spray. When asked for her name, the magi answered, "The name's Atlas, and you are?"

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After getting settled into his temporary room, Ronan opened the window and leaped out, taking to the rooftops. He ran across them to get some exercise in. Drake went into a 'meditative' sleep in which very few things could disturb him. His focused was unparalleled in many ways, but he still had many things to learn despite his age and wisdom.

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"No," Nick began "I mean when I tracked you down afterwards and actually did apologize, then tried to lend you my cloak because you were cold. Perhaps you were to busy being drunk to remember." he said. When Kai brought up him saying they were unwanted he shrugged, well shrugged to the best of his ability. "I just wanted you to go away, I was dealing with a high dragon hybrid, and well, you know how my anger is. I was just spouting rage out of my ass." Kai brought up soul eating and Nick just furrowed his brow. "You've been sitting on my chest for so long I'd assume you're trying to squeeze it out of my ears."

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Kai listened as Nick spouted off an explanation for his earlier behavior. The necromancer really didn't understand him. One moment he was acting like he wanted to Kill Kai and the next he was taking pity and acting like they were buddies. High hybrid? .... Oh the kid... what the hell are they doing over there? And he makes it sound bad that I got drunk Kai thought, looking down at him in silence. A smile crept across their lips as Nick remained dense to how a soul was taken. Kai thought they'd spelt it out with their personal space invasion, but apparently the mage didn't catch on to things very fast. "No, not your ears. But quite close" they said quietly, a mischievous glimmer coming into their eye. Kai leaned down, feathering their lips over Nick's neck and then over his lips, "But maybe that's a lesson for another time" Kai said, pulling back and licking their lips.

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Nick suddenly stiffened when Kai feathered their lips over his neck, and then his own lips. Suddenly he had more than enough motivation to get up. With a burst of strength he forced Kai off to the side and shot up. "Lets not go there...." He said as he backed away, raising two earthen pikes from the ground beside him. As he cast his spell he also realized that he had regained feeling in his arm. With regained functionality of that arm he raised two more pikes, totaling in four. The wicked looking weapons hovered, suspended in air, but all pointing towards Kai. "Burning your house down doesn't seem like that bad an idea after all." he said as he took another step back

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Kai grinned as they felt Nick stiffen underneath them from their 'assault'. They chuckled softly at Nick's face. "Ah" they made a quiet noise as Nick made a sudden movement to get up. Kai felt themself get shoved off and they hit the grass on their back. They relaxed in their spot, figuring Nick would run off again like usual. Kai rolled onto their side, flinching at the sudden noise of stone pillars being torn from the ground. Kai jerked up to a sitting position as Nick pointed them at the necromancer. Their face dusted at Nick's words, staring blankly. It was soon replaced by a heated blush across their face, "No, stop! ... I was... just playing around..." Kai stared intently at the mage, edging onto their knees warily in case the stone pillars moved. Kai thought over the possibilities. The house was old and wooden and would no doubt burn to a crisp easily and they didn't know any water magic. Now that's just cheating... Kai thought bitterly. It had been years since Kai had been on the receiving end of a no-way-out situation.

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Nick stared at Kai for a long moment, "Just a joke huh?" He asked, raising his hands as if he was going to attack before lowering them, releasing his hold on the pikes. They fell to the ground, imbedding themselves deep into the earth below them, just from the mere pressure of their own weight. "Fine" he said as he turned around. Glancing at the necromancer one more time before he started to walk off. "Don't worry, I wont bother you again" he called out behind him. "Try to take my soul and see what happens." he muttered to himself under his breath.

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Kai's brow furrowed slightly as Nick restated what they'd just said. Kai jolted up angrily as Nick raised his hands as if to attack. The mage decided against it rather quickly, returning his hands to his sides and the pillars to the ground. Kai stood in silence, glaring across the way at Nick. "Good" Kai growled, storming into their house as Nick turned and left. Silence filled the house. Sweet silence as Kai would call it at this point. Muttering, Kai returned their mother to the rocking chair and pulled the old book from their bag, sitting at the table and starting to read through the pages. "Souls souls souls.... no... eh?" they paused over a page with a large beast like form on it. It stated the spell as 'final form'. "Maybe I'll ask master about that one" they muttered, flipping through the pages again.

Edited by Sai

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Nick walked the rest of the way home in silence, picking up his pace a bit when he entered the sleeping city. Never could be too careful. When he got home he opened the door before slamming it closed behind him and locking it. "I'm home." Nick called out, still sounding slightly angry before he went straight to the kitchen and began stuffing his face with food, trying to drown his anger under a sea of food. It seemed to be working rather well for the moment, but unlike Nick's rage, his food supply wasn't unlimited, and it would have to run out eventually, but for now it would work quite well for Nick's needs.

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((Gonna do liquid time so we can continue without forcing others to end their interactions >.>))


Kai entered the gates of Windfall. As they moved past the guards, they breathed a silent sigh of relief. So Nick hadn't told anyone after all. He's still a jerk. Offer him a kiss and he offers to burn my house down they thought, shoving their hands into their pockets and moving along. The necromancer turned into a dark alley and entered a shop that seemed otherwise unknown to the common eye. Inside was very dark and dim lit. Weird artifacts lined the walls that seemed to be... tainted. In the corner was a man dressed in a black robe and a funny black top hat. He had pale skin and black nails. "Why hello Kai. What brings you here?" the man chuckled, turning. He had long, hip length silver hair with bangs that completely covered his eyes. The only prominent feature was a scar across his face. "Had a question about something I saw in a book" Kai plopped the necromancy book on a nearby table. "Final form. Know anything about it?" the man chuckled again. "Up and early for magic I see. Very well" he said eerily. The man always seemed to have the same grin plastered to his face. "Ah yes, I know that one. But it's no use learning it until you've gotten a better handle on that soul stealing trick. The expense to over using energy in dark magic is well... fatal" he purred. "You have all the time in the world" he continued. Kai leaned over the table, "And how long is that?" they pried. The man stared at Kai silently, still grinning. He seemed to be able to see, staring down at Kai even though his hair blocked his eyes, "Now now, you know I can't tell you when you're going to die. Now run along, child" he chided, turning back to another table he was previously working at. Kai growled and grabbed the book, trudging out of the shop.


"Figures. Then I'll just have to eat some souls then" Kai grumbled, walking into a cafe. Kai ordered a coffee and sat down with their head on the table.


Akuma batted his eyes open and stretched. His skin brushed against the soft sheets of the guest bed and the warm blanket keeping him toasty. He nuzzled the soft pillow his head laid on. Akuma had slept curled up in a ball, so stretching out felt great. He'd never slept in a bed before. He'd only gotten the couch at best. It felt... beyond fantastic. "I take it back..." he mumbled to himself, "Humans have great inventions" he muffled into the pillow. It made him not want to get up. However, hunger won out over that and he rolled out of the warm bed. The hybrid moved to the door and peeked out before quietly moving down the stairs to the living room.

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The sizzle of bacon and the smell of grease filled the air as Nick prepared breakfast in the kitchen. When Akuma walked into the living room Nick just spared him a glance before returning to his cooking. It's almost done." he said as he brought a pan of scrambled eggs over to the table, setting it down next to the plate of already finished sausages. then moving back to the kitchen to start taking off the finished bacon strips and also bringing them to the table and setting them down. Getting out plates and silverware he sat down. "It's ready" he said motioning Akuma over.

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Akuma sniffed the air as a small whiff passed by of what was cooking in the kitchen. The hybrid slinked over to the kitchen and sat down at the table. He didn't recognize the smell, but it sure did smell good. Akuma mostly got by off fish, deer, and other similar animals. Mostly in the raw since he grew up out in the forest. Akuma glanced up as Nick announced the food was done. The hybrid watched as Nick set the food down on the table. Along with the 'silverware' humans seemed to have a fetish over. "Thanks" he mumbled, stabbing a piece of sausage with a fork. He sniffed once and nibbled. Satisfied, he continued.


Kai lifted their head, taking a sip of the coffee. "Time for some hunting then..." the murmured. Kai finished their coffee and left the cafe. Where to find some dirtbags... they wondered. They necromancer stood off to the side of the road for a bit, watching people as they passed by and interacted with others. Their seemed to be a certain cruelty in their eye as a hunter might look for prey. However, nothing suitable passed. Maybe the local tavern... they thought. Kai pushed off the wall and walked down the street, entering the same pub from the night before. They ordered a water and sat down at a table, watching everyone again as they'd done from the street.

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"What?" Nick asked, watching Akuma sniff the food. "Never had sausage and bacon before? he questioned as he broke a piece of bacon in half, tossing a piece into his mouth. Somethings missing... Nick though to himself as he placed some eggs on his plate. "Orange juice!" he said out loud realizing what was missing. Getting up he opened the fridge and poured a glass for himself before starting to pour another glass, only to find that there was no more orange juice. He looked at his glass and then the empty glass before sighing and pushing his glass of orange juice over to Akuma. "Here you can have mine." He said as he poured a glass of water for himself instead. He made a mental note to get more orange juice later.

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Akuma shook his head, stuffing a piece of bacon into his mouth next. Akuma moved to the eggs next. He found human life to be very pampering. He paused in his eating as Nick started to pour an orange beverage in a glass, pushing it over shortly after. "What is..." he murmured, grabbing the glass. He sniffed it- sour smelling, and yet, flavorful. He sipped it and recoiled a bit at the bite of the orange juice. He let the flavor sit in his mouth a minute before swallowing more of it. "Good..." he stared at the substance in the glass.


Kai glanced up as a man bursted in flanked by a few friends. They sat at the bar, boasting about a dragon hunt they'd come from shortly ago. Kai swirled their water listening in. "It was a cave full of em'. Rotten beasts. You could they they were escaped slaves. Scars of whips to prove it. Put an end to that real quick. I bet their pelts will fetch a nice price. Especially since they're hard to get now with the ones in armor all over the place- ey' make it whiskey, ah toots?" he said, pinching the waitress as she walked by. Kai set down their water. We have a winner they thought, smiling into the reflection. A while passed and the man drank a hefty amount. He got up to leave and Kai stood up as well, walking up from behind. "Oh wow, a dragon slayer. You must be so brave, fighting those monsters!" they raised the pitch of their voice to make a clear impression of being female. The man turned, looking down at Kai and smiling, "Ah, someone who can appreciate the finer works. What's a lady like yourself doing all alone?" "Oh, well I was hoping you'd give me some company" Kai forced a blush, "I enjoy the company of a good, strong man like yourself" they batted their eyes. The man hooked his arm around Kai's waist, "Well of course my dear. Just come with me" they walked out of the bar together. After walking a few feet, Kai tugged at him, "Could I steal a sample of my champion away?" they asked with a purr as they moved towards an alley way. Kai danced into the shadows, biting their lip in an innocent manner. The man didn't protest, following immediately. Once a ways into the shadows, Kai looked around and stood on their toes, kissing the man. Kai almost recoiled at the strong taste of whiskey on his mouth, but forced it going.


The man seized up almost immediately, feeling something was wrong. He was unable to move or make a sound. Kai continued the kiss for a moment before slowly parting with their mouth open. A small stream of a light blue smokey substance streamed from his mouth into Kai's. A moment later he dropped to the ground and Kai wiped their mouth, "Heh. Terrible kisser you are" they muttered, turning and heading back out of the alley.

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Nick got up and put his plate in the sink as he finished his meal "When you're done just put your plate in the sink, I'll clean up the rest later." he said as he grabbed a list of the fridge. "I need to do some shopping" Picking up a pen he quickly added orange juice to the list and left the house, grabbing a satchel style bag and throwing it over his shoulder on his way out. Once he was at the market he grabbed several things, a bag of oats for oatmeal, a carton of orange juice and then some other miscellaneous goods, paying for them and crossing them off the list before putting them in his bag. When he was done shopping he made his way back to the house. Stopping in the entrance of an alleyway when he noticed a certain necromancer sucking the soul out of some poor individual. "Having fun there?" Nick said flatly as he readjusted his bag.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai just finished wiping their mouth when they heard a voice. Their mind filled with a series of explanations to as of what just happened, but their eyes settled on Nick. Kai really just wasn't surprised at this point. Kai licked their lips, walking out of the alley way. "Why yes I was having fun" they leaned into Nick's space, unafraid since Nick's hands were semi full with the bag. "Why, did you wanna try?" they purred. The necromancer hung there a moment, chuckling before backing off. They looked down at Nick's bag, "Whatchya got there?" they asked, being nose-y in return for the times Nick was. "Feeding the kiddie? Hmm?"

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Nick leaned back, keeping Kai away from his lips. "No, really I'm fine, you don't have to. I think I'll pass." he said nervously shifting his bag and opening his hands to push the necromancer away. But Kai moved away of their own accord and asked Nick about the contents of his bag. Opening the top of the bag he pulled out a wrapped fish and waved it around in the air a few times as he spoke. "Yes, as a matter of fact I am 'feeding the kiddie'." he said before tucking the fish back into the bag. "Just food and drink, ECT." He glanced at the now presumably dead man on the ground with distaste. "Why do you need souls anyways?" he questioned.

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Kai laughed at Nick's reaction, "Just a joke. I don't want your soul. I only target.... certain individuals..." they said, smirking and looking down towards the limp body. They looked at the fish that Nick was weaving around in the air. Ah fish, the most basic food in these parts. The river outside town was convenient to both humans and dragons alike. Free food source. Kai cocked an eyebrow as Nick gave the body a look of distaste. The necromancer's breath caught as Nick asked why they needed souls. They stared blankly for a moment. Kai quickly plastered a smile to their face, "Why to learn a technique of course. In order for master to teach me my next ability I need to master soul sucking" Kai explained.

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((I want to do Aeoluss's part, but I ddon't know how to start.))



After the horde got back to the village, the dragons who stayed behind, went up to the fighters and asked questions like "Did you kill all the humans?", "Did anybody get hurt?", and "How did it go?" The fighters answered with yes's, no's, and other responses to specific questions.


Doubloon raised his voice to talk over the crowd and spoke, "Fellow dragons, the attack went well as planned and the humans' nest is no more! There were no casualties within the horde,


((To be continued))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Nick raised an eyebrow when Kai said they were training their soul sucking technique. The very thought of taking another persons life just to practice something made him feel sick to the stomach. "Now that you've practiced why don't you give it back." he said as he walked over and nudged the lifeless man with a foot. "And why do you mean by certain individuals" he asked, his nose crinkling as he could smell the man. He reeked of alcohol. "Drunkards?" the boy asked, moving away from the man again before turning to face Kai. "That's why I don't drink. People like you praying on the impaired. It's not right." he complained.

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Kai watched Nick walk over to the body and nudge it with his foot. He didn't seem very amused with the fact that the necromancer really could eat souls. Kai made a low chuckle, "Now that would defeat the purpose, now wouldn't it? It's a purge if you will next to practice of my skills. You see, soul sucking isn't for every necromancer. My master is... a special person who passed that on to me. See as long as I hold onto a soul, it may as well be damned. It does not move on and I can control its petty fate" Kai paced back and forth in the shadows of the alley as they explained. "What I mean, Nick, is I target evil individuals" they started to laugh, circling around and kicking the limp body. "You think I would kill over a simple drunkard? I was drunk last night you dense lump. I thought you were suppose to be a wise mage" Kai snorted, putting their back to Nick as they prattled on. "No, that man was a murderer of innocents. He came strolling in. Bragging about killing mothers with their hatchlings. The terror in them. How much their glimmering pelts would fetch on the black market. Let me tell you city boy" Kai twirled on foot, "I had to grow up around these people in the slums. They deserve every ounce that comes to them"

Edited by Sai

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