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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Akuma looked around, contemplating an escape from his situation. The sound of an out of place voice caught his attention. The girls glanced in Nick's direction. "He just won't come down. We just want to plaaaaaay~" they chirped, "We asked where his parents were and he said he didn't have any. Can't just let an adorable little orphan like that run around on his own" they continued, wiggling in place. Akuma glared across the way at Nick. His silver eyes lit up gold for a moment and a lightning bolt struck loudly about a foot from where Nick stood. "Oh, is he a halfling too? He has horns and can do magic" Akuma flattened himself against the roof on his stomach, scowling.

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Nick burst out laughing when the lightning hit a few feet away from Nick. Straightening up he looked at Akuma and winked before backing around the corner and out of sight only to teleport himself onto the roof behind Akuma. Nick grabbed the hybrid by the scruff and pulled him out of sight. "I'll meet you back at home." he whispered before taking on Akuma's form. He was a nearly identical look alike, there was some minor differences, but the girls certainly wouldn't be able to tell. Running forward he lept off the roof over the girls heads and landed hard on the ground right behind them before pushing himself up and making a run for it to draw them away from Akuma.

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((Lol Akuma:

user posted image ))


Akuma turned his head as he heard Nick burst into laughter. Why was his suffering so funny? What was it with human girls? Sure, normally he could just attack anyone after him, but now there were guards everywhere. His brow furrowed as Nick disappeared behind the corner. Akuma half expected him to be gone. He flinched when he felt someone grab him, yelping. He instinctively dug his claws into the roof, leaving a tearing line as Nick dragged him out of sight. Akuma whipped around, surprised to see Nick, and then remembered he had teleporting abilities. That was just creepy sometimes. Akuma stared suspiciously at Nick as the mage proposed his idea. "What are you..." he trailed off as Nick took his form. Screw the teleporting behind him, morphing into him took the cake on a scale of one to 'some weird censorkip.gif'. "Sure..." Akuma mumbled, morphing into a dragon when the girls ran out of sight. Akuma flew off. In this form, it took only a minute to reach the house and he fluttered his wings, setting down. Akuma stretched his wings. It had been a while since he'd flown. He seemed to use his human form so much anymore.

Edited by Sai

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Nick continued to run from the screaming horde for girls, making sudden and odd turns in random places, soon though he found himself cornered in an ally way. They hadn't entered it yet, but he hear them advancing them. Quickly he turned into a rat and dove into a nearby dumpster. He could hear the girls confusion, and one of them eve started rummaging in the dumpster for him, luckily as a rat he escaped notice. After finding that he wasn't here they left. Crawling out, shifting back into his normal form, and he concluded that he needed a shower before walking home. Without stopping he entered his house and went straight to the bathroom. "I don't wana talk about it" Nick said as he passed Akuma

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma sat in front of the house waiting for Nick. It was a few minutes before he saw the mage come walking down the road. He looked a bit unkempt. As Nick drew closer, Akuma peered suspiciously down at him. He sniffed once and snorted, shaking his head. Akuma smirked as Nick went by into the house, "Oh you don't have to. I can smell what happened. Literally" he commented smugly. Akuma waited until Nick had disappeared into the bathroom to shift back to human form- just in case Nick pulled something for his commentary. Akuma stepped into the house, though keeping his distance from the bathroom door.



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Nick did some stuff and then some more stuff happened because stuff happened. The End.


Nick finished up in the shower, though he was reluctant to get out from under the stream of hot water. Getting out and slipping on a fresh pair of cloths and robe he came out of bathroom, shaking his head to dry his hair, sending droplets of water in every which direction. "So how was your little adventure through town today, have fun with the ladies?" he asked as he ran a hand through his hair a few times in an attempt to comb it into place. He failed though and it still just sat there as clumpy and messy as ever. Sighing he went into the bathroom and got a comb to fix it. "Unmanageable hair is unmanageable" he muttered under his breath

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma eventually eased over to the couch and sat down, sighing quietly as he heard running water. So Nick hadn't gone for revenge after all. Perhaps he was being a bit too paranoid... Didn't seem too farfetched for him. The door to the bathroom opened and Nick emerged, only to go back in while muttering something about his hair. Akuma cocked an eyebrow. He didn't really think about keeping his hair up. He just washed in the river and his hair seemed to take care of itself. Akuma reached up, playing with a strand of silver hair while Nick finished in the bathroom.


Kai looked in the window of an old artifact shop. It was old and rusting, holding antiques that looked as if they had been gathered over a long time. Looking in the shop window, Kai could see the pricey and demanding tags. When the lights flickered off, Kai ducked out of sight. The necromancer hid in the shadows, "Alright, go" they whispered. A shadow dashed across the ground, moving through the door unnoticed as the shopkeeper opened and closed it, locking it for the night. Once the shopkeeper was out of view, the shadow walker dragon zipped around the room, looking for security alarms. He then dashed to the window, quietly opening it. Kai jumped inside and closed the window. The dragon gave his report in a series of clicking, "Alright. Let's start then" Kai whispered, ducking around in the shadows. Kai scanned the shelves for anything of interest. Their eyes settled on an old book with a skull on it. Grabbing it, Kai stuffed it into their bag before continuing on.

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Nick finally managed to comb the last tangles out of his hair. Suddenly his Kai senses were tingling He got up feeling the strange and spontaneous urge to suddenly go for a walk outside. It was almost as if he was being guided by a handsome god named Nicholas Heading to the door he stopped before he left. "Help yourself to the kitchen if you get hungry, and you can sleep wherever. There is an empty room you can use if you want. I'm going for a walk" And with that he was off. Once outside he took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh, crisp nighttime air. He walked through town at a relaxed pace, watching as one by the the inhabitants closed up shop for the night. As he passed by one store he noticed movement inside and got closer, pressing his face against the glass.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai looked along the shelves for anything of interest. Spotting a glowing red pendant on a gold chain, Kai nabbed it up, stuffing it into their hip pouch next to the book. "See anything?" Kai whispered. The dragon looked around the room, making a few clicks before zipping back to Kai and hiding in their shadow. "Alright, let's go" they whispered, walking quickly and silently to the window. Kai lifted the window, pausing when they saw movement in their peripheral vision. Kai's head snapped to the front window, seeing Nick's face flatly pressed against the glass. Kai's brow slanted downward, slowly furrowing. The necromancer looked at the ground. "Come to get me caught now have you? ... Well then" Kai whispered to themself. Kai took an old polished stone off a shelf stealthily and made a quick movement, throwing it across the room and to the glass where Nick's face was planted. Kai then quickly jumped out the window, running for the end of the alley and starting to scale the wall of the city. They hoped the breaking glass would bring attention to Nick instead of the necromancer.

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Nick gasped as the stone came hurtling towards his face and backed up, using magic to make the glass intangible. The rock instead hit him smack in the forehead. Stumbling backwards he cursed under his breath before turning to chase after the necromancer. "Get back here! You... You... You slippery little weasel you!" After a few turns he lost Kai and stamped his foot angerly. wheeling around on his heels he speed off in the opposite direction, heading back towards the entrance of he city. He was going to be waiting at Kai's how when they got there. Exiting the city and trudging through the forest he soon came to the necromancer's shack.

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Kai reached the top of the wall and glanced back over their shoulder, seeing Nick shout angrily and run right past. "Snrk" the necromancer smirked. People started to gather in the area of the shop from the yelling so Kai dropped down the other side of the wall. Kai backed away, expecting to see something go wrong, but laughed quietly in joy as no dragons- or Nick came running. Kai turned and ran out to the woods. Maybe that book will have something on souls... It's really old so it ought to have something... Kai pondered as they walked. Nearing the house, Kai's walk slowed to a stop as they noticed Nick waiting outside their house. Oh. That's right. He knew where they lived. Kai sidestepped so that they were next to a tree. It made them feel safer from something to hide behind should attacks be thrown. Kai normally liked to enter with snide comments, but this case seemed different as they'd just thrown a rock at the person's face.

Edited by Sai

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Nick looked over at Kai he glared. "I wasn't going to say anything but then you hit me in the face. In the face with a rock to be more exact" he said, rubbing the spot on his forehead only to find it was bleeding. "Thanks for that." he said wiping the blood off on his cloak. After an awkward pause he asked, "So I caught you stealing.... why is that?" he cocked his head to the side, his harsh look becoming replaced with that of curiosity. "What would you have done if you were caught?" he added in questioningly.

Edited by picknick10

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((Hey Torch and Tron, you guys still active here?))


The humans looked up to the tornado that suddenly appeared in their camp and quickly began to panic as they tried to run away from the huge spiraling vortex. But the people were sucked up into the tornado, along with the tents, equipment, and other possessions torn from the ground. Screams filled the air before they were drowned out by being inside the loud roaring of the tornado. The few refugees that managed to make it far out of the village were then put to death by the fiery breaths, jaws, and magic spells of the dragons.


When the whole of the village seemed to be destroyed, Doubloon issued the orders to his aerial attackers, 'Breathe out at the tornado now!' The dragons flew up into the sky and blew out their breathes of various elements at the tornado to burn, electrify, and obliterate the humans. Even the added affect of the objects and appliances colliding with the humans did more damage to them.


After a while of assault, Aeolus dispelled the tornado and let all the bodies and objects hit the ground from a very high height; killing whoever was left of the refugees. Doubloon made the dragons check for survivors to kill off before they would leave for home. When they made sure that every single human was dead, the horde went home to tell their village that the humans' refugee camp was destroyed.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Meh, poor Red, wouldn't be so bad if Enk was more active >.>))


Kai watched Nick warily as the mage glared at them. They stiffened when Nick started to speak. Of course Kai wasn't surprised the incident with the rock came up. Nick seemed less than amused with the attack, though didn't do anything about it. Kai furrowed their brow, taken off guard since Nick's temper was usually explosive around them. Kai would have been more fine with a retaliation than when Nick suddenly asked WHY they were stealing and what would happen if they were caught. They felt their breath hitch. Telling Nick about their mother or anything similar would reveal a weakness. "Because I'm the typical greedy necromancer. Got a problem with that, twinkle toes? I'm more interested in what YOU were doing there. See I had a purpose there- stealing. You however seem to just pop up wherever I am? Are you following me now?" Kai asked, moving around Nick subtly so that they were now between him and the door to the house.

Edited by Sai

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Nick looked over Kai carefully. "No, that's not it, there's another reason as to why, but I wouldn't say you were the greedy type." he said shrugging. When the necromancer suddenly shifted the spotlight over to Nick he became more suspicious that there was something Kai didn't want found out. What could be worse than being a mage of the dead anyways? Nick questioned himself internally. Crossing his arms and letting out a 'hmp' sound he responded. "Me following you? No, if anything it seems like you are just strategically putting yourself directly in my path every time I go outside." He said. As he talked he also noticed Kai had placed themself between the door and Nick. "What cha' got in there?" he asked nosily.

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Kai snorted, looking to the side, "And just what would some little mage know about me? You know nothing" the necromancer announced, staring the mage down. They noticed Nick's face change as Kai blocked the way to the door. The necromancer's brow sloped more, glancing to the side where the house was briefly as Nick's attention turned to the house. "And now you're concerned about the contents of my house. That's none of your business. Just like you have no business following me back to my house or stalking me all day after declaring I was the biggest nuisance to your life" Kai growled. Kai lifted a hand only slightly, fingers outward and folding it into a clenched position, sinking the form of their mother back into their collection. Kai would be damned if anyone found out about that. Including their master. "Now if there's nothing else..." Kai said quietly backing to the door so it was completely blocked.

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"I know more than you want me to know, I know that much." Nick said taking another step towards Kai. "We know that attention acts as a lightning rod. Merely by concentrating on something one causes endless analogies to collect around it, even penetrate the boundaries of the subject itself: an experience that we call coincidence, serendipity – the terminology is extensive. My experience has been that in these circular travels what is really significant surrounds a central absence, an absence that, paradoxically, is the text being written or to be written.” He let it sink for a moment before continuing. "I'm not stalking you, you just happen to be wherever it is that I'm going." he finished before turning and starting to walk off. "And by the way I can feel when you use magic, and I felt that."

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Kai frowned back at Nick in retaliation as he said he knew more than Kai wanted him to know. Kai flattened against the door defensively as Nick moved closer. "Tch, and what do you know? That I stole something? Big whoop. That tells you nothing. You only just learned my name. Not very impressive if you're trying to tell me you know anything about me" they retorted, laughing at Nick bitterly. The necromancer stared in confusion at Nick as he went into a rant about the depth of 'accidents'. What was the point of that?... they thought, briefly cocking an eyebrow. He declared he wasn't following but rather it was all coincidental. Kai stiffened again as Nick said he could sense magic. The necromancer's cheeks flushed. "Yes, I'm so impressed. You can feel a necromancer doing magic. You don't do a good job at selling yourself"

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Nick turned to face Kai again. "On the contrary, it tells me everything." the boy said, sounding confident in his word. When The necromancer went on about him feeling their magic he starting walking forward towards Kai. "Oh yes, I can feel your magic, but what did you do? Hiding something?" He made a turning motion with his hand, turning the doorknob of Kai's door with magic before summoning a strong gust of wind to push it open. "Nice place you got there." he said, continuing to walk towards the necromancer. "What, not going to invite me in? How rude."

Edited by picknick10

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Kai narrowed their eyes as Nick claimed again that the necromancer was giving off information. When Nick started to move closer, Kai held their hand over their potion bag in case he tried something. Kai's head snapped to the door handle as Nick moved it with magic. "What are you-" they were cut off as a gust of wind came and swung the door open, sending Kai back with it. They hit the ground, yelping in surprise and scrambling back to their feet. "Like hell I'm going to let you barge into my house" they yelled. Kai ran out the door, closing it behind them and continuing, tackling Nick to the ground, raising a hand with three needles lined with the poison from before and swinging down at one of Nick's biceps to start.

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Nick cringed as Kai went flying back into their house with the gust of wind. "Ops, didn't mean to send you flying too, Ka-" but he was interrupted. He let out a gasp as he was tackled to the ground. "So were going to play this game now are we?" he said as the needles jabbed into his arm. Lurching his head forward he made an attempt to sink his teeth into anything, though he was aiming for Kai's arm in particular. He could already feel his arm going numb. Pulling his legs up into a ball position he tried to force open a space between himself and the rampaging necromancer. "Get off!" he demanded angerly.

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Kai smirked as they felt one of the needles sink into Nick's arm. Now for the other two and he'll be- Kai recoiled as Nick lurched forward to bite. The necromancer jerked their hand back, dropping the other two needles into the grass. "Tch" they growled, looking at the ground in the dark and trying to find them. "Ah?" the small noise escaped Kai as they felt the odd shift underneath them while Nick pulled his legs up. "Don't think I'll come off that easy" they said smugly. Kai straddled Nick, sitting on his chest in front of where his legs were. The necromancer glared down at Nick, "What? You think I was just going to let you do whatever you wanted on my turf?" they asked, feeling around the grass now for the needles.

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Nick clenched his other still working hand and formed a loose earth, launching it directly at Kai's chest. ""I am going to do whatever I want, whether it's on your turf or not." He punctuated, trying to headbutt Kai off of him while continuing to squirm. "What do you have to hide, what could be worse already then stealing the souls of others and dealing with the dead and damned?" Nick questioned the necromancer while still fighting to get up. "Keeping everything bottled up to yourself isn't healthy you know." he said as he continued to struggle to get up.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai muttered when they couldn't find the needles through all the squirming coming from Nick. Kai narrowed their eyes, grabbing Nick's chin to force him to look at the necromancer, "No, you can't. And just look at you now. You can't even sit up" Kai said smugly, smirking down at him. They pushed at his shoulders to keep him pinned- but out of range of headbutts. "One who knows nothing can understand nothing" they said quietly. Kai laughed in his face as he said bottling things up wasn't healthy. "Yes of course, because I don't spill my guts to some random STRANGER who doesn't even like me, I'm bottling things up. You may be an immortal but you're pretty dense" Kai accused, prodding his chest.

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Nick stiffened when Kai grabbed his chin and forced him to look at them. "Of course I can't sit up, you're sitting on me and I only have one working arm." he spat. "I'm not a stranger!" he added "You know my name is Nick, therefore you know me." he said suddenly throwing his weight to the side in an attempt to unbalance Kai. "And when did I ever say that I don't like you? You shouldn't assume things, when you do that you make an ass out of you and me." Despite his current citation he couldn't help laughing at his own joke, though it was hard to with a certain necromancer siting on his chest.

Edited by picknick10

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