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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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"What, are you stalking me or something?" Nick asked asked as he shook his first angerly at Kai. "Rather than a violin how about a hammer to smash in your face. he threatened narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms. "Yeah a psychotic weasel" the boy said waving his hand in the air. "Why don't you just get out of here, you're a horrible person, the worst. If all you're going to do is sit here and do your best to piss me off then why don't you take the hint and get lost, know where you're not wanted!" Edited by picknick10

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"No, just happened to notice. The city had just come back so your commotion actually attracted quite a bit of attention" Kai explained, shrugging indifferently. Kai merely chuckled at his next threats, slowly fading out to silence. They simply stared, their expression dusted at the aggressiveness of his continued ramble. Kai silently clicked their teeth, feeling something sink inside. The necromancer's front remained unphased as a simple smile crossed their lips, "Yes I suppose I am a horrible person. But I'm afraid I'm not wanted anywhere so it doesn't much matter if I'm here pissing you off or someone else, now does it?" they asked, glancing upwards. Their teeth clicked again, lips parting slightly as if to add something. Kai closed their mouth, shrugging innocently instead. "Welp I gotta go home and restore my potion stock anyway" they said cheerily, smiling and stuffing their hands into their pockets. "I'll visit some other time then" Kai chortled, turning on heel and walking off down the street.

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Jason was glad to see that the rain had stopped. Although it seemed rather sudden. As the pair traversed the city Jason made note of the locations as best he could but he knew he would probably need to reference maps for some time to come. The man huffed at the sight of a dragon spa. Unbelievable. It's practically devil worship. He thought to himself as they passed by it.


"Finally some good news." Jason said, relieved to see a store selling the materials he needed. "Come on." Ge said taking the lead and he3ading inside. Instead of looking around Jason made straight for the counter. "I need two dozen arrowheads and enough fletching for two dozen arrows." he said to the shop owner. The man behind the counter nodded and went to get Jason his order.




"Oh well, I'll just have to put up with him." Kat said with a smirk as she followed Chi out of the store. "He sounds like a nice guy. But um....who's Albel? Another Hybrid?" Kat asked Chi. "A public library would be good." Kat stated, agreeing with Chi.


((So weak. Sorry Sai))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((Sai would beat me with a rubber hose if I gave her less than three lines))


Nick watched Kai, his expression remaining harsh. When the necromancer turned to leave the boy remained at his doorstep, waiting until Kai was out of sight before slowly turning around and opening his door, letting his expression soften. Kai's sole purpose in life is to get under my skin, what an ass Nick thought to himself. Despite his anger though he couldn't help feeling a bit guilty about the way he acted. Kai just made him so angry, for no reason at all. But still, that didn't justify his actions. Sighing and running a hand down and over the features of his face he entered the house, letting the door swing close behind him. "And she's gone." Nick said plopping down on the couch. "Or it rather"

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Akuma watched as Nick came into the house only to run back out shortly after. He returned again, muttering about Kai being gone. Akuma scooted to the other end of the couch as Nick sat down. He snorted, looking off to the side, "So? What's the big deal? They or it as you call them seemed to annoy you anyway. What does it matter?" he grumbled. Akuma didn't like it in general since Nick seemed to make it rain whenever Kai was around. He didn't really understand how Nick held his anger phenomenally against him and yet this stranger nearly made him lose his mind. "Tch" Akuma sniggered quietly, "And they told me I had issues" he smirked.


Kai walked briskly from the city in silence, hands stuffed in their pockets. The necromancer walked out to the river where there was a small wooden house. A shack would be a more appropriate name. It looked as if it were over 100 years old, the wood worn and the windows cracked on the panes. The door looked as if it were on its last legs. "Home sweet home" the necromacer chuckled, walking inside. The floorboards creaked under their feet. The inside was simple- wooden. An area rug was strewn to the side by a little fireplace and couch. A bed sat off in another corner with a nightstand close by. Around the corner was a small kitchen, with a little cafe table to match. Back in the living room, there was a wooden table in the center, strewn with a cauldron and potion supplies. Cupboards were underneath, housing more supplies. Shelves lined the walls with a china hutch in the corner. The shelves and hutch were fill with valuable gems and artifacts, looking out of place in the worn house.


"I'm home" Kai chirped, not bothering to remove their shoes. "Just stopping in to refill my potions" they continued, standing over the cauldron and mixing ingredients in. Kai stepped back. letting it simmer, "I got something for you today" they laughed, knowing 'got' meant 'stole'. Kai took a gold chain from their pocket that was studded with emeralds. The necromancer walked across the room, setting it on the nightstand. Next to the nightstand sat a rocking chair. A young woman in her late twenties sat stone still staring ahead with a blank expression. Her hair was blonde like Kai's but much longer. She had blue eyes that seemed to lack a twinkle. The woman's breathing was content, but she didn't seem to notice Kai's presence. Kai didn't seem phased by this, smiling and skipping to the cauldron. Kai picked up a spoon, starting to stir the mixture, "I made a friend today. He's another mage..." they paused, "Ok, maybe we're not friends. But you said I should try to get some friends, right?" they asked, laughing. No response. "Well actually, he said I was a terrible person. That I'm not wanted. You don't think so.... right, mum?" Kai asked, smiling. Silence again. Kai's hands trembled for a moment before stilling again. Kai finished the mixture in silence, pouring a bit into one of their vials and corking it.


Chi laughed as Kat said she'd have to put up with Akuma. "Ah, he's just a quiet tyke so as long as you don't bother him, he'll be fine" she assured. Chi walked down the road, scanning the building with her eyes, "Ah yeah, Albel is another Hybrid. I'd stand clear of him. Nasty temper and a killjoy. Literally" she stopped outside a large building, "Ah here we are" she trotted up the stairs and opened the door, "It's important to keep a lowered voice in the library I should mention"

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Nick rolled his eyes. "Because Kai.... Nick paused not quite sure himself why it mattered. Leaning back into the couch he closed his eyes, yawning. "Ah, because it seems like Kai has made it their life mission to annoy me to death." he said. To the rest of Akuma's comments he just stuck out his tongue and blew a raspberry. "Why don't you go get high off catnip or something. Nick said sourly before rolling over and facing the wall of the couch. "Friggin jigging necromancer" Nick muttered under his breath. Why does Kai make me so angry? he questioned himself.

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Akuma cocked an eyebrow as Nick paused, unable to answer why Kai made him so angry. He perked up again as Nick continued to ramble that Kai was only there in life to annoy him. Akuma simply snorted in response. Humans. They think everything revolves around them he thought, slitting his eyes as Nick told him to go have some more catnip. "Sure, I'd have a better time with that than your company" he growled. Akuma stood up and walked briskly to the door, opening it and leaving out the door. He glared at the clouds, making sure it wasn't going to rain again. When all seemed clear, he continued walking, peering in windows as he went along. What do they even need with all this stuff? he thought, furrowing his brow at the things inside the buildings. Tvs, toys, and other sorts that seemed pointless to a dragon.


Kai refilled their other vials before walking back to the door. "I'll be back sometime tonight... probably" they said simply as they stepped outside and closed the door behind them. Better decide where I wanna hit tonight they thought, walking the ways back to town. Kai stared at the cobblestone road as they walked, pondering. Glancing up, Kai saw a bar. Shrugging, the necromancer walked inside and sat down at the bar. The bartender approached, "What'll it be?..." he seemed put off- probably unable to tell Kai's gender like most people. Kai came across this problem daily, but had never really thought about doing anything to solve it or correct people. It almost seemed like a game anymore. Not that the necromancer cared if they guessed it, Kai was more interested in necromancy than dating like most people their age. "Beer" they said simply, pulling a small book from their pouch and reading. The bartender set a bottle of beer on the counter, popping the lid off before pushing it to Kai. Kai took a drink before looking back to the book intently.

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Nick listened as Akuma left. He kept his eyes closed, dozing in and out of consciousness for a good hour before he sat up, feeling refreshed from his little nap. Standing and stretching he moved groggily through the house, picking up anything out of place, such as the catnip bag, and returning them to their rightful spots. Looking around at his tidied house he sighed and went to the window. Looking outside it seemed alright. Despite the cloud cover he remembered that it was quite warm outside. Feeling under his cloak to make sure he had his coin purse on him (Yes I called it a coin purse) he went out, making sure to latch the door behind him. Hands in his pockets he looked at the ground as he moved along slowly, eyes half closed. He was still kind of tired, but the fresh air that followed a good storm was too good to pass up. He loved the smell. Without looking up he passed a certain bar, certainly and completely 100% by coincidence. Yup definitely just by chance did he happen to pass by this one certain bar. Yup yup yup.



((Nap time >.>))

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((Kai swings the door open on their way out, the door smashing Nick's face as he walks by))


Kai kept on reading, ordering more beers as they went along. Four empty bottles were strewn about the counter. Kai had a fifth in hand. Taking a swig, the necromancer set the bottle down for a moment to squint at the book. The letters seemed to be running over the page by now. A moment later Kai wobbled in the bar stool and slid off, thumping onto the floor and rattling nearby glasses on tables. "Think that's enough for ya lad" the bartender chided. Kai grumbled, "And what do you know? I'm paying you aren't I?" the necromancer looked at the book again, glaring at it as they realized they havent been able to read it for the past 10 minutes. Grumbling, Kai stood up and stuffed the book into their pouch, retrieving a gold shilling and flipping it onto the counter. Kai nabbed the remaining fifth beer and waddled to the door, swinging it open. Kai stumbled out into the road, wincing at the sudden change in light. The sun seemed especially bright since it was late afternoon. The necromancer grunted, heading between two buildings and to some shade.

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Kai swings the door open on their way out, the door smashing Nick's face as he walks by.


Nick stumbles backwards and grabs his nose, a bit of blood trickling down. Wiping a hand across his face, getting off the blood, he looked up at Kai, instantly knocked out of his sleepy stupor. It took him a moment still though to process who it was that just smashed his face in. "HEY YOU!" Nick shouted after the drunken Kai. "Why would you do that!?!?!? I mean I know you like making my life miserable, but come on! Cut me a break why don't you, I can't even leave my house now, can I?" he ranted at them.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai stumbled into the alley way, grabbing and leaning over a trash can for support, their back to Nick. Kai stayed there a moment, breathing heavily to catch their breath. Their brow furrowed, hearing someone scolding them for something. The necromancer pushed off the cans and whipped around. Kai's eyes adjusted, settling on Nick's form. They flinched, dropping the beer bottle, the glass shattering on the ground and the contents spewing everywhere. "Oh ho ho, that's just great. I'm suppose to avoid you and you're ****ing everywhere. Whose problem is that hmm?!" they shouted, pointing at Nick. "Shouldn't you be home kissing that kid's ass? Go seethe somewhere else! I've got *hic* work to do!" they ranted. Kai shoved their way down the road, tripping once and getting back to their feet, continuing along.

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Nick narrowed his eyes at Kai. "Work to do? By work do you mean paint your bathroom mirror with vomit? Because you're so drunk off your ass that's the only thing you're going to get done. he shouted after Kai, watching them stumble down the street a few feet before clenching his first angerly. "And to think that I felt bed, that I was going to apologize! WELL censorkip.gif YOU AND censorkip.gif APOLOGIZING" HE bellowed, forming a ball of ice water in his hand and flinging it at the drunken mess of a necromancer, aiming directly for their head.

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"Ha, even the stupid immortal doesn't know how to make a simple potion to cure that. Figures as much" Kai sputtered, weaving about. The necromancer stumbled to a stop. "Apologize?" they slurred, confused. They turned, only to be nailed in the face by a ball of cold water. The necromancer stumbled back and fell over again, cracking the back of their head on the stone ground. Kai grinded their teeth, glaring at the clouds as they felt the back of their head. A few specks of blood, nothing serious by Kai's standard. Well that and a killer headache. "Tch" they rubbed their head as they sat up, smearing the blood through the back of their blonde hair. Kai got to their feet, not bothering to wipe the bloodied hand- not like they much noticed in their drunken state. "Thanks. I'm a terrible person. I deserve that. You're a great person. You must be so proud. Obviously I don't deserve to be in your presence, your highness" Kai spoke loudly to gather attention of passer-bys. Kai bowed at Nick flamboyantly. They then turned, wobbling away down the road toward the city gates, leaving a long trail of water as they went along.

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Nick grunted as Kai stormed off he stood there for a while before wiping away the blood that was trickling down from his nose. He tasted something coppery in his mouth and spat, spitting out some blood. "Uhg" He said to himself, shaking his head and turning to lean against the wall. Letting out a sigh he looked up, watching the sky as it began to make it's daily transformation, going from blue to orange, with deeper hues of purple sure to follow as it got later. He rubbed the back of his head and grumbled to himself, "I hate everything"

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Kai stumbled about the road, drawing some attention because of the puddle and bleeding. A couple human guards at the gates gave the necromancer odd looks. "I'm fine, jeez. Why do you all have to STARE? Never seen blood before?" Kai continued. Kai wobbled through woods and back to the house. The door opened and closed as their Shadow Walker dragon slithered into Kai's shadow. "Well that's just great, it's not stopping" Kai growled, touching the back of their head again. Looking around to make sure no one was nearby, Kai stripped down and eased into the river. They groaned, gritting their teeth as the cold water touched the injured area. Blood washed down the stream as Kai rinsed out their hair too. Feeling a bit light headed, Kai sank in the water. The shadow walker grabbed the necromancer's arm with his tail, pulling Kai out of the river and dropping a towel by them. Kai dried off and re dressed. "Well... how does it look?" Kai asked, turning their head for the dragon to see. The dragon made a series of clicks, "Good" Kai breathed, laying in the grass. "Can't even drink in peace, can I? Guess I should be used to this by now, being a necromancer. Master seems to just enjoy being knocked around" Kai shuddered, "Creepy by my standards"

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Nick walked through town for a bit looking into store windows, but without any plans of buying anything. Sometimes it was just nice to look though. As time went on he started to feel guilty for being such an ass, he was such a mess when it came to people. Most of his life he had secluded himself to his studies. It was only since the casting of the spell that he had really come out. It didn't really matter if he planed to apologize now, because he had no idea how to find Kai. Sticking his hands in his pockets he continued to roam, looking down as he walk, until he reached the city gates. Noticing a puddle and a blotch of blood on the ground he got an idea. Walking up to a guard he asked, "Have you seen an injured drunk person walk by, around in their early twenties?"


The guard took up his pike and looked over Nick suspiciously. "Why do you ask?" the guard prodded, "Have anything to do with their injuries?" the guard continued.


Nick flinched and took a step back before regaining his composure and thinking up a quick lie, "No, I'm their guardian, they got in a bit of a brawl at the bar and ran off, now I have to find them and make sure they are alright."


The guard still wasn't buying it. Luckily though the other guard didn't care and gestured roughly to the forest, pointing in the direction Kai had gone. "That way." he said nonchalantly. Nick nodded in thanks and made his way off, hearing the guard grunt and the other one hit him with the butt of his pike.


"What was that for?" Nick heard the voices fading as he move onward.


"Didn't trust him" the other guard reported. And after that, Nick was too far into the forest to hear the anymore.


He move through the forest slowly. Luckily it was easy to track Kai, they moved so clumsily through the forest in their drunken state they practically made a path. And of course there was the occasional blot of blood left on some leaves. It wasn't long before he had reached the shack that Kai lived in. He took a deep breath before calling out, "Hello, Kai, are you there?" he bellowed. He didn't know what to expect, he had made quite the ass out of himself earlier.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai rolled to their side, pushing themself up to their feet. The shadow walker did what he could to help as Kai fumbled along only to flop back into the grass after a few steps. This time, Kai had effectively passed out. Sighing, the dragon sank into the necromancer's shadow. A while later, a loud bellow woke Kai from their slumber. The necromancer groaned quietly, grabbing their head that was now in intense pain from the alcohol and the injury. "****ing hell..." Kai hissed angrily. Kai considered laying still, but remembered there wasn't anything around to hide behind. Kai rolled onto their stomach and pushed themself onto their knees, glaring over at Nick. "And what the censorkip.gif do you want? Because let's see. You've already announced how much you hate me, told me to get out, stalked me to the bar where you then assaulted me. What's next? Come to burn my ****ing house down? God damn, I may be the necromancer but you're the real creep here. Get away" Kai fumbled forward, tripping into the river with a splash. They clawed at the grass on the other side, narrowly pulling themself out. " censorkip.gifcensorkip.gif you censorkip.gifcensorkip.gif why don't you go censorkip.gif yourself with a censorkip.gifcensorkip.gif you censorkip.gifcensorkip.gif " Kai yelled at the ground as their headache pain increased. The necromancer flopped onto the ground on their side, taking heaving breaths and facing the other way.

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Nick slouched slightly under the torrent of profanity directed at him by Kai. It didn't feel good, but he deserved it after the way he had been acting earlier. When Kai had finished their tirade and fell into the river Nick gasped and rushed forward to see if they were alright, and when they clawed out of the river and let lose another stream of not-so-nice-words Nick just closed his eyes and waited for them to finish. He stared at Kai for a moment thinking to himself before talking loudly enough to just cover the distance between them. "I came here to apologize.

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Kai felt their limbs tremble from a multitude of things. Probably mostly from the chilly air of the evening. Kai stared forward, glaring at the grass as Nick stated his intentions. "Well you can cram it. The last apology you thought of giving me ended up with me being maimed. "I don't really care if you hate me or not. I don't care about you. Nor your kid. Nor your crummy apology" Kai forced themself up onto their legs, their legs shaking in effort to stay balanced all the way. The pain of their head was only aided by a pang of something Kai felt in their chest. Getting to the medicine meant going past Nick- something Kai wanted to avoid at all costs right now. "You hate my guts so don't suddenly start acting like you care. You either hate me or you don't. And from what I've seen, you certainly seem to hate me a lot. So why don't you turn around and go back the way you came. Settle into your nice, cozy house and forget about the necromancer that isn't wanted" Kai growled, pointing towards the city with a soaking wet hand. The necromancer held onto a nearby tree for support.

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Nick avoided eye contact during the onslaught of harshness. When Kai was done and told him to leave he just ignored them and instead stood there just looking at his hand, rotating it slowly as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Without looking up he said quietly. "I don't hate you. I'm just bad with people. A big ball of grumpy social awkwardness." sighing and looking up he took a few steps towards Kai, stopping at the river side for a moment, before walking right over it, using magic to freeze the water below his feet into a walkable path. Approaching Kai he slipped off his robe and placed it over the cold necromancers shoulders. "You're all wet and cold, take my robe." he said quietly.

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Kai narrowed their eyes at Nick as he approached, balling a fist as he crossed the river and got too close for comfort. Kai backed away as he drew closer. The necromancer flinched when Nick's robe was suddenly draped on their shoulders. Kai fled across the ice that Nick came across on, narrowly avoiding slipping as they did so. "Yes you are. I make a joke and you try to KILL me. You have issues" the necromancer growled, whipping back around to face Nick. Kai moved backwards until they felt themself bump the house. Kai felt around for the door handle, "I don't need your pity. I've survived this long by myself, I can survive the next day without your help" they added. Kai paused, remembering the robe around their shoulders. A flustered feeling came across Kai as they took the robe off and tossed it onto the grass. "I got... things to do. I'm going to.. City stuff. Bye" Kai fumbled back into the house and shut the door. They stumbled over to their cauldron table and rustled through vials in the cupboard. Kai plopped onto the floor, finding the right vial and uncorking it. Kai took a long swig and corked it back again. A quiet sigh escaped their mouth as the headache started to fade.

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Kathia followed Jason into the hunting store and went to the counter. While he was getting the items he needed, the girl took a look around to see what the store had to offer. There were all kinds of equipment such as bows, knives, traps, fishing tools, game calls, hunting magazines, guns, and ammunition. The last two were useless as of now, but some of the other stuff may be of use to Kathia. There were the dragon call, dragon baits, protective helmet, and camo wear; tools which would be efficient for her hunts. She was quite thankful that the dragon officers haven't confiscated the stuff yet. If she had money on her, then she would be able to buy these items right now. But her parents' credit cards were at home and it was going to take quite a while walking from the store to there and back to here again.

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Nick stood there in silence for a moment, before slowly walking over to Kai's door to retreave his cloak. He looked at the door as he stood up before throwing his cloak over his shoulder and turning around and heading back through the forest the way he came. By the time he got back to the city the sun was setting, filling the sky with a brilliant array of different hues. The grass beneth his feet soon became replaced that cobble as he eneted the city. He paid little attention to his surroundings until he had reached his house. Entering he threw his cloak aside and flopped onto the couch.

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Kai sat on the floor quietly, listening intently to the sounds outside. The sounds of crunching grass coming closer made them tense, only to hear them soon fade in the distance. The necromancer sighed quietly in relief. They ran a hand through their hair, "Better get ready for tonight...." they muttered.


Meanwhile off in the distance of the city, Akuma was up on a rooftop. The boy scowled at his situation. How had this happened he wondered? One moment he was walking down the street and the next he was swarmed by a group of .... teenage human girls who just thought he was the most adorable thing. It all led to the hybrid running away and being trapped on a rooftop. The girls had just made a game out of it, following him wherever he tried to move. Akuma had considered turning into a dragon and flying off but wouldn't that make him easier to spot? Being a golden dragon with glimmering scales at sunset lighting was like being a lightbulb.

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Nick lay there for a good 10 minutes, almost falling asleep before he realized something, Akuma still wasn't back. Sighing and getting up he put back on his robe and left the house. "Wonder where he could be..."[/b] the boy thought to himself, stopping in his tracks as he noticed a horde of teenage girls clustered around a building. Looking up to see what they could possibly be fussing over Nick burst out laughing. It was none other than Akuma, stranded up on the rooftop. "Ahoy there!" Nick yelled out to Akuma, cupping his hands to better help the sound travel before waving and arm over his head at Akuma obnoxiously. "Enjoying yourself?" he called out trying to contain his laughter.

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