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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Nick glanced at Fayt as he came out of the kitchen to stand next to Albel. "Good, wouldn't want Albel to be any more sadistic than he usually is." Nick commented before turning his attention to Dion, who didn't talk, but instead Fayt answered for him. "Ah. I see. Nick said before adding. "Well glad to see that you weren't torn to peaces at any rate." When Albel tauntingly called Akuma Nick's pet Nick smiled and laughed in response. "My pet? No I see him more as a little brother." he said before pulling Akuma in and giving him a noogy then pushing him away softly and turning his attention back to Albel. "And hey, what's wrong with living in the city?" Nick asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

Edited by picknick10

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"Something like that, more like a work horse. A man was the illusionist but I did all the illusions." She huffed a little. "I was the star of the show in a way and not one person saw me in action." She stated with a hint of scorn in her voice. Clearly not pleased with her role in life thus far. "Doctor you say? Not bad at all. Healing is by far more useful than my illusions." Kat stated noting a child staring rather intently at her swishing tail. She stopped swishing it immediately before returning to her conversation with Chi. "Better a failure that can help people than a success that hurts the-ah! Hey, let go!" The child who was still very young had pounced on Kat's tail and was now gripping the scaly tail with intent. Kat tried wriggling free much to the young boy's amusement which was demonstrated by his fitful giggling. Just like in the circus there was always at least one child that found the magi's tail fascinating.




"While I'm not one for magic I'd say do what the book says." Jason stated idly as he plucked a straight branch from his quiver and began peeling the bark from it placing the peeled bark back into the quiver. "Still..." He added with a little more intent and notably quieter so that only Kathia could hear. "If it's practice you need then I think I can help out. I could do with a little practice myself to be honest. And what better place than here in the city?" Jason suggested pausing in his scraping and peeling to regard Kathia and read her reaction. He did however, already have a guess as to what her answer would be, and if it wasn't yes he had some reasoning to back up his suggestion too. Jason had needed allies and now he had a feeling he'd found just that in this girl. Alone it wasn't much but it was a start.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((At Dion's house. tongue.gif))


Shiba quietly walked over to go see what else was going on. Little did she know, her little friend Kakoli was hiding in a tree. "Heh, heh." He smirked. "Hey, there, Shiba!" He said, jumping out of the tree. Startled, Shiba jumped up. "Gyah! Oh, Kakoli, that's not nice!" She said, growling at him. "Aw, come on, Shiba! Cheer up! It's super funny! At least, for me." Kakoli chuckled as Shiba growled more. "Grrr...what do you want?" She asked, twitching her tail. "Your....erm....nothing, Shiba. I don't want anything! I just think it's funny to startle you! Haha!" He dashed off, running over to somewhere else to play a trick. "Wait! Kakoli, come back! You don't know what's over there!" Shiba started running after him.

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((God dammit Shiba... now I wanna call Kakoli Kokiri xd.png))


Albel snorted in an amused manner in response. Dion smiled, rubbing the back of his head nervously, "Yes well... I'm relieved myself" he said quietly. It was awkward talking about it when Albel was so close by. "Little brother hmm?" Albel asked, placing a clawed hand on the top of Akuma's head. "No wonder you were so willing to spill your guts over him" he said smugly with a clear smirk. "What's wrong with the city is that it's infested with you humans. Your scent is all over him, along with other humans" Albel growled. Akuma clicked his teeth. Well, perhaps that was just because Nick and Akuma had gone for a tumble on the ground before he was forcibly carried back to the house and hugged on. Fayt moved over to the window, glancing outside. Two dragons appeared in the clearing and seemed to banter with each other before running off. "Eh?" he breathed quietly in confusion.


Kai looked around the woods- still clear. They raised their glowing green hands and ran the magic over the dragon's undead carcass. The scales slowly started to mend together, new muscle forming underneath it where needed. It was a slow process and took heavy concentration from the necromancer. Kai finished finally, the 'undead' dragon looking healthy and normal. It was a short lived victory as Kai then slumped to the ground and panted. That needs more practice.... still takes so much energy they thought with a frown. Kai leaned back in the grass, stretching out, "Mmm, so much quieter out here. And not raining"


Chi looked at Kat with a sense of pity. "Oh... what a shame" she murmured. It did seem like something sad. Even as fun as making illusions sounded, she couldn't imagine going through and not being able to be recognized for any efforts. Chi smiled at Kat despite her thoughts. "Nonsense, my abilities may be more helping in immediate effects, but yours are more fun. They bring joy. While you were not the star of those shows, I'm sure everyone was awed by your illusions" she assured. She looked down at the child, "Oh you've made a friend" she laughed.

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Rina only caught a glimpse of someone flying away, but that was enough for her to see where the attacker went. Regardless, she decided not to chase after him or her right now, so she headed back to magi dragon, who already cleared her eyes from pepper. "You alright? What happened here just now?" - she asked the magi. - "I saw someone flying away in that direction." - and she pointed towards where she saw that 'someone'. Of course she knew that what happened here had pepper involved, but she wanted more details.


A thought crossed Rina's mind: "Hmm... she looks like she is from Solomos..." - but she put it aside, because she didn't know for sure whether the magi was from Solomos or not.


Daisuke was standing on the balcony of his new home, dressed in new clothes he bought, since the ones he wore were soaked to the thread, and he had them hanging near the fireplace (on a safe distance, of course). He was catching glances from humans and dragons alike, who were wondering how he was able to walk in a rain this strong and not even notice. Well, he did notice the rain. Learning that every human survivor (and some arriving dragons) were picking a new home for themselves, he decided to get himself one. It was a very difficult task: many of the houses were already occupied. But finally he found himself one: it had two floors, and some dragons (some green dragons and a white one) lived on the first floor. They allowed him to live on the second floor, though, as they really didn't mind him. With the exception of one, who was distrustful of the ninja, but allowed him nevertheless.


The first thing Daisuke done, when he was settled, was the change of clothes, since the previous ones were soaked to thread.


The second thing was hiding his ninja gear, so nobody would accidentally find them or notice them in his bag.


He went back into the house, deciding to call it a day and read something. He went with the history book he was carrying. He sat down in his bed (which was new to him since to this day he slept only on the floor), turned on the lamp (the electricity seemed to work with harmless things only) and opened the page he last stopped from.

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((Going to start with Aeolus's part, then Kathia's, and then Atlas's. I'll be taking breaks between each parts.


Going to look at Aeolus's previous part right now.))


The spies observed everything the humans did inside the village and searched each tent. They saw that the humans were building up walls made of trees they cut down to protect themselves against outside threats; it seems like they haven't covered the whole village yet. The wasp pygmy flew over to the training area where the men where learning how to use swords and bows. Thankfully, nobody seemed to be learning any magic spells. After having obtained all the info they got, the spies went back to their village to give their report.




"If that makes us better dragon hunters, then yeah," replied Kathia. Then she thought she might have made a mistake on the first assumption about the man being a dragon slayer himself. For all she knew, he might be just an animal hunter or a guy who just does archery as a hobby. "That is... if you are one," she added. If they were going to practice magic, then they were going to need some sort of good place like a hideout or a wide open place in the city with little to no people.




A blue dragoness landed by Atlas and asked if she was alright and that she saw the halfling flying away. "That halfling took my squirrel and threw something at my eyes. I was going to give it to one of my nieces, then he snatched it away," the magi growled in hatred for the thief. Her sparkling purple eyes seemed to have a tint of red from the burn of the pepper spray, plus they were watery from the same burning sensation and the icy water that had cooled and washed away the spray.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Nick chuckled when Albel said that "He has hardly been in the city for a day, the only reason he smells like human is because I tackled him to the ground and hugged all over him." he said grinning at Akuma. He looked over at Fayt and noticed him looking at something outside. Glanced out the window before heading over to stand next to Fayt and get a better look. "Whats going on out there?" He asked raising an eyebrow as the watched the two new arrivals run out of view. Shrugging his shoulders he turned away from the window and leaned up against the wall.

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Rina shook her head when she saw magi's eyes. Pepper sure did its work, but she knew that it was already neutralized by magi's actions, so she wasn't too worried. However, when magi spoke, two things confused her. "A... squirrel?" - she spoke, recalling these small animals she saw on her way. Magi could notice that she doubted that a squirrel could sate one's hunger. - "I don't think that..." - she stopped mid-sentence, sighed, then said - "...Nevermind. Can you still see? And how did that... halfling looked like?" - she asked, glancing in a direction of the thief, who wasn't visible at all behind all the trees and leaves. Then she looked back at the magi, waiting for an answer.


((Realised only now that the last part hardly makes any sense ._.))

Edited by TheTron852

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The magi got up and described, "He's brown-haired, or brunette as humans would call 'em. His wings are red and he's wearing red, yellow, and beige clothes." Wanting to make sure that this 'someone' fitted the description, Atlas asked, "Did you see him?"


The halfing thief sat on one of the tree and ate more of the squirrel.


((Don't know what else to type. I'm just making the post fit well into the story, so that I can copy and paste it just like that.))

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Albel furrowed his brow slightly at Nick's explanation. Tackled and hugged?... he thought, a sneer coming across his face at the thought. He folded his arms across his chest, "Just as I said, a pet. He has no pride for himself if he allows a scrawny human to take him down" he scolded. Fayt turned, "No, I just think you're not very huggy" he said with a chuckle. Fayt moved up next to Albel, "Forgive him, he just hates everything" he added. Albel growled, swinging out at Fayt, who promptly ducked for the brief swing. Dion sighed quietly, "Well now that that's settled, did you need something, Akuma? I'm quite fine" Akuma shook his head, mumbling something incoherent and turning on the spot, moving out the front door. He'd gotten what he'd come for.

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Doubloon listened to everything the dragons had seen and replied, "I see. Very well then, you're dismissed." The spies left the room to let the council discuss phae 2 of the plan. "It soundss like we won't be breaking a sweat wiping out the humans. All we need for this assault is to have our super-powered dragons eliminate theirr warriors and the weaker dragons kill off the rest of them."


Aeolus came up with an alternative plan, "Or I could conjure a tornado and demolish the village. The other dragons will stay on the ground outside and pick off any survivors who come their way. Those in the air can blow their breaths and spells at the tornado to kill the humans faster."


"Hmm..." The chief thought about the plan and said, "Not a bad idea. Everyone, what do you think?"


((What do you guys think about the plan? This will determine the other strategists' reaction.))

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Nick just shrugged at Albel and turned to face Dion. "Well I'm glad to see you're okay. I was just accompanying Akuma, so I'll be off also." Nick said wheeling around and walking after Akuma out the door, picking up his pace to catch up with the hybrid boy. When was walking side by side with Akuma he asked him, "So where are you off to now?" Nick asked the hybrid boy as they walked. He was thinking about his previous offer to Akuma about him staying at Nick's place, and he hoped that he would take it up.


((Thats fine)

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma walked back toward the city as Nick finished talking to the others. He glanced to the side as Nick caught up. He mumbled again, pausing to sigh and then cleared his speech, "Go back to the house I guess. Not much else to do" he said. He wondered if he really was becoming like a pet. Akuma shared a similar grumpy disposition towards humans and dragons that Albel did, yet, he lacked a certain malicious component. Akuma was always concerned that one little thing keeping him from being like Albel would just suddenly break. He quietly walked back to the city, weaving through people until he reached the house. Akuma barged in and flopped onto the couch.

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Nick walked with Akuma back to the house and closed the door behind them as they entered the house. He headed towards the kitchen, chuckling as Akuma flopped down on the couch. Inside the kitchen he looked inside the cabinets for some food and noticed a sack of what looked like some shredded/ground up plant. It was only labeled as 'Nip'. Nick took a sniff, but that didn't give him any idea what it could be. Walking back out to where Akuma was lounging he held the open bag towards him. "Any idea what this could be?" Nick asked curiously, wondering if Akuma knew what it was.


((Hue hue hue))

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((OH YOU))


Akuma snuggled into the couch, letting his thoughts wander as Nick went off into the kitchen. Boy did humans have comfy things. It certainly beat sleeping on the cold floor of a cave or dirt. Especially in winter. Nick came back into the room asking about something. Akuma flickered his eyes to the bag. The inside looked like it was filled with a seasoning or something. Green and yellow bits. His eyebrows furrowed as he sat up, rubbing the side of his face. "How should I know?..." he grumbled. Akuma leaned forward, sniffing the herbs. He pulled back, snorting at the strong scent. "No... I don't" he grumbled again. A moment passed and Akuma's face slacked, his pupils dialating. He swiped out his hand, forcefully grabbing the bag away from Nick. He opened the bag and sniffed a few more times, even eating a bit.

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Nick sighed when Akuma said he didn't know what it was a slumped in defeat. It didn't really matter though, he didn't particularly care what it was, he was just curious. He was about to put it back where he found it when Akuma suddenly had a weird behavior shift, his eyes dilating as he snatched the bag of 'nip' away. "Woah calm down there, it didn't smell that good!" Nick said sounding suprised as he sat down next to Akuma. "What does it taste like?" he asked the dragon hybrid curiously, leaning forward to get a better look at the strange herb again.





Edited by picknick10

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Akuma licked his lips as he felt the tingle of the cat nip settle inside. He continued to inhale the scent of the catnip, flinching when Nick spoke up again to ask him how it was. Akuma licked up more catnip, rolling it around on his tongue. "It... tastes..." he looked at Nick, an odd look coming into his eye, "Like..." he held the bag of catnip to his chest and made a quick movement, leaning over and nuzzling Nick's shoulder with a loud purr. He put his fully weight on the mage, lazily flopping against him. The nuzzling turned a bit rough as he started to push and eventually he then bit Nick's shoulder.

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Nick watched as Akuma started to really get into the catnip "Like what?" Nick questioned Akuma when he paused. Then suddenly Akuma leaned over and nuzzled Nick. He just sat there awkwardly, but as it went on he began to to and scoot-ch away. When it got rough and Akuma sunk his teeth into Nick, the boy yelped and quickly moved to the other side of the couch. He remembered what Akuma said about how this was how dragons played, but still, Nick wasn't a dragon. "Akuma, not so rough, will ya? Humans aren't as tough as dragons, we can't take biting. We are soft and squishy."

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Akuma felt Nick tense and move away from the nuzzling, but he didn't much care. His mind felt fuzzy and strange as if he didn't really care about anything he was doing. Or that it was a dream-like state anyway. Akuma's eyes followed Nick as the mage scooted away to the other side of the couch, complaining about him being rough. Akuma merely made a tooth-y smile and followed after Nick, purring still as he did so. The catnip spilled on his lap, splaying across the couch as Akuma pounced on Nick. He continued biting in various places, his claws grabbing at his arms. "Squishy" Akuma mumbled in a slurr, sniggering oddly as he did so. Akuma lost his balance, rolling off onto the floor with a resounding thud. He rolled slightly while making quiet, breathless chuckling.

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Nick scrunched up as Akuma pounced on him and started gnawing on him again. Drugs Nick thought to himself as he tried to push the cat nip crazed dragon boy away. Must be some sort of drug for dragons. When Akuma flopped off of Nick and onto the floor Nick peered over the edge to stare at him. "God damn it Akuma, get a hold of yourself." Nick said as he picked up the bag of 'nip' and rolled it up. Turning he pushed a picture frame to the side and opened a safe, throwing the bag in before quickly closing it and latching it. Turning to Akuma he sighed, the couch and Akuma were completely covered in cat nip. "Great just great...." he muttered to himself

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((before I make my first post, may I know where everyone is and what the locations are so I don't get messed up and confused?))

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((In Rudvich:

- Albel, Fayt, Dion, Shiba, and Kakoli are at Dion's house that's outside Windfall in the forest.


- Nick and Akuma are in Nick's house, which is inside Windfall.


- Kathia and Jason are at the bookstore, which is in Windfall.


- Daisuke is in his house at Windfall.


- Chi and Kat are the toy store, I think.


- At the edge of the NE region, Atlas and Rina are in the woods and I think they're about to chase down a halfling thief. Kylie and Danielle and inside the earth barrier waiting for their aunt to bring back some food.


In Solomos:

- Aeolus's dragon village is discussing plans to exterminate the humans and demolish their camp.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((DON'T GO FORGETTING ABOUT MY KAI NOW. Kai is outside Windfall still playing with the dragon ohmy.gif


will edit))



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((thank you.))


In the land of Rudvich, just approaching Windfall, were two strangers, a man riding upon a brown desert dragon of the south. The strange man wore a hooded outfit, a vast array of weapons on different belt and holsters. The two approached the gates of the city. The guards shouted, "Halt! Identify yourself." The guard had a cautious nature about them. The stranger called out through his hood, "I am a simple wanderer of the southern desert. All I seek is shelter and food for the night." He spoke calmly and with a tone that indicated some wisdom of age, despite the fact he wasn't very old at all. The guard looked to the large dragon the stranger rode on. "What of this dragon you bring with you?" He asked. The dragon growled. "Easy." The stranger said to the dragon with a pat on its neck. "The dragon is tamed but he will guard himself if someone messes with him. He'll only strike at someone out of self-protection." He said informatively. The guard gave a 'Hmmmmm' as he examined them both before speaking. "Very well, but keep him out of trouble." he ordered. The stranger nodded before signaling the dragon. They rode into the city gradually. The pair stuck out like sore thumbs. "I do not like this Ronan, the air of this city is contaminated with dark emotions." The dragon spoke out of un-easiness. "Just keep yourself together Drake, we get a nights rest, maybe pick up a trail, and be gone by morning." Ronan spoke to keep Drake calm but the dragon was not so easy to please when it came to his sense of danger.

Edited by LordTorch18

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((Oh Corenth, here's the link to the Wiki. All the rp info is on there: click here biggrin.gif


you can edit your characters in the character list on there :3))


Akuma laughed at Nick as he retreated across the room, yelling for the hybrid to control himself. He shook his head briefly, going still on the floor with a smile plastered to his face. A few minutes passed and he stirred again, looking around and then down at the catnip on his jeans. He furiously swiped at the nip, brushing it off before scrambling to his feet and fleeing out the door. Akuma ran a few feet down the road before letting his legs give out and drop to the ground on his rump. He took in air rapidly, his pupils going back to normal. A few citizens of Windfall stopped to stare for a minute as Akuma flopped backwards onto his back, sprawled on the ground. "Nnnngh" he whined briefly, running a hand over his face. He bared his fangs up at the sky, angrily muttering that it was Nick's fault.

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