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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Akuma shifted as Nick let up on the hug. He glanced up at Nick as he asked if he was feeling better. Akuma clicked his teeth as Nick jokingly prodded about forgiveness. Akuma wasn't one to express feelings and instead nuzzled Nick for his response. He really wished it wasn't raining anymore, because it was times like these that made him want to jump out the window and flee rather than respond to social interaction. Rather, affectionate interaction. He followed up instead by moving his head and gently biting Nick's arm. He rotated his face, glancing up at Nick.

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Nick tensed slightly when Akuma gently bit him, knowing full and well what those teeth could do, having experienced it firsthand himself. Quickly though he relaxed and chuckling he lightly grabbed at Akuma, pulling him in and giving him a light and gentle noogy before letting go. "I'll take that as a yes." He said still laughing a bit. Akuma sure did express himself in weird ways. Smiling down at Akuma Nick pushed himself up and said, "Wait here, I'll be right back." He walked off to the kitchen, and after a couple minutes he came back, two cups of hot coco with mini marshmallows floating around on the top in hand. Sitting back down next to Akuma he handed him a cup before taking a sip of his own. "I'm sorry for throwing that water at your earlier. I just don't really know how to react when you start nibbling and clawing at me. It's really easy to forget you're not human, and when things like that happen it just throws me off."

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Akuma blinked as Nick suddenly grabbed him again. He winced under the noogy, making a fang-y smile as Nick pulled back. He could feel Nick tense under his bite. It was ironic really, Nick didn't even know how damaging his bite could be. Akuma never had a reason to use his poison before. He watched Nick walk away and come back holding two cups. One sniff and Akuma's eyes lit up. He knew that smell. It was that sweet, dark stuff. And of course, marshmallows. He took a cup in hand, muttering a 'thanks'. He looked down at his hot chocolate as Nick apologized, gripping it tighter. He opened his mouth slightly, letting it hang for a moment to collect his thoughts. "It's how.... well... I grew up with more dragons than humans. And animals. It's how we played..." he trailed off. He took a sip of his drink.

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Nick took another sip from his hot chocolate, but remained silent for a while, thinking back to his own childhood. After a few moments of silence Nick finally responded and said, "Ah... I didn't really play when I was a kid, it was all magic and spells and learning." He looked over at the fireplace and noticed it was dying. Getting up he walked over the a cabinet next to the fireplace and pulled out a few more logs of wood, adding them to the dwindling flames before sitting back down next to Akuma and continuing the conversation. "Humans don't usually play like that; we are much more fragile." he said pulling up his sleeve to show the hybrid boy the puncture wounds in his skin that he had left when he had bitten Nick.

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma sipped at his cocoa, taking extra effort to fish the marshmallows out with his tongue. He perked up again as Nick broke the silence by reminiscing about his past. Humans are so boring... Grow old and die under a heap of dusty books he thought. He couldn't imagine never being able to goof around and doing what he wanted. Akuma glanced over as Nick said humans were more fragile and brandished his bite mark. He stared at the teeth marks blankly. "That's nothing to complain about... that was a... forgiving bite" he turned his head back to the fire, staring at the flames and taking a sip of his drink. He visibly licked his lips, taking a moment to run his tongue over his teeth. "I have venom... I inject it through my bites, but only when I want to. A little will make you very ill and sluggish. More is lethal" he turned to look at Nick again.

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Nick paused for a moment when Akuma mentioned venom.Venom? As if he wasn't deadly enough before hand. Good job government, good job. Lets go make ourselves a few emotional killing machines and make their life as traumatic as possible. he though to himself before saying, "Well then" Nick began, putting down his arm as he talked. "Thanks for not injecting me with lethal venom then. he said jokingly before adding in, "I would be very sore with you if you had you done that. Putting down his cup beside him and lifting his hand up he held them up near the fire, feeling the heat radiate off of the dancing flames. He was thinking more about Akuma's childhood now, and he brought the conversation back to the subject, "So, what really was going on in those labs? I don't know much about them, or hybrids at all for the matter. The only thing I really know is hunters mode."

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After a fun time and sleeping over at Henry and Yukki's house last night, the Firestar family resumed their journey and traveled far to the west, nearing the border to the North-Central region by 20 miles. Earlier, they had eaten breakfast consisting of cooked meat for Atlas & Danielle and two popsicles for Kylie. The broiled hams and bacon seemed to have tasted better than the raw flesh of animals that were savored by blood. It made Atlas wonder, 'So that's the kind of meat, humans eat, huh? I wished the slavers shared that kind of food with us and not the rotten crap they feed us. It makes me wish I had one of those ovens, but they won't work unless it's in a human house. That sucks.'

((I know I posted this earlier, but I'm going to change the 20 miles thing to 350 miles since the RP's world is a lot bigger than Earth's and dragons are not like cars since they need to breaks every time they get tired traveling and they got to stop to eat and drink. So I think it's going to take like a day or two for Atlas to leave the NorthEast region. (I didn't do bother doing the math on that part.)


Also, here's chapter 3: http://fav.me/d6tnjom ))


A while later, the spies spotted the human village in sight down the slope. "There it is, boys. The hairless demons' nest and look, it's even smaller than their original habitat," said a dark brown dragon looking over at the camp.


The blue-striped black dragon giggled and said, "Heh heh, this will be easy. We don't even need to spy. We should get all of us to go down and demolish the place."


The dark brown dragon shot him a stern look and said, "Hey remember what that Aeolus guy said, the humans might have devastating tricks up their sleeves. So follow the plan and learn everything about those two-legged rats." Then he looked at the night magi and said, "Eitri, use that magi of yours and make us all invisible." Eitri cast his magic on all the dragons and made them invisible to all, except themselves. "Alright, let's go." The spies went up to the village and stayed at the edge, while the pygmies went inside for closer investigation.




The family had taken another break on their journey and were now sheltering under the earth barrier to keep themselves from getting wet and catching hypothermia. Danielle's stomach growled and felt slightly slightly empty. She looked up at the magi and said, "Aunt Atlas, I'm hungwy."


"I'll get you something to eat after the rain stops," said the magi. It was better to hunt when the weather was dry than when it was wet and the prey being scarce outside by staying in their own homes for the time being.

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Akuma made a small snort of laughter, gulping down the rest of his hot chocolate. Of course, he didn't mention the fact that he'd never killed anyone in general. So not killing Nick wasn't anything special. Sure, he'd gone hunting, but it wasn't quite the same. He wondered if that was the only thing keeping him from turning into someone like Albel. He set his cup down on the floor. "I've used it to paralyze people before" he said flatly. He frowned at mention of the lab, shifting. "I don't much remember. I wasn't there long before... I uh... well they didn't want me. I was suppose to be 'put down' but... Dion released me. I remember being kept in a dark basement with others... nothing but flickering yellow lights, leaky ceilings... and a labyrinth inside. Hybrids killing each other for food... It was how they tested which hybrids were the strongest. Anything sub-par was disposed of" he gripped his arms.

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Nick finished his own hot chocolate and got up, also grabbing Akuma's cup as he did so. "Ah." Was all Nick could think to say as he turned towards the kitchen and looked back at Akuma before saying, "Well I'm going to go put these away. He walked off, rinsed and wiped down the mugs before placing them back where they belong. He returned back to the living room and walked up to the window, peering outside. It was still dark and cloudy out, but it looked like it wasn't raining any more. "Looks like it isn't raining out anymore. Nick said happily.

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After a little while later, the rain had finally stopped. Atlas stood up and said, "Okay, now I can go get you two something to eat." She walked out of the rocky dome and raised a short wall halfway up the entrance to keep the woods' predators away from her nieces. The magi walked far off to search for prey. She found a squirrel and killed it with a wind blade spell decapitating its head off. Atlas walked over to the prey and was about to pick it up, when the squirrel suddenly float off the ground and zip through the air to a red-winged brunette halfling boy.


"Haha! It's mine! Thanks for the kill!" then he fled away.


Atlas growled angrily; how dare he steals what she had hunted for to feed the hatchling. She was not about to let the half-breed 8@$7@rd get away with stealing. "You get back here, you thieving scum!" she yelled and gave pursuit to him.


((Sorry about taking too long. My eyes were tired and I had to take a break.))

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((... Every five minutes over Skype, "So Sai... you know what you haven't done in a while?" "Posted?" "Yeah"))

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Jason nodded at the offer. "Sounds like a plan." He said but no sooner had the words left his mouth than the rain started to fall. He followed Kathia into the book store as the rain started coming down. Unslinging his quiver from his back Jason upended it just outside the door while holding the branches in place as water poured out. He strapped it back on once he was certain the thing was empty. Turning around to speak more with the girl he saw that she had gone. Most likely into the store, he looked to the store keep and asked, "I came in with a girl just know did you see where she went?" The clerk pointed to one of the aisles and with a thankful nod Jason made his way through the store. Until he saw Kathia pouring over a book. The same one she had when they were outside no doubt. He turned his head a bit to read the cover to find it was a magic book for learners. "There wouldn't happen to be something in there for making homing arrows would there?" He said teasing a little. "Better yet, summoning fletching would be nice." He added with a chuckle. He wasn't dumb but he could be a little single minded at times.




((Well [Nick not withstanding] I've concluded that we love woman going at just about anything. Doesn't matter a whole lot as to what, barring a few rather disgusting ideas that just popped into my head just now and even then there are bizarre fetishes. xd.png))


"No a circus." Katherine said to Chi as they continued browsing. Chi had picked up a unicorn plushy and seemed rather interested. "Have a thing for plushies do we? Well it does suite you." She said watching Chi for a moment as the Hybrid held the plushy. Kat turned her attention to the dragon figurines. Somehow, even though they weren't of her specifically, she felt uncomfortable with the idea of dragons being commercialized. But maybe she was just thinking like a drama queen so the Magi ignored them and went back to browsing the store.

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((I feel that by any "fetishes" Nick would faint. I can account he is quite skiddish. We went to a haunted house and he damn near tackled me trying to get away from something that popped out- namely a jaguar xd.png GOD DAMMIT KITTY. WHY ARE YOU AFRAID OF KITTIES?))


"A circus" Chi echoed, poking at other plushie toys. She'd seen glimpses of circuses before. They certainly did look fun between the candy and animals. But maybe not so much for the creatures inside. She paused, "Plushies?... oh yes they're quite cute. And soft. I think they use... cotton or something in them. She picked up a magi dragon figurine and pressed the "try me" button. It made an obnoxious roar- suitable for a child toy. Chi flinched and then laughed, "Hey you got your own toy" she grinned.


Akuma glanced down as Nick grabbed his cup and took it to the kitchen. He didn't seem to know how to respond to Akuma's story. The boy looked out the window as Nick announced it was no longer raining. He stood and stared outside. "Maybe ... I... should see if Dion is still alive. On principal I mean" he glanced to the side. He left out 'we' for the sake of less awkwardness. The fire had nearly dried him. Enough so to walk outside after rain. He pulled his hood back up, his horns still showing in the front as usual.


Kai stuffed their hands into their pockets as they stepped out from under an awning. "Jeez that kid sure does love his rain. Pointlessly turns it on while fighting, keeps it on after. What a buzzkill. It was so nice out. Though... I suppose the gloominess does suit me better" the necromancer mused to themself with a grin. Kai considered going outside the city to practice their magic. Especially with so many new toys in their collection. And the one they had to fix from the skirmish with Nick. He can't take a joke either. Though I suppose those people are the most fun. Quite easy to provoke

Edited by Sai

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The familiar spell involved the spellcaster choosing a familiar person or animal and casting the spell to create a bond between the two. But in order for the spell to work, there had to be 2 requirements: 1) the wizard had to be acquainted with the target and 2) neither the wizard nor the target must hold any dislike for the other. That meant the spell couldn't be used on enemies. The familiar spell can be cast repeatedly to cement a stronger bond of friendship, but not romantic love; there were love spells for that. Kathia thought about testing out the familiar spell, but she had no idea where her friends and servants were or whether they were still alive or not. She could cast it on the black guy, but forming a bond with an unknown stranger might not be the best idea. Again, Kathia would have to skip this spell for the third one that's next in the book.


She looked away from the spell book to the man who joked about a spell for homing arrows and summoning fletchings. The girl smiled in a way that almost made her look like she was giggling and said, "Well I don't know. I haven't gotten this far ahead yet. I'm just new to this whole wizarding thing." Then she thought, 'A homing arrows spell would be nice! Something like that would sure be vital to my hunts.'




The halfling thief flew up above the trees so that he wouldn't bump into any of them during his escape flight. Atlas stole the idea and ascended to his level where she started casting fireballs at him. The halfling saw the attacks and got pumped with adrenaline to heightened his response and evade the fireballs. "Whoa, damn, what the hell? Are you nuts? You're going to get me killed!" he cried.


"Give me back the damn squirrel and I won't have to hurt you!" Atlas snarled. She cast more fireballs at him. The thief moved out of the way of most of them, but the last fireball hit his wing. He let out a 'yeouch' and took out something to retaliate against his mad pursuer. He threw a pepper bomb at the magi, which exploded onto her face and released some pepper spray substance into her eyes.


The fiery stinging sensation was making her eyes hurt and watery. Atlas roared out in pain, unable to see where she was going and ended up crashing into the tallest tree in the woods. She fell down from the air and rubbed furiously at her eyes to get the pepper spray out. "Aaaahhh, damn you! Stupid rotten half-breed!" she yelled.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Rina: You heard them. Do it, Tron.

Me: You called me "Cat" back then.

Rina: We are not on Spyro Realms, Tron, and you have a different nickname here. Now start writing.

Me: Alright, alright! Let's see what I can whip up in a couple of minutes...))


Rina, who happened to pass by, heard the explosions of fireballs and something else. Suddenly she coughed, taking in a scent of something awful and burning... "Pepper? Fire?" - she thought, and right after she heard a scream of rage and pain, and something hitting the ground. Not delaying a second, she rushed in the direction of a feud...


She was presended by the scene of a magi dragon, lying on the ground and rubbing her eyes, most likely trying to get something out. Rina quickly guessed that it was that pepper and, doing her best to withstand against the unpleasant scent, looked around for the source of the problem. "...Did the magi just mentioned 'half-breed'?" - she thought. She had no idea what did the magi meant by that, but wind dragoness dropped that subject and launched herself into the air.


((Sorry: 1) that I didn't post for long, 2) if I did something wrong.))

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Kat laughed at the thought of that figurine being a toy of her. "I couldn't roar like that even if I wanted too....well not entirely true but still. Roaring isn't really my thing." She explained to Chi glancing over to some toy trains. "Never really had too, but I can fake one. Make it sound real, real enough to even make people believe they'd just had their eardrums burst if I want." she stated absentmindedly as she pocked the train with her claw, accidentally knocking it over.




"Just starting eh? Well Wizardry was never really my thing. I like to do things with my own two hands. When things aren't working out I find little works better than a good ol' cuff to the head. " He said pursuing the joke a little farther seeing her smile. "I've seen you flip through a couple pages now. You looking for something in particular?" He asked walking over to Kathia and then leaning against the books shelf again once there.

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((Pshhh I was protecting you Sai, wasn't going to let the monsters eat you, screaming like a little girl doing a manly war cry and tackling you out of the way was the only way to save you. wink.gif



Nick nodded and walked over to the door, pulling his robe off a hook next to it and throwing it on before turning to Akuma. "I'll come with you then. He said persistantly. He wasn't after all, about to let Akuma run off to Dions house with Albel still possibly lurking about. He didn't want Akuma to get hurt after all of this. Plus he also felt kind of responsible for Dion's fate. He had, after all, gave away his location, even if it was to protect Akuma from Albel. He didn't feel guilty about it, he did what he had to do, but he still felt like he should be there to help if he could. Pushing open the door and standing back he said, "Shall we go then? You lead the way, I'm sure you know it better than I do."

Edited by picknick10

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((It's official... Nicks my wife...))


Akuma brushed himself off as he walked to the door, glancing at Nick as he went to hand his robe off. It was the first time he'd seen Nick part with it. He almost felt like cracking a joke about it. Almost. His thoughts were interrupted as Nick offered to go with him. Or rather, stated he was going. Akuma snorted quietly and put his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. "Fine then" he muttered as he walked out the door. Akuma walked along the streets silently and exited back into the forest. It felt strange to be here again. The transition to almost deafening silence was strange after having so much noise of the city. He walked the short way to Dion's house and stopped in the front yard, sniffing. Albel had been here definitely. Akuma slowly went up to the house, grabbing the doorknob and quietly opening the door. He poked his head in the door, looking around. "What are you doing here?" Akuma flinched, swiveling his head to the side. Albel sat casually on the couch, tapping his claws on the fabric casually. Akuma's mouth felt dry as he thought of what to say, "... Where's Dion?" he asked. "Mmm, so the rat did know where he lived all along. Just a little liar" Albel smirked, standing up. Akuma felt the urge to slowly exit the premises. "Akuma?" Fayt poked his head out of the kitchen. Akuma clicked his teeth, "Where's Dion?" he asked again. "Oh..." Fayt paused. He disappeared into the kitchen. A moment later, Dion came walking out. There was a cut along his cheek and bruise marks around his neck that looked suspiciously like hand-marks. Akuma moved forward into the house, looking the scientist up and down. "Did you need something, Akuma?" Dion asked. The hybrid silently grinded his teeth.


Chi looked at the figurine, "You don't say?... Can't roar..." she turned and set the toy dragon back on the shelf. "So what? You were like the illusionist of the circus?" she asked, picking up the train Kat knocked over. She set it back on the tracks. "I'm more of a doctor myself. I specialize in healing magic and herbal cures. I have a lot of white dragon in me. We may look human- well some of us anyway... but we're mostly dragon. To make us more battle ready. Though I suppose my case fails for that anyway" she grinned.

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((This is what happens when you pair the submissive personality type boy with a girl that has a dominant personality type. INFP + INTJ

>.> <.< >.> ))


Nick walked after Akuma, quickening his pace to keep up with the hybrid boy as they moved through the city, and eventually into the forest. He could feel water seeping into his shoes as they trudged through the muddy expanse of trees and grass. When they got to Dion's house Akuma stopped, and by the look on his face Nick could guess that Albel was here. Making his way behind Akuma to the front of the house he entered cautiously, staying at the doorway and watching as everything played out. Fayt and Albel were still here it seemed, and Dion was... alive. He had seen better days for sure, but he was still alive. When Dion asked what Akuma wanted, and Akuma remained silent, Nick spoke up, "Akuma just wanted to check up on you, make sure you were doing fine. He was worried that something horrible had befallen you."

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((first post. tongue.gif))



Shiba shook her head and started walking in the grass. She looked to the sky. "I sure do wish my wing didn't hurt so bad. Otherwise I'd fly up there. But, a sore wing might mean no flying for a long while. So I'll just lay down." As Shiba curled up, she perked up her head. Someone was passing through the forest. She swished her tail back and forth. "Hm. Wonder who they are," She thought. "I guess I'll hide behind something and follow them for a bit. See if they'd be a good friend of mine....or a bad foe." She creeped in the grass, hoping nobody could see her. However, Shiba was a bright pink, so she might be pretty easy to see.

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Akuma stiffened as Nick blatantly announced Akuma had come out of concern for Dion. His cheeks lit up bright red and he briefly bared his fangs at Nick. Albel let loose a sadistic laugh, walking over to Akuma and circling behind him. "Concerned? You show up hours later after I could have killed him and say you're concerned? What are you, the cleanup crew?" he prodded. He leaned down, circling an arm around Akuma's shoulder with his claws pointed in at the boy's flesh. "So is this your new favorite, Dion?" he asked, looking at the scientist. Dion adjusted his glasses, "I simply take care of him. As I've tried for you" he said quietly. Albel snorted, letting go of Akuma. He turned to face Nick, "Just got an infestation of maggots today, dont we?" he smirked. "We got cured. Of our blood hunter disorder" Fayt piped up, trying to quell Albel's storm.


Kai exited the city and moved off into the woods. Practicing necromancy often alarmed people, so this was the safest option. Kai looked around to make sure no one was looking and rose the dragon corpse from the ground that had been bettered from their earlier battle. Kai frowned at its state. Stone had partially covered the dragon's limbs as it twitched on the ground. "Damn... hmm..." they muttered, reaching into their pouch. Kai retrieved a small vial of green liquid and poured a bit on each segment, emptying the vial. The stone melted away, freeing the undead dragon. "Now to do something about your.... appearance" the necromancer muttered, cracking their knuckles.

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((Where are you, Shiba? I'm going to list down the locations of where the active characters are at.


Inside the city of Windfall

- Kathia and Jason are in the bookstore.

- Chi and Kat are at the toystore.


The forest outside Windfall

- Akuma, Nick, Albel, and Fayt are at Dion's house.

- Kai is resurrecting a dead dragon at the outskirts.


On the far west of the Northeast region

- Atlas was chasing a halfling thief until he threw pepper spray bomb into her eyes. Now Atlas is on the ground and Rina is checking on her.

- Danielle and Kylie are still in the earth barrier waiting for their aunt to bring back some food.


In Solomos

- Aeolus's village has sent spies to investigate a human village, so that the dragons can destroy it later.


I have a few chapters for you to read to see what happened so far at the earlier pages, but they're all from my characters' POV. You'll have to ask the others what happened on their ends.




Chapters 1 and 3 are censored due to gore, so you may need to log on to DA to read them.


Also this RP has its own wikia: http://dragons-vs-humans.wikia.com/wiki/Dr..._vs_Humans_Wiki. You can go to the list of characters and click on your characters' links to fill out their pages.))


Kathia laughed for a bit before answered, "Yeah, I'm looking for spells that would help me kill those dragons. I like to learn them right away, but the book says that I have to start with beginner spells first so that my body can get used to the magic energy that's building up inside me. If I go with the big guns first, I'll just get a stroke." And she couldn't have that happening to her before her life's goal of revenge against the entire species of dragons.




((You did fine, Tron.))


The halfling flew away leaving behind Atlas as he smirked, glad to have gotten rid of the giant beast on his tail. "Hah, that will teach you!" he scoffed. Then he looked at the squirrel and said, "And now to eat that nice juicy snack." He held the squirrel to his face and was about to take a bite out of it.


Still not getting the pepper spray out of her eyes, Atlas decided to take a watery solution to this by washing the spray off. She cast the ice aura around her head and solidify it to encase herself in thick ice. The cold sting was now hurting her eyes just like the spray was doing. So she instantly blazed her head in a fire aura and turned the ice into water, washing the substance out of her eyes as well as one final and mild sting to her eyes.


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Nick didn't respond to Albel and instead just chose to ignore him, however, when Fayt piped in Nick instantly responded. "Congratulations Fayt, how did that work out?" he asked curiously, as he walked up and stood next to Akuma, looking at Dion again as he did so "So how did your little reunion go?" He asked "Seeing as you're alive still I'm assuming you didn't get beat up too much." he could still see the hand mark around Dion's neck, and it didn't look pretty. It also peaked his curiosity about what had gone down when Albel and Fayt had arrived.

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Albel smirked as Nick brisked over his commentary. Fayt stepped out from the kitchen, standing next to his brother, "Well I was already cured, but it went well for Albel. Now I only have to worry about his temper" he smiled at Albel who furrowed his brow in response. Fayt glanced over his shoulder at Dion, clearing his throat. "Yes, well..." he looked at the floor, fidgeting uncomfortably. "That's of no consequence now..." "Yes no need to worry about him when you have your own pet to worry about" Albel chimed, looking down at Akuma. "I'm no one's pet" he growled. "Heh, likely story. Do you roll over on command to humans now? You reek of the smell of their city" he made a low chuckle, "You're just like Chi"

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