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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Sorry for taking long. I had to work on an extended version for Aeolus's part, a birthday picture for someone on DA and something else.))


The startled Kathia jumped when she saw an arrow almost hit Van. The boy deflected it and Elizabeth led the girl over to a small room. For a moment, she felt safe until she heard someone behind her. Kathia looked to see a halfling, who reeked with the blood on him. The girl knew that he was referring to the bad Spinx, who saw her as his tool. She realized that if the bad Spinx’s men were here for her, then that meant that Axle was approaching him soon. Elizabeth blasted him away with her lightning spell. Kathia asked, “So he can survive getting zapped by lightning?”




The horde leader answered, "Well Mekarth, after talking with one of the witnesses about this kidnapper. I have decided to have one of our pygmies teleported over to where Juna is as a spy. I wish we could just send our magis to just warp her and bring her back, but then that would come with terrible consequences. Either the human would quickly come back and slaughter us all or Dracul will overwhelm us with his army. For now, a spy is our only way to find about this human's weakness and find out who else can teleport, so that we can be better prepared." After telling him his plan, Aeolus continued, "Speaking of which. Mekarth, I have a few theories about this human that I need confirmed. Are the cloak and sword his source of protection of teleportation?"




"Then let's go there," she said before they started walking over there. Once they entered the place, Minerva went to look for the nonfiction section and looked in the shelves with the directories. She found the yellow pages book on the bottom-most shelf and picked it up. The one at home was outdated, now that some of the stores had been rearranged in Windfall. At first, the woman thought about paying and leaving, until she got an idea that there might be books about fighting techniques for Ronan here. Even though he had a master that thought him a lot, he probably teach him all the techniques in the world. Thinking that learning more would be beneficial for the school, Minerva asked, "Hey Ronan, before we make our purchases, do you want to see if we can find books that teaches you how to fight?"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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The young dragon chirped once more at the man, jumping onto his lap. Her pointy and heavy body uncomfortable, too big to be held and carried like a hatchling. Her eyes, glowing like the night sky closed as she got more comfortable. She was beyond relieved to have someone who seemed to care about her and take care of her. She wished she understood the human better then she did, but for the moment she was content as she could be.

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((It cool))


Elisabeth slam the door shut and started to slid her hands over the wall, almost like she was looking for something. "It not the surviving part that the problem, it the fact that it is already dead, and trying to kill anything in the temporal plane is a bit more difficult than what you think." She said as she stop moving along the wall. on the side of her neck, which can be seen now, was a very black area that was in the patter of a claw mark from something. She pressed hard against the wall she was against now. "And if I had to guess, yes that thing could survive a blast of that magnitude, simple because I do not have enough strength to destroy that thing anymore." She said as the wall glowed red and flames spit out from the wall before opening up a secret passage in the middle of the room leading down.


"To simple put in Kathia, all I can do is stall it for a few seconds or so before it returns." She said as she turn around. A small ball of fire appeared next to her.


"Kathia, listen very carefully, at the end of this passage is a platform. Spinx already informed me on the theory of returning you home, and well seeing how you don't even measure up to a mage level of that skill, there was only one choice on who originally cast the spell here." Elisabeth said as she started to walk down the stairs, "If all go according to plan, you should arrive back home with little or no marks on you, however if things do not, just yell the name Excab. It really your only safety net you have if worse come to worse. Now let get going."



"I do not know. I can't tell what is magic and what is not." Mekarth said before his head kind of lowered, "I never been able to at all." Mekarth sound a little depress by that before he turn his attention back to Aeolus, "However, I do know that man is a time leaper, or to put it in regular terms, a mage capable of slowing or speeding up time, even stopping it for a few seconds. That is really all I know. Axle and juna are the ones who know more on magic topic than I do, sorry."


Mekarth started to turn around before he stop and look at Aeolus, "Mind me asking but do you know where they might have gone to or a certain area?"

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Kathia stared at the dark scar on Elizabeth's neck; she had been killed by a dragon. Then a secret passage was uncovered as the girl felt the heat being emitted from the flames. As she listened to Elizabeth about there possibly being a way for her to return home from there and what to do in case it fails. "Alright, I'm going," she said. After a while, they finally made it there and saw a platform in the middle of the room. "Looks like that must be it," said Kathia.




Aeolus felt somewhat discouraged by the black's lack of knowledge on the magic. Even more unbelievable was how a black dragon such as himself was unable to use magic, and that breed was capable of such a thing. However, the leader was getting somewhere after learning how the human was able to go this fast. He would be sure to ask one of the other former lords later about this. When asked where "they" were, Aeolus answered, "You mean Axle and Atlas? I do not know. But if you need to know, I saw ask them."

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((before I continue I have a question. how would a dragon be able to teach a young one like airazena's dragon how to speak? can it be done through magic? cause if drake can use even just a little magic to pass on the knowledge of speech, I think that would be cool.))

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((Torch from what I can gather, yes they can, but it a long and deadly process. It like a mind link for a time being. That really all i can tell so far. Most of the time the dragon already have the knowledge at birth, but they do not know how to use it correctly until age have come for them to use it.))


Elisabeth seemed a little weary of the area, almost like she was on edge about something. "We are not alone here." She whispered to Kathia before she snapped her figures, lighting a line of oil paths on fire, and her supposition were correct. Sitting near the platform stairs where the halfling Elisabeth blasted with lighting, but also another halfling there as well. There laying over the edge of the stair case was Van, very badly injured and blood.


"Well you finally made it here at last. I was starting to think I would have to have fun with slicing your partner up into little ribbons." The halfing she basted with lighting said.


"Kathia, stay here." Elisabeth said as she started to walk towards the pair. She seemed to have a heat aura around her as she walked closer. "You two made a big mistake attacking Van, now you will pay."


"Oh, it sound like the big bad dr-" The second one started to say before it was light on fire, right where she stood. It screeched loudly before vanishing into smoke.


"How did you get the strength to use ignite at the magnitude?" The first one asked, and it answer was on it as well, as it busted into flames.


"You never ever, piss off a red mage Ever, Ungrateful soul." Elisabeth snared at the now burning halfling. Once the area was clear for the time being, Elisabeth looked back at Kathia and yelled to her, "We do not have time to for you to be standing around all day and sight seeing."

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((Hey Airazena, what's your character's form? I'm thinking about putting it on the wikia for all to reference.


Also, I will pretend that Aeolus's and Atlas's conversation came before she went down to hunt and eat that deer.))


The disaster dragon spoke telepathically to the magi dragoness, 'Atlas, how far have you and Axle reached Trident Mountain?'


The response he heard in his mind was, 'I don't know, but we're not even close. We only got till afternoon to get there. But get this, Aeolus. Dracul apparently wants get there within 24 or else he'll put Axle's daughter in danger.'


'What?' asked the horde leader. He sensed something suspicious about the tyrant's demand. It was as if Dracul was using the hostage to lure the two dragons into a trap.


'I know, right?' said Atlas. 'I think that censorkip.gif*** must be planning a trap for us there.'


Aeolus warned, 'Your guess is as good as mine, Atlas. You and Axle must be careful. Whatever plans Dracul has for the two of you, it certainly won't be pretty.'


The magi spoke determinedly as if eager for battle, 'Well whatever he's got waiting for us over there, I'll be sure to foil that plan and give him the middle claw. I won't let that censorkip.gif*** or that vampire he sent us get us.'


'He sent you a vampire?'


Atlas answered, 'Yes he did. But it's not a dragon, it's a human that somehow got turned into one. Axle decided that girl is innocent and brought her with us. But I wouldn't be so sure. She might take off that collar while we aren't looking and let her family in on where we are.'


Aeolus didn't like the idea of having an enemy this close to duo for unnecessary reasons. He found Axle's decision to be a foolish one that would surely bring danger to them. But hopefully, as least they'll be able to use her to spill out any beans as to what Dracul is up to and gain some intelligence on him. For their safety, he told her, 'Then by all means, keep a sharp eye on her on all times. That way, she won't cause any trouble when you least expect it. And whatever reason you have that collar on her for, make sure she keeps it on until you have no further use for her. After that, kill her.'


'Tch! Easier said than done when Axle's got compassion for the whole world, even the bad guys. He's just not the type to kill a fly.'


Aeolus frowned in displeasure with the white dragon's pacifism and said, 'That fool; one day his soft-hearted nature will be his doom.'


'That's what I'm worried about,' said the concerned dragoness. 'But it looks like he's not his usual self lately. Not after the killing of his human daughter and the kidnapping of the other one. I think he means to get his claws on Dracul and kill him. Hell, he even killed a dragon to avenge the dead one.'


Aeolus's opinion of Axle lightened a little as he said, 'So he's not as soft as he seems. That's a good thing.' One must use force, no matter how violent, when confronting a malicious leader in war. It was the only way to free a nation.


'Yes, I guess,' Atlas agreed.


When they no longer had any words to continue the topic, the horde leader found it to be a perfect time to tell the magi what happened on his end. 'Anyway, I got some bad news that should concern Axle. Juna has just been abducted by one of Dracul's men.'


The magi was surprised in a terrible way as she yelled, 'What the censorkip.gif, how?! She was with the horde, wasn't she? There's no way that could have happened.'


'But it did and I doubt any one of us could have stopped him.' Aeolus told her how the man was a timeleaper and what he was capable of. He continued, 'That's why I brought this up, so that maybe you, a magi dragon, and Axle will tell me about one would use the power to stop time.'


Unfortunately, Atlas was clueless on the subject as well. She said, 'Well gee, I don't know how it works. I've never cast any time spells in my life and I don't know if I can.'


With his friend out of the picture, Aeolus had the dragon lord siblings left. 'Then I guess speak to Axle or Juna about this in a few minutes. Thank you for this talk, Atlas. I'll contact you again when I need something.'


'You're welcome, Aeolus. Good luck with getting Juna back.' Then they ended their telepathy. Aeolus looked to Mekarth and told him everything he learned the conversation like how far away Axle and Atlas were, who their new travelling companion was, and why they needed to hurry to Trident Mountain.




"Huh?" said Kathia, who was now uneasy by what Elisabeth has just said. Behind them were two halflings with an injured Van. The girl gasped in shock and horror at the poor boy’s bloody state. Elisabeth burned two halflings down into nothing before she told Kathia to get on with it. The girl flinched at the woman’s yell before she cried, “Oh right, sorry!” Then she hurried over to the platform and then looked at the box she held. This was it; she had to use a magic source to activate the orb and get her out of this world and there were only two: herself and Elisabeth. She didn’t know if the woman would voluntarily sacrifice her own magic to get Kathia out of her, but she wouldn’t count on someone happily giving up the powers that made them mighty. Even Kathia herself was reluctant to give up the magic energy she needed to kill dragons and teach her army. ‘Oh gosh, this is so hard,’ she thought.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Mekarth looked at Aeolus when he told him about Axle and Atlas journey so far, and Mekarth gasp a bit. "Well that is not good. Not good at all." Mekarth said as he took a step back. "Tell Atlas to keep a distance from Axle. If Dracul did that or had someone did that, that is not going to be a pretty sight." Mekarth said as he shook his head. "Axle may be a person who rather have life or death, but he will kill anyone who attack or threaten his family or people he cares for, that include people who gets in his way. Take it from me." Mekarth said. He took a few second before he redirect his attection back to the problem at hands. "Well now we have to get juna back ASAP, so that she can train you guys, because I simple can not." He said before he took his leave from the village, back towards the empty desert, back towards the copy of the city the earth dragons were making.


((Will reply with everyone else))

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Taking the black's warning seriously, Aeolus used telepathy again to contact Atlas and warn her before it was too late. 'Atlas, it's me again. You haven't told Axle about Juna yet, have you?' he asked.


The magi answered, 'No I haven't, why?'


The disaster told her, 'Good, because Mekarth has just given me word of caution about his brother. I've heard that he gets violent whenever anybody tries to harm the people he loves. He's even hostile around those who get in his way. Atlas, you need to keep a safe distance away from Axle now, and don't tell him anything about Juna either.' Keeping the dragoness's capture a secret would prevent her brother from getting more angrier than he was now.


'Um, right. The secret's safe with me,' said Atlas. Aeolus could sense a feeling of disturbance in her tone as if she was more worried than ever for the white dragon.


The telepathy ended once more and the horde leader went on to contact Juna next. Axle was out of the question; talking to him about the time leaper could end up leading to him finding out about his sister. The disaster pictured the silver dragoness in mind and asked, 'Juna, are you alright?'

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As she was nearly done eating the dear, the magi heard a telepathic voice from Ohimia. The lumina and Garin had been looking for her. Atlas answered, 'Axle and I are going over to Trident Mountain. We have to make there before the end of the day or else the bad guys are going to put his daughter into whatever twisted games they have for her. You guys need something?'

((A wild post appears!

I need to make those characters I planned already.))




The dragoness grinned, but before she could respond, it felt like the magi got wrapped up in another conversation. So she waited until it was over. Meanwhile, the Lumina turned to Garin.

I got in contact with her, but it seems like she's telepathically talking to another dragon at the moment. Let's land. and then she dove towards the ground and landed her feet in soft dirt.

After it felt like the conversation was done, Ohimia reached out to her again. 'Well...we don't nessescarily need anything as in "we need help" but you and your white dragon friend seem to be good friends. It's hard to keep friends, especially in this time of war, and...I would like friends. And companions to travel with. It may sound silly, but it's true.' she let out a sigh.


((I want to be more involved in the plot, since it seems like Yopple and Ohimia are just hobbling at the sidelines. I want to be more in the action sad.gif I like this roleplay and want to be more involved))

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((Okay, I'll see if I can bring you in. But I got to keep Atlas's responses realistic. That means she'll be warning your character about the possible dangers they'll be in should they travel together.))


Atlas listened to Ohimia saying that she wanted some friends to be around. The magi would be glad to keep her company, but she knew Axle and his sister, Juna, would be displeased if she brought others into unnecessary danger. Even Atlas herself didn't want to put her and Garin into harm's way. So she gave the lumina a fair warning to understand the journey to Trident Mountain. 'Well Ohimia, I'd like to hang with you guys, too. But our journey isn't all playtime and games. You see? We're going up against two evil dragons, a necromancer, vampire humans and everyone else they're throwing at us. That means there will fights, danger and death. You almost got killed by a hybrid; I'm not sure I want to have your life risked again. Especially when you're still learning how to fight,' she said.

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Ronan shook his head. "A book has limits to what can be taught. You can learn everything about fighting from books, but they can never teach you to adapt, to change tactics and to outsmart your opponent. We'll do fine without books." He had no troubles learning from his master so he didn't think a book was necessary.


Rick tried to pet the young dragon as she laid in his lap, albeit a bit uncomfortably. He sighed unsure what to do right now.

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((Torch, from what I can tell, anywhere between an hour to a month, base on how much you are trying to teach the target with the spell.))


Elisabeth follows Kathia to the platform and stop at the edge of the circle. "Well I guess this is good bye than Kathia. With very little know of how this spell works, I have really no idea where you really end up, could be in the air miles from the target, or even inside them. It would be the first and only sending spell I will cast for the rest of my life. Now if you do not mind the scroll."



Juna woke up to a very dark area. I first she thought she was in the cave until she felt the coldness of metal around her neck and her around her body. She could tell that she was clothed again, but not what she was hoping for. 'I swear to the passed lords, I will ki-' She started to thought until Aeolus came into her mind. "Well atleast the collar does not stop telepathic communication, and to answer your question, no I'm not alright. You better start explaining why I'm in a damn cell again." She sounded a bit piss off about being where she is at. Than she heard someone walking around on the outside of the door.

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When told of how the spell worked, Kathia's heart felt heavy with nervousness at the thought of being too high in the sky or getting digested inside a dragon. Kathia relaxed in relief, when Elisabeth said that she would cast the spell to send her back into the real world. When prompted to give the scroll to the woman, the girl took the scroll and out of the box and handed to her. Now she waited for the moment would she would speak Axle's name.




Aeolus found it odd how the dragoness knew nothing of her own abduction. Surely she wouldn't ignore the fact that her life being in danger. 'You mean you don't know?' he asked.




Minerva thought he would miss out the new techniques they would find in books, but then again, what would she know about fighting anyway? She decided to support his decision and said, "Well if that's how you feel, then I guess we're done here. Come on, let's go to the cashier now. Maybe we'll pick up a chocolate bar there." There was this milk chocolate hazelnut bar she wanted to try. If it was still being sold, then she would happily take her chance to buy one now and break a piece to share with Ronan.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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(Not quite sure whether or not this is OK, just tell me if there's anything wrong with it.)


Mind if I interject for a moment? Garin said telepathically, landing on the ground. He had been eavesdropping on the entire conversation, just to see how it was turning out. I know how to handle myself in a fight, and, if anything, we could come along and my job could just be to keep Ohimia safe. How does that sound to you?

Edited by DJVoxel

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'Hm?' replied Atlas when Garin wanted in on the conversation. After he said that he would keep Ohimia safe in all times, the magi thought over her decision whether to bring them along or not. If Ohimia was with her, then Atlas can help train her and pass off her skills that won her many battles in the tournaments, but only during breaks. After making up her mind, the magi told him, 'Alright, I'll take you along. But I got to ask Axle first.' She formed a telepathic bond with the white dragon and asked, 'Hey Axle, Garin and Ohimia want to come with us. They can both fight for themselves. Can I bring them?'

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Juna shook her head at Aeolus reply back. "How about the fact I was asleep" Juna snapped back at him. She stood up in the dark cell, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, and now notice where she was at, and soon put two and two together. "Aeolus, When I get out of here, you, me, and my brother are going to have a very nice long chat about this. Oh and will only take an hour or so." Juna thought back, and it almost sound to calm for it to be good.

((Well Aeolus could wait for juna to break out herself, or could help. And the whole chat thing is the same as "Oh crap" calm.))


Axle got a message from Atlas about two more joining them on there journey, "I leave that choice to you. Also I landed in a clearing Quite far from you as well for my own hunt, just teleport there when you are done. Violet is there as well." Axle said as he send a mental image of the clearing. Some of the area was burn, but for the most part it look like a nice spot to rest at.


Elisabeth grab the scroll and open it up. What was inside was more than a spell for escaping, but a letter as well in words she did not know. She torn the letter part off from the scroll and hand it back to Kathia. "That part is not for the spell, nor is it in English or draconic. Simple to put it, it for who ever you are targeting, which I can very much take a stab at who." Elisabeth said as she started her chant. It was a bit weird, sound quite simular to a dragon, and Elisabeth sound just like a real one. The chant seemed to last for about ten minutes before she stop. "That is it, The spell is ready. Just break the orb and say the name of the target. Whatever you do don't move. Also, according to the spell, it first have to pinpoint the target, which will take some time, give or take ten minutes or so." Elisabeth said as she drop the paper and it was engulfed in flames. "That is the last of my magic, and once you are about to teleport, my life will go as well, ceasing to live any longer. Well hell, had a nice run while it lasted, but everything have it own time to end."

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((What's the written description like, Airazena?))


Aeolus scowled in response to the dragoness's harsh tone. He knew she had a strong dislike for him, but the way she said it was enough to get on practically anyone's nerves. Then Juna said that she would have a long chat after she broke out. By the sound of it, Aeolus suspect that that this "nice chat" was going to be opposite. Perhaps she may rant at him about today's incident or how she went unconscious yesterday, but who knows what she had in mind. Anyway, the leader questioned, 'And how do you intend to escape? You just got kidnapped by a time leaper. You break out and he might come for you again before you least suspect it.' He had originally thought about sneering the question, but that would make her dislike him more. He needed to get on her good side, so that his horde would receive training.




After taking the image in to her memory, the magi replied, 'Alright, I'll be there in a few seconds.' Then she stopped using telepathy with Axle and went back to Garin and Ohimia. 'Alright, I'll take you guys with us. I'd like to see how much Ohimia has learned from you,' she said. Atlas used the tracking spell to locate the lumina and halfling. Then she teleported herself over to where they were at. Turning her head to look from one to the other, she told them, "Let's go meet Axle." She pictured the former dragon lord's location and teleported the three over to where he's at. "We're here!" she said to Axle.




Kathia took the scrap of paper before Elisabeth told her what it was for. "Axle," the girl murmured the name, answering the woman's guess. Then Elisabeth started to chant the spell. Kathia was amazed at how well her voice imitated a dragon's. Perhaps the scroll was written in Draconic. After the chant was over, Elisabeth instructed the girl on what to do. Kathia said, "Okay, got it. I'll just stand perfectly still while this is going on." Then the woman said that the spell will be her last and then she will die. The girl was confused by this and said, "But I thought you and everybody else here are already dead. How can you die a--" Her mind instantly figured it out for her when she remembered how zombies were corpses filled with magic to give them life again. Because Elisabeth was one, the woman would lose all magic in her body and forever cease to animate in the temporal plane. "Oh right," the girl continued. It was quite tragic for the woman to end like that and even though Kathia only knew her from last night to the morning, she still felt for her. "I think everyone here's going to miss you, Elisabeth," said the girl, predicting the good zombies' response to the woman's loss.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((One, Axle is not in the clearing, Two, the language is written in Sylvan, or the voice of the leaves.))


Elisabeth turn towards the staircase. "Dead? No kid, Me, Van and Spinx are very much alive, well for the time being. But that soon about to change, for all of us that still very much have life left in our bodies." Elisabeth sadly said as she watch the staircase. "But, there are secrets in these worlds best left forgotten." She said as she pulled off the cloak that was around her, revealing an armored Elisabeth. She had two purple metal whips on her sides as she gripped both the handles of the whips and cracked them out to their full length. "Well are you two going to be hiding in the shadows or are you going to strike?" Elisabeth said out loud.


A few seconds later, the two halflings came from the shadows of the room. "My, my. What a noticeable girl you are. Sadly, we are not going to let her get away that easily." One of the halfling said as they both started to move slowly towards Elisabeth. "And how we are going to stop her from leaving is by killing you" The other one said.


Elisabeth was getting tired of their talk and slow dance. She end up cracking one of her whips hard on the floor next to them. "You know you both are really starting to piss me off greatly." She snared at the.


"Oh' than let me fix that for you than." The second one said before vanishing in the shadows than soon reappearing right in front of Elisabeth. He quickly pulled out a dagger and it found it mark right square in her chest. "You see, without your magic you are very much useless and really no match for either of us, so do us all a favor and just die here." It snared back at her as she fell to her knees.


"Miss Kathia, it is very impolite to just run off before the big party is about to happen. It not very welled Mann-" The halfling stared to say before Elisabeth swung her whip right though the air, snapping right across it face. It drew blood from the creature.


"And I do not find it very thrilling at all that a few shadow mages can't tame on a single powerless mage with out cheap tricks.



Violet look at Atlas and now two new comers. "Um, Atlas. Axle out hunting on foot, and he just let about five minutes ago. And who are those two?" Violet asked Atlas.




"A time leaper, well now that a surprise." Juna thought to herself as she went back to Aeolus. "Simple, knock down the front door."

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((Sorry, I didn't know he would be hunting. I mean it was never stated in your previous post. And I knew that Elisabeth was speaking a different language. Kathia doesn't know anything about the draconic language and thought that Elisabeth might have spoken that. That or I might have misread your post.))


Kathia stared at the woman's armor and whips in interest; not only was she a mage, but it looked like she was a warrior, too. After Elisabeth called the halflings out, the creatures started to fight her. That was when the girl's adrenaline started pumping with fear and eagerness to escape before the halflings get to her. She quickly took the orb and threw it down hard onto the platform where it smashed and broke into pieces. Then she looked up at the ceiling and shouted, "AXLE!" She waited for the spell to take effect and take her to the dragon.




Violet told the dragoness that Axle had went out to hunt. It seemed like the magi's hunting had inspired him to go catch his own food. Looks like they'll be having their first break until it was time to go again. Atlas told the vampire who the tag-a-longs were as she looked from the halfling to the lumina, "This halfling is Garin and the other one here is Ohimia." Then she turned to the duo and introduced the girl to them, "And everyone, this is Violet, a vampire who worked for the evil dragons I was telling you about. She supposedly didn't want any part in the attack and Axle trusts her. But I'd watch her if I were you."




Juna sounded confident in her tactic, but what about making her way out from her prison? 'And the guards. Do you believe that you are a match for any of them, even a group of them?' he asked.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Ya my bad, did not make that clear. Sorry. And red there is a draconic alphabet on the web. Image, ya my friend just told me so tongue.gif ))


Axle was out hunting on foot, quietly sneaking around in his human form. His blue eyes focus on his target as he watch a deer grease on the green grass. He was laying low, practicing his stealth as he crouch slowly towards the deer. He soon stop as he got the feeling that some just yelled his name, causing him to step on a twig and alerting the deer that he was near causing it to sprint off. "Damn it" Axle mutter under his breath, but he could not shake the feeling like something or someone just yelled his name. He did not like that feeling.



"I don't know Aeolus. Who knows, they might be worth fighting at full strength." Juna reply back. "If you want to help go ahead."



Elisabeth keep the halfling back at bay for a good five minutes before they started to ware her out greatly. One manage to tackle her to the ground and pin her down. The other one step hard on her hand causing her to scream in pain. "Music to our ears."


((Sorry about it being short time is up at the liberty))

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Nick watched curiously as he took a few steps into the cave and cleared his throat, “What is all this then?” he interrupted the conversation between Chi and Akuma. He didn’t really care how Chi got them to do all this, but why. The cave was well hidden, and a decent size. So what did Chi have to keep in here, or was there more to it than that? He looked puzzled as he asked his question, and shifted the heavy pack on his back as he looked around, suddenly feeling the odd one out, being the only human among all of these dragons and hybrids. His eyes looked over each of the tunneling dragons, only hovering for a split moment. Boy they sure did work fast, but what could they be doing this for? He was hoping Chi would be able to clear things up. He didn’t like feeling left out.

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((Esko posts! And it is much needed! Though this is probably just a quick catch-up post that's kinda crappy.

Ohai Nick, nice to see you again))




She grinned when Garin piped up and said that he could protect her. He's volunteering? Maybe I've successfully made a friend...

Don't get too comfy here. Remember, you're living in a war.


She was a little surprised when Atlas popped up in front of the two of them. I'm guessing that she can teleport too. After a few seconds, the three of them teleported somewhere else, a clearing where another being already was at. Atlas introduced the two of them to the person, who was apparently called Violet. A vampire, huh? Well, nice to meet you, Violet!


((still have no idea what to do for Yopple wacko.gif ))

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