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• The Plagued Earth | OOC •

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Hi all. My arm was broken so I couldn't reply. Hopefully I can RP more since it has been put in a cast.

We heard from your friend. And that's great news! Hope you feel better soon!


Edit: pls Ayes and Evensong post with Glas and Alvi already...

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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I'm still not convinced.


EDIT: Assuming for a moment you're telling the truth, why do they hate me? Everything I said would have been based upon misinformation.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Guys you took my evil character idea. ;-;


Okay um... I've got something/one planned. I'll post the form soon.

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Well of course I was mean. He[your cousin] was being stupid.


EDIT: Though I'm still not sure I believe you.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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He is an idiot. And I'm going to pretend this never happened. End of discussion.


Evie, you can still do the evil character thing.

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*AHEM* In any case, I need to ask everyone something IMPORTANT. I originally didn't want to share this except towards the party needed to pull it off, but everyone talking about how to solve the plague has forced my hand.


If and when there is one final time skip where mostly everyone who are NOW mature hatchlings will become adults and those that are NOW hatchlings will become mature hatchlings. Any unwanted dragons can die during the time skip -if you want to, not necessary- due to the plague spreading or in what Im about to mention in the "song" in blue.


My point is though, if Michiru ever becomes a mature hatchlings I was thinking that Someone could activate a memory of Michiru's ancestors about a certain song magic that the Holysongs before her told. When she is exposed to Skylene's bracelet and when Jean is on the verge of death (which I've mentioned to both Bacon and Korra before) she can active this song that tells a very important and ancient legend. I have yet to make it official, but here's what I have based on



There was a person I loved very much

as we spent the days together

we danced with the other keeping our feelings hidden


But one day my love fell ill

his eyes would not open, deep in pain would he writhe

leaving me to weep, leaving me to suffer


My mother came to me and sang to me,

"Go to the ends of the earth and you will find

the flower of serenity"


My father came to me and comforted me,

"Go to the realm of the dead and you will find

the flesh and bones of truth"


My sister came to me and encouraged me,

"Go to the center of destruction and you will find

the honey of despair"


With no blessings to speak of

no sustenance, no light, no hope, no darkness

bring together all three and suffering and despair

will bloom in wealthiness and happiness


Without suffering, there is no hope

without death, there is no life

without any of these, what I seek

will slip through my hands.


Tell me what you guys think. I've left the locations and items needed as vague as possible so even if the adults of the past heard this song, it was in a different language and the song is vague enough to be misinterpreted by many.


So far I have the "father" part means that you must use a black marrow's flesh, blood, and bones. It also includes any dragon that is more resistant to the plague than others. It could also mean that you must take the DNA of a black marrow/ other dragons resistant.


I have no idea why OOC posts dont take me as long as a IC post when both are pretty long. OOC posts only take me 5-15 mins to write while again, IC posts take me like, 30mins to 4 hrs to write.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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I like it! Perhaps there should be more involved than simply having the ingredients, though? Maybe they would have to search for ingredients?

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Exactly what Im trying to say!



The first 2 stanzas are references to everyone's beloved ones falling to the plague, the singer's in particular.


the next 3 stanzas describe what is needed and where to find it


the last 2 stanzas tell of the journey that everyone will face in order to get to the place. It also describes in the journey that, if you don't sacrifice someone or something at certain points of the journey, you won't gain anything and the journey will be in vain. There will also be hunger, thirst, pain, darkness, fear, uncertainty... and so on


The above mentioned is one of the reasons Rakushun has come back, but he doesn't know it yet since he hasn't met Michiru or have knowledge of her song magic

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Oh my gosh that is an amazing idea! I love it! Does this mean we would have to kill Rico though......? •_____•


EDIT:( in the case we didn't find or know of an immune or resistant dragon)

Edited by skiddajane

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Not really. It doesn't specify if they need all of the body or just bits. I dont know yet who needs to die in order for the others to advance, I don't even know what the other 2 items really are. I say "flower" and I say "honey" but they're really just metaphors, not that it really could be something flower or honey related.


Again, the song is vague and is open to other's ideas as long as the location is hard to reach as well as the item hard to get. Remember, its something that even all the adult dragons of the past couldn't figure out/couldn't do/didn't do right.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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When I saw the "flower of serenity" part, I thought we could do something with serenity. But it's just her name so it might not make much sense.

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I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Seren.

I still really, really, like it, though.

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I didnt even know there was a dragon named Serenity, Im assuming its the ridgewing?


Yeah, I was thinking it was a literal flower found either in the heart of where the plague originated, a human area, or I don't know, somewhere. But again, it doesn't have to be a literal flower.


I basically used a similar format to Rakushun's runes and Michiru's song magic



flower of serenity


I used this format because I want the item to either be a literal item or a metaphorical item in a literal or metaphorical place. It doesn't even have to be the things I mentioned (well, I personally like the flower thing which is why that's in my project) as long as Michiru sings the tale. Before she can, I need everyone's suggestions.



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I don't really care how the plague is cured. But. I think your idea may be to complex Tala.


I'm also not sure we even should cure the plague. It might be better to find a way to quarantine it, like sunflowers stopping the corruption in Terraria.

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(OOC: Evensong and Ayesthine.....I need you two to post already...)

I'm working on it! Things are going to be a little bit hectic for me, since school is starting in two days. I'll try my best to keep up, but I might not be able to >.<

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Yeah. but it's only six hours. And silver, no. Don't you think it'd be just a bit unfair if it pointed to three specific dragons?

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You know what I mean, Silver.

For colours, you have to choose a colour before the text, then close the tag (by clicking the "close all tags") when you're finished. It can be begun and stopped midway through.

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