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True, villains never think they're evil. They think they're doing the right thing and they have a purpose for doing what they do.


Also, I'm not sure you can handle a character than doesn't talk, KK.

Edited by Doctortear

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I understand, and that's why I made it eggs. The older hatchlings would still be vulnerable. And this process would take a while. Even when the eggs hatch, no one would figure out that they are immune for a while. And it would take even longer for our current charries to mate and make eggs. That's why I said this was long term. The game would continue for quite a while before the plague is cured. And besides, they have yet to actually figure out a "cure" for the infected.

Edited by skiddajane

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Never isn't the word. Occasionally, one in a billion know what they're doing is wrong. They do it for enjoyment, but I do agree that Akira should have a motive.

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Ah... I think its time I reveal a little of what I'm planning soon...


It has to do with Michiru, her song magic, and a tale to tell. Its about a dangerous journey... I'm still debating it with the almighty plot instigator however as this is very crucial plot point.

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But at the right stage of development, and under certain conditions, you can manipulate an embryo. They do it all the time with chicken eggs. It's also in he process of evolution. Under certain conditions, an animal is born better equipped to survive in it's environment than the rest of its species. Him placing the eggs there has the potential to really spice up the plot a bit. We could even kill off some charries while they try to get the eggs back.

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I wasn't commenting on the eggs, doctor. I was commenting on how every villain thinks they're good.

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I still don't feel like that would work. Making a few hatchlings immune doesn't make a cure. Don't you think someone else would of tried that already in desperation? It feels a little loose cannon and I'm not really sure the hatchlings can make a cure with the DNA of the immune hatchlings. I'm also pretty sure a dragon egg won't have the same qualities of other eggs since they are ready to hatch at any moment.


Oh and Koala, I was talking to Jane. ^^"

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KK, your app would be much better if he weren't so one-dimensional. You could explain why he acts that way, since no one is truly "naturally evil". Give him some real personality. What are his weaknesses? He seems like a power character, and nothing else. That's not what you should be going for when making that type of character.


Rejected by me for now until it's greatly improved.


Edit: The whole idea about this is very forced and unnatural. It makes little-to-no sense as to why you would create and evil character just for the heck of it. We don't need more killing/drama IMO. Everything has been taken pretty far lately in this RP, so if I were you I would scrap your current idea completely. :/

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Anyone know where and when Tapir appears? I need them bgs. Since i heard that Tapir sometimes goes on the chat, Ill be there waiting for Tapir. Hope I dont get distracted.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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I'll send it again. Not much of a plan though, more like a sorta warning, since I want to keep it a surprise.

Also, my rp got approved! Yay!

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Okay, that got out of hand.

Here are my suggestions:

Give him back the flame breath.

Make it so that he talks.

Give him several more abilities.

With his personality, it's fine that he's born evil and knows it. But maybe give him a soft spot, a weakness. Something that the mere mention of makes him angry. And then make it so that when he's angry he's reckless.

Essentially, give him tons of powers and a giant Achilles Heel.


However, KK, I don't think you can play an evil character, let alone a psychopath.


Note to everyone:

I will not be accepting any apps with the word 'friend' in them. Exceptions will be made if it says they are hard to befriend or some such. (Like Aerix.)

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Well some people like to rp friendly dragon, or don't think they'd be good at rping an unfriendly one

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Why not?

I assume you mean about my note?


Go use ctrl+f on the front page of the RP. Type in 'friend' and go for a while. More than two thirds of the dragons have it in their app.

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