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Still experiencing a headache, Skylene paid little attention to Kalana, focusing only on parts of her speech. "A bear? Why would a bear.......we'll be fine, trust me. It won't see...us,...and if it does, I'll take care of it." She grinned, and gave a light but restrained laugh, not entirely sure if it was to be joked about. If anything, joking would cause Kalana to become even more nervous and worried about their situation. Wiping off her lighthearted emotions, she presented herself in a more serious manner, just as she had done before. "And yes, we should get some rest now. I'm tired. You're probably tired too. I doubt there's anyone still up by now." Although she was deeply interested in hearing what Kalana had to say, she decided to stick to what was necessary first. It's been a long day... Cleaning the dirt from her wings, Skylene yawned and promptly laid down, carefully avoiding the roots around her. "'Night..." she said, and let her mind relax as she drifted off into sleep.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Kalana was also quite drowsy, but less so than Skylene. Seeing her friend lie down to sleep, she followed suit, and began to drift into a deep, dreamless slumber. Before she was able to escape reality, Skylene's words rang in her mind. Right...if a bear comes, Skylene can manage, and I can help... And if it doesn't work, we can just fly away... but...but there's so,etching wrong...something...wrong...


((Sorry for short post))

Edited by KoalaNoob

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"Oh, okay..." Viden mumbled dejectedly as Bathory suddenly walked off.

He almost forgot to narrate his journey back to his cave but-

"Bah" Viden said as he decided to stop narrating himself.

He would continue later when he was in a better mood. He trudged slowly towards his cave home, taking to the air as he neared it. Flight felt good on this cool crisp night. If only it could lessen the pain in his heart. He arrived at his cave not too much later and slowly began to calm down. He was fairly tired after all. He felt he needed to update his wall, but not now. He would do it tomorrow...


Alvira sneered at the moonstone, he was with the demon wretch. The turncoat would not receive any mercy because he was her friend before. The traitor would not get any less than he was due for being her ally in the past. The Benedict- What the censorkip.gif is a Benny Dick?

The Benedict would partake of his full retribution for betraying her. Their former friendship would gain him no favor in Alvi's eyes.

If she had to kill Glas to get at Rien, so be it. She gnashed her teeth at the traitorous turncoat Benedict moonstone. Her former friend was no doubt expecting her to fall for his ruse. Collapse before his act. Drop before his Broadway- Broad way? Where am I getting these words?

Drop before his Broadway performance as he tried to convince her to show compassion to the vile witch. But he would find himself utterly wrong. Completely incorrect. Infinitely mistaken.

"Don't think I'll let you live. Allow your survival. Permit your continued existence on the face of this Earth. Glas!" She sneered, "I will kill you without hesitation. Annihilate you without delay. Murder you without pause! I will crush, quash, love-" Whoops, wrong crush, I think. "I mean, suppress you from guarding, protecting, shielding that witch, demon, wretch from my fury, rage, spleen!" Spleen?! "She will die, fall, perish on this day, hour, minute!!!"

Alvi lashed out, hoping her outrageous- Outraged ranting speech had thrown her foe off guard, her claws moved towards his neck. She would tear, rip, shred out his throat, gullet, trachea. And then the wretch, witch, demon would be hers, Alvi's, dead.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Ashni could not hold back the soft laugh as it seemed that it finally hit Michiru that her Jean was indeed not the one she was used to. Of course this did not ease the feeling of discontent that the whole change was causing both Jean and herself, but now the others around them as well. More so for any friends of Jean as Ashni herself could not claim to have anyone that seemed to be as close as Michiru is to Jean. This thought both depressed her and brought some comfort that at least she would not be harming anyone with the whole fiasco.


Mention of sleep caught her attention, but not in a good way as it brought with it thoughts of the nightmare from the night before. However, Ashni knew that sleep could not be avoided and it would be a pointless endeavor to even try evading it. Yet that did not stop the grimace from showing or the slight shudder as the phantom feeling of Aradis' blood on her scales came upon her once more. "I-," she started off before pausing to stop the slight shake in her voice before starting over in a more confident tone, "I think that is a wise idea. I doubt Glas will show up now and it is no point in trying to wear ourselves out trying to figure this whole body switch thing out. Perhaps it will even fix itself when we wake up, never know."

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Jean gave a short nod and puffed out his chest. See? Even the mature hatchling agreed his was correct. He must of been the best decision maker of them all! No one could be better than him!

"Of course we should go to sleep," he boasted. "I know it's a good idea." Turning away from Ashni, Jean crawled up towards his bed and plopped himself down. The sweet scent excreted from his original body still covered the mossy bed. Jean rubbed his head against the bed, hoping some of the beloved scent would come onto her.

"Come along, Michiru," Jean beckoned, expecting her to come to him. "We have to go to sleep now. It's getting late."

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Wobble sighed happily, entranced by the whirling display of light. The golden beams pierced the water, illuminating bubbles and particles previously unseen in the murky tunnel. He opened his jaws, sending forth a stream of bubbles. He watched, again entranced, the tiny orbs float to the surface. "Coming, Kirk?" he called over his shoulder. "The water is so pretty up here... " he murmured, more to himself than out loud. His eyes drifted shut as the gently undulating water buoyed him up to the surface.

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Kirk propelled himself forward and towards his friend. The light beaming into the water caught Kirk's eye. He swam forward and into the light up ahead. His head broke the surface and air filled his lungs. Kirk's eyes squinted as the light shined onto her. He was... outside?

What? How did this happened? Where's the ceiling? Where's the walls? Why does the water feel different?

The water here was warmer than the water in the cave. Kirk glanced up, expecting to see a brown wall above him. He let out a gasp as he saw the sky above him. White balls of twinkling light danced above him in a sea of black and twisting purple.

"Wobble! Look at that!" Kirk shouted as he stared up in amazement, his mouth agape.

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Realizing how cold and dark it was, he heavily groaned in disappointment. "Awww..." He scanned the area, and perked up when he saw a a rather large tree trunk covered in small scratches. "Hey! Hey! Look! That tree! I slept in that tree trunk when I was just a young hatchling!" He grabbed Feather and ran towards the tree trunk. He was so excited, that he almost flew to the trunk! He suddenly stops, making Feather run into him and cause the both of them to slam into the large tree trunk. "Woah-ohh.... @.@ Ahaha... That also means we're neither too far or too close to the birthcave. We... Heh. We should stay here until tomorrow!"

He shakes off his dizzyness and digs under the roots of the tree. He eventually taps somesort of hard surface which he reveals to be an underground door. Opening it, Hibiki invites Feather into the tree he had hallowed out to be his home away from home. Although crudely shaped on the inside, he has asked the magic users to preserve the wood so that it still was a living tree but also so he could live in it from time to time.

Hibiki pushed Feather into a well worn bed of leaves. He then jumped into the bed with her and threw a blanket over the two of them. "Here, we can share this blanket! Its much more comfortable than what we had last night am I right?. He didn't wait at all for Feather's reply to any thing he had said to her. In fact, it felt like he was in a rush to just settle down and get Feather comfortable- as if he was nervous around her or something. Eh, it was probably just because he felt bad about leading her into dangerous territory and accidentally snuggling up to her. Like how nice she felt or how he hugged her so tightly or how he-

Hibiki shook his body like a dog shaking off water, startling Feather and himself. Wide eyed, Hibki apologized, stepped out of the bed, wrapped the blanket around Feather only and curled on the floor next to the bed. "Ahahaha... Ah- Well- We'll be at the birthcave by tomorrow before you know it! G'night Feather!" He turned away from her and shut his eyes as tightly as he could, trying not to have these... weird reactions to Feather. It was reminding him of something, but he could no longer remember who or what kind of event it was... But his gut told him he shouldn't try to recover whatever it was he was feeling.


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"Mmmm..." She closed her eyes, hoping to be able to play with Jean, Clem and whoever was in Jean's body by tomorrow. She prayed that they would all have fun together all the time, and for no more tomorrows that involved pain, suffering, or any kind of danger as she had seen in the first few days of her life.


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With the notion that there was probably no one around to guide her, she sadly concluded that she was either alone or that everyone already hated her. She felt frustration rise within her small body. The only thing that made her hold back from full out bawling was the fact that she had already exhausted herself despite it not even being a full hour since she hatched. "There's not much I can do about it I guess..." She found the small niche she was originally nestled in and made herself comfortable. At the very least before she went to sleep she could give herself a name. Ripple? Waterspike? Wonderfins? Tsunami? Nami? Mitsuki? Nah, none of those. Loner? Water? Shirmp? It was like the more she tried to think of a name, the more unnatural or stupid the names sounded to her. Could she not even come up with a name for herself? Was she really that useless? Again, she convinced herself that there was nothing she could do about it... A few minutes after her eyes had closed one word had resounded in her head. "Rita."


((Kay, hope you guys are oki with a bit of pow-mod with Rien -in that I dont want Alvi to break out of the hold and the fact Im pretty much breaking the hatchling vs mature hatch thing- since I want to try to end the interaction sooner. If its not oki, just tell me and I'll change it when possible. ...I also just realized that Alvi is DEAF. censorkip.gif With the right kind of words from Glas, Alvi should be able to snap out of it, like how Rien has.))



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Horrified that Alvi managed to break free of her vines, Rien sat there on the ground stunned as Alvi took las on. No, no, no, Rien wouldn't be able to forgive herself if Alvi in her state would harm Glas. It almost felt as if SHE was the one harming Glas, and not Alvi. After all, it was HER paranoia that was switched around and HER paranoia that was causing Alvi to act so harshly. In a desperate last attempt, Rien grabbed Alvi from behind with her entire main body, then constricted Alvi and herself into a lock so that Alvi could no longer move. It didn't matter to Rien whatever kind of magic Alvi would do, even if it meant burning off parts of her body for life- Rien would never let go and gave an order to her vines to always constrict the target -even when in pain or badly burnt- until she told them to stop. No, Rien wasn't choking Alvi, she was just trying her best to constrict her limbs and her mouth so that Alvi would actually LISTEN for once. Her telepathy not exactly the best, Rien wanted to see if Alvi could at least directly hear her and not have to lip read. <Please calm. No hurt. Calm please!>

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Glas stared. His eyes, still filled with translucent tears, gazed in disbelief. "Wh- " he stammered. "I wasn't- I was try to protect you!" A paw raised to his throat, wiggling our from underneath the black hatchling's painful grasp. "I- " he stuttered. "I was trying to, at least.. " He sniffed, rubbing away his tears with a swipe of his paw.

This Alvi was different. Far different that he thought. She was strange and hard and cold. Nothing he said, nothing anyone said, would make any difference to her. She was gone from him. Gone. He recoiled from her, fear and shame brimming his red-rimmed eyes. He stood mute and silent; shock and surprise pinning him to the ground.

He said nothing as Rien dashed over, tangling her vines around the writhing Alt Black. He made no sound as she struggled.

He stared into her brilliant green eyes with something akin to disappointment. "Why?" He whispered. "Why?" he said, finding his voice. "Why?!" he shouted. He squeezed his eyes shut, wrinkling his nose. Tears streamed freely down his face, dripping readily from his chin. "Why would you do this to me?!" His paw groped for a rock, claws scrabbling on the leaf-strewn dirt. The firm cool sharpness of a stone pressed into his paw, and he grabbed it. Blue eyes, dark with sadness, opened again.

This wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to him, it wasn't fair to Rien, it wasn't fair to any of the hatchlings. Most importantly, it wasn't fair to Alvi. She deserved to live her life as it was, free from anger and fear and this bitterness. She might hate him, that was fine. He could live with that, somehow. He would find a way. Alvi, though... needed her sanity. She deserved it. She was smart and funny and hardworking, and she was a good friend. This was not Alvi. Not how she should be. Something had to be done to help her.

The moonstone's gaze hardened. "I am so sorry." he whispered. He swung his forearm, the rock still gripped tight in his claws. He held it quivering above his head. Glas breathed in, and let the stone fall.

A pain, sharp and bitter, pierced his chest.

What have you done?

Anguish like nothing he had ever felt rocked him to the core.

WHAT have you DONE?

He shuddered as the rock made contact.

I am fixing her.

And this is how I must do it.

Edited by Ayesthine

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Alvi snarled as Rien grabbed her. She had been so distracted with Glas she'd forgotten about the witch. She struggled, trying to get free and kill them both. But she couldn't. She was worn out from all her struggling. Tired from her- She felt something sharp smash into her forehead. She should have been paying more attention, instead she started obsessing over her threes. And now Glas had gotten a shot at her. She had failed to keep her guard up, and the little weasel had slipped in a shot. She hated them both. She would remember the moments from before she blacked out, she swore to herself she would never forgive them. Never.

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A yawn formed from Clem's maw. She opened her very pink mouth and spread it open wide. When she closed her jaws, Clem rubbed her sleepy eyes and watched as the sunlight of morning beamed into the cave. She smacked her lips together and stretched her back... only to find that there was something on top of her.


Clem spun around, expecting to see her mother's warm face only a foot away. Disappointment seethed through her as she realized it was only a makeshift blanket that was on her.

Oh... mother isn't here...

Clem wiggled her hindquarters and pushed herself off her bed, the blanket falling peacefully on the bed behind her. Clem turned her head and gazed quizzically at the blanket on her bed. It seemed as though it was crafted just for her. It's size and shape was that of her own and Clem was sure she hadn't seen it before.

Did... did someone make this for me? Who could of-

Then it hit her. Of course she knew who made it! It was mother! She must of came back after Clem fell asleep. She probably had important things to do and made the blanket so Clem wouldn't get cold. How thoughtful of her! Clem knew her mother would come back to her. She still loved Clem and nothing was going to change that. With a strange warmth spreading in her breast, Clem marched away from the moss bed and sat down at the mouth of the cave. She gazed out at the wonderful world beyond. So much light, so much color, so much brilliance! Today was surely going to be a terrific day!


((OOC: Timeskip go!))

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Brights beams of morning light passed through the dragon's eyelids, causing her to awaken suddenly. An irritable expression washed over her face, upset that she couldn't have slept a second longer. Stretching her limbs, Skylene came upon the realization that she was not in the Birthcave, or even in her coastal cave, but underneath the giant roots of a tree somewhere in a forest.

Oh, that's right...we were traveling last night out here. Wait! Why are we here again?

She could not answer her question, but reflected on Kalana's behavior the night before. It seemed strange that she would go out of her way to sleep in the forest, and that she promised to tell her something afterwards. Whatever it was had to be interesting to listen to, or else Skylene would've decided this was a wasted trip.

It has to be good, really good!!... she thought, waiting for Kalana to wake up.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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It seemed that the night had passed in minutes, and it was suddenly morning. Astra was yawning and stretching as she watched the sun rise, and as it reached above the horizon, she flopped down, slowly dosing off. She could barely drag herself back into the cave, and wondered what had compelled her to stay up all night and be too tired to play with the other dragons in the morning. She was asleep within minutes of flopping down near the remains of her shell.

((OOC: Sorry, short post... there isn't much to for Astra to do right now though))

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Terra yawned and cracked an eye open. Sunlight-something that she never seen before- filtered in through the opening to the cave. She immediantly leapt to her feet. It was dawn, at last. Terra's excitment got the best of her as she walked around in circles. The steady pounding of her paws made furrows in the dirt. She suddenly stopped and regained her senses. Creeping over to her sleeping friend, she prodded the pink dragon. "Wake up!~ It's morning!" She piped up.

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Sunder-Eye stirred in his nest, groaning as sleep was gradually pulled away from him. His eyes slid open, followed quickly by a yawn and a stretch. He poked his head out and rested it on the edge of the nest, watching the sun rise. Unlike the sunset, the sunrise seemed to be made of brilliant pinks and oranges, pushing back the night and turning the sky a lighter shade of blue.


He gave another soft yawn, his eye only half-open. The makeshift eyepatch had fallen off in the night, exposing the grotesque state of his bad eye. Crust had formed along the edge of the gash and along his closed eyelids, sealing them shut. It throbbed slightly, but nothing he was genuinely worried about. He rubbed the sleep from his good eye, not wanting to miss the rising sun.


He looked over to where Clem had been, finding that she was no longer where she had been. The blanket was lying without anyone under it, and he looked toward the cave entrance to see her sitting there. Sunder-Eye sighed, glad that nothing had stolen her away in the night.

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(OOC: Sorry for taking so long!)


"i wuv Favi 2" Lineheart mumbled, rolling over as she did so. And also happening to roll just enough to flop off of her nest. The sudden change of terrain was just enough to jolt her out of her dream. Her eyes lazily fluttered open and she found herself staring down at the ground. Realizing just how absurd she must look, she quickly stood and brushed herself off. She noticed Terra standing by her and immediately felt very embarrassed for making such a fool of herself. Despite that, she managed to greet the hatchling.

"Hi Terra" She said groggily, "How r u?"


(OOC: Weird groggy speech patterns tongue.gif)

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A steady beat echoed around her, red and black colors swirling around like a mass of fog. The colors brightened with every pulse, throbbing in a basic rhythm. The black walls surrounding her were streaked with the flows of red, everything quiet and loud at the same time.


She slowly became aware that she could not move. Space had somehow shrunk, stiffening her body in a curled position. Little thoughts flared into being and she was overcome with the feeling that she needed to get out.


The beat in the background picked up as she tried to figure out how to become free.




A dark egg sitting in a nest with a few other colored eggs shuddered. After a few more movements, the egg started to fall on its side but was stopped by the curled side of the nest. The old moss it was lying on cracked and popped with the sudden weight, allowing the egg to dip down.


Suddenly, a small portion of the egg near the middle cracked, bits of shell being pushed forward but not breaking. The hatchling in the egg gave it another shot, breaking the shell forward with her snout.


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Nostrils flaring, she stayed still as cold air washed over her nose and then funneled into the egg. After a few seconds, she pushed herself out even more, her whole head poking out of the cracked egg. Keeping her eyes closed and shivering slightly at the cold air, she pulled her front legs out of the egg, placing them slowly on the dirt ground.


Flicking out a thick tongue and tasting the new air, she opened her eyes, pupils dilating and then compressing into slits. Blinking a few times, she raised her head up and pulled the rest of her body out of the broken remains of her egg, tail dragging over the broken shell and ground.


Her eyesight was blurry and new, and she swung her head around, observing the cave she was in and all of the moving colored shapes.

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"Lucifer... Don't hate me for... the way I feel..." Rico mumbled.

A jolt of pain shot through his foot as a single sliver of light jabbed itself into his eye, awakening him abruptly. Grunts of pain, frustration, and pure heartbreak spilled from the Marrow's mouth; he just felt like dying.

Rico lifted his head slightly, but only to be greeted by the lower jaw of the wolf he slept in. Rico quickly swatted it away, flying out of the mouth of the cave.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love".

Rico rolled his neck, cracking it all around, hoping that he would break his neck, stop breathing, then just die. Rico flipped onto his gut and started to gnaw at the skull of his "bed"- he had to eat breakfast anyway.

I wish Lucy was here...


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Jean's yawn was well deserved, assuring Him that his sleep was one of the best anyone else had- or was having. The now Thunder hatchie pawed at his eyes, scrapping of the gunk that had formed over the night. Jean-Pierre was confused as to how it got there, or even what it was. He pushed his paw down in an attempt to get up, but something was beneath it; Michiru!

"Oh goodness! I hope I didn't wake her up" he whispered".

Gently nudging her body forward with his muzzle, the Thunder stepped out of his nest, stretching his new wings the moment he could.

That feels so much better, he thought to himself smiling.

This good feeling was rudely interrupted when he caught sight of that Red dragon peeping at Clementine! What a weirdo!

"Hey you, creepy! Yeah you; Quit staring at Clementine!" Jean-Pierre shouted as he fluttered forward, pointing his stubby claws at Sunder-Eye.

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Shafts of light pierced the leaves of the tree she was sleeping on, and woke Sierra up. Not registering anything at first, she simply streched and went back to sleep. Settling in, she was just about to go back to sleep, when she suddenly started falling. Jolting awake, she managed to catch a branch at the last second. The thin branch soon broke from her weight, but by then she was fully awake and landed on her feet. She breathed a sigh of relief. What a way to start the day-nearly falling to her death was not the way she wanted to start the day. Suddenly, she remembered her dream. 'Oh no. Oh no. OH NO!' She panicked in her mind. Maybe it was the shock of falling off a tree, or maybe it was something else, but she felt very worried. "What if the plague is here? What if the plague kills all my friends? What if I get the "plague"? Will I die really slow and in lots of pain?" Her mind thought at lightning speed. Squeezing her eyes shut, she suddenly burst out with a extremely high pitched "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" There were a small group of sparrows that shot up from the seeds they were eating, frightened by the sound she had made. She shot off to the cave, her panick making her faster than usual. Bursting in the entrance, she shrieked "HELPHELPHELPWE'REALLGOINGTODIEANDBEINLOTSOFPAINANDTHETHINGWILLCOMEANDTORTUREUSSSSSSSHHHHHHEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPP!" All in one breath.

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Clementine's head spun around at Jean's horrible comment. How could he say that? That was mean, really mean. She was completely shocked by his rude behavior. How could Michiru like him? That was a horrible comment! There was no way Clem would hang around someone like him. Clem's gaze quickly flickered over to Sunder and back at Jean. Sunder wouldn't make a statement like that. He knew what to say and what not to say. Clem was about to open her mouth, but then, suddenly a green blur rushed passed her. Clem let out a shriek of terror as a green hatchling bursted through the cave entrance. She, still being stunned by Jean's remark and sitting right at the enterance, could not stop herself from being pushed aside. She tumbled away from the entrance, her back hitting a wall and a wail of pain escaping her. A whine echoed her in mind and a whimper came from her lips. Clem slowly picked herself up and stared wide-eyed at the green hatchling. Wasn't she the same hatchling from before? The one who yelled at Sunder?

Ah...Ah! I-I don't like her. She hurt me and Sunder. I... I need to get away from her. However, despite Clem's words, she did not move. She was too petrified to to so and her limbs would not obey her.

Come on! Move! Do it, move!

Edited by Doctortear

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Sierra thought in panic some more. What if... The reason Skip wouldn't play with her was because he had the plague? Noticing that a pink hatchling had cried out in pain, she looked over. She was about to go over and help her up, but she thought of something else. What if...what if the others had the plague? The red hatchling had a mutated eye, maybe that was the plague's mark? What if the pink hatchling had the plague too? What if Skip had been healthy, but the red hatchling gave him plague? "NOOOOOO!" she shrieked. Possibilities were everywhere. She felt trapped, as if anywhere she went the plague would follow. "YOU GAVE SKIP PLAGUE!" She shrieked at the red hatchling. "YOU HURT THE ONLY PERSON WHO DIDN'T IGNORE ME!" She remembered yesterday, and how everyone had ignored her but Skip. Her anger and fear blocked out everything else, and before she could stop her actions with sense, she attacked the red hatchling, slashing at them and not caring where the blows landed. Between strikes, she kept shrieking "YOU HURT HIM! YOU HURT HIM!" At the hatchling.

Edited by Silverphoenixx

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Horror took Clem as she watched the cruel green hatchling batter Sunder. At first, her fear grew and she wanted to do was run away. However, as the green hatchling began to slash Sunder, Clem's fear turned from anger, and from anger to rage. Her blood boiled at her claws gripped the earth. Her teeth bared and a low menacing growl escaped her. How DARE that hatchling attack Sunder! That witch! That creature! That monster! She was going to hurt him! She might even kill him! Clementine charged at the green hatchling, hatred raging in her eyes.

"Leave him alone!" she screamed as she launched herself at the green hatchling. She shoved the green hatchling away from Sunder and swiped at her muzzle.

"Monster! Creature! Devil!" Clem shouted. "Go away! You're evil! I hate you! Leave! LEAVE!" Pure and utter hatred poured out of Clem. She hated this hatchling. She was just like Kalana, attacking people for no good reason.

Devils! They're both devils! I hate them, I hate them both!

Edited by Doctortear

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Hearing the hatchling say that she was evil jut made her more angry. As anger grew, her slashes were faster. The stinging cut on her muzzle simply fueled her more. Her slashes were no longer directed at anyone in particular. She simply tried to cause pain to anything that was near. As she attacked she thought 'Alone. I'm all alone. No one understands. Only Skip did, and now he's sick. All their fault...all their fault.' Then, she started crying. She didn't wail or shriek while crying, the tears just came out of her eyes as she attacked. "You don't understand! None of you do!" She shouted at them. "Die! Die! I hate you both!" She shouted at them. They did this on purpose, they wanted her to suffer...they were the evil ones.

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Sunder's attention was torn away from Clem when the blue hatchling called him out. Before he knew it, yet another hatchling was charging at him and cornered him in his nest. Horrified, Sunder-Eye froze, and the other hatchling started clawing and beating on him. Clem's voice was barely registered above his own crying and the angry accusations of the frenzied hatchling attacking him. All he could think about was to protect his good eye in any manner possible. He curled in on himself, sobbing and covering his head.


"I-I d-d-don't know what y-you're talking about!" he cried, blood spattering over the nest an he fought to protect the only good thing he had.


I'm going to die...This hatchling wants me to die and I don't understand why! I...I just made a new friend, I don't want to die!


A surge of adrenaline coursed through his body, everything seeming to slow down to crawl.


I don't want to die...I don't want to leave Clem!


He didn't think about what he did after that. It barely registered in his mind. He rolled onto his back, legs snapping upward to shove the aggressive hatchling away with more force than he would have thought himself capable of. In a flurry of movement, everything became a blur; trees and bushes rushing past him in a haze of green and yellow. When his little heart could take no more, he collapsed somewhere near the stream, panting and lying on the rocky banks. Tears flowed from his eye like the water in the stream, and he shamefully covered his head and curled his hurting body in on itself.

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Clem let out a yelp as Sunder kicked the green hatchling away and ran into the forest. It took her a moment to register what happened, but when she did she leaped to her feet.

"Sunder!" she called out to her fleeing friend. She gave a hateful look at the green hatchling. "Look at what you've done!" she hissed as she bounded out of the cave. She raced through the forest, hoping to see a glimpse of her friend.

"Sunder?" she yelled into the forest. "Where are- oof!" Clem rolled backwards as she collided with something.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Clem sunk down to the ground as a very masculine and deep voice spoke to her. She glanced up and saw the most pink and fluffy hatchling she had even seen.

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