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• The Plagued Earth •

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Personality:Lou is vicious at a first a first glance, she has to be! Hertrue self is hidden behind bars and locks. She pushes others away, but holds those dear to her at arms length. She knows she makes it hard to love her, but she truly can be loved. Lou is highly protective, loyal, (sweet on the inside) and has a giddy sideto her.

Appearance:white with gold tipped wings

Picture:I don't really have a picture for her, so my profile picture is what I'm going off of.


Power:Morph into human form and dragon form

Other:I'm new here, please go easy on me!

((Did you even read the rules on the front page?! Seriously? I know you're new, but come on))

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A tree that was so huge, it seemed to turn the sky green with its leaves. Perfect. This was exactly what Astra needed! It was perfectly noticeable, it was so huge, and there was plenty of places to hide her food! She selected gap between two roots and dug a hole there, then dropped the weasel into it. She then filled the hole in and slashed at the roots a bit. That would let her recognise the location for later! She'd headed in one direction from the cave, so now turned around and headed back. When she reached the cave, she casually wandered in, trying to look like she'd been away for a short while, hadn't found anything, and had came back. What she didn't realise, however, was that she had a few bleeding cuts from the weasels claws, so though she casually went and drank from the pool, the other hatchlings would be able to tell that she had been in a fight of some sort.

Edited by Fiirewolvar

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The lindwurm slithered across the ground, it's forked tail trailing through the musky leaves. Red eyes glowed from underneath heavy brows, penetrating the dark air. Their belly full and content, the purpose of their endless voyage no longer seemed important. Their heads nipped playfully at one another, barely focusing on the rough forest floor. Scents and smells previously unknown to the two-headed hatchling lingered in their nostrils, brightening their eyes and their spirits. Life was full of abundance and happiness for the pair. Yet, this change in the temperature, the fallen leaves, the chilly breeze blowing from the north; something was changing. It was fall again.

Time for the hatchling to hunt; to store away hordes of food for the coming winter. Time to find a cave, warm and secure. Time to sleep.

The right head stopped it's playing abruptly, catching a new smell on the clear dusk breezes. Food, in abundance. Enough to last for a while.

The other head perked up, lifting it's snout to sniff the air. It shrieked in happiness, and hefted it's shared body forwards with one scrabbling arm. The right head snapped angrily, halting it's sister's frantic charge. A growl, low and threatening, resounded from the head's opalescent throat. The other half stopped, ducking low to avoid a blow. A snort resounded from the angry head. It lifted a clawed arm, and placed it firmly in the dirt before them. The other head followed suit, and they continued their awkward shared gait.

The hatchling made it's way towards the massive tree. The oak's arching branches shaded it's earthy domain, blocking all but the rarest splashes of light from reaching the ground below. Only the scrubbiest, hardiest of grasses lived in the cool darkness beneath the towering giant. Roots burst from the hard-packed ground, writhing over one another in a desperate attempt to collect water. Mazes of tunnels and crooks formed by the thick limbs choked with dirt and leaves. One such tunnel held what had captivated the two-headed's focused attention.

A rich, musky smell clotted with coppery blood rose from the space between the roots. Clawed strips of bark and wood were strewn about the entrance. The hatchlings, eager to investigate this captivating scent, quickened their pace.

The left head peeked around the roots. The other head followed, eyes twinkling. There, covered with leaves and dirt and damp, was an dead weasel. The enticing scent rising from the still-warm fur signified it's recent death.

The lindwurm trilled with joy. The freshly killed carcass could sustain them for weeks, if not months. The food would give them something to fall back on, should their endeavors to hunt fail. Life seemed so much better.

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Skylene looked back at Kalana for a moment, a very brief one, before continuing on through the forest. She wasn't sure how to respond to her, and wondered exactly what was going though her mind. All of her words seemed unnatural and strange to the Blusang, as if she was hiding a terrible secret and needed assistance in expunging it from her conscience. The day had already been full of firsts for Skylene, so she figured that something like this was bound to happen. Anything less would've been a letdown. Perhaps she could reveal to Kalana what she actually wanted to say to her before. Nope, not a chance...maybe with someone else....


She focused on the Striped's words again, giving time to develop a complete answer rather than blurting out response based on her sudden reactions. She acknowledged that fact that she could easily get back to the cave, that even in complete darkness the glow of her bracelet would be enough to return. But it was clear that whatever was bugging Kalana was forcing her to have a companion for the time being. But thinking it over? "That's fine, we can stay together for the night. We should be nearing a cave soon..." She looked over at her again before continuing. "And whatever you need to say, take your time, don't worry about it." Tell me already!! She made a left turn, expecting to find a cave, but was proven otherwise. C'mon, where is this cave?!

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Rage. All out furious rage filled the Black dragon's face as she quickly realized just who was yelling. Rien. That little censorkip.gif*. How dare she show her face here. You can't kill me, Rien. I won't let you. And besides, I'll kill you first. She dove towards the Vine, all her stealth forgotten in her rage. Screeching, she hit the other dragon with a bone-breaking force, feeling several of her ribs crack on impact. They tumbled over and over, rolling until they hit a tree trunk. Unfortunately, Alvi was the one that made contact with the tree, and her breath whooshed out of her body in an unexpected, enormous burst of green flame that promptly set half of the woods around them on fire. "censorkip.gif!" she hissed, trying to catch her breath.

(OOC: I assume this horror is Alvi's last post? Modly intervention of rewritation is go. Also, Tala, I think you sort of made a reply? (Can't remember for certain) I'm going to void that in favor of making everything work properly)


Alvi sneered at Rien, she was going to kill the wretch. She tackled the vine, temporarily forgetting that she was trying to be stealthy. She smashed into Rien with all her might and weight, intending to crush the vine underneath her. Her rage got the better of her however, and she pushed so hard she flipped over Rien. Unfazed by her miscalculation, she dragged the other along with her, attempting to move Rien underneath her once more.

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Medea walked into the small cave, ignoring the slight chill that seemed to be worse insidenthe cave than outside. The shale rock was not the best thing to keep in warmth or even all that stable as it cracked underfoot. It would be safe in here as long as nither of them had he harebrained ideato start a fight inside, not that Aerix was in the condition to fight. Medea ploped down tomlay once she found a suitable place within their shared shelter, tail layed out away from her body with some force as she was so used to wraping it around her frame to keep warm. She would just have to get used to being chilled until this whole thing was over with.


Aerix's comment caught her attention and she watched as he looked over he wound. From where she lay it did not look to good, but it was hard to tell in he fading light. Yet being told he thought he had been poisoned got her to lift her head to give more attention to the whole situation. "That would be a bad thing, but I don't think I can help much with poisons. Unless you know a curenfor it or if your body will be able to fight it off?" This was said as she contemplated what could be done for poisons. She was not good at caring for anything but normal wounds, even then only basic knowledge, and this glen of weakness on her lack of knowledge was eirking her.


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Ashni gave a tiny yelp as she was taken by the paw and pulled by Michiru to go play. She still did not know how to explain the whole thing better than how she had already done. There was little point in repeating yourself and Jean was not helping much, or so she thought. His yelling to Clem to come play did cause her to wince as now she would have to try and explain the situation to Clem as well. 'This keeps getting worse and worse,' she thoguht to herself before she was broken from her daze by Michiru's singing. Ashni's tail tapped at he ground in contentment as the song seemed to give her energy. "That is really nice Michiru. Guess it was you singing when I washelping with the bear yesterday?"

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Aerix yawned, "I don't know a cure, nor do I know if my immune system can beat it. This stuff feels strong enough to kill a wolf if it festers long enough." He said, "But I know my immune system won't be able to do anything if I don't get some sleep. This is a problem for the morning."

And for myself. Aerix was done dragging Medea down with his problems. As soon as they had switched back their powers he was going off on his own again. He might try to spar with her every once in a while, but that was it. He needed no one, and no one needed him. On that note he rolled over so his face was away from the entrance, and Medea, and closed his eyes to sleep.

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The Vampire held back a smile. The tension and.. concern was evident on the Heartseeker's face. She wondered, briefly, what the cause of it was.

"I may be up all night, I do no know." She shook her head faintly. "If anything, Viden, I would take you there. I planned to leave, soon enough, but.. " her voice trailed off. She realized in a sudden burst of clarity that she had left Lucifer behind. She had planned to hunt with the Sweetling, but evidently the situation had.. changed. After she left the nervous Heartseeker, she should probably find him.

Or.. not. If Rico was with him, I'm sure he wouldn't want me butting in.

A sudden yawn caught her by surprise, stretching her jaws.

Besides, I need to rest. Whatever it was I did today obviously tired me out.

Edited by Ayesthine

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Medea gave a soft humming sound to show she had listened to all that he had said.It would be a problem if Aerix died on her, not only losing that sparing partner but also waking to a dead body near you would be highly ununpleasant. "I see. Well in any case you are right about sleeping. A hearler can always be found if it is needed tomorrow or finding the one that injured you. Perhaps answers can be found with the hatchling," she mused outloud before thinking that force might be needed to make the other hatchling talk. It would be no skin off her hid to fight another, in fact it would be fun to do so.


Seeing as Aerix had turned to sleep by this time, she would give a small yawn as she layed her head back down on her forepaws. Sleep would be hard to come by since she would not have the benifit of using her tail to keep warmth in her body, but she would doze off now and again to gain some rest. A passing thought of getting closer to Aerix for warmth before it was dismissed as a sign of weakness.

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Viden was confused by Bathory's words. He decided it was his cue to leave, "Um, alw- alwight then. I gueth I w- will thee you thome othew ti- time then Bathowy. Um, b- bye." He said, stuttering like a fool.

He nervously toed the ground, afraid to see the first to leave, but uncomfortable with the being the last either. Which was a large predicament when there were only two people.

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After trudging on for a while longer, Kalana began to notice the way Skylene's head kept turning around to glance at her oddly. In the glow of the Blusang's bracelets, her semi-lit face was twisted into an eery, distorted expression, like the ones spoken of in horror stories. Every time Skylene turned around, Kalana vanquished the thought. Every time Skylene looked at her again, Kalana felt a chill move up her spine. She resisted the urge to shudder like she had the first time she had noticed, and for the most part, was successful. When Skylene stopped, Kalana was perfectly happy to never see the cream colored dragon again. But she would, and she would ask Skylene for advice when they found the cave as well. Skylene was her friend, and even though she looked like a demon in the bracelet's light, she was a good dragon...probably...


Finally, when Kalana's legs were beginning to ache, a small shelter made mostly of giant tree roots was visible, only a few lengths ahead of them. A tiny crack was between two tendrils, just wide enough for a dragon to squeeze through. Kalana took a deep breath. Once they were inside, she would have to tell Skylene about her problems with Rien. Carefully, she considered Skylene's last words. Take your time. Skylene had told her to take her time, think it over for as long as she needed to. She obeyed. She decided she would take every second she had until she entered the den to decide how she would tell Sylene, when she would ask, and whether if she would talk to her at all. The clock was ticking.

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Nearly becoming frustrated with not finding any caves, Skylene almost jumped up in relief upon finding a shelter. "Ah, here it is! I knew I would find it. Although a cave probably would've been better....." Quickly making her way to it, she gazed in wonder about how mysterious the shelter looked with its tree roots jumbled up into a scattered mess. Although it would suffice for a sleeping spot in their current situation, the shelter would not protect them well from rain. Or an enemy. Ha! How many bears could've came past this and left it alone? This should be interesting. She began ducking her head and turning sideways to fit inside the crevice, thankful that she wasn't Favain. Or Tasimi. Tasimi...... She shook the image of him out of her mind as she explored what was inside, genuinely amazed at her surroundings. "Wow, you've gotta come inside here, Kalana! It's sort of like a maze of roots and stuff."

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Sunder-Eye's limbs moved in small spasms as he slept, his dreams plagued with suffering and fear. When he could take no more, a sharp gasp signified his return to the real world. The sun had not yet risen, and the air felt cold when his head popped up above the grass he had covered himself in. His hot breath puffed out in a cloud of steam as he rested his head on the edge of the nest.


It's so chilly at night. I'm glad I decided to come back. Who knows what horrors are out there in the forest right now?


He watched as some of the other hatchlings were still roaming around, and saw that Clem was lying on the floor, waiting. She appeared to ave fallen asleep.


I hope she's okay...


He looked at the pile of warm grass that was pushed off to the side of is nest. He wasn't using it all, maybe he could fashion some sort of cover for her, so she wouldn't freeze. With a little determination and some innovation, he figured out that he could weave and tie knots in the grass to make clumps of it stay together. After a few minutes of labor, he finished what could rightly be called a matted mess of plant matter. It was better than nothing, though, and he quietly dragged it over to the sleeping hatchling. With a heave, he set it over her and carefully tucked it around her feet, trying to the best of his ability to not wake her.


Once that was finished, he crept away back to his nest and burrowed back under his mound of grass, curling up and hoping that he had done the right thing.

Edited by kronosdragon

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Michiru held the last note in joy, together in unison with the song. She then closed her eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling the high energy slowly so she could return to her normal energy. She looked up at the white albino when he mentioned about the bear and cocked her head. "W-wait a minute. Yes, that was me but... Huh?"


A flash back occurred to her and she faintly remembers a blue dragon leading the fight against the terrible fluff ball. While she was doing her best to overcome the burden of the song magic... "That can't be right, Jean was by my side the entire time." She glanced over to the blue dragon that had proclaimed herself has Jean, the one that was her friend and then back up to the white dragon before her, her eyes filled with disbelief and doubt.


Michiru got closer to the white dragon, hugged him and closed her eyes. She could smell a bit of the scent from his body but as before it was different- this time she could notice that if she concentrated hard enough she could smell a slightly different scent. Most importantly it was a scent that Jean had never had. Although she assumed it was just her, something about the way he was talking towards her felt more... Mature.

A wisp of memory floated by her, more of a sensual memory than a visual memory because she was so tired from her song magic. It was something... Something she couldn't explain. Before she knew it she found herself in front of the blue dragon and hugged her.



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She couldn't take it anymore. She swam up to the surface, not knowing if it would help her get rid of her "coughing" fit and not knowing if she would become worse on the surface. In fact, she didn't even know what the "surface" was. It was just kind of in her head to begin with.

Her small, tiny body practically leaped through the surface! Though if anyone could see her they would've only seen a leap that was barely an inch tall, maybe smaller. Even her coughing out of water from her lungs was small. But at least her head didn't ache anymore. She didn't see many dragons inside this... Cave, but she did see plenty of leftover eggs and eggshell pieces. Unlike the eggs back down at the "grotto" she decided to call it -whatever it meant- it seemed to her that these eggs were filled with life, as if they could hatch at any moment.


As much as she wanted to join these others on the mysterious "land" she felt herself get another headache. She couldn't breathe. The little hatchling was not made for the surface and could only last a few moments above the water. She had problems in the water, and now she can't even choose to live on the surface! The little hatchling dove once more into the water her eyes closed, waiting for her to begin her "coughing" fits again. Nothing happened.

Maybe... It happens only once in a while? She quickly swam many circles both small and wide happily, only to begin her coughing fits once again. Since it worked the first time, she surfaced for a bit and coughed out the water. When she returned to the water she slowly and carefully swam to and fro here and there, experimenting with her swimming abilities. No coughing fits. The hatchling sighed to herself and began wondering when the others would come, if they were at all. If she looked more carefully around herself though, she would've noticed that other hatchings were actually nearby.



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She snarled in pain and felt herself flip over! Rien struggled to get her mental bearings. She's never been in a fight where she was conscious of what she was doing! Rien tried her best to push Alvi off of her, but she was just a hatchling against a mature hatchling. Obviously the more mature one had more strength, her physical struggle to push her opponent off was all in vain. Alvi had successfully pinned her down, her claws digging into her soft flesh. Rien winced and began to cry, her senses overwhelmed by pain that she thought she was going to go insane. "Make it stop..! Please stop it! STOP! IT HURTS! MOMMY! MOOOMMMYYY!"

Rien wailed and wailed, her head and body tossing back and forth, her vines flailing about uselessly just like its main body. Although blinded by her tears and pain she still didn't feel as furious as she usually did. She realized for the first time that perhaps her fury, those times when she had no control of herself, wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Maybe it was simply her inability to control herself. In that in times of stress, like right NOW when she needs it the most, she could become even more powerful and more skillful in combat. Most importantly being able to protect others dear to her...


At last, Rien forced herself to stare into the eyes of her attacker. Though still dizzy from the pain and her eyes still filled with tears, she managed to see the crazed eyes of her attacker- eyes that she must of had when she was in a similar state. Now that she finally knew what it was like to be "normal" and that she understands that her insane state isn't truly a bad thing, Rien wants nothing more than to help Alvi understand what she has discovered too!


In determination, Rien prayed that her vines would do what she did to that orange dragon. She wound her vines around Alvi's legs, and attempted to wrap around her body so she could prepare to throw Alvi off and hopefully make a counterattack. But with an enraged mature hatchling and Rien unsure of her current abilities, can she overcome her situation?

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Wobble shook his head as fast as he could, sending twisting threads of bubbles racing towards the surface. He sucked in a stream of water. "I- I'll be okay, Kirk."

His thin shoulders shuddered in the darkening water, but he smiled up at the orange hatchling. "Just- give me a moment. I'll be up again soon."

He swiped at his eyes with a flippery hoof, and sighed. He followed the trail of bubbles jettisoned from his mouth with lazy eyes, watching as the gossamer shapes floated upwards.

He sighed again.

Get over yourself.

He pushed his hooves against the rocky tunnel floor, and rocketed upwards. A few swift strokes of his legs brought him to a halt shortly below the surface. The light from the surface played across his skin, spreading mesmerizing patterns across the slippery blue surface. A new smile, a happier smile, spread across his face.

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Kalana completely agreed with Skylene. A cave would definitely have been better. In the tangle of roots, she had no idea what might be inside, especially in the darkness. When Skylene slipped into the small den, Kalana saw how tight the slot was. The Blusang was a draon with a thing frame, like most of her species, and even she was havin trouble squeezing in. There obviously wasn't much room inside either, since the roots were quite low on the ground. Tiny cracks in the woven tendrils would let in rain. It was a sorry shelter, but it would have to suffice.


"Wow, you've gotta come inside here, Kalana! It's sort of like a maze of roots and stuff."


Kalana's ears perked up. That indicated that it was relatively large. Mazes didn't fit into mini root-caves too small for two small dragons. Maybe it's bigger on the inside?...Or...maybe it goes underground and has some kind if tunnel network... Kalana hoped it went underground to form a spacious den. Tunnels didn't appeal to her much. Ah, at least tunnels offer more room... I should go in now, I guess. apprehensively, Kalana approached the slot. She shuddered to think that she would have to fit through, because it was pretty obvious that she couldn't without squeezing her innards out, or enlarging the entrance. Squeezing her eyes shut, she leapt and did a sideways dive-bomb into the crack. Crunch. Was that me? Or the roots? Please tell me it was the roots... Kalana opened her eyes, and she found herself still in one piece, and for the most part, fine.


Skylene was waiting for her, but she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Something was tugging at her, telling her that she shouldn't be where she was. It screamed that she was supposed to be somewhere else, doing something important. Kalana just knew that something was wrong. She could almost feel it, but not quite. It was like all the times she had forgotten a word that she knew, and knew she knew. Like it was at the tip of her tongue. Now, the feeling told her that she knew what it was, but it was barely out of paw's reach. She was planted into the ground by stone chains, and she couldn't move. Her only moveable paw was stretching as far as it could, but was just a leaf's width away.


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Skylene almost felt like chuckling as Kalana made her way through the crevice clumsily, though was glad she spared her friend embarrassment by not reacting like so. She was beginning to feel quite unnatural lately, with a change in behavior noticeable with her urges for light teasing, unlike those playful ones of youngsters but still with a common purpose. It had to be her exhaustion combined with stress, she thought. How she was still getting through the night with all the suddenness of the past hours taking a toll on her was remarkable. I may need some sleep already... she considered, observing Kalana on the ground acting as if she was paralyzed. Was she acting? I'm going crazy! This isn't happening, it's all in my head..... Leaning herself against a sturdy root, she studied what was going on from the moment her friend leapt in the air to now. "Kalana, are you alright?! Did you hurt yourself?" She did not go up to her for respect of personal space, but it did not stop her from growing worried about what was taking place. Did she break a bone? Am I imagining this?....like everything else? Has nothing even happened today? That this is all in my mind? Her mind started overflowing with thoughts of both realistic and unfeasible possibilities, and she fell upright on to the ground clasping her temple.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Astra noticed some new things when she went to the cave. First, she saw that Sunder-eye was asleep, and looking content. She decided not to wake him up. Also, she saw a new hatchling. It was grey, and sleeping on the floor. There wasn't much for her to do here: Everyone was asleep! She sighed. It was night-time, which she had decided was her favourite time of the day, and everyone was asleep. No one to play with, or talk to or anything. Nope, they were all asleep. She grunted in frustration and wandered around, being quiet as she did so - she didn't want to wake anyone up, as she knew she'd hate being woken up during the day - trying to find somewhere to sleep. She decided to try the ruins of her egg, but the egg fragments kept scratching her, and she wasn't tired anyway. So she walked outside and watched the world go by, wishing that she could fly up to the beautiful stars.

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((Being grounded sucks ;n; sorry guys. If someone could control my characters till I can post regularly again that would be sweet. Please leave them in good hands <3 if nobody wants to control them, could anyone just put them to sleep then? Rico is in the swampy area, and Jean is w/ Michiru and Ashni. Thanks again guys, and happy Halloween biggrin.gif ))

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user posted imageThe metallic bronze egg sat in a dark corner of the Birth Cave. It glittered in the dying light of the sun, its bright twinkles slowly fading to a soft glow. However, there was something special about this egg. Every now and then, it would give a weak shudder. Over time, the shaking became stronger, more prevalent. Something was inside, and it was about to come about. In fact, it was ready to burst out and escape from the tight confinements of the stiff shell. Within minutes a fissure had been created, and it was growing quickly. Alongside the crack, small chirps were being released, steadily increasing in volume.


After a while, the crevice on the egg's surface had opened into a small hole. A head poked out, seeing life outside of its home for the first time. It was amazing. Nothing like the dingy darkness that it had to deal with before. The creature jumped out in excitement, revealing what it was: a dragon hatchling. Turning back around to the empty shell, she reared back and crushed it with her forepaws, causing it to shatter into a million pieces. Glaring at the shards contemptfully, Lou sat down, only to be interrupted by her stomach. The newborn hatchling began to whine pitifully, only stopping when it realized how it was showing weakness. Immediately, it stopped. It had already decided it would never show weakness again. Determined not to break the oath it had made a few seconds ago, Lou held in her hunger, sacrificing her health for her pride.


(KoalaNoob helped me!)

Edited by Lothuialel

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(OOC: For future reference: Please try to post in past tense.)


Alvira smiled menacingly at her foe. There was no way Rien could overcome her in this situation.

"Calling for your mommy are you? Well she's not coming. No one is coming. They all think you're the demon. None of them believe you to be anything but a monster. They'd rather see you dead than have you grow into an actual danger. You hear that? Grow. They may see that you're a monster, but they don't realize that you're already dangerous. I do. And I'm going to kill you." She said.

She raised her paw up to slash down at the vine, just one sharp swipe to Rien's neck and Alvi would be rid of the demon girl. Her rage concentrated into the muscles in her arm. She would tear the vile wretch's throat out with her claw. And then rip the vicious little witch's vines off. Gut her. Decapitate her. When Alvi was done, Rien's body would be utterly unrecognizable. She looked into the vile little wretched demon witch hatchling's fearful eyes and grinned with wild contempt.

"Where's your mommy now?" She asked telepathically as her claw swooped down to take her adversary's life.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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A gasp echoed from the scrubby bushes beside the tussling pair. The bush rustled. Then, a sudden shape burst from it's leafy depths. A blue form streaked through the air, its weighted tail dragging through the leaves.

"No!" Glas cried, eyes wild with fear. He tackled the small black shape, wincing as his momentum carried them forwards into the same bushes. "No, Alvi! Do not!" It was the first time he had used her nickname; in his urgency he let it slip.

The Moonstone stood, crouched over the Alt Black. His tear-rimmed eyes peered into the startling emerald green orbs of his companion. He swiped at his eyes with a paw, freeing one of Alvira's forearms in the process. "Please.. " he whispered. His eyes searched the twisted, hateful mask of the dark hatchling, looking for any sign of recognition.

Oh god!

The luminous tears spilled over, trailing down his face.

What if I've lost her?

He had listened to Alvi's gruesome words, and they disturbed him. Where was his friend, his ally? She would never say such things, especially to one so young and helpless and confused. Unless, she was herself. Helpless and confused.

His fluctuating hope rose once again. Maybe, he thought, maybe he could. If only he could try, it would be better than this! Endless hoping and praying, endless thinking without acting. He needed to do something; he would do anything. Anything at all, to get his friend back.


Bathory blinked. "I- ah, sorry, Viden. That didn't make much sense... "She kicked at the ground with a clawed foot, sudden shame burning her features. "I guess I'm not used to having to explain myself." She gave a halfhearted laugh. She stopped, suddenly sobered, the unusually cheerful noise ringing in the still night air. "I have to go." she murmured. Her fangs pricked at her gums, the stirring in her sluggish blood stimulating her senses. The night suddenly seemed more full, full of life and vibrating energy. She needed to hunt; to feed; to taste the coppery blood of the still-alive.

This.. feeling disturbed her, but she felt invigorated. Her fatigue was gone, replaced by an irrepressible hunger.

Her legs stirred, propelling her forwards into the darkness. The shadows melted around her frail body, absorbing her into the night. Whispers of breeze brushed against her pearl-white scales, and she ran.


A crow, its moon-lit shadow tracing the treetops, flew above her. It's raucous carrion-call broke the stillness.

A vole, yards ahead, stirred the leaves with its quiet gait. Trails of its musky, blood-swollen scent floated on the gentle wind. Bathory licked her lips, her tongue scraping against her rounded scales. She crouched, eyes trained on the tiny animal. Her claws tread the ground with hardly a sound, and she leapt.

Her eyes widened with anticipation, the wind whistled past her wings as she flew. Fangs, bone-white and glittering, pushed through her gums. Their abalone tips glistened with sudden poison.

They sunk, soundlessly, into the velvety skin of her target.

The Vampire stood over the dark black body, sucking the rusty fluid greedily. The body drained, shriveling to a wrinkled husk. The vole screeched, struggling.

Bathory silenced it with a heavy paw pressed to its head.

The piercing screams slowed, and then stopped altogether. The pulsing heart of the tiny vole stopped; nothing left to keep it going.

The hatchling's fangs withdrew, a satisfied sigh escaping her bloodstained lips. She drifted away, not bothering with her usual custom of burying the body.

It wasn't worth it, after all.

It was dead.

Her dusky wings snapped out, curving around the breeze. She jumped again, into the air, and flew steadily away. Her hunger sated and her mind soothed, sleep was inevitable.

Cold air whipped against her face as she flew, stinging her eyes and cooling her flushed face. The sudden rush of new blood made her feel almost alive. A tentative smile unfurled across her pale-skinned face, the hollows it created lit by the silvery moonlight. Stars, far and distant, speckled the inky sky. The Vampire sighed again, her heavy-lidded eyes observing the vast illuminated expanse above her. "It's gorgeous... " she breathed.

Her wings dipped, pulling her away from the dazzling lights. She wafted downwards, her flight sloping gently as she neared the snow-capped mountain. It stood alone, stark against the flat plateau. A cave yawned up at the Vampire, accepting her willingly as she drifted inside.

"Mmm, " she murmured, sinking into her mossy bed. She sighed, for the third time, sleep overcoming her. She felt deliciously warm and tired, welcoming the stillness of sleep.

It was ages since she last rested, or so it seemed.

She would be out for quite a while.

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Jean let out a mental cheer of satisfaction. Of course Michiru would realize who he was. Why wouldn't she? He was the best of the best! It most of been a drastic transformation when he and Ashni had swapped bodies. His grace must have been spotted. No strange magic body swap could make Jean any less wondrous than he already was.

"Yes, yes, it's me alright," Jean purred as he gave Michiru a tight squeeze. A smile formed on his lips as he stared at his friend. He enjoyed her company.

I'm glad I have such good friends.

Jean looked up and glanced over at Clem. His smiled disappeared as he glared at the small pink ball covered in a blanket.

Correct, I'm glad I have SOME good friends. How could she just brush me off like that?

Forgetting the selfish Valentine, Jean grinned once more and looked down at Michiru. A yawn caught Jean off guard and he let it draw itself from his mouth.

"I think it may be best if we go to sleep now," he yawned as his eyes shifted from both Ashni and Michiru. "It's getting pretty late I'm getting sleepy. Besides, it seems everyone else has fallen asleep." Jean motioned over to the other hatchlings curled up in their nests."We can figure this out tomorrow. For now, I think we all need to sleep." Jean looked longingly at the bed he had shared with Michiru yesterday. He had enjoyed being curled up next to the fragile female. He would be pleased if he could do so again.


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I hate everyone...

Rico trudged through the woods. The sheet of black covered the sky and glittering white dots sparkled upon it. The breeze blew through the air. Dead leaves caught onto it and danced past the branches that waved in the wind.

I hate Sindri for falling in love so quickly...

The mud underneath Rico's paws and sucked onto his pads. He made no attention to the mud crawling up his limbs. All Rico cared about was getting home.

I hate Aladdin for getting stuck between my teeth...

The Black Marrow's red eyes twinkled in the night. They held a dark composure of cold hatred. Contrasted to his body, the scarlet eyes were the most noticeable... and most horrifying.

I hate Alvi for getting friendly with Lucifer...

Rico stopped. His heart beat soundly as the wind blew by him. His home was in view now; it was only a yard or two away. But yet, the Black Marrow's mind wandered.


With a heavy heart, Rico trekked forward and towards his home. He squeezed his head through the tunnel and wiggled his way into the reaches of his dome. The welcoming smell of rotting flesh was present, but it held little comfort for the heartbroken Black Marrow. He walked in a circle a couple times before settling himself next to the decaying wolf corpse. He nuzzled his face into the torn fur, but it did not make him feel any better.


The hatchling's eyes began to slip. His mind drifted away and his thoughts wandered into the distance. Before he could fall into the depths of slumber, one single thought escaped the lull of sleep.

Lucifer, why don't you love me back?


((OOC: Taking care of Korra's characters as he requested.))

Edited by Doctortear

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Lou growled at herself. I must no-show weakness! I am not hungry. I am sleepy though.... Stop! You are not sleepy... Must... Not... Show... Weakness... She thought to herself. She looked around and found a small hole in the side of the cave. She ran over to it and investigated. The hole was too small for an average dragon. Luckily, Lou is a runt. She can fit through there.


After Lou got into the hole, she discovered a tunnel that ran from it. Following the tunnel, She came to a small room with no other openings. A secret room. Just for me! She thought gleefully. Lou looked around the room. It was big enough for her and a playmate. But she will keep it a secret. She pushed a rock nearly the size of her and blocked the entrance. Lou made sure she could get out later.


Lou decided that now that she was secured in a private area of quiet and safety, she could go to sleep. The little bronze dragon turned in seven full circles and promptly fell asleep. She dreamed of heroic actions and of undying love...

Edited by Lothuialel

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Is he faking it? Maybe he's trying to trick me into coming out... Feather aligned an eye with a gap in the bush's leaves, and caught a glimpse of Hibiki. His expression seemed genuine, and that was more than enough to convince Feather. She crawled out of the bush and ran towards the brown and blue figure, all the while yelling "I won! I won! I beat someone in hide-and-seek!" Scrambling over a rock, she traversed the last few feet in a flying leap, and landed energetically next to Hibiki. "That was fun! You wanna play again?" Feather paused and considered what she had just said. "Actually, we should wait 'till tomorrow if we play again. It's getting late." It's getting late... Wait! Maybe we're far enough from the Birth Cave to not be able to get back before it's too dark! Maybe we can spend another night together! All these thoughts ran around in Feather's head, bouncing around and making her giddy. She struggled to control herself in front of her lifelong crush.



Kalana slowly stood up, shaking leaves off of her body. "No, I'm pretty sure I'm fine. I might have broken the entrance though. Do you think I've just let a bear attack us in our sleep?" Kalana shuddered at the word "bear". She never liked them, and recently, she had started hating them. Not only had it killed a hatchling, it had injured countless others and -Kalana whimpered- set off one of Rien's "mood swings" that forced her to hurt the young vine. Which brought her back to telling Skylene about her problem. She was regretting the decision of having to tell Skylene what was wrong. The longer she thought, the more she didn't want to. But I WILL. I WILL! The striped argued back and forth with herself. Though she had promised herself that she would, her mind continued to speak against it. So she mad a compromise with herself. "Skylene, should we sleep now? Maybe we can explore this maze tomorrow. And I'll tell you tomorrow as well. I'll tell you as soon as I wake up."

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