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As the Heartseeker before her squeaked and stuttered, Bathory rolled her eyes. "Arierat."

You weren't SUPPOSED to understand.

She whipped around to face Rico. She ignored Viden's embarrassed voice, concentrating on her enemy. Only.. she sort-of forgot why this was so necessary. If she wanted to, she could just run away. Viden surely wouldn't be able to follow, and she could always pick up Rico's trail another time.

Bathory blinked away her thoughts, and watched with a bemused expression as Lucifer back away from the Black Marrow.

(OOC: Gonna be doing these all in separate posts, it'll make my life ten times easier.


And sorry if I grab the wrong posts, I'm doing my best! smile.gif )


The heartseeker was beginning to feel more stupider for even bothering to try to make conversation. He tried to peek past the.. The.. --I needth more adjecthiveth-- The pretty vampire, trying to see what she was looking at. --And cwinging at hith weak wording-- He couldn't quite see past her from this spot, but he was afraid to move any closer. He decided to try talking to her one more time.

"Um, Bathowy? I'm thorry if I'm being a bother, but. Um, and you can tell me to go away if you wanth. But I wath really curiouth ath to what you are looking at?" Viden felt himself shrink back a little, afraid of angering Bathory. He may have also gulped, but he would never admit it.

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Terra watched as the pink dragon returned with some strange plants. She bent down to sniffed them; they smelled sharp and sweet, she knew even before eating it that it was going to be a tasty treat. She gratefully stripped and teared down the meal with her teeth. They tasted good in her mouth. "Where did you get these? What are they?" She asked.

(OOC: Feel free to have Terra randomly have the name of the leaves pop into her head. Though you'll have to decide what they are first wink.gif )


Lineheart was glad to have been helpful, "I got them at the edge of the forest, off of a berry bush. Do you like them? I don't really know what they are called." She reached into her pouch again and came up with some more leaves, "These are mint, or at least that's what they seem to be called." She handed them down to the little hatchling. Lineheart wondered if there were many other dragons that ate leaves. It was a curious prospect to say the least, she hadn't me any until now. she pondered this, but there was something tugging at the back of her mind that was making it hard to think. If only she could remember what it was.

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Medea gave a soft humming sound to show she heard his reply, moving in a leisurely walk towards the cave nearby the river. She was going to make Aerix walk that farther distance since he was letting her choose his destination. Part of her was glad that would not have to walk back towards the birthing-cave to 'drop off' Aerix, only to turn back around to head somewhere more secluded for herself. Thoughts of any attempts of getting sleep in the birthing-cave ran chills of slight disgust down her spine. The company there and the added noise would never allow Medea to get any rest.


Either way, she would not have to worry about the weak-ones there for now. Medea turned her attention more on the teasing comment Aerix had given about her ability, humored at the whole idea another would be better at what she was born with. "Oh is that so?" This said with a teasing air about her before she got a little more serious and added, "Or it could be that you are older than I am. Seems like the older I become, the better control I had over it."

Aerix followed Medea, his wound felt like it was getting worse, when the got to their destination he would have to look it over. For now he was curious about the hail and what happened with it. It seemed to be fading fairly quickly, so he mustn't have done that much to the atmosphere.

"Maybe we're looking at this all wrong though. Maybe it's less becoming natural and more me just losing control? I affected it, but then it went off on it's own." He shrugged, "Either way, it's getting dark. How much farther?"


(OOC: Short post is short)

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Lucifer's gaze left Rico before he disappeared into the bushes. The feeling of disappointment was in the air as though it was a tangible object. Lucifer closed his eyes and shook his head.

I did what had to be done.

Lucifer turned away from where Rico had fled and made his way towards his cave. Once he reached the mouth of the cave, Lucifer walked over towards his bed and laid himself down. He set his head down unto his paws and let the eerie silence fill the air.

That was the right thing to do. I feel nothing for him and nor should I. What he thinks of me and how he feels means nothing to me.

But maybe you should-

I feel no remorse for what I did and that's final.

Ignoring the words of protest in his head, Lucifer closed his eyes and let himself fall into a deep slumber.


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Clem licked her lips as she thought of a way to explain her mother.

"Well, a mum is a person who is your parent. She takes care of you and is older than you. She guides you through life and shows you what's right and wrong. She makes you feel better when you feel sad and makes all the bad people go away." Clem rubbed her head and looked over at Sunder with a small smile. "Does... does that make sense?"

Edited by Doctortear

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Still drifting off in thought, Skylene was only suddenly brought back to reality upon noticing the black sky, indicating nightfall. Whipping her head around in the darkness, she said to Kalana, "It's getting late now. Do you think the others....." She became too distracted by Kalana's odd position to finish her sentence. She slithered over towards her, somewhat unsure if what she was seeing was correct. What was she doing? "Kalana, are you alright?" She lifted her head up, trying to determine what was happening. Is a snake biting her? Is she frozen? "Is there something biting you?" She immediately felt regret for asking such a dumb question.

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"Yeah, I guess that makes sense..."


He thoughtfully tapped his black claws on the floor, his brow furrowed in thought.


"Does everyone have a mum?" he asked. "Or, do only certain ones have them?"

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"I don't know anyone else who has a mum," Clem admitted with a sigh. Suddenly, her eyes turned cold as she remembered. "Oh wait, no, there is someone else with a mother," she said with a slight hiss. "Rien and her horrible mother, Kalana. That meany attack my mum for no good reason! He saved her life and she repaid him with a claw to the face. How could she be so mean?" Clem shook her head. Her claws dug into the rocky floor beneath her.

"Besides Kalana, I don't know any other mothers." Clem said as her voice changed cheerful once more.

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"Oh, I see."


Sunder-Eye sat in awkward silence for a moment. He tried to think of what to say.


"I guess...I don't know what to do now."


His stomach gurgled, tensing almost painfully with its emptiness. Eyes darting back and forth, he tried to ignore it and silently hoped that it would go unnoticed.

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Kalana blinked nervously, and in the split second that her eyes were closed, an image of Rien tied to the trees flashed before her. The second her eyes were opened again, it was gone, and didn't reappear when she blinked again. Kalana was glad that it wouldn't reappear. Rien in pain was the worst moment of her life, and she never wanted it to happen again. When she was able to collect her thoughts, Kalana no longer cared that Skylene was in front of her. In fact, she had all but forgotten about her. She had began to reflect on how she felt about Rien. Rien was her baby, in a way. The most important thing in her life. Before, nothing had pleased her more than taking care of younger hatchlings, but that was no longer the case. Yes, taking care of others still brought her joy, but not the same kind that being with Rien granted. Nothing would ever be better than Rien.


It was another several minutes before Kalana started acting normally again, and that was when Skylene's question finally entered her brain. Luckily, it processed properly, and she was able to answer in a semi-decent manner. "No, I'm fine. I haven't been bitten by anything." Kalana suddenly noticed the the dimness of the light around them. Glancing up, she saw the sun setting through the trees. "Um...it's getting kinda late. I should be returning to the cave... but... it's quite far. Do you know of any sheltered areas nearby? Once again, the thought of asking Skylene for help wandered into Kalana's train of thought. This time, she knew what she would do about it. Skylene had trusted her, and she would trust Skylene. And...could you help me with a problem I'm having right now?''




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Medea tilted her head slightly as she contemplated Aerix's whole idea on what happened. It was possible, but she honestly had no clue and mostly did not care to puzzle the whole thing out as long as her ability was not draining him to his death. "There might not be a correct way to go about looking at this. The ability is not a natural one for you, as I would hazard it never was for your breed. Your idea is a sound one though," she'd finally say in reply as she rounded a rocky outcropping, water from the river being heard faintly if one listened closely.


The question of how much farther pulled an amused laugh from her as the timing was to great of a coincidence. "Dark it is getting, but the moon does help in lighting one's way. Though we don't have to worry about that." This was all she said before motioning with a slight tilt of her head to a cave that was somewhat hidden within the outcropping they had went around. It was nothing to be charmed about to be sure, but it was a shelter away from the others and it was quiet out here.

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Skylene turned her head towards the forest for a split second, then back at Kalana. She pondered for a moment if there were any sheltered areas around. There's a few caves around, but the Birthcave shouldn't be too far...maybe she just doesn't want to go back? She wondered if something was wrong, and only grew more concerned after her other request. There was no need to try and find an excuse not to help her; after all, she had helped the Blusang with her other problem. But this one seemed more serious than the last one, not a small feat to achieve, she thought to herself. "I can show you a few places around here. It shouldn't be that hard, since I have my bracelet." She pointed to it as it continued to illuminate a decent area around them with blue radiance, and began heading through the forest. "And sure, I can help you with your problem. You helped me, after all!" She gave a friendly smile as she looked back at Kalana, who was beginning to follow.

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This time, Terra didn't hesitate and she stuffed the leaves in her mouth. They had some kind of minty tinge, but she swallowed them down easily. "Mmmm...." She remembered clearly that the pink dragon had said that she forgot what the names of the leaves were; but what were they? After a few moments, a word popped into her head. "That's it... Chervile." She murmured, remembering the minty taste of the leaves.

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"Cherry what?" Lineheart asked curiously, "I don't think it was from a cherry tree. There's only a few of those around." She tilted her head slightly, she couldn't think straight right now. "How about I take you outside and we can gather more leaves?" She suggested.

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Bathory growled, the deep rumble echoing in her pale throat. Her head snapped around to face the imbecilic Heartseeker, contempt burning in her eyes. "I was following Rico, until you distracted me!" she hissed. She strained her eyes to catch a glimpse of the Black Marrow. He had disappeared from her watchful gaze. "Now he's gone." She spat, the words burning her throat.


The word echoed in her ears.


The Vampire shook her head, trying to dislodge the bothersome echo.

It's gone...

She whimpered as a lone leaf swirled through the darkening air. A crow, off in the distance, cawed. The raucous call cut the final ties that held the Vampire's fragile state of mind in check.

"Oh, god. I'm so sorry, Viden. Whatever I said, I didn't mean it."

Her thin shoulders shivered as the cool breeze blew around them. She wrapped her dusky red wings tightly around her body, desperate for some modicum of warmth. Her black eyes blinked, unseeing, up at the starry sky. "It's night." she whispered. Her brow puckered. "When did it become night?" She looked around the clearing, expecting to the the familiar shapes of her temporary companions. "Where.. did Sindri go? And Lucifer... and Alvi?" She shook her head desperately. The wind whistled through the skeletal trees. Forlornly, Bathory cast her gaze around. Her eyes caught the crimson shade of the hatchling beside her. She stared blankly at him. "Viden? When did you get here? I thought you were gone."

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Viden was mildly confused, but he resolved to answer Bathory's questions -Gulp, thith might not be the thmarteth idea-, "I'm thorry, I didn't mean to make loothe twack of Wico. Ith fine, I wath interwupting your hunting. Ith not weally night yet, ith going to be thoon though, maybe you thould find thelter? Thindri wan off a while ago, it wath much earlier. Luthy, um, Luthifer was with Wico lath I thaw, but that wath earlier too. I don't know where Alvi went. I have been here for a while, I interwupted your hunting and you got mad at me, I- I think. You were talking funny. What do you mean gone? I tend to thay away fwom people becauth of my lithp, but I am thill awound." Viden hoped he was being helpful, but he had a sneaking suspicion he wasn't helping anything.

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Clem tilted her head in thought. What should they do now? A small growl sounded in Clem gave a shy smile to Sunder.

"Maybe we should eat something, she suggested. "Once we're full, we could go to bed. Does that sound good?"

Edited by Doctortear

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"Y-Yeah, that sounds good," Sunder-Eye agreed with a nod and a small smile. "But, um...where can we find food that isn't..."


He cast his eyes to the side.


"I don't...I don't like hurting things. I don't know what I can eat."

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Terra scratched her head with a paw, pondering. 'What? I don't think I said Cherry... I think I said Chervil? Wait... where did that come from? Oh dear, I must have confused her.' She faced the pink again. "Oh, sure!" She said, grinning. This was her chance to explore the outside world! But a part of her was hesitant. What was the outside world like? Was it sunny and colorful? Or was it dark and scary? Whatever it was, she needed to find out now.

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"That's okay," Clem chimed with a grin. "You can eat some fruit if you don't want to eat any animals." Wiggling her rump as she got up, Clem bounced away from Sunder and headed towards a small pile of fruit at the edge of the cafe. Her eyes scanned over the pile as she thought about what she could share with her friend. Clem decided on a medium sized green fruit and picked it up firmly in her jaws. Clem marched back over to where Sunder was and sat down next to him; she placed the fruit on the ground and watched as it rolled back and forth.

"Try this," Clem insisted as she nudged the fruit forward with her nose.

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He looked at the object she had dropped between them. It was small, green and shiny. Sunder-Eye wasn't sure what to make of it, sniffing it and taking note of a mildly sour smell.


"What is it?" he asked, leaning back on his haunches and taking the thing in his front claws, looking it over.

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"I don't really know," Clem confessed. "I just thought it smelt good so I figured you'd like it." Clem took a sniff of the fruit and licked her lips. The pungent sour and slightly sweet scent filled the air. Edited by Doctortear

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Rico's sense of smell was impeccable. He doubted that anyone had a better nose then he did. As Rico continued, he entered a part of the forest unfamiliar to him. It was full of thick brush, dying trees, foreign scents filled his nostrils, and the ground was hardly stable. Every step he took, his paw sank almost a foot. Looking closely, he could see dead bodies buried in the muck, the expressions on there face made his lip tremble and his knees weak. Rico could handle death, but just not like this. This was a waste. The hatchlings only killed to feed one another, or to protect themselves, but the swamp killed for no reason. The swamp neither slept, ate, moved, loved, or hated.

What is this place? he questioned.

Suddenly, something grabbed a hold of his foot! A yelp of terror left his lips and survival instincts kicked in. Immediately Rico began to kick, claw, and flap his gimpy wings but to no avail. Rico lost his balance and fell into the thick sludge and instantly began to sink. Fear gripped his as he continued his pointless struggle. He fought to keep his head up, but the day left him emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. In a final attempt to save himself, Rico reached forward and grabbed a hold of a withered tree root. Using the last of his remaining strength, the Black Marrow hoisted himself out and lay limp on the ground. Tears streamed from his eyes, the mud on his face starting to run off and slop on the earth beneath him.

"I hate you..." he whimpered out.

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A significant amount of time had passed since Sindri's call for help. Slowly and carefully trying to push her arms from the ground to get a better view of the night sky, she began wondering what had been taking so long. She had been expecting a quick response, so a delay in action left her worried and fearful.


Where is someone already? Did anyone hear it? Are they far away? Or do they not care about me anymore?


Her mind, very briefly, contemplated on whether or not she should just give up, but sight of Aria from the corner of her eye quickly killed the thought from developing any further.


Can't give up.......someone had to have heard.......by now.......for me....and Aria.......


The cool breeze that travelled throughout the desert helped cool the burning sensation from her gashes. The extreme and deadly amount of blood loss that left her weak and fragile had also slowed the bleeding from her face. Sindri would not allow herself to run out of hope just yet. When suddenly, she saw movement from Aria. It appeared she had woken up too.


"Aria.......I'm sorry for everything....can we just go home now?...."

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Sunder-Eye gave the thing an experimental lick before sinking his teeth into it. It was crunchy, coming off in a big chunk in his mouth. It was a little sour and a little sweet, like it was a bit under-ripe. He set the thing down, chewing thoughtfully on the mouthful of juicy, crunchy fruit.


"It's...not bad. It stings my tongue, a little...Not in a bad way."


He swallowed the bite and licked the juice off his maw, looking at Clem.


"G-Go ahead and take some. I'm afraid I'll end up eating it all," he chuckled nervously.

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Medea tilted her head slightly as she contemplated Aerix's whole idea on what happened. It was possible, but she honestly had no clue and mostly did not care to puzzle the whole thing out as long as her ability was not draining him to his death. "There might not be a correct way to go about looking at this. The ability is not a natural one for you, as I would hazard it never was for your breed. Your idea is a sound one though," she'd finally say in reply as she rounded a rocky outcropping, water from the river being heard faintly if one listened closely.


The question of how much farther pulled an amused laugh from her as the timing was to great of a coincidence. "Dark it is getting, but the moon does help in lighting one's way. Though we don't have to worry about that." This was all she said before motioning with a slight tilt of her head to a cave that was somewhat hidden within the outcropping they had went around. It was nothing to be charmed about to be sure, but it was a shelter away from the others and it was quiet out here.

Aerix contemplated Medea's words, she was right that it was unnatural. He followed her into the cave, "I need to look at this wound, then we can sleep."

He sat down against a wall and carefully lifted the makeshift bandage off his skin, wincing slightly. He was getting used to the pain by now. He was moderately surprised at what he saw, it appeared his wound was infected somehow. that made no sense though, it was perfectly clean when the bandage was first applied. He recalled the minor fight that had given it too him. Maybe Sierra's barb was poisoned like his? That would explain a lot.

He called to Medea, "I have a slight feeling that I have been poisoned."

He had a problem if more than his wound was infected by the poison, he needed an antidote. But not now, now he needed sleep.


"Alright then, follow me." Lineheart turned and was about to go outside when she noticed that it was dark. She frowned and turned back to Terra, "I think we need to wait until morning, it's getting dark." She said, "For now we should probably find you a nest to sleep in." a few years ago one of the dragons had made nests for all the eggs, but most of those had deteriorated over time and not been maintained. Most that were still in good condition were already claimed, but there were a few that might work for Terra, she pointed to them, "Those over there are all okay, if you want one." She said.

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