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Snow woke up from her sleep, and wandered outside her cave. Her mind was still not sure about the whole Laufin thing, and she wanted to clear it. 'Maybe a visit to the birth cave would do some good. Talking and playing might help me think of something else.' She thought. Launching herself from the ground, she spread out her wings and flew to the direction of the cave.


(( sorry if it's a bit short, trying to do something with Snow to show she's still being used.))

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Clem watched as the green hatchling waddled off into the blue hatchling's direction. Clem glanced warily over at the red hatchling's direction. He didn't seem too bad, but he was still a male. M-Maybe I should speak with him? No, I'm not brave enough for that. I-I think I'll just stay here for now. Clem created a distance between her and the unconscious hatchling and sat in an open area in the cave. Mum was outside doing some important big hatchlings things, so Clem couldn't speak with her. Michiru was busy with Spira and Clem was still mad at her for dragging her over to Favian when Clem specifically told her not to. Clem didn't really know anyone else. The green hatchling seemed mean and Jean was big and scary. I wish I had someone to talk to. Clem laid down on her stomach and pushed her paws underneath her chest. A nap sounded nice right about now, but Clem wanted to nap with her mum by her side. She missed her mother.

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Sunder-Eye kept to himself well after the sun had begun to go down. When the shadows began to creep throughout the cave, he took his leave and slipped outside, sitting by the entrance of the cave as he watched the sun sink lower in the sky. He was perplexed by the radiant hues and brilliant colors that seemed to bounce off the clouds and shed a warm glow over the trees. For a moment, he forgot about his disfigured eye, and the other hatchlings. He forgot about the stress of the day, and his lack of restful sleep. He was enchanted by the brilliant reds, oranges and purples that were making their way across the darkening sky. The colors filled him with a strange sense of purpose, calming his heart and filling it with something he had not yet experienced. Something warm, something energized...something that gave him comfort.


He looked around at the forest, the wind rustling the leaves that seemed to glow with the colors of the sky. The breeze pushed against his light frame, threatening to knock him over. He held firm, though, swaying ever so slightly as his weak muscles adjusted to the air's caress. His eyes closed and he breathed deeply, capturing the scene in his mind. They fluttered open, trained on the sky as the first pinpricks of light began to dot the sky. Did every evening end like this? Maybe his days wouldn't be so bad if he had some reason for enduring them.


Those colors are so...beautiful. I wonder if there's any way I could ever be that lovely.


He looked down at his dirty, dull-red scales, the warmth in his chest fading as the chill of the night began to set in.


Not like this...


Sunder-Eye picked at one of the dingy scales with a claw. His stomach growled loudly, but he saw no food nearby. He thought about foraging for berries again, but with night coming, and the fact that the daytime seemed dangerous enough, he decided he could probably wait until morning came for food.

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Mystic had spent the day practicing his swimming and animal control. Now that the sun was setting, he took a break and watched the colors bleed into each other. The practicing was tiring, but he was determined. After creating a shelter, he finally gave in to exhastion and slipped off to sleep.



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While making her way to the cave, Skylene suddenly felt an urge to get something to eat. She had been flying for a long time since she last ate in the morning, and was becoming malnourished. This perplexed her. She thought she had gone to eat recently. Wasn't I at the stream? I was there to eat, right? Why didn't I? Tasimi was there with me too.........oh...... She realized that after Tasimi had confessed to her and left, she fled without eating. How stupid of me! I should've taken that chance!

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It was a weird first thought to have, really. But it WAS very dark where the hatchling was. Not a creepy kind of darkness - more a comforting one. The hatchling wasn't comfortable though - quite the opposite in fact. She was scrunched up tight into a tiny ball and she couldn't move very much. She kicked out with her leg and it hit something hard - the thing that was containing her, whatever it was. She kicked harder and heard a crack. Her foot was suddenly out of this... well... thing. She brought her foot back in and kicked around the hole that her foot had made. The whole thing just... well... fell apart, really. The hatchling stood there for a few seconds, blinking in the light... Ok, not light exactly. It wasn't as dark as the thing she'd just broken out of, but it was dark. And this dark was far from comforting. Her eyes were used to it already, and it scared her. She looked down at herself, and as she did, words flashed across her mind. Stars. Galaxies. Nebula. Astral. She suddenly got the strangest feeling that she had a 'name', and she knew what it was. She was Astra.

Edited by Fiirewolvar

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Sunder-Eye watched as a familiar hatchling approached the cave. He averted his eyes, not wanting to stare.


It's that pretty one from the stream. I would know those colors anywhere...


He watched her from the corner of his eye, watching how her scales glittered with the colors of the dying sunlight. From somewhere nearby, he heard faint cracking and a loud snap. His head turned sharply in the direction of the sound, finding that it had originated from another egg. It looked like the coming night, pin-pricked with light and colored speckles. A hatchling of equal splendor was emerging from the crumbling remains, and as hard as he tried not to stare, he just couldn't avert his eyes from the sparkling little female. He almost - almost - felt the need to talk to her, to greet her in the quiet, gentle way that he was robbed of from birth. Mustering what little courage he had, he turned his back on the colors of the sunset and walked toward her.


Quietly he approached, each step cautious and thoughtful as he made every attempt not to startle her nor himself. His heart didn't thump so hard in his chest, and his usual urge to avoid others was quelled as he neared her on his own terms. She was smaller than he, but his size was relatively large compared to that of many of the younger hatchlings. His legs trembled slightly as his stomach rumbled again, but he continued until he was within a few feet of her. He respectfully kept his distance, sitting down on the cavern floor.


"H-Hello," he stammered, his voice soft.

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Although she was already nearing the cave, Skylene decided that it would be necessary to find something to eat nearby. She did not want to go back to the stream, however. It would fill her mind with painful memories of Tasimi's confession. His confession was the reason she had flew around the forest to clear her mind. It was turning out to be a good evening, too..... She frowned in disappointment that she wasn't successful in ridding the memories from her mind, but her focus quickly diverted to finding food. Looking past a few dragons nearby, she could see a berry bush that appeared to be in good condition. Approaching the bush, she realized Kalana was only a few feet away. The Blusang wasn't sure what she was doing, but tried to make conversation with the Striped. "Hey there Kalana!" she said, plucking a handful of red berries. She was longing to talk to someone that wasn't the Tsunami for once.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Medea gave a soft humming sound as she took in Aerix words, looking up to the sky in thought. Her ability never worked like that for her before, but it stood to reason that it would not work the same in the switch. 'Why the change though? Whatever I have changed in the past has always slowly faded back to what it had been before,' she thought and even wondered if this whole new changed would keep up when the ability was switched back to their rightful owners. One would only know when that happened however.


"Does not work that way for me, but who knows what this switch has done to the ability. If what you say is true though then it would seem that the hail storm has become natural and it would be wise of us to seek shelter until it passes. I rather not be bruised from falling ice." The last bit was said with a tone of sarcasm as she gave Aerix a once over to see if he looked to be able to at least walk for now and then to look at their surroundings. They were not to far from the birthing-cave so they could either head there or go to another place that was a bit farther walk if he could mange. "Think you can walk to a cave I know by the river or back to the birthing-cave?"

Aerix stood carefully, "Either works." He said, "As for your ability, maybe I'm just better at it than you." He gave a teasing grin. Despite his demeanor, Aerix's thoughts were dark. What if it's not, what if it's somehow still draining me? Why is Medea so worried about me? I can take care of myself. And what was with that other dragon, there was something off about her. At this point Aerix just felt uneasy, a strange feeling for him.

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She decided it was best to just lock away these... feelings she was currently feeling. It didn't feel good at all, and she just felt like she couldn't deal with it. It was best that she just forget she ever thought of that flower or anything of that sort. There really wasn't anything that she could do for the poor dragon in front of her.

She had a vague wisp of knowledge that her species had an ability to heal, but since she felt nothing come up she figured that now wasn't the time for her to use it. And besides- from the kind of magic she has actually preformed so far, she didn't exactly want to tire herself unless it was a matter of life and death. The way she was currently thinking kind of scared her too. She felt like... as if she didn't care about others the way she was now. Such a scary and terrifying thought indeed, to even think the thought that others don't matter!


Michiru looks around the area in an attempt to forget her feelings, someone who she could play with, to get herself lost in games and laughter... As she scanned the area, she saw the back of the familiar pink dragon she had started to get fond of. "Jean!" She slithered happily over to the pink dragon and tackle glomped him. "You're finally awake! Are you okay? What happened when I blacked out?" When his scent filled her nostrils, he smelled... Different. In fact the scent comign from his body was almost no scent at all. She cocked her head to the side confused, "And why do you smell... Er well Why do you NOT smell? What happened to the slight sweet smell I always well, smell from you? I know I don't particularly pay much attention to it except in extreme cases, but still."

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Another hatchling. That was a good thing, surely? He was red and rather... well... large, and one of his eyes was cut and looked horrible. When she looked at him, thoughts rushed into her mind. How did he lose that eye? In a fight? With another dragon? Maybe he was vicious? However, when his greeting met her ears she was confused. He didn't sound vicious. In fact, he sounded sad, and kind of... lonely. But maybe he was just a good actor.

She quickly considered her options - she didn't want to appear afraid - he may still be a vicious dragon. Running wouldn't help. She'd have to reply to him, and show she wasn't afraid. Maybe he wasn't even that bad. He wasn't much bigger than her and definitely hadn't sounded vicious. And the way he looked at her wasn't hungry or mean, just inquiring. That eye might be from a bear or a wolf, maybe not even that - he didn't look like he'd fought very much in his life. He might have fallen on a stone or something. She decided to give him a try - if it got dangerous, she could always run away. "Hello..." she stammered cautiously. Deciding that sounded like she was scared, she tried again. "Hello, I'm Astra."

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"Hey, hot shot," Favian turned his head to see Zela marching up to him. "Zela what are you-" "It's not Zela," the Golden Wyvern said. "It's Moss. Now come along with me, I need to tell you something." "But I-" "Shush!" Ze- Moss placed a paw over Favian's mouth. "Don't you want to know where I've been all this time?" Favian's tail twitched. Yes, yes he most certainly did. His crave for knowledge was never quenched and Moss was dangling some over him like a juicy apple hanging from a tree branch. This is good. Go ahead and follow her. She'll take you away from these imbeciles. After a moment for hesitation, Favian, slightly reluctant, agreed. "Lead the way," he said. Moss gave a large toothy, and rather scary, grin. "Come along," she said as she began to headed into the forest. Favian watched her hindquarters disappear into a bush. Go on, you have a chance to get away from here. Seize the moment! Without hesitation, Favian moved forward and made his way into the forest. Not a single sign of him leaving was seen. Favian left without a single trace and not a single thing in the world cared.

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The terrae slowly opened her eyes, squinting against the black. Darkness was everywhere, it was all that she could see. She began to panic and squirmed against the sides of the walls that sealed her tight and snuggly in. Her hind legs kicked out and connecting with the walls, making a thudding sound as cracks began to appear on the surface, which quickly formed and twisted into a sickly pattern that light seeped in. She let out a cry as the flash momentarily blinded her. She swayed forward, and the walls crumpled beneath her. She fell out in a heap of cold skin and slob. As soon as the cold air of the cave hit her, she wished that she hadn't hatched so suddenly. She shivered, he eyes still barely opened. She groped around on the cold floor before she finally managed to find a corner and curl up there, watching everything from a safe distance.

Edited by Kitkat10

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Lineheart looked over and noticed an egg had just hatched. She wanted to talk to Favian, but she supposed she should say hello first. Besides, she could help Favian by keeping it inside. She walked over, "Hello there." She said cheerily, "What's your name?"


(OOC: Wow, short post is short)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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The terrae slowly turned around as someone said hello. "Hi..." She said, what was a name? Did she have one? She shuffled around uncertainly with her paws. "...Eerr... umm... my name is..." She paused, what was the name of her species? A... terrae...? "Terra" She finished. Terra searched the pink's face, and she looked freindly enough.

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Lineheart almost giggled, "That's cute." She said, "Terra." It felt good coming off her tongue, "Say Terra, do you need food or something? I can help you find some. Oh and, don't go out of the cave, Favian doesn't like newborns leaving without help." Lineheart sort of liked this new hatchling, maybe they could be friends. She smiled as best she could, hoping this was a nice dragon. At least let her be better than Aerix, he was so grumpy about letting me help him. Edited by MasterWeavile898

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"Astra? That's a...p-pretty name," he stammered. "M-My name is Sunder-Eye. Are...Are you alright? You didn't hurt yourself, did you?" he asked, trying to seem as harmless as he felt he was. He didn't want to scare the newborn, having emerged into this world not so long ago, himself.


"I-I ask, because I um...I had a rather rough start myself. I h-hope you started off better than I did."


He felt rather silly, and hung his head in apology.


"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you."

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Astra noticed that this dragon, 'Sunder-eye' as he called himself, was stuttering as he spoke. She felt quite sorry for him and smiled. 'Don't worry. You aren't bothering me. Yes, I'm alright - I started like I guess every other hatchling starts-'

She broke off suddenly as another egg hatched and a baby emerged from it. 'See? I guess you must have just been unlucky. Oh- and if you don't mind me asking, what happened with your eye? If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to...'

She had no doubts now - this hatchling was not acting. He wasn't vicious. He had no reason to fear her - he was a lot larger than she, but was still scared. For a second, she felt a small sensation of power, but shook it off. She wasn't going to control this hatchling just because it was scared - if they were going to be friends, as she hoped they would, they were going to be equals.

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Sunder-Eye thought for a moment.


"I fell out of my egg...a-and a piece of it cut my eye on the way out, I think," he said softly. "Just, um...bad luck, I suppose."


This hatchling wasn't loud or frightening like the others. He felt that he wouldn't mind her company as much as the others. He looked over to the other hatchling hiding in the corner, and immediately saw a little bit of himself in it as it huddled in the darkness. He almost made his way over when another hatchling came out of nowhere and approached it. It felt like his scales were standing on end when the other hatchling passed him by without so much as a sound, stopping and talking to the other newborn. With wobbly legs, he looked back to the pretty star-flecked hatchling in front of him.


"I-I should um...I should probably leave you alone now, b-but if you ever want to talk, I'll uh, I'll be at my n-nest," he said, trying not to look as startled as he really was. "J-Just give me, um...G-Give me fair warning before hand, please? I'm a little jumpy."


He chuckled nervously before retreating to his nest and burrowing under the grass. Even though his heart was thudding painfully in his chest, he felt a small sense of accomplishment, having made some sort of contact with another who didn't want to hurt or scare him.

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Terra nodded slowly. Who was Favian? Was he a green dragon? maybe and albino? She smiled back at the pink dragon. "Sure!" She said. She didn't realize that she was hungry until she had said 'food'. But what would she eat? She looked up to the entrance of the cave and saw lush greenery everywhere, spreading out on the moorland. "If it's green, it's good." She smacked her lips. She was in a mood for something sweet, green and juicy.

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Green? What does she mean by green? Does she like rotten food? Lineheart pondered for a moment, then an idea came to mind. "Be right back." she said to Terra and rushed over to her nest, quickly returning with her bag of herbs. "Try these." She said, holding out some of them.

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Wobblefoot nodded vigorously, his frilled head swishing through the water. "Exploring is the very best." A wide smile spread across his face. "Let's go, then! I'm sure Aysu and Silv can manage on their own." The Waterhorse felt a pang of regret at leaving the two girls behind, but the prospect of exploring the tunnel was too good to resist.


As the Heartseeker before her squeaked and stuttered, Bathory rolled her eyes. "Arierat."

You weren't SUPPOSED to understand.

She whipped around to face Rico. She ignored Viden's embarrassed voice, concentrating on her enemy. Only.. she sort-of forgot why this was so necessary. If she wanted to, she could just run away. Viden surely wouldn't be able to follow, and she could always pick up Rico's trail another time.

Bathory blinked away her thoughts, and watched with a bemused expression as Lucifer back away from the Black Marrow.


Glas, a happy smile stretching his face, bounded through the quiet woods. He breathed in the comfortingly earthy smell, and picked up his pace. The trees shot past his hurtling blue form. His legs pumped, and his feet scored the earth and his leaps and bouds grew greater and longer. "I feel so alive!" he shouted. The wind stole away his warbling words.

Alvi, I am coming! I will fix this, you'll see!

The same wind carried the stench of smoke past his nose. The moonstone sneezed, and slowed his gait minutely.

Smoke? No! A fire this late in the year would be disastrous!

Glas's carefree expression was usurped by another, worried one. His happy, bouncing feet grew heavy and still. Reluctantly, he started on again.

I-it could just be nothing.

A far-off yell sounded. It echoed off the trees and tussocky grass, unnerving the moonstone further. He stopped.

I may as well take a look. It might be nothing, but...

Glas sniffed the air hesitantly, and followed the acrid smell deeper into the woods.


The hatchling stumbled along, whistling tunelessly under it's combined breath. A leaf fluttering down from the heights of the stately trees distracted it momentarily. A small, dusky purple head blinked curiously, and flicked it's eyes up to the bright canopy of leaves. It chirped to it's companion, and the other head responded. They hauled their arms forward, as a team, and dragged their serpentine body through the grassy forest floor. The fallen leaf was scrutinized carefully. One head, more adventurous than the other, snapped it's hooked jaws at the crisp leaf. It crumbled satisfyingly in the hatching's teeth.

A sharp trill escaped the parted lips of the right head. It caught the eye of the left, who was engaged in extracting particles of leaf from it's mouth, and motioned frantically with it's arm. Off in the distance, a squirrel skittered across the ground

The left head nodded in affirmation.

The two-headed dragon slithered along the ground with surprising agility. Both sets of keen eyes were trained on the fluffy animal just yards away from them. Their pink tongues scraped across their scaly lips as one.

They needed a meal.

Slowly, careful not to disturb a single twig, the hatchling stalked across the ground. Red, piercing eyes pinned the squirrel to the ground. A sudden burst of speed propelled the two-headed hatchling forward. Their jaws closed in on the terrified animal. It's neck was snapped in an instant, shook apart with the force of two hatchlings.

The left head tore into the squirrel without a moment's hesitation. The other stayed alert, conscious of the threats of the forest. It watched over it's shared body as her sister dug into the carcass.

Blood, red as the lindwurm's eyes, spurted from the squirrel's innards. It splashed across the forest floor, and the marbled purple scales of the hatchling. The dry earth absorbed it instantly; with only a crimson stain left behind.

Edited by Ayesthine

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Kirk's entire body tingled with excitement. "Well, what are we waiting for?" he asked Wobblefoot with a huge grin. "Let's go, let's go!" With a wave of his tail, Kirk spun away and sped towards the dark tunnel leading outside. His joy could not be contained and he almost tripped over his own limbs a couple of times. Once he was a respectable distance in the darkness, Kirk stopped and turned to where Wobblefoot still was.

"Come on, already!" he shouted into the darkness. "The water is just fine!"

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Kalana dipped her head in acknowledgement to Skylene. "Hello there. Is there anything you need?" Kalana didn't really have much to say.



Feather found Hibiki was suddenly acting strangely, but in his normal, awkward way. In his commanding tone, Hibiki sounded strange, and unlike himself.



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Sindri suddenly woke up, free from her unconsciousness nightmare. Opening her eyes, she could see that she was still where she previously was, lying on the sand between the desert and the moorland. Her muscles tightened and burned at the slightest movement. The blood from the gashes on her face and chin had formed a pool around the Lumina. By all means, her physical condition was disastrous. Yet, Sindri felt more alive and strengthened than ever.


Aladdin.........doesn't care anymore.......


She was still unsure of what had happened while she was knocked out, if she was really with him or if it was all just her imagination. Whichever case, she was filled with heartbreak at the Shimmerscale's actions.


Was he dead?.......Alive but not with me?......Or did he see me but no longer want to be with me?.....


It was the third question that scared her the most; of all the scenarios, it was the most frightening if it rang true. She loved him too much, and refused to believe that he didn't return her compassion. However, the meeting filled her with an urge to keep fighting. No longer did she want to die, if that was what death was like, she was now truly fearful of passing. A new sense of hoping for survival filled her mind. She needed to be saved, but wasn't sure if anyone was near. Aria was currently useless; she was as insane as Sindri previously was. But there had to be someone else around.......


"HELP ME!!!" she screamed out telepathically to no one in particular. She was now able to yell as loud as possible for help without destroying her throat. "SOMEONE HELP ME!!! I'M DYING!!!"

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