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Lineheart nodded, "Help would be appreciated, and this hail isn't good for her." She smiled as best she could, but the hail was agitating, "Why does it have to be hailing anyway?" She grumbled. she started pulling at Spira again, hopefully she and Favian could get the royal blue to the cave quickly.

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Michiru was able to relax now that the dragon before her was speaking softer. She kept a firm gip on her friend's paw though, "This isn't a problem that can be calmed by anyone, I've already tried it. Clem... Clem says she needs her mother- erm... Favian so she can feel safe! Just being nearby her mo- Favian is enough.". "Please let us see him..." Michiru gave a sincere bow to the golden wyvern and continued this bow til she got a response.

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Favian ran his back under Spira and lifted her onto his back. "I think this sit he most efficient way of travel," he stated as he began to walk back to the birth cave. "Lineheart," he said suddenly. "There is something that I need to ask you something important." Favian made his voice firm and serious. Yet, the small wisp of something else floated in it.


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shook her head at Michiru's request. "Sorry kid," she said in a not so apologetic tone. "But unless Favian comes over here, I can't let you speak with him. Speaking of which, he should be coming over any moment know." The Golden Wyvern looked over her shoulder and stared at the forest line for a moment. She slowly turned her gaze upon the hatchlings once more. "You'll see why in a minute or two,"the Golden Wyvern explained.

Edited by Doctortear

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Lineheart perked excitedly as she and Favian walked, "Anything." she said cheerily, "We're friends right?" she had to force herself to say "friends", her life was so hard. She continued to smile though, inside she felt like fainting. Maybe he likes me! Her thoughts ran wild.

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Favian let out a low chuckle. "Of course we're friends," They were almost to the birth cave now. If Favian was going to tell Lineheart what he was going to say, then he would have to do it now. "Lineheart..." Favian started uneasily. "I need to tell you that I-" "Mother!" Favian's speech was interrupted by a small pink ball ramming into his side. "Well, hello Clem!" Favian said cheerfully. "I need to do something really quick before I can speak with you. Is that okay?" "It's okay,"Clem replied, "I can wait for you." Favian gave an apologetic glance over to Lineheart and made his way into the birth cave.

Edited by Doctortear

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Lineheart barely even noticed Favian leaving. She'd heard enough to make her faint. He likes me! What else could he have been saying? But wait, he said we were friends. Maybe he doesn't? Oh but he must! He thoughts were a rush, a wonderful, lovestruck, mildly inaccurate rush. But she didn't care, she was too busy fainting.

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As soon as Rico's brain realized Lucifer had charged the flock it was too late. He had already killed a goose, and scared the entire gaggle in a matter of seconds. Rico wasn't too impressed. He expected Lucifer to take at least a few more before they even knew they were there. He did however enjoy aroma that the dead bird, and Lucifer gave off. The Black Marrow approached Lucifer and grinned.

"Don't you think you went a little over board when you basically showered yourself in the birds bodily fluids?".

Rico let out a low chuckle before he looked at the bird on the ground. He wanted nothing more to sing his enlarged fangs into the carcass, and savour the very taste of its raw flesh. He hadn't eaten bird in some time, and his mouth began to overflow with drool. Just as Rico was about to take a bite, he spotted something scuttling in the bushes. He didn't realize what it was until it darted out from its cover. Rico glared at the serpent as it charged at the unsuspecting Sweetling, but that did not deter it from keeping pace. Finally, before he knew it, the snake was already at the closer end of the goose, possibly within striking distance. Rico wouldn't have cared if he hadn't recognized the species: the deadly Nadar. That was the type of snake that almost killed the Pygmy and Pink dragon back at the birth cave, and Rico wasn't prepared to give the love of his life a blood transplant, nor was he wanting to. In a burst of sheer strength, Rico lunged forward and pushed Lucifer out of the way as the snake jumped forward.

Rico yelped in pain as the snakes fangs sunk into his rough skin. Rico rolled onto his back and yanked the viper from his body, tossing it a few feet a way from the two. And just as it began to slither away in defeat, Rico held his arm out waved it around, stopping all movement of blood in the serpents body. The snake froze, then levitated off the ground, floating back over to Rico. He clenched his claws into a fist, causing its head to explode into a bloody pulp.

Rico took a sigh of relief when he turned to Lucifer.

I got it


((Sorry for the tank post. P.S will try and post Jean tomorrow))

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Favian wandered into the birth cave with Sire dangling from his back. He wasn't sure, but he thought that he could see Lineheart...swooning? No, of course she wasn't swooning. She was just faint from carrying Spira, that was all. Favian walked over to where his old bed was and gently laid Spira down onto the moss. "Don't run of again," Favian whispered to Spira as she laid on the bed. "We wouldn't want you getting hurt, now would we?" Favian gave the tiniest of smiles and straightened himself up. He turned his head and stared at the mouth of the cave. I better go back and see what I need to do. Favian turned away from Spira and began to head back to the entrance.


Lucifer dropped the neck of the goose that hung from his mouth. A sudden rush of emotion twisted in his chest and propelled him forward. "Good lord, are you okay?" Lucifer exclaimed as he ran to Rico's side. He leaned against the Black Marrow for support. His eyes darted up and down as Lucifer held a concerned expression. W-What? Why am I acting like this? I'm not suppose to feel like this. What's going on?

Edited by Doctortear

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((Nope, nope nope nopity nope, come back here Favain! D< Or at least, I wish but this is the best Spira can do in her current state... Dang it. She'll probably awaken at night time in the current TPE day. The moonlight might help.))


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Spira weakly regained consciousness and opened her eyes. "Where... am I...?" She saw the purple dragon from earlier, and wanted to greet him. "Hey wait... I want to speak wit-" She realized she couldn't speak, and she couldn't use telepathy either. She couldn't get her body to move and just practically sat there like a lump of coal. Spira even saw her chance to grab the purple's leg to prevent him from leaving, to ask him so many questions about what was happening... But with her body in such a state she couldn't get it to respond. She wished that she could do more, but she felt so sleepy and resumed doing so.


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Michiru slithered up to the side, to watch over Clem and her mother. She noticed the blue dragon with all the swirly marks was hurt and slithered up to it. "I wonder what happened to you..." She touched Spira's nose gently. Spira and Favian were so much bigger than the two of them. Maybe when they grow older they'll be just as big? Michiru sniffed a sweet smell from Spira. "What is this smell? It smells familiar-"


Suddenly a great big headache occurred! It was as if someone had a huge vicegrip locked onto her tiny head! "Hngg..!" Michiru held her head and shut her eyes. A song, a song was trying to play in her head but she couldn't hear it clearly unlike the others!





This song, this song, the mere thought of having to sing it felt like she was ripping her mind apart. She had this feeling an image of a flower flash in her mind, but she couldn't retain the image well enough to remember what it was. What she did remember -albeit randomly- was two things: one, see has seen it before through another HolySong's eyes and two, you shouldn't sniff the pollen or something bad was gonna happen. The headache faded just as quickly and suddenly as it had came... Why? Why did such a thing had to happen to her! This is the first time she ever felt negatively towards her own song, and it almost made her never want to sing another song magic piece again, if there were more such pieces instilled into her being.


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A disturbance... He didn't lift his head to look at the sky as he usually did. He kept on diligently working on his collar, but the disturbance he was sensing was the same disturbance that had awoken the magi from his slumber earlier than planned. He didn't have any plans to fight against the disturbance either nor did he even know what the disturbance was. Perhaps this disturbance isn't going to be as big as previously thought, or perhaps its a different kind of danger that isn't perceivable- or maybe its something thats dangerous to certain individuals.


Rakushun finally stopped working for a moment when he realized that perhaps it was destiny that he should wake up so early and cause that soul swap? What if the soul swap WAS the cause of the disturbance? And the soul swap will result in a disaster on an individual level?

Rakushun resumed work, pushing aside the previous thoughts to the back of his head. As far as he was currently concerned, he could do nothing and therefore shouldn't care about the others right now. All he can do is to fix this collar and bet on the percent chance that with a sound mind he could better help out Favian.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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His nap didn't last long when tiny clawed fingers grabbed at his tail and tugged. Sunder-Eye's head popped up and whipped around, alarmed by the massive rat that was trying to pull him out of the tree trunk. He squealed and tugged his tail desperately, trying to get it away from the rodent. His claws found purchase in the lattice of vines as he started grabbing climbing, and before he knew it, he was halfway up the wall of vines and the rat was glaring angrily up at him.


Please don't come after me, he willed, hoping that the rat would stay down rather than come up after him. He hiccuped and a small spark spewed from his maw. This seemed to be enough to drive the rat away, and it scampered off into the underbrush.


Sunder-Eye breathed a heavy sigh. Bags were beginning to form under his young eyes already from the lack of rest. Maybe going back to the cave was a better idea than trying to live alone for now. He could scavenge off the other hatchlings, and maybe be of some help so long as no one really noticed him.


Deciding that this would probably be the best course of action, he squirmed his way to the outside of his hideaway and climbed down, legs shaking from a mix of shock and adrenaline. He used this energy to bolt back in the direction he had come from, pausing at the stream to drink before following it toward the cave. It didn't take him long to get back to where he had originated, stumbling weakly through the vegetation as he tried desperately to stay out of sight. He attempted to make his way into the cave, seeking it dark caress.

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With Clem jumping at his heels, Favian marched away from Spira and let himself recall what he was suppose to do next. The first thought that entered his mind was Lineheart's request for a partner to gather herbs with her. Favian stopped and scanned the cave for the Pink. Wait, did she even come in- Favian let out a exasperated sigh as he say Lineheart on the ground at the mouth of the cave. She must be more tired that I thought. Favian looked around and felt a flare of anger once he realized that no one had tried to come to Lineheart's aid. Sure, most of the hatchlings were newborns, but none of them had even glanced in Lineheart's direction. Of course no one tries to help her. Why would I ever think that anyone would try to help someone else who wasn't their mate or close friend? It looks like I'll have to do the dirty work, once again. Will I ever get a break? Favian grudgingly padded over to where Lineheart was and slid her onto his back, just as he had did with Spira. Favian made his way back into the cave and laid Lineheart down onto her bed. With a slight look of regret captured onto his face, Favian walked back to the outside of the cave and sat down with a huff; his head lowered and his back arched. Clementine sat down next to Favian and looked up at her mother; her face covered with a worried expression. The two sat silently as the leaves gently lifted into the wind.

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The sound of something scratching a tree compelled the rabbit to leave from its hiding spot in the bushes and dart out into the open. Frantically turning its head, it could not locate where the painful-sounding noise was coming from. After making a run to another bush, it peered through the leaves that enveloped the little creature from them dangers of natural world. A blue and white speck was noticed from afar. Hesitantly inching closer each second, the figure was becoming more clear to its eyes. It went from tree to tree, making that awful noise over and over and over again. The poor rabbit quickly scampered away, fearing the large and scary creature clawing at the trees.

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"Sindri! Oh my god, Sindri!" Frightened, Aria swooped down towards her friend. Her movements were out of control and jerky, resulting in her clumsily plowing face first into the sand. She heard a loud and horrific snap on impact, and suddenly felt excruciating pain flame up in her wing. Horrified, she dug her face out of the ground, spiting out grains of sand, and turned to look at her wing. It was bent at an odd angle. Curiously, she tried moving it, only to hear an awful scraping and rubbing noise. The pain tripled, if that was even possible, and suddenly her vision faded to black. She collapsed, unconscious, beside the Lumina.

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Sunder-Eye slipped away into the shadows, seeking the back of the cave where he had been kicked out into this cruel world. He wandered as deep as he dared to go, unknowing of what dangers might lurk where the light doesn't shine. He passed many broken shells and eggs that had yet to hatch, all of various wonderful hues. His tail curled up between his legs self-consciously as he located the remains of his own egg, the dirty shell quickly crumbling apart.


Climbing up into the nest it had been laid in, he kicked the remnants and sharp bits out, hoping to finally get some sleep. The noises from beyond the cave mildly deterred the sleep he so desperately sought, but a quick motion of his tail and a layer of dried grasses later, and he was sufficiently shrouded from the outside world. He was finally able to rest, curled up tightly into a tiny red ball.

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Medea blinked in slight confusion and glanced down at her own fore-paw that was used to prod at Aerix, she thought that she was being gentle enough. 'This whole strength thing is going to become very annoying very soon,' she mused to herself as she backed off so that Aerix could sit up without hitting her. "That would have been me and I needed you up. Worked, did it not?" A little playful grin is given as she asked her question, not showing that the whole rough treatment was really an accident from the beginning. Medea let out a soft huff of pain as a good size of hail landed near the middle of her back, reminding her of another reason why waking Aerix was so important. Yet, she did not want to announce to the others that using the ability came with a death wish if used to long or if one changed to much.


"That I did, a Magi hatchling did this it would seem," she'd say as she stood as a hint that they should be going, finally giving her back to the 'beautiful gem' as well. Once they were far enough away she'd pause and look to Aerix, knowing that he had to be in pain since she had the idea that whatever pain tolerance he had she now held. Medea was just good at hiding her pain, but that was all to different than having a pain tolerance and Medea knew this. Though she would not act like she was stopping for him to rest, but merely to help him stop the hail that was following him before the draining killed him. "Let's stop this hail before you go into a coma and die," was huffed out while she motioned for him to make himself comfortable before continuing, "You are really going to have to gain control of my ability before it saps all of your energy. Guess the problem is how to learn the control on something you never had when I had it the whole time." She let her eyes slip close as she tried to think best on how to describe the feeling of her powers, how to close off the ability and when to let it slip through the tight hold. "Best way I can think of to explain without confusing you is to close your eyes and just feel the energy. I am sure it will be easy for you since it will be a new thing inside of you, something foreign, and try to lock it way. Stop it from draining your own energy as it is doing right now to make this hail," Medea finally concluded.


[blah post, but as I said...sleep deprived.]

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Glas slunk out from his bush, twigs and leaves caught in his scales. His somber, half-closed eyes stared broodingly out at the crisp, clear evening. His claws and legs dragged over the ground His ill-used muscles ached wearily after his day of running away.

His beaten mind was slow and foggy, but his thoughts were made up. He was oddly resigned to his fate.

Alvi will hate me for forever, and there is nothing I can do.

A crow cawed noisily from a crooked black limb. Glas blinked, and paused to stare at the dark-feathered bird. It's bright eyes glanced back at him, sending a delicious shiver of fear down his spine.

It may have been me. My fault, something I did wrong.

A dried, dead leaf drifted slowly to the ground. Another followed, twisting through the air like an injured butterfly. Glas shuffled over. He stared unblinkingly at the leaves, his mind whirling.

Maybe I can fix this. Before everything just gets worse and worse.

Maybe... maybe it isn't permanent? It's not like she's dead.

One of his shaking claws pierced the end of the leaf. His hand glowed green, sparked by his determination. The leaf blossomed into the brilliant emerald green of it's life, alive once more.

I can heal things. I must have been switched, like Alvi.

I can heal things!

Maybe, just maybe, I can heal Alvi!

He shook the leaf off his claw, and stepped away. His eyes locked on the leaf while stolid determination settled across his features. Shooting one last glance at the brilliantly vibrant leaf, he raced away.


The ground flew by. Leaves and dirt whipped up beneath his churning feet danced through the air.

Yards behind, and out of his sight, Glas's leaf was shriveled and dead. With no tree and no purpose, the leaf's short-lived rebirth was pointless.

Edited by Ayesthine

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"There's one problem with stopping the hail, I'm not doing it anymore." Aerix said, looking up at the storm, it seemed to be expanding, "I started it, but now it's become natural or something? I really don't know how this works." He sat down with a huff, wincing a bit at his wound, "I'm not sure that attempting to stop it wouldn't be what puts me into a coma."


Viden nervously stood up, he was unsure what to do. Bathory had surely heard him, she was only a little ways in front of- Behind- Where was she? Viden had lost all sense of orientation as he fell, now he had no clue which way to go to get back. And for that matter, he had no idea which way not to go so he could avoid disturbing Bathory's hunt. He started off in a random direction, hoping it was a safe one. But alas, he was not that lucky, he almost ran straight into Bathory. He was tempted to turn tail and run, but the vampire was much faster than he. He did the next best thing, he greeted her, "Hello." He said in his friendliest voice.

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Medea gave a soft humming sound as she took in Aerix words, looking up to the sky in thought. Her ability never worked like that for her before, but it stood to reason that it would not work the same in the switch. 'Why the change though? Whatever I have changed in the past has always slowly faded back to what it had been before,' she thought and even wondered if this whole new changed would keep up when the ability was switched back to their rightful owners. One would only know when that happened however.


"Does not work that way for me, but who knows what this switch has done to the ability. If what you say is true though then it would seem that the hail storm has become natural and it would be wise of us to seek shelter until it passes. I rather not be bruised from falling ice." The last bit was said with a tone of sarcasm as she gave Aerix a once over to see if he looked to be able to at least walk for now and then to look at their surroundings. They were not to far from the birthing-cave so they could either head there or go to another place that was a bit farther walk if he could mange. "Think you can walk to a cave I know by the river or back to the birthing-cave?"

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Wobblefoot rubbed his eyes, and yawned widely. His sleepy eyes scanned the cave absentmindedly. Seeing no great crisis, the Waterhorse dove underwater. He held a hoof out, and poked Kirk in the side. "Hey, Kirk? This is kinda boring. D'you want to go do something? Explore some more?" His feet paddled the water slowly as he thought. "You know, we were really far out that last time. I think we can find some cool stuff down that tunnel." His lighthearted tone contradicted his mood. Even though he tried to brush it off, the Winter Magi's sudden and brutal death made him uncomfortable. This cave didn't feel safe.

The land was so much more dangerous than the water. Wobblefoot made a secret vow never to leave the water again.




At the sound of Viden's sudden and noisy entrance, Bathory's slim body backed away rapidly. She pressed herself against a tree. Her head and shoulders swiveled to face the Heartseeker, fangs bared. At the cheery greeting, her posture relaxed. She made no noise to comment or reply, and instead brushed past. She had nearly lost sight of Rico. Her purpose was still fresh in her mind.


((Oh, god Dx short post for Bathory. Forgive me.))

Edited by Ayesthine

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Kirk snapped out of his zoned out state of mind. He let the moss float off of his paw and drift of into the cold water that he lived in. "Of course!" Kirk exclaimed as he let out a wild smile. "There's not much going on and exploring is by far one of the best things in the world!" Kirk's goofy grin was full of boyish delight and curious wonder. Kirk was no longer thinking of what had put him into a silent state and was now bombarded by thoughts of finding the most peculiar of things. What if there was a big monster? What if they found treasure? What if there were other hatchlings? Ooh, this was all just so exhilarating!

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Sindri could not hear Aria, or the loud sound her wing made. The Lumina was unconscious too, and her blood loss was getting out of control. The end was getting closer and closer each minute, as she woke up in a strange world that was only her mind playing tricks on her.


There was a dark room, which Sindri mysteriously found herself in. All her wounds were gone, her body feeling healthy again. She went about in the darkness, trying to figure out what was happening. Then, a light source appeared behind her, and turning around she let out a small gasp upon realizing the figure.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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(OOC: Mething with Viden's writing style, tell me what you think)


Viden was sort of spooked by Bathory's reaction, but relaxed when she did. He followed her as she moved away, "Hey, whatcha doing?" He whispered, fairly certain whispering was smart, "Ith you hunting?" He asked, raising hith -his- voice only slightly. The kind heartseeker didn't wish to disturb whatever his secret crush was doing, but he also wanted to talk to her. He sometimes wished his lithp would go away, maybe then she might take him seriously, but alas, it would not. He felt his heart fall slightly at this prospect, what if she found him too childish? What if he could never do anything to change her cold heart? What if? Viden loved asking himself these questions, no matter how hard they stung, he always liked to ask what others would tell him not to; the great, foreboding question: What if?

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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A thought, small and insignificant, wormed it's way through the stranglehold on Bathory's mind.

God, is he always this annoying?

Her blank eyes flicked over to where the Heartseeker stood. He was bigger than her, and probably stronger, but she was the faster of the two of them. By far.

She could run away to get rid of Viden, but the urge to revenge herself on Rico was still there. Not now, at least, would she leave his trail. For any reason, no matter how intrusive and annoying.

She opted for a reply.

"Ai putea spune asta."

She still spoke in hissing tones, but her voice was more her own. Thoughts, confused, fragmented, and without purpose, swirled through her mind.

Edited by Ayesthine

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He wasn't sure how much time passed. An hour? An evening? Surely not a day, seeming as the other hatchlings were still out and about. He poked his head up through the dried grasses that had shielded him from the outside world, resting his head on the outer edge of the nest. He watched them play and talk amongst themselves, some seeming to be sick or tired and just laying on the ground. A part of him wanted desperately to socialize, but the majority of him said otherwise.


Leave them be. They don't want you butting in on their conversations, it's rude. They've got more important things to do than talk to you. You don't need them anyway.


Thoughts flew around in his head until he finally put a stop to them, quieting them with the hope that, maybe, one of those who weren't too loud or too big would come and talk to him. Sunder-Eye would wait patiently, and be patient with whoever decided to come see him. Maybe a new friend was just a conversation away.

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(OOC: since Viden is narrating his own life, actual thoughts are in --s (Because he's interrupting himself))


The brave -No, not brave, um, courageouth- The courageous heartseeker knew that the dragon before him was very dangerous, but he did not care, he was ready for anything. None were as brave as Viden. Who was he kidding? Viden was as yellow as the sun. Viden nervously twirled the tip of his tail as he tried to decipher the vampire's words, "I'm thorry Bafory, but I have no idea what you just said." He squeaked -No wait, that maketh me thound like a doofuth- He said with all the courage he could muster. He realized that she was speaking at normal levels and not whithper.. Whithper.. Whithpered! Viden quickly clamped his claws over his mouth, biting the tail the one had been holding, he hadn't intended to say that out loud, and it most certainly hadn't been a withper. Whith- Viden gave up on ever pronouncing withper properly again.

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