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A spark of agitation reached Favian's mind. "I realized that." he growled in response. When Rien showed up, the Golden Wyvern following her waltz up to Favian. "Goodness, MORE people are are trying to use you as a tool?" she asked slyly as she glared at Medea and Aerix. "Not to mention that it's those two. They don't even like you and yet they still join everyone else in the whole 'Use Favian' crowd." Favian looked confused as to what the Golden Wyvern was saying. "Zela? Since when were you so-" "Shush," Moss said as she placed a paw over Favian's mouth. "Let me handle this." Moss turned to Medea and Aerix and rolled her eyes. "Listen, I know why you're bothering Favian." she sneered. "You want him to fix your problem, don't you? Well let me tell you this. You have no right to walk up to him and use his eidetic memory to your advantage. You don't even like him, yet you still think it's okay to bother him like this. Have you ever helped Favian when he asked for assistance? No, you didn't. You want to know why? Because you don't care about him or what he does. So if you don't want to help him, then why should he help you? I don't care what has happened to you, figure it out for yourself. Oh, and don't you dare say you have never heard him call for help. He has people running around everywhere telling those who have left the Birth Cave that Favian needs help. It's just what seems to happen."


((OOC: You don't want to get on Moss's bad side. Trust me, she gets far worse.))

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Aerix didn't like Zela's attitude, it was extremely agitating, "I do not want him to fix my problem, I can fix my own problems. But I don't know what the problem is, so I can't fix it. Lineheart said Favian 'giggle' might know something, so we came to ask about what he knew. And I haven't heard him ask for help, though I wouldn't have come anyway. I don't 'help'" Aerix sneered at the golden wyvern, "Nor do I need help." He thought. Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Moss had enough of this arrogant worm. "Did I say you could speak, whelp?" Moss snarled. She swung a fist and punched Aerix in the muzzle. She kicked his side and bared her pointed teeth. "It's the same exact thing!" Moss growled. "You're doing the same thing as everyone else, and that makes you just as bad as them!" Moss swung her tail and slapped Aerix against the cheek to prove her point.

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Aerix Doubled over with the jab to his side, the pain shot over into his stomach wound with force. He managed to avoid shouting in pain by sheer force of will, but it still hurt. He slowly stood up, "I- ungh. I am nothing like anyone else, and if I were at my best you would be wishing you hadn't hit me." He felt his anger rushing through him in the form of adrenalin, it didn't give him the ability to fight properly, but he still had a trick or two up his sleeve.

"Quick question, how do you feel about hail?" He concentrated as best he could, trying to replicate how he felt earlier when he had unleashed hail on himself earlier. He felt success strike his head, as he blacked out.

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Raven visibly relaxed, her shoulders no longer tense with suspicion but flowing smoothly under her dark scales. She felt more comfortable around this strange young hatchling, at least more than the others. Usually, she clung to the shadows, her calculating gaze watching everything. "So," she began, slowing her fast pace slightly until she was trotting briskly. "Where would you like to start?" She tried to sound warm, but not too friendly. There was still much more she could learn about Rue.

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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Spira forced her yes open. She felt a little better. Closing her eyes again, her mind slowly wandered to Clementine. The cute, fierce newborn who adored Favian. Spira kind of missed her. She was on top of a tree right now, presumably near the cave. She could just go back to the cave, and- No... I'm leaving. Ie always been independent. Favian doesn't really care about me. We're just normal friends. I'm leaving the cave to live alone. Alone. That word caused Spira to shiver, though it wasn't noticeable. It was more of an inward feeling, mental, not physical. Spira blinked her eyes open, then shut them again, wincing at the sunlight. She much preferred the night, with the soft glow of the moon.


After the nap, Spira definitely felt more awake, but a foggy numbness still wrapped itself around her. However, she was able to think clearly again, though her logic was a little odd compared to usual. Her thinking was solid, but less aware if emotion, and if she had spoken, her voice would have been dull and monotone. Spira plucked a few insects off the tree she was on, and continued tree hopping, this time with her usual speed and grace. As she flew through the forest, her thoughts raced as fast, if not faster, than her body. With every leap she took, the strangeness in her mind seemed to evaporate a bit more. Different sized jumps pulling out different memories, triggering different reactions. All of it reminded her of before Favian's rejection. Every moment of bliss when she still had hope. And now, with her memories, she had hope again. As long as she continued this, stopped herself from returning to the present, as long as she continued to drift about in the past she would be fine. But she wouldn't live in the present. She would live in the past. Spira hoped this would be the case, but she hadn't sunk far into her memories. Just grazed the nearest patches. A slightest action could jolt her back to reality.


Without Spira's knowledge, several hours flew by. At the moment, Spira was mindlessly flying, as she had already gotten through the forest. Flying wasn't nearly as relaxing as tree-hopping, and she was unable to stay in as much of a calm, dream-like state. Soon, after another long while, a strange scent drifted through the air. It was merely unpleasant at first, but quickly changed to a complicated aroma. The smell spoke of something, like a story, but it was unidentifiable. Continueing towards the smell, Spira alerted her path slightly to follow it better.


When Spira found what was emitting the smell, she was amazed. A petit flower, shining like a crystal with every color of the rainbow. Minuscule drops of dew rested on it, undisturbed by the light breeze that whispered their song around the flower. Everything around the flower was alive, and seemed to speak. The wind whispered a quiet song, accompanied by rustling trees and whispering grass. Several small rodents scurried around, making quiet pattering sounds. It, too, contributed to the wind's quiet melody. Several As Spira gazed around the surrounding area, it was almost like the entire area was designed to show off the flower. The quiet music was brilliant, describing the flower perfectly.


Their might have been something special about the flower. There might not have been. Perhaps all of it was just Spira's imagination, her muddled mind creating this perfect scene lpthat she so longed for. But something was still missing. The flower in fact, did not push Spira deeper into memories. Instead, it lifted her out. It didn't remove her depression. It didn't do anything, really. It simply gave her hope. Enough for her to return to the present. The time she was in. Sitting down on the lush green grass, Spira closed her eyes and let herself be carried by the song, dropping her soon-to-be-returned worries behind her, just as birds joined in the song and carried out a new melody.

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Alvira stared placidly back at Lucifer, meeting his pink eyes with her own emerald ones. "Nothing's happened to me, Lucifer. I'm just seeing the world in a very different light.", she said, calmly. She sat down, catlike, wrapping her tail around her paws. She saw his eyes flicker towards Rico, and followed his gaze. A low snarl tore through her lips. What is Bathory doing? She followed the Vampire's graceful movements through narrowed eyes. She heard her say something, but she couldn't decipher the words, no matter how hard she concentrated on reading Bathory's lips. Her paranoid mind whirled, instantly jumping to conclusions. I bet Glas sent her too! She's attacking Rico to take him out so that he won't be there to defend me! Instinctively, she dropped down, muscles tensing, preparing to interfere should the need come. 


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As Raven slowed down, so did Rue. Her hooves now falling in a rythimic pattern as she kept her pace with the dark-purple hatchling, thinking about her question for a few moments. "In a shady, cool area with lots of dirt. There are bound to be squirrels, mice and a few other mammals and critters." She began, glancing around the area, her eyes flickering to watch the movements of small birds as the flew by, their wings pumping to get air borne.

Edited by XxDragonletxX

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((Dang, Koala. That was a big post. O.o))

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"Relaxing, huh? That's nice. Everyone needs a break every now and then." Tasimi said. He yawned and looked around. "I was gonna go hunting soon, did you want to come with?" He had no idea if Skylene had already eaten or not, but it couldn't hurt to ask.


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Erikiteru had dozed off while she waited for Spira, and suddenly woke up. "Wha- Hm?" She looked up in the tree, noticed Spira was gone. "Scales!" She cursed.

Edited by KrazyKay12

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Rico looked at Alvi jealously as Lucy spoke to her. Why was Lucifer talking nice to her? Lucifer didn't speak that way to him. What was so special about Alvi? She was nothing, absolutely nothing! She didn't deserve Lucifer's attention.

I thought we were friends... he thought to himself, feeling a mixture a jealousy, anger, and sadness. Rico looked up at the Black Alt and glared at her, baring his teeth at her as he did so.

"You stay away from Lucifer alright! I don't want you anywhere near him". Rico said hotly. His claws dug into the grass and his tail lashed to and fro. Rico crept closer to Alvi, shooting venomous glares at her as he approached. He extended his claws and whipped his tail in the air in a menacing way. Rico put his beak against her muzzle and let out a low growl. He looked deep into her emerald eyes as his were consumed with burning hatred. He held the gaze for a couple moments before stepping back.

"Never talk to him again, if you know what's good for you," he snapped angrily.

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Lucifer was in complete shock. Why was Rico acting this way? Since when did he get so protective over him? All Lucifer did was call Alvi "dear". How did that trigger such a reaction. I'm not some object he can posses. Who does he think he is? Lucifer shifted his paws and his eyes looked wary. It was obvious he was uncomfortable.

Edited by Doctortear

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Skylene's mind screamed at Tasimi's suggestion, her tail twitching erratically in brief suprise.




It was fear of not just an awkward moment, but of something even worse. She was sure Tasimi didn't know that she knew about his liking of her, and thoughts of him revealing the painful truth hurt even more. I can't do this, that's what will happen to me...... she thought, having trouble looking him in the eye. Then, a strange feeling of pity and sympathy for the Tsunami came upon her again. Do I really want to completely crush his spirit by not going with them? Poor thing......but then it'll happen anyways..... Torn between each decision, Skylene opened her mouth before she could decide. "Umm,..." Her mind panicked again at the sudden pause of her words. "....sure. That's fine." She released a soft sigh of relief. "Where do you want to go?" The Blusang was still unsure if the right choice was made, but it was too late to change her answer now.

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Aria blearily opened her eyes. What happened? I... She let out a high pitched giggle. Giggle... That rhymes with wiggle. She wriggled happily on the grass, continuing to laugh like a little child. "Kiskaaaa~" she sang, finally pushing herself upright. "Kiskaa." she repeated. 

"Why hello again, Aria." the voice in her head said.

She jumped, giggling again. "Ohh helloy there!"

Absentmindedly, she wandered off to... Where was I going again? Oh well... She just continued a slightly drunken stagger through the woods, singing to herself, "Giggle to wriggle and... um... giggle... la la laa..." She kept going until she reached an enormous fallen tree trunk. She kept walking, and was ever so surprised when her head painfully hit the wood. Letting out a peal of laughter, she sat back, confused. But I can... I can pass through walls...

She stood up, lashed her tail, and tried again, running painfully into the trunk. She staggered back, shook her head a few times to try and clear the bubbles that were floating around in her vision, scattering strange red droplets everywhere, and, with a yell, ran as fast as she could at the trunk. 


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Alvira stared back in confusion. Why was Rico acting this way? Ohhh. I get it! He's pretending he hates me to confuse Bathory! Deciding to play along, she glared back at him but said nothing, letting a vicious snarl rumble in her chest. She raised her wings, spreading them out to give her a more intimidating look, and let loose a small but intense jet of green fire. Once she had proven her point, she sat back placidly beside a rather uncomfortable looking Lucifer.


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Sindri watched the beautiful butterfly next to her land on a flower drenched in the Lumina's blood ever so gracefully. It then flew over to the next flower, appearing somewhat fixated on the dragon lying on the grass waiting to die. She could not care less about the marvelous creature. Pain had absorbed her of her senses, suffering every second while waiting for death.




Her thoughts focused on Aladdin again. The memories of her love were brighter more than ever, recalling every moment and joy she experienced with him. From the time she was a young hatchling, she could not remember a moment where she didn't know she loved him. Their relationship seemed perfect, so enchanting, so wonderful. How was it taken from her so soon? It had not been a mere day since she was with him, never taking him for granted, so it seemed. The last time they were together, love did not fill the air, and happiness was not experienced. It was something much darker and scarier. The end of a beautiful relationship turned sour, then tragic.


It was at that moment that her pain had gotten much worse. Not physical pain, but mental and emotional torture. Tears filled her eyes again, and she went hysterical.



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Rico leaped back a foot as the green flame torched the earth in front of him. As he landed, he heard Bathory speak in a language that he hadn't heard before. He shot a confused look at her and raised a brow.

"What are you saying Bathory...?".

He shook his head at her and looked at Lucifer for a few moments. He grinned at him before approaching. He looked behind him and his eyes narrowed suspiciously at the others. He yelled out,

"I need to talk to Lucifer alone. If you value your lives, then stay where you are, or go to your homes".

Rico turned the Sweetling around and grabbed him by the shoulders gently. He slowly began to push him into the forest.

"We need more quality time together Lucifer. You've been fairly popular with the others lately", Rico whispered in a quiet, yet strangely demanding tone.

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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"W-What are you doing?" Lucifer asked Rico is a low tone. "What are you planning to do?" Lucifer didn't bother with protesting. Rico wouldn't listen and there was no use for it. Lucifer let Rico guide him to the forest without a single complaint. Why is he acting so strangely. It can't be that my theory is correct. No, it can't be. There's no way I'm right. It can't be true!" Once Lucifer and Rico were a respectful distance from the others, Lucifer turned his head to look at Rico. "What are you doing?" he barked.


((OOC: Do not interact with Lucifer or Rico unless you are given a PM saying it's okay to do so.))

Edited by Doctortear

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Rico looked at Lucifer with crazy and concerned eyes. He still had that creepy smile on his face, but there was another emotion beneath it as well. He cleared his throat, then hesitated. Did he really want to say it? He didn't have anything to lose, did he?

"Lucifer, do you have any idea how hard it is to be your ally, your friend? People hate me because of it, yet, I'm always by your side wither you like it or not. We've known each other since we were young and we've been together ever since. But, I keep getting these feelings when I'm around you," he stopped himself for a few moments before continuing.

"These feelings are supposed to be good I think, but they don't make me feel that way. They make me feel like I should drown myself, or jab a spear in my gut and rip the feelings out one by one. It's all because of you Lucifer!".

Rico placed a paw on his chest and began to slowly drive him back up against a tree. Part of him wanted to run, another rip out his heart and shove it down his throat, but another wanted to care for Lucifer, hold him, maybe even lov-. No, not that. The Black Marrow looked to the ground on his right as he continued.

"You're making me feel this way Lucy, and I don't know what to think or say anymore...".

Rico applied more pressure to the paw as he (Rico) began to choke up slightly, being overwhelmed by the wide variety of emotions he was experiencing.

"Why did you do this to me Lucifer...? You made me into this monster that I never wanted to be".

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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For the third time that day, Lucifer was speechless. Out of all the things he would be blamed for, this was not one of them. My theory was life. He does have those....feelings. It was so odd that Rico, another male, had those feelings for Lucifer. Of all people, why him? It made no sense! Though, if I play my cards right, I might be able to use this to my advantage. "It's not my fault that you decide to stay by my side" Lucifer chimed as he took a couple steps forward. "I haven't done anything to you. You did this to yourself. If being near me is so painful, then why don't you just walk away? Wouldn't it be less painful to just stay away from me?"

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Kalana followed Rien as she lead the Golden Wyvern to Favian. She didn't like the Golden Wyvern. If Kalana had guessed correctly, then her name was Zela. She didn't remember Zela being quite so...haughty and self-centered, but she didn't know Zela that well. But Zela, if it was Zela was causing Rien discomfort. Under normal circumstances, if it didn't include Rien, Kalana wouldn't have been quite so...annoyed about it. But it did include Rien. Resisting the urge to claw the Golden Wyvern, Kalana followed them stiffly, eyeing Zela with an untrusting gaze.

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"I wish it were that simple Lucifer, I really do!".

Rico fixed his gaze upon the Sweetling as he began to advance forward, but Rico didn't move an inch. He stayed in his spot till Lucifer was a foot and a half away from his face. Rico tried to look him in the eye but couldn't. It was such a touchy subject to be talking about, especially under these circumstances.

"But it isn't as simple as that Lucifer. The truth is... I lo-". Rico began to choke on the very words he was thinking. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to talk to him about this here. Another time would do. Rico dragged his paw down the Sweetlings chest and grinned until it hit the ground.

"Your fur is soft Lucy...".

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Goodness, this is awkward. But I have to play along. Who knows, I might get something out of this. Lucifer couldn't help but shudder when Rico stroked his chest. Man up, deal with it. Lucifer picked up the paw that had petted him and gently grasped it between both of his own paws. He grazed his paw over Rico's and watched as he did so. "You know," Lucifer began without looking up. "There are some things you need to pay more attention to, Rico." Lucifer looked up and waited for the Black Marrow to catch his gaze.

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Don't freak out, don't freak out, DON'T FREAK OUT!. Those were the thoughts that ran through the Marrow's mind as Lucifer held his paw. Was he for real? A minute ago he was getting defensive about it, but then again, he DID basically just admit to hinting at the fact that he liked him. This encounter would have been nearly as awkward had he read the signs better.

Rico placed his spare paw on top of Lucifer's and smiled warmly, as if sane now, staring deeply into his eyes.

"I.. I really like you Lucifer. It probably sounds weird and stupid, but I really do care for you man".

Rico leaped forward and hugged the pink dragon, holding him tightly as he did so.

This is the happiest moment of my life...

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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The information that Aerix gave out on her ability did not irk her at all, it was bound to get out sooner or later either way. No need to make a fuss over something that she had a feeling came with her breed, but as along as the downside did not come out then she was alright. She did however give a small amused huff at the birds hating males, this having been her direct thought as well before thinking it was linked to the whole switching abilities as well.


The announcement of a 'beautiful gem' for Favian interrupted any further conversation on Medea's part. The Gold Wyvern, who she was going to assume was the vain one calling herself this 'beautiful gem', seemed to love to hear herself speak since Medea just wanted to make this 'gem' shut her mouth by force. She was not in the mood for these games and having some hatchling coming over to act like they know what she wanted, well this was about to snap that last nerve she had today. Yet once more Aerix seemed to hop in and, sadly, not handle the whole situation to smoothly. Even attempting to use her ability was not the smartest thing ever and watching as he knocked himself out proved he had no control over it. It was just lucky that the hail stopped as soon as he knocked himself out, this time.


Now it was her turn to 'face off' with this dreaded female. "Now that he is knocked out," she'd drool out as she looked away from Aerix and to Moss with a bored expression on her face. "I only want information and then I will gladly leave. As for using your supposed leader as a tool? Well call it what you will, but I just see this as getting information from the one who I was pointed to by Pinkie back there," Medea would flick her tail in the vague direction of Lineheart without looking away from Moss before continuing, "Do I care for your leader? No and no I do not care much about anyone here. They care little for me and I care not for them in kind. So if you came running to me for help, no I would not come running back here to help anyone. Have I helped others from this forsaken place? Yes, but they showed me they were worth helping." This all said she'd watch Moss closely since the female already proved she was happy to attack. If it came push to shove then Medea would test out this barbed tail, but she much rather avoid a fight for once since she knew that she was the weaker of the two with a disadvantage of not knowing her own abilities any longer.


(ooc; Long post and I did shorten it too. Go figure it was longer.)

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As soon as Rico hugged him, Lucifer's claws slid out silently. Don't kill him, whatever you do, don't kill him. Lucifer closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. Calm down, you just need to focus. Don't let instinct get the better of you. Just let the claws slide back in... Slowly, Lucifer managed to retract his claws. Now that Lucifer was no longer in the position to suddenly kill Rico, he had to fix his other problem. Rico was hugging him, tightly. Lucifer knew that if he wanted to keep up this disguise, he would have to hug Rico back. But there was no way Lucifer was going to enjoy it. Just get it over with. Holding in the urge to kick Rico away, Lucifer hesitantly wrapped his arms around Rico.


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Moss opened her mouth to speak, but Favian spoke before her. "You need to find the Magi, Rakushun." he said with a glance over to Moss. "He's the one who switched you two. I don't know how he did it, I don't know why he did it, and I don't know how to fix it." Moss kept her mouth shut, but her eyes still blazed with emotion. The supernatural being kept a steady gaze on Medea. Leave before I decide that you need a nice red smile from horn to horn.

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Medea gave a nod to Favian's words while still not looking away from Moss, tail twitching behind her as one passing could just feel the tension around them. "Never met this Magi hatchling, but I will be looking for him then," she'd finally say after a moment, getting the feeling that this supposed 'gem' was not going to be attacking for right now.


However; Medea was not stupid enough to turn her back on the Gold Wyvern or ever let the female out of her sight completely, but that did not mean she could not awake Aerix by other means. Stepping back and then walking around Aerix so she was at his back allowed Medea to keep the Gold Wyvern just where she wanted her, still facing the two still awake almost fully without even having to show them her side was just a bonus. "Wake up idiot, time to go switch back before you brain yourself to death. Like to have my abilities back before you do that," she'd say as she lifted a fore-paw to gently prod at the back of his head. If that did not work then Medea had no problems with digging her claws shallowly in his backside.

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