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Stepping down gracefully onto the sand, Skylene peered at her coastal cave in the distance. The wall of rocks she had asembled in preperation for the storm the previous day had been knocked down and scattered. Flying towards it, she could see the rocks disorganized in her future little "home", though no water appeared to have made its way past. That's a relief... she thought, satisfied to know her efforts were not in vain. As she reflected on that task, her mind began moving too quick for her to keep up, making its way to the memory of the forest were she hid during the storm, and then made a quick sprint towards the cave, and then suddenly got hungry, and then went up a tree, and then lightning struck, and then she was in terrible pain, and then felt as though she would die, and then found Tasimi, and then cried by his side until she blacked out and then.......


It was all going to fast for her. The Blusang felt slightly dizzy, and begged her mind to relax. Once she felt calmer, she went inside the cave, and picked up a rock. "Ow!" she exclaimed, dropping it down quickly. Although she felt much better than the previous day, Myst's healing had not completely restored her muscles just yet. Making do with what she had, she went over to her jewelry collection. Picking up a purple and blue beaded necklace, her mind recalled to the previous days again. I remember Tasimi organizing this for me when I was away......I didn't even know why at the time, but I guess I do now..... Although she was embarrassed with the thought of someone liking her, she appreciated him being kind to her, which also made her slightly uncomfortable. The whole topic was uneasy ground for Skylene, as she continued examining her collections.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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((Curse you guys. I can't make a post, but I'm inspired. wait.))


Mystic rather enjoyed the dawn. He had spoken to the animals about his ability and they had been quite good natured. He thought for a bit. Why didn't he show emotion?

((Aha! Loopvhole.))

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The young hellhorse let out a whinny of defiance. She was at war- with her eggshell at least. She lashed out with her tiny undeveloped hooves wich struck the dark walls beside her. The wall faltered, then cracked. Making a fine pattern at wich light seeped in. Light, glorious light. It filled the eggshell and bounced off of the dark walls, brightening everything in the small, gloomy room. She needed it. She needed more. With another whinny, she threw herself against the wall of her eggshell, putting most of her shoulder into the attack as he hind legs thrashed to grip something as the egg began to rock and topple. With a sickening crack, the dark wall gave way and the young hellhorse dragon fell out, slop, legs and all.


The hatchling stood up on shaky legs, splayed apart. She looked herself up and down to see to it that she was ok. Nothing much, just a few bits of dirt here and there. But a strange goo covered her body and she didn't like the way it turned her pelt and scales to a greenish-yellow. Snorting, she rasped her tongue over her scales and fur until it was clean again and she was satisfied. Instinctivley, she trotted to the cave's entrance and she sat on a rock, letting the sun bounce off of her body and dry up the rest of the liquid that clotted her fur.

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Spira continued along the trees, not noticing how tired she was and how slow she was going. She stumbled on a jump, and landed with a thud on the ground, which thankfully, was quite soft. The jumping reopened a large gash, namely the one from the bear, but Spira didn't really notice. In fact, her mind seemed muddled and foggy, and she couldn't seem to focus on anything. The scuffling and voices she heard nearby meant nothing to her, even though she usually would have listened in for any information. She staggered towards the sound, but didn't get too close, nervous of any possible danger. Squinting her eyes seemed to clear her vision, and she did so to see what she could make of the scene in front of her. Rico was there. She attempted to decipher something else but was unable to.


Spira settled with the fact that she wasn't going to be able to get anything else. It didn't matter, anyway. She was leaving. These dragons didn't mean anything to her anymore. They never meant much anyway... She scrambled bak up a tree, albeit noisily, and continued her tree hopping. She hated to admit how weak she was feeling at the moment, but she had too. For the first time since she had begun tree hopping, she felt un confident about staying in the trees without falling. At the next leap after she accepted this, she merely allowed herself to fall from the momentum of the previous jumps, and and half fell, half glided back to the ground, where she continued walking.



Kalana blinked her eyes open, and realized the cave was already brightly lit. When she woke up, it was usually quite dark, with just a glimpse of the sun. This was one of the few times she had woken up to a sun hanging brightly in the air. Guess I over slept, by a lot... I'll have to go through my herbs and pick out the old ones really quickly now... And pick new ones to replace the old... Kalana was used to doing everything before anyone woke up- especially Rien. She liked to spelled time with Rien whenever she was awake, in case Rien went into another panic, so she woke up early to do what she had to do before Rien awoke.


Kalana dumped out her wing's contents, and picked out any shriveled or damaged leaves, dumping them into a pile beside her while she re-organized the leaves and roots that were fine. I'll have to skip picking herbs today... Rien's probably already awake... Kalana, not knowing many dragons in the cave because of being shy around them when she was younger, didn't know who to ask. She needed to know if Rien was awake, though. Approaching someone who seemed friendly enough, she asked her question immediately. "Is Rien awake? Do you know where she is?


Edited by KoalaNoob

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"Whoa! Careful." He smiled at Mountain. "We should probably head back." He said to her. He started to trot off, back to the Birth Cave. "So, what else do you want to do when we get back?" Puffball asked Mountain as he continued to walk.



He growled. "No one's going to help Sandy?! You all are just going to leave her to die? How...how..." The Nebula huffed in frustration. He took off out of the cave back to Sandy. "I don't know what to do, but...I can try something." He muttered.


((OOC~ Edited))

Edited by Frosslass

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Rien found the golden wyvern's actions disconcerting at least, but she was determined to stay friendly, "Oh, um. I don't know very much, maybe you should ask Favian?" Rien wanted to be friendly, but she wasn't used to it yet. She figured that Favian would handle the situation better than she could, he seemed to be good at handling things. She almost shuddered at that thought. Then she smiled nervously and indicated the direction in which she had last seen Favian.


(OOC: Could be better, but it needed done.)

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Instantly, Moss's eyes brightened. She leaped up and stared directly at the smaller hatchling. "Ah, my darling is nearby?" she asked as she advanced upon the Dark Green. "Do you plan to lead me to him or are you just going to point into the forest and gawk at me?" Moss's patience was wearing thin. She wanted to see the person she had dreamed about since she was a mere imagination. She would take any chance she got to see him, and nothing would stand in her way. "Well come on then." Moss hissed. "Lead the way!" If this hatchling played the "No, you better say please first," card, then Moss would smack her upside the head.

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Rien felt really nervous, she didn't like it at all. She did her best to remain friendly, "O-okay." She said and nodded slowly. Then she turned and headed towards Favian. There was something about this dragon, she didn't like it.

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((OOC: Before we know it, Moss is going to be the hero of this story.))


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Erikiteru looked all around for Aladdin, but she could not find him. She the scuffling of leaves, and cautiously walked over to the source. "Aladdin?" She walked through the foliage and saw that it wasn't Aladdin, but Spira. "Spira? she asked. Her sparks dimmed as she approached Spira, indicating that something was wrong. In fact, Erikiteru could feel the sadness in the air. She sighed. It seemed that that was the only thing that hung around in the air these days... Erikiteru looked at Spira. "Spira? Are you okay?"

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Moss trotted after Rein happily. She strode forward like she was the most important thing in the world. Her head was up high and her chin was lifted. Her tail didn't drag and and footstep was confident. She swayed her hips side to side hypnotically. She acted as though she was something of value, and in her head, she was. She wanted to be prized by the one she cared about. She didn't care about what other people thought, as long as she could be with who she cared for, everything would be alright.

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Sleeping. Oh great goodness. Tantalus loved sleeping. He literally slept like a rock. No pun intended. One of the hatchlings had once thought he had gone into hibernation. But even he couldn't sleep forever. His eyes opened slowly, letting in harsh sunlight. Ow! He squinted against the sun, slowly adjusting to the light. With a yawn, he stood up and stretched, similar to the way a cat would stretch. That was possibly the one benefit to being a wingless hatchling. He didn't have to deal with the stiffness and awkwardness of an extra set of limbs. Besides, his wings would be kind of pointless once they grew in. He wouldn't even be able to fly! A voice caught his attention. Kalana was standing in the middle of the cave. I wonder what's going on. Tantalus rose to his feet and headed over to her. Even though he was much younger, he was already the same size as the Striped. "Hi Kalana! What's going on?

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"Hi...uh...Tamnutus? You're Tuntapus, right? I don't think I've seen you much before. You certainly are...big... Do you know where Rien is?" Kalana looked at the giant Geode, marveling at how big he was. If she remembered correctLy, he was almost a newborn. He was bigger than her. This one would grow to be really, really big.



Something in Spira's mind told her that. Someone was talking to her, but she couldnt really focus on it. Or anything else. She just continued moving forward in an awkward stumble, almost in a trance.

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Erikiteru looked at Spira closer. The royal blue looked extremely exhausted, and barely able to stand. "Spira!" She exclaimed, running to the dragon's side. Spira was clearly out of it; she could barely keep her head up, or her eyes open! "Spira, can you hear me?" Erikiteru asked. She wondered if Spira was too tired to hear, see, or feel anything. Erikiteru wrapped her wing around Spira as much as she could to hold her up. 'What happened to her? She wondered.

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Myst tilted her head to one side, confused. Why didn't Cyrus respond to her? Was he too far away, or intentionally ignoring her? That wasn't like the warm-hearted Gold dragon. She was about to send out another telepathic message when a scuffling of leaves behind her and Erikiteru's concerned voice broke into her thoughts. She whipped her head around and peered through the low-hanging mist that swirled around the dense undergrowth, her narrowed eyes able to make out Erikiteru trying to support a drained-looking Spira to her feet. Without speaking, Myst scrambled to a standing position and hurried to the Electric hatchling's aid, propping up Spira's other side with her shoulder. I wondered what happened here?

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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Rico pouted dramatically as he stood himself up. He approached the Luminia and wrapped an arm around her.

"Now now my dear Sindri, no need to be so emotional. There's nothing you could have done to prevent it. Although, Aladdin DID appear to be a little off his rocker when I slit his shimmering throat".

He looked down at her and grinned a wide, devilish grin.

"Did you two get in a fight recently? Did you beat him up too badly and cause damage to the brain? Or maybe you scolded him too many times, and he just couldn't take it anymore".

The Black Marrow backed away from her, and all the pieces began to fall into piece.

"Your mate DID mention you, and a fight that may have happened..."

Rico put his nose against hers, then used the fakest, saddest, most smoking voice possible.

"What have you done Sindri? I thought you loved him".


((If this is stupid and like "How would he even know that?!" Just let me know so i can fix ^^" ))

Edit: I hope this is better MW ^^

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Erikiteru looked at Myst and was actually glad to see she was there. "Myst, I don't know what happened to her, but she seems really out of it. Maybe it would be best if we took her back to the Birthcave." She looked at Spira with worry. She hardly knew the dragon, but she was one of the first dragons she met when she hatched.

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Myst nodded as she half-nudged, half-pushed Spira back in the direction of the birthcave. She stopped abruptly as she felt something wet rub against her flank. She glanced down and saw a red streak covering the blue-grey scales on her shoulder. Blood. "Erikiteru," the young Swallowtail murmured urgently, sniffing the raw wound with a concern expression. "She's hurt. I think it's from the bear attack, but it's pretty bad. Give me a moment to heal it." Myst closed her eyes and concentrated, the warm glow spreading over her body, then flowing into Spira's. "There," she breathed, gasping for air.

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Erikiteru looked at Myst and nodded. "Come on, let's get her back so she can rest." She said, nudging Spira back to the cave. She kept her wing around the royal blue, and continued forwards. "How did she even get out here?" She asked. She was pretty sure Myst didn't know, but asked anyway.

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Spira resisted the force trying to push her backwards. She was leaving! Closing her eyes for a while hadn't really helped her regain much energy, but she gathered up what she could and ran against the dragons pushing her, leaping up a tree for shelter and curling into a ball. She would wake up with more energy, she decided. She was trying to convince herself more than anything.

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Erikiteru jumped when Spira suddenly ran up a tree. "H-hey! She exclaimed. She over to the tree and looked up it. Spira seemed to be resting. Erikiteru didn't know what to think at first, but she decided maybe it would be best to just let Spira rest there. "Hey, Myst, I'm gonna hang out here with Spira. She's just resting, so I guess it's fine. When she comes to, I'll take her back to the cave. That okay?" She didn't really know much about how to deal with a situation like this, but something told her not to leave Spira alone.

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((Is there anybody at the main cave that Rue can interact with with?))


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After her fur was dry, the hellhorse dragon roamed around the cave for a few minutes, trying to remember every crack, rock and ledge in the cave before she fell over. Exhaustion washed over her as her breathing turned slow. Her eyes flickered back and forth as she tried to recognize her souroundings. She didn't know wich one was up or down anymore. The floor looked like the sky and the cave's roof looked like the ground. She slowly struggled to get up, her small, delicate hooves digging into the soil.

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Sindri, still on her stomach staring at the ground, was gritting her teeth at Rico, her mind ready to explode in anger. The Black Marrow was foolishly toying with the idea that he could get away with such behavior around the Lumina, whose light brown eyes were filled with uncontrollable hatred.


I haven't done anything to Aladdin......I didn't do anything to him......


Although Rico was still quite off about what happened that fateful night, Sindri did not know what to believe anymore. Her mind was now filled with false images of her love, the two of them yelling and screaming and attacking each other.


It can't be true.......it can't be!!!


Her emotions boiling to a dramatic finale, the last straw of sanity she experienced disappeared once the Black Marrow touched her nose with his, not only invading her space but invading her mind. Her mind was eliminating everything else at the moment, Lucifer and Alvi, as she focused on Rico, and snapped. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" she growled, as she jumped up and extended her sharp claws, making two quick cuts on his throat. Watching the blood trickle down his neck, she gave an nasty snarl at the Black Marrow and took off running. Tears filling her eyes once more, she did not bother to care to where she was going, as long as she was gone from everyone else. Or the world.

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Myst leapt backwards, gazing up at Spira with a slight frown on her face. "I have no idea how she got here. And that's fine," she added, flicking her twin tails at Erikiteru without even glancing at the Electric hatchling's direction. "If you need some assistance getting her back to the cave, just send me a telepathic message." She paused, finally turning to look straight at Erikiteru. Lowering her voice, she crouched and hunched her shoulders, her eyes darting to the sleeping form of Spira every once in a while. "I must admit Spira, isn't acting...normal. I wonder why she's behaving like this?"

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Erikiteru shook her head. "I would not know." She whispered. She barely knew Spira, after all, so of course she wouldn't know. Yet she had to wonder what happened to her and why she was acting strange.

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Myst's frown deepened, and she turned her head away. "Well, er, I should be going now," she murmured slowly before heaving herself to her paws. Everything seems to be wrong. So wrong... What's happening to us? "Remember, if you need me..." She trailed off, her last words lost in the swirling mist as she padded away. After a while of aimless walking, Myst suddenly felt a burst of infuriated energy and began galloping in a single, random direction as fast as she could, throwing her head back and opening her jaws wide in a silent wail. The stress of the past few eventful days finally poured out of her, leaving her eyes dull and her shoulders sagging wearily.


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Raven's icy, calculating eyes followed the newborn Hellfhorse's every movement, her razor-sharp claws digging into the cold stone that she was perched on as if it were as soft as soil. The only movement was the steady flicking of her plumed tail, back and forth, back and forth. After what seemed like an eternity, Raven peeled herself from the shadows with uncanny elegance and bounded silently over to the exhausted hatchling, her face grim and silent. The dark Raven dragon circled the Hellhorse dragon once before crouching at her side, her scarlet eyes bright.

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