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• The Plagued Earth •

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Favian was so busy with Clem, he hadn't even noticed that Ashni had tried to speak with him. "Oh goodness, I'm so sorry, Ashni!" he called as he bounded over to her. "I hadn't notice you were there." he said apologetically as he padded up to her. At Medea's comment, Favian twitched his tail. He knew that her comment was true to some extend, but that didn't stop irritation from sparking into his mind. I'll remember that comment.

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Erikiteru yawned and looked into the sky. The sun nearly blinded her again so she looked away. She walked closer to the river, unsure of what to do. Yesterday she had stepped in it for just a few seconds, and half the fish got electrocuted. She walked over to a shallow part of it, and dipped her paw in. Mennos floated up and she quickly scopped those up in her mouth. More fish floated up when her scales touched the water, but she didn't notice as she chewed the mennos. 'Not bad, She thought.


((OOC: Can Skylene meet up with Erikiteru, Bacon?))

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Ashni sat down in the sunlight to relish the warmth, face tilted up towards the sky with her eyes half closed. She did not feel all that confident that no images would flash behind closed lids if she let her eyes close for any long period of time. However, she did not have to worry about it as Favian's voice caught her attention. Smiling and already shaking her head in reply to his words as Ashni thought there was no need for him to apologize. "Oh it is alright, there is no need for you to be sorry for anything. You were busy with Clem and then others came over," she'd say once he was over to her and pausing as the Gray's comment reached her as well. 'Lazy? Does she not know what happened to us yesterday, the smart-mouthed brat?' Ashni was partly amazed at herself as she was never this, well, mean even in her own mind to anyone. She'd keep her mouth closed as she did not want to start a fight with the Gray, give even more problems for Favian in the long run if she did that. "I just wanted to let you know that Aradis is buried in a clearing that should be a short fly away towards the lake. It should not be hard to miss from the air since the clearing was pretty large. Marked the grave with a stone with his name if anyone wanted to know where he is also," she'd pause here as she thought if this covered everything before adding, "Are you and Clem alright? She did not dream about it I hope."

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Bathory opened a slitted eye to watch Lucifer. Sighing faintly, she dropped. She righted herself cat-like in the air, and pumped her wings quickly to lessen her impact with the ground. Her claws clicked quietly as she crossed the stony floor. She stopped suddenly at the entrance. The vampire eyed the sunlight with no small amount of apprehension. Hesitantly, she stepped out. "Lucifer?" Her voice was demure. "Would you mind having company?"

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Lithrin cocked his head to one side, searching the area where they had landed outside the birth-cave as well. "Mm. I suppose they're allowed to be, though, if they can. We weren't, but I suppose things are at least a little easier these days." He turned, cyan whip-like tail twitching back and forth in amusement. "If I'd had the chance, I would have slept all day and been a very happy wyvern." His claws sunk into the ground as he flexed them idly, before turning unsure eyes to the other two. "Thank you for flying me over here. I.. suppose I'll just head inside, or something?" He tossed his head once, scales bristling a bit as an awkward feeling entered his mind. I mean, what do you say to strangers who just escorted you someplace, anyways? He shrugged it off and sat back on his legs.


((Krazy, I believe it is spelled 'minnows' for future reference.))

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(OOC: Skylene won't say anything to her. She's doing her own thing, it's in her personality)


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Once Skylene arrived at the river, she noticed Erikiteru dipping her paw into the water to eat. She decided to ignore her to focus on her own task, which was getting fish for herself and Tasimi. She reached into the water, moving her paw around to try and catch the fish. Once she felt scales, she instinctively extended her claws and swiped madly at the fish until she grabbed ahold of it. Once she pulled it out, she made a sharp cut into its body, putting an end to its life. She did this to three more fish until she decided it was good enough for the morning, and began heading back to the cave.

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I need to go talk to SOMEONE. There's two dragons right there! All I have to do is say something! I'll tell them my name. Wait- I don't have a name. No, I do. I need to remember it. Memories flooded back to her from when she was still inside her egg.

"Oh my, Thank you! Thank you! You pink dragons are so kind!" She remembered a female voice say. A different female voice responded,

"It's what we do. After all you have done for me, this is the least I can do. I know how much you wanted a daughter." A male voice came from her right.

"We will finally have our Willow."

Willow! that's my name! With extra confidence in her memory, she walked over to the two dragons. One had lots of red spots on its back, and was talking to a brown and cyan dragon.

"My name is willow. What- I mean, WHO are you? she said with a moderate amount of confidence.

Edited by skiddajane

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Favian dipped his head. "Thank you for telling me." he said with a tired smile. When Ashni mentioned Clem, Favian glanced back towards the birth cave. "Clem seems to be alright." he said. He looked back over at Ashni and shifted his paws. "I think she felt certain feelings that a baby should never feel." he admitted worriedly. "Her first day included seeing a bear demolish everything in its path, seeing a stranger attack me, seeing people get completely beaten up by the bear, and seeing a beheaded corpse. She didn't really have a great first down." Favian lowered his head shamefully. He should of made sure she didn't see such horrible things. How could he be so narrow-minded?


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Lucifer stopped suddenly when he heard a voice call him. He turned his head to see Bathory stepping cautiously out into the sunlight. "Of course you may accompany me." Lucifer said calmly. Lucifer stood still and waited for Bathory to join him.

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((OOC: I knew I spelled that wrong. Okay, Bacon.))


Erikiteru blinked as Skylene came and left. 'Did she not notice me?' She wondered. She shrugged and finished the fish she caught. Suddenly a thought came into her head. 'I, I haven't talked to Mist in so long...' She frowned, remembering her friend. 'Well, I'm gonna talk to her today!' She huffed and stared head back to the cave, marching somewhat as she went.

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Ashni gave a smile back as she nodded at the thanks. "You're welcome. I thought you would want to know what was done. With how everyone seems to migrate to you to ask things it seemed like it best for you to know as well." It was true enough, even if she still saw Favian as something like a leader in a knowledge aspect. Someone to go to for advise and help, but it seemed like many others took this to the extreme now and went to him for everything.


As the conversation turned to Clem, Ashni frowned slightly as she thought over his words. She was not really close to any one hatchling here any longer after putting distance between herself and the others until she could control the whole lightning ability, but she thought she could vaguely understand where he was coming from. "I'm sorry you are worrying about her so much, but it seems like the younger we were then the more resilient we are. Just love and watch over her," she'd say as she leaned over to nudge Favian gently in a comforting gesture. "You being there for her is enough from what I seen this morning. She does love you I think from the little I saw of the two of you interactions and if she feels anything more than that then you can help her understand, but if you ever need help then I am always willing to try. You're not alone in anything so try not to do everything by yourself."

Edited by Lilithachaos

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There it was again. Someone telling him to not worry so much about everyone else. "Thank you, Ashni." Favian said as he lifted his head with a grateful grin. "I'll keep that in mind." Favian's mind whirled to other thoughts and his face turned serious. "Ashni, if you don't mind me asking," Favian began as he looked at the Thunder calmly. "do you happen to know where all of the solitary hatchlings live? I don't need to know where their homes are, but I do need to know that they aren't going to live in certain areas. The plague has been making it's way towards the birth cave and I need to make sure none of them have been infected. Who knows where it will spread?"

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Rico frowned as the Aladdin passed. He never new him too well, but he still considered him a friend... kinda. Rico knew he couldn't just leave Aladdin there, he needed to bury him. Or did he? Rico grabbed Aladdin by the foot and started to drag him towards the entrance of his cave. As he hauled the lifeless body, his nose was filled with the divine scent of Aladdin's decaying corpse. Rico took a big, long sniff and shuddered. Aladdin just smelled so.. good. He knew that Sindri and Aladdin were mates, but nobody knew where Aladdin was. He doubted anyone besides Sindri would even miss him. Rico's stomach was growling and his neurons were firing. His head began to hurt, and he lost all common sense. Rico leaned over Aladdin's body, and whispered something dark, twisted, and in it's very self one of the most evil things Rico had ever said.

"Maybe just a bite..."

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"You're welcome," she said as she passively hoped that he would indeed keep in mind her words. Anything she could do to help let Favian get some rest or even some stress off would be relief on her mind. However, her mind would be pulled from those thoughts once Favian spoke up once more with a more serious tone. Worry clouding her mind for a moment about what the question would be, but relaxing since the question was only a logical one to be asking since she had roamed about for a while. Though the question of where they lived was a hard one since she could not give him a concrete answer. "I know that Gray hatchling over there, Medea I believe her name is, roams about to look for a home. I don't think she has found one since I kept finding her in different places, but she was clear of plague. The Tri-horn, I have never seen before but if he is with Medea then I can only guess he is clear as well," she'd pause in thought as she tried to recall all the hatchlings she ran across, "Lucifer I saw out and about, but he was clear of the areas I saw the plague as well. Though I honestly have no clue where he is since I have no went out since yesterday. Overall, it seems everyone looked clear the last I was out." With this all said she knew it might not be all that helpful, but she could do something to be helpful. "I can go out and see where they are however. I will stay away from the plague since I don't want to become a danger to us."

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Favian nodded silently. "I would be much obliged." he said as Ashni offered her services. "I know you are intelligent enough to realize that heading towards the plague is not a good idea. I'm afraid to say that a few others in the cave may not be so... logical." Favian let out a sigh. He knew a few hatchlings that would wander off into the plagued lands without a care in the world. He would often get angry with those same very hatchlings for their behavior. He didn't hate them, he was just worried for their sakes'. Anyone's death would hurt Favian, and maybe that was his weakness. He cared too much about everyone and cared little for himself. That doesn't matter at the moment. I have to focus on getting everyone to safety

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Ashni could not hide the grimace at the thought that some of the others in the cave did not know well enough to not head towards to plague. "I can understand that, some just love the adventure a little to much to know what the dangers might be to themselves or others," she'd say in reply before looking over to the entrance of the birthing-cave. She wished everyone could understand the dangers, but there was not point in wishing in that everyone would be more cautions. However, the approaching plague was a problem in that they would have to move before it came or they would all have no reason to worry about anything. Any hatchlings born that are not able to fly would have to be carried then and Ashni could only hope she was here that day so she might help everyone move out.


For now she would do everything to help out. "I will fly out later today if I am allowed to do so and see what I can find. If I run into trouble I am sure someone will hear the thunder and investigate since it looks like clear skis today," she mused aloud before looking back to Favian to add, "I'll let you know what I find of course." Something told her that she might not get out there for some reason though, but she was not sure why.

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"Thanks, Ashni." Favian said with a look of gratitude. "Now if you excuse me, I have some herbs to apply." Favian turned and headed towards the birth cave. He walked over to his temporary bed and pulled out the herb. Spira needs this more than I do. Favian turned his head and walked over to where Spira was. She was still lying down on his nest and seemed to be rather comfortable. I hope this works...

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The cave- as he knew it- had come alive with all sorts of vibrations. His gummy toes tickled against the calcite floor, receiving indecipherable information about the awakening beasts and hushed conversation. He looked down squarely at his feet perched pebbles away from the water's edge.


A painful gurgle from deep inside urged the Teimarr to seek... something. He shifted uneasily, then started leering at his immediate surroundings. One more gurgle caused him to let loose his first real noise; the sputtering wail was aimed at his midsection, followed by several clicks of his egg tooth. Cooing to himself, he padded determinedly through the shallow pool. The clear spring water lapped at his chest, but the Teimarr reassured himself with more warbling hums. As his legs strained to keep in contact with the bottom, his head became submerged.


Two flaps of skin in his nostrils swung outwards, closing in the air; a third, transparent eyelid slid horizontally across each eye. He straightened out his tail behind him, and brought his knees closer to his chest. Each action was performed instinctively and unquestioningly. He felt warm in his head and in his lungs, a kind of contentment that was better than sleep.

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Ashni only gave a nod to Favian before he moved to enter back into the cave. Thinking back over their conversation gave her something to do. Even going so far as to planning how she should go about flying around to scout out where some of the other hatchlings are and their homes. The only problem would be to sure to stay away from the plague as she was not willing to become sick or even have the chance of becoming sick. To do so and then unknowingly bring it back here, well she would never forgive herself. Her wings would flex slightly on her back as she figured her best bet was to not land when she was scouting in any unknown areas. It was a good thing she found that she could fly for hours upon hours without having to land, this would come in handy in that area. Either way for now she would relax, sitting in the sunlight to bask in the warmth. Eyes half closed as she watched the those around her rather than dozing off.


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Aysu started a little as something submerged into the water with them. It took her a moment for to register that the thing was really a hatchling and from the looks of things, a newborn at that. Blinking in confusion for only a moment as she tried to deside what in the world what to do, but soon she would dart toward the newborn and away from Wobble and Kirk. 'What if it can't breath? Oh no it is going to die! Swim faster, swim!' She thought in a panic as she got over to the newborn, heart just a racing as she maneuvered herself under him so she could swim up to the surface with him, hopefully, on her back.


((OOC; Have a panicked Aysu, tapir.))

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Kirk's head snapped to the side. "Oh!" he said as he began to panic. He went to Aysu's side and watch in agony as the newborn struggled. "Is there someway I can help?" he asked frantically. "Do you need help pushing him up? Can he not breath? How did he get down here? Is he hungry? Should I get a fish?"

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((I'm going to assume that Favian applied the herbs.))


Cold...It hurts... Something was gripping Spira, and it was painful. It was colder than rock a rock soaked at the bottom of a cave, and it hurt more then the bear. At the same time, though, she felt fire coursing through her body, burning away her insides. The combination of the freezing cold and burning heat gave an unpleasant effect. In her throat, Spira felt a desperate need for something, but she couldn't identify it. Whatever it was, it was killing her. Suddenly, she felt something warm touch her. Not unpleasantly warm. It felt wonderful, and the icy, burning pain soon faded to an soothing ache. But her thirst for something unknown was flaring, more than ever.


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Favian stopped plastering the herbs and looked at Spira. Wouldn't she need some water? Ah yes! How could he forget? Of course she needed something to drink. Favian bounded over to one of the unclaimed nests and tore off a piece of moss. He walked outside and began to head towards the river. Having Spira drink the water that hatchlings lived in wasn't very sanitary. The water from the river, while also not clean, was a much better source of water for Spira. Favian reached the river and dunk the moss in. I'm pretty sure Line wanted me to put the herb on myself. Oh well, I don't really need it.

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((I'm laughing to myself as I was writing Hibiki's post. x3 Let me know OOC if you guys felt the same way. Also, Rakushun is unique in that I will almost NEVER have him say any speaking lines, including his thoughts and telepathy. I try my best to tell you the story of how he's moving and of his intentions without revealing what he actually is thinking in his head. I know the last part of Rakushun's post will be confusing to some of you, and someone else will explain it or I will when and if I come back.))


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"Clem!" She squealed excitedly. Michiru tackle glomps Clem in joy. Michiru was smiling happily, as if what had happened yesterday's horrible attack hadn't happened at all. "What do you want to do today?"


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Hibiki woke up with a startling snort. "Snerk...! Huh- wuh?" "Hrm... Must have been hearing things..." he muttered sleepily in his mind. It didn't occur to him at all that someone had entered his body, and even if he did know he probably wouldn't mind at all anyways.

Now go...and...

"...go back to sleep...~" He widely smiled like an idiot and nodded his head slightly in agreement with himself. "That voice souunnddss familliiaar..." The voice he heard sounded like a hatchling that recently died... However, the thought quickly flew past his head like the wind passing through the leaves. "Ah...~ Oh course, thats because I sound familiar... Hrmrmrmm..."

Even though the sun had risen a bit since he woke up last, Hibiki was lazy and decided to continue cuddling up with the pillow he was hugging. Nuzzling it lovingly he went right back to sleep, STILL unaware that it was really Feather he was hugging.


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He walked and he walked. His feet began to hurt from all the unaccustomed walking still, he pressed on at a more quicker pace. But once he could see the mouth of the cave, he saw Favian outside with hatchlings he didn't recognize. Rakushun hid behind a tree trunk and went up their branches to continue observing the area unnoticed. Like him, they had matured... Slowly, a sense of guilt waved over him and creeped up on his mind: He didn't say goodbye to anyone or apologized even once for what he had done.

He quickly shook his head and tried to go into the state of "mushin," or in other words the mind without mind. He had remembered through his ancestor's passed down info that an ancient being from long, long ago even before his ancestors had practiced this state of "mushin." Rakushun had found it very effective in counteracting his thoughts and emotions when he had to put down his collar for repairs or was away from his lapis-colored stones he had hoarded for their calming and restricting properties. Only problem was that he couldn't easily go into a state of "mushin..."

Such as right now. The collar around his neck he had crafted hadn't been maintained for the past two years. Oh! How could he forge- He stopped himself from finishing. If he were to emphasize any part of his emotion or thought it would trigger a spell. Rakushun had to remo-. No, he had to get away from the problem that was causing so much emotions to stir up. He closed his eyes and focused himself. Rakushun needed to move away to somewhere. Move away but somewhere nearby, somewhere where he couldn't see Favian or any other hatchling he knew.


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She listened in to many voices as others around her woke up and began interacting with each other. She still worried about the little hatchling whose rumbling noises of his tummy began to remind herself that she was getting a little hungry too. She so wanted to help out the little hatchling... But didn't want to risk anything bad happening. She couldn't help at least raising her head to get a good look at the hatchling, but he was already in the pool with the other water hatchlings. "I'm going to have to get up soon anyways to ea-"


She shrieked in surprise when something heavy suddenly dropped on top of her with all of its weight. Her first reaction since she couldn't see what was on her was to get it off of her with everything she had-she had assumed that since it was something heavy she had to hold nothing back. Rien's vines shot up and grasped every aspect of the object as she could. Her vines felt something slippery, like some sort of smooth surface. As the vines struggled to raise the object off of her main body the vines accidentally cause a crack in the smooth surface due to rough handling...


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Rakushun had teleported to where he remembered his old nest has been. Unfortunately for him he had miscalculated and ended up in the air above where his old nest had been. He could see every aspect of what was grabbing his entire body as if in slow motion, but his utter surprise had caused him to be in shock and couldn't get his mind to deal with the situation. CRACK! His eyes widened in fear as he heard the ear splitting crack of his collar. Just the fact that he had perceived such a tiny sound to be an ear splitting sound was proof in itself that he was loosing his stable and stoic mind.

Panic flooded his mind! He was lucky that other emotions weren't flooding his mind- the collar was still intact so it was still serving his purpose but still! His collar had cracked! He was so far far away from his safe home, and he was in no condition to attempt mushin! He had to change this hatchling, he had to change her intentions in order for her not to perceive him as an enemy!


Rakushun's eyes and body were surrounded with an orange aura. His spell had received Rakushun's orders loud and clear and had the emotions and thoughts to fuel itself. His spell -in the form of an orange "aura" bird- appeared and went into the alt. vine's body. In response, the vines violently threw Rakushun to the side. Rakushun made another aura bird, this time a light blue aura bird and it flew around the cave. It was like the aura bird couldn't make up its mind on who to go into. Finally, it spotted an alt. black and decided to go into it's body. With the orange aura bird and the blue aura bird inside their targets, Rakushun connected their minds as if we was about to use telepathy towards the two of them. Instead, the two birds tookthe alt. vine's and alt. black's "intentions."Using Rakushun's telepathic connection as a bridge, the birds swapped the two's intentions with the other. Now the alt. vine had the "intentions" of the alt. black, and the alt. black had the "intentions" of the alt. vine. Satisfied, Rakushun's aura birds went out of their targets and were to disperse...


But instead dispersing completely, Rakushun's aura birds multiplied into 4 more pairs of blue and orange aura birds rapidly draining his magical energy at an unhealthy rate. It was then that Rakushun, amidst his stressful feelings he remembered too late that this was a spell -despite being one of the spells passed down by his ancestors he so revered- he had forbidden himself to even practice the spell because he thought of it as too dangerous. While it is possible to only swap one pair of two at a time with a specific target... Since Rakushun mind was in such a hysteric state, Rakushun had unleash the spell towards several of the other hatchlings that were nearby. He didn't know how to cancel the spell casting either exactly BECAUSE he never practiced the spell and therefore knows little to nothing about the spell's other properties. He didn't know that forbidding a spell and deciding not to learn more about it just because he wasn't going to use it would have this kind of consequence! In helplessness he fell mercy to his own spell as he connected the other 4 pairs the aura birds sought. Now that there were multiple aura birds in the cave. The orange aura bird and its respective blue aura bird always flew together until the orange one found their initial target.


The second orange aura bird flew into a target that was very much easy to get into; an albino black tea who was still sleeping. Its respective partner -the blue aura bird- had decided to fly into the Thunder's body from behind. Rakushun's mind connected the two and with a burst of his magical power he swapped their souls. The albino black tea's body now had the soul of the thunder dragon's body, and the thunder dragon's body now had the soul of the albino black tea's body.


Dizzy from the exertion of the most tiring swap taking place, Rakushun fell to the ground and gave a low moan. However, his spell was yet to be done! Who knows what would happen to the others if he would faint in mid casting... It wouldn't cancel the spell that's one thing for sure. He steeled himself for the next wave. The third orange aura bird had chased after the 2nd blue aura bird until it had decided that it would choose the purple dragon as its target. As such, it went into the purple dragon's body. The 3rd aura bird's partner had flown quite far and almost out of range. Luckily it had spotted a Sweetling and a Vampire. Because the Vampire was slightly out of range, it had no choice but to choose the Sweetling as its target. Once again, Rakushun connected the two using himself as a bridge and swapped their intentions. The Sweetling now had the Purple's intentions and the Purple had the Sweetling's intentions.


The fourth set of aura birds flew into a bleeding moon and a storm, but not without difficulty first as the two dragons attempted to swat the aura birds away.As with the others they eventually found their way into their bodies. Rakushun connected their minds and had swapped their abilities. Now the Bleeding Moon had the Storm's abilities while the Storm had the Bleeding Moon's abilities.


The fifth and final set of aura birds had the orange aura bird entering a moonstone who curiously studied the aura birds before one had entered him. Meanwhile the blue aura bird had flew aways from the cave until it found a white hatchlings and went into it. For one final time, Rakushun tightly steeled himself mentally and physically to endure the drain of the final swap. He almost fainted several times through each successful cast and was very tempted to faint now in mid cast... As he felt the ability swap happen though, he felt a strong magical power pass by him. Perhaps this moonstone'a power could help him get his power under control..! He mustered every bit of his will until the swap had finished. Now the white had the moonstone's ability while the moonstone had the white's ability.


With that final swap the magi drifted off to sleep... Nothing else matter now... Sleep was the most important thing to do.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Kill...kill Lucifer... Kill anything in the way...No mercy...



Though the pain remained as a humming ache, the warmth dissappeared, and Spira was immediately plunged back into the cold. Before reaching consciousness, she had tumbled back into an abyss of darkness like she had been hit on the head with a brick. The only thing she could comprehend was the difference in tempertaure with her throat and the rest of her. The dryness was spreading through her, and it was a terrifying feeling.

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((OOC: I know I shouldnt be posting this here IC, but Eevee, what are you laughing at, Hibiki's post or the fact that your charas got some unusual swaps?))

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