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(OOC: Time-skip initiated. It is now morning.)


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As the sun rose to indicate morning, the animals in the land were beginning to wake up. It had been a beautiful sunrise, the sun a welcome sight to see compared to the dreadful rain that dominated the previous night. The grass was wet with dew, and the songbirds began singing their songs. It seemed like the perfect day to wake up to. However, Skylene was still asleep, lost in her dream. Not even the loud sounds of birds calling out to one another was able to wake her.

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Tasimi jolted awake when the sun hit his eyes. He jerked his neck up and instantly regretted it. "GAH!" He exclaimed, letting his head and neck fall on the ground. Every muscle in his body ached, and he could hardly move. He grunted in pain; his body hurt so much! But, wait, was there someone next to him? It felt like... 'Skylene! Tasimi exclaimed in his head when he saw her. He was awfully close to her and thought maybe he should move back a bit. Painfully, he scooted over as far as he could, which was only about an inch. He sighed, and hated how her was barely able to move. 'This sucks...


((OOC: Erikiteru is at the Cave of Time.))


Sun shined on Erikiteru's face, disturbing her from her sleep. She winced as she opened her eyes. The light nearly blinded her, but something suddenly blocked it. 'Wha...?' She focused her eyes and saw what was blocking the sun. Not really blocking it, more like casting a shadow on her face. She looked at the weird creature. It had eight legs, was very hairy, and seened to be floating in mid-air. She didn't know why, but suddenly fear gripped her, and the very sight of this creature made her scales crawl. She blew at the thing, and it swung away, and then right back at her, landing on her face.

This did not please Erikiteru.

First came a whimper, then a small shriek, and then a full blown scream as she charged out of the cave. She waved her claws over her face, trying the smack the creature off. Even when it was off, she still screamed and continued to run into the forest until she hit a tree and nearly knocked herself out.

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Sunlight beamed into the birth cave. A long yawn came out of a small mouth. A hatchling blinked her eyes open glanced at the sunbeams straying into the cave. The sunlight hit the cave floor, causing the brittle rock to somewhat sparkle. The small hatchling stopped and stared at the light, mesmerized by the strange beauty created by the light. Suddenly, the small hatchling heard a small sigh. She looked to the side to see her mother resting his head upon his paws. Besides that sigh, he wasn't making much noise. I bet I can fix that! The hatchling, now bursting with energy, squirmed her way out of from her mother's side. She made her way out of her mother's reach and wagged her tail. She was now face to face with her mother. The small hatchling stood up on her hind legs and pressed her front paws against her mother's forehead. "Mother, mother," the hatchling chanted as she pushed her paws against her mother's skull. "Wake up!" The purple mass stirred, but did not get up. "Mother! Get up, get up!" the hatchling cried as she hopped to the side of her mother's head and pushed against his temple. "Come on!" the hatchling protested, "The light making things shiny. It's wake up time!" The hatchling tilted her head and backed away when it looked like her mother would get up. Alas, he just merely scratched his forehead and began to sleep once more. "Mother! Why won't you wake up?" the hatchling asked. She bounced over to the front of her mother's head and let out a huff. How would she wake him up now? Oh! I have an idea![/b] The pink hatchling crouched down. She wiggled her haunches and pushed herself forward using her hind legs. She hurled herself onto her mother and grappled him with all her paws. A brilliant blue eye snapped open. A black pupil shrank down in size as light hit it, revealing a beautiful selection of highlights and shades of blue. "I can't get sleep, can I?" the hatchling's mother asked as he stood up. The small hatchling squealed with delight as she was lifted up into the air. "Why are you up so early, Clem?" Favian asked as he rubbed his check. "The sun woke me up!" Clem replied as she scrambled up Favian's head. "Well I suppose there isn't much I can do." Favian said with a yawn. Clem shook her head. "Nuh-uh." Favian sat down and stretchered his wings. He looked around the cave and relaxed. It looked like everyone was safe. He sat down and plucked Clem from his head. He set her down gently and gave another big yawn. The cave seemed so quiet and peaceful. Maybe, for once in his life, Favian could find some peace in this restless world.

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One of Lithrin's bright, clear blue eyes snapped open as a couple speckles of sunlight continued to dance over his face, the rays coming through the tree tops from an angle and into the overhang him and the two others had settled in last night. Slowly, he raised his head, and peered out into the trees. The cold throughout the night had barely bothered him, in fact, he had enjoyed going to sleep with frigid air in his lungs. Emitting a long, whining yawn, he unfurled his wings a bit and glanced around. Briefly he eyed the other two inhabitants of the shelter, deciding to leave them be and probably move on to the next area today.


First, though, a sharp growl from his stomach reminded him he hadn't eaten the past two days. It was certainly time to catch himself a meal.


He slid out from the overhang and settled onto a rotting stump, still within eyesight of the overhang, staying perfectly still and waiting for squirrels or other small mammals to scamper by so he could lunge at them. With how many squirrels he could hear rustling through the grass and the trees in the surrounding areas, he'd have a full belly in no-time.

Edited by tilldeathdouspart

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The moonstone rubbed his bleary eyes and sat up. He hadn't managed to sleep very well at all the night before... His once-vivid dreams were empty and soulless. He stood up stiffly, and waddled to the berry pile.

Where is Alvi? I have not seen her since the bear...

Panic shot through him.

Oh, gods! Where is she! I have to find her!

Glas's deep blue yes widened in fear. He searched with his mind for her consciousness... but he was stuck. Stuck in the confines of his own mind. He hyperventalated, feeling constricted. He was so used to feeling the minds of others around him that the absence shocked him.

That spell! It- it can't have!

Desperately he gripped his tail. The orb was illuminated at it's core, but all around the speck of light swirled icy darkness.

Oh dear gods in heaven. I need to find Alvi, before...


Wobblefoot poked his head above the surface. Everything in the cave was quiet and still. He sighed. Underneath the water, he was busy scrubbing his hooves.

I- I still feel like his blood- is still on my hooves.

The waterhorse sniffled, and rubbed his eyes with a foot. He ducked back underwater and swam towards the tunnel.

"H-Hey Kirk? Do you wanna go do something fun? This cave is kinda depressing me." Wobble's chin twitched and he frowned. "That dead guy really just made me sad." He shot a look at Aysu. "Though I pulled him all by myself!" He brightened at his last words, sure of their potential impact. He, a waterhorse, on land! Pulling something heavy, no less! If that wasn't impressive, Wobblefoot didn't know what was.

Edited by Ayesthine

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Username: Doodle2themoon

Name: Fluffle Spirit

Gender: Female

Breed: Pillow Dragon

Personality: She's playful and kind to all different dragons

Appearance: A female Pillow dragon with bright blue eyes

Picture: user posted image

Crush/Mate: Icicle Wave

Power: Soothing any dragons

Other: eyjd


Username: Same as above

Name: Bright Blue Stardust

Gender: Female

Breed: Blue nebula dragon

Personality: She is kind and playful, but strict to prepare for her hatchling which hasn't hatched yet.

Appearance: A blue nebula dragon

Picture: user posted image

Crush/Mate: Cotten Candy Blue Sweet

Power: Create fireworks and illusions

Other: eyjd


Username: same

Name: Cotten Candy Blue Sweet

Gender: Male

Breed: Day Dream dragon

Personality: He is wise and caring, wise beyond his age.

Appearance: A male Day Dream dragon with orange eyes

Picture: user posted image

Crush/Mate: Bright Blue Stardust

Power: creating realistic day dreams for humans and dragons

Other: eyjd

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Kirk, who was already awake, turned his gaze towards Wobblefoot. "You want to go somewhere fun?" he asked. Kirk swam over to Wobblefoot, his eyes shining. "Funny that you ask," he began, "not too long ago I found this really big tunnel! I'm not exaggerating, it was huge!" Kirk held out his arms wide to emphasize the size of the tunnel. "I became curious of it and began to explore it." Kirk said. His voice was thick with excitement. "When I reached the end of it, I saw a light. I swam towards the light and boom!" Kirk said the last word loudly and smacked his tail against the water, causing small bubbles to form. "Sunlight hit my eyes and everything felt warmer." Kirk said, his voice getting increasingly excitable. "I swam to the surface and you wouldn't believe your eyes! The water was in a large body and all around it was green! So much green!" Kirk, without stopping, began to ramble on about what he say. He included the sky, trees, grass, birds, and other things he saw in the outside world.


((OOC: Yeah, you need to PM it.))

Edited by Doctortear

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The sound of a Gah! woke Skylene up from her dream, which had been turning into a nightmare. She slowly opened her eyes, letting small amounts of lights in, and noticed Tasimi was still next to her. He too, was now awake, it appeared. She let out a soft morning yawn, before getting up and turning towards the Tsunami. "Tasimi? Are you feeling any better from yesterday?". Her words were quiet, so not to disturb the others who were still asleep.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Tasimi could hardly move his mouth, so he talked to Skylene telepathically. "Morning Sky. I'm, not feeling very good. I can't move at all, my entire body hurts..." He winced, but tried to hide to look strong in front of Skylene.

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Skylene tried thinking of what could've happened to Tasimi since he was so weak. She didn't know that he collapsed in the Birthcave after rescuing her, so the idea of him being the weaker one seemed a bit off. "I'll go talk to Myst right now to figure out what we can do..." she responded.


Skylene went to her nest first, collecting and putting on her jewelry. After that was completed, she headed over to Myst's nest, where it appeared she was sleeping. I'd better wait until she gets up... she thought. While she waited, she decided to take a look around at the cave and everything that was there. Had it really been less than two years since was trapped in that egg in the cave, for reasons she can't even comprehend?

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Medea flinched as lights as the sounds of awakening creatures broke her from her light sleeping. Claws digging into the loose stones below her as a soft growling emitted, it was so tempting to yell out to try and make those annoying animals be quiet for a few more hours. However, the sound of Lithrin moving about stopped her from really carrying out the action as she finally cracked open her eyes to watch the Tri-horn move out of the shelter. 'On the move, are we? Suppose I should be as well,' she thought to herself before moving to stand. With a final stretch she'd look over to Aerix, grinning as she moved to poke at the slumbering hatchling with her tail. "Wakey, wakey Moonie," she'd all but say with a mocking sing-song quality.


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Ashni awoke with a jerk, looking about her with a slightly wild look in her eyes before looking at her back. It soon faded as she noticed that she was in her nest and that nothing was on her. 'So much for that dreamless sleep,' she thought half dazed, stumbling out of her nest and more into the sunlight so she could check on her back. Seeing no blood as she partly feared there would be from the night before, Ashni gave a sigh of relief as she was not sure what her reaction would have been if there had been after the nightmare.


'I have to get my mind off this, but I have to tell Favian where I buried him. Least I can do and then I can forget about it for awhile,' Ashni mused as she looked about the cave and spotted Favian and the hatchling Clem awake. Now was a good as any to tell him, but she would have to do it in a way to not let Clem in on what they were speaking about. She hated to know that the poor hatchling had to see the body as it was, she did not have to hear talk about the whole burying. So walking over with a somewhat forced smile she'd calling out a greeting to the two of them. "Good morning you two. I hope you both are well?"


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Aysu was up early, to much pent up energy after crashing the night before was likely to blame for this. So it was not so much of a shock to find the hatchling swimming around the hatchling-pool like it was more of a prison than a home this day. The comfy size was more confining today, but she did not want to explore without her pod so she was not tempted to wander the tunnels. However, when Wobblefoot came into the pool and spoke of a dead hatchling her pacing came to an end. More worried about just what that bear did and how Wooblefoot was feeling, but then Kirk started to talk of this grand place and the bubble of excitement came back once more. Her emotions felt much like they were on a up and down today as she wanted to feel bad about wanting to explore while the land hatchlings were no doubt being upset, but at the same time she could not do much to help them. Besides, Wooble wanted to go do something fun so maybe it was for the best?


Making up her mind with a nod, she'd swim over to Wobble and give a nuzzle like she would to about any other hatchling. Friendly chirp sounding as she looked back to Kirk with an excited air about her, "Well lets all go look at this place then!"

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Sprawled along the pool's algae-slicked edge, the Teimarr hatchling snorted contentedly in his sleep. A hefty 15 hours of rest had rumbled on uninterrupted, filled with dreamless bliss and bubbles of placental snot.


Shafts of light managed to reach into the back of the cave as morning broke; each was met with a grunt and two padded feet smacking against his crusted eyes in protest- sleep would stop for no force of nature! Yet as each minute of daylight passed, it became harder to maintain a comfortable state.




He was defeated. The blubbery dragon stretched his jaws, struggled to a sitting position, and peered blearily around him. Squinting, his vision was no better than when he had freshly hatched. He shuffled around to face the pool.


He swatted apathetically along the dimpled pool floor. He brought the wet foot up to his face- empty. He tried once more. His eyes were warming up, the crust falling away, his baggy eyelids rising. With his pupil-less eyes unimpeded, the problem was gradually identified: the crawdads had retreated to cooler water when daylight warmed the shallows.




Breakfast was cancelled.

Edited by tapir

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Aerix heard a sudden noise outside his dreamless sleep. Someone must have been attacking him, he never slept with company. His eyes shot open and he brought his tail up with surprising speed, he was always faster right after waking up, towards Medea's- "Medea?!" The thought hit him like a steam engine, whatever that was, he stopped his tail just before it collided with her and quickly dropped it to the ground. He would have said something, but what could he say?


(OOC: Wow, surprising burst of inspiration.)

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Medea had not expected that reaction, but her own reaction was one out of born instinct. Throwing herself down on the ground to dodge the tail was what her brain told her to do in the split second, the air around them getting hotter as she geared up to tap into her little ability. However; when she looked up and readied herself to try and dodge if another attack was coming, she'd finally notice that he had not even finished the first attack with his tail. 'Wait a minute, did he just sleep attack me?' This thought was amusing and a small grin was again pulling on her maw as she slowly pulled herself from the ground. "Did you really just attack me while you were sleeping? I have to say that is a first, but impressive nonetheless. Should I worry about that and sleep father from you next time? Throw rocks to wake you as well?" This was said all in an amused tone as she sat down, looking over her softer underbelly to make sure she had not bruised or scratched herself from throwing herself on the stone covered ground. She was alright it seemed so she would shrug off any lingering twinge of discomfort from the move as it would pass quickly once she got moving more.

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Aerix felt his face redden, "I was awake, I am unused to having company overnight. Generally if something is waking me it's also attacking me." He stood and brushed himself off, "I think we should take Lithrin back tom the birth cave and ditch him." He said in a conspiring whisper. He looked over to where the Tri-Horn was sitting, it appeared to be hunting in an unusual manner. It was sitting silently and waiting. Aerix didn't have the patience for waiting, he shot out of the cave, completely forgetting his wound, and smashed up into a tree. He grabbed at least ten squirrels and returned, "Not too filling, but it'll do." He said, smirking at the smaller dragon.

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A chuckle escaped as she took in Aerix's answer. It was an honest one and a wise one, but still the whole situation amused her to no end. "It is better than you knowingly attacking me then. If that had been the case then I would have to say that losing a potential sparing partner would be a great loss. Having only one fight rather than many is not as fun," she'd say while looking over her shoulder to look outside once more. Medea would trust Aerix's word that he attacked her unknowing so she felt no need to keep her guard up around him, the temperature cooling slightly as she withheld her hold on her abilities.


"If you wish to take Lithrin back to the birthing-cave then we can do this. It would be wise to go back there anyways to see what the masses of hatchling are doing anyways. Hate to run into a huge party or certain unwanted ones when we are roaming about," she'd state once Aerix gave his opinion on taking the Tri-horn back. Though if the other hatchling did not want to go then all for him staying out here alone. Either way, they would head back to the birthing-cave with or without the third party accompanying them. Medea stepped out of their shelter and over to the Tri-horn, uncaring about disturbing any hunting as Aerix caught food for the hatchling. "Do you wish to come with us back to the birthing-cave, Lithrin?" Minds well get to the point and ask since Aerix did not do so.

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Lithrin had tensed and scowled as Aerix slammed into a tree. Whatever squirrels hadn't been knocked down and killed, fled as far away as their little squirrel legs would carry them. With an almost mournful look and a soft whurr-ing noise of dissapontment, he cocked his head. He settled back on his legs, turning to eye Medea. "I wouldn't mind accompanying you, I believe I was going to head back that way today anyways." He turned, nodding at the two of them. "When will we leave, then?" Stretching his wings out after having sat still for a good few minutes, he tilted his head up, looking at the sky as if trying to figure out which direction to head in the first place.

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Sierra woke up from her crazy dream. The first thing she did was tell Clem and Favian. "HEY! Favian, Clem, you know what happened? I had a dream that Favian was a flower and Glas ate him, but then Clem turned into a eagle and carried Glas away!" She said excitedly.

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Aerix tossed Lithrin a few squirrels and dropped a few in case Medea wanted them, then he ripped a few open for himself and shredded the bloody meat. It was messy, but it was quick.

"Right now." He said and shot off towards the cave, he was not willing to waste any rime today for some reason.


(OOC: Lilith, I just realized, Aerix's wound sort of effects his abilities. It should be part of the thing.)

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Medea blinked at the squirrels tossed down for them, going as far to poke one of them with a claw as she debated for a moment on eating one of them. She never was big on eatting when she first awoke, but then again a free meal was a free meal so there was no need to be picky. The smallest of them would be selected for herself to consume, cleaning the blood from her claws and maw once she was done with her small meal. "Thank ya for the meal," she'd say before looking over to the Tri-Horn with a little grin as she flexed her wings. Aerix beat her to it before Medea could say anything witty about when they would leave, but she rolled her shouldered in a carefree manner before taking to the air. "Seems like we are to go now. We are not long from the birthing-cave if we head straight for it and do not stop for anything else." This was said down to Lithrin before Medea turned to fly off after Aerix.

"Little hyper to get back to those hatchlings aren't 'cha?" Was called out to Aerix once she caught up to him, flying in a slightly circle around him before settling for flying beside him. Looking to see if the Tri-Horn was following or even keeping up as an after note. At this rate they would make it back to the birthing-cave in no time, but if they wanted to have the Tri-horn with them then they should make an effort to ensure he was indeed with them. Though if he could not keep up it was no fault of her own.

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As the morning light reached his eyes, Rico's entire body twitched. When his eyes opened, he looked at the walls of his den. Rico seldom paid attention to such pointless things, but something was wrong. Blood. Blood was what drew him to look at the walls. As his gazed wandered so did he. When he stood up his body immediately ached. Rico glanced at his wounds and saw blood encrusted on the cuts. He forced them off his body and looked again. The walls were drenched in blood. It obviously wasn't his blood, but that's what scared him the most. He walked deeper into the cave, and looked into the darkest corner. As the sun rose, the light slowly illuminated the darkness until every inch of the cave was visible.

Rico gasped at the sight of "It". But what was "It"? Rico crept closer to "It", and as he got closer, he saw the figure twitching. The sun shined on the mystery creature, blinding Rico temporarily. Once he could see, Rico jumped back and looked in horror.

"Aladdin? Is that you?!". He examined the Shimmerscale. He could tell right away what was wrong with him: Multiple broken bones, a shattered pelvis, a dislocated shoulder blade, and his lungs were quickly filling with blood. Rico huddled over the hatchling. He could smell death coming from within him. His mind briefly wandered to the dark side of his thoughts. What does Aladdin taste like? His scales look divine. He even has a little muscle to him.

Rico smacked his lips together subconsciously, but snapped back to reality.

"What did this to you?" He asked innocently.


((On my tablet. No fancy formatting unfortunately))


((This is incomplete!! Do not respond to this yet!!))

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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