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Aerix didn't see anything in the immediate area, "Well, let's start looking then." He said and started searching for some kind of shelter. After a few minutes he spotted an overhang. He called to Medea and quickly climbed under it. It was fairly large, but it wasn't huge and he expected they would still get a bit wet.


(OOC: Not the best post, soarry.)

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The next patterns Skylene experienced were of bright blooming flowers. They filled her mind, which was beginning to pick up more activity while she was still unconscious. She could see pink roses, white morning glories, and large yellow sunflowers appearing from all directions. Her body relaxed, soothed by the wonderful and calming sights.

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(OOC: Sparkle, Myst spoke to Cyrus.)

(OOC: I'll do him now)


Cyrus ran to fetch some cold water for Myst. When he got back he dumped the basket with water in front of her. "I found this in the cave so I thought it would be good to carry the water." He watched as she tended to their wounds. "Do you think they'll be ok? I mean they have some pretty serious injuries."



Laufin saw the deer and saw how big it was. "Sure. He flew to the ground where Snow was and started sniffing at it. He couldn't help but stare at Snow as when she was going to kill the deer her wings shone like diamonds when they catched the light. He drew his gaze from her and shook his head. What are you thinking? You only consider as a friend! That's all, just a friend nothing more.

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Medea gave a soft hum to show her approval before following him up into the air. It was really luck that they found the overhanging so fast in all the chances that they could have just as easily overlooked it or flew past it. It was just as well because as soon as they entered the storm seemingly decided that it was then time to really downpour. Luckily the wind did not direct the rain into their shelter so while they might get a little wet, they would not be getting drenched like they would have standing out in the storm. "Looks like we just got inside in time," Medea said with as she flicked her tail and wings to try and get some of the water off them. This done she'd look around their shelter while moving to the back wall to soon settle down, but she would pause to look over to Aerix. "It will get chilly in here with the rain no doubt, so you had best lay and curl up to conserve heat. Besides, no point in standing over here and making me yell just for you to hear me," she'd say before finishing making her way to the back wall. Curling into a ball was still as easy to her even with the addition of wings, head rested atop her tail and wings tucked tightly around her frame as her legs curled snugly to her belly. "I will have to look at that wound in the morning since it no doubt got wet while we flew here," she mumbled out-loud about Aerix's bandaged wound and not really caring if he heard or not. Though adding a bit louder, "How is the wound feeling anyways?"


((OOC; It's fine))

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Snow noticed Laufin looking at her, then shaking his head. "Why are you shaking your head? Did I do something?" She asked. She hoped she didn't do something silly, like splatter blood all over herself. That would be really embarrassing. "If you aren't going to eat, then I'm going to freeze the deer." She told him, trying not to look fidgety. She was worried now that she'd done something bad.

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Lithrin had been soaring and twisting about, just over the landscape, searching for someplace to bunker down to for the coming storm. The small cyan spikes along his back quivered, scales raising slightly along his form as anxiety took a hold in his mind. Unfortunately, even as he looked about for a place to take shelter, the storm broke overhead and the rain began to pour. With an angry huff, he folded his wings in against his side and dived downwards towards the ground, alighting on a small outcrop of rock with a quick few downstrokes to slow his fall. He took a few steps forward, but the rain pelting down on his face and into his eyes made things quite difficult. Glancing about, half-blind from the water in his eyes, and with no shelter to be seen from his view, he raised his wings above him and together like a makeshift umbrella, waddling on his hind legs into the trees to find any form of shelter possible.


((Intro post! Gonna watch a bit and jump into the RP a bit later, though, I think.))

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(OOC: As night falls, the rain is calming)


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Still in a relaxed state, Skylene let out a small "Hmm." while still knocked out. Meanwhile in her mind, the flowers made way for an array of sparkling stars that filled the black night.


Surprisingly, what her brain was processing was similar to the happenings in the real world, as the night grew on. The rain was continuing to quiet down, and the light showers was reducing to a small drizzle. Because of this, the forest animals that were in hiding from the rain were now coming out again.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Favian, slightly ashamed at himself, turned around and began nudging Clem to his temporary nest. He could reclaim his first nest the following morning. Spira needed it more than him, and while he would like to have his nest back, Favian saw the logic in leaving Spira there for the meantime. Moving her was too risky and Favian could live without his nest for a day. "Hush, Clem, just try to close your eyes and sleep." Favian whispered as he reached his new nest. He laid down upon it and waited as Clem crawled up to him. Favian curled his tail around her and he felt Clem dig herself into his stomach. She found a comfortable spot and laid still. Favian curled up and began to lightly hum to the small hatchling. Today had been her first day, and it was surely a wild one. Looking at her reminded Favian of his first day. He had been exposed to so many things! Favian remembered that he had been so stressed that day that he had became sick the following day due to the stress. Favian never said anything, but that stress made him feel ill all the time. His head hurt and he was never let alone. Sighing, Favian laid his head next to Clem and glanced at her. Softly, he began to hum a tune.


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Ismene backed away as the following events proceeded. She was forgot, yet again, but that wasn't what was troubling her. It was raining.. She had to get out of here and return home as soon as possible. "I-I'll just be going home now." she said in her soft voice as she began to back away. She didn't know why she bothered. No one listened and more important things were going on at the moment. Besides, she had to hurry. She needed to get home soon.

Edited by Doctortear

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Aerix had almost forgotten abut his wound, but now that Medea mentioned it, "It's quite painful, though I'd mostly forgotten it." He wondered at how he could forget something so painful, but he had. His face remained straight however, he didn't show how much it hurt. He would be strong, pain would give him strength. He calmly sat down as he let the pain course through his nerves.

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Mint suddenly felt a flash of anger towards Lucifer. Then she noticed Erikiteru. "Hello there, Erikiteru. Why have you come? I think you should sleep here for tonight, it's getting late..." Mint walked back into a cavern of the cave.


((KK! We're trying to end the day! Don't go starting more interactions!))

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Lucifer looked over calmly at Alvi. What a surprise, another visitor. How many more would appear before the night was over? "Hello, Alvira." Lucifer said smoothly. "Is there something I can help you with?"

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Medea curled tighter, if that was even possible, as she gave a little thought in how she should reply to Aerix. Pain was of course only natural and there was little she could or would do for it. Even if she did know some herb to help with the pain, she was not going out for him to search for it and lose the heat she was conserving. Helped him she might have done, but she was not that generous. He seemed to be dealing with the pain anyways. "Hm, well I am sure you can forget it again if you had before," she'd say as she let her eyes half close and peered at him lazily. "Why are you sitting up anyways? There is no need to stand guard all ridged for now. I seem to be much to light of a sleeper for anything to sneak up on me yet if I do happen to sleep. Though with you sitting all looming like, the chances of me sleeping is about slim to none," she'd say with her tone coated in a odd mix of both humor and slight annoyance. The whole looming thing was making her want to sit up as well to be on more even ground, but Medea's lithe frame was not ideal to keeping in heat so she was trying to refrain from that. Thus her slight annoyance at the looming feeling.

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Aerix nodded, "Alright I'll.." He squinted, if he was correct he saw a Tri-Horn. He cursed himself for not remembering it's name, he hadn't seen it around much. It had hatched fairly early on if he recalled correctly. He called out to it, "You there! There's shelter here!" He gave Medea a shrug, "I'll lie down for you, once that dope gets up here."

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Lithrin paused, head swiveling to the sound. "Oh...!" He'd admittedly been avoiding other dragons since he'd hatched and found his own little niche to grow up in, but after the long evening in the rain he wasn't about to argue. Making his way over to the space the two others were occupying, he glanced around for a good spot to settle before wedging himself into a space on one side of the overhang, wrapping his wings tightly about himself. "Thank you." It was quiet, but grateful nonetheless.

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Medea lifted her head slightly so she could watch as the Tri-horn came inside, not at all amused at the added party. Though she would not begrudge the shelter to the other hatchling when there was room enough for the three of them. Well, as long as the Tri-horn did not do anything that did not cause Medea to have the urge to grab it by the scruff and toss it out anyways. Seeing the third member settle, she'd finally lay her head back down with a huff and shifted slightly so she could keep an eye on both the opening and the Tri-Horn. Of course Aerix was still in her view as he was at her side, but she had a feeling she would not need to worry about some attack from that angle. Not unless she invited it anyways. "There he is in, now lay down before you drive me into wanting to knocking you over," she'd grumble out to Aerix before giving him a sly grin to show she was not really joking around with the comment. As an after thought she would look to the Tri-Horn and decided to answer the thanks with something and at least give a name for herself so she might spark the other in giving a name in return. Then the other could hush for all she cared. "Thank Aerix here only and the name's Medea, yours?"

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Aerix smirked back at Medea, "Yes madam." He said madam in a teasing way. He decided to lay down, he could listen to the other two's conversation while he tried to get to sleep.


(OOC: short post is bad, long post is short, long post is bad. tongue.gif)

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Lithrin peered At Medea curiously. "Lithrin." He glanced between the two once more, comitting their names to memory, but after that turned his gaze out towards the outside of the overhang, silent. He emitted a long yawn, and after a few moments his eyes closed, almost of their own will, with how tired he'd been.


((Okay, that's the last one for me until the TS))

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Medea could not help the cringe at being called madam of all things. That was a first and she honestly hated it for some reason. Made her sound so, so girly. Ugh. At least Aerix laid down though so that was a plus and the feeling of someone looming died quickly. Seeing as this Lithrin was also seemingly going to sleep as well, there was no need to really keep her own eyes open much longer. Her light sleeping would tell her if someone was coming closer so she easily let her eyes slip closed. Though before she allowed herself to doze she'd mumble to Aerix, "Do not call me Madam or else I will start calling you Moonie. Now sleep."

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((Narrator Break))


Have you ever been unconscious? Have you ever found yourself waking up days later with no memory of what has happened? Chances are you haven't. Chances are also that you pity those who have suffered it. Just imagine, you're suddenly minding your own business, everything seems normal, when suddenly, Poof! You're suddenly in a terrible situation, fighting for your life, and you get knocked out. Then, you are oblivious to everything that happens in the next few hours, days, or even weeks. Finally, if you're lucky to wake up, you look around and ask yourself, What just happened? On the flip side, maybe it wasn't even an injury or and accident. You were just walking down the sidewalk one day, and suddenly, you're into the next month in a hospital bed. Afterwards, it feels like everything minute could bring an untold disaster. Perhaps that's why it's not too pleasant to be unconscious, or even worse, in a coma. After all, it only takes six hours in that unaware state to be given that awful diagnosis. And a certain Blusang is nearing that dreaded point.


((Break Over))

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"Oh no, no ,no! You didn't do anything wrong." Except look so pretty. "I was just um...seeing how that hawk over there was trying to catch a fish in the pond right there. The hawk didn't really do a good job of it and it could have chosen a small er fish as the one it was going for was half the size of it." He hurried forward and took a couple of bites out of the deer. "Wow! This is really good." he said while smiling. "Go on, have some. It's bigger enough to feed three dragons."



Clyde dived underwater and thought he saw a flash of silver dart past him. He quickly reacted and caught the fish between his jaws. The fish was wet and slippery from being in water so he had to bite down real hard to prevent it from escaping. Once her knew that the fish was dead he said. "I did it! I caught my very first fish! I didn't know it would be so easy. Do you guys want some?"



Tauriel got up from where she was resting and decided to go to the birth cave. When she got there she saw that outside was getting dark. She walked into the cave and sat down waiting for the stars to appear.

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((@goldenwolf, could you please make your type a bit less bright? here's a list of all the available colors-> http://www.keller.com/html-quickref/4a.html Also, please keep in mind that we're waiting for the next day and that we want to get everyone's interactions done asap.))

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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