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Aerix couldn't help but smile at the way Medea coaxed him, though any other dragon would probably be dead. He thought he knew what valley she was referring to, though he hadn't been there in a while. He took to the sky and followed her, he had no trouble flying as normal, but she was a fast flyer, at least in comparison. He had some trouble keeping up, but he managed. He thought maybe she might be going a little slower so as not to lose him. He again found himself unable to be agitated by something that would normally cause him to start fighting. He supposed it was just that Medea had shown him kindness and compassion, no one else had done that for him. He supposed he didn't mind, at least not while he was injured. He kept his eyes peeled for the valley.

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(OOC: Doctor & Lilith. When are you going to reply to the water hatchlings?)



"Sure! I think I haven't eaten for a whole day." he walked to the food pile and saw that there was hardly anything left. "The food pile is getting low as well or I would have invited you to stay here and eat. So, have you seen any berries around lately in the mountains? I really like them but sadly enough I haven't been able to come across some except in the forest."



Tauriel woke up from where she was lying. My bones are really stiff and saw. She got to her legs and tried to walk but her wings, legs and tail where to stiff to move. So she had to half drag half crawl back to her cave. She caught two sparrows which she quickly ate.

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Medea looked over her shoulder only once and that was only when they had arrived at the mentioned valley. A little grin pulled at her maw as she looked back down to the herd of deer grazing, unknowing that flying above them awaited potential doom. How amusing it was to think of what might go though the creatures mind when they swoop down on them, death on wings in a manner of speaking. 'Enough thinking of that! I can be amused later at the stupid deer when we have caught some to dine on,' she mused to herself before turning her attention back to Aerix. "Prime prey here I should say and plenty to pick from. If you think your wound will manage taking down one of the them then each of us should be able to grab one," she stated this with a narrowed look to the covered wound. If he could not manage then she would have a decision to make on sharing her own prey, but maybe it would not have to come it that. They would just have to see.

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"I'll be fine." Aerix said, slightly indignant, "I can catch a deer." He immediately dove down at high speed and landed atop one of the deer, crushing it to death. He then dragged the limp corpse up into the sky before it's fellows noticed. And waited to see what Medea would do.

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When Skylene was just a new hatchling, there was one moment that stuck out from the rest, and it both frightened and amazed her. She had been at the river early one morning, searching for fresh fish. She was the only one around at the time, the rest were sleeping.


Once she had caught two fish, she could hear the sounds of the birds chirping from the forest. She turned around to observe, and saw a egg that was hatching in a nest with its mother. Skylene was immediately warmed by the sight, remembering that, she too, had hatched. She expected to see the mother hunt for a worm for the baby bird, but it instead picked it up with its beak. She could only helplessly watch as the bird threw its baby to the ground, killing it in an instant.




She never doubted ever again that the world was an unfair place. If the mother bird could so easily kill its newborn, what was going to spare her in times of trouble?

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"Hmm. I don't think there are any berries this high up. We'll have to go into the forest." Snow said. She had almost forgot to also freeze some plants in case a dragon that only ate plants or berries came. She motioned for Laufin to follow her, and took off into the sky.

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Medea looked on mildly impressed that Aerix had gotten the deer and the way he did so gave her a little insight on how he would fight. Throwing around his size and weight would be a little key and an advantage she would suppose, but not everything in all fights. Once he was back in the air, Medea would give him a humored smile before stating, "So you can catch that deer. I shall remember that minor wounds cannot stop your sheer size then." With this Medea would look down to the deer and target the once she wanted near the edge of the herd. Once this was done it was just a matter of speed as she folded in her wings to dive in, only opening them once she was near the ground so she could slow down just enough where she would not crash. Fore-claws digging into the windpipe of the deer to keep it silent as her hind paws got a grip on the flanks so she could lift the deer up into the air. It's struggles did not hinder her any as they did not last long and died out completely before she was even back at Aerix's side once more. "And there we have it, our food. Shall we land and dine?"

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A few more pieces of shell broke away from the egg's wall, and a slimy hatchling flopped out. Using only his back legs, the fresh dragon scooted along the cave floor on his belly. His nose smacked against a rock. Water..? he thought, without any language. An urge to find water.


The late evening sunlight found it's way past the undergrowth and greenery that helped disguise the makeshift nursery. It glinted on the wet grass and poured like rose-hued honey along the rock walls. The teimarr squinted and rolled onto his side, a stubby wing draping over his eyes. His tail rolled into a crevice, but he immediately snapped it out as the tip touched something new. Summoning awkward willpower, he sat upright and pawed at the discovered hole.




He dipped in a front paw. He dipped the other. He let out a scraggly chirp and clicked his egg teeth together. As more sunlight spread, and as his eyelids learned how to stay open, he could see the substance he stood in. The water shone like fluid quartz. He could start to make out some small, translucent creatures walking below the water's surface. The teimarr seated himself and cocked his head. The cave stream gurgled around his added mass, and the creatures at the bottom were caught up in the new current. One creature got caught between his belly and elbow, and the young dragon proceeded to clumsily grab it. He held it up, and it squirmed. This was a crawdad.


He did what babies do best- he put it in his mouth.

He crunched.

His eyes lit up and he chirped again.






It took only a few minutes for the hatchling to become tired. His belly wasn't full, but his paws ached. For the first time, he raised his head and looked around the cave. The dying sunlight had faded to a deep violet. The baby's untrained eyes strained to see what seemed to be scaly boulders littered throughout the sprawling tunnel system.


He yawned, then clacked his egg teeth some more.


About a meter to his left at the edge of the water, a pile of scales snorted in its sleep. The teimarr sidestepped quickly away, tripping over his wet tail. He chirped begrudgingly, but was too tuckered out to pull himself up again. Glancing back at the other dozing dragon- unsure of what it actually was- he tried to mimic the snort. His eyelids weighed down, but he kept his gaze on the snorter.


Head on paws, rump in the air, the teimarr noisily took his first sleep.

Edited by tapir

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((You can edit your post, you know. Just copy your post, click on the edi butting in the corner, and paste it in))

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((OOC: What are you talking about Sparkle? I replied to Wobblefoot moving out, that was what the Favian and Clem post was about.))


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Favian's wings were ruffled up, making him seem bigger than he really was. He was about to say something nasty, but realized he had overreacted to some extend. "I-I'm sorry about that." he said uncomfortably. "I overreacted when Clem saw it. I don't want the image of a beheaded corpse to scar her forever, but it looks like that's too late. I don't expect you all to drop what you are doing to fix this but surely at least ONE of you could of moved the body...." Favian let his voice trail off. He was getting angry again. "Yes, it would be best to move the body. I could help, but..." Favian looked down at Clem who was trembling underneath him.

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Myst stepped away from the unconscious bodies of Tasimi and Skylene, her face etched with worry and concern. "Cyrus, can you get some cold water to wake them up? They're both exhausted, but I think I might have an idea of what happened to Skylene..." She nodded at the injured Blusang Lindwurm hatchling, holding up a handful of leaves and twigs. Myst laid a paw on Skylene's flank, concentrating energy into her forearm. After a few heartbeats, her healing magic began to do its work, soothing the pain in Skylene's legs, tail, and back. She could see Skylene visibly relax, her breathing easier.

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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Although she was still unconscious, Skylene's brain began to slowly create "patterns" she could see while she was asleep, just like a dream, only more basic. The first pattern was a variety of colorful triangles bouncing around in a white space. After a period of time, they slowly began fading away, and lines of dots replaced them. This was a much bigger sight to experience, and felt almost dizzying. The dots moved horizontally, and began changing colors. Her eyes began twitching as a sudden reaction, though she was still unaware of the conscious world.

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Aerix watched Medea's strategic takedown of the deer. She wasn't large and muscular like him, she had to be smart with how she fought. He supposed he should've expected that, not every hatchling could be as large as he.

"You expect me to eat in the air?" He said, grinning, "You know a good ridge?" Aerix himself knew plenty of good ridges, but he didn't see any reason to fly off and expect Medea to follow.

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Kiska stroked the bird absentmindedly with one paw, then trotted to her mossy nest and sat down beside it, breathing a soft stream of blue fire against the wall, heating it so that it gave out a steady warmth. There. That's a lot cozier. she thought, glad to be out of the storm. She began preening her feathers, something that most dragons didn't have to do, with Kiri helping her. "Gosh, Kiri. I'm so busy! There are always so many sick or wounded dragons." she said, with a sad tone to her voice. It was depressing seeing how many hatchlings were constantly getting hurt.  "I'll take you along with me next time, plague or no-" she promised, only to be cut off by an enormous yawn. She decided that she was dry enough to resume the rest from which the rain had disturbed her. She climbed into her nest and nestled herself within the moss, which was lined with her molted feathers. "Good night, Kiri." she mumbled, before drifting off to sleep.


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Alvi continued her rhythmic trot through the woods, the steady drizzle of raindrops 'sounding' like static. She felt calmer now, and she had cleared her mind. What had happened had already happened, and she was just going to accept that. A faint flash of pink caught her sharp eyes, and she realized that Lucifer and Bathory were hiding out in a cave. She made her way towards them, moving silently as she usually did, almost instinctively sticking to the shadows. She appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and said, casually, "Hey guys!"


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Ashni shook her head as she glanced down at Clem, having not really noticed the little hatchling in the rush to confront Favian. She could understand then his reaction and she would hold no grudge against it. "Don't worry about it Favian. Just care for Clem and yourself, alright? I will make sure that Aradis is taken care of as he should be," she stated and she would give a friendly nudge to his shoulder before smiling down to Clem.


Moving around them slowly and over to the Waterhorse near the body of the poor hatchling was more hard than she thought it to be. Then again, it should never be easy to just casually walk up to a beheaded hatchling. Seeing the Waterhorse trying to move the body did quicken her walk. "Let me help. Think we can move Aradis better if we put him on my back," she stated once she got to the Waterhorse's side. Of course Ashni was not looking forward to having the chilled body on her back and the blood either, but it was about the only way to move it quickly for burying. "Think you can help me with that?"


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Medea looked around the area thoughtfully, but there was no real area close by that came to mind that they could eat. Most times she would just catch her prey and eat it near the river or just in the clearing that she caught it in. "In this area; not in the immediate area, no. If you do then I do think you shall be leading this time and I will play the follower," she'd say finally after she readjusted her grip on her dinner so it would be easier to carry in flight.


((OOC; Think after we have Aerix and Medea land and eating, it should be raining. I noticed we have plot-holed slightly in that we have lagged behind the others in the RP. No storm and this is not Medea's doing! So catching up is in order.))

Edited by Lilithachaos

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((I know this should be in the OOC, but wasn't it already raining outside the birthcave to begin with? After the bear attack of course))

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(OOC: I think that's what she means, we need to make it raining so they have the same effects as the others.)


Aerix casually moved the crushed deer between his paws as he tried to decide where best to eat, "I know a nice place over this way." He indicated his right and began heading that direction. He soon reached a small ridge overlooking an even smaller lake. He set down and began to tear open the crushed deer.

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Laufin walked to the edge of his cave and dived down. The good thing about where his cave was suited was that it was on the very edge of a cliff so he could walk to the edge of his cave and dive down to the ground without smashing as he could easily spread his wings and prevent that from happening. He followed Snow and then said telepathically to her. So what do you want to catch? I think there's some snow leopards around here and there's a couple of herds of deer near the ground.

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((Woo! Color change.))

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Bathory nodded. "I understand what you mean. Nearly everyone at the cave started to accuse you immediately for things you hadn't done. Premonition isn't a good thing to base your judgement on, especially when it's concerning someone's character." Her voice quieted. "I mainly asked for safety's sake. Rico could probably bounce back quickly from a fight. But if there was a bear or something in the area, someone would have to warn the hatchlings at the cave... " She grimaced. The result wouldn't be pleasant.

The vampire jumped a little as a voice sounded from behind her. She turned, suddenly embarrassed, to face the newcomer. "Oh, Alvi! Hello. Nice to see you."


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The waterhorse looked with frightened eyes in Ashni's direction. "U-umm.." he stuttered, to traumatized. "I-I c-c-can try" He scrambled frantically for a hold on the dead Winter Magi's foot. His hooves slipped and skidded on the bloody ground, and he fell with a -thud- on his rump. He sniffed, and a few more tears fell down his cheeks. He hiccuped. "I'm sorry. I-I'm just not g-good at this stuff." He scrambled to his feet, careful to avoid the pool of blood.

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"Some deer would be nice, I'm not sure if all dragons will like eating snow leopard." She sent back to Laufin. She scanned the area, and located a deer immediately. Since decided that she had used enough ice magic for the day, she flew up and dived at it the same way she had killed the mountain lion. Her claws sunk into the deer's side, and killed it. She turned towards Laufin and asked him "Do you want some?"



The sparkly powder soon fell to the ground. She disappointedly looked at the powder surrounding her, then noticed this weird looking horse thing she thought was a dragon. It was trying to move a dead dragon. Mountain's eyes widened. The dragon had it's head cut off! But by what? She walked over to her nest, and thought about it. She was so busy thinking, she dent notice herself falling asleep.

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Ashni would wince as the Waterhorse fell and at the tears that she herself would just love to shed with the task they were about to do, but was honestly to tired emotionally and physically to do so. "Shh it is alright, if you want I can handle everything. You have nothing to be sorry for," she'd say as she moved where she could nuzzle the Waterhorse's cheek in a show of comfort. Honestly her plan on how to get Aradis' body on her back was going to leave her mentally cringing and so perhaps that show of comfort was just as much for herself as well. Seeing as she planned to lay beside Aradis's body and laying directly in blood was not really the most mentally healthy thought, but it would be the easiest way to get him up on her back with the help.


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Giving a short nod and following Aerix with their catch was no problem, but as they flew she was looking to landmarks to remember where he was taking her for a later date. After all, there was never knowing when this ridge would come in handy. This became even more so once they landed and she got to see the view from the ridge. "Very nice. Good place to see anything as well if they were flying over too," she'd muse out-loud before digging into her catch as well.


After she was done and had cleaned the blood from her forepaws and maw, much like a feline would oddly enough, she looked out to the horizon once more. Only now did she notice the incoming storm clouds and the distant rumble of thunder that it held. "Aw, it would seem that we should seek shelter. Unless you want to fly through that to get back to the birthing-cave?" Her tone was playful as she had asked the question as she knew that any smart hatchling would seek shelter. She herself could fly through it if she wanted as she could dull the storm around her to nothing but a drizzle, but honestly she had already been practicing on her control today and she was unwilling to push it. Besides, she was not all that hyped up to go back to the birthing-cave anyways.

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Aerix followed Medea's gaze, "If I were in proper condition I could probably fly through it, though I probably wouldn't want to return anyway." He lifted the remains of the deer carcass and looked for a good place to bury them. He always buried the bones of his meals. As he looked he continued speaking, "As you said, we would do good to find shelter until the storm passes, and maybe for the night." He saw a soft patch of dirt a little ways down the hill and went to it. He dug a hole there and tossed the carcass in, waiting to see if Medea would do the same before covering it.

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Medea would take one last long look at the storm clouds before she gave a roll of her shoulders. "With how dark those clouds look, the storm is a bad one in both wind and rain. Though one can never really judge accurately from just looking to the clouds," she'd muse somewhat to herself as she finally stood up and glanced down at the remains of the deer. It was not a habit of hers to bury the remains of her meals as she never stayed in the area she ate, but since Aerix had dug the hole then she had minds well have use of it. Picking up the corpse was a little more tricky since it has been eaten on, but nevertheless she got it over to where Aerix stood and dropped it in the hole. Even going as far as to helping covering the whole thing up since she did use it after all.


Once the task was done, Medea would check on the speed of the storm as she could feel the faint shacking beneath her paws as thunder cracked loudly in the air and rain started to drizzle down on them. It was closer than before, but they had time to seek shelter before the worst of the storm really hit them. "For the night would be wise since I doubt this would pass very quickly. Though like you I don't care to return to the birthing-cave all that much," she'd glance around before adding, "There most likely will be a cave or overhanging we can use." In fact there most likely was an overhanging given the formation of the whole area, but it was just a matter of finding the thing.


((OOC; Idea is them to find this. Just be deeper to make sure they don't get wet. I know for a fact they work from personal experience.))

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