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((Evil me no obey Rien))


Mountain picked up anther eggshell right next to her old spot, and started crushing it again. She waited till she had a fine powder to stop, but this time she chose to wait till she had crushed a lot of eggshells to throw the powder. She found some multicolored eggshells and crushed them, mixing the powder and throwing it into the air, making a giant sparkling powder cloud. She laughed and played around in the powder cloud, scattering the cloud everywhere.

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Myst blinked at Ashni guiltily, ashamed that she had fought and gotten herself injured instead of staying in the cave to heal others. "I hope no one...died?" She asked her question hesitantly, but before Ashni could reply, Sierra bounced into the cave and dumped her armful of food in front of her. Oh my! Does she really expect me to eat all of this? She rolled a berry around in her claws, placing it in her mouth delicately. "Thank you, Sierra," she mumbled, not having much of an appetite. She picked at the berries halfheartedly, not touching either of the squirrels How can I eat at a time like this? She pushed the rest of the food away and shakily stood up next to Glas. "I'll give it a shot," she murmured as her body began to glow with a faint light. Her wing seemed to right itself, moving into its original position. Then the light faltered and died out, leaving Myst trembling from the pain and effort. She sank to her knees and crumpled back into her nest, gasping too much to speak.

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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((Since no one else is doing anything, Wobble's gonna have to come to the rescue.))


Wobble poked his slippery head above the water, eyeing the crazy dancing penguin dragon warily.

I'm not even going to ask.


He glanced quickly around the cave, his exclamations of feminine beauty cut short by the grisly sight of Aradis's dead body. Tears welled up in his eyes, and his stomach turned. He yelled, to himself more than anything, "Is everyone just going to leave him there?!?" He sniffed, his eyes and nose flowing freely. "If no one's gonna do anything, I'll drag myself out of the water!" He waited for his threat to sink in. "Anyone?!" he screamed. "There's a dead body! Just- Just LYING there!" He placed a tentative foreleg on the shore of the pool. "Guys?!" Tears streaming down his gelatinous face, he hauled himself onto the cave floor. He took a step forward, wobbling awkwardly. He nearly fell, but caught himself in time. "Come on guys. It's freaking me out!" The Waterhorse flopped over to the headless Winter Magi. He tugged deperately on it's foot with his slippery hooves."Seriously! This isn't cool! He's DEAD."


((Spirit, did you see my edited post? Glas asked a question.))

Edited by Ayesthine

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Sierra tilted her head. "You don't like it? I'll go catch some different ones then!" She bounded off, not seeing Myst collapse. She was going to go outside, but she got distracted by a shimmery powder cloud. She was about to run over to play, but forced herself to turn around and head outside. She had to get more food for Myst! She gathered some different berries and caught a mouse and a bird to take back. She bounded back in, dumping the food in front of Myst. "I got more food!" She said happily. "Him? Myst?" She said, noticing her gasping.

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Silv noticed Wobblefoot going over to drag away the dead hatchling, and snapped out of her trance. Part of her wanted to help him carry the dragon away as respect, but the other part wanted to dive underwater because of the scariness of the headless dragon. She decided to dive underwater, and curled into a circle.

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(( I see it now Dx I'm so blind.))


The moonstone nodded, and started chant. The words of his song were the same, but the result was far different. There was no flash of light, just an intense heatwave. Glas paled. The orb on his tail dulled, and flickered wildly. He fell back onto his haunches. He mopped his face with a paw and whispered to himself. "That.. sh-should do it.. "

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Sierra heard Glas chanting something, then it was really hot. "It's too hot!" She whined, but just like that, the heat wave passed. "Hmm? What happened? Sierra asked, confused as to why everyone was suddenly turning weaker. She didn't want them to do this if it was going to make it super hot every time they did it.

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(It's okay ^.^)


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Myst barely noticed Sierra leaving and returning to the cave with more food; she was so exhausted and strained. She grimaced and blink her eyes a couple of times, struggling to stay conscious. But when Glas began to chant, she immediately snapped to attention, aware of a warm, soothing feeling overcoming her body, sinking into the torn flesh of her wing. She closed her eyes and let the Moonstone hatchling's magic flow through her body, and let out a deep, content sigh. When she opened her eyes, they were no longer dull with fatigue, and when she glanced down at her wing the only trace of a wound was a pale, ragged scar. "Thank you, Glas," she whispered gratefully, flexing her wing gently as if testing it.

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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It seemed to have made Myst better,though now the moonstone was all weak and tired like. 'Well at least Myst is okay.' She thought. "Here! Myst! I got more food for you!" She said, excitedly showing Myst the food she had gathered.

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(OOC: Whoops.)


Aerix shrugged, "I for one, am starved. Maybe we should go snatch a young deer?" Aerix looked down at his stomach as he waited for a response, the covering on his wound wasn't exactly comfortable, but at least it wouldn't impede his flying or hunting.


(OOC: Short post... dry.gif)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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As time went by, the rain clouds in the sky slowly began parting. The heavy storms across the land slowly lessened to light showers. The sun became visible once again, and it indicated that sunset was halfway done. The sky was now layered with beautiful shades of dark blue and orange. It was a striking scene, something Skylene would've loved to witness. Unfortunately for her, she was still unconscious, needing help at the Birthcave.

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Glas reached out a shaky paw and grabbed a few of the berries Sierra had brought. "May- may I have some? I need to eat... " He nibbled cautiously on an overripe blueberry. He felt empty. Drained. He didn't want to admit it, but that spell had taken a lot out of him. A deep, relentless, icy stillness filled his core.

What did I do?

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Sierra turned her head to the moonstone. "Of course you can have some random dragon!" She said, shoving all the berries towards him. She completely forgot dpshe had gotten them for Myst.

((Next time, you should use Sierra in an energy transfer. It'll be funny to see how she will react to feeling empty))

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Myst raised her head, and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Tasimi and an unconscious Skylene crashing into the cave, soaked and...bloody?! Immediately, she took off, no longer feeling tired or in pain. She murmured a soft, grateful 'thank you' to Glas before running off, halting next to Tasimi with a jolt. "What in the world happened here?" she demanded, just before Tasimi also crumpled to the cave floor, unconscious. Oh god. She sighed heavily and started inspecting the cuts and scrapes - some that were worryingly deep - with an expert eye. Quietly, she began muttering under her breath. "Wounds on her legs, wings, and tail, and a torn muscle." She sniffed Skylene cautiously, finding leaves and twigs snagged between her claws. What's this?

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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Cyrus followed Myst. Woah! What happened to them? "What happened to you guys?" he said. They must hae run into some serious trouble.



"Sure! Come on, it's this way." he flew out of Snow's cave and only had to go about two kilometres before they landed in his cave. "Well here you go. Home sweet home. There's a smaller cave at the back where my pets sleep and then there's a really small cave to the right of this one, and that's where I sleep. Where were standing right now is basically the main entrance. All the food and stuff is here."




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Snow looked around at his cave. His cave was bigger, more well stocked, and more complicated then her's. All she needed was one cavern to sleep in and store some frozen herbs in. Now that she had seen his cave, what could she do now? Maybe Hugo hunting and catch some more food to freeze. "Do you want to go hunting? It would be nice to freeze some food, because I ate some of my stores and need to get some more fresh food to replace the few rotten ones." She asked Laufin.

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Glas nodded faintly to Myst. He really didn't have the energy to answer. Still clutching a berry, he hauled himself to a nest. He flopped down, his tortured eyes open.

This cannot be normal. This really is not normal. Not normal. Definitely not.

Suddenly panicked, he grabbed his tail. The berry was crushed against the smooth stone, and purple juice ran from between his claws.

Something is wrong with me. Why- why am I so EMPTY?

The mooonstone's eyes flickered. He let out a low, barely audible whine.

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After sitting there for quite some time, Mist decided that Favian had much more pressing matters, and that she should sleep. She curled up in her nest, and fell asleep.



Mystic realized that he was having a dream, after he saw things that didn't make sense. He remembered it had been late afternoon when he went to the forest, and it couldn't have been the next day's afternoon that fast. The dream was strange. There were no words, and no clear point, but he somehow felt it was important. 'I can figure this out if I think' he thought in his dream.



Silv shut her eyes, and decided the best thing to do was sleep. She only hoped that the dead dragon wouldn't cause any nightmares.

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Lucifer gave a slight shrug. "I left the cave due to the fact that I feel like someone will start accusing me of something." he said smoothly. "I'll be honest, I'm not the nicest of the bunch. Hell, I'm probably one of the meanest. But that doesn't give people the right to yell at me for things I didn't do. My intentions aren't different from theirs. I just use different ways to get things done." Lucifer nodded over to Rico. "This guy curled up next to me and pulled my paw over him, like I was holding him, while I was asleep." he said calmly. "He was nuzzling me for goodness sake! I know he's affectionate, but that's too much affection!" Lucifer shook his head. "I gave him a little reminder to not mess with me." Lucifer said as he indicated the bloody gashes along Rico's body. "I didn't feel as though he deserved to be out in the rain with those injuries." Lucifer admitted. "So I brought him inside. Does that answer your question?"


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Favian stared after Lineheart as she looked away. He knew he shouldn't care so much about the others, but every time he tried to stop, someone would go ahead and do something incredibly stupid, causing for him to be called on, eliminating all of Favian's thoughts about not caring. Some people could take care of themselves, but most of them weren't able to do so. Honestly, if Favian didn't care, he was absolutely sure half of the hatchlings were be dead. Favian never thought about what would happen if he left. He was too stressed with duties to think of such things. Besides, unless he got a sudden change of perspective, he would never leave this group to fend for itself! Something drastic would have to happen for him to change his mind about his position. Favian held the herb tightly in his paw and padded over to an unclaimed nest. He kneaded it and was about to turn in for the night when he heard someone yelling. His head popped up and he pushed the herb under the bed. He saw the Waterhorse, Wobblefoot, walking over to something. Before he could react he heard a shrill shriek. His eyes widened as he saw Clem staring at a beheaded Aradis with Wobblefoot shaking near the body. The look on Clem's eyes made Favian jump out of the nest and cover her eyes. "Shh... Don't look at it." he said softly. He then glared around the room. "Who the hell thought it was a good idea to leave a BEHEADED CORPSE in front of the birth cave?" he yowled as he looked around hatefully. "Huh? Is this what Aradis is to all of you? Just another dead body?!?" Favian felt a growl lurch out of his throat, and he was startled by how low and menacing it sounded. It was like a smaller version of the bear was growling throughout the cave. All though, Favian was the small size of a bear and was the biggest of the hatchlings. Maybe his growl would be the most threatening of them all. If someone didn't see it was Favian who was growling, they might think the bear had returned.

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Of course Ashni knew for sure that one hatchling had died by the bear, but for now she was not sure if it was wise to speak up about the whole beheading of Aradis. Myst would learn in time that there was indeed a dead. Quickly too if she were to get to her feet as soon as this was all making out to be. Her thoughts would be broken as the hatchling from before brought an unseemly amount of food over for just one hatchling to eat, but Ashni could not help giving a weak smile at the help anyways. Dark thoughts drifting away for now in favor of watching Myst getting healed. Once everything had been done, Ashni watched closely as Glas made his way to a nest just to make sure he made it safely there.


'So many tired now, but at least Myst is alright now. She is handling Syklene and I can check on them when I come back in. First should be that poor hatchling outsi-,' her thoughts would be broken as Favian made himself known. Automatically her reaction was to tense up at the growling and go on the defensive. However; she had no energy to fight so when she made her way over she would only bite out with, "I was making sure Myst was alright before I was headed out there. But no he is not just a dead body nor should he be treated like such." Here she would pause and look down with a sigh before speaking once more, "I am sorry he died now I will handle it if you want me to, alright?"


((OOC; And get body buried fast in next post if that works for you Doc and Ayesthine. Ashni will surely be passing out though after getting back though.))


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Medea's wings would flex as she thought about hunting and wondered if Aerix could keep up with her flying. 'Well I can always slow down if need be. No point in going fast now when I have no real destination in mind now,' she'd muse to herself before giving him a short nod. "Alright, food it shall be then. There might be some deer in the near by valley," Medea replied as she opened her wings and took to the sky. Her tail would teasingly tap at Aerix's maw as in some odd form of way to wordlessly say 'are you coming?' before she slowly made her way to the mentioned area.

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